THE GLEANER . GRAHAM, N. 0., Sept. 24, 1925- Poßtofflce Honrs. Olllc open T.OO a. m. f/>7.00p. m. , u>ida; 9.00 to 11.00 h. m and 4.00 UK'.CO p. ni J.B. GUTHRIE. Po»»ma«ter. ++*+++++•!-. •**++++++++++++++ ♦ » ♦ + LOCAI. NEWS. * + I.+ 4.+ + 4.4. j.* j.+++++++ —Radoliffe" Chautauqua will lie in Graham Oct. 6, 7 and 8. The program for fach day will be of un usual interest, and those who fail to attend will miss a great opportunity. —Laying of the corner stoue of Wayman Chapel, A. M. E Church, in Graham will take place Surday, Oct. 4th, at 2 p. m. The >qlored Odd Fellows will conduct the ser vice. —Mr. Green A. Nicholson return ed the latter part of last week to his home near Bellemont from .Tohta Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, where he. underwent a serious operation. His friends will be glad to learn of his rapid recovery. —Dr Willard C. Goley, who has? spent the past year in hospital work in Philadelphia, returned V his home here last Friday. He graduat ed from the University of Pennsyl vania in medicine last- year. The Doctor's friends vyill he pleased to learn that be will locate in Graham for the practice of his profession. South Fork Friends Church to be Dedicated Oct. 11th. On the seeded Sunday in Oct., it '1 eing Oct 11th. the Friends will dedicate their new chuich at South Fork; near Snow Camp. It had been previously announced that the dedication would be on the \ first Sunday. It will be an all day service—ll a. m. to 2 p. m , and a public dinner will be served on the ground Rev. L. W. of Iligb Point will direct the services. The public is cordially invited to attend the exercises. Death of Lois Newton Roberson. 'Lois NSwton Roberson, aged 23 years, died at Hainey Hospital at 12:30' Monday night, 21st. He un derwent an operation on Wednesday before for an ulcer. He was a son of the late Alfred N Roberson of Newlin township. The burial'was at Concord M. P. Church at 2 p. m. on Wednesday. Services were con ducted by Rev. H. L. Idley. Sur viving are his mother and six sißters, Mra. W. T. Garrison and Mrs. Gar land Newlin of Burlington, Misses Ola, Neva, Nona and Lulu, and two brothers, Roy and Loy, of Newlia township. —Cow for Sale—Apply to J. H. Dixon, 3 miles Bouth of Graham. Tarheels to Attend National Dairy Show. Dairymen and extension work ers in North Carolina are making plans to attend the National Dairy Imposition which meets at Indian apolis, Indiana, during the wr-ek of October 10 to 17. W. Kerr Scott, County Agent of Alamance county, having won first place in the campaign for\placing dairy uulls during the past summer, will have his 9ntire expenses paid to the show. Mr. Scott won out over fourteen other ageuts com peting in the contest. E. S. Mill saps, Jr., of Randolph county won second place and will have ha.'f Of his expenses paid. In addition to these awards, Mr. Scott will be given a silver trophy cup awarded l»y the American Jersay Cattle Club and Mr. Millsaps will gel a cup offered by the Guernsey Breeders' Association. Both of these cups will be presented tar ing the time of the show. In order to enooumge dairymen over the State to attend this Ex •(tyiltio.H, Joliii A. Arey, dairy ex tension specialist at State College, is working on plans to run a spe cial Pullman oar whloh will leave Golcisbore at S:IQ, Monday morn jug, October J2. This car will g* #tra»ght through to Indianapolis if as many as fifteen dairymen take advantage of the offer. Mr. Arey states that the dairy men of North Carolina should be sure to make this trip. He be ljeves the Exposition will give mauy new ideas about •lairyingj as wel\ aq show some of VH e qppcinaeus ojf dairy cat \ls to be seen in the world. To We the labor saving implements used will also be worth while and will do much to help improve the dairy industry of North Carolina. Track For hire Let us do your hauling of every kind, -moving, etc. Have t qaw truck. Terms reasonable. +• PERSONAL + + + + ++4"t*+++++++4.++++++4 + J.