Sure Relief [UttSS Hot water Sure Relief DELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION 254 and 754 Pkgs.Sold Everywhere or harm except in sects. H f other sixes. 50c and sl. At i fir* / your druggist or grocer, f 1 \ Write for Free Booklet. \ » ADUMEIIMG'SA ASTHMA REMEDY M No need to «pand restleM, sleepless \ M nights. Irritation quickly relieved and B I rest assured by using the remedy that I M has helped thousands of sufferers. M » 23 cents and SI.OO at druggists, m m If unable to obtain, write direct to: M m NORTHROP 6 LYMAN CO.. Inc., M Buffalo, New York for freesample^^flr In Readiness for Day of Pleasure The feeling between most European countries at present seems to be a gpod deal like that of a certain Tlp perary Irishman. It was the day of the county fair, and In the morning this distinguished Tlpperary arrayed himself in much finery, including a coat with swallow tails that reached quite to the ground. When he was all decked out in this spectacular scenery his good wife ex hibited much concern. "And why," she Inquired anxiously, "are ye after wearin' a coat the likes of that in the daytime?" 'Tm wearin" that coat," he replied, "with the hope an' expectation thnt Bomebody'll thread on me talis, an' then I can have a fight"—Thrift Magazine. Deserted Illinois Towns There are seventy-three deserted townsltes In Illinois, some of which have flourished and died, while others were laid out but never materialized. Fishermen on the Sea of Galilee use today a type of craft that has re mained unchanged since the dawn of the Christian era. Roman Eye Balsam la an ant Inept lo oint ment. Hence the medication heals by pene •rating the Inflamed eye surfacea. Adv. Modest men may not always be courageous, but courageous men are always modest. e Healintf iSS-Sulphur baths | home For rheumatism, goat, eczema or hives, nothing is more beneficial than frequent sulphur bath*. You can enjoy the benefit* of heal ing sulphur baths right in your own home, and at amall cost by using Hancock Sulphur Compound nature's own blood purifying and skin healing remedy Sulphur—sci entifically prepared to make Its use most efficacious. Use It in the bath. Also use it Internally and as a lotion on affected part*. nf. 60c and $1.20 the bottle at your druggist's. If he cannot supply you, send his name and the price in stamps and we will send you a bottle direct. HAMOOCX LIQUID SULTHUB OOMFANT Baltimore. Maryland Jfawaat SUpkmr Ccmptmmd Ointmmt «t» end «X— /or MM ml* tAs lAfuid CmmptmmJ. FOR OVER ZOO YEARS haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric add conditions. W HAARLKM OIL correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three size*. All druggist*. Insist on the original genuine GOLD MEDAL. Cuticura Soap Best for Baby Soap, Ofn tnant, Tal«an Bold rvwywbere. Samplaa (rat at ataratortaa. Daft. M. Italian. M mm. Records on Bamboo The folklore of the Malay peo ple in Sumatra, according to Prof. H. H. Bnrtlett, of the Smithsonian Insti tution, is preserved on Joints of bam boo. While studying rubber-produc ing plants In that country, Professor Bartlett became Interested In the cus tom which the natives practice of writing their faiths, legends and ac counts of magical and medicinal uses of plants on the joints of bamboo when the plants are still green. Aft erward the bamboo Is dried and pre served indefinitely.—Exchange. Frozen Eggs From China A. J. Morris, vice president of the American Merchant lines. In charge of traffic at New York, reports u new unloading record established when 32,000 cases of frozen eggs from China were removed from the liner Ameri can Farmer in 20 hours. The eggs, which were in tins, were brought over In refrigeration. The American Farm er arrived at New York port June 22. Perfumes to Cost More Grasse, Fraiu'e, the perfume center of Europe, with 20 distilleries, will run short of 000,000 pounds of petals this year as a result of the late frosts and Inclement weather which de stroyed a fifth of the Uiviera flower crop. Manufacturers say this short age will cause at least a 25 per cent Increase In the cost of French per fumes. Furs From Alaska Furs shipped from Alaska to the United States since its purchase In 18(57 have been appraised at $98,800,- 000. The value of last year's output .was $3,000,000. Ninety per cent of the world's fur seals are In a herd owned by the United States govern ment In the Pribilof islands, off the coast of Alaska. The herd numburs approximately 700,000. Police Ban Dyeing Dogs The practice of society women at Paris df dyeing their dogs to match their ogwus was stopped by the polloe on the complaint of the International Humane society, says the Pathfinder Magazine. It was found that weak ened solutions of dye» for cloth were used and that they were Injurious to the animals. Women in England Because British schoolmasters vot ed that no male teacher should take orders from a woman principal, the woman teachers of England are up In arms. Their national union termed the action of the men as "sex war fare" and declared they would battle out the issue to the finish. Physicians Guessed Wrong A Chicago man, who was rejected by an examining board during the Civil war as physically unfit and warned that he would "not last a week," died recently at the age of ninety-two, remarks the Dearborn In dependent. Faux Pas "I met your husband yesterday, but he didn't see me." "I know. He told me." When you decide to (ret ril of Worm# or Tapeworm, get the medicine thnt will oxpel them with one done—Dr. Peery'a "DotJ Shot." 872 Peorl St., N. T. Adv. Every man is like the company he Is wont to keep.