THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., May 8, 1924. Postoffiee Hons. Offlo open 7.00 a. m. toT.OOp. m. onday 8.00 toll.oo a. m. and 4.00 to M 0 p. n J. B. Postmaster. ♦ * LOCAL NEWS. 4 ♦ ' * ♦+++-M-+-M-+++++++++++++++++ . —Next Sunday is Mothers' Day. —Saturday, May 10th, is Confed erate Memorial Day. —Mr. J. N. H. Clendenin was able to be up street Monday for the first time in several weeks. He has had an attack of rheamatism and has to use a crutch; —The seasonable weather is af fording the farmers' a chance to do some of the work that the unfavor able* late winter and early spring weather kept them from doing. —Among the lawyers from a dis tance here thid week attending court are the following: £. S. A bell of Smitbfield, Robt. L. Ray of Selma and Walter D. Siler of Pittsboro. —The leaves are about full grown. By the 10th of May they are expect ed to be grown, but it staved cool so late —and there has been "too very warm weather yet this'spring—that it was scarcely expected. —Superior convened Monday with Judge E. H. Cranmer presid ing, had exchanged with Judge Sinclair. Only one divorce has been Jjied, but_tbe- court has been vers' busy with other matters. —P/pf- Foust, Supt. of School of Guilford county, under went a seriqns operation in Greens boro Monday night and his condition is reported critical. He is a son of Mrs. T. Foust, who. lives two miles Bouth of Graham.' - —Miss Eliee Thompson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Thomp son, in school at Greensboro College for Women, underwent an operation for appendicitis last Friday night at a hospital in that city. She is re ported as getting on nicely. —Mr. Dan. W. Kernodle, who was born and reared in this county, died in Greensboro last Friday night, aged 50 years. He was a son of the late Jas. M. Kernodle of Mor ton township. He is survived by his widow, one brother, Chas. R. Kernodle, and two sisters. The burial was in Greensboro. Illustrated Lecture to be Given at M. E. Hut There will be an illustrated lec ture given at the M. E. Hut May 22, subject: "As the ttrig is Bent." This, is the culminWlon of a study class for which "The Child ana America's Future" has been the text. Special Services at M. P. Church. Beginning Monday evening, May 12, special revival services will be held at Graham M. P. church for a -period of tqn days, Rev. J. H. Moton of High Point will conduct the meeting. The services will be held at 7:30 each evening, unless time is. changed later. Everybody is invited to attend and take part in services- Dinner for Veterans. , According to a custom of a num ber of years, the ladies of Graham, nnder direction of Graham Chapter of Daughters of the Confederacy will serve dinner on Saturday, May 10th, to the Confederate veterans. The dinner will be served in the Royal Ca e, which the proprietor, S. Assad, has generously tendered for the occasion. Commissioners' Proceedings- The Board met Monday in regular monthly session and transacted the following business: Rebecca Leath was allowed SB.OO per month while her husband is on roads, same to be furnished by Pat terson Grocery Co. An order was made to buy a new car for Miss 'Reinbardt, Home 'Demonstration Agent, by trading in old car and paying difference. It wis ordered that the county pay railroad fare for the confederate veterans to the Reunion at Memphis. Glycerine Mixture for Gas on Stomach Simple glycerine, buckthorn bark, etc., as mixed .in Adlerika, helps any case gas on the stomach In TKN minutes. Most medicines act only on lower bowel but Ad lerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel and removes all gasses and poisons. Brings oat matter thought was in your system. Excellent for obstinate Wrike Drug Company. ♦ ♦ ♦ PERSON. + ♦ f John B. Stratford left