THE ALAMANCE (CLEANER. a > 1 _ \ ' * * VOL. LI LATIN PUZZLE IS FOUND IN ARIZONA Discovery Arouses Cariosity of Philologists. Chicago.—Arizona has given Ameri can scholars ths year's best cross word puzzle In Latin, dating back os tensibly to century and In scribed on mysterious lead swords, spearheads and crosses. The puzzls has been referred by the University of Arizona to Prof. Charles H. Beeson, scholar of the classics at the Univer sity of Chicago, who Is versed equally in secret codes and the broken lore of Roman Carthage. These facts were announced at a meeting* of , the Midway Graduate Classical club, which Professor Beeson addressed, telling Chicago stu dents for the first time the Inside story of a recent discovery in the Southwest of * ancient Latin writings which are attracting attention among philologists and excavators. Brofessor Beeson has verified the conclusions of Prof. Frank Fowler at the University of Arizona and made new observations of the Latin Inscrip tions. Imprints of the writings and blue print outlines of the crosses, un earthed by chance near Tucson, are being studied by Professor Beeson. The oldest Inscription bears the date of 790, laboriously marked on the lead surface of the cross in Latin. The next oldest dates back to ,900. One cross, on which bas been in scribed incoherent phrases of a re ligious nature, begins with two Latin words, "Ab Ovd," which Professor Beeson explains, means "Out of the egg," and has no logical bearing oa the rest of the translation; Continu ing with this particular piece, he found frequent reference to Jacob, Israel and Theodoras, the latter being obviously Irrelevant A typical Inscription reads in trans lation: "With the help of the Lord, Jacob reigns with strong hand accord ing to the custom of his ancestors. Say unto the Lord, May his fame live forever." """ Professor Fowler informed Profes sor Beeson that the crosses, swords and spearheads were buried not less than a century ago. The writings re vealed nothing of the identity of the author, Professor Beeson said. They may have been written by some Span ish priest who wanted to write his own epitaph, or the instruments may have been lost by wandering Spaolsh adventurers who picked them up in Europe. Braving Sharks, Swim* 5 Miles to Get Rescuer* Lahalna, Island of Mauri, T. H.— A sampan overturned in the swift cur rent off Molokai island. Fifteen of the 16 occupants, of the craft clung to the capsized dhell while their extremi ties dangled in the shark l -infested wa ters. The sixteenth member of the party, Eugene Dauvauchelle, forty, made a daring swim of five miles to a lonely spot on Molokai island, ran overland for several miles, organized a relief party, cruised to the rescue and saved ten of his companions. The shark torn bodies of two members of the party, one a woman, were recovered. Five persons were drowned in the ac cident Survivors of the accident arrived here on an lnter-lsland vessel and told how Dauvaucbelle returned with his rescue party and picked them out of the water. The survivors were in the water for ten hours, they ssid. The party was composed of Hawaiian*. Mexican Links Radio and Telephonic Services Mexico City.—Gen. GustaVo Salinas, chief of the army aviation department, with the aid of the departmental ex perts, Is putting the finishing touches to an invention which he believes will revolutionize radio communication. Starting with the idea of developing a method to place airplanes In radio communication with their landing fields, be has developed his system enough to warrant the belief .that tele phone users in sny city possessing m broadcasting station by simply calling up thst station can communicate with any person in any dty of the republic enjoying equal telephone and broad casting facilities. .' \ Why Is,a Bachelor "Uncle Tom," said bis young nephew to sn old bachelor, "tell me about some of the narrow escapes you've had from the women." "Boy," was the response. "If there was sny narrAw escapes, the women had 'em." —Farm and Fireside. Why Snow Is Whit* Snow Is white because the crystals are so minute thst each cell of the retina receives a general Impression produced by the combination of differ ent wave lengths reflected fros innu merable minute facets. . > • Wily Batchar Knew What HaWm About A good story 1s