che gleaner N 0., Jan. 0, 1827. * n ***+++++++*++ | LOCAL NBW8. * ' ?Mrs. Brower Holt has accepted position with i Moore's Music House in Burlington. ?The oyster supper Saturday evening by 'he ladies of Graham Christian church was a success. ?Mr. J- P- Bowman and family j Mrs. A. B. Nicholson have moved into the L. Banks Holt resi dence, 8, Maple St. ?On Tuesday night of last week ,t Haw River the Haw River High School quint defeated the Reidsville g S. quint by a score of 23 to 16. Tuesday Was the 195th anniver eary of the birth of George Wash ington. It is a legal holiday, but was not generally observed here. ?Eli Whitney High School seniors gave a delightful play, entitled "Little Valley Farm," at the court house Saturday night to a good audience. ?The Jas. K. Mebane residence, N. Main St., is being repainted aqd renovated. It will be occupied by Mr. Armstrong Holt and family as eoon as it is ready. ?Mr. Wm. H. Bason is reported very ill at his home ne^kSwepson ville. He has been sidRor several weeks. He is a Confederate veterau and one of the county's best citizens. ?Mesdames J. Harvey White and J. J. Henderson spent Tuesday af ternoon in Greensboro attending the Washington birthday program of the Daughters of the American Rev olution. ?A good audience witnessed and enjoyed the piano recital by Miss Elise Thompson's pupils at the court house last Thursday evening, The program consisted of more than twenty numbers. ?At a recent meeting of the Senior class of Guilford College the last set of officers before graduation was elected. The office of secretary went to Miss Anna Mae Newlin, near Saxapahaw, this county. ?It is not surprising that it was a little cool hen Monday and Tuesday. The little snow here Sanday had a counterpart of 12 to 15 inches all over Pennsylvania, and itonly takes a few hours to waft a co Id breath a few hundred miles. ?Mr. Chas. H. Phillips, who tod not been well for several days, euf ferd a stroke of paralysis Tueday morning about 8 o'clock. He was rushed to the Wesley Long hospital, Greensboro. At last report he show ed some improvement. ?At the opening of Green & McClure's funeral parlor last Satur day afternoon and .night around 500 heads of families registered. It is estimated that a thousand or more visited the opening. To each hd&d of a family a nice bristle brush was given as a souvenir. ?Mr. Arthnr P. Williams went to Greensboro today after his car, which was undergoing repairs. It will be remembered that on Sunday a week ago, when returning from High Point, he was run into' by a drunkotf driver near Gibsonville. Mr. Williams' car was badly dam aged and he had a narrow escape. ??Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Goley and Mrs. Willard C. Goley attended the funeral of Mrs. R, R. Ross in Aahe boro Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ross died Sunday morning at her home in Asheboro. She was nearly 73 years of age. - Surviving her are her husband, five sons and one daugh ter. One of the sons, Mr. Geo. R. Ross of Jackson Springs, is a son in-law of Dr. and Mrs. Goley. ?A card party for the benefit of Graham Chapter (J. D. C. is being given this afternoon at the home next to Mr. II. W. Scott's, formerly occupied by Mr. R. L. Holmes and family. The committee in charge are Meadamee John B. Stratford, chairman, A. Lacy Bolt, Allen B. Thompson, and W. Ernest Thomp son. There will be about 50 in the party and a very 'pleasant and en joyable afternoon is anticipated. ?Two negroes, tired of walking, invaded M. B. Smith's garage in Bnrlington yesterday and drove off his Essex roadster. They were "burning the wind" on the Burling ton-Graham road, the car skidded on the wet pavement and crashed into a pole. They abandoned the disabled car and started "hoofing" it again.,. The car was missed al most at once, the alarm went ont and the officers got busy, and inaide of little more than an hour the would-be autoists were in the toils of the law. Deputy H. J. Stockard and John Covington picked them up on the railroad between Graham and Haw River. They are now stopping at the county jail till court. AAAA-*--*--"--* , . , TirTTTTTfttTTTTTTTTt1'1''ft*4 ? ; ? PERSON A~L * ? ? WHt HIIHIIII ???????