IS YOUR HEALTH GRADUALLY SUPPING? ißtereatiflf Experience of a Texas LaJy Who Declares That if Mora Wanes Knew About Cardui They WanU Be Spared Modi Sickaess aid Worry. ' Navasott, Texas.—Mrs. W. M. Peden, of this place, relates the fallowing Interest ing account of how she recovered her strength, having realized that she was actually losing her health: "Health la the greatest thing in the world, and when you feel that gradually slipping away from you, you certainly sit up and take notice. TTiat is vtfut I did sometime ago when I found myself In a very nervous, run-down condition of health. I was so tired and felt so lifeless I could hardly go at an. I "I was just no account for work. I would get a bucket of water and would feel so weak I would have to set it down before I felt like I could lift It to the ahelf. In this condition, «f ceurse, to do even my housework was a task almost Im possible to aecomptklL "1 was .. > nervous and easily upset I Measure of a Country By James Russell Lowell. I ain saddened when I see our successes as a nation measured by the number of aeres under til lage or the bushels of wheat ei-i ported;-for the real value of h country must be weighed in scales more delicate than the Balance! of Trade. The garners of Sicily are empty -now, but the bees from all climes still fetch honey from the tiny garden plot of Theocritus. On a map of the world you may cover Judea with your thumb, Athens with a finger tip, and neither of them figures in the Prices Cur rent; but they still lord it in the thought and action of every civ ilized man. ,Did not Dante cover with his hood all that was Italy six hun dred years.ago? Material success is good, but only as tho necessary preliminary of better things. The measure of a nation's true Bticcess is the amount it has con tributed to the thought, the moral energy, the intellectual happi hess, the spiritual hope and con solation of mankind. Uuited States postal service has 300,000 employes. Work in the United States Army Air Service requires the skill of more than 50 trades. —aaaa———a—*. Re-Sale of Land. Pursuant to an order of the, Superior Court made in a special proceeding therein pend ing, entitled "li. P. Braxton and others vs. Kate Braxton aud others," whereto all (,he de viseej of the late J. W. Braxton and owners and tenants in com mon of the real property here inafter described are duly con stituted parties, the undersigned Commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder at public auction ht the courthouse door in Graham, on SATURDAY, DEC. 31, 1921, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, all of * the following described real property, to-wit: Two certain tracts or parcels of land in Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Win. Hadley, J. W. Whitehead and others, and fully described by metes and bounds in the petition in Baid special proceeding. The first tract containing 88 acres aDd the second 43 acres, more or less. This property is known jus the Dark . Place. There has been sold off from the 44 acre tract a one-half acre lot to the Trustees of Center School. ( Terms of Sale—The purchaser i will be required to pay one ( third of his bid in cash on date , of sale and the other two thirds i in equal installments within six I and twelve months, deferred payments to bear interest from date of sale until paid. Sale mode subject to advance bids aiid confirmation by the Court, and the title to be reserved until the purchase prk» is fully paid. This ia a're rile on account of an advance bid and bidding will start at $770.00. This 14th day of Dec., 1921. J. DOLPH I^NG, , I couldn't rest wed at night and was. .. ' Just lifeless. r "I beard of Cardui and after reading I l decided 1 had some female trouble that was pulling me down. 1 seat tor Cardui i and began ft .. "hi a very short while after 1 began the t Cardui Home Treatment 1 saw an Jm- I provement and it wasn't long until I was i all right—good appetite, splendid rest, f and much stronger so that I easily did my i housework. "Later I took a bottle of Cardui as a tonic. I can recommend Cardui and glad ly do so, for U more women knew, it would save a great deal of worry and sickness." The enthusiastic praise of thousands of other women who have found Cardui helpful should convince you that it h worth trying. All druggists sell it Costly- Four hundred and sixty-thr*e thousand men, working for S2,(XO a year each, earn in a year just ; enough to pay the interest on our national debt, says a statistician. That tells the real story of the cost of the war. A war debt doesu't mean much, expressed in long money figures. Translated into terms of human labor, its evil is clearly seen. Hu man labor is the only real wealth ]t pays for every war, long after the cannons are rusted into dust. Banish that awful insomnia that worries you every night. Let your sleep be restful and re freshing. Tanlac does it. For sale l)y Farrel Drug Co,, Graham, N, C. L.