VOL. LI WOMAN'S INTUITION , THING OVOOLATEDT: hWfcr (Mm li— Cm cmrning Sixth Sena*. ©nig an arch-heretic would cut doubt OB vonul totwHlfii I COAFMO to bono?. Unquestionably this sixth MBM exists, bat I think that It la over rated, Lydia Half writes In tho Wash ington Post. If woman's Intuition worn M on can* nUr developed u It is.commonly rep resented to be, her advantage over Ban would bo Incalculable. In emer feudM her decisions would bo mors prompt and wise than his, she would more readily detect false logic, she woold judge character unerringly, and M be better protected against tbo do signs of tho unscrupulous. In reality, ■tore women than men are victimised by sua** IBJposters. If women were so highly Intuitive they would excel In the law courts. In tuitional perception being a natural force, women would toap to swift but sound conclusions while trained and experienced men were stumbllngly en dMToring to attt evidence. « As speculators they woold achieve riches, or by their advice enable nn to achieve thee*, yet in troth any man or woman, who bought nod sold by Intuition without Utudytag tho markets would bo rulaod. Bod women IMs divining gift no WMttrtffi would moke o move without eenonlttng somo accomplished wowaa. ipnny man hose, Indeed, ncknowtetfeed tho aid HMWUdhy that* WIVM and mothers, hut alwnys the «mn poa sossed superior intelligence and they lHtfpdd. bg the exercise od reason and wt fcjr mysterious short Ih dpsaeuMe end soatei ttCo wonim's superior Intuftten iesoidee* apparent.- 4s not ascuih nam faithful •rtoodo then sesn do, they nre not more sncfSMfsl te selecting servants, they do not adjust IhenteelvM more bap- POy to the cgprioM and tsmpom of Mirir ssasilstssb nor BOM «aMUy p» estvo the cnas»q,B>scte s t UUWIM words. Ia all theM ithtoga tfcsw are gTfat individual differences, b«tlbe qlffarsnoas nre a matter of tdmpero ment, not BOX. la that (racial test ths silirit.s of » husfcuud, woman's stlstekM are ft*. ««Mt and lamentable. Han. who nre confessedly devoid of latum—. are often fssstoated by uaworthy women, bat rarely arethey eo blind as a wom an. snnsMrsd-oC an aaworthy an. Ia whatever gutoe tho deceiver twes dw cannot asa tho mask or -tfstact ths character behlad It I believe that to i mist tout* -Mar power of Intuition dOM woman a grew Injury. It prevMts bar from cutttvat tpg Judgment and relying en It IMn ker yontk she to ouowngsd toheMeire that She to eadowed with a special foMpomn Hit A# pmum malt of at tacU, amd uri roonlt she saokes frequent and dto litlffM ulitilm i Ufhdmg Ivory plctare has a right te *a host light that can be found tor It It Is eftea trae that a wall apace ea which there Is aot the right light tor far a picture with different colors or 4«t«n« White tItM flower ptecea aad ltf> flea arinae. saaUt landscapes tM * mw* t inrfirr ~nn — a* • mn. There is •• picture whteh nay aot ha seta te better adraatags if well lighted. (This fees aot mean daringly lighted.) j Amfrar fa V«M SMst Amber te fbaad la Colorado, Scat ter coaaty, aad te aQallhraadte farttcniarty te the Bealdar «M fletda Atehar to • tm*i rmfa TUtyk almost apatae. tt oseara te faaa*, te-1 ragalar luaape, grates er4tape;has perfectly ceachMdal fracture, is Slight ly brittle, emits sa agiesMila odor whsa