told In Tamworth, Warwickshire, England, whence came originally the famous Tsmworth herd of swine.' During the year 1800 a gen tleman was exhibiting at the door of an inn a trotting mare, whan a butcher of the town, stepping up, offered to trot his black pony against her foi $125. A smile of Opntempt ,wss the only notice he at first received. How ever, the knight of the cleaver per sisting in his orlginar offer, the bet was accepted, and the next morning appointed for the match, four miles out of the town. The butcher appeared at the stsrtlng post mounted on his black pony with his tray 1q front of him and brandishing a small marrow bone. He was allowed the start when Immediately afterward, as his competi tor was rapldljulpesslng him, he rat tled a flourish upon bis tray, which had the Instantaneous effect of fright ening the high-mettled mare Into a gal lop. This was repeatedly the case, and as often, according to the eti quette of trotting matches, was the too hasty mare obliged to stop and turn round. Thus, ultimately, the black pony. Won in hollow fashion. Bismarck Not Afraid of Hit Royal Mastar Genuine Imperial tokay was sold, direct from the royal cellars Is Vienna, after the World war. This wine was never easy to obtain except through the royal Ilapsburgs, who occasionally made presents to their friends. The great Bismarck himself found it hard to get a supply. Gen. Sir E. Hamley used to tell (he story of how, attend ing German maneuvers, he sat next to Bismarck at dinner, with "old Wil liam" not far away. A good deal to Hamley's discomfort, Bismarck per sisted In talking about his master In a very l&ud voice, saying, among other things, thst he was generous but for getful. "For instance, I pleased him the other day, and he promised me a dozen of that Tokay he has in his cel lars, but I haven't had It" "Really," said poor Hamley, "I'm afraid hell hear what you're saying," "Afraid V - roared Bismarck, "I want him to hear me; that's just what I want!" Sign That Worked He was a burglar. After effecting an entrance into the bank he found his way, easily enough, to the strong room. When the light of the lantern fell on the door he saw this sign written In red letters: "Save your dynamite. This sate Is not locked. Turn the knob and It will open." For a moment be ruminated "Anyhow," he reflected, "there's no harm in trying it If it really -4s un locked." He grasped the knob and turned It Instantly the office was flooded with light sn alarm bell rang loudly, an electric shock rendered him helpless, while s panel In tye wall opened and out rushed a bulldog which seised him firmly. An hour later, when the cell door closed on him, he sighed:. "I know what's wrong with me. I'm too trusting. X have too much faith in human nature." Protect Beautiful Bird,s - Birds of paradise are found In New Guinea. Molucca Islands and s few other neighboring islands; also In northeastern Australia. Egrets range from the United States south to southern South America; from cen tral Europe south to southern Africa; and from north central Asia south to Australia. Egrets are afforded pro tection under the treaty between the United Btates snd Great Britain for the protectlcto of birds migrating be tween the United States an'd Canada snd may not be killed, sold or pos sessed except for scientific purposes, the importation of both birds of para dise snd egrets for their plumage Is prohibited by the tsriff act of 1922. What Ska Really Needed A fanner's wife sat reading a farm Journal and, ss she had outgrown, er, rather, outeged her spectacles, she had to hold the peper at arm's length In order to see the print. "Father," she sahh with s sigh, "I do wish the next time you go in to town yoCd buy me s stranger pair of specs." "Hah," said father, who was s no toriously meet) old curmudgeon, "it ain't stranger, specs you need—lt's longer ana*"—Pittsburgh Chronicle- Telegraph. Traced te Hermfe Walpele -Serendipity- lee word In good standing In the IfrgWh language, ea no less authority than the Onto* dic tionary. The word was coined by Horace Walpole. It wes tensed tea the fairy tale The Three Prlaees of Serendlp," formerly the name of Cey lon, the heroes of which weee si ways making •discoveries by srrldsnts sad sacadty sf things tbey dU net task. GRAHAM; N. C., THURSDAY. JULY 16, 1925 Wag