+?+? Miss Nina Holt spent Sunday in Greensboro. Miss Emily Lee spent Tuesday at Wake Forest College. Chaa. C. Thompson, Jr., spent the week-epd in Pnrham. Miss Margaret Hunter spent Sat urday and Sunday in-Reidsville. Miss Clarabel Morris spent last week-end at her home in Asbeboro. Mr. Allen B. Thompson was in Greensboro Sunday for a short while. Messrs. George Harden and Cur tis Wrike spent Sunday afternoon in Reidsville. Mr. John B. Stratford left Tues day for Charlotte and other points op business. Mr. Julian Sykesof Mebane visit ed his brother, Mr. N. E. Sykes, here Tuesday. Miss Nell Atkins of Roanoke, Vs., spent Tuesday here with Mrs. Nor man E. Sykes. Mr. J. D. Moon returned the first of the week from about a mouth's stay in Florida. Mr. John A. Trolinger returned Saturday night from a trip of two weeks in Florida. Mr. Thos. O. Coblewent to Char lotte last Friday on business and returned Saturday. Mr. Allen D. Tate went to Greens boro Tuesday to spend a few days for hospital treatment. Prof, and Mrs. Wade R. Brown of Greensboro spent Sunday here with the latter's mother, Mrs. E. M. Battis, at Mrs. Jaa. M. Turner's. Miss Elizabeth Harden, student at N. C. C. W., Greensboro, spent Tuesday here at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter R. Harden. Mr. Jas. D. Proctor of Lumberton and Mr. Ed. H. Williamson, Mr. McEachearn and Mr. Butler of Fayetteville were here and in Bur lington Tuesday on business. Capt. J. Wilson Williamson, commander of Co. A, 120th Inft. N. C. N. G-," left yesterday for Fort Benning, Ga., to take a three-months course in the Officers Training School. Purse Lost. Qn Tuesday C. M. Braxton, Snow Camp, {toute 4, near Highway No. 62, lost his parse on his way to Graham. He had it at Graham Garrett's filling station and never left 62 till he reached Graham. It was a leather purse with a draw string at the top and contained one ten, two fives and Bix one dollar bills. He will be glad to reward the finder for its return to him or this office. * Friendship Wins Double-header From Hub. On last Friday evening, February 18, the Friendship High School boys' and girls' basketball teams defeated the Altamahaw-Ossipee teams on their home court in their second set of games in the champion ship series lor the rural high schools o? Alamance County. The Friendship boys scored 19 to 11, while the girls' score was 22 to 14 in fivor of Friendship.'*" The Hub teams lost both games to Friend ship in< the first set some time pre vious on the Haw River court. Graham Music Lovers' Club Meetfeg. On Tuesday evening of last week the Music Lovers' Club was enter tained by Mesdames W. E. Hsrrop and J. Wilson Williamson at the home of the the former. After the business session the club had the pleasure of hearing an inter esting talk by Mrs. W. A. Harper of Elon College, president of the State Federation of Music Clubs. The evening's program was next in order, the subject being "Franz Schubert, his life and work," npon whicu Miss Mary Cooper gave a very enjoyable discnsion. The following musical numbers were rendered: 'Moment Musical," piano solo, Mrs. W. E. White. "Who is Sylvia?" voeol solo, by Miss Elizabeth Fox, accompanied by Mrs. Kate Watson. "Hedge Roses," vocal silo, by Mrs. W. I. Ward. Piano duet, Misses Annie Rath Harden and Madeline Nicholson. "Hark, Hark, the Lark," vocal duet, by Mrs. H. W. Scott and Mias Kouise Moore. "Schubert's Serenade," song by Miss Clarabel Morris, whistlea ac companiment by Mrs. J. B. 8trat rord, and piano by Mias Elite Thompson. "Militarie March," piano, by Mias Thompson. ' The evening was concluded with a delightful salad course