Colds As^RIN TAKE "BAYER ASPIRIN Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuralgia ( DOES NOT Neuritis Toothache Lumbago Pain Sciatica Rheumatism AFFECT J*- Accept only "Bayer" THE package which contains HEART proven directions. ____________ Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets. Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. Aspirin Is tha tnda mark of B«y«r Manufacture of MoootccUcaddester of Salleylleadd The Pride of the Family Mrs. Plop—Good grief! That Isn't the way to make coffee. New Cook (hopefully)— What Is It the way to make? MOTHERFletcher's Cas-^V toria is a pleasant, harmless Sub- jr stitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared for Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each package. Physicians everywhere recommend it. Fitting Bounty "Baptiste, will you go to the station and meet my mother-in-law? Here are five francs for you." "But If she doesn't come 1" "You shall have ten."—Le lUre, Paris. Kindness In ourselves Is the honey that blunts the stings of unklndness in another.—Landor. Characters do not change; opinions alter, but characters are only devel oped.—Disraeli. Why He Succeeded Hgnored politically and profession ally, during his lifetime, Dr. R. V. „rta . Pierce, whose JT" picture appears m here, made a |Ai *i\ ifi success few have yK fitftt equalled. His pure V L-k herbal remedies BoKngyvff which have stood the test for many s reafl are »till / / v s among the "best i tJ/ sellers." Dr. ff/.y Pierce's Golden Medical Discov enr is a stomach alterative which' makes the blood richer. It clears the skin, beautifies it, pimples and eruptions vanish quickly. This Dis covery of Dr. Pierce's puts you in fine condition. All dealers have it in liquid or tablets. Send 10 cents for trial pkg. of tab lets to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y., and write for free advice. LADIES! Doee that keen delight, that youthful Joy. that spontaneoua Interest, that was youre in thoae wonlnrful courtship days, atlll exist? In too many cases the happiness and youthful joy of the "Radiant Bride of Yesterday" are but dreams of the paat. An intsrestlnc booklet that should be read by every married woman, mailed free upon request. Tour name and address will se cure copy. Sanaaep Co.. Croaier Bid«., Cheater. Pa. PUMPJT a Kanawha Wood Purape. Red Jacket—easy to Dx—Pumps. Myers hand, power and Biectrlc Pumps. Burks Valveleaa Electrle Pumps. Hydro-Pneumatic. Steel and Wood Tanks, pump Jacks. WUte and Jumbo Jr. Enalnea Wind Mills, ate. Catalogue Free. Ask your, dealer or write us direct. JgkfcNAWHA POMP WORKS Baltimore, Md. WE PAY YOU CASH r , brldg es, crowns, falae teeth, old platea, diamonds, discarded Jewelry. Send soods to Whltlaa Gold Krflnlna Co. lae., »* Fifth Ave.. N. T. Trade All or Part Kqnlty 41 Phila. rented Modern Horaee (or Clear Ground on Mala Streets of Smalt Towns Ripe tor Improve, ment. Ortroff. »t» 8.. Ilth. Philadelphia. Pa. •M FORMULAS. MAIL ORDER SCHEMES, Money Making Plana, Book, plica |l.oo. John Baukua. till So. JafTeraon. Saginaw, Mich. Foaataln of Yoath Dtaeormred. Free Bite for sanitarium. Low priced lota and Bungalow* WEAVER. Istachatta. Florida. Her Reason "Why did Josephine have such a quiet wedding?" "Oh, she knew It would make lots of talk."—Boston Transcript. New Smokeleee Fuel Experiments are being conducted In Virginia on the development of a new smokeless fuel derived from soft coal. The new fuel, between a coke and a coal, can be produced and sold at a lower cost than anthracite, but prob ably will cost slightly more than soft coal. Cutlcura Comforts Baby's Skin When red, rough and Itching, by hot baths of Cutlcura Soap and touches of Cutlcura Ointment. Also make use now and then of that exquisitely scent ed dusting powder, Cutlcura Talcum, one of the Indispensable Cutlcura Toilet Trio.—-Advertisement Try. This One The co-eds at the southern branch have started a new game which prom ises to be more popular than football. They call It Christians. Here Is how It Is played: The Christians, who are the girls, get on one side and the boys, who are the heathens, get oil the other. Then the heathens cross over and embrace Christianity.