Not Conversant With Family History What Is here narrated took place years ago, and all concerned hare since passed away except the reporter mentioned—and be Is not so yopng ss he used to be. •, A prominent woman had passed sway In one of the Georgia cities. The local newspaper sent a reporter to see her son, a leading business man, to get the data for the obituary no tice. After the reporter had secured moet of the Information desired be ssked: "Did your mother leave any broth ers or sisters?" • "Itsther s singular question," said J the man courteously, his curiosity ob viously excited. "Queer that I hsd never thought of that before. Let's see—did mother leave any brothers or sisters?" ' He considered It for s moment hut it was evidently too much for him, and calling his sister from an adjoining room he asked?" "0, Mary, did mother leave sny brothers or sisters?" It seemed thst she did —two, to be specific—and their names were duly supplied. • » "I declare, this is news to me," said the man, speaking frankly to tl)e re porter, in the freedom of old friend ship. "I had never suspected It"— J Atlanta Constitution. Night Watches Were of Military Origin The Jews, like the Greeks and the Romans, divided the night Into mili tary watches Instead of each watch representing the period for which sentinels or pickets remained on duty. The proper Jewish reckon ing recognized only three - such watches, entitled the first or "begin ning of the watches," the middle watch, and the morning watch. These Would last from sunset to 10 o'clock p. ul, from 10 p. m. to 2 a. m.; and from 2 a. m. to sunrise. Subsequent to the annexation of Palestine to the Roman empire as a province, the num ber of watches was Increased to four, which were described either accord ing to their numerical order as in the case of the "fourth watch," or by the terms "even, midnight cock crowing, and morning." Their watches termi nated respectively at # p. m., mid night 3 a. m* snd 6 a. m. Favorite Chinese Disk Ons of the forms of eggs of which the Chinese people are very fond la the'so-called "tea eggs." To prepare these, fresh bens' eggs sre hard boiled, the allells cracked and the egg thgn cooked for hours In s mixture of tea Infusion, salt spice snd soy bean sauce. When the price of eggs is low, "tea eggs" sre often prepared and kept warm fa the stove so thst sny member of the family may help him self to them as the Americans do candy and nuts. Hens' eggs sre usually very cheap An ordinary day's diet for a family easily contains a half-dozen eggs or more. Even poor people who keep their own hens use eggs freely. Slsves snd servsnts, however, are usually given only a few, for vege tables sre usually che%p, and eggs re garded as more desirable.—Philadel phia Inquirer, Sap Has Higk Pressure The pressure of outflowing ssp In wounded trees at this time of year may be as high ss 160 pounds a sqnsra Inch, equal to the steam pres sure In sn ordinary locomotive. This hgs been discovered by special Instru ments placed In tree trunks by Dr. D. T. MscDougal, director of the Car negie Institute's department of bo tanical research. Doctor MacDougal also told the society thst trees with desd roots, trunk and leaves still con tinue to experience ss sseent of sap In spring, demonstrating that this seemingly vltsl process Is purely me chanical. Why He Wasn't Going The sturdy lndlvldeallsm of the Scot was recently demonstrated st s re vivsl meeting when the preacher, who felt thst bis words hsd produced the desired effect upon his congregation, requested all present who wsnted to go to heaven to hold up their hands. The reeponss wss unanimous with the exception of one msn. "Do you not wish to go te Heaven?" the preacher • ■erf Wii« man. "It's a' richt about going to Hseven." he replied; "bot I'm no gssn wl s trip." * Why Wires Husa v Wf.—»«mg of wires Is reused by the wind. The wire has s natural fre quency of vibration the asms ss s plsno string, snd the wind sets it te vibrating. The fundamental frequen cy to teo lew te be heard, but same of tbs harmonies are audible The tsndsamtsl Is given by the wire vibrating ss s whole, the bsneonles by the vibrating In sections; msny of these sre erdlssrfly set up at the sums tiara WHY Painting Preserves die Life of Wood Unpslnted wood surfacea absorb grease and dirt more readily, are more likely to stain, and are harder to keep clean than those in which the pores of the wood are filled with varnish, oil, pulnt. or other finish. In general, S bouse should contain as few unfln ■ed wood surfaces an possible. In one kitchen, for exsmple, labor may be saved by finishing or covering the floor. 