THE GLfcANER GRAHAM, N. C., April 27,1922. Postoltice Honrs. Offlo open 7.00 a. m. to 7.00 p. m. Bnuday 9.00 toll.oo a. m. and 4.00 to 6.00 p. m R. N. COOK, Poßvmaster. ♦+♦♦+++++•• ++++++++++++++++ + + LOCAL NEWS. + * + +++++++++++++++++++++++^.++ —Tt turned warm again yesterday and is a little showery today. —Mr. Will Dixon has commenced the building of a new home near that of Mr. Vance Quakenbush on S. Marshall St. —-"The Graham Chapter U. D. C. meets Thursday afternoon, May 4th, at 3:30 o'clock, with Mrs. Lynn b! Williamson as hostess. —The Jacob A. Long Children's Chapter of the Confederacy will meet with Miss Mabel Moore at 4 o'clock, Friday afternoon, May sth. —The Ladies Aid Society of the Graham Christian Church will meet Wednesday afternoon, May 3rd, at 3 o'clock, with Mrs. J, Ben Farrell. —fiurlington-Graham Baseball Club is a new organization just ef fected. It is officered as follows; G. Allen Mebane, Graham, president; W. H. May and Dover Heritage, Burlington, vice-president and sec retary, respectively. Directors : G. Alien Mebane, W. H. May, E. S. Parker, Jr., C. T. Holt, Grover Moore, 11. J. Rhodes, Roy Malone. The names of the players has not been leartied. Contract for Concrete Bridge at Haw River Let. On Tuesday the State Highway Commission let the contract for s concrete bridge over the river at Haw River to the Atlantic Bridge Co., of Roanoke, Va. It is to cost 854, 0-J-y.'2o, and the best that can be built. Work is to begin as early as possible. Frosts. On Moifday and Tuesday morn ings there was considerable frost. On the former morning it looked like a young snow on the but it was not cold enough to do any ap preciable damage. Only very tender shoots show any effect of it. April 24th and 25th is pretty late for frost in this latitude. At The Presbyterian Church. Rev. Edward N. Caldwell will preach at both services Sunday, April 30th. At 11 o'olock: "The Movement of the Sphinx." At 8 o'clock:, "Spiritualized Sir Gala hads." The evening serv-iee is par ticularly for the iligh School stu dents of the Graham Public School. The public is cordially invited to worship with us Come, and feel at home, Among the Sick. Mrs. Clias. P. Harden waa earn d to Johns llipkins Hospital, Balti more, last Thursday night, by Mr Harden. They returned Sunday night. .Mrs. liar>leu's condition is not ho. eful. Mrs. Geo. S. Rogers is still sick at her houie couth of Graham. Sue had flu fol'owed by pneumouia and improves slowly. Graham Chapter Daughters of the, Confederacy to Give Veterans Din ner, May 10th. To th • Confederate Veterans oi I Alamance: We have been cordially invited to assemble in Graham at 1U o'cl i;k on j t!ie morning of the 10th day of May, j 1922, at which time and place the I Daughters of the Confederacy are | t i wive a i>ig dinner and a gen eral rally and good time to the Con. federate veterans.'t lorget thj-j date. May 10th, atid all of you .m-1 seaible in Burlington on or liet »re i lU o'clock and you will be lurnished liee transportation from BurlingU>n to Graham and back. The program will be t> leave Bur-: Imgton in a body, with fne trans-! | orlaitnn, arriving in Graham at 10' ii'clo k L«ive tJrahaui in a bodv, with free liansp irtation, arriving in j Burltngt' i: at 3:o0 and |.rceed iiij a body t. Pine lldt c» tneiery to I deuuiaie the B'»ldtn>' staves \V. ,\ Hall Comniander-iu-c'iie! ( amp Ruftiu.! Truck For Hire. Let us do your hauling of every kind, moving, etc. Have a new truck. . Terms reasonable. Phone Goti Graham, N. C. Setter Lost or Strayed. White setter bird dog—li'tie yel low or liver color on each ear. Finder return or notify W. R. Harden at Graham and get reward. +++++++++++++++4.