THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., Aug. 21, ! 924. Postoftiee Honrs. Offlo open LOO a. m. toT.OO p. m. unday 9.00 totl.oo a. m. and 4.00 to 6.00 p. m J. B. GUTHBISi, Postman tar. ♦+♦+♦++++■• ++++++++++i+++++ ♦ ♦ + LOCAL NEWS. + ♦ + ■ t ,1. 1 ■ » « ■ ■«■«■«■ a a « a a § » ■ «. ▼TTTTTTTWTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT —The Angelia Phillips Bible Class of the M. E. Church will give an icecream festival on the lawn of Mrs. Sam Freeze on Wednesday evening, 27. Evejryone is in vited. —This afternoon Mrs. Chas. A. Thompson is entertaining Graham Chapter of the Daughters of tde Confederancy and her daughters, Misses Elise and Catharine Thomp son are entertaing the -Jacob A. Long Children's Chapter. —The first week in September will be observed as Bible Study week by the women of the M. E. Church. There will be a Study Class held each evening using the Epistle to the Romans as a text All members of the chuch and' any others that care to come are invited. —The fallowing boys: David Long Archie Harder, Robert Rich, Tur ner Harden and Watt Cooper of Gra ham and Alton Kirkpatrick of Swep bonville returned last week from the peach orchards in the vicinity of I'inbhurst where they worked dur ing the heavy peach shipping sea son. —Rev. Alfred L. Zachary, aged 60 years, a prominent minister of the Friends church and a successful farmer, died suddenly at hit home in Newlin township last Fridav afternoon. He was highly esteemed by his neighbors and all who knew him. He is survived by his widow and eleven children. » r —A reunion of the descendants of John Wilson, who lived a few miles west of Chapel Hill a'iout a 100 years ago, was held at Danascus 1 Christian church, miles west of 1 Chapel Hill, last Sunday. Chas. A. and W. Ernest Thompson of Gra ham are among the descendants of the 4th or sth generation. Those who attended from here were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. A. Thompson and daughters, Misses Elise and Catha rine, Mr. and Mrs. Ecu st Thomp son and little daughter Sarah Bell, J.Edgar Long and,-Jas. 11. Rich. Alexander Wilson Students Visit Mountains. A number efHboys and girls fioin Alexander Wi'son High School spent last week at Glade Valley in Alleghany county. The party was in charge of Mr. W. L. Cooper and Miss Florence Gray and consisted of nineteen girls, eighteen boys and four cbaperones. ( The party left Graham early Mon day morning making the trip by automobiles. While at Glade Val ley the students stopped at tbe High School dormitories. Programs con sisting of hikes, mountain trips, picnics, games, stunts, lectures, etc., were planned for each day. The young folk returned Saturday after a very pleasant and profitable trip to the mountains. ✓ Cotton Ginning Company for Graham. A new enterprise will shortly be launchtd in Graham, and will be lo cated at D. M. Johnson's Mill and Feed Store. Diie to the increased acreage of cotton this year, new gins are being installed at several points in Ala mance D. M. Johnson and John T. Black, two of Graham's en ter prising and progressive business men, hsve purchased and will short ly begin the installation of a modern system gin outfit at Graham. The outfit to be installed here is manufactured by the Continental Gin Company, Atlanta, Gs. It will consist of two 70-saw Munger Dou ble Rib Holler gins, cleaning feed ers, suction elevator, double-box press, mechanical tramper, etc., aod will be driven by an Electric motor. The outfit will have a capacity oi upwards of 25 bsles of cotton per day snd is unequaled for sample, turn-out and durability. Messrs. Johnson and Black are weU and favorably known to tbe far mers of this setifion and we feel sure that their enterprise in installing a modern cotton gin will be rewarded by a large patronage. They will also buy cotton snd seed, I so you may kill three birds with one stone —have them gin your cotton and then, sell them both seed and cotton at market prices. Truck For hire. Let us do your, hauling of every kind, moving, etc. Hsve a new truck. Terms reasonable. ~ Bramhav & Fuller, Phone 650 Graham, N. C ♦ 4 ♦ PERSON. 