6y covering the tsble with oil cloth, linoleum or sine, and by paint ing or varnishing the rest of the fur niture. ' Unflnshed wood surfaces may be scrubbed with the grain of the wood, using small quantities of water and a mHd soap, rinsed with a cloth wrung out of clean tfater, and wiped dry. Strong soaps, alkalis, and too much water darken wood and may soften It. If the dirt cannot be removed with soap and water, a scourer, such as flne steel wool or powdered pumice, may be used. Unfinished wood can be .bleached with oxalic acid solution, which Is poisonous. The wood should be covered thinly with the solution, allowed to dry, and then thoroughly washed until all traces of the acid are removed. If grease Is spilled on unfinished wood cold water should be applied at once. If possible. In order to harden the grease and prevent Its spreading, then as much grease as pos sible should be scraped off with s knife, and the spot scrubbed with a washing soda or lye solution. If the spot appears dark, a paste made of fuller's earth and water should be spread over It and allowed to remain overnight. Oiled floors should he swept wltlf s soft brush snd dusted .with a dry or oiled mop. Occasionally they may he washed and afterward wiped with an oily cloth. Water should be used sparingly, snd care should be taken to rub the oil In well and not to use so that s surplus is left on the sur fsce to hold dust and be tracked onto rugs. Why the "Golden Age" Is Never the Present Dean William Rslph Inge, the most recent English visitor to look us over snd tell us what he thinks of us, SDesks about the "incresslng stupidity modern life." It would be interest ing to learn Just bow such s thing csn >be Judged. Did our forebears tasks no mlstskes? Wss life In the past even s few years ago, less dull than U is now? Are there good signs showing tbst human beings sre sct ing more like geese 4hsn they used to? It Is a common habit to clothe the years tbst sre gone with bright 'and shining garments. The golden age Is never the present one and It will not come in the future. It has always been in the past. This is why regrets ■ will be expressed until* the crack of doom that people and life are not ns they were once, even though there be evidences of betterment.— Toledo Blsde. Why We Should Wnlk More Dr. Charles W. Eliot, president emeritus of Hsrvsrd, st s Boston luncheon to promote Interest in con servation snd protection of scenery, historical sitss, wild life, forests snd public reservations, declared the hab it of walking is being lost or largely diminished today snd urged tbst more people frequent the parks snd public reservations, saya tbs New Tork Her sld-TMbune. Of s survey made of traffic pssslng his home on Brattle street Cambridge, for periods of IS mlnntee st four busiest times of the dsy, he reed figures showing s totsl of 440 pies sure vehicles, 110 trucks snd delivery wagons, 2 motor cycles snd 53 pedestrians. Chicago's Nichnamet Chicago bas two nidtnsmes. The "windy city" Is sn Illusion to the high winds thst prevsil there, ss well ss to the general breezlness of the business snd sods I stmoaphere that character izes It Its other nickname is "Pork opolls," meaning "City of Pork" snd refers to the enormous trade la hogs thst is carried on in Chicago and the Immense packing snd meet estsblisb ments thst are one of the distinguish ing festures of tbe dty. & « Being Too Good a Loser When you meet * backset It's all right not to whine shout It But this business of being s good loser csn be carried too far. You can get In the habit of losing. Too csn resign your self to s loss snd then tbe next time something upsets your plsns. why. you sort ef take it for granted, finally yon get so yuu expect loss. And w« usually get wbsi we expect—Esrry A Btewsrt in tbs American Magazine. — * Reliable Indication If his normal telephone voice Is in- , suiting ho weighs JStS with his spats i sn.