Drink Water I If Back or i Kidneys Hurt I Begin Taking Salta If You Feel Backachy or Have Bladder I Weakneaa Too much rich food forma adds which excite and overwork the kid neys In their efforts to Alter It from the system. Flush the k'ldneya occa slonully to relieve theiu like you re lleve the bowels, removing acids, waste and poison, else you may feel a dull misery In;the kidney region, sharp pains in the bark or sick head ache, dizziness, the stomach sours, tongue is coated, and when the weuth er la bad you have rheumatic twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment, the channels often get irritated, oblig ing one to get up two or three times during the night. To help neutralize these Irrigating acids and flush off the body's urinous waste, begin drinking water. Also get about four ounces of Jud Salts from any pharmacy, tuke a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few daya and your kidneys may then act fine and bladder disorders disappear. This famous salts Is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with lltbia, and has been used for years to help cleun and stimulate sluggish kidneys and stop bladder Ir ritation. Jad Salts is Inexpensive and makes a delightful effervescent llthla water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to help prevent serious kidney and blad der disorders. By all means, drink lots of geed water every day. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Bbbotm Dandruff-Stops Hmlr Falling HT -^1 Rasloras Color and Beauty to Gr?f and Faded Hair DVRrS^i fiQe and $1.00 at Druggists. Mall ^3 ChCT. Wt. ,P?teho?m.N.Y. HINDERCORN8 Bemores Corns, Cal lonsos, etc., stops all pain, ensures comfort Utthe foet,'makes walking easy. 16c by mail or at Drug gists. Hlsoox Chemical Works, Patcbogue, N. T. J^fevT Guard Against "Flu" With Musterole Influenza, Grippe and Pneumonia usually start with a cold. The moment . you get those warning aches rub on ' good old Musterole. I Musterole relieves thf congestion and stimulates circulation. It has all the good qualities of the old-fashioned mustard plaster without the blister. First you (eel ? warm tingle as the healing ointment penetrates the pores, then a soothing, cooling sensation and quick reliif. Have Musterole handy for emergency use. It may prevent serious illness. 7b Mothm: Musterole it also ??die in milder form for babies nnd small children. Ask tor Children's Musterole.. Bottor thorn m mustard plaster v 39ctt4Me*M y Accident Toll 17,000 About 17,000 people were killed In accidents In homes last year. Hall of those killed were mothers of fam ilies, says the Dearborn Independent Some men are constantly trying to lower the record of meanness. Sure Relief "nrrPHfrrf Bell-ans FOR INDIGESTION 25i and 75i Pk&Sold Everywhere Cuticura ToiletTrio ^ ^Send for Sampies ^UfcKElIOfiGSA t - m No asad to spffBHMBMsss, SmpIm ^k t I rsst anradlV:HW rsmsdy that 1 I M has hatpad tttqpll of sufferers. I I 1 a cants aadjnjk at Srassists. M B&ttOA'QP TOllPljil TEST IMPACT OF DIFFERENT TIRES The United States bureau of public roads, In a statement Just Issued ou a .series of recent tests to determine the magnitude of the Impact of different kinds of motor truck tires over a pe riod of four years, declares thut thickness and narrowness of tread rublier are desirable in reducing road impact and that Increasing tlie thick ness or jTrotile height of rubber has u very marked effect in reducing road Impact in both single and dual mount ings. The experiment in finding out the relative amounts of Impact exerted on road surfaces by different kinds of motor truck tires was called the "static lest." It consisted, according to the bureau, in mounting of a tire in a machine and slowly applying loads, noting the vertical deflections as indications for j^tching deforma tion curves. /The h4Bness of tlie tread rubber was measured by uu Instru ment known as a durometer. The bureau, in using the test ma chine, stated thut in upplylng the test dulu it should be remembered that an impact force, ^expressed in pound units, does not' necessarily have the same effect upon materials as a static force of the same numerical value in pounds. The "Important conclusions to dute" are given in full text as fol lows ; I. Maximum lmpuct forces obtained with motor truck tires In service can be measured with un accuracy suffi cient for the needs of this investiga tion. * II. As static load increases, road im pact reaction increases. 