+++ William Taylor left Monday for Cornell University, N. Y.. Mr*. R. L Holmes spent last week in with Mr. Holmee. Mr. and Mr*. Lee Parker of Char- I lotte were guests of Mrs. R. N. Cook last Friday. " ' .Mr. Chas. S. ivlnrphy of High Point visited his mother, Mrs. Stan ford Murphy, two miles southeast of Graham, a day or two ago. Mr and Mrs. Frank Hunsucker and little sou of High Poiut spent Sunday here with Dr. amj Mrs. W. R. Goley, the latter'* parents. Mesdaraes Annie Porterfield and W. M. Amick and daughter Jeanette and Miss Bettie Mebane of Mebane spent Wednesday here with Mes dames Claud D. Moore and John M. Crawford. % Back Given Out? Theu Follow the Advice of This Graham Resident. Are you dragging along day after day with a dull, nagging backache? Do you feel tired, In me and v achy; suffer sharp, torturing pains at every sudden move? Then look to your kid neys! Colds, strains and over work weaken the kidneys and bring on throbbing backache ftnd knife-like twinges. Don't ri9k serious kidney disease! Use Doan's Phills—a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. .Read what this Graham resident says: Mrs Hancock, S. Maple St., says: "I suffered right smart with a.dull backache and I had -to force myself to do my work. At night my back was so stiff and sore I could hardly lie on it. My kidneys caused much annoyance by acting too freely. After using Doan's Pills from the Graham Drug Co., I soon felt like a different wpman. The backache eased up and my kidneys acted normally." 60c. at all dealers. Foster- Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Notice! Land Sale Uunder Mortgage. Under and by virtue of the power contained and expressed in a certain mortgage deed ex ecuted to Dr. J. It Kernodle and G. W. Fogleman on the 19th day ofc April, 1924, secur ing the payment of one certain note described therein, which mortgage deed is duly executed and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance County, State of North Carolina, in Book of Mortgaes 83 at page 445, default having been made in the payment of of said note and interest, there on as provided and set out in said mortgage deed, the undersigned mortgagees will, on SATURDAY, OCT. 31, 1925 at 12:00 noon, offer for sale at public auction to the last and highest bidder, for cash, at the Court House door of Alamance County, at Graham, North Car olina, a certain tract of land lying and being in Alamance County, North Carolina, in Coble Township, and defined and described as follows: A one-third undivided inter est in the lands of the late Sam-* uel Holt,[bounded as follows: On the waters of Stinking Quarter, adjoining the lands of Austin Iseley, Daniel Graves, deceased, and bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a stone on the North side of the Salisbury Road, Austin Isleey's corner, fUnning S 30 deg E six (6) chs to a stone in the Graves line; thence with said line 62 deg E seventeen (17) chs to a stone said Graves coner; thenee N 30 deg W six (6j cha to a stone on theS side of the public road, Austin beley's corner; thence With freioy's line 562 deg W seventeen (IT) chs to the begin ning, containing eleven an d one-fifth (H 1-5) acres more or leas. This sale to be subject to in creased bids as provided by law, and said sale is to be held open for ten days after sale to give opportunity for sqoh bidp. to he P\age4 of Sept., 1925. Dr. J. L. KERNODLE, G. W. FOGLEMAN, J. Dolph Long, Att'y. Movement to Better Conditions al Graded School—Meeting Called tor Friday Night, Oct 2nd. The women of the town met al the Graded School on Tuesday after noon at the urgent invitation" of Mr. M. E. Yount, the superintendent. 1 he object of the meeting was to din pose the need of an organization which will center around the Bchool Mr. Yount suggested an extensive program for which just such an or ganization is necessary. An enthus iastic discussion took place. Every one present realized the importance )f the utmost cooperation between 'he parents aud citizens of Graham ind the school, if certain conditions jre attained. Mr. Yount very graph ically outlined the following needs, some actual requirements, if ihe 4 rah am school is to remain a stand ard: a domestic department is need ad, with sufficient supporting scien ces added; an adequate library must be installed; hot,nourishing lunches, consisting of soup, milk, etc. are needed for the children if the stand ard school work is to be maintained; physical education from I lie first through the eleventh grades is an essential that is lacking in the pres ent curriculum. Incidentally, Mr. Yount, in addition to his already crowded school duties, has person ally made arrangements whereby the children can get fresh milk at lunch time. Mrs. Mayo Rives was elected temporary chairman and Mrs. It" N. Cook secretary. It was decided to in vite