aerved by the hostesses. Home Building Co. 1 Shareholders' Meet. Treasurer's Report Makes ' Fine Showing?Officers > Elected?281 Shares for , 24th, the Next Series, Subscribed. < Monday evening at 7:30 the an- f nual meeting of etockholdera of | Graham Home Bnilding Company waa held in the court house, Chas. A. Scott, preeident, presiding. The following officers were elect- i ed: Chas. A. Scott, prest; W. J. ] Nicks, vice-prest.; Phil Dixon, sec. , and treas.; J. Dolph Long, attor- i ney; Chas. A. Scott, J. S. Holt, W. , R. Harden, H. J. Stockard A. D. ? Tate, Jas. H. Rich, J. C. McAdams, A. P. Williams, J. Dolpli Long, P. 1 S. Dixon and P. A. Holt, directors. The Building and Loan associa- ' tions of the State are supervised from the State Insurance < lommis- i eioner'e office -in Raleigh. Expert auditors were sent here to make an audit of the company. Their report was adopted as the report of the sec retary-treasurer to the stockholders. The report in detail is long, cov 1 ering every item of receipts and ex- . penditures. It shows 4247 shares i now in force and unmatured for the last six series which yield an income of $4247,00 monthly, not including interest on loans and fines for fail ure to pay dues on time. The report further shows that the company has 160 first mortgage loans, aggregating $190,025.00 which yields nearly $1000 per month interest. In addition to the fore going there are 26 loans on stock amounting to $5,650.00. This company is one of the really big businesses of the town and one of the most helpful to the borrower as well as the investor. In its 23 years of operation it has made 407 loans to help build and improve homes and business houses The auditors' report as of Feb. 15th shows an annual rate of nearly eight percent interest which, they say, "is an exceedingly fine rate," and they speak of Mr. Dixon as "the capable secretary." A canvass at the close of the meeting secured 281 shares for the 24th series which opens the 2nd Saturday in March, but it is hoped to more than double this ncdtber. Everyone who can spare extra dollar per month should take a share. It cannot be invested so safely or profitably than with this company. DEATHS. Miss Obenia Virginia Long died Monday at the home of her brother, Mr. Joaeph T. Long, about two miles East of Graham, where dhe was born Dec. 9, 1853, and had lived all her life. She was a daugh ter of John T. Long. At 4 o'clock, Tuesday afternoon, the funeral and bnrial services were held at New Providence church of which aho bad been a life-long member. The services were conducted by her kins man Dr. D. A. Long and Dr. P. H. Fleming. The pail bearers were T.A? Teer, S. C. Spoon, Robt. Stratford, Edgar Long, John A Trolinger and Alvia Mann. She was a good woman and highly esteemed. She leaves one brother a large number of relatives and friends to mourn her death Mrs. Carrie Vincent, wife ot Cicero Vincent of Buriingtnn, died in a Raleigh hospital Sunday night, aged 47 years. The body, was prepared here at the Green A McClure funeral parlor for buiialThursday.fnterraent waa in Pine Hill cemetery. She is" survived .by her husband. Mrs. Albright Entertains Needle Craft Club. On laat Thursday afternoon Mrs. J. D. Albright delightfully enter tained the Needle Craft Club. The home waa beautifully deco rated, carrying out^be valentine idea. On entering the ball the guests were shown the punch bowl, where each was served by Mrs Z. T. Had ley. One of the most interesting fea tures of the afternoon was littM) Miss Marjorie Bason entering, dressed ts a valentine, pulling a tastefully dec orated wagon, laden with lovely gifts for a recent bride, Mrs. Nor msn E. Sykes. After much aewiog and chatting, the guests were entertained by the hostess's new Edison Delicious refreshments were serv ed, consisting of chu-ken salad, pickles, sandwiches, cheese balls, cakes and hot chocolate. Besides the club members, there were