THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., Jan. 17, 1924. Postoflice Honrs. Offlo op«n 7.00 a. m. toT.OO p. m. undaj 040 toll.oo a. m. and 4.00 to 0.00 p. m B. N. COOS, Pouaanwr. ♦+♦♦++++♦•. ++++++++++++++++ + + + LOCAL NBWB. + ♦ + *+++++++*+++++++++++++++++ —The walls of the new court' house are gradually rising. When it is not raining or the weather too biting cold the work goes on. ' —lt was real cold Monday and Tuesday; but the temperature rose on the latter day and on Wednesday for an hour or two rain fell in tor rents. —Patterson Shoe Store is putting in a stock of shoes in the store on W. Harden St. next to Crack A Joe's and will open Saturday. This v k. a branch of the Burlington house. ~ —The friends of Mr. D. J. Walker over the county will be glad to learn that he is improving. He went to Hot Springs. Ark., three weekß ago for treatment for rheumatic troubles and he writes that he feels he 18 be ing benefited. —Since the shortest day—Dec. 22nd, the length of which was 9 hours and 32 minutes, the days have increased 20 minutes in length, th* sun rising 10 minutes earlier and setting 10 minutes later. From now on the days lengthen more rapidly. —Midway Lumber Co.'s plant,'' between Graham and Burling'on and North of the railroad, was burn ed Tuesday night. • It was a few minutes before when the alarm was given. The firemen of Graham and Burlington responded promptly, but could do little or nothing for lack of water. The loss is estimated at about $15,000. Dr. J. Rainey Parker was the principal owner. « —Mr. J. D. DeWitt Foust has accepted a position with the Citizens Bank of Graham and is learning the banking business. He ht& lived in- Greensboro for several years. ,He moved his family hero last week and they occupy the J.J. Snyder home on W. Elm St. Mr. Foust was born and reared in the southern part of the county, is a most excellent and highly esteemed gentleman, and the bank is fortunate in securing his services. After he has farfiliarized himself with his duties in the Bank, Mr. Jas. S. Cocfk, who has acted as Cashier for several years, will take up the active practice of the law again. County Council Meets Jan. 25th. The County Council of Home Demonstration Workers Vill meet Friday, Jan. 25th, from 11 to 2 o'clock in the Home Agent's office in Graham. .This is a very important meeting and every club should be represented by one or more mem bers. If possible the club president should attend. I The Home Beautifying contest jHll be discussed. Plans will be made for starting a curb market. ' Lunch will be served. Please come and help make thia the best year yet. Mus. GEO. M. ISLET, Pres. County Council. Hotel Graham Ctamges Managers. The patrons of Hotel Graham, under the management of Mr. W. W.Garrett for the past 6or 10years, will regret not to find him tbere when they come again. He haa made lots of fri nds. He was ever '■' an accommodating host. We are not advised as to what he will do, bat it is certain that he will not be "idle. •/, Mr. Garrett is succeeded by Mr. I A. W- Massey, who has our best l wishes for a successful and satisfac tory operation of the hotel. Mr. Massey took charge last Tues day night Lee-Jackson Day; Memorial services will be held Friday morning at the Graded School 1 'to commemorate the birth of two I famous Confederate Generals, Robert E. Lee, who was born on January I the 19th, and Stonewall Jackson, B who was bora on January 21st. ft A suitable progfam has been pre- I pared and Graham Chapter U. D. C ■ will take psrt in the exercise. In- B,teresting papers will he read by ■ mptniiers of the Chapter and recita &Bdß will be given and songs sung Hy members of the school. B Old Confederate veterans are in- HpjSsd to be present. W' WhrMr. N. Wlnd-or (R. I.) Put Up Rats for Yesss . • "Y«n «#o I »o— rmt poix*. «tr ■ UD*d our ftne wU* d*. Wl pt«p w4U I ssa ■ ' . DRUG CpMPANY. + PERSON. + ♦ * Mr. H. W. Scott left Tuesday night for New York on business. Dr. and Mrs. J. Mel. Thompson of Mebane were here Tuesday after noon. Mr. W. K. Edge