+ +++++++++ ♦ PERSONAL. + + +++ +++++++++++++++++++++4>+ Miss Lucile Holmes is spending to lay in Raleigh. Mrs. R. L. Holmes is spendiog the day in Durham. Mr. 0. P. Frazier of Greensboro was here Monday on business 1 . Miss Sue Noel! of Roxboro arriv ed here Saturday to spend some Mr. D. J. Walker, Clerk Superior Court, left for Gibson Tuesday and expects to return Friday. Mrs. L. Banks Holt, who spent ■he winter at Seabreeze, Fla., re urned home Friday evening. Mesdames W. R. Harden, Jas. P. Harden and J. 13, Farrell spent Tuesday in Greensboro, visiting relatives. Mesdames C. S. Hunter, J. D. Kernodle and Frank Moore and Miss Margaret Hunter spent yesterday in Greensboro. Mr. Chas. A. Scott, cashier of the National Bank, left yesterday morn ing to attend the Bankers' meeting at Pinehurst. Mr. J. N. H. Clendenin returned Saturday from a visit of several weeks to his daughter, Mrs. Jas. F. Peterson, iu Hickory. Mesdames E. M. Henderson, J J. Henderson and lit'tle Miss Cora Em malinn and Julia B. Stratford.are spending the day in Greensboro. Mrs. E. C. Murray of St. Paul's arrived Tuesday evening on a visit to her daushter, Mrs. Lee Cooper, three miles southeast of Graham. She will also visit friends in town. Mrs. E. F. Knight and little Miss Margaret Ann of Durham came up last Sa u'rday and are spending a few day's here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. P. Smith. First Pbarmici6t Mate Earl W. .VJnore of U. S. S. Relief arrived here this morning at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Muord, where Mis. Moore has been for the past three monihs. Mr. Jloore has been on a cruise in Southern waters and was granted leave a Norfolk and came by for Mrs. Moore. They will proceed to Philadelphia in a lew days. Baseball. Graham Highs played Greensboro Highs at Harden Park Tuesday afternoon. Greensboro won 11 to 1. This afternoou Graham and Elon are playing at Harden Park. As we go to press the score is announced in favor of Graham, 9to 0. Durham Y. M. C. A. and Bur lington-Graham play at Harden Park Friday 4 p. m. Fewer Contagious Diseases Pre valent. If the comparison of the number of cases of reportable diseases made to the North Carolina State Board of Health for the months of January, February and March of 1921 and 1922 is any index to the death rate in the State this year a new low record will be made. During the first quarter of 1922 reports of 1731 cases of whooping cough have been made while 3536 were recorded for 1921. Only 3G6 cases of measles are on record as compare'! to 6570 last year. Ty phoid fever is promising to respond to the pressure that has been made annually since 1915 with a reduc tion in number of reports from 97 to 62. Diphtheria and scarlet fever alone show increase over 1921, but this is due to the fact that these diseases were so prevalent during the last part of 1921. There were 14 264 casss of all dis eases reported for the aboye three mouths of 1921 and 6597 for the same period of 1922. The citizens of this county are urged to cooperate in preventing dis eases. The first step is reporting cases promptly. W. R. GOLEY, Quarantine Officer. VITAMINES" are an essential factor in promoting healthful growth Scott's Emulsion js far richer in the fat soluble A vitamine than cream. It aids Jul growth—builds health! at all dhuo rro*M PRICE. 31 -20 and eOc. Scott & DowiWt BloomfiaU. N. J. ALCO MAKERS OF K-HQIDS (Tablet* or GranulM) INDIGESTION I t .. . 7 ' ... | WWWWWWWMWWWMMWMWIWMi I 11 I* I I.T MM ' I Disfigured by starvation, his body covered with scabies, this tot was found by Near East Relief workers in Armenia, dipping for roots and herbs to keep alive. Community Revival Rev. Raymoud Browning and a party of three will conduct a. com munity service in Graham during the.month of May. A tent will be pitchsed on N. Main St., on the lot ' across the street from the colored j Baptist church. It is the sincere j wish of the ministers to make this general meeting a genuine success, | and that is only possible thru un | stined cooperation on the part of all. To the end that tho preparatory I part shall be completely effective, there have been arranged in key homes —threwgfeenk the town---cot tage prayer meetings" for the women, and at the following