—Loa Angeles Times. f Dr. Peerjr'i "Dead 8hot" Is powerful, but *af«. One dote will expel Wormi or Tape worm; no caator oil needed. Adv. Heat Him Up With It "Do you think I ought to tell Reggie about my past?" "Oh, not yet, dear. Keep It for the lone winter evenings."—London Opin ion. Gold produced by the Transvaal mines the first six months of 1926 was 105,000 ounces greater than in the same period of 1925. Sure Relief © BEUrANS DELL-ANS FOR INDIGESTION 25i and 75$ PktfiSold Everywhere Quart of Water Cleans Kidneys] Tak« « Llttls Salts If Your Back Hurta, or Bladder la Troubling You No man or woman can make a mis take by flushing the kidneys occasion-- ally, says a well-known authority. Eating too much- rich food creates acids, which excite the kidneys. They become overworked from the strain,* get sluggish tond fall to filter the waste and poisons from the blood. Then we get sick. Rheumatism, headaches, liver trouble, nervousness, dizziness, sleeplessness and urinary disorders often come from sluggish kidneys. The moment you feel a dull ache In the kidneys, or your back hurts, or If tlie urine is cloudy, offensive, full of sediment, Irregular of passage or at tended by a sensation of scalding, be gin drinking a quart of water each day, also get about four ounces of Jad Salts from uny pharmacy; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water be fore breakfast and In a few days your kidneys may act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with Uthia, and has been used for years to flush and stimulate the kidneys; also to help neutralize the acids In the system, so they no longer cause Irritation, thus often, relieving bladder weakness. Jad-Salts is inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone should take now and theu to help keep the kid neys clean and active and the blood pure, thereby often avoiding serious kidney complications. Taxis Travel on Water "Water taxis" are to be used In Amsterdam for service In the canals which wind about the city. The taxis will accommodate two to four per ■ons and are really small motorboats with cabins, the taximeter being at tached to the shaft of tjie propeller. The taxis were decided upon to meet the increased growth of the city on both sides of the River IJ, as well as the other waterways of the city and nearby districts. DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Take Tablets Without Fear If You See the Safety "Bayer Croaa." 1 Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for 26 years. Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Imitations may prove dangerous.—Adv. Putting Him in Hit Place Paying 'feller—Sorry, madam, but your account is already quite a bit overdrawn. i I.ady-7-Well, suppose it Is. Haven't I a right to do what I like with my own account? Long&t Telescope The longest telescope In the world has Just been erected in the Treptower observatory In Berlin. It Is 68 feet 10 inches long. Loosen Up That Cold With Musterole Have Musterole handy when a cold •tarts. It has all of the advantages of grandmother's mustard plaster without the burn. You feel a warm tingle as the healing ointment penetrates the pores, then a soothing, coding sensation and quick relief. Made of pure oil of mustard and other simple ingredients, Musterole is recommended by many nurses and doctors. Try Musterole for bronchitis, sore throat, stiff neck, pleurisy, rheu matism, lumbago, croup, asthma, neu ralgia, congestion, pains and aches of the back orjointa,aore muscles, sprains, bruises, chilblains, frosted feet, colds of the chest. It may prevent pneumonia and "flu." Bitter than a mmttard plotter iDuffSlli - J OLD HOMESTEAD j|| • cmcuearAOMAM Have you RHEUMATISM Lumbago or Qout ? Take RHEUMACIDK to imbot* tkeoansa and drlva the poison from the system. m tmar AtUlDnokU ■ 1.1- m m -i—i- ru,|.ii . ■ mrmmj m OVB, ITMRHn 1/MirwiOT* m°Kn~cr\m i(ft). 