—Euripides. Censure Is the tax a man pays to the public for being eminent.—Swift. | © i« s,o.o*> m.t.> A .rpr&y a day - Keep/ sfceetr &.v&y DONT let mosquitoes ruin your summer. Keep your bed rooms free from all insects. Spray Flit £ Flit spray clears your home in a few minutes of dis n ease-bearing flies and mosquitoes. It is clean, safe w and easy to use. Kills AD Household Insects Flit spray also destroys bed bugs, roaches and ants. It searches out the cracks and crevices where they hide and breed, and destroys insects and their eggs. Spray Flit on your garments. Flit kills moths and their larvae which eat holes. Extensive tests showed that Flit spray did not stain the most delicate fabrics. Flit is the result of exhaustive research by expert entomol ogists and chemists. It is harmless to mankind. Flit has replaced the old methods because it »HH« all the Insects—and does it quickly. Get a Flit can and sprayer today. For sale everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JERSEY) DESTROYS //\ Files Mosquitoes Moths ' /1 Ant» Bed Bugs Roaches WOMAN CON QUEBS FEARS it Husband Delighted and Home Happier St Paul, Minn.—"Her© Is a little advice I would like to have you put in r~ th « papers," Mrs. Jack Lorberter of 704 Dellwdod Placa i wrote to the Lydla W • ' E - Plnkham Medl '*l clne Company. "If C> young women want ■& P to kedp their health an * strength for the '' nex t thirty years of &?fltheir lives, it is best tostart in right now >-'• - " %y 7 an fi take Lydla E. I Pinkham's Vege table Compound. I have tried the Compound myself and received fine re sults from Its use." In describing her condition before taking the Compound, ehe writes, "I was afraid In my own house In broad daylight, I used to lock the doors and pull down the shade , so that nobody could see me." One day a booklet advertising the Vegetable Compound was left on her porch and she read it through. In so doing, she found a letter from a woman whose condition was similar to her own. "I bought Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound," Mrs. Lorberter continued, "and have had fine results. My condition made me a burden to my husband. Now I ask him, "How is housekeeping?" and he says, "It Is just like being in Heaven!" Are you on the Bunlit Road to Better Health? BEST j The beauty of Glenn's is the beauty it brings to the complexion soft, smooth, clear white skin, free of pim ples, blackheads or other blemishes. Glenn's Sulphur Soap Contains Pure Sulphur. At Draggbta, f UTS and SCRATCHES V* Stop the smarting and hasten the healing by prompt application of Resinol ■ Do you wish to ere) Kg jj ■rid of those attacks! I Then go to your ■ . ■ ■ druggist and get a bottle of the Towns Epilepsy "Treat ment. This remedy has been In use for 52 years. Many testimonials from all over the U. S,, some having had the attacks for 20 to 30 years. The PROOF 1m what yoti"Want. State age and we will mall Free a Sample and Treatise. Towna Rem. Co, Inc., Milwaukee, Wit. PARKER'S fimgsgral HAIR BALSAM Removes Dandruff Stops Hair Falling Kfilr Restores Color and Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair Hl * co ' l Cl "" a ' Wk * P'tcWne.N.Y. HINDERCORNB Hemorea Corns, Cal louses, etc., stops all pain, ensures comfort to the feet, makes walking easy. 16c by mall or at Drug gists. Hlscox Chemical Works, Patcbogna, N. Y. - The Awakening First Farmer —The best way to start a balky jnuie is to twist his tall. Second Farmer—Yes, I've tried that —once. I twisted and twisted, and when I came to I was twisting the doctor's wrist . * Being sorry for others is sometimes n mild form of boasting. SAFETY There is no factor oi safety, from double thick genuine plate glass to the solidarity of the roof, which escapes the painstaking investi gation of Fisher inspectors. Quality above all else, is the creed of Fisher craftsmanship. ~ And Fisher has always regarded the safety and comfort of those who ride in Fisher Bodies the surest proof of Fisher quality. FISHER BODIES GENE FwA I* MOTORS Men, Too, Seek Beauty Dr. D. Fourmenthal, who has been in the United States on a commission of the French government to study the methods used by American wom en in making themselves "beautiful," has discovered that 40 per cent of the patrons of some beauty shops are men seeking to have the wrinkles re moved from about their eyes. A Lady of Diatlnctlon Is recognized by the delicate, fascinat ing Influence of the perfume she uses. A bath with Cutlcura Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores followed by a dusting with. Cutlcura Talcum powder usually means a clear, sweet, healthy skin.