4 ♦ ; ■» : Miss Estelle Brown of Hillsborc spent the week-end here witli friends v John Hocutt nf Chapel Hill spent Tuesday here with his mother al Mr. R. L. Holmes'. Mr. R. C. Lawernce, prominent lawyer of Lumberton, was here Tuesday on buisness. • Miss Eunice McAdams of Salis bury is visiting Misses Elizabeth and Annie Ruth Harden. Mr. and J. Dolph Long and Master George left yesterday for Wrightsville to spend a week. Mrs. Sam Bunn of Wilson and Mrs. Fernie Smith of Rocky Mount visited Miss Lucile Walker last week. Miss Catharine Miller of Golds boro came last Sunday to spend a week with her, sister, Mrs. Willie A. WcAdams. Mr. Allen B. Thompson spent the first of the week with his uncle, Mr. Kerr Thompson, near Sermora, Cas well county. Mr. Chas. D. Johnston', Supt. of the Christian Orphanage at Elon College, and Mrs. Johnston were here ior a short while Saturday. . Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Holleman of High Point were here a while Tues day and from here they went to Chapel Hill and were accompanied by Dr. Will S. Long, Jr. Rev. and Mrs. G. M. Daniel and Missess Edna Reinhardtand Estelle Brown left here Monday morning on ananto tour to Washington, New York and Boston. Mr. M. L. King of The Gleaner force, after spending a two months vacation with relatives iu Danville, returned Sunday to resume his work. His friends are glacT to see him back. Rev. and Mrs Geo. L. Cooper of Durham spent a part of last week with relatives here and in the county. Mr. Cooper is off on his vacation and they were traveling in a Ford coupe, a present from his congrega tion. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Pettiway of Tampa, Fla., who stopped here two weeks ago on their Way to Asheville, returned Tuesday evening, spent the night at Mr. R. L. Holmes' and left Wednesday morning for their home. They were accompanied on their Asheville trip by Herman Flanigan of this place. Mr- and Mrs. J. Arthur Kernodle of Auburn Ala., and daughter, Mrs. Benton Burney and son George R., accompanied by their niece Miss Callie Kernodle of Greensboro, spent a few hours with Maj. and Mra. J vJ. Henderson Monday. They were traveling by auto and toured up through Tenn. and came in by wsy of Asheyille. They spent the latter part of last week and the first of this with relatives in the county. Stuckey-Loy. On last Saturday afternoon at 4:20 o'clock Miss Mary Stnokey and Mr. George F. Loy of Burlington were united in marriage at the home of the bride's Bister, Mrs. J. E. King, in Graham, Rev. G. M. Daniel per forming the ceremony. The bride has made her home with her sister for the past two years and is a popular and charming young woman. Tbe groom Is an esteemed young busi ness man of Burlington. Their freinds wish them much happiness. Jas. W. Holt, Jr., Celebrates 9th Birthday. Master James W. Holt, Jr., cele brated his ninth birthday, Aug. 20, with a birthday party. About thirty of bis little friends from Graham and Bualington were invited. After the little folks had played games for awhile they were invited into tbe dining room. Tbe table was beautifully decorated in pink and green. The little host blew out the nine candles on the big birthdsy cake. Miss Nina Holt cut the birthday cake and little Misses Winell Courtney of Folkston, Ga., ana Margaret Rogers of Burlington served delicious cream and cake and mints. Mrs. Holt wss assisted in enter taining the guests by Mrs. Nett Courtney of Forlkston, Ga., Mrs. I. I. Henderson and Miss Holt snd Ruth Henderson and Miss Winnell Courtney of Folkston, Ca. right BOW to nourish the system anA to build «p strength and resistance.' ah**—— Urm i* Allen B. Thompson Represents Pilot £ Life Ins. Co. £ Mr. A. B. Thompson, local rep resentative of the Pilot Life Insnr ) ince Company, of