3. As static load increases, the ratio of road impact,reaction to static load decreases. 4. Thickness and uurrowness of tread rubber are desirable in reduc ing road Impact reaction. 5. Increasing the thickness or pro file height of rubber has a very marked effect in reducing roud lmpuct reac tion in botli single and dual mount ings. 0. lu tlie tire equipments tested, all of which were standard at tlie time of the tests, dual mounting caused heav ier impact forces than the correspond ing single mounting of the same total load-carrying capacity. (This was de termined on a pneumatic-tired, two ton truck and a solid-tired, iiVe-ton truck.) v 7. Appreciable variation of cross sect iohal rubber, or breaks in its con tinuity, cause heavy repeated impacts to be delivered to the road. 8. Dual-mounted tires'should al ways be' mounted with the tread de sign staggered. * Ohio City Plants Trees Along Lincoln Highway The suggestion that the Lincoln Wu.v east and west of Delplios, Ohio, lie lined with shade trees lias found a re sponsive chord in a number of Delplios people. It Is suggested by one of these that a committee luke this ill hand and learn Just what it would cost per tree to furnish, and pluut along the highway. It is contended that a shfflclent num ber of Delplios people would be willing to assist in making the hlghwuy ex tending from Delplios east to the Auglaize river and the same distance west an attractive appearing memorial to Lincoln. Delphos Is noted for her beautiful - shade trees. It Is safe to say that few cities in Ohio can boast of streets more generally shaded than those In that city. If the Lincoln highway could lie lined with shade trees both east and west of the city, It would leave a last ing Impression upon the many tourists who will travel this road after the Improvement Is completed to the east. The' method suggested would not cost any Individual a great sum and the trees would staud as a monument to Lincoln for many years to come. WKAW^WQOOOQOOOOOOOOO<]|CC Good Roads Notes oooooooooooooooooooooooooc The Lincoln highway always will he the main thoroughfare, as between Rast and West, In Pennsylvania. ? * ? Duncan. Neb., has rerouted the Lin coln highway through a section of the, town and thereby removed several dangerous railway crossings. ? ? ? As the only billion-dollar "highway nation" in the world, the United States now lends all the rest of the countries with 000,000 miles of good roads. ? ? ? Traffic congestion Is costing the United States $10,000,000 every day or $.1.8311.000.000 annually, the American ltoad Builders' association estimates. ? ? ? . The Finnish government plans to spend about $1,500,000 for Improve ment and maintenance of roads during 1927, according to a report received by the United States Department of Commerce. ? ? ? Because of the thousands of Ameri can cars entering Caitada from New York there Is a movement on foot to estnbllsh a service that will Insure a clear road from New York city to Montreal throughout the winter, re gardless of heavy snowfall. \ ^^u\ax?' Appetit^^V M '' Mother, we' re hungry. % M Give ue eome Monarch m f Cocoa and Teenla 1 I Weenie Peanut Butter 1 I eandwlchee." Thou- I I sand* of mother* are I 1 ready to reapond to thi* f 1 call when the kiddie* M % come home from (port* M \ that whet the appetite. # ? Every genuine f Effin Monarch package OOfTlt bc?ii thi Lion trademark la the United State# cot triat ^a^compicte finest food prod- JBvJ ucti ? Coffee,Tea, Cocoa, Catiup, a^^kaHmHSral Pickles, Peanut ? Butter* Canned I ?5f| ?DBUIRi Fruits and Vegeta- I W | Vji^523P bles, and other su- 1 peri or table spe c laities. MONARCH Qudhtyfor7oyeats Monarch is the only nationally advertised brand of Quality Food Pboducto aold exclusively through the ?oea who own and operate their own stores. REID, MURDOCH 6l CO. E$uMished 1853 Chicago Pittsburgh New York Boston Los Angeles Tampa Cord Wood Saws Saw Table* with Dlsston Peerle** Saws. Wade Gasoline Saw*. Witte Gasoline Log and Tree Saw*. Wltte and Jutnbo Jr. Gasoline Engine*. Aermoto* Gasoline Pumps and Wind Mill*. Pump Jacks, Wood and Steel Tanks. , Gohl and H. V. Fodder Cutters, Corn Shelt er*. Duplex