BEFORE HER MBY CAME Used Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Adkins, Texas.— "Before my baby Came I was so -weak I had to stay In rqgyiiagl bed most of the - time until I began PinkhamsVege table Compound. My mother-in-law, who 1b a midwife, told .. , ■ me it was all food- A - ' lshneßß for me to W : J stay in bed. She told mo to take I • Lydia E. Pinkham's K" ® Vegetable Com » pound and It would help me. She handed me one of your little books and I read It and was interested in it I went to a drug-store that night and got a bottle of your ■wonderful medicine. I took It until the baby was born and was able to be up and do my work. Baby is 4% months old now and weighs 14 pounds. I have plenty of milk for her and she gains steadily. I recommend It. I am willing to answer letters and will do anything I can for any woman, for I know how I suffered."—Mas. A. H. Tschirhabt, R. No. 2, Box 89, Adkins, Texas. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound has been in us* by women for over fifty years. It is 1 vegetable tonic made from roots and herha and is sold by all druggists. Recommended by woman everywhere. Premiuma for Babiet As French babies become scarcer and scarcer the governmental desire to increase the population grows stronger and stronger. A law has just gone Into effect substantially in creasing the awards portioned out to the parents whose progeny are many. Families with four children or more under the age of thirteen are allowed 800 francs annually for each child after the third. Provision is also made for widows and widowers. A widow with five children would re ceive under the new regulations 1,800 francs, or S3OO, according to pre-war standards. Sure Relief 6 BELLANS Li—Hot water ■qi ' " | Sure Relief DELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION £si and 75t Pktfs.Sold Everywhere Q After A Bath Jfr* With fuT f Cutlcura Soap ,1 Dust With " CuticuraTalcum \( I / Delicately MxUmUil Of Pl»ul«| yralnnM Afraid of Old Wine There are several gallons of wine In the city of Speyer, In the Rhine, so old and rare that nobody wants to run the risk of taking a drink of It. The oldest vintage in the world Is on ex hibition In the Speyer "wine mu seum," which contains everything per taining to the wine Industry. The wine is In un old Roman flask, which was dug up recently. It is 1,000 years old. Stamp Collections, Paisley Shawls. Pewter Platen. Currier Prints. Qoder's Magailnes, Antiques Wanted. M. W. Belcher, (441 Wornall Terrace, Kansas City, Mo.—Ad jr. All in the Chase Bishop H. M. Dubose said at a dinner in San Francisco: "Tuke an army of boys chasing butterflies, put bald heads and wrinkles on the boys, and change the butterflies Into banknotes, and thero you have a beautiful panorama of the modern world." Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph. A baby condor, received recently at the London too, has a wing spread of ten feet although he Is still too young to fly. ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE r«r Tired Feet II Cant Be lut —At night when your feet are tired, sore and swollen much walking or T dancing, sprinkle two W-T ALLEN*SFOOT-IASE powders f In the foot-bath, gently rob the sore and In- •> /v parts and V/\Ywl relief Is like magic. V K V 7/£ Shake Allen's root-Esse Uf I \yj£ into your shoes in \ L \ the morning and VtvUS' walk In comfort. It ™ takes the friction from the shoe. Bold everywhere. For IMS Sample and a Foot-Ease Walking Doll, address, limit WOT-m«. Ls lay. W. T. MJRNSandSCALDS U Stop the throbbing and smarting at once with a soothing touch of Resinol WW m /• for bands, clubs ■ 1.. .1 n . n lodges, schools and I niTflrillK societies, also spe- UlWUllllO clal embroideries auch as letters, ■ words and designs and Caos IUIU VUUU fashion plates, sam pies and prlea lists. EDWARD a irrEL * CO. |4 North Utuli 9t- Baltimore. MA ATWATER KENT IGNITION for Fords Get rid of trouble —with an Atwater Kent Type LA Ignition System for Fords. Its mechanism is pro tected from dirt and oiL. The contactless distributor eliminates weir. It means a smoother running motor, easier starting, quicker pick-up, with more power on the hills. A complete scientific ignition system of the same general design aathe Atwater Kent Ignition Systems used as standard equip ment on many of t America's foremost cars. Twenty-sia years in making