Greensboro, N. 0., i has received announcement of Company's plans for the 1925 agency • convention to be held in New York t City in Jane. A novel feature of the con'vention will be a day's cruise k up the Hudson river aboard a ( steamer chartered for the excluaive use of these qualifying as members of the Pilot company's vsrious agency clubs. A {stop will be made 1 at West Point, and the annual ban quet will be held ship. The I convention each year is in the form • of a "sales congress," and several business sessions are held during [ which the latest ideas in life insur ; ance salesmanship and service are discussed. , Approximately . 200 attended tbe Pilot's 1924 convention held the middle of July at Atlantic City. The indications are that the 1925 convention will be even more largsly attended. Graham Schools Open Sept Bth. Graham Public Schools will open , Monday, Sept. Bth. All pupils sre expected to present themselves for enrollment at 9 o'clock a. m. on the date named. A full force of teachers has been secured to take up the work this fall. It is felt that a strong corps > will be in charge of class room work when the tefrii opens, They sre ss follows: \ Primary Grades: ' ■. Miss Mary Weeks, ; Sootlsnd Neck. " Gertrude Finder, Hickory. " Lala Browning, Graham. - Mrs. 1.1. Henderson, Graham. Miss Louise Cooper, Graham. " Gussie Jones, Lsuriuburg. Grammar Grades: * Miss Margaret Harden, Graham. Mrs. L. C. Allen, Graham. Miss Lina Wade, Morehead City. " Lela Markham, Durhsm. " Julia Holt, Burlington " Ruby Graham, Pulaski, Va. " Mary Walker, Graham. High School: ■» Mr. H. G. Mcßane, Saxapabaw, . Principal, ; Miss Florins Robertson, Burling ton. Miss Grace Henderson, Monroe. " timma Mars ton, Henderson. " Elizabeth Mcpherson, Shiloh. Negro 8chool: J. E. Boykin, Burlington, Princi pal. r r Fannie B. Heardem, Greensboro. Lenora Coltrane, Greensboro. Mary J. Holt, Burlington. • Criminal Court Proceedings. The criminal court closed Friday afternoon, the docket having been disposed of. It was a large docket. The following drew fines, jail or road sentences, Ac: ' Jack Gerringer, gambling, SSO and costs. Gos Whitt, larceny, 6 mos. on roods unless costs paid during term. Rpbsrt Albright, larceny, 3 mos. >. on roads; and another 3 iuo». term lor receiving. Euliss Austin, assault, $25 snd 1 costs. Bertha Walker, whiskey, C mos. in work house. > Jasper Holt, concealed weapon, i SSO and costs. Buck Horner, assault with deadly weapon, 3 mos. on roads. EVI. Gil ley, prostitution, 18 mos. on roads. Jake Yoae and Clonie Hooper, larceny, not less than 3 nor more i than s*years in State's prison fur each. P. K. McCoy, larceny, 3 mos. on roads;' one month additional in another case* Joe Smith, making liquor, 12 mos. on roads. Alfred Self, driving auto while drunk, 3 mos. on roads. Ed. Wilkes, f. and a. 6 mos. on rosds. W. E. Simpson, selling stock without licence, to psy two persons SIOO esch, ftJOO fine and costs. I Roscoe Williams, assault, $25 and costs. Ernest Fields, false pretense; ver dict insane;, sent to hospital for dsngerous iu*sue Sylvester Hester, larceny, 6 mos. ff ' ~ J ~- —for pointing water 18 mos. on roads, j Haywood Bolejack, larceny, I States prison not less than 18 mos. nor mors than t ysars. Georgie and Lovey Rudd, disor derly house, first 6 in CM. snd latter 12 mos. in work house. ANNOUNCEMENT For Register of Deeds. I have dwidfd In Income a candidate for the nomination for Register of Deeda before the Demo cratic Convention. Will appreciate tbe support of tbe ritixen* of Ala mance Comity in this behalf. Geo roe W. Holmes, Ja. y ' THB ALAMAKOI GLEANER, QRAHAM, M. q Southwest Alamance. ""'Thursday, the 14, closed a very successful revival meeting at Mt. Zion Baptist Chtuch, con ducted by Rev. J. A.. Hackney of Morganton, assisted by Rev. Wesley Sprinkle also Of Morganton. Both are strong men and did a good work in the community. R«v. Sprinkle's 13- year-old son was with him and did some fine