THE GLEANER ISSUED KVEBY THOBBDA*. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. SI.OO A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. The editor will no.responsible for /lews eqpressed by correspondents. Bnterel at tno Pos office at Graham. N. 0., as BecuuU-class matter. GRAHAM. N. C., April 17, 1924. Gov. A 1 Smith of New York has thrown his hat in the ring for the Democratic nomination for Presi dent. Thoa. C. Carter of Mebano re ceived the Republican nomina tion in Greensboro last Saturday for Representative of the sth Congressional district in Con gress. Information comes from' Was hington through the piess dis patches that i c ish option bonus bill will pass. Yh President will hardly veto it, foi h« will want the soldier vote. Congress has { assed the Japan ese exclusion act by an over whelming m« jority. Japan is not pleased. Re -lly it was n>t ex pected she vould be. Perhaps the majority or it would not have been so large, if Japan had not i-hown an ugly disoosition. It is somewhat'of J. surprise to see the British press taking sides with Japan, but John Bull is liable to take almost any position that is or would be opposed to the United States. Tho Democratic State Conven tion meets in Raleigh today. The principal thing to be done will be the forming of a platform. An other thing it will do, according to advance information, will be to pledge to Josephus Daniels the support of the State delegation for his nomination for President. Ho may not get the nomination, but there is a chance, and it is the proper thing" for the North Carolina delegation to stand by him as long as there is a chance. PUBLISHER GOT $90,000 TEAPOT DOME MONEY. Demands Invesfigations of Official Corruption be Stopped - Among the Republican news papers which are demanding the instant * discontinuance of the Senate investigations into Repub lican official corruption is the Rocky Mountain News, of Denver, Colorado. This paper, like most of the others which are denounc ing the investigations, calls the proceedings "unconstitutional," and asks whether there is "any one in Washington these days with backbone enough to call a halt on the 'rump' court." Senator Walsh (Dem. Mont.) read into the Congressional Record an editorial published by the Rocky Mountain News and added this comment: "The Rocky Mountain News, it will be borne ii mind, is owned and published by one John C. Shaffer., whom the committee caught red-hatTde l with 890,000 of blood money that he got out of the TeapoO Dome transa )tion." Properly caret, for, the home garden is an object of beauty and is a silent b it impressive, testi mony of the indivisibility of Hu man effort; s many people iu so many places have worked togeth er for its crea ion; it demonstrates clearly the possibilities and re sults of cooperatior... Members i>f the C.eveland Coun ty Poultry Association are staging an egg-laying contest. With 113 t ens on test, Lawrence Hawkins lef. for January with 2,178 eggs produced. He used electric light*, turning them on at four o'clock in the morning, and found that it paid. The recent milk campaign in Cleveland county disclosed the fact that of the 4,500 children turning in cards, 1,334 are drink ing whole milk, 2,043 are drink ing tea and ooffee daily and 111 are taking milk to school with their lunch. « Happinees is success; misery is failure. DO-NOTHING CONGRESS. Verdict of G. 0. P. National Com mittee as to G. 0. P. Congress- Admission that the present Re publican Congress has accom plished little in the way of im portant legislation is made by the Republican National Committee in a statement designed to locate the blame on the Democratic mi nority. This plea of confession and avoidance is in line with the strategy adopted by the high com mand of the Republican organiza tion, -which foresees that the Hardiug-Coolidge administration is to be held to a rigid account ability not only for the corruption and mismanagement that have marked its career but also for the breach of promises made by its spokesmen in 1920 and since. "This Congress has been in ses sion four months," sa\s the Re publican Committee's apology. "It has not passed any major legisla tion. It has passed but one ap propriation bill. It has not en acted any laws to relievo the agricultural situation. It has not enacted a tax-reduction law. With the exception of a few private 'bills, it has done nothing in ihe way of legislation. It lias iioi even proposed or advanced any constructive program. On the other hand, is has blocked the program outlined by President Coolidge in his message io Con gress in December." This is a fairly accurate picture of the inertia and ineptitude of the Republican Congress. The responsibility for this failure and neglect is easily fixed. Re publicans have a majority in each branch of Congress. They con trol every committee b." a safe tfiargin. The rules under which Congress operates are of Repub lican' devising. All the adminis trative offices of the Government from which Congress ordinarily receives information, advice, and assistance are held by Republi cans. "If the Republican Congress can't function with all these powers and facilities at its dis posal the voters will doubtless take the coilrse that the Republi can Committee fears, namely, place the government of the coun try in other ai»d better hands'. Clothes for the Young Girl Graduates. Raleigh, N. C., April 15.