sci entific ignition sys tems back of it. Installed in less than an hour. Ever lastingly depend- Type LA £1()80 Including CabU and Fitting• Atwater Kent Manufacturing Co. A. Atwmter Kent, P resident 4859 WUnhickon Ave. .Philadelphia, Pa, Makers of ATWATER KENT RADIO Acres of Wild Geese l The slight protection the laws have given migratory wild geese are not without result. Recently Capper's Weekly told how thousands of these birds on their northward flight had stopped In Oregon's fields of new wheat to browse on them. John Hlrus, driving, a bus to a town in Manitoba, was forced to stop his car for several minutes a recent morning by a dense flock of wild geese. Several birds struck his windshield. Fifty acres of wheat stubble that he passed was a moving mass of geese which made no effort to get out of the way as people passed among them. As geese are the original honkers, perhaps they should be entitled to the right of way. "BAYER ASPIRIN" PROVED SAFE Take without Fear as Told In "Bayer" Package u§4 tfteJteaMs Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians over twenty-five years for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Each unbroken "Bayer" package con tains proven directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. Pride, the first peer and president of hell.—Defoe. Every one excels In something In which another falls.—Syrus. EndsF J j paininone (kJW minute CORNS Or.B,hotl*,l3no-f>ad,l,th« aafc.tnrv.bMllng treatment for come. At drug tod shoe storee. f—PrM T,|li shlhiiM CM^i DzScholl's ZinO'pads 'pate to SUM/ FOOT BLFPKHEB3: When In need of * goo 4 foot mastage try my » day sure cur, fool naiM|«. and have healthy, comfortable feet. Sand (0c and I will mall you my foot maaaage by return tnall. MRS. MARTHA KRAMER. HOT Shannon Way. Mount Ollvai Station. PITTSBURGH. PA. LADIIUi WE PAY SIO.OO PER HINDRF.H to gild (reeling carda. Free particular, fot addreaaad envelopes. TORKVILI.E CARDt Dept. 4. 1(4 Lextnffton Avanue. New York. GALLING— END THAT PAINFUL, IRRI TATING GALL. 1 hav, a c&llinc prevent ive; send ISc In coin* today and I will mall y>u ray galling preventive by return mall; no salve or waalri will laat for montha. MRS. MARTHA KRAMER. 110? Shannon Way. Mount Oliver Station. Pittsburgh, Pa. W. N. U., BALTIMORE, NO. 34-1826 POINTS ON KEEPING WELL DR. FREDERICK R. GREEN Editor of "HEALTH" ooooooooooooooooo (©. nil, Weatera Newspaper Union.) MALTA FEVER LITTLE is known popularly about Malta fever in this country. It In only in recent years that any cases have bspn reported here. It has been known for centuries in southern Eu rope, where it is variously known as Mediterranean fever, Neypojltan fever, rock fever, etc. It is found In the whole Mediterranean region but prin cipally on the Island Of Malta. As the British have a garrison on this island, it was the occurrence of a large number of cases of Malta fever among the officers and men in the garrison that first attracted attention to it. It is generally attributed by the natives to the use of goat's which is largely used by the Islanders. Some years ago the sheep growers in southern Texas, after suffering great losses from various sheep dis eases, imported a number of goats from Malta. These goats were known to be immune to the diseases which were destroying the sheep. But as often happens, in avoiding an old dis ease, they imported a new ope. There were a number of cases of Malta fever in that part of Texas before it was recognized. The disease resembles a mild attack of typhoid fever. About ten days after infection, the patient has a headache, sleeplessness, loss of appetite and thirst. This stage may last three or four weeks. Then the more severe symptoms appear with fever, severe chills, intense headache and diarrhea. This may last five or six weeks and gradually improve, only to be fol lowed by a relapse. These successive relapses and recoveries may follow each other several times, atMntervals of five or six weeks. In the meantime, the Joints become Inflamed and ex tremely palnfpl so that the patient dreads the slightest movement. The cause of this peculiar disease is now known to be a germ known as the micrococcus melltensls. Just how it gets into the body is not yet definitely known. While rare in this country, occa sional cases are reported, in a recent issue of the Journal of the American Medical 