«LL J L PROFESSIONAL CARDS THOMAS D. COOPER, Attorney and Couosellor-at-Law, BURLINGTON, N. C, Auodated with W. 5. Coulter, Nofc 7 Aad 8 Pint National Bank Bldg. S. C. SPOON, Jr., M. D. Graham. N. C. Office over Ferrell Drug Co. Hours: 2 to 3 aud 7 to«J p. m., and * by appoint menu Phone 97 GRAHAM HARDEN, M. D. Burlington. N. C. Office Hours: ft to 11 a. in. and by appointment Office Over Acme Drug Co. Telephone*: OMrc 146—Henidenee vol JOHN J. HENDERSON Attorney-at-Law GRAHAM. N. C. Olllca over Natloaal Bask ol Alauan J\ s. cook:. Attorney-at-Law GtRAHAM, .... N Offloe Pattaraon Building rieor. , . , DR. Will UOVJ/ili . . . DCNTIST . I ; Graham .... Nerth Caralln. OFFICE IN SIMMONP RTTILDIN J. KIMEH LONG l.orirt f. ALLKN Durham, N. C. iraha«, N. C. LONG & ALLEN, and Ooanarlor* m i a GRAHAM N. C. PATENTS OBTAINED, Ifyouhuvean invention to patent please semi ua a model or aketrkr' with a letter ol brief explanation for pre liminary examination aud advice, Your disclosure and all business ia strictly con fidential, ami will receive our prompt and personal attention. D. SWIFT & CO., ' * PATENT LAWYERS WABKINOTON. D. C. C ASTORIA For Infanta and Children In Us* For Over 30 Years Always bears THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. C. Sale of Valuable Property. Under and by virture of the power of sale contained iij a cer -1 tain deed of trust, executed by W. C. Thurston and bis wife to Felix F. S mith, Trustee, the undersigned Trustee will, on I SATURDAY, DEC: 31, 1921, upon the premises, near Graham offor to the highest bidder for cash the following described ] property: \ Fipst: A certain trtict or parcel of land in town of Graham, i Graham Township, Alamance i county, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of J. D. I I Moon, Southern Railroad Depot, lot Emma D. Walker, Sidney '; Cotton Mills, lot J. J. Mathews, J. N. Williamson and others, . and bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron bolt cor ner with Moon in said depot i lot line; running thence N Baf (leg W 1.314 chs to an iron bolt, j corner with said-Walker in said ■depot lot line; thence S 4 deg W j 4.05 chs to an iron pipe, corner with said Walker; thence N 85£ deg W 2.014 chs to an iron bolt, corner with said Walker in said Williamson's line; thence S 2v05 deg W (S. S.) 1 ch li Iks to an iron bar, corner with said Cot ton Mill tot; thence N 1$ deg E (S. S.) 4.54 chs to an iron twit, corner with said Moon in said Matthews line; thence N BGjdeg W 834 Iks to an iron bolt, cor ner with said Moon; thence N 14 deg E 1.134 ch9 (or 75 ft) to the beginning, containing 1.4 acres, more or lesß. There is situated on this prop erty a building that has been built and rebuilt, which is to be used as a cotton manufactur ing plant, particularly for handling and manufacturing wastes, and also for a lumber manufacturing plant. This real property is subject to the lien of a mortgage or deed of trust se curing H. C. Walker, in the sum of $950.00, which sum bears interest. Second:—All machinery of every kind, including one (1) 15 H. P. motor and electrical equip ment, nine (9) knitting machines and all other machinery of every kind and description, whether for use in manufacturing cot ton or wastes, or for manufac turing lumber and building ma terial situated in the building or upon the real property here inbefore described. Also all ad ditions to said machinery and equipment, which may be bought and placed in &aid build ing, or upon said lot after the date hereof. Third:- All supplies of mate rial of every kind, including re pair parts, cotton and waste, lumber, and all other supplies and materials on hand or pur chased after the date hereof, As to that property conveyed under this item (nunbared 3) it is distinctly understood that the said W. C. Thurston, of the first part shall. have the privi lege of handling and selling the same in the due course of his business as a manufacturer of cotton and particulary cotton waste and a lumber dealer, and that he shall not be compelled to apply the proceeds of the pro perty refered to in this-item to the payment of the notes here inbefore referred to, but may use' said proceeds in the con ducting of the businesses refer red to herein; and it is distinct ly understood that this convey ance is intended to, and does' cover all additions to those sup plies and kinds- of property re ferred to in this item, and shall, at all times, cover such supplies and property oh hand aud owned by W. C. Thurston. F. F. SMITH, Trustee. 'HAVE HAIR LIKE **2o" It 1 * never too late to get rid of gray In tho hair. Thousands have benefitted by thia scientific diccov ery. Why don't you? Gray, faded- bedrabbled hair can be changed to a uniform, lustrous. ' beautiful, dark color, so natural in appearnce by applying Q-ban Hair Color Restorer. Safe, almple ga aranteed harmless—all ready to use—6oc a large bottle. Sold by Hayes Drug Company and all gooa drug stores. Try Q-ban Hair Tonic, ?-ban Liquid shampoo, Q-ban oilet Soap, Q-ban Depilatory. | Q&am - Summons by Publication 3 ■ - NORTH CAROLINA, r Alamance County. > In the Superior Court. 