P-iE GLEANER iSJCEO EVERY THt'RSDAT. . . D. KIRNPDLE, Eili'or, S % A "AL, IN ADVANCE. • i'«i%VW».i , t j Itae editor will not be -eaponßlbh l l'or • eqprtMed by correspondents. ■ »'♦ f\. y'WWV'Vyii «•*«'»• '••W>wSiM , t«t,vv' J Knterc J ni tt».r 4 fttU.-wian ' N. C., BeeuwU ol \BH matter. . GRAHAM, N C. t Nor 1, 1923. con ON L' iR. .;e .'VmorHized by iVicrchai'. and ProJucers Lashing >n On R.se. Cooperative A'j« iciation A(h S/v» r jr La'e, Effective Oct. 27. 1 .iwrencc Mo e, 8a" s Man " RV ; >' the NOT' . Carol it. a ' lotton w rs'jmc. ■ i.iveAf'.- elation, | e 'PR i t■■>■ follow i, g : On .'!. • Octc.be" 2'i, '> • . cv c.i'k cotton one -d | •- w ' i. o Sit it -'• av, '• »- . , 0 O. eu fit ,'{(). >'.) T pI'UO .• t ' iy 'v doVars a ba. • . l-1 •o. L>ur s period the Ass"cia-I nO'k a- v.-uiage of th*»-.d vance i Iso i wit \ discretion. . t.iv. • ovi and was 'a.rly goon -• i-1 ' -Ve ii fti t u r-iK j u' cii... •of thirty -c • o 'en'i i At . s ]«" ... .'j; i 'Dcrs and I »a| nufch irit all over the bei; ..re re pi i" i j. ve sold on a .»a h irr . : .-e ■f N w York Decern > r :on and consequently iie .Ti :ho trade. Up tf■ iii .. a' t v .iriii bas.s had . a. itairiec l>\ producer nd | •d tn?rcha t.s. The A-.sociai ion I ho d ig its basis fin" iu> ? •-! 'ACih to u« a hij, fa •h.r in stabil-l '.re basis and overcoming . ie unwarranted demoraliz; ion . ..01.L.i.e j resent week-end. "ott )n mills are buying require-1 net. a ir largo volume from pro- 1 ..o ,s md - ouutry inerchi nts hi are .ifl.ing in oxteus.vel. . Advirt»i ß 07O.O4) a Kale. EFVetr e October 27, the rth Carolina Cotton Growers' Co-■ •ativ Association is advanc-1 ne 110 ; bale on all cotton de-1 vor i io Association receiving j .»gei. >. The advance is based on j •'ifc weight of the bales and the: • d" •».; le is as fo.lows: c'A' pounds and over, £7O. lie twee . 140 and 49P pounds, fOS. J between •20 and 1 pounds, £>X), I between 380 and 419 pou-us, j %b> . lie \ it ■■bo and 379 pounds, ' J. Betwweu 3uO and 841) pounds, ts4o. Hal eh weighing 300 pounds! and uik' >r, JUI advance of J;ioei.ts pe irid. Afc ••ding' to vep r i"s ecoived at th of, the N'trth Carott . Cotton Or is' (JoooerHtive Association, .eeoipts of cotton this year are npuioximately thirteen percent r Tu. Iho batne date JO t ] ye. •t"H CF SIGNLRik .0 .OOP. '>antlalidt starts With SOI New .tracts Last V\ eek. f .oh iif nev neiubers to the T laceo .i:.>w .a' Co> per.itive ' v 1 icb followed the CM . O ' of its ' )]J Ji,»|t ;.t u'kf • ~ ».i tit in 301 new cuii-| in.cte ! '* ueek to bea'Hjr.h • rcrs T'lit . ei! tobac.o lai i.i' iittlt . h. ■ V'.» t.i.m iOO new nnu.l) im n.»v« joi.vu the toba"Co itssoeia i> . dti'.ntc U i.jber and ;nn of.; of Hicreined cash paymQnts t u ever; of Dm wtfju lie- i to ! 1 i associat on hru.sest esti ling .n thoarriVH! ot luauv o..tr«etb i.' IV v_o"u u ict la the organization I of e ')() Curohuu-Vi.y'Uia faruurs 0 to be iucreaain,-. in al' three Stai'es reai'iied by iln j attsin in as new oontracN ror^h i4.fe lia eigu last week wer jl n rt uly divided atroii'f tluj .H TI. tobacco area, 100 Oun -! tfc lrcn. \ 'rginia, 101) from Nottli | arolina aa ' S i from Sont.i C' iro- LX t ivo iiiiliiou pounds of tvb-u . o •;.che" the juoperative ware ul Virginia and We> ern Aort'> (,'aroliua last week, ace ml i ig to from the leaf do >artniv'iit at Richmond. Eastern ~PiCUU6 farr trs also increi.sedl at'i-deli- eritod, bringing tbe t >tal leccipts inis year's crop to veil ver tifttan -niliion ponnds front .ho Eastern Belt. The association/will-open nine-! **■ mor > markets on November .v. ..n deliveries by the majorityi, f Vi \4iLiA farmers in the dark and s..n-cured tobaco areas, who foriu its membership. 