—"For the graduation dress the materials may be white organdie, voile, doi ted swiss and net. It is not wise to say that all shall wear organdie for the stout girl cannot wear stiff materials without appearing more plump. Therefore the softer materials such as voile and soft net suit the rounder figure, while the slender girl appears to much better advantage in organdie or wiry dotted swiss,"' suggests Miss Maude E. Wallace of the home economics division of the State College of Agriculture. "-v. As to design, Miss Wallace states that the magazines give good suggestions which may be used, keeping in mind always that vertical lines increase height while horizontal lines decrease height and increase width. "If a different dress is needed for party or class day," says Miss Wallace, "then a simple silk may be chosen. A figured or striped wash silk or a figured or plain crepe de chine in a delicate shade becoming to the wearer will be suitable and be most serviceable for all Bummer wear. "AH to accessories, we must choose these with care, too. All wl.ite 'underwear of dainty ma terial wiih handwork, simple luce or embroidery for decoration, Is most suitable. White leather, kid or canvas pumps with low heels ami a good quality of ribbed lisle or heavy silk stockings will be suitable wi'h either of these dresses." Miss Wallace has, received a number of inquiries requesting information about simple, inex pensive clothes for the high school graduate. * The suggestions which she has given are considered most appropriate for this occasion and while the cloltiea suggested,, are not expensive iu«j taste and when properly made can be worn to advantage without burdening the parents with a heavy expense. v PI Cot Rml Mad wh»n I Loat My Han," writ** Mrs. Huwt, N.J. "Wtae I w*nt into our ten and found rar beat ' llfi.Oo. pkU« ol JUu Sup killed dx big rata Poultry ratonibould ua CogM la tahw.j»o miring. No until fromdMdnu. TVtewtv Pncn. Mc,6Sc,sl.2i Md aad guaranteed by ORAHAM DRUG COMPANY Track For Hire. Let us do your hauling of every kind, moving, etc. Have a new truck. Terms reasonable. Bkadsuaw & Fcj.ler. Phone 650 Graham, N. C { THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. 0. * HOME DEMONSTRATION CORNER By Miss Edna Reinhardt, County Home Demonstration Agent. Schedule of meetings for the week beginning April 14th: Monday p. m., Saxapahaw. Monday night, Burlington bas ketry class. Tuesday a. m., Whitney. Tuesday night, M. E. "Hut" in Graham. Wednesday a. m., Highlands; p. ni., Mahan. Thursday night, Elon. Friday p. in., night, SwepsOnville. Schedule of/ meetings for the week beginning Monday, April 21st: Monday p. m., Elon. Monday night, Alamance. Tuesday a. m., Stony Creek. Wednesday p. m., Kings. Friday a. m., Oakdale; Friday p. m., meeting of the County Council; Friday night, Elon. Club me tubers will notice that some regular meeting* are not scheduled. Where these are not mentioned the clubs are urged to hold the meetings without the Home Agent. More than 95 entries have already been made in the Home Improvement Contest and each entry will receive the personal at tention of the Home Agent. There are 30 active Home Demonstra 'tiouH/lubs in the county and these cluOs are well prepared to cary forwaru their work while special attention is being paid to the Home Improvement projects. Last week the Coi.nty Council of Home Demonstration Membors sent four representatives to Hon derson, Vance county, to visit the curb market there. These women, Mrs. Geo. Islev, Mrs. G. R. T. Garrison, Mrs. R. H. Culberson and Miss Ilattie Rogers, found both the city and countiy women enthusiastic over the results of the curb market there. Tbey be lieve that a successful curb market could be run iu and they say that the country people are ready to try it. ° What about the people of Burlington? What about entering this Home Improvement Contest. Ninety five projects havS"*already been scored by the judges, Mrs. Martin Buck, Mrs. J. J. Henderson and Mrs. W. J. Barker, and it is still not too late for you to enter. If you are too poor to paint, why be too proud to whitewash? "Little bedß of flowei^, Little coats of paint, Make a pretty home Out of one that ain't." Hall's Catarrh Medicine Those who are In a "run down" condi tion will notice that Catarrh bother* them much more than when they are in good health. Thl» fact proves that while Catarrh Is a local disease, It Is greaUy Influenced by constitutional conditions. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which assists In Improving the General Health. Sold by druggists for over 40 Tears. F. J, Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. Remember the thrill you used to get when you received a telo gram or a special delivery letter? Gas On Stomaeh May Cause Appendicitis Constant gas causes inflamma tion which may involve the ap pendix. Simple glycerine, buck thorn bark, etc., as mixed in Ad lerika helps any case gas on the stomach in TEN minutes. Moss medicines act only on lower bowei but Adlerika acts on BOTH npper and lower bowel and removes all gas and poisons. Excellent for obstinate constipation and to guard against appendicitis. Wrike Drug Company. Considering our stupidities the amazing factris that we get aloug as well as we do.' If a young man's worthless you can tell it 'by the way he smokes a cigarette. Why Mr. N. Windsor (R. I.) Put Up with Rate for Yaars "Yean *«0 I got not rat poixa. which nearly klßed oar fine watch dog. We pot op with rati until a friend told me about Rat-Snap. It rarely kilkrats. though hooepct* won't touch h." Kali diy up and leave no *mclL Prkak.JSc.6Se.vLU. Sold aad guaranteed to GRAHAM DRUG COMPANY, Notice ot Sale of Land. Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, made in a special pro ceeding entitled ''Allen D. Tate, Administrator of Love Alston, alias Love Dark, alias Love Barnett, deceased, VP. Sam Dark eta 1.," whereto all of the heirs at-law of the said Love Alston, alias as aforesaid, are duly con stituted -parties, the undersign ed commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Graham, Alamance county. North Caro lina, on SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1924, at 12 o'clock, noon, the follow ing described real property, to-wit: 1 • * A certain tract or parcel of land lying on the waters of Whitehead Creek in said county and bounded as follows: Beginning at a hickory, John Thompson corner; thence S 1£ deg W 28.85 chs to a rock, W. Moore's, 14 25 chs to willow on branch; thence N 1£ deg E 11 chs to stone; thence W 2.94 chs to stone; thence N 1+ deg E 17.13 cHs to Bivins' line; thence S 88£ deg E 6.25 chs to stake; thence S 1£ deg W 17.15 chs to stone; thence S 88£ deg E (5.90 chs to stone; thence S 1£ deg W 11.85 chs to Moore's line; thence S 87 deg E 5 chs to stone; thence N 1£ deg E 18.25 chs to stake; thence N deg W 7.80 chs to stone: thence N 1£ deg W 7.03 chs to stone; thence N 80 deg E 2.90 chs to stump; thence N 1£ deg E 3 chs to Bivins' line; thence with Bivins S 88£ deg E 5 cli 9 to the beginning, contain ing 27.7 acres, more or less. Terms of S&le: - The pur chaser wfH- be' required to pay one-third of his bid in cash on day of sale and balance will be payable in equal installments due in six and twelve months from date ot confirmation. De ferred payments to bear interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum, and title to be reserved until purchase priceis fully paid. This sale will be made subject to comfirmation of the court and will stand open twenty days for advance bids as provided bylaw. The dower of Canvass Alston covers 5.85 acres of the above described land including the dwelling house. This part of the place will be sold subject to said dower. This 10th day of April, 1924. WM. I. WARD, Commissoner. Mortgagee's Sale of Real Properly. Under and- by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed, execut ed by J. W. Gray and wife TolieGray, dated January 18th, 1928, and recorded in Mortgage Deed Book 81, page 256, secur ing a bond> f-or $1,875.00, de fault having been made in the payment of the said bond and the interest on the same, the undersigned will sell at auction to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Gra ham, on SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1924, at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described real estate, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in the County of Alamance and State of North Carolina, in- Patterson township, adjoining the lands of John D. Holt and others and bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at a stone, John D. Holt's corner, running thence S. 14.50 chs to a stone; thence W. 17.25 chs to a stone on the Herman Road; thence with said ' >T li (leg E. 6 chs and 4 Iks to a stone; thenr» W. 3 chs and llk to a stone; thence N. 1£ deg 2 chs and 2 Iks to A. J. Albright's line; thence E. 3 chs and 1 lk to A. J. Albright's corner on the Her man_Road; thence with the meandering of said Road 20.69 chs to a Black Jack thence S. 45 deg 20.75 chs to the begin ning, containing 40 acres, more or less. This sale will remain Open ten (10) days after the sale for ad vance bids as provided by law. Terms of Sale: Cash, i This 14th day of March, ,1924. ) J. E. WADE, Mortgagee. Wm. I. Ward, Att,y. STATEMENT Equitable