1927, Western Newspaper Union.) Make yourselves nesta of pleas ant thoughts, bright fancies, satis fled memories, noble histories, faithful uylngi, treasure houses of precious and restful thoughts, which care . cannot diaturb, pain not make gloomy, nor poverty taka away from us—houses built with out handa, for our aoula to live In. —John Ruskln. FOOD FOR THE FAMILY Good bread Is one of the first essen tials In planning a menu. The follow- Ing will be kinds one will like to serve occasionally: Oatmeal Bread. ffifflll *• % t x JR milk over one eup 'ul ot foiled oats; may be used. Add u teaspoonful of salt, a lablespoonful *of shortening and when lukewarm mid one-third of a yeast cake, softened In half a cupful of water. Add wheat Hour lo make-a dough to knead from live to ten minutes. Return to the mixing bowl, cover, let rise until double its bulk. Shape into loaves and when light bake one hour. About five cupfuls of flour are required for this amount. Nut Bread.—Tuke one cupful of milk, one-hair cupful of sugar, oue egg. three-fourths of a cupful of wal nuts, two and one-half cupfuls of flour, three leaspoonfuls of baking powder and one-fourth teaspoonful of salt. Mix as usual and bake in a one-loaf bread pan forty-five minutes. Coffee Cake.—Take five cupfuls of light breud sponge, three eggs, one cupful of raisins, one-half cupful of sugar, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, threa-fourths cupful of shortening. Warm the shortening, add the beaten eggs, stir into the sponge, add flour until too stiff to stir. Set to rise until light. Mix sugar and cinnamon and spread the top of the cake with butter before sprinkling with the cinnamon and sugar. Bake twenty minutes or more In a hot oveu. Almond Omelet.— Take half a cup ful of blanched and halved almonds, place In an omelel pnn with butter, stir until well coated with the gutter, using a lablespoonful. then pour in an omelet mixture using four eggs. Cook as usual, fold and roll onto a hot plat ter »and pour over a hot maple sauce. Serve at once. The nuts will be nice- Iv browned If they are quickly coated with butter, before the omelet Is poured. .A Few Good Desserts. To avoid monotony in dessert tnuk- Ing, ihe following may be used: Butterscotch Pudding. —Melt one cupful ,of brown sugar and two H tablespoonfuls of butter, until brown but not burned; pour over the EgQnjrjyj mixture two cupfuls of boiling milk and simmer until the sugar is dis ■SHbSl solved. Meanwltlle souk WHHfI u thick slice of bread In cold water * until soft, press all the water out of it. add the yolks of two eggs, a pinch of salt and a teaspoonful of vanilla. Pour Into a well buttered baking dish and bake In a pan of water for forty-five min utes. Beat the whites of the eggs until stiff, add two tablespognfuls of powdered sugar and the juice of half a lemon ; beat again, spread over' the pudding and brown in a moderate ovpn. Serve hot or cold. Baked Apple' Tart*. —Cook apples until tender In sirup, but not soft enough fo lose their shape. Roll out rich pastry cut into squares large enough to wrap an apple. Brush the tops with water and dredge with sugar. Bake until well browned. Serve with a spoonful of'hard sauce piped on the top of each. Pass the ulrup that was left, also. Graham Pudding.— Cream one fourth of a cupful of butter, add one half cupful of molasses, the same of milk, one- egg, one and one-half cup fnls of graham flour,- one-half tea spoonful of soda, one teaspoonful of suit, and one cupful of raisins. Mix and steam in a buttered mold two and one-half hours. Serve with a sweet sauce. Caramel Pudding.—Boll together one cupful of brown sugar and one-half cupful of water until It hairs. Dis solve' one-fourth of a box of gelatin in enough water to cover, add to the sirup, t)ri*n when cool fold in three henten egg fvhltes and pour Into cups to cool. The white comes to the top —the brown goes to the bottom. Serve with a custard made from the egg yolks, two cupfuls of milk, sugar and flavoring. - Baked Savory Egg*.