s number of invited guests present, including three of the Graded Schooljfacnlty, Misses Nun nery, Garrison and Smitherman, Mrs. Norman Sykes, Mrs. R. P. Ellington, Mrs. A. D. Williams and Mrs. Will Walker. Commissioner's Sale of'1 Heal Property. Under and by virtue of an jrder of the Superior Court of | Alamance County made in i special proceeding entitled "W. L. Cates, Administrator of Henry Turner, deceased, against Will Turner and others," the same being No. 1219 upon the special proceeding docket of said County, the undersigned Commissioner will, on SATURDAY, MARCH 12, 1927,, ?t 13:00 o'clock, noon. it the Courthouse door in Gra :iamr N. C., offer for sale at public auction, to the last and highest bidders, upon the terms hereinafter set out, the follow ing described tracts or parcels }f land: FIRST TRACT: A certain tract cr parcel of land in Bur lington Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of Jim Hazell, Mintus Pinnix, R. J. Hall and and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at a post oak, Ra chel Graham's corner, now R. J. Hall corner; thence S 87$ cleg ? 7 chs 25 Iks to a stone; thence N 4 deg E 7 chs and 50 Iks to a stone corner of Mintus Pinnix lot; thence W with the Mintus line 8 chs and 6 Iks to a post oak in. R. J. Hall line; thence S $ deg E 7 chs and 50 Iks to the beginning, contain ing five and seven-tenths (5.7) acres,* more or less. Bought from R. J. and Euphenia Hall, as evidenced by deed, dated De cember 18, 1902, and recorded in Book No. 24 of Deeds, pages 413, 414 and 415, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Al amance County, and being a part of the William Dickey land, and conveyed to, Robert Hall by R. C. Dickey, admin istrator of Wm. Dickey, and for a more particular descrip tion, see deed from R. C. Dick ey to Robert'Hall. SECOND TRACT : Being that certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Henry Turner, R. J. Hall', Eli Fonville, J. W. & W. Lashley and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a post oak tree corner with said Lashley and Turner; running thence N 2$ deg E 7 chs 33 Iks to a rock, corner with said Henry Turner; thence N 87$ deg W (BS 87 deg 35') 4 85 chs to a rock, corner with said Fonyille; thence S 2 deg 25'- W (BS 2} deg) 7.28 chs to a rock corner with said Fon ville in said Lashley's line; thence S 80J deg E 4.84 chs to the beginning, containing 8.53 acres, more or less, and being that tract of land conveyed to Henry Turner by R. J. Hall and wife, Euphie Hall, by deed dated Nov. 11, 1907, and re corded in Book 35 of Deeds, at pages 306-7, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance Countv. THIRD TRACT: That cer tain tract <or parcel of lafld ly ing and being in the Conjfty of Alamance and State of North Carolina and more particularly described and define^, as follows: ' Beginning at a poet oak cor ner, tract of J, W. and W. W. Lashley; thence N 86 deg W 132 ft to a stake, corner with Sterl ing Austin; thence S 5| deg W 1198 ft to a stake in the line of Oeo. Hazel; thence with line of Hazel S 84$ deg E 123 ft to a rock: thence N 5f degEll97 ft to a post oak corner, and the beginning, containing 3,62 acres, more or less, and being Lot No. 1 in the survey of the J. \V. and W. W. Lashley land as surveyed by Lewis H. Holt, County Surveyor, December 3, 1920^nd being conveyed to J. Henry Turner and wife. Mary Turner, by the Standard Realty & Security Co. on the 8th day Dec., 1920, which deed is re corded in Book No. 70 of Deeds at page 337. FOURTH TRACT: That certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County and State aforesaid upon Haw River, adjoining Rachel Gra ham, G. W. Swepeon and oth ers: Beginning at a post oak at Swepson and Rachel Graham's Alamance County, State of corner; thence S 3 deg W 4 chs to a stone in Swepson's line; thence N 88 deg E 5J chs to a stone; thence N 4 chs to a stone in said Dickey's line; thence