Monday for Charlotte on business. Mr. J. Elmer Long of Durham is here attending court this week. / Chas. Thompson spent the week end at homife from the University. Mr. E. S. Parker, Jr., of Greeps boro is here today attending court. Judge R. C. Strudwick of Greens boro is here this week attending court. . • Maj. L. P. McLondon, Solicitor, .of Darham, waa here a short while Monday. Mr. Heenan Hughes attended the Ptate meeting of Red men at Gas tonia the first of the week. Rev. C. L. Spencer of Kernera ville, former pastor of Graham M. P. church, was here Friday. Mr. J. D. Moon waa called to Pittsburgh, Pa., the first of the week on account of the illness of Mrs. Moon. . Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Allen spent last Friday and Saturday at Pinehurst attending the meeting of the iitate Bar Association. Mr. and Mrs. Junius H. Harden, Mrs. J. D. Kernodle and Mrs. J. J. Henderson attended the funeral of Gen Carr in Durham last Sunday afternoon. - Jurors for 2nd Week May Term and June Criminal Term. At their sitting Monday the Coun ty Commissioners drew two sets of jurors -one for the 2nd week (be ginning June 2nd) of the May civil term which begins May 26th, and the other for the June criminal term which begins 4una 16th, by town ships as follows: Patterson—June 2: S A. Alex ander; June 16: W. A. Stout, A. B. Crouse, Geo. I. Beal. Coble—June 2: W. A. Johnson; June 16: Lacdy J Watkins, S. R. Stafford, U. D. Graves, R. L. Coble, • Boon Station —June 2: Alfred Apple, EliaS Coffin, G. W. B/own; June 1(5: B. W. Tickle, C. A. Thompson, Ingram Wheeley. Morton—June 2. C. A. Danielly, R. V. Moore. Faucette—June 2: C. H. Dickey; June 16: C. C. Wilson, J. J. Gar rison, C. Roy WiUon, J. M. Wallace; R. T. Kernodle. Graham—June 2: Robert Clapn; June 16: W. T. v Wilson, C. R. Mann. Albright—June 2: Judge N. Sharpe, Luther Thompson; June 16: C: M. Neese, J. S. Graves, J. A. Albright, A. M. Isley, J. H Coble. Newlin —June 16: W. A. Foust, F. P. Ellington, Walter R. Andrews. Thompson—June 2: W. C. Kirk patrick, G. S. Shore, W. Benton Thompson; Jnbe 16: Lawrence E. Tomer, Graham W. Crawford, R. M. Lashley. Melville—June 2: F. L. Elkins, T. B. Pettigrew, A. S. Sykea, M. W. Ferguson; Jane 16: W. B. James, W. C. Weatherly, A. A. Fuller, T. C. Phillips, Ernest Catea, U. S. Ray. Pleasant Grove—June 16; J. D. Pritchett, A. J. Land, J. A Myatt. Burlington—June 2: Freeman Neese, W. W. Lasley, C.-D. Gitlis, Waller E. Bell, Geo. L. Thomas, P. P. Keck; June 16: R. L Bough ton, W. V. Copeland, Jesse Hall, C. C. Fonville, J. M. Hayes, Roger Gant. I) Wby^Pdoeson —because, while its wiaga tend to keep it afloat, its propellers drive it ahead with sufficient force to over come the* downward pull of qrcavHy. In the daily thrive of work sad play. Castor Oil helps to keep the system internally clean aSd functioning smoothly. Pnretest Castor Oil is made by a new process wbicb renders it absolutely pure. Not nauseating like old-fash ioned castor oil, but easy to take. One of 300 Puretest preparations for I health and hygiene. Every item the best that skill aad care can produce, ; GRAHAM DRUG COMPANY In Memory of J. L. Scott, Jr. Hall of Thoft. M. Bolt Lodge No. 492, A. F. and A. M.: Whereas, the Supreme Grand Master of all Masons has removed from onr midst oar Brother, Johu Levi Scott, Jr., end transferred him to that undiscovered country, from whose bourne no traveler returns; and, Whereas, the earnest faithfulaess and devoted loyalty with which Brother Scott discharged every duty to his Lodge and to his country leaves a vacancy that ia hard- to fill; Therefore, be it resolved by Thos. M. Holt Lodge No. 492, A. F. and A. M., That while we submissively bow to the wiR of the Great Architect of the Universe, we are made to sorrow by the vacant place