worth of Mebane No. 1 was in town Tuesday on business. County manager W. 0. Warren left Sundfty night last for Chicago on business. Mr. John B. Stratford left Monday for Charlotte and other pointa on a business trip. ' . / Mr. and Mrs. J. T. and daughter, Miss Augnsta, spent Ifist Sunday at Pinehurst. Mrs. W. T. Hall left the first of the week for a visit of aeveral weeks to her old home in Georgia. Mrs. J as. K. Mebane of Washing ton arrived Tuesday on s visit to her mother, Mra. L. Banks Holt. Mess. Robt. R. King, Jr., and N. A. Boren of Greensboro were here last Friday on legal buainesa. Or. and Mrs. S. C. Spoon and Mr. and Mrs. Lovick H. Kernodfe spent Tuesday evening in Greensboro. James and William Taylor in school at Trinity (College, Durham, spent Sunday at their home here. Mra. J. B. Montgomery and Mr. and Mrs. Junius H. Harden spent last Sunday afternoon in Greensboro. Mesdames J. Harvey White and Will E.. White spent Wednesday in Greensboro with Mrs. Phil. Carleton. Mr. Sterling R. Holt of Indian apolis, Ind., is here visiting hit brother, Mr. Will U .Holt, and other relatives. , I After Grippe SCOTTS EMULSION ir should be taken 1 h ■ every day Ford month • I Jurors for February Court The following named persons were drawn at the last meeting of the County. Commissioners to serve at tiwcriminal term of the Superior Court which will convene on Feb- ruary 25th: Patterson Townahip—P. H. Ste phens, E. E. Griffin. Coble Tp.—o. T. Sheffner. • Boon Station Tp.—-J. D. Oldham, J C. McAdams, G. A: Coleman. Morton Tp. - J. L. Baldwin, J. D. Wilkin#, J. L. Paschal. Fanoette Tp.— W. G. Kernodle, E. L. King, A. .King, P. R. Dickt-y. , Graham Tp.—J. W. McPherson, William Soota, U. F. Cates, Chas. P. Suits. Albright Tp.—Ciosro Stockard. Newlin Tp.—Cicero Dixon, R. L. Pegg, H. C. Penv, L. M. Stsrr, W. J. Norwood, L. L. McPherson, T. F. Allen, J. M. Ivey. - Tbompsan Tp.—J. S. McAdams. Melville Tp.—lsssc McCaoley, W. C. Clark. Jim A albert. Pleasant Grove Tp.—A. A. Pat toD, T. N. Mitchell. Burlington Tp.—'Thos. F. Coble, H. L. Wood, T. L. Foster, J. W. Jones. R. L. Self, J. P. McAdanw, W. J. Boon, G. D. Curtia, W. W. Bsrnett Haw River Tp.—H. F. Sharps. E. M. Clsrke. A M TWt JWI H Bsiac Dsad for Tfaras Msoths " l—Hns*'"''.'""* 1 Srfca,CN.J), 'lw wrSyft— ESto CdhUfemL Itattojft-™*.-* ■ 11 ia nwii i* -■* ■ Watiwisilr * (IRAFSM DRUG COMPANY, Graham Banks Show Decided Gaios in Past Yearf In tbia issue we are printing state ments of the condition of Grahaiu'* two banks at the close of the year 1923. These show a decided im provement for the past fear. The following comparison shows up well for these institution*: The National Bank of Alamance had resources of $938,562.84 at close of yew 1922, and •1,147,112.79 at etbee of 1923, a gain of nearly $210,- 000. Deposits had increased from $623,784.16 in.1922 to $836,143.3* in 1923. The Citisens Bank 'of Graham showed resources of $91,595 46 in 1922, and this bad increased to $112,444.06 up to Dec. 31, 1923. Deposits of all kinds, checking ac counts, time certificates and satings accounts had grown from $77,145.42, to $85,800.07 at close of 1923. These growtha apeak well for the management of t&eee institutions and the estimation in which they are held. Among the Sick. Mrs: R. C. Hunter, who has been aick from an attack of influenza, is improving. Little Elizabeth Moore, the daugh ter of Mr. "and Mrs. Frank W. Moore, has been ?ick for several days. Mr. Walter R. Harden has been on the sick list for a day or two. Mr. and Mre. A. K. Hardee's children, Kirk and Ellen, are sick. Dwight Beougher is at home from Eton College and on the sick list. Mr. L. D. Rippy, a prominent citizen of Altamahaw, is quite sick and is at Rainey Hospital for treat ment. Mr. Jas. P. Smith, who suffered a stroke of paralysis the first of last week, doe 9 not improve, his friends will regret to learn. 