homes prayer services will be held next Tuesday, May 2, ancLFriday, May 5, at 3:30 p. m. Those who attend will be asked to go to the home nearest and most convenient. Ladies from the various churches have been provided for these meetings. If the people want a genuine town-wide service they can have it. May we be one to receive the bless ing of God through the agency of those sent us. The following are tne homes for prayer services: Mrs. Ben B. Holt, " Tom C. Bradshaw, " C. H. Phillips, " Chas. A. Thompson, " Tom Self, " Jack Robinson, " R. N. Cook, " J. N. Taylor, " VV. R. Goley, " J. Dolph Long, " John M. Permar, " Lewis Stanfield, " Dan Welch. A Chicago mauicurist has in vented a combination nail cleaner, polisher and cutter. Rough roads lead to beautiful scenery—and not much else. Buy 2Spr.ct. Less Coal Next Winter And, at tho same time, secure more uniform heat, speedier starting up of heat in the morning, less ash to handle, elimination of coal gases. Accomplish all these things at once by installing in your furnace or heat ing plant the scientific device that's GUARANTEED to reduce your fuel con sumption 25 per cent or GOOD - Hi: AT - IM - WASTED L r P - YOLK - CHIMNEY without BURNALL. Install Burnall Tina SUMMER, be ready for next winter. Joseph Shenk, 552 Riverside' Drive, New York City, had 70 Burn-! alls installed last summer on his large chain of APARTMENT HOUSES in! New York City. Be prepared ! BEANS! BEANS! Yellow Mammoth. Peas for Planting or Hay. . „ _ Plenty 7 Percent Cotton Seed Meal. Big Line High Grade Fertilizer. PRICES RIGHT. Don't fail to see me before buying. T. C MOON, Phone 260 Gratiam, N. C. THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. 0. We don't wsste time; wo waste ourselves. We don't kill time; we kill ourselves. We don't cheat time; we client, ourselves. OfJC is ,1 peescription for Colds, Fever and LaGrippe. It's the most speedy remedy wo know. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, Alamance County. In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. Mabel 'Mebane Geriuger and her husband Hurley Geringer and Gradie Mebane. Leslie Daniel Mebane and his wife Sallie Mebane, Lora Mebane Hanford and her husband W. L. Hanford, Ethel Mebane Schenttler and her husband M. A. Schenttler. Sidney Mebane and wife Mar garet Mebane, Ho} r e Mc- Nairy Mebane non campus mentis, E. A. Hasting and Sarah Alnienia Mebane, Syb el Beatrice Hasting and Ernest Hasting, minors, Cen tral Loan & Trust Co., and Alamance nsurance & Real Estate Co. The defendants above named, especially Ethel Mebane Sche,ut tler and her husband M. A. Scheuttler and Miss Sarah Al meida Mebane, —respondents, will take notice that a specltd proceeding entitled as above has beefi commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance county be fore the clerk for the purpose of selling for division between the petitioners and respondents two certain lots or parcels of land situate in the City of Burling ton, Alamance county, .North Carolina as follows: One of said tracts or parcels of land is described in a deed from L. J. Fonville and wife S. E. FonvillC to R. J. Mebane which deed is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance county in deed book l'i at page 2,53. The Other tract is described in a deed from Mebane Real Estate & Trust Company to Mrs. Almenia Mebane recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Alamance county in deed book 7o at page 332. The said respondents will further take notice that they are required to appear .at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Alamance county, Graham, North Carolina, 011 or oefore Monday the Ist day of I May, 1922, and answer or demur to the petition filed in this pro ceeding or the petioners will apply to the court for the relief demanded. f Done this 29th day of March 1022. D. J. WALK OK. 30mar4t C. S. C. Wm. I. Ward, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified an Admln I* trntor of the estate of P? W. May. deei'aaed, late cf Alamance county, N. C., thin 1* to notlly all peraonn havliiK clnlniN Hiralrmt the enUte of Maid deceaaed to exhibit them to the under mined on or before the Kth day of April, IWB, or this not lee will be pleaded lu l>ar ol their recovery. All |**r»»o!i« In debted to said enlaie will pleate make Im m»dlat* pavraent. ThlH March '22. 