5 R." W. Warren, Plaintiff, «• Vs. , Bculah B. Reaves and Cbas. H. Reaves, The defendants above named will take 1 notice that a summons in the above en titled action wag isiued against said de j fondants the 12th day of December, 1901, 1 by D. J. Walker, Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance county, North Caro , lina, for the sum of $49(>0.00, due said ' plaintiff by reason of money paid by , plaintiff for defendants on endorsed notes, , which summons is returnable before said D. J. Walker, Clerk of the Superior court, i at his oltice in Alamance county, on the , 10th day of January, 1922. The defend ents will takte notice that a warrant of at -1 tachment was issued by said D. J. Wal- T ker, Clerk of the Superior court, on the 12th day of December, 1921, against the ' property of the said defendants, which i warrant is returnable before the said 1). J. Walker, Clerk of the Superior court, . at the time and place above named for , the return of the summons, when and '• where the defendants art; required to ap- J pear and answer or demur to tlief com plaint, or the relief demanded will be [ granted. 1 This 12th day of December, 1921. r D. J. WALKER, Clerk of the Superior Court. Win. I. Ward, Atty. * ' 12-15 r - [ Mortgage Sale of Real i Estate. 1 Under and by virtue of the • power of sale contained in a cer tain mortgage deed duly execut- I id in favor of the undersigned f mortgagee on the Ist day of ' October, 1914, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds ( for Alamance County in Book of Mortgage Deeds No. 01, page 213, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ; ness secured thereby, the under ( signed Mortgagee will, on MONDAY, JAN. 9th, 1922, ■at 12:00 noon, at the court house ■ door in Graham, N. C., offer for ■ sale at public auction to the high est bidder for cash a tract or ; parcel of laud in the county of Alamance and state of North i Carolina, in Burlington Town ! ship, adjoining the lands of Bellemont Road, W. M. Isley ' and others and bounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a rock corner i on said road, running thence with line of said road N 0 deg • 57' W 50 ft to corner on W. M. Isley's line; thence with said Isley's line southwest 150 feet to corner on Isley's line; thence S 1 deg W 50 ft to corner on Is ley's line; thence S 89 deg 15' E 150 ft to the beginning, being a part of that tract of lahd con veyed by the N. C. R. R Com pany to Wm. Isley, Oct.- 25, 1887, and recorded in BOok of Deeds No. 31, pages 534-536. This Othday of Dec., 1921. Alamance Ins, & Real Estate Co., Mortgagee. W. S. Coulter, Att'y. Notice of Sale. Pursuant to an order of tne Superior Court of Alamance County made in special proceed ing therein pending entitled Dix ie Lumber Company -vs- W. B. Lasley, Jr. and others, the fm dersigned Commissioner will offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder at the court house door in Graham, on SATURDAY JAN. 7th, 1922, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described real property, to wit: A certain lot or parcel of land in the town of Mebane, Ala mance County, North Carolina, adjoining other lands of the titioner fronting on Clay Street in said town and bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron bolt cor ner with said company; running thence S. 21 1-2 deg. W. 238 ft. to an iron bolt corner with said Company on N. side of Clay St.; thence S. 081-2 deg. E. 170 ft. to an iron bolt on N. side of said street 10 ft. 2 in. from S. E. cor ner of a house corner with lot of Thompson Heights; thence N. 25 3-4 deg. E. 120 ft. to an iron bolt; thence N. 30 1-4 deg. W. 223 ft. to the beginning, contain ing 07-100 of an acre, more or lesa Terms of Sale— One-h a 1 f ( cash, the other half in six months, deferred payment to , bear interest at six percent and title to be reserved until the purchase price is paid. Sale subject to advance bids and : confirmation by the Court. " Done this the 7th day of De- 1 cember, 1931. J. DOLPH LONG, Commissioner, i \ .» I Mortgage Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of the power of sale in a deed in trust, executed April 1, 1919, to Central Loan & Trust Com pauy, trustee, which said deed in trust is duly recorded in the i office of the' Register of Deeds of ; Alamance county, in Book of , Peeds of Trust No. 70, at page ' 73, default having been made in i the payment of same, the under ■ signed trustee will offer at pub ! lie sale to the highest bidder, ( for cash, at the court house door in Graham, N. p., cn ■ SATURDAY, JAN. 21, 1922, : at 11 o'clock a. m., all the fol ! lowing real property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the town ■of Mebane, Melville township, Alamance county, State of North - Carolina, bounded and described : as follows, to-wit: Beginning at an iron stake on 4th Street and an alley in rear ; of Commercial & Farmers Bank, Mebane, N. C., thencein a west ■ erly direction 80 ft. witli said alley to stake, corner with T. B. Pettigrew; thence in southerly direction with line of T. B. Pit ! tjgsew 42 ft. to stake, corner with T. B. Pettigrew and Me bane Motor Company; thencein ; an easterly direction with line of Mebane Motor Company 86 | ft. to stake on 4th Street; thence ' m northerly direction 42 ft. to the beginning, it being lot No. 0 and lot No. 5 less amount of this lot sold to Mebane Motor Company of the T. B. Pettigrew property as shown by plat and blue print recorded in Register of Deeds office, Alamance coun ty, Deed Book No. 44, pages 455-457. Terms of Sale—Cash. This 15th day of Dec., 1921. CENTRAL LOAN & TRUST CO., Trustee. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA— ALAMANCE COUNTY In the Superior Court, Before the Clerk. Margaret'lsley, Tempie Ruffin, Alice Freeland, 8.-D. Free land and Lorena Freeland, his wife, Carreno Hogan and her husband, Waymon Hogan, Mary Johnson and Johnson Johnson, her husband, Delia Freeland, wife of Jacob Freeland. vs. Jacob Freeland, Lindsey Free land and Evalina Freeland, his wife, Arthur Freeland and Elizabeth Freeland, his wife, Lula Garrison and Clarence Garrison, her husband, and Minnie Benton and her hus band, Benton' or her children, Emmet Benton, Lula Benton, Snipes, Remus Benton, Calvin Benton and Peter Benton. The respondents above named will all take notice that an ac tion entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of,- Alamance county, North Carolina, for the purpose of obtaining an order of the said court directing the sale of that certain lot or parcel of land in Alamance county, North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of R. P. D. Riay and others and known as the Herch P. Thompson Home Place, said sale being for the purpose of making a divis ion of the proceeds from the sale of said property among the own ers thereof; and said respond ents shall further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county at the court house in Graham, North Carolina, on or before Monday, January 23,. 1923, and answer or demur to the com plaint which has been filed in said action or the petitioners will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com* . plaint. Done this the 16th day De cember, 1921. D. J. WALKER, 22dec4t C* S. C. Tan lac is purely vegetable and is made from the most beneficial roots, herbs and barks known to science. For sale by Farrel Drag Co., Graham, N. C. Plashes, carpets and Imitation fare are now made of artifical •ilk. - , Children Cry for Fletchffl The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been, in use for over over .30 yean, has borne the signature of _0 1- and has been made under his per • /7 ( wnal supervision since its infancy. s -* uZ csY. C*4l& Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. n What teCASTOR IA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aid# the assimilation of Food; giving healthy natural cleep. The Children's Panacea— The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS In Use For Over 30 Years Th« Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUW COMPANY, NEW VEAK CITY. | A YOUNG WOMAN AT FIFTY or • 1 AN OLD WOMAN AT THIRTY Women who use New Form of Liquid Iron to build up and enrich the blood possess real secret of Youth Th« real difference between an old woman of thirty and a young WQman of fifty ia one of health and bodily vigor. The secret of Youth ia noth ing more mysterious than this. The blood is perhaps the most im portant factor in maintaining health in women. You need no other evi dence than to look around you among the women of your acquaintance. The Bick and ailing and pale are anaemic, listleaa and colorless—the lack of rich red blood is plainly ap parent in their appearance. The woman whose blood is healthy and full of vitality always has red cheelca, a good complexion and a body that is supple, active and tingling r with energy. For Sale by All Good Druggists. Burwell & Dunn and John M. Scott &Co., Charlotte, N. C., Distributors. PLUMBING AND ELECTRICAL WORK! With a well equipped shop and plenty of supplies, I am prepared to do first-class Plumbing and Electrical work on short notice and reason able terms. Shop Southeast corner of Court House Square. • - Call or phone, W. M. EULISS. 'Phone 273-J • Educate For Business The Business Training offers a short, easy and inexpensive route to Success Practical business, stenographic and'secretarial courses given. King's graduates with leading Carolina firms. Students assisted free to situations. Rate* of tuition and board very reasonable. Enroll auy line. Write today for m Ai% Accrf4it*4 Schoof ***+.*■ C, ' ' • • - • Charlotte, N. C The most important thing the blood needs to enrich it and enable it to carry life and vigor to all parts of the Dody ia Iron. And the most successful and reli able method of putting this great es sential into the blood is through the use of a natural form of soluble iron, known aa Acid Iron Mineral. sands of women have found health m this way, and have been able to re tain the attractiveness of youth in spite of the advancing years. Acid Iron Mineral contains no alco hol or injurious drugs—it will not blacken the teeth, and druggists will refund the par chase price if you are not satisfied with toe improvement * it bringa.

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