THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., April 16, 1925. Postoftice Hoars. Offlo open 7.00 ». m. to 7.00 p. m and*y #.OO to 11.00 ». a- and 4.00 to 6.W p. m I.E. GUTHRIE, Po.nnaHter. ++++++++++++++++ ♦ LOCAL NEWS. + ♦ + ♦+++Ht+*+tt++tt++H+H+++ —The trees are budding out rap idly and straw hats will follow suit. It's time for April showers, but so far they've been a little scarce. —Business was almost entirely suspended here Monday for the Easter holiday. —Graham Graded School sus pended for the Easter holiday from Friday till Monday, inclusive. Firemen Will Play Ball. On Saturday afternoon, April 25th, at 3:30, at Travora Park, Graham fireman will pull off an exhibition game of baseball. The town should "turn out" and fill the graund stand and bleachers. Ia other words, give the Firemen a full house. No doubt it will be a funny game, and most people like funny things. But the Firemen are not doing this stunt for fun ajone. It takes a little coin to maintain a fire department, so'each spectator will be requested to contribute a quarter. Folks,, turn out just like the Fire men do when the alarm is turned in and your house is on fire. National Bank Returns Its Handsome ly Remodeled Home. On last Tuesday the National Bank of Alamance moved back to its own home. For about six months its own buildiDg had been undergo ing a remodeling process. On the first of the building there were two rooms origanally—one |be bank ing room and the other a store. These have been converted and the entire first floor is now used for the banking operations. Oufßide the enclosure where the employees work is a large lobby with desks, ta bles, and seats for the convenience and comfort of customers. In the rear are three rooms —directors' room, storagefroom, and work room. There is plenty of room for all the activities of the bank without crowd ing. The floors are tiled and the wal Is and ceiling beautifully decorated. In appearance the interior will not suffer by comparison with similar quarters of a like institution any where in this state. The outside has also undergone a complete change. The plate glass front is replaced by small panes in steel sash which make a pleasing appearance. The front is handsomely trimmed in gray terra cotton. In fact it is now a very attraction and convenient banking house. Mr. Sam T« John ston was the contractor and the work, was done under his supervision and he did a good job. Last, but not least, is the vault where monev and safety deposit boxes are keef)t. The vault is di vided into two apartments—one for cash, with a safe, and the other for safety deposit boxes and valuables. Both these are roomy. A 19-ton door, so perfectly balanced that a child can move it, closes the vault entrance. Above, beneath and the sides, the construction of the vault is of thick wallc of concrete and steel, making entrance practical ly impossible. So safe and secure do insurance companies consider the vault ibat they charge the minimum burglar insurance rate. The officials and all connected with the bank as shareholders or patrons should feel proud of its home. And the surroundings are peculisrly satisfying to Mr. Chas A. Scott, who has been cashier and guided its destinies from its be ginning nearly 26 years ago. wben it started with a capital of $5,000,00 Save the forests by keeping out fires. This is the main pnrpose of Forest Week Apr. 27 to May 3. Tarheel dairymen are finding that it pays to test their cows. One Guilford Counly dairyman told county agent J. I. Wagoner that he could afford to build a new barn now that be knew what his cows were doing. Don't abuse the hen because she wants to set. Instead,pnt her in a slatted coop,feed her well and give plenty of water. Generally she will be ready to get back to laying in two or three weeks. Tarheel folks are getting the health habit of drinking milch. Each person in theU. S.drank one and three-fourths gallons more of milk last year than the year pre vious and somci.of this increase was in N.C., say home demonstra tion workers,. ♦ PERSON. + t ++++++++++++++++++4-M + *++4 Miss Leila Markham spent Easter at her home in Durham. Mrs. Wm. E. White shopped in Greensboro yesterday. Miss Gnssie Jones spent Easter at her home at Laurinburg. Miss Emma Marston spent Easter at her home at Henderson. Miss Gertrude Finger spent East er at hei«home at Hickory. Thos. Hadley, in school at Guil ford, College, spent the Easter holi day here. Maj. J. J. Henderson left this morning for South Hill, Va, on a business trip. Miss Mary Weeks spent Easter with her sister, Mrs. Ralph Coble, at Roanok9, Va. Mrs. W. L. Cooper has returned from Richmond, Va., where she went for treatment. Mrs. Ralph Strayhorn of Divham spent the week-end here with her mother, Mrs. W. L. Cooper. Mrs. J. A. Thompson