singing. Everybody in the community is visiting the peach orchsrds at Can dor and other places, and if it is just fiue peaches they wanted to see they could have seen them at M. R. Kimrey's and O. W. Clapp's. The quality is fine but the quantity much less. A crowd of Durham people visited in the community Saturday The club boys that visited Wash ington and other points on their trip report a grand time, with lots of fun and sightseeing. Wheat threshing is over and fod der pulling is the next thing in or der. Corn in some places is extra A WELL KNOWN RESIDENT Mr. Garrett Tells of an Interesting Experience. There are few men in Graham bet ter known—none, whose opinion would better be respected than Mr. Qarrett's. He is only one of many Graham people who have given Doan's Pills their public en dorsement. Surely Gleaner readers cannot ask for more convincing evi dence. W. W. Garrett, hotel proprietor, says: "I think Doan's Pills are a good kidney medicine, as I have used them with the best of re suite. I had a dull ache in my back most all the time and this annoyed and distressed me. The action of my kidneys was poor and the secre tions were scanty, highly colored and burned dnriug passage. I.bought a supply of Doan's at the Grabam Drug Co. and after a short use, mv kidneys acted regularly again and I wasn't troubled any more with back ache." 60c at all dealers. Fostsr-Mllburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. V. War\t Ads Two cents A w>rd in this size type, eash with order. No ad for less than 25c. One-fourth off for more than 2 times. Ask for terms on long time and larger type. WANTED:—Men or women to take orders for genuine guaran teed hosiery for men, women, and children. Eliminates darning. Salary $75 a week full time, $1.60 au hour spare tifne. Beautiful Spring lino. INTERNATIONAL STOCKING MIMA 19-10t Norristown, Pa. Summons by Publication. North Carolina, Alamance Ci»n»«v In Ue Superior Court. Eefore the CUrk. The Christian Orphanage VB. J. W. P. McKinney and Fannie A. McKinney. The defendants, J. W. P. Mc- Kinney and wife, Fannie A. McKinney, in the above entitled action, will take notice that on the 16 day of August, 1924, a summons was issued in said action against the said defend ants by D. J. Walker, Clerk Superior Court of Alamance county, North Carolina; said suit being instituted by the plaintiff for the recovery of the sum of SBOOO.OO due and owing plaintiff by the defendants fori the care, custody, maintenance I and education of' the threu minor children of the said de fendants since October, 11)12. Said sunftnons is returnable before thu Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance county at his office in Qraham on the 22nd day of September, 1924. The said defendants will also take notice that a warrant of attach ment was issued by said Clerk of the Superior Court of Ala mance county on the 1(1 day of August, 1934, agaipst the prop erty of the said defendants, which warrant is returnable be fore the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance county on the 22nd day of September, 1!>24. Let said defendants take notice that they are required to appear and answer or demur to the cymplaint filed in the said action 'within the time prescribed by I 1 law, or the relief therein de manded wiil be granted. Done this the 10 day of Aug* ■ ust, 1984. D. J. WALKER. Clerk Superior Court. good and some is drowned out.' The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Smith had the misfortune to fracture hia arm a few days ago. * Mrs. John Stewart of Oakdale is right seriously sick at this writing. The community waa very much grieved to learn of the death by ac cident of Dr. W. S. Lmg. He is remembered by us aa one among our very beet educational workera. He had our school system in good shape and things ran smoothly on, and if l am not very much mistaken it has since been very much like children who build play houses and then tear them down just to see what a mess they can make and then rebuild them to be torn down again. C ASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Yeers * _______ "Rains have ceased and crops, especially cotton, aro improving, is the cheerful news sent in to State College by many connty farm agents now. Modern Bungalow for Sale. The new six-room Bungalow of John J. Snyder on West Elm Boule vard will be sold at once. Terms reasonable. See Lacy B. Bradsbaw, if interested. 