robbed, melt* at «0 degreee rahraahett, aad baraswlth a bright • "In Dmrmmem VW . ** »■»"• mu LsagaM Lewis, "which tells sheet a herse raa- MU aprflwr r wsaWs /*• -That's aothte'," ratetesd Beestfai ■isjsals "A fHsad e* mtaa raa sway with sa" he was IsM at tor Dmpit A tMmei two''aid oae-half mites THE ALAMANCE ULEANER ■ * STStSTR 2 »s^stijuSl Vto* It r*"2?T iLTIKjL to MttdalU »«f» iwUrtd' tbrT&ity CtN*u Mr Itoacuwh wfalek MMkl HivMiuk urn tk r»Mh tbt imit Muoli. Is J»* whol* im th«n waM «aly mm ImH— •* m; taportaaea. Tin catfnwn tteagftt (tet AM MB tofekt provide the BMtMtrj material, «o (h«7 do* Into Ito DM nU~*toanMl»rto*d to find aome *ttodc MMMdrit, the WMfctoffoa SUr wyfc ' D» alaaitof v««7 dto-toMh itapOMr they feud m■ tnormom ■«*■» M«lm A«t repreaeated Baddha U a ttoltata* poeltlon. The atatue la about 190 (Ml long and, loclodlnc tha brick base, It to mere than 40 feet hl«h. 11* Yoko hama Buddha to 66 foot high aadllo feet la circumference. Although the Barmen stataa to adt n artistic as the Japaaese, It to *a wonderful piece of work. Not the least remarkable thtag aboat It la the way In which n huge a mni—nt had diaappeared abaolatety treat Bar awn history and legend. Tbe news of the discovery ap ean brought numberiesa Baddhlsts to ttto place, who glazed sad decdtotetf tbe gigantic image as a wwrk mt derettoa. The sides of its hog* feet were eraa mented at great coit with aa elabor ate glass a&oaale aid ndb toe toaa embellished wttb a tenants deeers ttoa. « Worlf* Wmttmst Spat Fammdi* Assam NlUs We often complain aboat relay weather, tret ready wa da set knew what rain meens! One has to go to tbe Khasl hills, la laaaaa, to an rata st Its beartoeC tor then It essan down In Niagaras. This spot, tor It Is not ot lsrge extent, la tbe aasn at Cbenlpungl. aad it de cerns oB the bdd aaean eats can gtve M. Ra saiaasl aatofeU av4r agn 468 laebee, ar last aWtewdana MB, MS mate' lailSliß «a tbe maatb efMyl Oa tbe ft* «%y ad that tosatb dO tasbn ad rdto 41l to 1 11 Mdiiml bean. tatfcf Bfca days, 2«ae fi to U. tbe totsdnaibal apwsrfls ef 114 Irniac er' baan 'tbaa tour ttowa tbe ana age astei rdbafeß at Lsaadoa. Tbe hepolnt iinMW utotoll to inches «ittTtoWta. mill nielli •tear to-.#eea te Mstasy to |hf tetfr regaaae hetwaaa the death-of Charted I, tloa or 4BhaHa> U, Hay t, MO. Dae km «hla ptetolef M yeata. republlc, althoagh te na% f aft teqr despotism, rated hy Oliver Cross well, mum by ateaarfL Oa De load |apillar, aad held this sMas toe tember I lflH, whea he wss-saesseted by Ms sea, Bichard Cromwell. wha praved to be • weak aad teMetaaft rater. Aadsooa laHiadJltoo fHrati Uad May % MB, aad Ohtetaa D to tamed to Leaden May* of the «m ysar—ffaasae Ctty Mar. Mm Wlmuhtil •ha always h» aaadtft ttaM te the teak. It was sarh a large hffe aad so many eery |»pw> ha* » ir^ftaahT beak she staffed the astes Mte her Oae eg the haaTa gil>a»iM isllil her. aad ha walks# swiftly te hsr slda •Becarefel. maama.-he whtepered, iraWhal^^^i^ MassaasasM Uidbmhmd S£s^sj?sS2^B CNt * ateae remote to to* the Story. GRAHAM, N.C., THURSDAY. MAY 21, 1925 Dimkmm Grm* Artut, Not Mmmtml Spseimlut Mr. Mnvkw, Miss Flit* and the *"**!"