—flan Frandacs Chranlde I Vanderbilt Had Vision v of Aviation, in 1849 Bnck in 1840, when most adventur ous souls were yielding to California bonanza allurements, tbe original Cornelius Vanderbilt hs wss not yet acclaimed as tbe commodore, wrote this note to s Kingston (N. y.) editor who had been his States island boy hood friend: "Dear Johns: Of course, I can't take any long vacation. like you write about. You come down to New York for a week. I will take good care of you at my houses If I do have to work ahlrtsleeved all day, and we, anyhow, can have the evenings together. "Maybe I will find a way to show you how still some day we can find a way to do what your heart's set on, going out to the Pacific. I am work ing on something that's wonderful— not my own lndlvldusl notion, but whst a man who hss been teschlng school over st Hoboken hss in his mind. Folks over there promised to support his Ideas, but then turned and laughed st blm. "I would mightily well like' you to see him snd talk with him. I have already backed him some and Intend to keep along. He has s plan to make a real flying machine, and I reckon he is a pretty real calculator. "Well, John, if he does make good, you and I can be going to California soon In a proud way, not paddling down ind round the Horn, but In our own wagon prandng up in the clouds across the rivers snd looking down on the Rockies and reaching our land ing right at Sutter's gold diggings, all In a few days, John, Instead of taking a whole summertime Journey. "I wouldn't wonder If you will be bewitched, too."—Wall Street Journal. Hit Determination "I'm going to resign my office snd let tbe dura postmssterln' slide!"ssid the official st the croesrosds. "I've got plenty of d —n reason for It tool One la thst the emulsions of the office Is* too puny for the responsibilities, and another la that the fleas sre too plenty, a feller thst tskes the only dally paper that comes here from the city bas started shooting at roe b'cuzz he wants his durn paper before Tm through reading It A passel of skunks hss took to rendevoozing under the building, and the atmosfeerick disturbance Is so thick you csn cut It with tbe flat side of a barrel stave. Tuther day an unreasonsble cuss who wsnted his mall came right in through the side of the office with an ax. Just b'cuzz I'd gone off fish ing. And I sorter hesr it whispered thst the K. K. K. is flggerlng on csll lng on me on gener'l principles, ss It were, and I've decided thst it Is time for ine to step down snd out" —Kan- fas City Star. To Pole by Airship FridtJof Nansen, the famous Arctic explorer, Is returning to the North pole country after nearly thirty years spent In other work. He has an nounced that he Is to head a German expedition which will mske a long flight across the polar regions in s specially constructed dirigible of 5.000,000 cubic feet capacity, or some thing like twice the size of the Los Angeles. A crew of fifty men will be carried snd the flight from tbe Mur manak coast, north of the White sea, to Alasks snd bsck is expected to oc cupy four weeks. The principal ob jectives of tbs voysge will be scien tific. Photographs to become bsses for maps of the Arctic regions will be taken, soundings made In the ocean and other data assembled. It is hoped thst tbe expedition will be sble to stsrt in 1927. Reason a Snuff Littis John, sge four, slwsys ssid the unexpected. One dsy be wss plsy-, ing bsli with his handkerchief. Re peatedly be threw it st Aunty who wss trying to read. Hoping to regain peace. Aunty sdsed the bsndkerchlef snd placed It In Her book. Immediate ly John begsn to tesse for it "Do you wsnt It very bsdly, John 7' Aunty ssked, snd there wss sn sf firmstlvs nod. "How bsdly do you wsnt It?" Just whst Aunty expected her small nephew to answer is unknotru. hgt her surprise wss evident when with puckered llpe snd wrinkled brow, John burst out: • 1 "W-e-11, I wsnt to blow my nose." Gypsy Tripe for Girls Everyglri's, the msgszlne of the Camp Fire Girls, recommends* gypsy trips In answer to the csll of tbe wild. "Tbe girls borrow or rant n cart snd horse snd Just follow the roed j thst rails," ssys Everyglri's. "You wslk part of the time, ride pert of the time, cook your meals over s, camp fire beside the read or In the ' bend of a shady brook, sleep under | tbe open sky or In tbs hayloft of a friendly barn; you watch before tbe fire In tbe quiet of the night hours; you take s dip from the ssndbsr of sn Inviting river or hslt your caravan at the foot of a mountain and dlmb up to the view and tbe sunset" !! Thyroid Gland Vital, | Julian Huxley Says Z JI Toronto, Canada.