1«2. K. 11. MURKAY. Adm'r of P. W. May, dee'd. Dameron A Kb* den, Att'yii. flapiflt. ( n * k i n ' fVES MY DEaFTthiTJS JO f I I 0 [ I Q THE RESULT Of OUYING NEVER TOO OLD TO LEARN The Grandfather realizes his mistake when it is too late. How much better it would have been if this man had gone to one of his home town dealers an d purchased ajbed room set for his granddaughter's birthday gift, and had them place ft in her room, thus preventing it from being broken in shipping. It would have saved be r the disappoint ment and himself the embarrassment, tnat comes from a knowledge 01 being imposed upon by unscrupulous dealers on whom you wasted your confidence. MORAL:—Learn from other Men's mistakes. 10c Farrell Drug Co. 10c This Coupon has a cash value oi lOcts on any SI.OO 10c purchase at our store 10c Graham Hardware Co. Cook and Heating Stoves W. B, Quakenbush French Doors, Book Cases, and all Kinds of Panel Work to order, Upholstering a Specialty J. D. Albright & Co. Dress Goods, Coats, Sweaters, Under wear, Shoes and small notions "CRACK & JOE." Graham Tire Co. Dealers in Hood Tirps All kinds of Vulcanizing Work Guaranteed 'i Rich & Thompson Furniture and Undertaking High Class Furniture and Agents for the famous Sellers Kitchen Cabinet and Leggett & Piatt Bed Springs Phone 357-J Summons by Publication Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA- ! North Cnrolina- ALAMANCB COUNTY Alamance-County In the Superior Court, In the Superior Court, Edward Long, , IJ. B. Martin, VS VH Bessie Long. 'Fannie Martin. The defendant above named The defendant above named will take notice that a summons will take notice that a summons in the above entitled action was!in tin* ahove entitled action was issued against said defendant issued' against said defendant on the Ist day of April, 1!»22, on the loth dty of March, 1!»22. hv l>. J. Walker, Clerk of the by J). J, Walker, Clerk of the ■Sup. rior Court of Alamance Superior Court of Alamance county, North Carolina, for a county, North Carolina, for a suit in divorce, which summons (suit in divorce, which summons is returnable before the said is returnable before the said Clerk at his office in Graham, Clerk, at his office in Graham, in the Kaid'county, on the lstjin the said couuty, on the Ist day of May. 1022, when and day of May, 1922, when and where the defendant is required i where the defendant is required to appear and answer or demur to appear and answer or demur to the complaint, or the relief to the complaint, or the relief demanded will be granted. jdemanded will be granted. This Ist day of April, 1022. j This 31st day of March, 1922. D. J. W ALKKK ! D. J. WALKER, i 6apr4t C. S. C. «apr4t C.S.C. Henderson & Kernodle, Att'ys. j Henderson & Kernodle, Att'ys. J. D- Lee Dry G° ot h Milli* ,er - V Ladig s h °eß ' Graham Drug Co. .Safety FFi t Trade with u9 a od Save Moo* y : ' Crawford & McAdams Gol(j BGlothes Florsheim sj, o cfl. St«„ 00 Hats, Oem s - furnishings • Grahani Grocery Co. For Ni Cc pfe®h Groceries nnd P«"on,p t del' ve ry, ca u 0 n us o r ph° nc Moor e 's Grocery Ilest Pre 8 h F oini, y Groceries Q lw a yf ifl Btr -ck Polite - " Service . . J. T. Hack c neral F ee d Store Shipst U ff Grain, Hjy and Q r oceric, r c? O&ls I « t £J MBb 6 6 6 *' iU Weak. '? c 'old, Fever and n Pp© qui c er than an y thing we kuotf* Preventing pneu monia &d, 10novi5t . ni Vo r ,.e '* '"basing rapidly in t?B P®cialiy among the poor. ' * 1, OH B Al'^ s . °' homelesa people *!'* livio* , l . u soldi«r»' dugout® ® ,oll K the * ollßh frontier-

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