Fire Insurance Company, Charleston, S. C. Condition Dec. 31, 1923, as Shown by Statement Filed. Amoun of Capital paid np ia cash $ 300,000.00 ( Am't of Ledger Assets Dec. 31st of previous year, $928,056.42; Increase of paid-up Capital, ) > Income—From Policyholders, $331,968.33; Miscel laneous, «62,499.17; Total, $ 394,467.50 Disbursements—To Policyholders $149,363.29; Mis cellaneous, $188,248.05; T0ta1,... $ 337,611.34 Fire Rinks—Written or renewed during year, , s4B,'; 45,959.71; In force $ 35,222,265.70 All Other Risks -Written or renewed during year, $2,518,898 92; In force, *. $ .6,604,377.00 | : ASSETS Value of Real Estate, $ 14,000.00 Mortgage Loaus on Real Estate.. .TTT 31,407.00 Loans secured by pledge of Bonds, Stocks, or other collateral 5,500.00 Value of Bonds and Stocks 869,512.45 Cash in Office : 5,034.82 Deposited in Trust Companies and Lankß not on interest '.. 9,810.5£ Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on Interest 14,895.43 Agents' balances, representing business written sub sequent to Octorber 1, 1923... 34,080.40 Agents' balances, representing business written prior to October 1, 1923 621.89 Interest and Rents due and accrued 7,531.40 All other Assets, as detailed in statement 30,057.55 T0ta1...., $ 1,022,501.53 Less Assets not admitted. 6-21.89 Total admitted assets $ 1,021,879.64 \ LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims $ 30,474.14 Unearned premiums 242,045.89 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, etc., due or accrued 30,000.00 Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county and mnnicipal taxes due or accrued.... 889.1G All other liabilities, as detailed in statement 250.00 Total amount of all Liabilities except Capital. $ 303,659.19 Capital actually paid.up in cash $300,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities 418,220.45 Surplus as regards Policyholders » 718,220.4 Total Liabilities. :... $ 1,021,879.64 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1923 - Fire Risks written $1,788,024.91; Premiums rec'd $ 25,4U2.18 All other. Risks written... 22,467.07; Premiums rec'd 8.14 Losses incurred—-Fire.... 12,862.73; Paid 11,172.45 Losses incur'd-AU other.. 1.41; Paid 1.41 President, David Hughes; Secretary Secretary and Treasurer, Wm. G. Mozyck. Home Office: Equitable Building, Charleston, S. C. Attorney for service: Stacey W. Wade, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, (SEAL) . INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, March 4, 1924. I, STACEY W. WADE, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Equitable Fire Insurance Company, of Charleston, S. C., filed with the Department, showing the condition of said Company, on the3lst day of December, 1923. J Witness my hand and official seal the day and year above written. STACEY W. WADE, Insurance Commissioner. _8844. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OP . 4 The National Bank of Alamance. At Graham, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business on March 31, 1924. RESOURCES. LnMii and discount*, Including rediscounts, acceptance* of other banks, and foreign bills of exchange or drafts sold with Indorse ment of this bank (exoept those shown In b and c)- (804,116 65 Xotal loans _. sßo*. 115.56 Overdrafts, secured, f unsecured, $396.22.... _.. 898.82 U. 8. bonds deposited to secure circulation (par value) 125,000.00 All other United States Government Securities.. 18.286.00 Total V. 8. Government Securities. 138,285.00 Other bonds, stocks, securities, etc _ ——— 4,600.00 Banking House, $5,000; Furniture and fixtures, (S3•> 8,800,0Q Lawful reserve with Federal Reserve Bank- ...._ 42,000.(1 Cash in vault and dne from national banks. 78,43107 Amount due from banks, bankers, and trust companies In the U. 8, (other than Included In Items 8, 0, and 10.. 85,881.03 Total of Items 9,10. U, 12, and 18. *114.812.19 Miscellaneous cash items 1.220,53 1,220.53 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. 8. Treasurer 6,250.00 Total 51,119,382.50 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in... 1125.000.00 Surplus fund- ................. 25,000.00 Undivided profits ; $27,373.04 Reserved for Interest and taxes accrued.. -$,111.00 Reserved f0r..... ——— 30,484 64 Less current expenses. Interest, and taxes paid. 4,501.63 25,982.65 Circulating notes outstanding- 125,000.00 Certified checks outstanding 4,100.10 Cashier's checks outstanding 4,985.45 Total of Items 21, 22, 23, 24, and fti. 9,035.46 Individual deposits subject to check... - 810,035.96 Total of demand deposits, other tha> bank depeslts. subject to Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed)— 223,798.58 Other time deposits .._..........„™...—.....„......„......i' 270.222.V4 Total of time deposits subject to Reserve, Items 32,88,84 and 88 498,016-62 Liabilities other than :hose above Stited „ 6,311.92 Total ..... .. 