THE GLEANER I BSC ZD KVKBY THURSDAY. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. SI.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. The editor will not be responsible for /lawi expressed by correspondents. Entered at tbe Poatofflce atOraham. N. C., as aecond olass matter. GRAHAM, N. C., Dec. 22, 1921. CHRISTMAS Jfext Sunday it Christmas Day— a joyous season for tbe Christian world. May the day bring joy to every heart is the sincere wish of The Gleaner. Congress recesses today till Jan uary 3rd—Christmas vacation. The "Extra Session" is reported to have passed around 500 bills—a rushiffg business. TO INCREASE DUES IN TOBACCO ASSOCIATION. Growers Who Delay Signing Until After January Ist Must Pay $7.00 More. Tobacco growers who wait until after Jauuary 1 to join the Co operative Marketing Association will have to pay a $lO member ship fee instead of the $3 dues now being paid, according to a statement from Raleigh head quarters of the growers' associa tion. With a big majority of tobacco growers already members of the association, the statement says that the expense of signing scat tered farmers will be greater than can be met "by as 3 membership fee, and hence the increase in dues will be necessary. Tobacco growers who have de layed joining the association, or those who have not been reached by canvassers, are urged to send in their signed contracts to county or State headquarters before Janu ary 1, if they wish to save $7. on their dues, Contracts signed after January 1, 1922, must be accom panied by $lO membership fees. A whirlwind campaign will be conducted next week as a wind-up of canvass for members. Four prominent speakers will address inass-meetings at different points. One of the meetings will be at Durham at 1 p. m., Dec. 28, and auother at Winston-Salem at 1 p. in., Dec. 29. These are the nearest epeaking points to Alamance. TWO BASKET BALL GAMES AT ELON On 26th With Durham Team and on 31st Wjth Reidsville Team. Elou College, Dec. 21—On mon day, December 26th, the strong Durham Y. M. C. A. team will play basket ball against\tli* Y. C. C. team of Elon College. The game will be called at 8:00 o'clock on tbe college court her-. The Durham Y. M. C. A. team is tha strongest basket ball team in the State. Already this year they have won from the Univer sity of Carolina and from Wake Forest by large scores. Last yeaJ thia Durham Y. M. C. A. team out of a schedule of forty games lost only four, and this year it has a stronger team. To see this team play Will be jo see the very best brand of basket ball that is to be seen in North Carolina. The Y. C. C. team has strong ju in its line-up. They have from the Greensboro Y. M. A. The Elon-Durham game will be a bard fought contest' and those lovers of basket ball will have a real treat in this game. The admission priee will be 35 cents. On December 81 the Y. C. C. team plays the Reidsville High School on the Elon College 'court. Although a high school team they have woo from the Spray "Y" team, and the game with Reids ville'is not expected to be a slow affair. The World War has coat the \ nations that engaged in it, in utoirty alone, $280,000,000,0u0 as much aa the entire wealth of Hie United States. l|w * ] B baths are almost dally in the West Indies. i electric trolley was pa mm«ry }B,WI / j LEGISLATURE ADJOURNED SINE DIE MONDAY NIGHT. The Municipal Finance and Educa tion Bills, Special Objects of the Extra, Passed Among the Last- Some Others Passed And Some Killed. (By MaxwellGorman. Raleigh, Doc. 21.—The Legisla ture has adjourned after a special session of two weeks, that should have ended a week ago, and the lawmakers have all gone home: — some of them never to return to Raleigh as members of the Gener al Assembly. The House proved to be the mostserviceable aud conservative bod}' of the two branches of this Legislature and prevented the puttiug on the statute books of several bad measures which the Senate pissed aud endeavored to place .there. Among these may be mentioned the following, and some others.that could be dug up if we were disposed to go into more minute details: Senate bill by Burgwyn of Northampton reducing the tax exemption from S3OO to SSO (amended to ma ice it $100); and Senate bill of Long of Halifax | changing the present eviction law, |so a landlord might dispossess a ! tenant