1 1 |bS^#!i . iGOULDS YfIZE? PUMPS AND WATER I fjj SYSTEMS' Write for booklet D -fMLII giving details of our AHTOWATtIt complete Kne of elec !>■>■■« tree end engine driven pomps and water «y»- ' terns tor every need. The Goulds Manufacturing Co. Seneca Falls. N. Y. LADIES—Barn- 125.00 weekly at bome. Copy names and addressee. Clip Ad*. Send stamped envelope for particulars. DESK B, 213 Orliwold St., Detroit, Mich. World's Bee* Tancred, 300-egg, white leghorn chicks now 26 *6: 100 »1».60; 500 192.60; 1,000 $175. Judge Palmer, Shelbyvllle, Tenn. WANTED Beet college in the Sooth. Jobs awaiting oar graduates. m Charlotte Barber College, Charlette, N. C. ACiBNTA— lien and women wanted to sell our Ken's Neckwear. Good profit. National Neckwear Co., »IJ2» E, Washington, D. C. Improved Porto Mean Potato Plants, govern ment inspected, 12.28 1,000. Special prices to dealers. Nicholls Plant Kxcb., Nlcholls, Os. Kill All Flies! "Mr HAROLD OQkZtls fIUCM' bA>. .Bra Urn, N. T. Men have a touchstone whereby to try gold, but gold Is the touchstone whereby to try men.—Fuller. CDEC To Housewives Bend us your nam* and ■ ■ ■■■Li bottle of XJQUID VENEER Wonderful for your dally dusting. Cleans,dusts and polishes with one sweep of your dust cloth. Renews pi s noe.furnltu re. wood work, eutomo bUe*. Make* everything look like new. Mekee dusting a pi s« sure. or sever, we will tell you bow to obtain, FREE, a $2.00 MOP Has removable swab for washing and all yarn center. You'll be delighted. Nothing to sell no orders to take —lust building upa little goodwill for Liquid veneer Polishing Pro ducts In your neighborhood. Write now for your FREE sample and particulate. general stores. % wW W "ST WtUfffV W. N. U., CHARLOTTE, NO. 20-1925. I Put a new coat an the I house—but pay less Stag Semi-Paste Paint allows you to ose fin est quality paint on your house—and save one-third tbe cost. Just mix a gallon of linseed , oil with a gallon of this fine, durable semi paste paint and you have two gallons of the best paint you can buy—at a tremendous sav ing in cost Specify Stag Semi-Paste Paint i on your next job and save the difference. I Experienced painters have found that Stag Paint spreada best and lasts longer, becanee H itis slwsys freshly mixed. There's s"Btag" deafer near you. See him —or write us for literature and name of dealer. STAtmiNT I jf v 4 * * | A wise man prepares for the worst while hoping for the best. r —i CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP IS ! | CHILD'S BEST LAXATIVE j pa ted, has wind-colic, feverish breath, coated-tongue, or diarrhea, a half teaspoonful of genuine "California Fig Syrup" promptly moves the poi sons, gases, bile, soaring food and waste right out. Never cramps or overacts. Babies love its delicious taste. Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali fornia Fig Syrup" which has full direc tions for infanta In arms, and children of all ages, plainly printed on bottle. Always say "California" or you may get an imitation fig syrup. Man needs in society comfort, use and protection.—Bacon. An Unexcelled Remedy for Cuta, Burn a, Wounds and Sores. Han ford's Balsam of Myrrh prevents infec tion; heals quickly. 35c all store*. —Adv. Don't lose the thread of your story when spinning a yarn. Cuticura for Bore Hands. Soak bands on retiring in the hot suda of Cuticura Soap, dry and rob in Cu ticura Ointment. Remove surplus Ointment v'th tissue paper. Tills is only one of the things Cuticura will do if Soap, Ointment and Talcum are used for all toilet purposes.—Advertisement An honest blush is a straight flush. Dr. Peery'e "Dftd Shot" Is powerful, bat sate. One dose will expel Worms or TaDe worm; no castor oil needed. Adv. Truth never was indebted to a lie OKITCMEN® UCABINETEJ (©. lilt, W•stem Newspaper Union.) Coma, read to me some poem. Some simple and heartfelt lay. That shall sooths that restlrsa feeling And banish the thoughts of dajr. , —Longfellow. SEASONABLE DISHES A food way to tecch the family to like spinach la to serve It In an ap- Bpetislng and attractive Spinach WKh Noodles. —Put a layer of cooked spinach Into a well-but tered baking dish, cover with a layer of chopped cooked noodles. sprinkle with grated clieese and seasonings; add j cup ful of rich milk and bake until thoroughly hot. Curried Lamb. —Take one und one half pounds of lamb from the neck, two large, thinly sliced onions, one half cupful of batter, one-half tnble spoonful of curry powder, one tea spoonful of vinegar, three-fourths of a tablespoonful of flour, one table-' spoonful of tomato catsup and boiled rice. Wipe the meat, cut Into one and one-half-inch pieces, sprinkle with salt and pepper and the flour. Melt the buttei\ adl the onions and meat an.l cook uatL the meat.,ls browned. Now add the curry and enough boiling wa ter to cook. Hedt slowly to the boil ing point, add the vinegar and catsup and simmer until the meat is tender. Thicken vrlth flour, season with salt and pepper and serve In a border of rice. Prune and Cheese Salad. Stew large prunes until soft, remove the stones and fill with well-seasoned cream cheese, dip into highly sea soned French dressing, roll In chopped