4 . Mrs. Crandall (Iowa) Talla How Shi Stopped Chicken Loasea "Laat iprinc. rati killed ill oar baby chicks. Wlah rd known about Rat-Snap before. WithjuitoM lir«e package we killed «warm»o rata. They won » «tUJa year'. hatchea.rU bet." ktwd Md teOa tor 35c. 65c. *L2S. Sold tad cattiatMd by GRAHAM DK&G COMPANY, County Commissioners, The Board met on the first Mon day and among other things trans acted the following business: «- Solomon Love was elected super intendent of the new'.County Heme for ono year from January Ist, suc ceeding Mr. W. D Woods, at a salary of $75.00 per month. ' ' Bids were received for a bard surface road in Burlington town ship, being an extension of Maple Ave. to the road by Solly Home wood's. The contract was awarded to F. J. McGuire at $31,585.40. It was ordered that bids be adver tised for a top-soil.road from Rogers' store to Mebane. John Capps was allowed 15.00 per month to be furnished by Star Store Co. A top-soil road from the corporate limits of Graham to the Stretft Car line, being an extension of N. Main St.* and a distance of about 300 yards, was ordered built. When (hi* sap is built it will give a good road all the wt ,y from Graham to Raiaey Hospital. Stony Creek Telephone Co. waa given permission to set poles along the road from J. D. Wilkins' toward Burlington. W. O. Warren was enS powered to purchase some mule* for the use of the county. A jury was drawn fur February court and is published elsewhere. V DEATHS. ; . Mrs. Alfred T. Thompson, aged 24 years, near Snow Camp, died Tuesday night about' 2 o'clock at Rainey Hospital and the burial was at Bethel church io Newlin town ship today. The funeral services were conducted by Bev. Gej. W. Holmes. /, , _ Albert H. Stockard, aged aboat 60 years, s deaf-mute, died. in Bur lington early thia morning, lie was reared in Newlin township. Everything has lt pine*-, bnt that doesn't relieve the imtn with * boil on his nose. CASTORIA For Infants an. In Us* tor Over 30 Ysars THS ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, H. a SIXTEEN GOOD NEW YEAR RESOLUTIONS Issued and Distribut ed by Graham Cham ber of Commerce. Below is a list of 16 New Year resolutions which were compiled, published and distributed a few days ago by the Graham Chamber of Commerce. The numerous hits will no doubi cause quite a few to duck their heads. They contain ao many good stig 'gestions which, if half way observed in the proper spirit, would be help ful to any commnnity, as well as to the community of Graham for which they were specially prepared. , Here are the resolutions: 1. We resolve never to say anything about Che Town of Grahnui that tends to make the people of Graham and Alamance county not to have confidence in its future progress and prosperity. 2. We resolve to have the utmost .confidence in the future progress and prosperity of Graham. 3. We resolve to lay down the hammer and quit knocking. 4. We resolve to co-operate in the up-building of the Town of Graham. 5. We resolve to assist any person we hear knocking the Town of Gra ham to find the earliest jitney or train leaving the Town of Graham, and pay to' fim our repects in no uncertain terms. 6. We resolve to attempt to as sist every business man in Graham to make his business a success. 7. We resolve to rejoice with the Graham citizen in his good fortuue and success and truly symyathiae, and assist him in his failures and misfortunes. « 8. We resolve to give the Grabain merchants aud business men prefer ence in all our dealings. 9. We resolve to Btand by the Chamber of Commerce and do all we (»i to make it a success, and if it is not what we think it ought to to be, to do everything in our pawer to make it what it ought to be. 10. We resolve to bang together instead of hanging apart. 11*. We resolve to put out of our lives the little petty jealousies that make us unhappy and injure our fellow-man and our town. 12. We resolve to refrain from knocking Graham property. '» 13, We resolve to put a fair price on every man's property when we are called upon to give our opinion of its vafae. 14. We resolve never to *ay that a Graham man' B property is worth leas than it cosVto built it. 15. We resolve to do everything in our power to bring new citizens to the town of Graham. 