* dthor |»ir character* who populate te pages s* Charles Dickens' book* arc correct), depicted from the vMerpolnt of the IDUI who MM wl *l ke thinks ke ought to aoc, bat not vbMjtewod by nspeetallst In mantel Thla to tho opinion of Br. CbarlM W. BO|T, profeoaor of psychlstry in the University of Pennsylvanls medical school. wb? ha* applied to these Ac tion characters the method* which ho USM In diagnosing mental disorders when called Into a criminal court as an alienist. "Dlckena waa on sittot." aaya Doc tor Burr, -and net a apeclaliat ia mental medicine. Joat aa the dying of a gnat actor on the stage M alto gether unlike, death aa the phyalcian aen it, eo life aeen with an artlat's eyes to unlike life aeen by the pro fessor trained la the learning of the schools. Death oa It really happens, acted ea the Mage, would be flat, atale aad oalntereetlng. DlcKena deacrtbea s fairyland, not seldom a fairyland late which devils hare intruded. Thla is the secret ef hia wide appeal spread ing through apace aild laatlng through time."—Science Service. Hmd tm Timm Thmir Walks by Almanac Ouvrard, the great French army con tractor, was at one time "wanted" by the odieere of the trtbunal of com merce for some offense. According to the law he could nat be arrested as long as the saa was not up. As s re sult be' was in tbe habit af taking his caaatitntloaai far aa boar before sun rtn every morning. Judging the time by tbe almanac, H. C. Kitchen coa ■trtbotos to tbe Ksnaaa City Star. la spite at kla can. however, he was arrested one IHbHlflg'nn his saunter, and the eethsjHlee peeved that the al manac was wfeag, aad that as a mat tor of feet the saa rose Ma aslaatea earlier thaa tha book stated. Conseqneatly. Oavrai* brought legal actions agalaet bath tba compiler aad publisher ef the baek. The courta up held Sim aad tbe totter were forced to pay daangea This "walking by the almanac* was »• sssedal thteg to France. Balsac sns st eato time ander the neceeaity ef tlmtag bto pabUc appeenacn to \ Trmmmu m in Ocaan The ocean appear* U the traveler t% be a ya»t expaaae of saMy water valued lilaflj for traaeportatloa and eoarce eg ratetell. Tot it Is veritably "■■H| '«tth pleat.. aad anlaial life, sad Its dsfchs hold -aatoM treanm. Ms ssltlasss has tossed saach iacoa ▼ealenee, for maay, aa Oelertdge'a Ao deat Mariner, have had parched tbroeta with "Water, water every where, Mr aajr drop te drink." Al apparently a nuisance aad worthless, aea aalt la Netnrs's store haaee of treaenrea to the chemlat. tor It Matdae 411 the rateable cooatltu eate of the earth's crust that hare heea Inatead eat by the coaatleae Rates of fonaer yean. XMPMKNHniOI Whea last I weat Weet by wsy of the Broadway Limited. 1 waa sittiag ea the shasrestlsa platform, wstcblag the aiaaarj daab by, whea the porter caaae eat to stralgbtoa the chairs which had beea left la soane disorder by s great af feaag folks. "We dea't s#»n te*be going so saach faster thea a: ordinary leeal trate, George," I eommeated. "flaw. thea. eaa this he thr fastest testa oa earth r "W»U. ariL* isplled the AMcea, With a gfte. "fle tec* U we alle doaa go ae testae's lste s* theaa peeky locals, hat aa gMs dhr te «alck time becaass aa jtat keeps ea keeping ia.VW. U Barahart te Ma Msgaatee. mmd Clmry rasss Is ths terorabU celebrity that te beaded to a maa who has Mki tMik m tea loot njwnwm ▼an* eg ad> leatlsad arttdss ever pat aa the saar hoc Hte a giaiiel way e toss king. Fame te the fed asal af meitt pasted ea a saaa's brew, thea Qtety te three eeata of sssrlet patet, rabbed dews aad Tinteil aad toachod ap with getf lsal—Blls Parker Batter te ■earsTs teteraitlsasl-OasmapaiHsa. | Mmmnvimg Irk Spot} % ffmmn u wput* n»m tnemMwn, iy NM>toi ink i f-xi ■•!