and Star Feed Grinder*. Daxey Electric and Hand Churn*. Ohio Colony Brooder Stoves. Catalogue Free. Write for prices or *ee your dealer. RAWLINGS IMPLEMENT CO. Baltimore, Md. HALE'S There's nothing like this for breaking up colds ? amazing relief to sore throats, head ana chest ? Safe ? Money back. 30 cents at all druggists. LADIES! Doe* that keen delight, that youthful Joy. that spontaneous Interest, that was yours In tho* wonderful courtship' clays, utill . exist? ?ln too many cases the happiness end youthful Joy of the "Radiant Bride of Yesterday" are but dreams of the pant. An Interesting booklet that should be read by every married woman, mailed free upon request. Your name and address will se cure copy. Panasep Co.. Crosier Bldg., Chester. Pa. P U MP S KtfHawha Wood Pumps. Red 'Jacket?easy to fix?Pump*. Myers hand, power and Electric Pump*. Burks Valveles* Electric Pump*. Hydro-Pneumfttc,' 8teel and Wood Tank*. Punip Jacks, Wltte and Jumbo Jr. Engine*. Wind Mills, etc. Catalogue Free. Ask" your dealer or write u* direct. KANAWHA PIMP WORKS Baltimore. Md. SALESMEN ^ Our West Virginia Grown Nur>n Stock. Pine canvassing outfit FREE. Cash Commission Paid Weekly. WRITE (or terms. THE GOLD NURSERY CO. Mason City. W. Va. Vanity, Not Optimism ?"Does your wife always look on the bright side?" "If you are referring to her mir ror."?New Haven Register. P*>r speedy and effectlv* action. Dr. Perry's "Dead Shot" has no equal. A single dose cleans out Worms or Tapeworm. 171 Pearl St.. N. T. Adv. Optimism Is simply hop*. Every one has it In varying degrees. Many a man's wife dresses stylish ly because Ms creditors can afford It. 8 1867 /l' home \ goodies Duff's Molasses look ON n? mm cJrmap* book* J^L ^^3&ntonrsquest~ f |L P.OUPF ? SONS W. M. u.. BALTIMORE, NO. J-1927. IS IT NERVOUSNESS? Huntington, W. Va.?"For about two years I was in miserable health. I'tried several different medicines but did ^ not get help. Finally I saw Dr. Pierce's V* jm Favorite Prescription J i J advertised as being RQh tV. W good for nervousness, -J^/J so I began to take it. IV I am now on my tplfy 1 w third bottle, my j\y nerves have quieted t\l down, I can sleep, Vvy' my appetite has re turned, I have gained seven pounds and am feeling better and stronger than I have for over two years. 'Favorite Pre scription' is the best medicine I have ever taken and It has done more towards re storing me to health than anything I ever took."?Mrs. Georgia Hamlin, 426 18th St. All dealers. Tablets or liquid. Garfield T ea Was Your Grandmother's Remedy />"CX For every stomach fnavfj and Intestinal 111. ry'ifff 'rh'8 good Vj loned herb home JL crTlll remedy for constl patlon, stomach Ills and other derange ments of the sys tem so prevalent these days Is In even greater favor as a family medicine than In your grandmother's day. rTofter* I Pain King I A Liniment mm For fifty yetn^CA your neirhbori^y jjF nave relied on ?i>ii w v remedy of pure and ? r wholatoma herb*. Ytt, enu 1 L mv, tome do not know that J V quickly checking coldt.ro. _ # A llcving ache* and paint, H ^ "Jh healing cut* and burnt, are but few of its many uttt. Reed tbe direction* MjHH with every bottle. |lp^PM| g| FOR OVER 200 YEARS haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. V HAARLEM OIL correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the original genuine Gold Medal. ~ Sad "What became of that currant wine you were making so hopefully?" "It Jelled." Keep in Trim! Good Elimination Is Essential to Good Health. THE kidneys are the blood filters. If they fail to func tion properly there is apt to bi a retention of toxic poisons in the blood. A dull, languid feel ing and, sometimes, toxic back aches, headaches, and dizzinesi are symptoms of this condition Further evidence of impropei kidney function is often founc in burning or scanty passage of secretions. Each year more and more people are learninf the value of Doan'e Pills, a stimulant diuretic, in this con * dition. Scarcely a nook or ham let anywhere but has manj enthusiastic users. Aak youi neighbor. DOAN'S p??? Stimulant Ditmtie to thm Kidnmy. Foster-Milburn Co., . Chemist., Buffalo. N Y Ten miles an hour was about the best sustained speed that could be made In the first automobile race In the United States. Golds By millions ended Hill's stop million* of colds every winter? arid in ag hours. They end hradarhr and fever, open the bowels, tone die whole sys tem. Use nothing less reliable. Colds six) Grippe call fat prompt, efficient help. Be sure you get it. Be Sure Price 30t CASCUH^QUININE Get ffits) Bos ^OUSP* wtth portraM DO YOU WANT OIL FARM? Ftrmi worth the price for farming. Located In line for oil development. 