—Prof. Ju- J ;; Uan Huxley, senior demonstra- J I tor «|n biology at New college; x ; | Oxford, lecturing here, explained 4 i > as he terihed it, "discoveries 2 ; | which have not yet penetrated 4 . Into the consciousness of the lay 2 11 public." 4 » Control of siammal growth, 2 ;; Professor Huxley asserted, J . could be gained other ways, e J! The first of these was nutrition. J J; Numerous illustrative slides J were shown. j ; * A second means of controlling X > growth wss through the duct- 2 ; | less glands. The thyroid gland ♦ . In ths throat was an Important 2 ; J one. Remarkable things could ♦ • > be done to animals by the use 2 J1 of the thyroid extract, to make f > them grow; or by the removal 4 I [ of this gland to retard their } > growth. « I In the case of frogs, the mer- 2 est touch of thyroid extrncf ♦ Iturned them from tadpoles In- 2 J; to maturity In a faction of the J > ordinary time, and In the case % J | of a certain water lizard the * .. use of this extract resulted In 2 II a gradual transformation into a t > land lizard, a transformation ♦ | J which might not happen normcl- 2 ;' ly In a period of 10,000 years ♦ \! oi more. $ J j eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeei Mimic's Fun Ended For some time at Pusiulonu, Cal., V. K. Fisher enjoyed his ability to Imitate a police siren to perfection with his voice. lie fooled the traffic policemen us he drove his car down the street at a terrific rate, emitting slren-llke screeches. At each corner, the policeman would wave trnflic to a stop and would give the /youth the right of way. Fisher met Ills Water loo when a motorcycle ofllcsr heard tbe siren snd followed to see wh*t wss hsppenlng. Ominous "I've been studying a good deal about resigning my office!" declared Constable Sam T. Slackputter, the guardlaa of the peace 'and dignity Of Petunia. "It's getting too ominous." "Too—what?" returned Mayor Num bers. "Ominous—or dangerous, If you flke that better. You know the new shoot ing gallery thst opened up last week? Well, I've seen no less thna elcht womsu. all told, practicing shooting there. It may mean suthln", snd it may not; but—"—Kansas City Times —, Has Einstein Manuscripts The new Hebrew university at Jeru salem. which Lord Balfour opened with ! so much ceremony a few weeks -ago, has already ne great monument of Intellectual achievement *ln lis ar chives. Doctor Einstein has presented the original manuscripts of his work on reluilvlty to the library of the uni versity. We hope the ability to give s ledd explanation of tbe learned doctor's theory will not be made a requisite for a degree.—Youths Com ' panlon. Albino The term Albino was originally ap plied by the Portuguese to those ne groes who were mottled with white spots; but It is now applied to any who sre bora with red eyes and white hair. It is from the Latin word, albus, white. Albion, one of the names of England, Is derived from (lie same word; and It is suld to have been given to the southern part of tbe is land by Julius Caesar In allusion to the white cliffs nWrtlng the south eastern coast where he landed on tbe occasion of his first Invasion In the year X> B. C. Famous Historian Herodotus wus the oldest historian of Greece, and the "Fsther of His tory." He was born st Ilallcarnassus In Csria. between 400 and 480 It C.; traveled over Asia Minor, Egypt and Syria as far as Babylon, and In his old sge recorded with due fidelity the fruits of his observations and Inquiries, tbe main object' of bis work being to relste the successive stages of the strife between the free civilization of Greece snd the despotic barbarism of Persia for the sovereignty of the world. Ear Training Esr training is absolutely essential for a player of tbe violin or any stringed Instrument or how cfin he put bis Instrument in tune? How often Is s piece ruined by this defect In the sverage smsteur who plays Jus: a little out of tune? This cat'not hap pen If the ear Is trained, but !t bap pens frequently if it Is not. 1 — Exchsnge Fine Points Tbs most exquisite folly is msde of J wisdom spaa 'too fine. —B. Franklin. I U. S. MAY BOAST j LONGEST TUNNEL', | Thirty-Mile Bore Through the . I Cascade*- Planned. | \ j Seattle.