'Jhe last J markets of the association to open ( this year will be at Amherst, AltaVista, Amelia, Appomattox, Ashland, Arriugtou, Bedford, ( Blackstone, Columbia, Cumber- j land. Dillwyn, Farmville, Lynch- ( burg, Milford, Pat.ipiin, Peters- ( burg, Phoenix, Richmond and Emporia. 1 J Tho dark tobacco crop of Vir- ( g: :i , : s unttsttjilly In. this year aud the a .s>ciaiio management 1 j has delayed its ojn'r ntg date m that account, according to F. D. I Will:"ma, Sales Manager of tho ! j Dark Loaf, who status that the , crop is not yet fully cured and , i that muca .obaccow,!! not come I m order and-run to 11 .!fut i:i col >r tor several weeks. The large gain in to onborship , which has followed their suc cessful season, indicates that the I Virginia da»"k gri . rr vi 1 market , close to 7 'ree ,ot tlrs year's jcrop t.iro *!i. ; 'ui >ti ocia | tion. - 1 | Elon ano irir. . to Play At Saturday. Lion Coll'" 1 'et. 20.- Interest lon tho El "1 umpus h i ! r the 'i> isr. tv. ve-.l s ceitered on the 1 ' in y /"o . ; t C.ree sl> ro .1 is 0.1 t '-'..turday. 'l'ne • ' >ro 11. in . ± oot ' iet ei.ch t.her f>r v.'c ••• .1 v, Hid k )tt , *ivai 1, : • inong'he .■-! 1 d'"its lof th" .s"' iii.iotis ii.iS'* tin isj Iropre.e o. -.jfCiii tr-i. is f din | I>uruH,:i. Leu Colle/e will j briti. ''l- ■ '' . -10 011 e isbjro jpn N" ' 3 ti •)•■•' • '■ j Tv., vi ..is a 1 Llo: J eldTrin-j itv ja scot 1-'"s.-: tie a the oot ba'l til Wh.l'> ; t '-s ; •nc ally eotio*. c ' hut j'-iiiiiy .is tho ( tea* . vv, still it Ap •>. hit oir J r.nit • Iris ieen 011 1 e i . : grade since the opening 01 hor season :ind while Lion hasj j n ado no spev.i In "eoi'd she ih s lieet ste . iinorov.nvr and J ! \ .11 b» i I/it prime "of condition/ ito H iV(. I'rini' ' battle for grid I j ho.iors when •• y meet on day. Elon will play the game of 1 ' her season egainst the Blue Devils, I j and when the gatno is over, no J matter what the score or who'' , '-ins, Trinity will understand ; I whence the Lion players received: Ith nick-natno of ''Fighting I Christians." Nitrate of » » doubled the yield of wheat on the farm of 0. Ic. Drttton near Ml. (Jilead in I Montgomery county, lie applied j 1100 pounds per acre as a top drekser about the last of Feb ruary. He made K»V nushels per lacro where the soda v is api»lied jand only five bushels where no I soda was used. | "COLO IN TUE HEAD" 1 1r an a« ite attack of Nasil Cat trrh ( j Tboso Rubjert to frnT?ent "colds" arc rally in a 'run !«••. ♦" condition. ' A VS CATAlintl OICtNK iH :i 1 ! Treat m"nt . onslntinr n Oln'ment. ti . be used to tty, anil « ■ „ .lc, w'llch Quickly thioUßh th'* >'t on the :..u- | I i-ous Surfß'»», butlHlnc p the Syst^rn, and making you lean I ;e to "rolits " i .io.' by fjragulsts f-' "r 40 Years. T. J. Cheney & Co., '?. O. INliss . T| ia Moss of Edneyvillo I won tho prize offered >y the ll«*n joersouvlllo News lor tlio b-s farm stoii in Se|»tember. iiei :article was about faru> improve ment. II -"S , dees ihc\ j vriri>i Dlow v —brcai. ' i r t» cr.m'» figUt rmi 1 i«. U { . ..« wariiuT, und b.-u . i«r coM rushes ill to din pl . -iii. WL .II winds iicgiii to . • Mow foiu'u "nd rnw. i»o Twfp^eGf ply riri and "?obo Water 1 for 4 nit k unil gt'iule healing of sort, • Im, !