16 We resolve never to values man's vacant lot at SIOO.OO when he is valuing it at S3OO 00. (This hap pened .recently). Conacioas inaccuracy is jost plain lyin'. fl Cat Real Mad when I Last Mf fctllni Han," writ— Mrs. Hanaa, N.J. "Wlmb 1 Mat lata om bus tad lami m ha &BW&ag&a fraMdwdnUjrkrwibts. Pricra. I1J&. ?.AHA»i UrtLU cUMPAN'V. The early chicks make the pul lets next fall. Use eggs for set ting from birds of good 'perform ance, recommend poultry expertd of The State College and Depart ment. DQNT WAIT Take Atf vantage 01 a graham Cltlsaa'a Kxpertencr. When the hark begins to ache, Don't wait until backache liecomes cbroote" Till kidney troables develop; Till urinary troubles . destroy night's rest. Profit by#a Grahnm citisen's ex perience. A. G. Aualey, prop'of gmrerv, S. Maple St., says: "Last winter I was having c>nsi-lersMe trouble with a dnll backache. I started u»ing Doan's fills and after takimr jost one box. the hsrkaa-be left. I haven't been bothered since. I also used Doan's sdm" yesrs ago for backache snfi irregailnr kidney action and tbey cured iu* in sh f »rl or-l^r.'' I'iice 60c. ut all dealers Don't simply ask fair a kitlnev remedy— get Doeu'a Pills —I he (Mine that Mr. Anslry liatl Kintcr-Mil burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. O Why does m a ball —bemuse, when it strikes, it U knocked slightly out of shape. But, being elastic, it springs back to shape, and this reaction makes it rebeund. The use of 4 Rubbing rwTrrt-rrf A i coho i helps put "in shape" tired, aching muscles and stiff joints that sport, labor or illness has "knocked out." A refreshing body rub for athletes, invalids and infants. Excellent also for removing perspiration odors and forsoothing the fare after shaving. One of 200j Puretest preparations. Every item toe best that skill and conscience can produce. GRAHAM DRUG COMPANY 7J» ItQ*cJ&BraiSfon STREET PAVING. Proposals- will be received by tho Town of G rah A in, North Caro lina, uutil 8 o'clock p. in. Aion clay, January 2Utr 1924, forgrad iugand paving East Harden Street from North Main Street to East film Street, in the Town of Gra ham, and constructing curb and gutter on said street. The said paving will be 7| feet on each aide of an 18-foot section which will be paved by the North Caro lina State Highway Commission and will be the same type of hard surface (namely, type F concrete) an per 1923 State Hitfbway speci fication t Work will embrace 3042 sq. yds. of paving and a G inch curb and an 18 ioch gutter constructed on each side of paving, tnakiug a total length of 3tiso ft. of curb aud glitter and shall be contracted of 1-2-4 concrete, the same as roadway with a top one-half inch dressing of 1-2 mixture." The amount of excavation on said street will be approximately 500 cubic yards. Planb will be filed and may be seen at the office of the Town Clerk in Graham, North Carolina, or at the office of the Engineer, Graham, North Carolina. Each bid must be accompanied with a certified check in the sum of 1^500.00, Proposals will be opened pub licly and the Town reserves the right to reject any and all pro posals. W. I. HOLT, Town Clerk, Graham, N. C. „• W..T. Hall, C. E., Graham, N. C. Summons by Publication North Carolina— , Alamance County la the Superior Coort, Eefore the Clerk. Allen D. Tate, Administrator of Low Alatou, alias Love Dark, ' alias Love Barnette, v». Sam Dark and wife, Clarene Dark, Boy Dark and wife, Ada Darky Durbam Foust apd wife, Addie Foust, Joah Dark and wife, - Dark, Otis Dark and wife, Martha Dark, Lee Bradahaw£ Zelina Bradsbaw, Madge-Brad Hhaw, Georire Bradsbaw, Bertha Rradsbaw, and Asa Bradsbaw, the last five named being mi nors: William Alstoo,- alias William Dark, alias William Thompson,aliasWilliam Guynn The above named defendant and especially Lee Bradshaw, and William Alston, alias William Dark, alia* William Guynn, will take notice that an action, en illttd as above, has been commenc ed in the Superior Court of Ala mance