—Cook as many eggs In the shell as there are people to serve. Prepare the same number of pieces of toast, butter slightly and arrange In a dish to be served. Cut the eggs into halves lengthwise and remove he yolks. Put two halves on each piece of toast. Have ready a -small amount of minced tongue or chicken, mix with the egg yolks, add ing a little softened butter, salt and pepper to taste. Pile the stuffing on each egg white, making It round op In a little moond; sprinkle with but tered crumbs and set in a quick oven to brown the crumbs. Have ready a cupful of white sauce or a> thiekeoed.- - seasoned tomato sauce. When the eggs are hot pour the hot sauce around the eggs but not over them. Serve at once. LEE COUNTY FLORIDA WANTS 1000 New Farmers TO ENGAGE IN WINTER TRUCKING FRUIT GROW ING, POULTRY RAISING, DAIRYING Ideal climate and best opportunity for families with small capital, and those who are willing to work. OUTDOOR LIFE ENTIRE YEAR r I Writ* to IkraMn' Committee, P. O. Box OS, I ■ Fort Mrn>> FL*.. for booklet and fall lafor- | I mstlOD. I I Name ' I I I I City I > ' | R. F. D State | Cord Wood Saws Saw TaJrfka with Diaston FMTIIH SAWS. Wade Gasoline Sawa. Wltte Gasoline LOB and Tree Sawa. Wltte and Jurabo Jr. Oasollne Engines. Aermotor Qaaollne Pumps and Wind Mills. Pump Jack*. Wood and Steel Tanks. Oehl and H. V. Fodder Cutters. Corn She)- . lera. Duplex and Star Feed Ortndera. Dazey Electric and Hand Churna. Ohio Colony Brooder Stoves. "Catalogue Free. Wrlte> for prices or see your dealer. RAWLINOH IMPI.KSIKNT CO. Baltimore. Md. SALESMEN j|S Our West Virginia Grown Nunery Stock. Pine canvassing outfit FRHH. Cash Commission Paid Weekly. WRITE for terms. THE GOLD NURSERY CO. Maion City. W. V». RURNSandSCALDS ■w Stop the throbbing and smarting at once with a soothing touch of Resinol Soil Photography Color photography Is now beta/ successfully used in the field investi gation of soil types. Photographs have been taken by the bureau of soils of the United States Department of Agriculture, and the various colors, mottling and streaks show distinctly on the plates, permitting identification and study. Colds Co Stop them today Stop them quickly—all *totr danger* discomfort*. End the fever and headache. Force the poisons out. Hills break colds in 34 hour*. They tone the whole system. The promjit,re» liable results have led millions to em ploy them, Don't rely on lesser helps, don't delay. Be Sure Price 30fc CASCARA Jy)I)ININ£ Get Red 6a with porfnlt W. N. U,. BALTIMORE, NO. 2-1927. s Transparent Steel Sheet steel as transparent as the clearest glass has been made by de positing an extremely fine film of the | metal on a smooth surface by means ! of electric current. The film Is then ! ( separated from the foundation on which It is fixed. Can Spin It Out "My doctor gays I can't live long." "Try mine. He has a wonderful way of protracting an Illness." . - . . ; Good Elimination I* Essential^ HWastesttsSs: iSjSS lew active generally. These winter-tSfce Smng Mi th# ihouldua often ahown by habit, impose heavier burden* upon bur scanty orWningafccretions. working eys. Af such times the uae of a atimulant Sluggish kidney function permits reten- diuretic* to jhe kidneys ia indicated, tion of poisonou* watte in the blood and D° an '» Pill*'»*X DTi tfce.hidoey» only. , makes one an eaaier victim of winter's G***eful users the over recom colda and chills. Preaence of these unfit- mend them. Ask your neighbort _ terod toxins makes itself felt in many ' Dimt f a rr ,f Doan's Pills Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys At all dealers, 60c + box. FwttrWilburn Go. f Mfa Chemists, Buffalo, N. Y. ———————— ' " ■ « Scientist Hat Found ' Start by'the Billipn Prof'. Frederick H. Sews »f the Mount Wilson rewntly completed counting the jßt'ar» in tfce lieavens. This seemi task he accomplished by twrtheina tleaT calculations, althoagheouM mot see even with the most powerful be*»v scope 97 per cent of them. First he divided the sky Into squares. Then, 189 of these squares, he photographed all the stars Included Is each