•»'i .skin. It Is alto fngnintly ->*!»' tg on the fan- j nfi T '-'uivintr. Pt |{ UL \ CKKI N, .»r r ' ~"*t«l" i« '.lie first roil inipr >\ \ ~i in glycerin in ' aiany vent Tlio "bent gly ro-in or all" raa-'c better. One of 200 Puniest pre|>ara Hung for health ami hygiene. , Every item the best that skill and conscience cp.n ;irolucc. GRAHAM DRUG COMPANV GRAHAM, N. C. Drug Storm 666 quickly relieves Colds and LaGrippe, Constipation, Biliousness and Headaches. THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. C.. Clover Seed Pays for Weevil Damage Lincolton, N. C., Oct. 22. Clover seed can be made to pay for damage done to the cotton crop by boll weevils, thinlcs C. E. Carpenter of the North Brook Township in this Mr. Carpenter has been raising some clover each year, planting it in his cotton at the last cultivation-. Sometimes he would sell his sur plus seed and the returns were so good that last fall he planted 14 acres of the cott, >n land in crim son clover, picked out his cotton and knocked all the stalks so that the seed migut be stripped clean the next spring. County Agent ! J. O. Morrison reports that this spring Mr. Carpenter stripped 10,000 pounds of seed and would have obtained more except for storm which blew his plants down b'uUy However, the seed saved brought in S7OO and he has about 1,000 pounds 'aved for ttis own sowing this fall. Tom Tarheel says that, the cot ton farmer who doesn't plow up his cotton stalks this winter and plant something for food and feed for ie> year is plainly inviting disaster. !«iS| Con imi ssion ;r:: i.-ilc ol Land. Pursuant to an order of the Su perior Court- of Alamance county iruide in a >pe'sia! p. a - li.i; en titled "Alfred r-:rives et al. vf K ilah .J ditison ot a 1.," wh"re' > i'l of ho owne.s. ;v oi.at .4 U cjiatnon of the tea >roport}'l*«m)- inafter described are duly con stituted parties, the undersigned j commissioners will offer for sale ito the highest bidder at public auction at the court house door in Graham, Alamance county, North Carolina, on SATURDAY, DEC. 1, 1923, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following 'described real property, to wit: One tract or parcel of land situated and being in the county of Alamance, on the waters of i Stinking Quarter creek, adjoining j tho lands of Austin Isley, Daniel Shidfiier and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at astake in a branch which runs into S. Stinking I Quarter, called Smithy Spring ' lirauch, Coble's corner; thence N 15 deg W 20 chs aud 7U Iks to the | Ilillsboro road; thence said Isley's 1 line S 02 deg \V 45 chs to a rock .fronting said Graves' dwelling | house; thence N 35 dog vV 4 ciis to a rock in said isley s corner; j thence his line 557 deg W chs jto a gum tree; thence S 30 deg E 3 chs and 'JO Iks to a stake on the original lire said Daniel ShofT ner's corner; thence with said Slioffuer's lino S 02 deg W 4 chs to a rock\ Delilah Hiushaw's coi ner; thouco her boundary with the middle of a fence S E 9 chs DO Iks to a rock; thence by a line of marked trees S 33 deg E 15 chs and 30 iks to a walnut tree; thence N 88 deg E 36 chs to a rock and pointers on Jacob Neese's Hue aud Hinshaw coiner; thence N 20 deg K 10 chs and 00 Iks to a fl it rock in Smithy Spring Branch as it meanders to the beginning, containing 201J acres, more or les-. Terms of Sale: Tho purchaser \yiil be required to pay one-half of his bid in c sh an 1 'ho other oue-1 olf in six m n Uim from date of sale; dof rrii p,t /meats to b >ar i t or"St at p-r ce.it