of Greenß boro is here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ezell. Mr. John B. Stratford left Tues day for a ten-day business trip to Richmond, Va. and other points. Mrs. J as. N. Williamson has re turned to her home here after spend ing the winter at De La6d, Fla. Mrs. L. E. Kluttz of is spending the week here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Farrell. Mr. J. N. H. Clendenin left Sat urday for Wilmington to visit his son, Mr. Geo. L. Clendenin, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Parker Jr., of Greensboro spent Easter here with the former's mother, Mrs. E. S. Parker. Miss Mabel Walker, teaching at Ayden, spent Easter here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarence Walker. . Miss Elise Thompson, after spend ing the spring holidays at home, left last Friday to resume her studies of Boston Conservatary. Mrs. Armistead C. Rogers of New York City is the guest t>f Mrs. W. H. Stratford at her home two and a half miles East of Graham. Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Harden and daughters, Misses Elizabeth and Annie Ruth, spent Easter witb Mr. and Mre. T. C. Markham in Dur ham. Thomas Ezell, now with The Ga zette offiice at Lexington, Va., spent the Easter holidays here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. L. Ezell. Get Rid of That Backache! Grihrm People Point the VV»v- The constant aching of a bad back, The weariness, the tired feel°>ng; Headaches, dizziness, nervousness, Distressing urinary disorders— Are often signs of failing kidneys And too serious to be neglected. Get rid pf these troubles! Uae Doan's Pills—a stimulant diu retic to the kidneys. Host 3 of people recommend Doan's This is a Graham case. You can verify it. A. G. Ausley, prop, of grocery, N. Maple St., says: "I was having considerable ' trouble with a dull backache. I started using Doan's Pills and after taking just one box, the backache left and I haven't been bothered since. I also used Doan's some years ago for backache and irregularity of the kidneys and they cured me in short order." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy— get Doan's Pills the same that Mr. Ausley had. Foeter-Mil born Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. War\t Ads Two cents a w>rd in this size type, cash with order. No ad for less than 25c. One-fourth off for more than 2 times. Ask for terms on long time and larger type. GUARANTEED hosiery, samples %our sise free to agents. Write for proposition paying $75.00 weekly fall time, $1.50 an hour spare time, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer; must wear or replaced free. Quick sales; repeat orders. I* tee national Stockiko Mills, 5769, Norristown, P*. 40- lOt NEW AND SECOND hand Electric Sausage Machines A Coffee Mills for •tie on long terms or will exchange. For cstlaogue A prices write Hobirt Mfg. Co. Rsleigb, N. C. Corn Fed Hogs Bring Better Price The failure to understand that hogs fresh from the soybeans ami peanut fields will soil for better prices when they have been fei further with corn and fish meal i» costing farmers of N. C. many thousands of dollars per year. W. W. Shay, swine extension specialist at State Colege, cite* the case of T. W. Griffin of Wood ville in Bertie county who had 54 hogs fresh from Soybean and pea nut fields on February 5. The hogs weighed 9,295 pounds and he was offered 8 cents per pound' for them. This wonld have brought him $743.60. Mr. Griffin took up the matter with' county agent B. £. Grant who wired Mr. Shay for advice. Mr. Shay wired back to add sixty pound to the hogs by feed ing corn and fish meal. Be then explained by letter that oily hogs were selling at that time for 17.50 to $9.00 per hundred pounds and that while the price trend was up wards, the hogs weighing* 172 pounds each were then too heavy to be made hard. If 60 pounds ffere added to each bog. they might be made to grade soft in stead of oily and better prices would be received. Mr. Griffin followed this ad vice. Be added 3,493 pounds to the total weight, an average of 65.7 pounds each, at a feed cost 6f $14.12 per hundred 'pounds gain and sold the animals t. o. b. Woodville on March 21. This was just 44 days later and be re ceived a price of sl2 per hundred making a profit of $297.76. _Mr. Griflin stated that corn was selling locally forfcl.OG per bushel. He sold 279.5 bushels of corn and corn meal for $2.66 per bushel. "Other farmers following our recommendations as to feeding liogs are finding that it pays to sell their corn in this way." says Mr. Shay. Proper spraying of the early Irish potato crop has increased the yield 74 bushels per acre ac cording to tests made by Dr. li. W. Leiby of the North Carolina Experiment Station. Notice! Notice of Appointment of Registrars and