of his line W-4 chs and 45 Iks to the beginning, making two (2) acres, be the same more or less, and being the same real estate mentioned and contained in deed from William Dickey to Hannah Jones Sykes, dated 22d day of June, 1881, and duly re corded in Book No. 10, pages 568 and 569 in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance County, and being thd same land conveyed by Arlena Sykes and Viola Sykes to Hen ry Turner by deed bearing date of December 26,1803, recorded in Deed Book 29, page 80, office of Register of Deeds for Ala mance County. - TERMS OF SALE: One-half cosh, balance in 6 months from date of sale. Sale subjeot to confirmation of Court and subject to advance bids as provided by law. This the^th day of February, 19274. W. L. CATES, CLARENCE ROSS, Commissioners, A regular bed time each night and a quiet hour beforehand pre vents restless sleep with children. - ; l PENDER'S YELLOW FRONT STORES STRETCHING DOLLARS You'll Find a New Buying Power at a Pender Store V ' Peaches Ins^?pvy Large No. 21 Can 19c Dried Lima Beans cfiffSia - - lb 83c Sweet Potatoes - - Large No. 3 can 122C Stringleas Beans tEhm! * ? > No. 2 can 9c Ivory Soap - - Medium Size Cake 1\& Canned Goods S fnr IQr Van Camp's Pork and Baana. Can 8c NAPTHA SOAP J ^ Colonial Paas No. 2 can 18c Hooker's Lye Can 10c I Sauarkraut, 8ilref Floea.. .No. 2 can 18c ? ? :? _ rr* Libby's Appla Butt.r can 27c Parson's Ammoria Bottle 14c Libby'a Slioad Pinaappla,No.2^can 31c AtlailtlCS, ""SKST""" " " lb. 22C Blua Ridga Succotash.. .No. 2 can 17c ??~~ ~ ~~~ Libby's Choica Paars. ? -No. 2} can 31c , ty . Van Camp's Pumpkin-. can 11c Premium Soda , I 8 PltQS Chocolate Snaps \ 1 nc ^Molasses, can 19c Quality Meats Made of Best Grade Wheat Swift's Premium Hams lb. 34c. 12 lb Knit 24 lb Bay 48 lb Bag BQnelessStrip Bacon lb. 37c 54c $1.05 $2415 Swift s Premium Bologna, lb. 24c ale D- P- Salt. 2-lb carton 10c Salt Pork, Plates. lb. 17c Our Dm/>qi1 Giant -f A Salt Pork, Fat Backs lb. lpc Pride DrtdU 21?. Lmt J.VC D.P.Coffee Lendo'Lakes D.P.Bacon ? The World's Beft Drink. Cream BllttCF ^ __ ' ZTi t 'b Carton l ib Carton 45clb -61 lb- 24c 47c ?si^ Qlildren, * Cry for A V ? IB ^ ? A A ^V ^1P yTn^^WSWWWCIWWiWWw^^WWNWNWWNwWWWWWWWWw* 'MOTHER} Fletcher's Gastoria is a harm lea Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, wepared to relieve T"f*^* in arms and Children all ages of Cottftipati* Wind Colic - - 4 Flatulency (To Sweeten Stomach Diarrhea Ululate Bowels Aids in the a saimibtiod nigged, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest. sai ' Natural Sleep iritfiout Opiates ^ ^ j . t To sveid imitatioiii, ahrsys look lor the signature of ? ; Prortn directions on esch ooclnse. Physicians cseijihm rrrqiwmffc ; Keep Fit! Herilfft Rfyf/fffQffwl BMmfimfff1 'TV) be wd, you must beep the X blood stream free from impar ities. Utfae kidneys lac. aOowinc body poisons to accumulate, a toxic condition is eroded. One is apt to fed dun, Issifttid. tired and acby. symptom, abb drosrsy beodacbeo and day spells. That the kidneys are not ftmctionlnf property hoftt ?boon by burniac or scanty paaaace of secretions. It yoo base tea? to lac!'try Dean's ^WOs?a tsetad yooraailUor' DOAN'S j Woahat fbsi iHs tafia fMbsjs Summons by Public tion NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Annie D. Bat fie]<l I VS. Charles R. Barfield. The defendant, Charles. R. Barfield, will take notice that an action has been begun in the 8nperior Court of Alamance County by Annie D. Barfield, for the purpose of obtainii^g an absolute divorce and he will further take notice that he. is to fl ' 1 appear and answer or deaMM to the complaint of the plakiaMHl which will be filed in the of the Clerk of the Snn^M Court on or before the tie djfl demur to said complaint wff|3 the time as provided by MM otherwise, the plaintiff w9tl granted relief demanded complaint^^^

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