aid 'illt re t m ti ii * i pu/cJiHSi •ri e is fiii paid Sale »U' jeCb to ad va c *oii:s and thu condimation of court. This tbe 29th day of 3ct., 1923. J. DO IPI L >KG,| E. S. \N. DAMERON Commissioueri. Win. I. Ward, Att'y. j 2JL IWZXttSZfii ig ?'hec A rd's f i •q TW "-dri I BLACK- ,| I i DRAUGHT ( y. y? bie) . Name the farm this winter. Circle Grove Farm sounds better than the "Old Latham Place." Looks nice on a letterhead, too. Summons by Publication NORTH CA ROijIXA— ALAMANCE COUNTY In tlie Superior Court, W. Luther Cates, Administrator of the estate of Ransom Shoff ner and Bettie Shoffner, vs. » Carrio Shoffner Walker, Fannio Shoffner Snipes, Lillie Shoffner Graves, Daisy Shoffner Florence, Viney Shoffner Walker and Robert Shoffner. The defendant, Fannie Shoffner Snipes, above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance county, North Carolina, to obtain an order of sale of certain lands described in the rietition of this cause for the purpose to make assets for the payment of debts and cost of administration; an 1 the' said defendant will further take notice that she is required to aopoar at the office of the undersigned in Or>ih wti, N\ C., within fo?'ty»d: vs from 'lie issti mco of li it. suß.moi.s, and a iswer jr tl im.r Ll the pi cition ii s ..J ictii n, or the petitioners will ip ply to the court lor tii, re iot pra ed ft : ii. iho • e,, iti >n. Til is 2oih day ot October, li to. D. J. w.ALXi'.f:, Cler'* 3 rpi-rior Co irl Coulter «fc Cooper, A "vs. 1 uov4t Mcr g iqc. 's S «l oi Laittl. Under and by vii uo of the power of sale onta ned n a certain nv■ravage '>•(!. ex nut ed by J. ] . \\ r h' -el 1 and .'ife, Wilpiotli K. W! itesoi', / .icrus 31, 1922, to J. K. Gy.Er.em, mortgagee, whicb nor; gage deed is duly recorded in the o®ce of the Fegister of Deeds for Alamance County, in Book No. 83 of Mortgage Deeds, at page 73, default having been made in the payment of same, the undersigned mortgagee will offer at public sale, to the high est bidder for cash, at the court house door in Graham, Ala mance County, State of North Carolina, on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 14, 1923, at 10 o'clock a. m., all the fol lowing real property, to-wit: Three tracts adjoining the lands of L. I. Cox, J. W. Ingle and J. Keniodlo at Elon Col'ege, N. C., and described as follows: Tract No. 1: Lots 1 and 2, blue print of which will be found recorded at the office of the Reg ister of Deeds, Alamance Coun ty, N. C. This mortgage deed includes full equipment for the manufacture of brick. Tract .No. 2: Beginning at an iron pipe on the "West edge of Lyndon street on the south bank of Stato Highway; thence with south side of said highway S. 08 deg. W. 215.4 ft to an iron pipe on S side of said road; thence S 2 deg W 207.1 ft to an iron pipe; thence S Bli deg and, 50' E 200 ft to an iron pipe on the W side of Lyndon street; thence with W side of said street N 2 deg E 347.0 ft to the beginning, con tailing a little over 1.4 acres, being lots 3, 4 and 5 in block B of the \\". C. Michael farm sub division. Ft ' details aud de scription J Jt jlat in Register of Dee Is office, Ala lancaC >unty, N. (J. Tract No. ! : Beginning at an iron sta 1 e at cone ret. 1 c> h crt. John Ciawford corner, th -nee. up a ditch 534 deg and 1 W 420.5 ft to a stake at bend of ditch; the net S ■! e.eg W 2SI f'l to ast ike iu centre o. Southern Li. 1i.., thence with It. P.. J7l ft to a stake in centra of jJ. R., cor ner of brick yard lot: thence N 3 deg and ]o' i£ «J37 "e;t to the center of roM; t ien o w tl cen ter of ro. d W 570 i' to th be ginning, contaimng 10.7 teres, r lore or ieas, being iocs .cs. ~ 6, 9, 10, 11 and parts of lots Nos. 12, 13 and 14 of the subdi vision of the W. C. Michael farm, Elon Colloge, N. 0. This being the property bought by E. P. W? 