11,119,382^0 State ot North Carolina, County of Alamance, ss.- . l.jfthas. A. Scott, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear Uiat the above stat ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. CHAB. A. SCOTT, Caahler. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this 11th day oi April, 1924. Jj 8. COOK. Notary Public. My Commission expires 4-25-1925. (Notarial Seal) Corrects- Attest: , DON K. BCOTT, H. W. SCOTT. LVNN B. WILLIAMSON. Directors. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Baring qualified mi Administrator earn testa mento annexo of the estate of Oswald T. Boott, deceased. lata of Alamance oounty. North Carolina, this la to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said de ceaaed to exhibit them to the uDderslrafrf. duly authenticated, on or before the 20th day oflprU. IKB, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of tii» lr reoorery. All persons Indebted to sakl estate will please make immediate C. T. RUSSELL. Adm'r c. t. a. Oswald T. Mott, deo'd. J. Dolpfa Long, Att-y. lUftM KXKCUTRIX'S NOTICE. HtTlnr Gullitiii BxecutVlx of the will of Jthn W. Menefee. lece*aed, late of AIMMUIM county. North larolloa. this I* tonollijrall ptnoni having claim* aval nil the > Itate of raid d(■('«' *K d to exblMt them to tbe under lined, dulr authenticated, on or before the 20th day of Aprils IMS. or thta notice will to pleaded In bar of their recovery. All per aona Indebted to aald eetate will pieaae make immediate payment. Thla March 10.lttk _ MBU. KMMA ▼. MKNBFBE. ITaprtt Kx't-x of John W. Menefee. iJ. Dolph Lone, Attf, ' ? tV'"* •*;'s Sale of Land in Faucette Township. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alauiance county, in the special proceeding entitled E. L. Bos well, plaintiff, vs. Edna L. Bos well, Marvin T. Boswell, Bettie Lee Boswell and E. L. Boswell, Jr., minors, by their guardian ad litem, W. L. Leath, defend ants, the undersigned Commis sioner will, on MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1924, at 12 o'clock, noon, offer for Bale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door in Graham, Ala mance county, North Carolina, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Alamance county, North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of W. C. Sartin, W. J. and A. Cantrell, James W. Gilliam, W. M. Leath, P. M. Somers, heirs of Mrs. S. B. Matlock and others, and more particularly bounded and de scribed as follows: Beginning at a' rock, former ly a hickory tree, coiner with said W. J. Cantrell and Sartin, running thence N of deg E 21.15 chs to a rock, corner with said W. J. Cantrell; thence S 36 deg 30.11 chs to a post oak tr e, corner with said Gil'iam and A. Cantrell; N deg E 45.27 chs to a corner with said Leath in said Leath's line and in line of Alamance and Caswell counties; thence N 88 deg W 43.65 ens to a rock, cor ner with .said heirs of Leath and Somers, on E side of public road in said county line; thence 36£ deg W with said road 6.21 chs to a curve in said road; thence S 15 deg W 6 chs to a rock in said road, corner with said heirs; thence S 77£ deg YV 2.25 chs to a rock, corner with said heirs; thence S 43 deg W 3U chs to a rock, corner with said heirs and Sartin; thence S 4 deg 50' W (B, S. 4 deg) 32.80 chs to a, red oak tree, corner with said Sai'- tin; .thence S 85£ deg E 28 chs to a rock, corner with said Sar tin; thence N 4£ deg E 3.27 chs to a rock, corner with said Sartin; thence S 89£ deg E 9.75 chs to the beginning, contain ing 347. 5 acres, more or less. The above described land will be sold subject to the confirma tion of the court and will be held open twenty days after sale for increased bids as pro vided by law. This March 25th, 1924. E. S. W. DAMERON, Commissioner. Summons by Publication North Carolina— Alamance County, In the Superior Court. Mrs. Lucile Murchison vs. Thos. \f. Murchison. Thos. M. Murchison, the de fendant iu the above entitled action, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance county, North Carolina, by the plaintiff, Mrs. Lucile Murchison, for the purpose of obtaining an abso lute divorce from, the said Thos. M. Murchison, upon statutory grounds. The said defendant will fur ther take notice that he is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance county at the court house in Graham on Monday the 28th of April, 1924, and answer or demur to tha com plaint filed in said action, or the plaintiff will the Court for the relief cemanded in said complaint. Done this the 27th da}' of March, 1924. D. J. WALKER, Clerk Superior Court. J. Dolph Long, Att'y. 8-4t Rat-Snap Kills 48 Rats'* Writes Irrin Net-hood, Pennsylvania He nyi: "After using one htn paehn. wecounted « dead *?• thecarcaea. and hm nomelL Cats and dogs won't tooeh ft. Corneatn eonrenlen aiiecake. : nomSai with other food. Get a package today* li*r Idtchen «* eelhrt *e erib; turf far THE GRAHAM DRUG CO. . .V'MW 1 J