■•■— if !>•«■■ I.' li la aaly a Mn*a-a alala AIT vfll ttfca It «mi If ifca lak tea IMKrilil tfca »«>«l waah »«k Uat tf vttiM; ;«• «»til ka •a u> rrpaal Ah allvo rlf iiqalU la aaak flNi Ik. ■!«•*» uat« illaapfairai (Ht Vtf, I bra apt* l ) a lltrta InnOlVl palkk aftk a araataa Hutb, nibblag * WW* «•* Arab Dancing Girls Arm Sought in Marriage Dancing flirts are not of the deaM mondt In thd Fibnch provinces of north Africa, according to Mlaa Flor ence Flatter of Scaredsle, N. I, man ager of the de luxe tourist parties te that part ef the world, in fact, they are greatly In demand as wires aad they are the only women of their race who can choose their own time aad place for matrimony. "While the average Arab girl mnr rlea In her early teens," aaya Mtsa Fisher, "and consider* herself old lofcg before she reaches thirty, the dancing glrla drink their cup of )oy— If cup of joy it la—to the full before they enter the bonds of matrimony iand rarely wed before twenty-elglit or twenty-nine And then they are llkaiy to make exceedingly good matches." The reason for thla, it see ma, la he cauae of the rich dowry they bring tbelr husbands, both In material wealth and In the charms they have acquired through their art A dancing girl, as ahe becomes more and more lucceaa ful, buys heraelf gold banglea and ankleta. The number and beauty of theae la proof by no meana of ardent personal admirers, but of skill snd rec ognition in her profession. They an aa much so as the military insignia ef tbe soldier. Conaequently, graceful and alluring glrla of twenty-flve and aUghtly upward, adorned with theae trophies, are sure te draw a good hus band In the marriage market. Why Cats Can Always Land on Thmir Fmmt Hew don a cat know how to land right aide up when ahe Is dropped? The snswer Is, according to Prof. R. Magnus of the university of Utrecht, Hollsnd, that she doesn't need to "know" st all, at leaat consciously. la the 90am ot experiments to de termine the nature of the "sense of rlghtslde-upticn" possessed by sll an imals, Professor Msgnus pat the fore binln at a cat, when consciousness retiidee, oat of commission by an oper ation. and then dropped tha animal up side down. Bvery time be did It, pony righted heraelf Just as quickly snd ss easily as though she hsd full posses sion of her tecnltlee. Professor Mag nus therefore concludes that keeping right aide op la simply a mechanical cr reflex actioai, quite beneath tbs dignity of attention from the higher brain centejp. Why "Tma Tatars" Ara Faw No woman who amokee cigarettes caa hope to become a professional tea taster, according to Miss Msrgaret Ir ving, the only women smong London's millions of women tea drinkers who has qualm ed as a tea expert, She has taken bar place alongside men pho get thounnda of poanda a year for grad ing snd Judging the lnvn which enter Into England's favorite beverage, the New York World nya. Woman tea tasters most also eachew parfnmea and perfomod aoaps and tal ent powders. Tba noaa and palate co operate in deciding npon tba flavor of taa anß mast be kept free of all lnflo eocee which might affect their fane tiontoC- Why Old Aft Smhm Hmrd **Bo John D. Is eighty-fife," said • Hew York banker an tha birthday of the multimillionaire. "Wall, 1 raaaaaa ber a remark at kis about old ago that he made on his retirement from boat a "'A man to Ilka an aataaaeblto.' ha said. 