Pollholders for Town Election to be Held May stb, and Fixing of Polling Places for Said Election- The following Resolution was passed by the Commissioners of the Town of Graham at a call meeting held in the Town Of fice March 24th, 1925: That for the purpose of the new registration of the voters for town election to be held May sth, 1925, for the election of a Mayor and a Board of Commissioners for the Town of Graham (new registration having been ordered by the Board of Commissioners of said Town at a regular meeting held in the Town Office in Graham, on the 23rd day of February, 1925, and duly published), the Town of Graham is divided in two districts, as follows: Main Street shall constitute the dividing line, beginning at a point in line of north corporate limits of said town ifi line with the center of the extension of th«* street in front of Sidney Cotton Mills, north of Railroad track, agd_runninfc thence from said point directly across said Railroad tract and with center of said street and tbenco with Main Street south to intersec tion of said Main Street with the corporate limits on south side of town. The voting place for east side of said Town of Graham shall be in the Cook & Paris building, next to Alco Theater, and vot ing place for west side of said town shall be in the Scott build ing, now occupied by National Bank of Alamance. The Registrar and Pollholders lor the district east of Main Street are as follows: W. H. Holt, Registrar, and J. D, Al bright and A. Lacy Holt, Poll, holders and Judges; and the Registrar and Pollholders for distact west of Main Street are as follows: T. C. Moon, Regis trar, and W. M. Euliss and W. T. Wilson, Pollholders and Judges. The books will be open for the registration of voters on sth Saturday before the sth day of May, 1925, and will close on second Saturday before the sth day of May, 1925. Will I. Holt, Clerk. j .. fs? v•" ' • ■ • •' ./■ > THE ALAMANCE GLEANER, CIRAHAM, W. a Trustee's Sale of Real Estate, x Under and by virtue of th power of sale contained in a cero tain deed of trust executed t tbe undersigned, Alamance In surance and Real Estate Come pany, Trustee, for the purpos of securing certain bonds de, scribed in said deed of truste whicb deed of trust bears datd of September 29th, 1919, and the same being duly probatee and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, North Carolina, in book, of Mortgages & Deeds of Trust No. 84, page 19, default having been made in the .payment of said bonds and interest on same, the undersigned. Alamance Insurance &"Real Estate Com pany, Trustee, will, on MONDAY, MAY 4th, 1925 at 12 o'clock, noon, at the court house door of Alamance county, ii\ Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Boone Station To .vnship, Alamance county, North Caro lina, known as the A. Beale farm and adjoining the lands of John Wagoner, Turnei H. Boone, H. A. Johnson, Logan Barnhardt, T. Boone and others, bounded and described as follows:. Beginning at a hickory tree, corner with said Wagoner and Thomas Boone; running thence S. 83$ deg W. 25 chs. to a gum tree on a bank of a creek, cor ner with said Sharpe and Wag oner; thence S 46 deg W 27 chs. to a rock corner with said Tur ner H. Boone and Sharpe; thence S 50 deg 35 W(B. S. 50$) 33.40 chs. to arock, coiner with said Turner H. Boone in said Johnson's line; thence S 43$ deg E 17.03 chs to a persimmon tree on the bank of creek; thence ,S 61$ W 1.50 chs along and across Michael's Creak to a firm rock; tttence S8 W 7.30 chs to a stone; thence S 31 deg E 9.50 chs to a rock; and thence 51J deg E t) chs to a post oak tree; thence N 34$ deg W 5.64 chs to a red oak stump; thence N. 45 deg E 11.38 chs to a stone; thence S 44 deg E 3.63 chs to a stone, corner with said Barnhardt; thence N 38 deg E 29.65 chs to a stone, corner with said May; thence S 77 deg E 5.67 chs to a stone, on the side of the branch; tnence S 50 deg E B.sochs along the side of the branch to a stone, corner with said Barnhardt; thence N 13 deg E 37.57 chs to the begin ning, and containing one hun dred ninety-three acres (193) more or lesh. This sale ia made subject to advanced bids as allowed by law and will be held open for ten days after the date of sale for the rSception of such bids. This March 27, A. D. 1925. Alamance lot. Si Real Eitate Co. Truatee Dameron & Rhodes, Att'ys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Bavin* qualified a* Admlnlatrator of the entate of John Moaer. deceaeed, lbs under»i*ned hereby notlfle* all per ■oot holding claim* acalnat Mid ea •ate to pnsaent Ibe Mine, duly authen ticated. on or before the >Oth day of Mar.. IBH, or tbla notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery.' All per>ooa Indebted to *ald estate are requeued to make immediate eel- M tin vote Tbli me 7th