15-tf f T tear Art you self-conscious about the impression you make on people? PERSONAL appearance hai a lot to do with the way you fed. Clothe* count, of course. But (till there if one thing so many people overlook—something that at once brands them ai either fastidious or carelen — the uetk. Notice today how you, yourself, watch another person s teeth when he or the ia talking. If the teeth are not well kept they at once become a liability. ItouHm Tmlt PnU ritmu Mi •mm mtt. AtUt—r thtmitlt a pttuHat fcifrwMMf itl nmilt tUmut mMt jtaeSmmZ A large tube of I.uterine Tooth Paste ia only 25 cents; at your arug giit't.—Lambert Pharmacol Co., Saint Louis, U. S. A. Moonelon Park! Pure spring water for bathirg flowing through all the time. Motor Boats, Row Boals > v °u are invited to picnic with us. Special rates and special atten tion given to parties and picnics. No charge for children under six years. x Come! Good Music All the Time. ' * g? jMfIfDINFt Clean, 'Clear, Healthy Beautiful Eyes Are a Wonderful Asset rftl/ffffTja. JV&b Murine is Cleansing, Soothing, yF'jr *+ Refreshing and Harmless. YOU Will Like It. IUILN Ml Mr Book on "Eye Care" or "Eye Beauty" MRT B *^D».H.FC.TB.6U.FT,CU A W> AWOMRMPM ? ~Z- • ThonM 1 -- p ~**ni*e the Usefulness of Pe-ru-na Are Never Without It flPllts tonic properties and the invigorate />»—*■■ Ving effect which it exerts upon the \'fPllr TtiKr mucous membranes are what makes nBHjS, AWfT Pe-ru-na such a valuable treatment for v a great number of bodily ills. Coughs, colds, natal catarrh, stomach and bowel disorders are among the more wwumb affections of the mucous linings wKEtf&AJ "dl for Pe-ru-na. BREjry\JlJ Fifty yoars in Um mttlcs of tho poopU Ef/I Sold Evwywhor* TabWt or Liquid *Kjr I Swd 4 cants for'book on catarrh WK&LQ TIN Pt-M-ia Company, mwm,m DEMOCRATIC , CONVENTION FOR ALAMANCE COUNTY MEETS AUGUST 30tb. A Convention for the County of Alamance is hereby called to meet in the court room at Graham, N. C., on Saturday, at 1:30 o'clock, p. m., Aug. 30, 1924. This convention is for the purpose of nominating Dem ocratic candidates for Sheriff, Regis ter of Deeds, Coroner, Surveyor, House of Representatives, a candi date for senator lor the sixteenth senatorial district, a candidate for County Manager, foar County Com missioners, and members of the Board of Education of Alamance county whose terms expire this year, the names of such members to be certified for action by the Legisla ture. , The convention will attend to such other business as may come before it, and each voting precinct is ex pected to name an Executive Com mittee for such voting precinct; one of whom shall be named chairman; all precinct chairmen to compose the County Executive Committee, and this committee is called to meet im mediately after the adjournment of the convention for the purpose of electing a County ( hairman. This is a mass convention, and every Democratic voter present will be entitled to vcte as a delegate. All Democrats, both men and women, are urged to be present and participate in the proceedings of the convention. A speaker of State wide reputation will discuss the issues of the day. By order of tlie Alamance County Democratic Executive Committee, this 9th day of August, 1924. • C. R. LOVK, Chairman. Why Women Use Glycerine Mixture Women appreciate the quick actios of simple glycerine, buck thorn bark, etc., HS mixed in Ad lerika. Most medicines act only on lower bowel hut Adlerika acts 011 BOTH upper and lower bowel, aud