'By tba time ha gats hlmaelf to satisfactory raafTng order, finds out his strength aad his weaknesses, aad teams how to get a *3fcceat day's work oat of hlmaelf—why, by that time he's considered old-fashioned and a back Bomber, the young folks laagb whan ha goea by, and nobody warns anything to M with him for lore or m«aey.'" Why IMif h NflmM -Whoa roar ty* mm* «p*a 1» Ik* Mfilm rMi «*? ¥# • nwwm. getting «tM| t* U# *OM **« P. Ud theft 14* «he»ld gat op. Do not lit there doting. Doiiif la bed la the mornlag will eftaa be eaoagh to m| the toao for mi aatlra (tor at weartaooa Toa would bottor pi ap ma If 70a do aot fool tally rooted. Toa will ateep tbo oarer aad the bottor for It daring tho cMßlag Bight"—Oeorge r. Bailor, M. D. Cmmmrm gt Datacdvfl raphy to aav hrtw a*»« kgr the Tieach ntftop to lhata w«* * ta*** rrlmlasle. IK Otkir MMMCtid LUriH. 9WWI TF 1WP 1 ''l'" - - r * * of tho rida. Whoa aa X-ray phMo»apfc to tahoa. aot oalr to tha hagar print ghewa la dat«U. tort atoo tho Mractere *C •• haaoa. Tho hoaao of tho tagar* fnratoh araa Mara paaaltila down to the Idaatl dratlaa af qftoato thaa dagar potato. Data alt too Ft Ma Tkm Ormm*. Im Lmmdmm Oranges made (Mr flrst WWrtK WMrutt IB tblß CSOBtry to IMB. when a Spanish fruit ebip urtnd it Portamoath tad tkt fMN, to Oostlle, purchased IMB Mi cart* 11 ettrona aad anaa MMK The ant mention of Umb teas net omr «tU 1388. whan >mi tftntaf l|«ra« "*«» l tha lallcadai at the oaNaaUw banquet of Hear? IT, who may have become acquainted .the qsaUlttoe of the trait daring Us (Hie. By the Sixteenth century etaapn naa te have become twipa, aal It to ac corded that the tarda of the star cham ber la ISO* had the* eerred dally at dinner at a cost ad id par.dsy.—Lea don lfall. TOUs fetter to s nap Men share* terr aaaeaaced Ceastshla Sate t. SUckpatter. the watt-kaawadeath of Petunia, draggtag a tbta sad hamtoss loohlngetrengsr ep hafen Basatoa "Hew da yea anba that eatr sdsd the oMdaL "Well, he's toon Kay Be* sad yea* aay yourself ha leaks ee to sail eat teat He's probly s haadtt Or he!flap ef aeon kind. I've aesrehed Mm thnagh aad through aad aaapttofl ton eat, aad rft be Johabrowaed If beta gat a slagU deadly weaptia rsaanlafl aheat his pereoa. So I aay he's s sasptotoas character r—Ksaflas City iter. Many of tbe eoHeOe tbtefla rndsaal sd with the eervtoa at tbe medieval dinner table wen tbe leaalt ef tbe peculiar social system. Altbeagb widely seperstad la raak, tha feadal baron ate dally with bis istslaaie Bat at s feadal baaeSet tbe of the castle sad bis chief gaeet eeca pled seats at tha farther Me of tbe table or dais. They wan asid to*dt st tbe dais, lnstosd at at tbe tsble upon the dsM. This toodal toablaa of arranging tbe tables for a formal dinner aorvlvae la.tbd maflaaa eastern ot having a "raised table" tor gaesto sad spasken Vls&m Varmlsk