day of March. Ita. W. H. MOBKK. Adm'r of John Moaar, d«'d Mt EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. llavln qoallfle'l a* Biecntor of the will of Jtbn M. Ituaeell dee'd. lata of Alamance county. Worth varolii*. Utla la tonotllyall perron* bavlLf claim* acalnat the • atate of Lid drceaaed toeahlblt them to tba uode ntgord, duly authenticated, on or before the Mb day of Feb, 1*26. or tbla notice will I* pl-aflel In bar of their recovery. All per aoo* ludebtad to aald aetata wll! pleaee make Immediate payment. TbUOeeXwt. g, u BC „ MLL Ex'r ol John M. Hueeell J. J. Hendareon. Alt'*. «■«* A DMINISTRATBIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified aa Ad'olnlatratrl* of tfca ratal*of B. D. Parfow. d-maaed. the undaa» alcned hereby notlfle* all peraona holding claim* aaalnat (aideetate to preeeot dulr antb-nOca tad. on or before the »tji day ,4 Mar.. IWe, or thle notice will be pleaded !; Mr of their recovery. All paraona Indebted to Mid aetata are requested to make Im mediate aettlement. Tbla March 10th. IKS. J.J. Headeraoa Att*r.. Mrnrnm Sale of Real Estate Under Deed of Trust Under and by virtue of the >power of sale in a deed of trust duly executed in favor of the undersigned Trustee by W. L. Hanford and wife, Lora Hanford, March 31, 19£3, and recorded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds of Alamance coun ty in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 86, page 89, default having been made in the payment of the in debtedness thereby the undersigned will, on MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1925 at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the court house door in Graham, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of and lying and being in Burling ton township, Alamance county, State of North Carolina, adjoin ing lot No. 18, Holt Street and others, and described as follows: Beginning at an iron bolt on Holt St. and corner with Lot No. 18; running thence with line of Holt St. South 35 deg. East 60 ft. to an iron bolt on Holt St., corner with Mebane Beal Estate &, Trust Co. (this corner being 20ft feet from the northeast corner of Holt and Sellars St.); running thence with' line of Mebane Real Estate & Trust Company North 55 deg. East 201$ feet to an iron bolt, corner with lot No. 12; running thence with line of lot No. 12 North 85 deg. West (SO ft. to an iron bolt, corner with lot No. 18; running thence with line of lot No. 18 South 55 deg. West 201 V% ft. to the beginning, and being a part of lot No. IN, as shown by the sub-division of the N. C* R. R. Company's property made by Lewis H. Holt June 4, 1914, and upon which is situate a five room dwelling and a one story frame hosiery mill building. This is the lot or parcel of land conveyed to Mre. Almenia Klapp Mebane by deed recorded in office of Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Deed Book .No. 70. This 17th day of Mar., 1925. W.E. SHARPE, Trustee. Coulter, Cooper & Carr, Att'ys, Summons by Publication. North Carolina In The Alamance County, Superior Court R. W. Vincent, Administeatoi of James Chavis, vs. Odessa Chavis and J. P. Chavis, a minor. The defendants, Odessa Cha vis and J. P. Chavis, a minor, will take notice that an action has been begun as above enti tled in this oourt for the purpose of administering on the estate of the said James Chavis, and selling certain lands in Ala mance county to create assets to pay the debts of said estate and the cost of administration. The defendants, therefore, will take notice that they are direct ed to appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance county, at bis office in Graham, on the 20th day of April, 1925, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff, which will be filed in said office on oi before the said date, or to an swer the said complaint within the time as provided by law, otherwise, the plaintiff will be granted the relief demanded in said complaint. * Dated this 21 day of March 1925. D. J. WALKER, C. S. C. T. C. Carter AttV. Track For Hire. Let as do yoor hauling of erer kind, moving, etc. Have s nei track. Terms reasonable. BKAMHUW & FULLEK, Phone 65(1 Gnham, N. G STATEMENT Lumber Underwriters .Fire Insurance Company Fordyce, Ark. Condition Dec. 31, 1024, As Shown By Statement Filed. Amount of Ledger Assute Dec. 31st of previous year... .$ 209,080.22 Incomf»—From Policyholders; $ 47,990.34 'P Disburs«*m**nts—To Policyholders, $.. .46,755.76 , Fire Ripks—Written or renewed during year,533,125, 582 In force,..: $ 24,634,479 Assets Value of Bonds and Std&ks $...66,680.00 Deposited in Trust Co.s and Banks not on interest $. . .49,763.10 Agents' balances, representing business written subse qneut tc Oct. 1, 1924 $ 63,141.81 Bills receivable, taken for fire risks $ 2,462.92 Interest and Rents due and accrued $ 665.25 All other Asseta, as detail&l in statement .