'tesell from L. I. Cox, N. L Gerringer and W. C. Michael. TERMS OF SALE—CASH. This October 15, 1923. J. K. OZMENT, Mortgagee. Joseph T. Allen, Att'y. Cures Malaria, Chills UUU and Fever, Dengue or Bilious Fever. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM Efficiency and l ower Rates JT made by the Southern Rail- our average freight charge on cot ■ jgC-ms=^— —. way System in 1922—first on ton shipments is only a quarter / A / farm products and later on ali of e crt a ounc'. Coal costs j 1 traffc —have effected a saving for nearly three ~nes \ 'hat it form // ourbhij per3of $15,300,000 1 ye xr. ery c"d, and u.e a\ rage pay of Jj Average receipts per ton-m.le are our employe: for the part three :rr ~/1 ..now 12 per cent lower than two years has been $ 5 £'3, an increase years ago. of 7 > jxr cent. f_ Befcre the World War rise n ... . ~ prices, our ton-nile revenue was greyer eificisncy of operation, a little under a cent. Cotton then * : !•' r £ ; J l ' averaged about 10 cents a pound; betterment , rmd the loyal co- fS?- 'ocomotive fuel cost a little more c x rat ," nc ; oul employees, we :han a dollar a ton; the average ave v ~ een £ hle to absorb p? y of our employee: SBB 3 a year. cpa L 0 lie exc ' s ' J of the in crease' a operating costs over the Whileouraverage; re:ght charges smailei increase in rates. We today are 40 per cent above the are continually workingfor greater pre-war level,cotton sells at rr.Dre operat n* economies. iidEqedS' Southern Railway System deposits l|!;;| XI y J?" |lf fill / in Southern banks an average of JBtj M ''' I IntjLJ $150,500 each banking hour. THE SOUTHEUN SERVES THE SOUTH Notice! Sale of Valuable Real Estate in Bur lington Township. Under and fry virtue of an or der of the Superior Court of Ala mance County in the proceeding entitled Real Estate and Trust Company, Petitioner, vs. Li?;-ie Tarpley Crosson and her husband, Crosson, Flossie Tarpev. Smith and her husband, Smith, hcirs-at-law of Thomas G. Tarpley, deceased, Respondents, the undersigned | Commissioner will, on WEDNESDAY, NOV. 21 1923, at 12 o'clock, noon, at the conrt house door of North Carolina, in Graham, offer for sale, at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, the following described land, ly ing and beinjj. in Burlington jTpwnshin, Al;>munce County, N. C., adjoining the lands Daniel \\ oi _h. C. VY. Hunt ( now Meb ane K il Estate & Trust Co.) j and lounded and described as! follows: ! Beginning ,at a rock in the; widow Moore'.-! line and running! thence N 2 2-3° W 3 chs to a! rock; thence N 8714° W 3.02 chs to a rock; thence S 2 2 3° E 5j chs to a rock; thence S 87Mi 0 £1 3 chs to the beginning, reck cor- j ner, and containing one and one- j half acres, norj or!css(for chain of title see Jetw by Daniel Worth c nd wife to Thomas G. Tarpley, I r. corded in Book of Deeds No. 14 11 pf ge 389.) Terms of SaIe—CASH. Time of Sale—Wednesday, No vem .jer 21st, 1923, at 12 o'clock. Place of Sale Court House Door, Graham, North Carolina. This October 20th, 1923. E. S. W. DAMERON, Commissioner. C ASTORIA Fc: asi Children in Use For Over 30 Years Re-Sale Real Property Pursuant to au order of the