pecan meats and serve with p ripe olive sliced. Use the center slices for garnishing. Arrange on lettcce heart* and pipe roses of mayonnaise on the salad. Date and Qlnger Sandwiches. —Chop one-half cupful of datea and the same amount of canton ginger, add a bit of lemon juice and 'Some of the sirup from the ginger jar, simmer all to gether at a low heat until well-soft ened. Spread when cold on Ottered bread. Chicken Bandwlches. Chop the white meat of one chicken very fine, then pound to a paste. salt, pep per and cayenne to taste. Cover one tablespoonful of gelatin with a table spoonful of cold water, let stand half an hour then add six tablespoonfuls of cream. Btlr over the heat until the gelatin Is dissolved, now beat this Into the chicken and let it stand until cold. Cut into squares and let hard en. Serve cut into thin slices, on buttered bread, corerlng with another slice of buttered bread Good Things to Eat. and a sprig of mint; cook until tbe pea's are done, fhen add salt to season. Press through a colander, add two table spoonfuls of sugar, one tablespoonful of arrow root or cornstarch, and a little white pepper. Add to the liquor In which the peas were boiled, stir and cook until well done. Have ready a teaspoonful of meat extract dissolved in a little water and stir Into the soup when serving. Chicken or veal stock may be used instead of clear water in which to cook the peas, making a more delicately flavored soOp. French Turnips.—Fare, cut Into dice and cook until tender, one pint of white turnips. Have ready the follow ing sauce: To four tablespoonfuis of flour, add one teaspoonful of salt, one fourth teaspoonful of pepper, aud four tablespoonfuis of butter; add one pint of milk and stir the whole until It bolls. Remove from tbe fire and add two well beaten eggs; stir until tbe eggs are set, add one-fourth of a cup ful of scraped onion or very flnely- Clnced; reheat. Remove from ibe >at, add tbe Juice of a large lemon. Stir rapidly and pour over the turnips in a hot vegetable dish. Sprinkle with a finely minced tablespoonful of para ley aid serve. A Strawberry Venus. —M«ki n rich ">l*- cuit dough, using two ctipfuls of flour, four teaspoonfuls of baking powder, two tablespoonfuis of shortening, one half teaspoonful of salt, and milk to make a mixture to roll. Serve wltb a sauce prepared by mixing two cupfuls of powdered sugar with three-fourth* of a cupful of butter and when well blended add a quart of crushed straw berries. Set In th« ice chest to chili and serve wltb tbe bot dumplings. One need not go to any expenae for sandwich filling for leftovers of ham, 'salmon, and various vegetables mixed wltb mayonnaise will mske a variety. Deviled Sandwiches. Chop one fourth pound of cold, boiled tongue very fine, add to It two tsblespooofuis of olive oil. a dash of red pepper, a teaspoonful of Worcestershire, and a little salt and pepper. Mix wltb tbe above Ingredients the yolks of three bard-cooked eggs which have been pet through a sieve. Serve as filling wltb wster cress. THE ALAMANCE GLEANEB, GRAHAM, N. C. LOVELY HATS NOW BLOOMING; MUST BE SOFT AND GRACEFUL IT 18 while the rammer is still young that the loveliest of millinery comes Into bloom. The month of roses and brides also claims the most picturesque millinery as Its own; for It Is In June that the midsummer hat. In all Its colorful glory and Its daintiness, chal lenges the rest of the year to make comparisons. Nearly all the dressy hats presented for midsummer wear are made of dell- : :, #l® mOm yJM Kk ri Ml « % I jpy {*> ' ."Vf* jh "^t£r \ p '^Yi r " ■!' - \ 7%. M-lr^ cate braids, or abeer fabric*—or bon*£- and many of them are flower-trimmed If floweu are not need then flower njotifs of ribbon are substituted for tbem, or they are cut oat from print-! el allies and chiffons and applied 'o the shape. Painted fabrics, gay with (lowers, mostly lb transparent weaves, arp posed over shapes, some of them as transparent as the fabrics. A group of midsummer hats shown here Includes favored shapes and ma terials ani begins with t small hat of balr braid with narrow brim. It Is veiled with chiffon that extends be yond the brim edge, making a pretty shadow for tbe eyes. Flower motifs, fsshloned of narrow ribbons and s bow of wider ribbon, provide the trim ming. Helcw It st the right a wide brimmed hat of bain .braid has leaves cat frou printed chiffon In several colors applied to It. They are out lined with a tiny cord In black—gold and silver cord sre also used In this way. Printed silk covers the smsli hat st the left snd metallic ribbon makes an odd and beautiful adorn I!*! J J# > I BEAUTIFUL WEDDING GOWN meat tor Ob Lb* wlde-blmmed bat below, reive* is cat out la Irngnlsr figures edged with sdraw braid aad posed against the abate; colored water llllea ralsb It. Tbe last hat—another semi- trsnspa rent modal—baa a band of rel ret ribbon about tbe crows and a big ebon of mallnss at tbe front. Favored colon are orcbld. blue, taa and light green. All at once, and with one accord It wma. Parlataa at Tie creators hare toned' from tbe straight up-and down lines, mat hare reigned to loaf ner tbe world of fsshlon and ban declded that we must hare something more strictly feminine. Even the long banished natural waistline Is said to be "In the air" threatening to volplane down and land right In our midst. Whether It is accorded a welcome or not, remains to be seen, but we have already approved the appearance of Its first cousin, the low waistline. Indi cated by girdles or in the shaping of the bodice.