—Advertisement How difficult it is to save the bark of reputation from the rocks .of ig norance I—Petrarch.1 —Petrarch. The polished orator ought to be sure of his flnlsh. e% jz— l-V dust ZOC CLOTH made of etpedaUy woven fabric "CrepeUe" for only 10 cents and FREE two IMb' dotting tnpply of Liquid Ttiwtt. Nothing like It for dotting. A few drops on rooroloih remove* ALL dntt, din and Dlem- I»b«t INSTANTLY, and leaves yoor piano, fornltore. woodwork tpotletsly clean and beautifully polished. Moreover It preservetlbe flnlth Indefinitely. Piano people DM It to Im prove their brand new Instrument*. Band for Toor KHHB bottle today. Too'll be delighted. Remember. «t mmSm a big He L V Don swm WASHINGTON KEAI. ESTATE. Attractive ItrMtmenti giving good monthly Income! and Increasing In value u our National Cap ital growt. Proper mipervlslun guar. Special terv. for Banks. Tru.t Coa. Terrlll Braxel ton Real Estate, ill) "H" NW.. Wash.. D. C. JOETI'NK IN TI'BKIYM properly managed. Hundreds testimonials say ours only Black head cure. 24 capsules and successful rait ing hlntt. tl. 13.50. 10*. Turkey Herbs Rem ody, »1« South Main. Santa Ana. Calif. MAKE VOl B OWN RADIO SETS. EASY. Inexpensive method. Postpaid 25 cents. Unmet, magic goods and Joke, catalog free. W. M. Crawford, Box J7J. Niagara Falls. N. T. HEAD "POTATO MONEY IN FLORIDA" and "Farming Forty Acres In Florida" In Florida Opportunity News. Free copy. J. L. McMahon. 113 W. Ind. Ave.. DeLand. Fla. W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 31-1926. New England Woman « of Advanced Ideas In his book, "Some American La dies," Meade Minnegerode pays this tribute to an early American wife: "Abigail Adams, wife of President John Adams, was one of America's first feminists, for she told her hus band she thought Women should have a share In the government and, be cause of her wise advice on political questions, he himself acclaimed her as a 'stateswoman.' This simple but shrewd New England woman most 1 brilliantly acquitted herself at for eign courts, winning half his battles for her ambassador husband before Adams became President. "How careful she had to be, how tactful, how gracious, how dignified, how unfailingly watchful," remarks the writer, "that they never were made to appear ridiculous, must have been due, in a large measure, to her own intelligence and good sense, to her breeding and to her faultless In stinct—this Puritan lady who was so afraid of appearing awkward." Hit Choice "Poets prate of the sweetness of the songs of the nightingale and the sky lark," remarked Uncle Fogy, "and oc casionally of the chiming of the wed ding bells, the notes of the throstle stealing through the darkness across the lake, and all such. But to me the most delightful music In the world is the deep, resonant 'Choog! I'floog! 'Ker-ploog!' of the circus rumble wagons pompouslng through the gray o& the morning on their, way to the show grounds."—Kansas City Times. Football Popular No fewer than 2,539,756 persons wit nessed the various games for the football association cup, in England, which was won recently by Bolton Wanderers. This constitutes a record attend ance for the competition, as also does the amount of money paid In by the spectators, which was £204,119, an in crease of £18,500 over the previous best season. Gossips believe all they hear, and what they don't hear they take for granted. John Philip Sousa was a teacher of music at the age of fifteen and a conductor at seventeen. Keep It Quiet He (passionately)—l tell you my love for you Is making me mad— mad —mad! She (calmly)— Well, keep quiet about it. It's had the same eifect on my father—Answers. Did you ever see an officeholder who had a retiring disposition? _ On the Water JWJBB ' T7VER notice a boy rowing out? He p pull* gaily* yes; but he work* earn* e*tly at the oar* coming back, for c*, "hunger Is Inaolent and will be fed." cMons S Give him a cup of Monarch Cocoa— Tw* g ft&k Wfl ¥ pure, rich, #ad*fylng, delidoua. Quahty B W H " ' MONARCH saW? Qoafityjbr'foycars COFFEE Herer Bold Through Chain Btores. REID, MURDOCH & CO. COCOA Chicago • Boston ■ Pittiburgh • New York lL==s=====^ T /A'T* and clear of ■ J JL A and clear of encumbrance*." encumbrance*. ■■ L-O-V-E-R-S-T-O-E ? ? ? ? CAN YOU of e a r^e n a g t e ££? TZe' uXd *§£•s BPeH C ° rreCUy *' 1 developing 8 " B ' Ze lot 20x100 feet ln an Incalculably rich and rapidly *■ . 9EC Tjf®?, O*" TH B GREAT SOUTHWEST . , M I rmifiOSHf. to over 70,000 acres of Irrigated lands, two transcontinental Ira nnutHm'i«i W * c ?. aßt to coast highways)—highly mineralized and M I possibilities of oil; will be awarded: "Free and Clear of Enoum- KB I ' everyone sending In the correct name Immediately. ■ This offer expires September 1, 1926. H | J. B. BUCHANAN A CO, 601 Taylor St, Dept. 488, Port Worth, Texas ffl ?MEN? ' ' Jgf .' YOU have no reasons for jfijfefct & Original BARE-TO-HAIR WL Correspondence given personal $ W. H. FORST, Manufacturer Correct A teacher In a city school asked a boy In a class how many sides there were to a circle. "Two," said he, "In side and outside." The muddy streams of Borneo are so infested with crocodiles that one fifth of the loss of life among natives is attributed to them.

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