'Association, Doctor Acken of Brooklyn reports a case of a patient admitted to the hospital after having two attacks, with an apparent com plete recovery between each attack. Diagnosis of Malta* fever was finally made from finding the germ in the blood. How the infection was con tracted is not known. Only a few cases have as yet been seen In this country. Whether it will ever become common here is not known. LIVING NINE YEARS ON MEAT FOR centuries man has been debat ing the question of meat versus vegetable diet. As far back as our knowledge goes, man has been living on a mixed diet. There have been many races which have lived largely on fruits and cereals. The Chinese have lived for centuries chiefly on rice. Many tropical races live largely on fruits. Some of the reljglous sects of the Orient live exclusively on a vegetable diet, although their absti nence from meat is not because they believe that meat is harmful but be cause their religious beliefs forbid them to take the life of any animal for food. In all ages there have been sects and cults that, for many reasons, re stricted diet to vegetable food. But most of the human race, When they could get It, have preferred a mixed diet, partly meat and partly vegetable. The vegetarian, whether from re ligious prejudice or personal prefer ence, has attributed all kinds of dis eases and dangerous results to meat. Many claims have been made that meat eating was a cause of cancer. This has never been proven. Halg an English physician a generation ago, attributed gout, rheumatism and many other bodily tils to uric acid, which he claimed was caused by meat or, at least, by too much meat His views had for many years much influence with physicians but are not given as much Importance now as formerly. I have referred several times to the remarkable experience if Vllhjal mur Stefansson, the well-known Arctic explorer. Practically alone among Arctic travelers, Stefansson early adopted the plan of living with the Esquimaux and learning to live the life of these people. The Esqui maux are, by necessity, practically an exclusively meat-eating race. Stef ansson, like Sherman, early adapted the policy of cutting loose from his base and living on the country. He has spent nearly twelve years In the polar regions, nine of which was on an exclusive meat diet Recently Dr. Clarence Lleb of New York made a careful physical exami nation of Mr. Stefansson, which he re ports in the Journal of the American Medical Association. He finds him in unusually good physical condition, with no high blood pressure, harden ing of the arteries, rheumatism or any other defects that are supposed to follow an exclusively meat diet Stef ansson reports the Esquimaux who eat nothing but meet are an unusually healthy apd long-lived race. (IS. IIU, ITjatam Newapapar J in every DURING the first six months of 1926 one in every four buyers of new automobiles bought a Gen eral Motors car. During* 1925 the proportion was about one in five. During 1924 it was one in six. This steady addition of new friends for the products of General Motors has a double significance. 1. It is proof that the grouping of strong com* women and children to whom its public panies in 6ne big family is economically good is a very personal concern. sound. Urge scale operations do make pos- As the volume of production increases there sible important econonuesj and these econ- must . responding increare in the omtes do benefit the buyer,m greater value. , offered . The new series of cars just The public h*i recognized this principle and presented embody larger values; it is a pro e y i direct reflection of the fact that more than , , , •II 1,075,000 General Motors cars were sold 2. Increased public patronage involves in- ' ' , . . , . , , j /-• iw . .. _ at retail during the year just closed. The creased obligation. General Motors is direct' v. , .... « . ly responsible for the welfare of its 152,000 ldded « uahty , ha " b , e f n buJ ' ™ wbere ( £ employees and their families, its 20,000 "J"" to com&tt * nd " fety dealers, and indirectly for the six thousand an on ® e " companies which furnish it with supplies With great pride we invite you to inspect and materials at least a million men, these new General Motors cars. GENERAL MOTORS CHEVROLET ' PONTIAC OLDSMOBILE ' OAKLAND BUICK ' CADILLAC ' GMC TRUCKS YELLOW CABS, BUSES AND