ITU BEST fwsnwj !Um.d y for Mans™/ Beast r."j Mustang Liniment for ail kinds q!7 of sprain*, bruises, cuts and * «, sores, in horses as well as man, I' ' andbeliere it to be the best lini "!• ment now in use. I keep it in ray bouse si! the time and recom mend it to all as th* hut hmmmt for mil pmrp—tt." Mustang Liniment is composed of soothing, healing oils that, IL when Mill in, penetrate the tissues to the bodst Mustang contains no alcohol, acids or pep. \f / * P*» a*" l *■» —tn—rt or tting pu 'i, W^th directiorui^for fcMbMDrsfMi "/"NTHE/S^ SPUING LESS SHADES Lut Longer—Loo Better , RMraff^upKnipdon^id^ relieves children and adults, A pleasant syrup. No opiates. x. 33coiid60e sites sold TOUR BODY NEEDS STRENGTH OF IRON THIRTY years ago physicians began to prescribe Ouds's Pepto-Mangan because It Tin- Tided a form of iron was easily digested and did not affect the teeth. Now is the season when yon especially need it. Your drug gist has it, in both liquid and tablets. Free Trial TableU vain* ot Code's Pspto-llapgan, write today tar generous Trial Package of Tablets. Send ■o meney Jast name and address te U. J. Breltenbach Oe.. SS Warren It, N. T. Glide's Pepto-A(angan Tonic and Blood Enricher Some Compensation "Your little . brother is rather bow legged?'* "Yes, If it wasn't for Ihe fact that he's very cross-eyed, too, he wouldn't be able to keep his balance." MOTHER! Child's Best Laxative is "California Fig Syrup" U \ Tongue Shows if II \ Bilious, Constipated Hurry Mother! Even a fretful, peevish • child loves the pleasant taste of "Cali fornia Fig Syrup" and It never fails to open the bowels. A teaspoonful today may prevent a sick child tomorrow. Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali fornia Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of all ages printed on bottle. Mother 1 You must say "California" or you may get an Imitation flg strap. So They Say "Do ksses really contalii germsT* "Well, you can catch a husband that way, girlie." ~ ' . Avoid 43c Relieve COLDS INFLUENZA MALARIA *Y TAKMQ liftNTEBSMITIe. II CHILL TONIC A ItfcoKelbMaC—east ing ■«T«*s you I RHEUMATISM 1 Lumbago or Qoutf I . "TtAMPnW" 1 Jbs.asiytlso.WUlssslsDii'ii^.w 7V-, * ■' i COAT STYLES FOR MIDWINTER; FORECAST OF SPRING STYLES T ADY FASHION has thown some very decided preferences to the niatter of coat styles for midwinter and these are the points Jhat are In teresting to designers of spring gar ments. One o* these much-emphasized features Is the liking for fur acces-' iorles, especially the fur collar, and for fur Introduced In trimming touches. There Is no doubt of the survival of the fur collar In spring styles, and even ftor summer there Is every reason to believe that "summer furs" will play a conspicuous part In coat styles. Meantime certain features revealed In the two coats pictured here have •net with ever-Increasing approval. The braiding on tj>e coat at *he left 1s an example. The coat Is made of a - I feh. jimm. I^ y H ■orrv JP Un ■i i w, Fur-Trimmed Coats Still Popular. * lilky pile fabric, overlaid with sou tache braid in a pattern called by the enlightening, If somewhat crude, term—"wlggly." Circular, uncovered spaces are left all over the coat, which Is a side-tie model, affording the warmth of a double breast and fast enlpg with a large button at the neck and side. Hera also ties of the coat material make assurance doubly sure. The beaver cQllar and cuffs are In keeping with the richness of the braid covered fabric, in a soft brown shade. More recent designing appears' In the coat shown at the right—also a pile fabric garment, In dark gray. It has a collar of gray fox fur and band WOBU/Bl I SPfU i | CR ,4 Mfly ra I § v *> Ootfc Cap* aad 80k Mat. logs of this fur oa the cuffs and a portion of the skirt It Is to be noted that tbe slecres sre somewhat amaU. but the odd mew eoOs, ample tod fur brimmed, lend thefn much style value. Tbe akin portion of the coat Is shorter than In fpty winter models but It n tflits tbe sM*-tle faat aping and em phaatoas- the. graceful wrap-around styl* by • catmded drapery finished wttb to banding. ~ W. i New coats Intended for present selling are presented In sports and semi-sports style* In wfblch plaids and stripes are featured. The most notice able color Innovation appears In shades 6f green—soft 'and somewhat light, and Dearly always having fur collars In light colors, that make a lovely contrast against 'the green back ground. When the cheerful predictions bf the esrllest robins begin to be ful filled and we are watching the buds on > the trees, they seem to be very slow and cautious about unfolding—as If enticed by the sun, but discouraged by a bite In the air. We mortals are so eager for springtime that like to put on apparel that heralds It, so fasb- lon takes care of this between-seasons period with clothes that proclaim spring but remember that It Is not quite here. Millinery pipes the first note of wel come to the new season, and Women are already wearing hats of taffeta, crepe and fabrics peculiar to millinery. Cheerful colors divide attention with black In these hats, but lustrous sur faces and bright ornaments give them all animation. A pretty cloth cape and a buoyant silk hat that goes well with It ara among fashion's contributions to ju nior styles for between seasons. They are the outward and visible signs that tbe young miss pictured bear* a sum mer mind—and thinks no more of win ter. This is borne out by her gingham dress and ber footwear. a substantial affair of a plain coating, brightened by bands of colorful trim ming which extend part wax down tbe front and back *t each side. In front these bands terminate in silk orna ments—clusters of small balls, covered with taffeta silk. The banding la care folly placed bn the collar, ao as to fall In line with that on the cape, and round" buttons are used for fastening. Slashes at each side, finished with bindings, allow the arms to be thrust through them. There are some spring coats fcr Jo nlors -In attract!** plaids and cross bars. much like those for tbelr elders, and the sweater and sweater coats art nlwaya to be reckoned with when be tween-season clothes are considered - JULIA BOTTOMIJCY. A UK Waacara SUMHI UalM.) THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. C. OKe KITCHEN CAJ3INET Though other purses be more fat. Why thould we pine or grieve at that? Hang sorrow! Care will kill a cat. And. therefore, let's be merry. HOUBEHOLD HINTB A delicious luncheon dish may be prepared from a while seuce \o which 4J-A. bard cooked egg yCiIUJf! yOJCA ' 8 added; chop the egg tine, pour oversell buttered toast and sprinkle It ~)t~n the ~aT(' cooked yolk put y through a rlcer. dessert, use .tanned peaches or pears heaped with sweetened and whipped cream and. flavored with almond or vanilla. For breakfast shred a smoked her ring and add tb the plain ouiel?t; It adds variety and zest Td-an otherwise plain dish. It Is a good Idea to have at hand some easily prepared dishes to be pre pared frofn food on the emergency shelf, when unexpected company comes. Some housewives are easily fussed and the mind refuses to function properjy In the directum of food. Keep a shoe horn bandy for putting overshoes or rubbers on the little folks. ' t If heat refuses to co ne up ce.taln registers where there is a hot-air fur nace, look to see that the damper In the pipe Is open and, open a'* window in the room—the draft will push up the cold air from the pipe and It will soon warm up. , When packing shoes slip them Into stocking legs the color of the stocking to match tlie «h»es. They are easily located and are kept from Injuring other tilings. Ited pepper tea 4a i good remedy tor a cold. Prepare it with milk In stead of wuter and It will not Mem so flery. % Sardines dipped In lemon Juice and crumbs and fried make a pretty hot dish. Serve them in threes, thrust through a lemon ring. To clean real lace sprinkle It wlih French chalk and let it lie for sev eral days under weight. Then shake It out and It will be quite clean. A savory toast for a luncheon dish may be prepared from 'Mcken gravy. Make nice buttered toust and cover with the gravy. Serve with a crisp salad and a cupful of cocoa and one has a good meal. People who have warm friends are healthier and happier than those who have none. All the wealth of the world could not buy you a friend or pay you for the •loss of one. COLLECTION OF GOOD THINGS ' For a tough portion of meat the following recipe will !