someone well versed in the Par jnt-Teachers association to come on Friday night, Oct. 2nd, and give a ;alk pertaining to some such organ ization. It is time that the public wake up to the fact that "we are be lind the times" in our anticipation n the school life and spirit. Our aoys and girls are the "men and women, the citizens of tomorrow. Mthough that is a trite statement it s, nevertheless, an undeniable fact. They hre depending on us. Our Sup 3rintendent and however iesirous they may be for the accom plishment of the best good for the children, cannot succeed alone and unsupported May every parent and citizen in Graham come next Fridav aight and join whola-heartedly in iny move that is started towards the aetterment of conditions. ■ Mrs R. N. Cook, Secretary. News of Whitsett. Whitsett, N. C.. Sept. 22, 1925.-- uev. A. T. Lassiter, evangelist for the Presbyterian church, spent the night here with Mr. and Mrs. iW. H. McLean the first of the week, lie is holding H series of services at Bethel church this week. The Parent-Teacher association which held such an interesting meeting some days ago met again Tuesday evening, 22nd inst., aud a general invitation was extended to all citizens of the community to be present whether they desired to join the organization or not. Mrs. A. C. Brewer aud Mr. nnd Mrs. H. E. Enochs, Miss Mildred Euochs and Master Aubrey Enochs were here Sunday visiting friends, returuing to their home in Winston-Salem late Sunday evening. Rev. Edgar H. Nease ha* an ap pointment to preach here in the M. E. Church at 3 p. in. next Sun day, Sept. 27 th. This place ,will be well repre sented at the Clapp family re union which will convene at Brick church Wednesday, Sept. 23rd. For more thau a century this farn- ily has been represented in this community, and it is only one mile pouth of here to* Clapp's Mill which was for so long the seat of the local family, having been pur chased iu 1799 from John Smith, one of the oldest settlers in this section. Mr. and Mrs. D. 11. Torreyson are making rapid progress with the residence which they are hav ing erected in this plac ■•. They hope to have it complete and move into It within a few mouths. Iu the route chosen for the Greensbonfr-Whitse'l-Burling to n link of road liow being built near here rock has been eucountered at one place ou the Summers' farm, and some heavy bhtstiug has been necessary iu order to secure a suitable grade. Outside of thin, work lias moved along specllly over the entire roadway as select ed. Iler man)' friends are ulad to learn that Miss Albion Shepherd has recovered from a rather severe illness. While rains hav» (alien occa siooly for some days now, the ground haa not been made suffi ciently ittotsX for much plnwiug on the part of the fanners. Many oI them are cutting their corn wops for feed ou aceountof small growth due to dry weather. Well matured corn is the exception rather than the rule throughout this part of the cyunty. }. W. Summers has returned from a trip to Sampsou and Duplin counties on busiuess. THE AT.AMANUE QUSANER, GKAHAM, N. a > DONT TRY TO RAISE your family without it For stomach ache* and paint; sudden cramp®, severe intestinal 1 colic and indiscretions of eating and I drinkmg, changes in water, diet or i cEmate. take a : CHAMBERLAIN'S COLIC and DIARRHOEA REMEDY Keep it always in your home. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA— ALAMANCE COUNTY. In the Superior Court, W. B. Fuller, Admr. of the estate of Quint Fuller, de ceased, and Ella Fuller, plain tiffs, vs. Delia Ftiller Slade and husband, Monroe Slade, Sallie Hamp ton and husband, Harden Hampton, Ida Fuller, now married, and husband, name unknown, and Callie Watson, a minor, and husband, name unknown, defendants. -* The respondents above named and more particularly Ida Ful ler, now married, and her hus band, whose name is unknown and Callie Watson, a minor, now married, and husband, whose name is unknown, will" take no tice that a special proceeding entitled as above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Alamance county, North Carolina, for the purpose of ob taining an order of said Court directing the sale of the real property of the late Quint Fuller to create assets to pay debts and expenses of the administration, of his estate and for division among his heirs at law. The said defendants will fur ther take notice that they are reqtftred to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance county, at the courthouse in Gra ham,' N. C., on Monday, the 2nd day of November 1925, and answer or demur to the complaint in said special pro ceeding, or the petitioners will apply to the Court fof the relief demanded therein. , This the 24 day of September, 1925. - Mary Phillips, Deputy, C. S. C J. Dolph Long, Att'y. Sale of Land Under Deed of Trust. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust duly exe cuted in favor of the underSfgn ed trustee, by V. G. Winfrey and wife, Fannie Winfrey, re corded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance county in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 95, page 219, default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness there by secured, the undersigned will, on MONDAY, NOV. 2, 1925,"" at 12:00 o'clock noon at the court house door in Graham, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Alamance county and State of North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of J. A. Hoskins, Ate Adam road 16 Burlington, Eldermont school Jot' and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron bolt, corqgr with J. A. Hoskins in center of McAdam road; thence S 89 1-2 deg E 81 chs to an iron bolt; thence with Hoskihs' line S 3 1-8 deg W i{3. «)7 chs to an iron bolt cornerjPthence S deg E k£6 chs to an iron bolt; thence N 12 1-2 deg E 21 chs to an iron bolt corner; thence N :t»s|degE 8.29 chs to an iron | "i>olt, corner with Eldermont ' school lot: thence with said school lot N 78J deg W 1U.50 chs; thence N >4 deg W 2.78 1-3 I chs to cornerj tfienoe S 50 1-2 deg E to corner in center of McAdam road; thence with line of said rojia S 22 deg W 4.45 chs to the beginning, being lots Nos. 1 and 2 of the C. R. Mar lett property as surveyed by Lewis H. Holt, 1913-1910, and divided July 24th, 1925. Con taining 12.95 acres, on which is situated a dwelling, three barns, garage and machine shop. This the 24 day of Sept., 1925. Alamance IDS. & Real Bstatw Co., Trustee , i Coulter, Cooper & Carr, Att'ys. j Commissioner's Sale of Land. Under and by virtue of /an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county, made in a proceedings entitled J. E. Sel lars, Ex'r of the will of W. P. Murray, deceased, against Eston Murray et als., whereto all the heirs at law and devisees of the said W. P. Murray were made parties, the undersigned Com missioner will, on SATURDAY, OCT. 81, 1925, at 12:00 o'clock, M., at the court house door in Graham,,N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder the following valuable real estate, to-wit: A tract of land in Pleasant Grove Township, Alamance county, described as follows: Beginning at an ash tree on the W. bank of Quaker Creek, cor ner with McAdams tract, thence N deg W 22,70 chs to a rock, corner with William P. Murray; thence N 2£ deg E 7.50 chs to a rock, said Murray's cor ner; thence N 87f deg W 7 chs to a rock, corner of said Murray in line of No* 4; thence N 2i deg E 6.47 chs to a rock, corner with dower and lot No. 1: thence N 3f deg E 5 chs to a rock, corner with dower; thence S 86£ deg E 18 chs to a rock; thence N 44£ deg E 9.80 chs to la rock, corn«r with lot No. 2, on the W bank ot Quaker Creek; thence down said creek as it meanders as follows: S 41 deg E 2.65 chs; N 89* deg E 2.60 chs; N 62J deg E 2.90 chs; S 81J deg E 1.90 chs; S~~9± deg W 3 chs; S 69 deg W 1.33 chs; S 26 deg W 4.15 chs; W 24 deg W 5 chs; S.sf deg E 10 chs;S 5± \eg W 3.40 chs to the beginning and containing 59.15 v acres more or less, it being the same upon which the said W. P. Murray lived and lot No. 3 in the division of the Eli Murray lands. There are buildings and out houses on this property and it is a nice little place. .