TRUCKS ft A car for every purse and purpose" General Motors passenger cars, Delco- Light electric plants and Frigidaire electric refrigerators may be purchased on the GMAC Plan. Magnetism Faraday demonstrated In 1845 that all substances, even the gases, are either attracted or repelled by a suf ficiently powerful magnetic pole. Prac tically, however, the metals responsive to magnetism are the three which, with their alloys, comprise the ferro magnetic group. These are iron, nickel and cobalt. Certain other com binations of metals will respond to the magnet. Thus there was discov ered in 1902 an alloy—Heusler's al loy—which is comprised of copper, aluminum and manganese, and which is said to be not greatly Inferior to iron in its capacity for being mag netized. Cutlcura Boothes Baby Rashea rhat itch and burn, by hot batha it Cutlcura Soap followed by gentle wolotings of Cutlcura Ointment Nothing better, purer, sweeter, espe :lally if a little of the fragrant Coti ;ura Talcum is dusted on at the fin ish. 25c each. —Advertisement Has to Pile It On The now dial system which the tele phone company has Installed in New York city requires the subscriber td get his own numbers by means of moving the dial. A friend tells us that the only way he can get a num ber is by flashing the operator and telling her that both his arms are broken, that he has St. Vitus* dance, that he is blind, and will throw him self out of the window If she refuses help.—The Outlook. It takes an artist to mend a broken word. All must tread the path of duty. "Accidents reveal ths resource* of a • Ofanra^ host, and of a leader." The Boy Scout, whose training include* first sid Snore and a knowledge of Monarch Cocoa tAan is on the wa» to success both as host 200 csj EflfU and leader. gggffr W |Vf MONARCH SW QualityJbr"hyaim COFFEE Itorsr Bold Throosh Chain Slaiss. /\rSS%» REID, MURDOCH & CO. GOGQA. Ctlmo • Bo»ua • Pittsburgh * NswTosk i ii l Cocaine Best of Local Anesthetics The discovery of local anesthetics revolutionized surgery, says Dr. Emil Mayer in the Hygela Magazine. In 1&84 Dr. Karl Koller of Vienna an nounced that he had dropped a solution of cocaine in a patient's eye, and then operated on the eye without any pain to the patient or loss of consciousness. Cocaine has been found to be useful for many sorts of operations, and par ticularly valuable in the saving of time in the hospital and in the ab sence of unpleasant after-effects that sometimes accompany general anes thesia. In 1880 there was perfected a preparation from the dried extract of certain glands that so contracts the blood vessels as to render the parts bloodless. Now an operation may be both bloodless and painless and per formed without loss of consciousness, or any great amount of time. Paid Sun Worshipers At the hour of midnight on Jnne 24 300 high-caste Indians climbed the North Cape to pray to the midnight sun, with flowers and fire, in accord ance with the ancient veda rites. Brahmin Ral Gopaldas, ex-minister to the maharajah of Bflroda, pays pil grims every year to go to the North Cape to pray to the midnight sun, which he considers the symbol of the eternal God's sun in the physical world. War starts in greediness—like most crime. He la great who confers the most benefits. —Emerson. jfke fly family learns tKc^ shortest distance between two poifttS GERMS— 6,000,000 germs on a single fly, says a noted health officer. Protectyourfamily with Flit. Flit spray clears your home in a few minutes of disease-bearing flies and mosquitoes. It is clean, safe and easy to use. Kills All Household Insects Flit spray also destroys bed bugs, roaches and ants. It searches out the cracks and crevices where they hide and breed, and de stroys insects and their eggs. Spray Flit on your garments. Flit kills moths and their larvae which eat holes. Extensive tests showed that Flit spray did not stain the most delicate fabrics. Flit is the result of exhaustive research by expert entomol ogists and chemists. It is harmless to mankind. Flit has replaced the old methods because it kill* all the insects —and does it quickly. Get a Flit can and sprayer today. For sale everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. (NEW JEBSEt) Ants Bed Bugs Roaches "* flk I grows hair and saves what I Jp. Correspondence given personal

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