Hsrt's "The TtoUa add |to Mibir contains tba fellawlag: "At vsraMb of Bergonsl to aftsa fatty aa raajdn dent ss tbst ef Otasavpa dtosraaad ar m tba mystntoMtflto«sdto- tremely thkk, at etber Mmn bat spar Ingly laid ea; edtan ef a deep itch sad color, aiiMillpn ef a pale red «t again at rich aupber, n tbst tba vari ation of'color to ba moTwith to Bar gonsl'a vloltos to jMaaidanbto." Tm Maatler'e "tortsa Ti ijjul Plant*" (Aaatralte) MtO* that Mr Washington palm is aattvo few Math California to Ajiaoaa aad Falirafla Evidently the Colorado, rtrer to MM, and tha ststsmsat to arialaadtog. Aa to aequotaa It to aal« a M|M af eoßflraad"*" *" menta"; atoa tkal tha iiiwiTto!a stem "M feet to feawttr," aM a MM of a {alias mrti «ai "Mm it M to dlamatar MO hat few tha IM* Tartly, dtotaaca leaM rrtwtoMl Loa Angelat Mm. Hmm W Tmtmpkmm Wbm Tha knM| aalap nada by Ma phooe and telegraph wtraa is aaaaed by vlbratloaa at UwMa aat to atatoaa by the wind aM other aM cerraat*. Ba latenalty af the baasaMg to litar mined to aaaaa esteat by tha dfihtMM af tba wlrae aad tka distaate hrrrraaa tba polea. Tha paaliat aaiaa to heard at tha palaa, tba «m Mh aat to flbratU by tba aMaa. Why Urn WmmiDmmm M&nagar—A lae fighter r«a m, That gar ImM m tan ima tinea to MM IIMt Saai—Ho oaah hod aw fcntui mrf time he «mo htt mo. ho greartod. -Oola* daaa-—aad dh wmt—Ah hod to. Maaager—Aw. beak With that par ctouilrta otaC— Sam—Proeho apthla*. Ah aood la ho oa elevator MU.- AtMotlc oad Oattag Worid. Why FnmA -It if km Tho Freach tangeag* lo aood •t te hank gatberiaga bocaaoo It ta aato graetaJlr kaewa. LaOa wao htanl| kaoara M tho toagaaaa M tfrliawj. hat throat the WMlnv of- tho fmtk "Wtar XIT U hoaaaa Fipeck. Thla to Mortlr a ceetenef dlplonwrr aad aot a prariataa of later aatloaal law. Why Fi»mfiwt Ptmpm Troatealaf hare agrood that Mg warm are llaaacad Mil per oaat to teraet rate. Oariag the poatoda of ■tebUlaetloa after iMgoolaat giaOito tho tateraM note iaa>y taapa to d «ar ceat. The rale hold (Ndh tho ggoo of ilia Worid war. ' Hmm Ammm tm Hmom Littim mm tkm Ostriek ad avail eeld that ther were like tee water, ae they aae tod by BMited aaew tram Mt Keaya. C» te thla tlaae we had aeaa little fuad, M the plata a salaaato doa't ceae late the manitotoe; eiephaata aad ibtas aad haflale cootd he (Mad la the fed edto tewarda Keaya, hot they an mt deai eeea from the read. New ae waa eared te tee the Keaya-harte beeete. amaU herda ef catenas aahra, masy eetriches aad a tew pnatto The estrtcbn are fussy crest urea; they weald teed aattt ws were eppoelto then, then they weald start rannbtg along parallel with aa. We weald pat ea all ear pewer aad race them fee « arila, test they always Nat as. 4s soga as they wan s hasdred yards ahead they weald pat ea an added apart sad creaa the rood, oftea stip ptag aad falling aa their foot atrook the hard roadbed. Whea they hod reached the other Mds they would ate* aad wateh as ge by, aaaaelmly perfectly coateated aad aatiaded that they hsd aranad the read. ThM weald >M»n a dosea times Mi aa bqpi*- day always did the ssan thing, ae smttor which aide ef the read tb«y b apposed te ha graslag on.