Superior Court of Alamance County made in a special pro ceeding therein pending, enti tled "Jos. H. Faucette and oth ers vs. Geo. W. Faucette and others", whereto all of the own ers as tenants in common of the real property, hereinafter de scribed, are duly constituted parties, the undersigned Com missioner will offer for sale to the higi a °t bidder, at public auction, at the court house door in Graham, Alamance County, North Carolina, on SATURDAY, NOV. 3rd, 1923, at 12 o'clock, noon, all of the following described real proper ty, to-wit: A certain tract of laud lying and being in Alamance County and being a part of the tract of land on which Jno. F. Faucette, Sr., resided and which apart by his last Will and To. l - tament.as tho lot of land devis ed to Levi Faucette, ■ nd de scribed as follows: Beginning at pointer* on Win. i Tate's line, running N 10 deg W 11° chs SO Iks to a postoak; thence W IP chs and 3u "ks to a Ihickory; thence S 1 oh £0 Iks to a dogwood; thence N Bti deq; V 32 ch3 and 62 Iks to a blac-konk: thence Sl3 deg Ei' chs rid Iks to a rock; t! ence E If. (hs G4- Iks to a stake; thence S 1 ch 62 Iks to a blackoak; thence N 88 deg E 32 chs 39 Iki to the beginning, containing . acres, more or less. * ' TERMS OP SALE: The pur chaser will be required to pay one-halt of his bid in cash a id the other half in six montiis from date of sale, deferred pay ment to bear interest at six per cent and title retained until purchase price is fully paid. Sale subject advance bids and confirmation by the Court. This is a re-sale on account of an advance bid, and bidding will begin at $522.50. This September 28, 1923. 4 J. DOLPH LONG, lfiocttds Commissioner. Public Sale Real Properly Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county made in a special pro ceeding therein pending, en titled 'Mas. M. Faucette and others vs. Levi C. Faucette and others," whereto all of the own ers as tenants in common of the real property hereinafter de scribed are duly constituted parf'a , the undersigned Com missioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder, at public auction, at the court house door in Graham, Alamance county, North Carolina, on SATURDAY, NOV. 3, 1923, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the fol lowing described real property: A cei»aifMot or p reel of land situate ill Alamauce county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands o r Sam McAdams, Ed. Di dson and others, and bound ed at follows, to-wit: Beginning at a white oak; running N l 1 de = ' W 14 chs 72 1 :s to p .inter ; t.iei.ee S 88 deg W 32 chs 39 lies to black oak; 1 thence .5 7ch 3# Iks to rock; W 2 chs to a hickory; S 7 chs and 50 Iks to a stake; thence N 83 d"g E 37 jhs r,O lies to the first station, o: tai;>i acres, more or! 3sr„ j Tenns of bale: The purchaser w '] D( requ red to pa} one-half luf n -j uid :n c;.sh, and the other h; f .n six muDths from date of sale; deferre 1 payment- to bear ii terest at six per cent, and title retained until purchase price is fully paid. Sale subject to advance bids and confirma tion by the Court. This 28th davof Sept., 1923. J. iX'LPH LONG, Commissioner. WANTED:—AIeu or women to take orders for genuiuo guaran teed hosiery formeu, women, and children. Eliminates darning. Salary $75 a weeL full time, $1.50 an hour spare time. Cottons, heathers, silks. INTERNATIONAL STOCKING MILLS, OseplOt Norristowu, l*a. BUBSCBIBK FOB rHE QI.RA NHFR

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