space with the great 60-lncb reflecting tefc>- scope of Mount Wilson observatoryt which collects 60,000 time* as nxrch light as the human eye. A count or the stars in the 139 squares showed 1,000,000,000. /The 139 squares, however, represented only the 1-2,500 part 'of the sky and Inetadte' stars only op to the twenty-ffrst magnitude. So he worked out a ratio betureen the stars of each succeeding magnitude and by an intricate calculation ar rived at the final count of 30,000*000,- 000,000. The Great Necker Prunella—Who wns that boy you had in the hammock last evening? Priscllla —r tMnk he was the one we read about In . the papers, who strangled the ostrich. ■ •' ~ «. Academic Prize Went • 7 to Skillful Argaer Heretofore "wrangling" was irity an-, other word fot dtomtin'g, and' as ;trij the Middle ages jm' scholarship' was decided, by skill li' Argument lHvP>utfUc, so the senior disputer or was the winner of any academic jprlse., Long after this >sySte,m at ptiblTc ar gument bad bf en • superadded by .the system of written examinations,, the name of wrangles ha«V survived,' a6d up to only a few- years- ago was given I at £amj>ridge to the, senior, mathema tician of any one year,' tnanfcr of 'the famous scholars of the world! being known as first, second l and ' third; I "*rahgi*rsf.,. _■ /;C\ * f ... > Some seventeen yeart ngo, however, 1 the order of senior, second', and so on* > "wrangler" was abolished, mathemati cal scholars being now iilphafbfrttoaily 1 arranged under groups. v > — 1 Wright's Indian. Vegetable Plllfr Qontalti 1 only vegetable Ingredients, which actKen(M* as a .tonic laxative, by stimulation—not Itrt*- * tetfck nt p«a»i. *l,. m., y.. Adv. . ; Woman in High Position ' ' Miss a. Wlltorink. of jjwi,' holds a rare position for a woniaa' She is the chief, girecttfrafe of the important governmental' sugAr contxol Station. " ' Miss Wllbrink, a goW> njedaUpt )n, chemistry-wnd botany, ia : in expert' on the diseases of-sngrir 'Chile and. other tropical pftmts, in .fortnectlpn wltfi whfeft she. has made' important discoveries, / V , ,■ , v —..., • ■ ;: — Causes, of Fire Lpfi» In 1924 lightning^a cause'of fires . ranked .eiglith. .Thrf' 'heading ■ the list was espokuro, which: tnerefje means the loss jqeM{d. tires spreading beyond tjtif polnbftforlglfr,"Jfext came ! matchers and' smokingthen defective chibineys and -flues; • stoves, .fur* 1 naces, and their plpfe*; spontaneous combustion; sparks pn roofs; elec- '® trtctty and lightning.; . 11 ' - , r "PAWDEiwm butte* couwr } A harmless vegetable butter color I ased by millions for 50 years. Drug Btores and general stores sell bottles * of "Dandelion" for 35 cents.—Adv. i 1 A large pa»t of virtue consists to. good habits.—Pnfey. 4 v.;' • ' L I : i / ' F aWfete \ " I £2 Monarch Coqm 1 \r^J KWrr tfiuia* Sfonmrch ii«iili«m> e nt ,b»«r» th»Lton Am oidM . Indemuk la. (he United State* covt- JW complete A Plckle»v, Pe«nut M jHjlaß Butter, Canned Ulfl9| ■M Frulte end I Kg IfIBMH hlea,, and other an- I ', perioff table rpe- MONARCH i QAAHTYAT S3sas«ji , KEIDV MUHDOCH &CO . * Eitabliihtd 1853 ' I ! r Chicago Pittsburgh NewYorl Tamp, I^lV>rter's^\| I Pain Kind 1 ■ AUniment ?, I ■ Powerful, penetrating I ■: and toothing, tills time. I;, il-tried remedy brings quick I 1 from menacing I *nd colda. Fdr I , other read the I , " ■ .direction, with ev- ■ ■ ery boU i e ' now - I ■ I > > Pimples i /:' ' Using 1 fraitGnticnM Soap to Cleanse ' / V OiuUueut to Heal ; x : Colored Naval Shellt - . Specially prepared dyes in coritnin ere/pitted. to f the nose of shells tired frbm' l naVal guns afid scattered by theans of a' siball detonaitlng (use have" been adopted by ordinance ex •perts-'fti color the water the missiles throw up and enable the murks men on different ships to determine which shots register. The coloring U distinguishable at from 14 to 20 miles, aftd dyes'th© entire mass of water. Different colors are given to the par ticipating ships.—Popular Mechanics Magaxlne. , , { I, V»: :• "j. ;•' ———'■ — .Every work is at first impos sible. - -