—Martta Jahnsoa la the World's Work. Mmut Pmmpim mt Siam Pom Lima* mm M The erdlaary Slasiasa dttoea aafly ba said to pessen ae bean at aIL He Urn with bis wife sad saked babies ea s beat to a nasi, writes Lymaa Bryaea, la the dttostlc Measfe- IF* CiitiMi AM li livtag, aad a people addicted to bsfb tog eaa slip sC their fnat parrbto, that Mt their treat darks, late water st say hear rf tbe day er eight. Atoaf tha aberas are tba gUded. gUttertog, flams ttke temple sgtna aM area a tew adiyboatosn baßdtoea «a a blaalag hot ead dootp mala «ant paradton am tba dwalltogß ef patent aasst st thsn to Bonpssa adyto. lyif ptllQl'lf mettle, wkltk €Mt itlltrrsfiff ttoslt, begaa to sattto la tes sd*d wbn B wss.badf baltt. It rides a* to aa ssflaistiartaie ad ceacnte. pa Ippaatoob bast wblcb was pat naSir jtaad taiiaato Maatoaiwttodijip eat ef tbs Maaaat Dnrtt ay for Mmr to |» (Mat to the daaa ef iiiyli m tail ■Mr. It akaald ka a practice to •my hame, Mti taeagh the'drmatad rait aj'ii «wSir.ti't wife at Miiir, tat aack ladMdkal twM ihim (HiwtoMwill CM dna taauld ka taugkt the kablt la (he hlgh-chalr itjw. flkU' eMM Mt «lr tokaa .Mm taaaOy Art af tha "ahlfUeae dead- |at ■Ma dlgaaMaa aa wall An aaketopt IMP" T tfc« tabta apella the.appdtae •f tha reat aftfca daatata-hadta4kee tka.Maail I- wrfllll U4 Imth*. Aad tlMo the member of ta any wWIm rnHil tkat dtapar ku lilwit ae kard aver it that |ke k "Jwt tao tM to tan" eke )m MhM kar pupm-bekusaL FmirWmrmt-g A aktaa atare. altuatad at tka Wta aactlea af twa Parla atreata mack (■aatad kr aitar tracks aad tagla. vary attaa reeetree tka aaglaa qf u aaakaa ar tka wkaat af a track at • tail carta rater tkraagk tta plate glgae wafebaaaa kare kaaa peat ad before tka dear, aa eltker aide af which la a notice reading, "No Tbarougkfart." Ha doubt tke plate glaaa will ww ka aafa from tha Impetaoatty of Man wkaaa feat Itek fer tke accalarat*. From La Figaro. Parla. (Traariated tar tka Kaauaa OUy star.) • filaaf a/ Our CaMfry 1W lu4 UM af tfca MM StoMa prwpar la 2#T0.000 mllM. fkt watin km aa uw' af MUM HMn HBM. IW MM «f ana •* ANt UUN nan am* « .M.| mkrnmt llfluOOO Mmb to d( rtdUVilMa. MM to Bawaii aM 3jOOO to Part* JU** Vka total ana af tfea lia»li «* tta fIN ftatoa la. tfcai* toaa. fc rw»l noMm 5.700.0M0M p.,-, „,1| m 3 + * tba Adaautea rriWaaa pari tat ta tka I'tal ata^r^^m Si tagattkriraniltapai nklii»Macg|pdi t rj^aragagg NO. 16 n*r HmJ LittU f«rt , in PmrUmn friWqf | i—tew aU that avOw MS flourlahamong a%" aaya Carolina ft? S MacGlll la SeribMrt "Par- il bape tbeaubtlaat aad moat wldwpraai ef all our aaytba to that myth* carnal extot to the freedom and vigor ef the f rent open apacea.' It to a pecaßailjr, >i daageroua aiyth, tocaoa of Ka mted doalag taodendaa, blinding aa to tha batter concealed at the popular fal ladaa. "Many of oar mythj ccatar amai liberty and freedom, until oaa would auppoaa that they were eoaaathtop la dlgenoua to the aoil of thto waatara world. Tat we know that freedeaC except for the flaw, waa about tha Uat thin# tha original aettlera waated. Am examination of tha ncorda of tha northern coloutoa will abow how ax ceedlngly little fweodoaa there waa ef any kind from tha orrtlnancna of Ply mouth to tha famaaa sutute- of 1W which removed the toat veettge at freedoaa from children abova ate, «m --pelting than to ba employed, even * doubly employed, after that age. It to vary wall to talk about tha