from factory or other resi lience or fafrn land by giving | bond during appeal from magis trate's court. The present law permits the tenant to remain in possession pending appeal by giv ing bond;and Senate bill by Dun lap of Anson to repeal the law providing for a penalty for the non-paymeut of taxes. I The Burgwyn bill got by iu the Senate (as it did last wiuter) by I the skin of its teeth and, as was ! the case last session, the House killed it by a large majority. The Long eviction bill had an equally hard time getting through the Senate (with Varser of Rob eson, Taylor of Wayne and other able senators lighting it) aud met a most iguomiuious death in the the committee uii - imously voted to "pat it to sleep." The Dunlop bill was killed in the House last Saturday by Father Doughton, by the narrow margin of one vote. 'No Constitutional Convention Yet. The effort to revive the Stubbs bill to submit to the fteople at the next election (Noveiwber, 15J22,) the question of holding a stale I constitutional couvention ami electing the delegates thereto all j over the state, died of inaction. ! Senator Stubbs, one of the oldest I legislators here in point of ex perience, Vaw that his measure could not get the necessary vote, even iu tho Senate, did not press l its consideration, although it I "took its place on the Senate calendar" a week before adjourn | ment. Sentiment in and outside of the Legislature was overwhelmingly opposed to injecting the cous'itu tional convention, including the election of delegates thereto, into an off-year campaign. The mat ter may be revived at the regular session next winter and made au issue in the 1924 campaign, pos sibly, but it is doubtful. The argument that the constitution has been amended time and again, and can still be again ameuded whenever necessary,- without the holding of a convention, appear ed to work with the Legislature. drat Object 14(1 Work Done. The municipal finance uieasftre, which was the chief cause for call lug the "Extry" here, aud the sctiool legislation equally urgent, got through as the last «ork done. Because of new hitches iu these bills both branches of the Legis lature were kept in session two days longer than would otherwise have been necessary. After being doctored and the bones set and reset several times, both the municipal finance- act and the bill validating all levies of taxes made by the counties this year for school purposes, requir ing the same levies next year as a prerequisite for pariicipa'ion iu Mtestste equalization fuud aud making a tax of 39 cents the flat requirement for such participa tion, were both received from the House Saturday and were each given their two additioual read ings Monday and Monday night— or,strictly speaking, Tuesday morn .pg AocoruiiiK to the moved-ap legislative clock, So the ei ties and towns, ina£ now find Wall Street and other inves tors willing to buy their munici pal bonds, and the schools .and teachers will be properly provided for till the next Legislature meets at least. * • Electric Chair Stay*. The attempt to agaiu start legal methods to abolish the death pen alty in North Carolina met with such strong opposition that it never got very far with the legis lators this session— much for the Name reasons which have blocked the several previous efforts in past years. The much mooted state pardon board froze to death in the same atmosphere, the Qovernor and rnqst of the influential legislators opposing the creation of snch a board. The attempt to abolish the pri macy, "except for county officer*,!' alHo died of maluutritiou. And Now—Chrlstnsasi Christmas-eve week is here and Christmas day is so near at haud that we are all laying aside business and other cares to enjoy the festive season that accompan ies the celebration of the anni versary of the natai day of our Savior. Leo us all try and be happy— aud remember there is no surer way to experience happiness your self than by making some Other person happy. And so "Llewxam" wishes every reader of these "Raleigh Letters" the happiest Christmas of all those gone before —with many "happy returns" in store for you! Thomas It. Marshail is the only former vice president alive. There 1» more Catarrab in this section of the country than all other diseases pu» to gether, and until tftel«st f-w years waa sup posed to be