county for the purpose of selling real estate belrtniring to Love Alwton, alias Love Dark, alias Love Barnette, at hia death, to pay the debts of said estate, the aaid land being iu said Alamance (county, lu Newlin lownahip; and | the said defendants will further tales notice, that they are required toappear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance county on Thursday, February 14th. 1924, and answ«r or demur to ihs complaint iu i>aid action* or jflHimiff will apply to th* Court (or the relief demande«l in said complaint. Thia loth «lav of.lair, 1924 It. N COOK.AVi C.S C WIM. I. Ward* M\y. V»jan4t Rare beauties and distinctions in lines, finish and upholstery— and the great mechanical luxury of an engine that actually improves with usel The wonderful Willys- Knight sleeve-valve engine is the same type of engine used in the finest cars 6f Europe. See the Willys-Knight—go for a ' good ride! Hughes Motor Co- . v Graham,lN. C WILLYS KNIGHT y 8844. RUPORT OK THE CONDITION OP The National Bank, of Alamance. At Graham, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on Dec. 31, 1923. RESOURCES. LxwniiWKl discount., Including rcdlsco unU, acceptance, of other tank., and foielgn bill, of exchange or draft, wild with Indorse ment of this bank (except those shown Inbando) $783,066,03 Total loan. ........ (7M,6BM> OverdralU. secured, ; unsecured, 666.(7..... MJTI U. 8. bond, depo.lted to secure circulation (par value)...™ 125,000.00 All other United Btate. Qoveminent Securities... i 13.2W.00 Total U. H. Government Securities ■, IMJHjOO Other bond., .tock., securities, etc ........ _ 4,60040 Banking Houle, (6,000; Furniture -»nd fixtures, (2,700 ......... 7,700,00 Lawful reserve with Fed era'. Keiervc Bank- .... 37,1(6 CO Cash la vault and due trom national banks. ....... 13SJM 08 Amount due from banks. bankers, and tru.t companies In thsU. 8, (other than Included In Item. 8,». aoA-10... _. B,(WjB Cheek, on other bank. In the nine city or town aa reporting bank, other than item 12-.~ _ J... 5,1t1J6 * Total of Item. (. 10.11,12, and 13 ..J. (MUOB.7* /) . Miscellaneous cash Items L. —....j ... -... 8,18341 i B.ISIBI Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurcfsand .. ' 8,260.00 LIABILITIBB. /\ J SW^thfe 3 Reserved for Interest and taxes accrued... 3,7.V).00 IS* Reserved for ... \ M,198.77 Less current expenses, Interest, and taxes paid- _ 16,1804 a IMMJS Clrculallng notes outstanding- 1*,000.00 Certified ebeeks outstanding .. , O,H Cashier's ehecks outstanding .. "JHCUO Total of Items 21,22, a, 24, and Individual deposits subleet to check (86JH8.16 Ovldends nnpald (^KM» Total of demand deposits, other thsn bank depeslts, subject to KeserTS, Item. 36. 27, 28, W, 30. and 81.... 2WJBB.W Certificates of deposit (other than tor money berrowed) tnjMM Other Uaae deposits - 2W,792,64 Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items U, (8, (4 and (t 648/25.!• Liabilities other than :boee above 5tated.................. Total (1,147,112J» State o4 North Carolina, County of Alamanoe, ss: 1, Chas. A. -0011, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that lbs above state ment Is trus to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAS. A. SCOTT, Cashier. Mnbecrlbed and sworn to before me. this Mb day m Jan., 1(24. J. H. COuK. Notary Publle. My Commission expires 4-2HJX, (Notarial Heal) OorrecV-At«*W H. W. SCOTT. C r. H Alt DEW. J. L SCOTT. Jiu. _ Directors. rjr% Come to us for ' 3 ELGIN, W Watches r 1 ® - * Women always consider ( /Jvl iy\Nl fine jewelry a valued gift* , ZjjrWJf Combine the beauty ot wvW/l mi precious metals with the - wanted time-keeping 131* 1 /lV service of an Elgin Wristj gttd V she has 1 Elgin Wrist Watches are JHBf Mf, ii \ made for the same purpose /4 1* * u Elgin men's Professional » tine-keepers —to keep good . time, and keep it amearj. ] This store will help you se» I lect asp Elgin Wrist Watch that is sure to please. Wo have an exceptionally fine e • display of Elgin* iliii inwn , Z. T. HAHMvY, JEWELER, G IMb a ill, N. V.