atara' eeonoarie-* eoadtttooa which made tt aaraaaary for each child to be ao far aa poaalble eelf-eupporttng, but tha otnt ata Itaalt atoai makaa It' quite dear that the. real thorn waa tha alght of children praaaMpg to play. Itth laa ctTlouanaaa % on the part of tha Inno centa waa uttarty at rartonca with tha puritan tamper." » "City of Ef Dormdo N •iking But a Myth torn* time ape, when the roina of aa Aatac dtywero (Uncovered la tha Amaaontoa for eat, they were popular ly' auppoaed to ba thoaa of B Dorado, tha golden dty to which Balal|h aad many other adventurera ware aald to hare been lured, aome to their death, aad a few to fortune, in Kllaabethaa ttoaaa, when the wtldeat atorlea of tha Near world found credence. D Dorado aounde Ifta the tonrlfal awnee which the Bpaalarda aad rerta gueae'gave to the cittoa they eatah- Itobed. auch aa Baaaoa Alraa, Sand* ago, Lea Aagelee, and eo an. But tha fbct to that B D«aM* »• net a dty at all, aad differ waft al though It would aaake % a fine aounoap aame. for aome aoaf qtpltaL Tha attr j paaa that OreUaaa, tha Itoutoaaht of the great Ptoarrn, pro* leaded ha lid dtoeoveaed a Ipa* of gold between tha Orinoco had tha ▲aaaaoa, bat-whoa thaoe Mgh hag a a proved daluatra, the ralar waa awaaiad with oil and rolled la paid daat, aad dubbed B Dorado, tho 'gOdad aua. Whether there to truth la tha atary la difficult to detanalaa. Oai'f Satf-mtrnmrtw Bu a dog tka rlgkt t» aatact kla m naatarT ftuaatlan iron aa- . centljr la a eaaa brought before a L» doe court whoa tka owamr of a vala- abto dog aoed a neigkbor (or IBagally kartart»i tka animal. Tka Mtaw eat op. waa that If a maatatf urkat waa daaarikalfr aa *tai laetlact torn dam" aad a da* lftad kla tad tal lowed .hlrnc he waa not legally bound to communicate with tta owaar tt ka kaaw tka owaer'a nama aad addraaa. In other worda, tka datadaat at* tempted to extort tka law ef aatf- detenalaatlca to awtrilala Tka auM dag; ka tad, kad followed him kaaaa aa three oceaatoam. Twice ka returned it to tha lawful owaar, but aa tka third oecaaioa ka -allowed It to ra mala. Tka court fined kla flO. Find Rape Superior u Pasture Crop for Pigs ' Whan compared with other paatara erope tar plga, rape damonatrattp to tal* tha agual af any and tha aapariar of meat ef theaa. Feeding Mala at tha lowa aad Ohla atatlaaa with tat tealag pica aa earn and taahp aa liaatm a hava ahowa tha jatoe pra dacad. feed ragaliuaaaata aad eaiif lßf cipidtfn of rapt mad alfalfa t# be practically IdcoUctl JJfaJdCau *f eaaraa. aartchaa the aoll aa a laguaaa aad alao kaa tta aklllty to pradura .kar. aaltkar af whfck to traa of rapa. When aatthar alfalfa ar danr ia araß aMe tar the.plg% ka wafer. rapeaboaM aat ka emitted. it la af eaaraa. mack aaaparlor to btoagraaa pal* Ocularly after July ». VmtmmkU Air Cargaaf Procioue atooea wUI be part of tka cargo af tha alrpianaa now rradT to ty orer the 1.100 milee of tpaplcal Jungle between Koahaaha. the capital af the Befgtpa Cong* aad In the Interior. Ho fawer than » air drotnea and Mart** graanda ha** been ballt to tka awampa and ta*giea aroaod «ta ©**•> pearidleg.a cantto of flNflhilV |romi4». Tbf MiwctpaJ "oar gore" aa tka air raato eddlM»omkiJd^and tay tolart ef a* bp praa-

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