in our midst, and join hia family and other friends in a sadness that is lessoned by the belief that it is well with him. ■ That we extend to his family our sincere sympathy in their bereave ment. That a copy of these resolutions be spread on' the minutes of the Lodge; a copy sent to the family of Brother Scott, and a copy sent to the Orphans Friend and to the Ala mance Gleaner. J. S. COOK, C. C. THOMPSO'K, H. C. WALKEK, Cbmmittee. Graham, N. C., May 3, 1924. right now to nourish the system and tobnildup strength and Scott a. Bowne. Bloomfield. N. J. ZyS £ A structural iron worker mint get a thrill out of his work equal to that of a tiapeze performer sometimes we envy both of them. The trouble with a perfect set of natural is thai everybody thinks they're false. "Do Rats Talk to Eaoh Other?" Asks Mr. M. Batty, R. I. "1 cot fire calee oi Kit-Soap aad threw piece* around feed (tore. Got about half a dozen dead rati a day for two solid week*. Suddenly, they tot fewer. Now we haven't any. Who told them about Rat. Snip;" Rats dry up aad leave no smell. Three iiica: 35c, 69c, (1.25. Sold aad guaranteed by GRAHAM DRUG COMPANY. To gain a permanent peace we often have to stir up a temporary storm. TWICE'-TOLD TESTIMONY Graham People Are Dolig AU Tbey ' , Can for fellow Graham testimony has been pub lished to prove the merit of Doan's Pills to others in Graham who suffer from bad backs and kid ney ills. Lest any sufferer doubt this evidence of merit, we produce confirmed proof—statements from Graham people -who again endorse Doan's Pills—confirm their former testimony. Henafa a Graham cage; Mrs. Bettie L. Pickard, W. Elm St., says: "I was troubled with a doll nagging pain in the small of my back and I was nervous and so dizzy, that black specks would blor my sight. My kidneys were irregu lar in action. I • bought Doan's Pills at the Graham Drug Co. and one box cured the aches in my back and the dizziness 'eft. I can't praise Doan'a highly enough." (Statement given July 11, 1918.) On April 20, 1923, Mrs. Pickard said: "Doan's have always helped me whenever I use them for back ache or irregular kidney action. I am glad to confirm my fosmer state* ment." 1 60c, at all dealers. Foster Mil barn Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. War\t Ads- Two cents a * »rd in iliis size type, cash with order. N'> ad for lews than 25c. One-fourth off for more than 2 times. Ask for terifrs on long time and Urger type. WANTED—Students work in office while taking bqainoas course. Tuition paid from guaranteed posi tion after graduation. Edwards Business College, High Poi'it, N. C. GUARANTEED Hemstitching aad Picuting Attachment. Fits any ■swing machine. $2.50 prepaid or C. O. D. Circulars free. ' LaFlesh Hemstitching Co., Dept. 2, Sedalia, Mo. EXCAVATING, YARD GRAD ing. Topaoil for yard furnished. An/ kind team work. 0. A. Whittampre, Phoae 203 M Gnhaiu. N.C. w • " '• , - y V s • '■ . ••. THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, GRAHAM, N. C. Commissioner's Land Re-Sale. Under the power vested in the undersigned by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, in a special proceeding entitled S. C. For rest, Adm'r of E. W. McAdams, et a', vs. Hubert McAdams el al., I will offer for sale at pub lic auction to the highest bid der, at' the court house door in Alamance county, at 12:00 M. o'cfyek, on FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1924, the followiug described tract of land, situate in said county and in Pleasant Grove township, ad joining the lands of W. J. Teer, Tillman, S. E. Tate, the J. W. Stainback estate and others, and being the land conveyed to E. W. McAdams and J. C. Mc- Adams by deed of J. S Cook, Commissioner, and known as the Eleauor McAdams property, containing 162 acres, more or