$ 110,217.35 Total '. $ 292,930.93 Less Assets not admitted $ 77,669.78 Total admitted Assets $ 215,261.15 LIABILITIES Surplus over ail liabilities. t 215,261.15 Total Liabilities $ 215,261,15 BUSIMISS IN NORTH CAROLINA DUHIKG 1924 Fire Risks written... .$508,500.00; Premiums received,! 12,007.26 Losses incurred-Fire. .11,440.82; Paid $ 1,440.82 President C.D.Kenison-V.P. Home Office Fordyce, Ark. Attorney for service: ST ACE Y W.WADE, Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C. * Manager for North Carolina, Home Office. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, (SEAL) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, RALUOH, MARCH 10,1925. I, STACK Y vv. WADE, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Lumber Underwriters Fire Insurance Co., of Fordyce, Ark., filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Co., on Dee. 31,1924. Witness tny hand aud official seal, the day and year above twritten BTACEY W. WADE, Insurance Commissioner STATEMENT Alamance Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company Graham, N. C. f Condition December 31, 1924, as Shown by Statement Filed Amount of Ledger Assets Dec. 31, of previous year, f 2,598.10 ;luct*ase of paid-up Capital, Total, $ 2,598.10 Income—From Polcyholders, $5,415-20; Miscel laneous $52.33; Total, $ 5,467.53 Disbursements —To Policy holders, $3, laneous: 1520.72 Total, $ 5,739.11 Fire Risks—Written or renewed during year $116,000; In force, „$ 1,433,747.0# Asum Mortgage Loans on Real Estate f 1,500.00 Deposited in Trust Co. and banks not on interest, . .$ 2,826.52 Tbtal. ..$4,326.52 Total admitted Assets $ 4,326,52 LIABILITIES Surplus overall liabilities $ 4,326 52* Surplus as regards Policyholders ..$ 4,326.52 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1924 Fire Risks written $ 116,000; Premiums received $ 2,826.52 Pres. W.S.Vestal, Sect. Edgar Long, Treas. J.S.Cook Home Office, Graham N.C. Atty. for service: ST ACE Y W.WADE, lusnrance Commissioner Raleigh, N. C. / Manager for N- Car., Home Office STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, (Seal) INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, Apr. 11, 1926 I, STACEY W.WADE, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby oer tify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Alauiauce Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Graham, N. C. filed with this Department, showing the condition of said Company on the 31st day of Dec., 1924 Witness my band aud official seal the day Md year above writtes STACEY W. WADE, , Insurance Commissioner. Land Sale! ] Under and by authority of E the powere contained in the Last , Will and Testament of the late Evie Wilson, I will offer to public sale to the highest bidder, at the Court Houne door in Gra- » ham, N. C., on SATURDAY, MAY l«tb,l92ft, at 12 o'clock, noon, the follow ing valuable real estate, to-wit: ! A lot of land in the Town of ] Graham, on Hill Street, adjoin- { ing the home place of the late j Mrs. K. I. Neal; J. B. Mont gomery, J. V. Pomeroy, J. Harvey White, and fronting on said Hill Street. This is property devised by W. G. Wilson to the said Evie Wilson, and on it is a three-room ; cottage. This lot will be surveyed and sold in two parcels and as a whole and the bid or bids will be accepted that brings the best price. Terms of aato: One-third cash, balance in six and twelve months with deferred payments to carry interest from day of sale. Will be left open for ad vanced bids. This April Btb, 1925. C. F. RUSSELL, Ezecntor of will of Evie Wilson, dec'd. J. S. Cook, Att'y... ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified aa Administrator of the •alata of P. P. Whitfield. rtmanl. lata of 1 Alamance county, north Carolina, ttaia la to notify all peraoua Nvtlm acainat the aatate of deceanad.lo exhibit tfeera to tha üß ler»l*ri«l on or before «Kh day or Mar., HM, or tlua notion wUI >w plaadea In baraC tbatr recovery. All peraooi lnflebted to Mid estate will plaaao make lamellate payant. This toa lit day ol Mar.. wST ■ & iTaboBBS. Ada*! or P. p. WhiuwSeFa, aa'S EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Harlac qualified aa Ixerattf Of «M ,aat wflT and taataraoot ot DavM M- Bar bar. daatoMd. lat« of Alaiaaaaa oqaaty. North Carolina, tbla la to notify aU*anona having claim* attain* the aauta of aa* oemaed to exhibit teem to tke nude *el«ne4 at Olbeonville. K. CUonor beroratMe U£ day or Dtvember, A. D- IMS, or thin aottoa will be pieadad In bar of tMr raopj ery. All paraona Indebted to wZA aetata win plaaae maVe Immediate onymeot. Thii lat day of December. A. IX. KM. LIT T. BAKBKB. P.V. BARBKK. Kxecntotn M of Parts a Bar bar. Mrt. W Oaaoeron k fthodoi. Atl'ya. *• J