- Along with It come fuller SOME PRETTY HATS skirts, uneven hemlines, floating panels, soft fsbrics snd Isces —and what could {(lease the June bride more, or suit her better, tbsn the fluttering and flattering mode 7 Her brides maids will revel In It. Here, In the picture. Is s demure but dignified wedding gown of soft lace, posed over white satin. This Is a time honored combination, and It will see many generations paaa before anything more bMatiful" outrivals It This model Is particularly well salted to youthful brides, who prefer girlish to stately styles for the wedding gown But Paria offers more Intricate de signs In lace and aatln, which combina tion seems to be In great favor with tbe couturiers. Tbe long undertoodlce In this frock, of supple satin, follows the lines of tbe aatanl figors, a Uttt* vaguely and tbe bordsftd lacs Is possd smoothly over It. Tbe lacs skirt la laid In wide plalta starting from under a panel of satin st tbe front. Fine tacks In tbe net portion of tbe I sea, form a border at tbe bottom of tbe skirt sad at tbe Juncture of tbe bodice sad skirt • Tbe slsavaa an short and tbe srms veiled by s lacs bordered veil falling from tbe very simplest of caps with aoaall cJusten of orange blossoms at saeb side. JULU BOTTOMLKT. A MM. Wlim IIISWIII Pilit) /IT - \ a 1 -ASPIRIN SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN" and INSIST! Proved safe by milljpns and prescribed by physicians for Headache Neuralgia Colds Lumbago ' Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism Arcept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. # Handy "Bayer" boxea of 12 tablet* g Also bottles of 24 and 100 —Druggists. Aspirin Is the tnd* mark of Bnjrr llsnofactnn of Ifaoouetleaeidwtcr of Sattc/UcMld Everything that's pompous needs to be burlesqued. Important to All Womon Readers of This Paper Thousand* upon thousands of women have kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. Women's complaints often prove to be nothing else but kidney trouble, or the retult of kidney or bladder disease. If the kidneys are not in a healthy con dition, they may causa the other organs to become diseased. * You may suffer pain in the back,-bead ache and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irrita ble and may be despondent; it makes any one so. But hundreds of women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, by restoring health to the kidneys, proved to be just the remedy needed to overcome sueh conditions. Many send for i sample bottle to see what Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder medicine will do for them. By inclosing ten cents to Dr. Kflmer k Co., Binghamton, N. Y., you may receive sample size bottle by Parcel Post. You can purchase medium and large sise bottles at all drug stores. All that there Is to the ladder of fame Is to he admired. CHILDREN CRY FOR Fletcher'. / Castoria ft especially pre- pared to relieve Infants in \ f arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising there from, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. To avoid imitation*, ahrajn look for (he signature of Abtolutehr Harmie*t -No Opiate*. Physician* eteij where recommend it Break Your Chains of Misery Rheumatism, lumbago, kidney trouble and other such ailments are like chains and shackles that bind you down. They destroy your wage-earning power, m*\r* you feel and act years older than you really are, and keep you in misery. And these ailments grow steadily worse. They finally become dangerous. Yet you can break these chains of misery! Just remember that these tils are caused by impure blood —blood that does not contain enough iron. Without iron, your blood cannot throw the poisons out of your body. Instead, it keeps and circulating these poisons through your system. This is why you should begin at once to take Add Iron Mineral. TTiis amazing iron tonic is Nature's own product. Physicians and scientists have been unable to duplicate it. Unlike any other mineral iron—it is quickly absorbed into your blood, and gives it strength to throw off impurities A which cause your bad health. It is posi tively guaranteed. ij| Oct a bottle from jroor druggist today. With IK&SKS I it. ask for a box of A. I. li. pUla. A-I-M Percolating Corp. KfjjNl SALEM, VIRGINIA M*J FOR OVER 200 YEARS haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, himhfl|n snd jifif sritj correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sises. All druggists. Insist so the original genuine OOLO Hotb f:? Loveliness A Clear k\ \l\ Healthy Skin fKN l[\ Fighting Illiteracy » Parent-teacher associations have more than trebled their membership la South Carolina In two years. An im portant undertaking of the state branch Is the eradication of illiteracy in the state by 1830. •