removes all passes anil pois ons. Excellent for obstinate con stipation mill to guard against ap pendicitis. Helps any case gas on stomucli in TUN minutes Wrike Drug Company. » PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED. W-r ; «irnn This is to notify all persona that the partnership of A. R. Heritage, Don E. Scott and L. G. Goins, doing a mercantile business under the name and style of Star Store Com-' pany, has this day been dissolved by mntnal consent. The business will be continued by L. G. Goins who alone is responsible for obliga tions contracted after this^dste. This August 11, 1924. A. R. HERITAGE, Dori E. SCOTT, L. G. GOINS. Sale of Real Estate Under First Mort gage Deed of Trust. Under and by virtue of the power Of sale contained in a cer tain mortgage deed of trust ex ecuted to the Alamance Insur ance and Real Estate Company, Trustee on the 21st day of May, 1923, securing the payment of certain bonds described therein, which mortgage deed of trust is duly jirobated and recorded ia the Office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, North Carolina, in. Book of" Mortgages and Deeds of Trust No. 95, page 77, default having been made in the payment of said bonds and interest thei-eon as provided and set out in said mortgage deed of trust, the undersigned trustee will, on MONDAY, SEPT. Ist, 1924, at 12 o'clock, noon, offer for sale, . at public auctiop, to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door of Alamance County, at Graham, North Carolina, the following described real estate, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of laud in Morton Township, Ala mance County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of T. B. Barker, Heire of Thomas Moore (deceased) Susan Sum mers, T. A. Barnett and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at a rock corner with said Moore's Heirs & Sum mers, running thence N 2 deg 52' E 23.18 chs to a rock cor ner with said Summers; thence S deg E 2 chs to apostoak tree, corner with said Summers; thence N 5 deg 10' E 17 chs to a rock cOrher with said Pas chall in said Summers' line; thence S deg E (B S 87}) 11.25 chs to a rock corner with said Paschall on E side of a i branch; thence N »>i deg E !(B S SJ) 41.10 chs to a rock corner with said Paschall; thence N 88 deg E (B S 88f) 112.75 chs to a rock corner with said Paschall in said Barker's line; thence S 2} deg W 37 ! chs to a rock corner with said Barker, 20 Iks E of a branch; 23J deg E (B S 23|) 8.28 chs to edge of a rock on E side of a branch; thence wCI. V and down said branch as it meanders S 40i deg E 1.1 «> chs, X 80 deg E rtS Iks, S ">5 deg E 1.72 chs, 542 deg E l.Oit chs to mouth of said branch with another branch 4 Iks W of a poplar tree on E bank of said branch ; thence down said branch as it meauders as follows: S 8 deg W *8 Iks, 535 deg VV 2.83 chs, S 74 deg W 1.2# chs, S 22 deg W 1.36 chs, S ;11 deg W 1.52 chs, S 25 deg VV 1.32 chs, S5 deg E 1.17 chs, S 12 deg E 2.09 chs, S 31 deg E 1.40 chs, S 3fi deg VV 13.30 chs, S 9 deg \V Iks, to a rock or at the bend said branch corner with sail / Barker; thence continue with aaid brauch S 83 deg E 75 Iks. S 21 deg W 3J>5 chs, S 28 deg E 2.42 chs S 6} deg W 2.25 chs, S HtiVa deg W 1.41 chs, S 6 deg VV 1.50 chs, S deg VV 1.80 chs, S 54} deg W 1.57 chs, S 44 deg W 11.80 chs, S 54 deg W 2.sftchs, S 02} deg W 2.>o chs to the mouth of said branch iu B. C. creek, > 22" E of a poplar tree; thence S ■ 20 deg W GO Iks said creek to a rock on S side of said creek; thence S 54* (B S 54}) 20.10 chs to a rock in said Moore's heirs lint*; thence N 47 deg VV 11.22 chs to the beginning, containing 181 acres more or less. This sale will be made subject to increase bids as provided by law, and will be held open ten days aftei sale to give oppor tunity for such bids. Thiß the 29th day of July, 1924. 1 Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co.. Trustee. A. H. King, att'y. 1 I.VTRIHB FOR THB OT.BAMIB