>e found most £1 desirable: Beef en Casse- $7 rele,—Put Into a ■1 -c ■as e r ole one j| fourth of a cup ful ot Bweel ; €Mmih!>hmuii[lw when hot add one cupful of the fol lowing mixture: Equal mm* of celery, crirrots, union and bambini chopped together. Cook the vegetables until brown, then lay them over four pounds of t>eef. Covfer with a second cupful of the same mix ture and' cook in a hot oven three quarters of an hour. Itemove the meat from the casserole, strain off the vegetables, add a cupful of stock to the strained liquid and return to tiie casserole with the meat. Over the meat spread #>ne cupful of raisins, cover and cook for one hour and a quarter longer. Roast Vsal au Ji—— Sea .on a All it of veal with suit and and put Into a pan with an hay leaf, clove and small piece of suet. Place In a 'roaster, put Into the oven to bake one-half hour, remove tiie cover, buste every Ave minutes for half an hour. Itemove the meat to a plat ter. put a little'wuter In'o the pan and let simmer Ave minutes. Strain and pour this gravy around the r^ast. Pork. Tenderloin,—Spill a pork ten derloin lengthwise, leaving the halves Joined. Pound the m*a( until one half inch thick, then spread with the following stufflng: One cupful of bread crumbs, one-quarter teaspoonful of salt, a dash of pepper, a spray of ''flopped parsley, a table spoonful of chopped pickles, capera. a tablespoon ful of chopped olives, a little lem»n Juice. Mix with one-fourth of o cup ful of butter and one beaten egg. Ar range the stufllng so that It will be higher In the center and ww or tie the - w.ii will resemble a plump boned bird. Bake, basting until well h> owned. Macaroni With Nuts,—Take a cup ful of macaroni, put 1t Into a buttered baking dish, sprinkle with coarsely chopped nut meats, add one cupful of white sauce, cover wllb buttered crumbs sod bake until the crumbs are hiywn. . Corn Pudding.—Open s can of corn and let It air for an hour before using, to remove the tinny taste. Beat three eggs; add a pint of rich milk and a tablespoonful of butter, pepper snd ■ pinch of mustard to taste. Mix all together, adding the stiffly beaten whites at the last. Bake In s pan of hot water until the eggs are set. /H. cd£ NATURE HOLDS UP A HAND IN WARN! Take Cheney's for That Cold, She Means, or Something Worse May Follow That Brat little uhlVerjr feeling Is nature'! war of telling you to beware. She holds up a warning hand and bids you take heed or you may expect to be laid low with something aerloua. You're taking cold that, if neglect* ed. may lead to more aerloua compli cations. Stop the trouble before it can do any harm. For alzty years Cheney's Expecto rant haa been acclaimed a certain rem edy for colds, bronchitis, croup, quinsy, whooping cough and other affections of the throat and chest Thousands of people all over the South are enjoying health and happiness today because of their unshaken faith In this grand old nreparatlon. What it has done for them it will do for you. Then stop at the drug store" on your way home, or call up your durggtat and order a bot tle. The Importance of avoiding unnecea aary exposure to Inclement weather during the winter cannot be too strongly Insisted on. But when this cannot be helped there is always Che ney'a Expectorant ready to help you out of trouble. Sold by all drugglats and In entailer towns by general merchants In tOo and •Oc .bottles. —Advertisement. Once In a great while we actually meet a man Who practices what he preuches. DEMAND ASPIRIN Take Tablets Without Fear If You Bee the Safety "Bayer fir oss." Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 23 years. Say "Bayer" when you buy' Aspirin. Imitations may prove dangerous.