Incurable. For a great many years doctors pronounced It a local dleeaee and prescribed local remedies, und by con stantly falling to cure with local treatment, pronounced It Incurable. Sclenoe has proven Catarrh to be a constitutional dlses»e, and Uiorefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney fc Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is the only Con stitutional cure on the market. It Is taken Internally In doaes from 10 drops to a tea spoonful. It aota directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They oiler one hundred dollars for anv case It falls to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address: K. J.CHENKY & CO., Toledo. Ohio. Hold by Druggists; 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constlpa lon. adv r»6« is a prescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrippe. It's the most speedy remedy we know. Truck For Hire. -• Let us do your hauling of every kind, moving, etc. Have >a new truck. Terms reasonable. BHADSIUW & FULLER, Phone 66(1 Graham, N. C e - Hall Tree ■» This new Hat, Coat and Umbrella Tree is neat in appearance, moderate in, price, takes little space and can stand around in any corner out of the way. Made in various colors to match your room, hall or furniture. Will hold more articles than anv hall stand on the market. Every home needs one or more, Manufactured by TRIPLETEE FURNITURE CO., Phone 260. Graham, N. G, ■t GLEANE? HAM. N. C. . , - THI ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, NT* 0. J& NEW; EDISON 1^ Ihe marvelous phoiwgtoph in Dr.Binghanis comparison K Delivered to $ yourXmas tree Tl/f (Fill inyour ov?n first payment) THIS offer means just what it says. son with living artists. Then you will see • Come in,; —or mail the coupon. Why why only the New Edison brings a true ■ wait any longer? Don't you want your version of the living artist's performance, family, too, to enjoy the finer beauties of What other phonographs bring, is a per- m > music which only the New Edison brings? version of it. ' ' m Dr. W.V. Bingham recently made a scien- Fill in your own first payment. We'll / , tific comparison between the New Edison accept it (if it is sufficient to indicate g / and three other phonographs. He- tested good faith). Pay no more -till hext year. / / each phonograph on 9 different counts,— Then budget the balance any way you / inclujffig all classes of vocal and instru- w i s h. This great offer is your oppor- lS mental music. The New Edison triumphed tunity to own the marvelous New ' / in all 9 tests. Edison. Come in, and tell us how Add this marvelous result to the fact that to arrange your Christmas Bud- // / x the New Edison is the only phonograph get. I£you can't come, mail / / which sustains the test of direct compari- the coupon —Today. / / / «. Green & McQure Furniture Co. V, GRAHAM.N.C . y , 1 • . ' - • § ■ M I TE Use SAPOLIO B For Every Room In the Houso Oftl In the SAPOLIO cleans pots,pans, H oilcloth and cutlery; in the bathroom IH SAFJOLJO deans porcelain, marble, tiling I Ml —the wash basin and bathtub; in the yU hallway SAPOLIO deans painted wood jV JM work, doors, concrete or stone S«;» Manafactwrmrt —*Bseamm mm —a— —a— tm I '■ ■= J New Stock i. \r~ Silver, Cut Glass and Mahogany Clocks > Z. T. Hadley Jeweler and Optician Graham, N. C. \ ■A . . Prairie owla select the deserted barrows of prairie dogs (or their jaaaaDODßDaaa » Accept ■■ No Substitutes 1 te J Thedford's £ BLACK-DRAUGHT B Purely B Vegetable a Liver Medicine ? an 8888888888888 W or Id's largest salt shaft- is aaid to be at Eetsoffi, N. Y. Dry Cleaning and Dyeing Send us your Dry Clean ining and Dyeing, We are Successful Cleaners and Dyers to the trade. SERVICE THAT COUNTS. CITIZENS CLEANING AND DYEING HOUSE Over Mutual Grocery Store BURLINGTON v Phone 740 p. o. Box 44 " Christmas Gifts! Best Gifts at the Pre-War Cost ■ Ladies' Home Journal 1 year, - - $1.50 Country Gentleman 1 year, - - - 1.00 Saturday Evening Post 1 year, - 2.00 Cosmopolitan 1 year, 3.00 Good Housekeeping 1 year, - 2.50 Pictorial Review 1 year, - - - - 2.50 American Magazine 1 year/ - - 2.50 Collier's Weekly 1 year, - - - 2.50 Little Folks 1 year, - - - 2.00 Youth's Companion 1 year, - - - 2.50 v And manv other Magazines. For further information call 423 or write LORENA KERNODLE,, Graham, N. C. ' * / *