•» Terms of £}»le: i cash, bal ance in two equal payments at 12 and 18 months time, deferred payments to carry interest till paid. Sale subject to confirmation of the Clerk. This September 28, 1925. f J. E. SELLARS, ' Commissioner. » J. S. Cook, Att'y. NOTICE! Commissioner's Sale of Land* Under and by virtue of the order of Ihe Superior Court made in! a special Proceeding entitled "G. C. Tickle and wife, Daisy Tickle, Walter Tickld, Clarence Tickle, and Mrs. Lillian Alexander and her hus band, J. L. Alexander, vs. Vir ginia Tickle, Gertrude Tiokle, and G. C. Tickle, Jr., the said defendants being minors," the undersigned commissioner will offer at' public sale at the Court house door in Graham, on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30,1925 at 12 o'clock noon, all of that certain tract or parcel of land described as folloWs, to-wit: That certain tract of land containing 52.6 acres, more or lees, devised to the said G. C. Tickle for life and remainder to his children, by the last will and testament of Parmelia Tickle, and being in Boone Sta tion Township, Alamance coun ty, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Dan Williams, Doctor Keraodle, D. R. Barber and others and peing more par ticularly described in said will of Mrs. Parmelia Tickle, which said will is duly recorded in the office of the Clerk of the Super ior Court of Alamance county, in Book of Wills No. at Page . Terms of'sale: One-third cash, one-third six months, one-third twelve months. This the 25 day of August, 1925. J. J. HENDEBBON, Commissioner. A farmer in eastern Carolina will make 75 bushels of corn per acre on land that had not one pound of purchased nitrogcb put on it this year. Such is the value of Vegume crops. THE SOUTHERN SERVES THfi SOUTH _ 1 ' K' ' Making a freight car do a bigger day's work keeps rates down Freight rates are much lower today in comparison with the prices of goods than before the war. The large sums we have spent for im provements enable us, with the loyal cooperation of ouremployees, to haul heavier trains, with a larger load per car, and at a greater rate of speed.* With the assistance of our shippers, we have also reduced delays in load ing and unloading our freight cars. All of these things help us to reduce our costs per unit of traffic, and this greater efficiency directly benefits our shippers through better service and moderate rates. (H V ♦ Thf mrmim frmight trminlomd on thm South- V>vSw-^>(Jv •rn in 1924 wmm 449 c TUV. V' grmsimr thmn in 1914. ' n O SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM uty* (Cljarlott? ©baprtwr is carrying more high class features, in connection with receiving the latest news from the ASSOCIATED PRESS, the CONSOLIDATED PKESS, and the NORTH AMERI CAN NEWSPAPER ALLIANCE, than any other news paper published in the Carolinas. If you are not a read er of Carolinas' and foremost newspaper, there must be a reason. If the OBSERVER knew the reason, no doubt you would be a reader. It you arc not a subscriber and will kindly fill in and clip the coupnn below and send to the Circulation De partment, The Observer will send you free sample copies of the NEW OBSERVER, or better stilt filLjn and mail the coupon with a small remittance and The OBSERV ER will put you on as a subscriber. You don't have to pay for a year at one time. A shorter period will Jbe appreciated and will perhaps lie more con venient-for you at this time. Send your remittance for anv amount you wish. By all means, don't overlook sending in the cou pon filled in and let us send you sample ' copies and tell us why you are not a reader of The OBSERVER. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES BY MAIL. 1 mo. 3 iiios. 6 mew. 1 year. Daily and Bunday 75c 82.25 $4.50 $9.00 _ Daily without Sunday 05 1,75 3.50 7.00 Sunday Only * 40. 1.00 1.75 3.50 The Charlotte Observer, Circulation Department, Charlotte, N. Carolina. Gentlemen : Enclosed find • for months ' subscription OBSERVER " Send sample copies to My reason for not reading The OBSERVER is. • Name.. Address Notice of Dlsolutfton! "The public will hereby take notice that the undereitfiied W. B. Quails is no longer connected as a partner with the A. M. Har row Company and will not be held liable as a member of the said partnership for debls incut-rod by the said partnership or obligations arising out of any business rela tions in which the A. M. Barrow Company binds Iteelf its a party. ' This the 22nd day of Septem ber, 1925. 34-4t W. B. QUALLS. I P SUBBCRIBK ROB fWR OLBANBR NOTICE. Havinifqualiaed as Executor of the will of >J. C. Er.oeh. de«.'d. the undersicned here by notifies all persons holding claim'' s gainst Mid estate to nresent the same, duly authen ticated, on or before the Ist day of Sept—. IW>, or this notice will he pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Immediate set tlement. This Sept. Ist, IRS. CHAS. U ENOCH. Ex* Slot of J. C. Enoch, dee'd. ... 666 j is a prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, Deng « or Bilious Fever. It kill* (be germs.