—A\v. A theory that has neither faith jior trust in its foundations doesn't amount to much. A Lady of Distinction » Is recognized by the delicate, fascinat ing Influence of the perfume she uses, A bath with Cutlcura Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores followed by a dusting with Cutlcura Talcum powder usually means a clear, sweet, healthy skin. —AdvertlsemenL Even n la*y man will hurry when a train stops ten minutes fot* refresh ments. One Trial Will Convlncs. You that Allcock's Plaster Is by far the quickest, safest and most certain rem edy forall local nches and pnlns.—Adv The evildoer Is afraid of his shadow —when it looks like a detective on his trail. . of "*fi" '* month* to that your ra milt* from ita uae will swell the rnmf from your land. ¥ * ' ■ '*••./ PERHAPS you didn't know that ferti- Rid yourself of the idea that all ferti lizer should be "cured" or "aged" in lizer is alike. This is no more true than that order that the food for soil can be more all land is alike, readily available when that food is needed. , . , The truth or this can be proven—not V This is one of the details of the ferti- ••one b y the enthusiaatii praise of success Kzer industry that few people know, but ful farmers who have used Royster'a. but itfs mighty important. Such "details" b y y° ur own experience, as this .represent the difference between U#e Royster «, thU ycar . Gi ve it a fair rr" d don ''■ h ~ (er,iU "' *■" profitable crops and crops that are not so 4 profitable. Grow better and larger crops by n«ii»g fertilizer that has been "cured"—that is To keep vast quantities of fertilizer for free from lumps—that haa been proven months represents an enormous supply and chemically correct by forty chemists—and a tremendous capital. Therefore, only a that has established a record for good Urge company like Royster's can offer this works over a long period of years. \ more effective "cured" fertilizer. for the name "ROYSTER" on the h*gf F. S. ROYSTER GUANO Ca NORFOLK - COLUMBIA . ATLANTA - MONTGOMERY ROYST ER Tield Tested Tertih'zers J. . • V', '» ;•• £ —• • •' , » _ • . WARNING-! J _ S POLES &a/ata6fa SPreparalioru o'#•* '.EXTRACT . «■ 4UZs _ op COD LIVER OIL ' COMPOUNO TO BE SURE SAY— Henry mala and directions on S. Wampole'i, Made In bottle for colds, wintry coughs. Baltimore, and proven best bronchial,catarrhal, chest and by millions of users for many throat troubles f and as a tonic, years. Results are frequently etc., when weak, unstrung, davs and weeks sooner. Avoid rundown, from sickness or inferior substitutes. See for- overdoing, etc Made In BALTIMORE—SoId Everywhere Reason for Teart Perhaps "Is she sentimental?" "Very! She will even weep over her old divorce papers."—Judge. 'TJANDEUOITBUTTER COLOR" A harmless vegetable batter color used by millions for 60 years. Drug stores and general stores sell bottles of "Dandelion" for 35 cents. —Adv. t OGo ahead when yon think you are right, but don't expect the croWd to follow you. Oood health dependn upon rood digestion. Safeguard your dliteatlon with Wrliht'a In ,'lan Vafrtable Ptlla and you aafeauard your haalth. >7J Pearl St.. N. T. Adv. Gossip thnt Isn't malicious hardly de serves the name. ' A crank Isn't a crank when he does you a good turn. . Sure Relief ifOR INDIGESTION W f?Sr3\BuStoX 6 BeutANS Hot water j Sure Relief DELL-ANS 25 AND 75i PACKAGES EVERYWHERE Stop* Eozema •allavaa thalnflamiratlen. Itakln* u4 Irrttaltaai •aatkaa mS ■•Mailt th* ikln a*S l«a»a« N aaiaatk anS spat I est. TETTERINE Tha aaaiplaalaa'i Nit Mmi Ms at faar Sras- Stafa ar fraa Ma SHUPTMttI 80.. SAVANNAH.U. EVESHUBI? ; raosT psoor Cabbage Plants EUbnasrassseisiftt 1000.11.60. Charvaa collect —at f LOO imt SMIL Bermuda Onion,. Lettuce, Col lard. Kala. Pill ifc Sprouts. Beata, Kohl-Rahl plants mam wttm. Satisfaction guaranteed. O. r. Jamison, Sunnnervllle, 8. Ca YOUNG MAN" Jet the Char lottaßarbar College teach yen a wo* Cbarlatla Barkw felleae, CkarteHa.NTC. PATENTS Booklet run MM W>yw,«44¥ir.SUll!jk?aC Far SS Ma Hill Deliver Twelve mmi peach 'reea, budded from bearinc orchards. Satisfaction auaranteed or money Motlfomtry. Nursery Co., Caader. N. C. mggr sn —nam — , HAIR BALSAM SINDERCORNa ■_«_» w. N. U.. CHARLOTTI, NO. ÜBI