—Citizens of Washington, led by Judge Austin E. Griffiths of this ' city, have formed the Cascade Tunnel association to effect, with national, state and railroad financing, the bor* 1 tag of a tunnel thirty miles long, link ing the eastern afld western halves of , their commonwealth. This would be the longest tunnel In the world. In Colorado, the Moffat tunnel, six miles long, under the Con tinental Divide, to carry trains and automobiles, is more than half built In the Alps, the Simplon tunnel, twelve and a quarter miles long, trains i only, has one portal In Switzerland and the other In Italy. These two I countries built It. The tunnel under the Cascade moun , tains, for transcontinental railways, I three of which have' Puget sound j termini here, was the great dream of ; Gen. H. M. Chittenden, who came to Seattle as army district engineer and i lived here until his death In 1917. The ! work of agitation, which his death stayed. Judge Griffiths has taken up. ' Based on expenditures for the Con naught tunnel of the Canadian Pacific railway, through the Selkirk range In the Canadinn Rockies, completed about the tljne of his death, the cost of the Cjjscade tunnel was put by General Chittenden at $52,000,000. * . • The Cascade tunnel, as advocated by Chittenden and Griffiths, would be j thirty feet wide and twenty-five and a ' half feet high. Building Guilds in Denmark Grow Rick Copenhagen.—Born of the bitter In dustrial conflicts that raged through 18U1) and well into 1000, three Danish bulidlflfe guilds have Just celebrated their twenty-flfth anniversaries and are looking forward to increased ac tivities in construction undertakings, capital Iced by themselves. While tlie Industrial conflict was at its height and'half the organized work ers of Denmark were locked out, the' Copenhagen unions of carpenters, ma sons and construction workers hit npon the ldetf of providing some of their members with work by going into the building business. Each of the three organizations set up a guild of Its own on capital raised by issuing stock at as low as 10 kronen (a krona was then worth 28 cents; against jibout 18 cents at present) a share to the building trade workers and by drawing upon the unions' treas uries. Within the last few years all the stock In private hands has been bought back by the unions. The guilds have taken many lobs away from private contractors. Start ing with a capital stock of 2,500 kro nen and six employees, the Construc tion Workers' guild now employs 150 men, has a capital of 250,0(X) kronen and a yearly turnover of abont 2,000,- 000 kronen. * Music of Troubadours Solved by Professor Philadelphia.—Forced out of bis chosen profession by an accident to his right hand. Dr. Jean Jtaptlste Beck, of the' Romanic languages de partment of the University of Pennsyl vania, former organist at SC. Gervals, I'aris, and founder of Schola Can tortim and revival of Gregorian chant, discovered how to decipher and tran scribe the melodies of the Troubadours. Doctor Beck went over to philology after a nail wound had impaired the use of his hand, and combining his musical training with the philologicali he undertook the study of the origin of medieval music In the vernacular. Ills thesis, the melodies - of the Troubadours, lays down principles according to which ihe oldest musical notations of the Eleventh, Twelfth and Thirteenth centuries are to be deciph ered and transcribed Into modem musical notation. Why She AshecT Pension Cut The Glasgow (Scotland) city council granted a pension of 38 shillings ($9.- 50) a week to a highland widow. She moved to Skye with her Ave children. Now she has requested that the pen sion be reduced, saying that only two other persons there—a clergyman and policeman—were as well off as she. f Why Lines Seem to Bend ' That parallel lines may be made to . ■ appear convergent or divergent by 1 means of oblique lines Intersecting be- J I tueeu them, called iSolluer's lines, was , demonstrated by I'rledrlch Zoilner, the German phyrlclsl and astronomer. Perfume Cheap in Egypt Perfumes and toilet preparations j used by natives of Egypt are of th« , cheapest kind, but European residents there preset those from Ihetc , {gooses. ♦ I i * NO. 24 !