less. The interest to be is the undivided one-half interest of the said E.'W. McAdams. Sale itiade to make ass?ts to pay debts. Terms of Sale: One-third cash, balance in equal install ments of six and twelvemonths, with interest on deferred pay ments at the rate of (i per cent with pivilegu to purchaser fo anticipate deferred payments upon confirmation of Kale. This is a re-sale on ac ount of an advance bid and biddingwill start at $500.00. This the 521 st April, 1924. S. C. FORREST, Gattis & Gattis, Att'ys. Notice of. Sale of Land. Pursuant to an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, made in a special pro ceeding entitled ''Allen D. Tate,- Administrator of Love Alston, alias Love Dark, v alias Love Barnett, deceased, VP Sara Dark eta 1.," whereto all 6f the heire at-law of the said Love Alston, alias as aforesaid, are duly con stituted parties, the undersign ed commissioner will offer for sale to the highest bidder, at the court house door in Graham, Alamance county. North Caro lina, on SATURDAY, MAY 17,1924, at 12 o'clock, noon, the follow ing described real property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land -lying on the waters of Whitehead Creek in said county and bounded as follows: Beginning at a hickory, John Thompson corner: thence S 1$ deg W 28.85 chs to a rock, W. Moore's, 14 25 chs to willow on branch; thence N li deg Ell chs to stone; thence W 2.94 chs to stone; thence N li deg E 17.13 chs to Bivins' line; thence S 88i deg E 6.25 chs to stake; thence S li deg W 17.15 chs to stone; thence S 88i deg E 6.90 chs to stone; thence S li deg W 11 85 chs to Moore's line; thence S 87 deg E 5 chs to stone; thence N li deg E 18.25 chs to stake; thence N #B£ deg W J.BO chs to stone; thence N li deg W 7.03 chs to stone; thence N 80 deg E 2.90 chs to stump; thence N li! deg E 3 Chs to Bivins' line;! thence with Bivins S 88i deg E' 5 chs to the beginning, contain-1 ing 27.7 acres, more or less. Terms of Sale: The pur chaser will be required to pay j one-third of his bid in cash on day of sale and balrime will be payable in equal installments due in six and twelve months from date ot confirmation. De ferred payments to bear interest at the rate of 0 percent per annum, and title 6) be reserved until purchase price is fully paid This sale will be made subject to comflfrniation of the court and will stand open twenty days for advance bids as provided bylaw 7 The dower of Canvass Alston covers 5.85 acres of the above described land including the dwelling l»Mise. This part of the place will be sold subject to said dower. This 10th day of April, 1924. WM. I. WARD, Commiesoner. —I The miuute a fellow quits smok ing all hji» friend* begin to bin cigars. v - jp _,, ' .V- r.T * v SOUTHERN RAILWAY I SYSTEM , ' '' ' •s. *rl" rr y 1 'JS®/' % equals a hundred thousand ton-miles. ' B IfKST WfjEfi mile railway system, with 60,000 w WM vemployees, does every twenty-four B V hours. Our average daily perfarm- Bf «. 81106 "* 1923 shows 111686result3: Di * taMU ' run by train* 130,000 write* JjjjmjY t CotJ burnod by looomoHr— 14,000 torn s _ ||Py items by 365 the result will be a year's \ on the Southern Rail- THE SOUTHERN SERVES THE SOUTH Sale of Real Estate Under 1 First Mortgage Deed of Trust. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain mortgage deed of trust ex ecuted to the Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Company, Trustee, on the 80th day of August, 1919, securing the payment of certain bonds described therein,' which mortgage deed of trust is duly probated and * recorded injthe office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, North Carolina, in Book of Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 79, page 278, default having beea made in the payment of said bonds and interest thereon as provid ed and set out in said mortgage deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will, on MONDAY, JUNE 2, 1924, at 12 o'clock, noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court house door of Alamance county, at Graham, North Carolina, the fallowing described real estate, to-wit: The following tract or parcel of lan I in Alamance county and I State of North Carolina, adjoin-1 ing the lauds of J. \V. Catea and others and bounded as 10l- j lows: Begiuning at an iron bolt on! Gilmer Street, on corner of T. 1 G. Nicholson's lot, running; thence S 30 deg W 100 ft to an j iron bolt; thence N 89 deg 30'j W 200 feet to an iron bolt on J. | VV. Cates' line; thence N 30 degl E with said Cates' line 100 ft on I corner of T. G. Nicholson's lot; j thence with said Nicholson's line j | S 89 deg 30' E 200 ft to the be ' ginning containing about one | half an acre, more or less; on which lot is located a six-room modern cottage. This sale will be made subject |to increase bids as provided by | law, and will be ten days after saleAto give oppotr j tunity for such bids. This 25th day of April, 1924. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co., Trustee. King & Thomas, Att'ys STATEMENT Concordia Fire Insurance Company, Milwaukee, Wis. Condition Dec. 31, 1923, m Shown by Statement Filed. Amount of Capital paid np in cash ...... $ 1,000,000.00 Am't of Ladder Assets Dec. 3lst of previous year, $4,853,245 01; Increase of paid-up Capital, •250,000.00; Total, $ 5,108,246.01 Income—Prom Policyholders, 13,280,691.24; Miscel laneous, »455,979.73; Total, $ 3,736,570.97 Disbursemcnts-To Policyholders #1,486,706.28; Mis cellaneous, $1,782,348.66; Total, $ 3,269,054.94 Fire Risks—Written or/renewed during year, #518,808,23100; In force $ 513,714,600.00 All Other Rinks -Written or renewed during year, $41,650,968 00; In force,.. $ 58,522.779.00 ASSETS Mortgage Loans on Ileal Estate 1,573,300.00 Value of Bond* and Stocks . * 3,120,240.00 Cash in Company's Office Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks on interee| 261,938.66 Agents' balances, representing business written sub sequent to Octorber 1, 1923 600,476.8* Agents' balance*, representing business written ''.-j prior to October 1, 1923 5,495,75 Interest and Kent* due and accrued 63,785.5(1 All other Assets, as detailed in statement. ' 62.332.78 Total $ 5,696,889.83 Less Assets not admitted 5,495.75 Total admitted assets # 5,691,393.58 N LIABILITIES Net amount of uupni'l losses and claims # 266,510.72 Uheafßdri premium* 3,519,8 .'4.78 KstiiiiHted amount payable for Federal, State, couo'y mid uiunicipiltaxes due or accrued.... 80,000.00 Couth;tf«'ii • ni's, or other charges due or accrued, 10,000.00 All othvr liabilities, asdetatled in statement 10,000.00 Total amount of all L ! a'»ilities except Capital. $ 3,880,335.50 Capital a*m*hy paid n;» in ej*sh... . .#1,000,000.00 Surplus over nil lin illtien. .. i........ 805.058.08 j Surplus as fegsrds Policyholders. 1.805,058.08 Total Liabilities.-. •" 5,691,393.58 .. DURING 1923 Fire Rinks written $7,493,988.00; Premlumsree'd *118.895.21 ' Lo-'-es incurred—Fire.... 70,424.37; Paid 100,1G4.16 Presi lent, William E. WolUrger; Secretary, Richard E. Burden jburjj; Treasurer, Richard E. Burdenburg. Olll'c: Milwaukee, Wis. Attorney for service: Stacey W. Wade, Insurance Commbsioner, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, | (BE A I.) I NSUKANCK DEPARTMENT, I, STACEY W. WADE, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify § i that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the y • Coneordia Fire Insurance Company, of Milwaukee, Wis., filed with 1 th« shoving the condition of said Company, on the3lsC 1 j W*it liens in v IDIIM' i Hi' ial seal the day and written* 1 ■ ,■