1 have Just aold ?II royalty at $3,000.00 per acre. So can you. Write W E MILLS. BRIPTOW. OKLA. DEDlROUGH SKIN * * Is ugly and annoying?make yoW skin soft, white, lorely, by using Resinol / j I Color Hat Big Part in Home Conttruction Color Is one of the most important features about the home. It governs to a surprisingly large degree not only appearances bat temperament. - It makes not only for beauty but. for good or ill nature as well. Certain colors are Just as depressing as others are inspiring. Women are Jnst as particular, ordi narily, about the coloring of the paper I on the walls of their homes as they are about the color of their clothing. Men are less responsive, perhaps, and pay less attention to "tfiefr environ ment, yet unconsciously for all that they are affected more or less. The same thing applies to the ma terials of which your home is con structed. Instinctively yon turn away from the house that has a drab and dreary appearance. Just as quickly you admire the one with a rich, warm coloring In the walls. Brick houses particularly have this quality made permanent In the burning of the bricks. In most other wall materials it must be artificially produced and frequently renewed. Points to Remember When Purchasing Home One thing that a man should never forget when he Is buying a home Is that the home will be the center of Ills family life, prebaMy for many years. His children will be brought np In it and amidst its surroundings. In It his wife must do most of her work, and in it both he and his wife will spend most of their leisure time. He should, therefore, look at the dif; ferent properties available and see how they measure up by these com mon-sense, practical standards. It Is well for the family to picture Itself going through its daily routine in the new house, cooking, cleaning, going to work, school, play, etc., at all seasons. The? mere fact that a showy mantel piece is displayed, that a four-inch steel I-beam supports the floor, that fi radio set has been installed or that several Frenth plate glass mirrors are built in doors should not determine his choice or induce him to pay an addi tional $500 for the property. Surroundings Count Merely to be assured of the char acter of surrounding development Is not enough for the property owner, ac cording to William I. Whitney, district sales manager of a leading Detroit company. "The appreciation of a diamond's value," Mr. Whitney-.said, "will not be as great if it is set in cheap sil ver or brass. It may be the finest blue-white stone, but its setting de tracts from an appreciation of its value. It has always been the same with property. A house might be splendidly constructed, have archi tectural beauties of the highest or der, but if the character of the sur roundings do not fit it, its desirabil ity will be less and the investment in it will suffer. For that reason peo ple have come to see the importance of choosing property which is located In surroundings whose development Is controlled. The chance for increasing property value Is lnfiuenced tremen dously by what goes on around it" Establishing an industry Economy, service and prestige are the factors which usually determine for the manufacturer or distributor where he shall establish his plant, ex ecutive office or branch. Under economy he considers fee and rent values, taxes, availability of raw materials he uses In his business, mar ket for finished products and labor su piy. - Under prestige comes the reputation of the locality as a business center of wide advertising value, a place which Is not unknown to his trade or to kin dred trades. Chooting Building Site Every Individual business site has larger possibilities for certain Itlnds of business enterprises than It has for others. The property manager who can arrive at just yiilch kind of busi ness would be most successful in the exact location of a particular build ing In his charge and who can make the reasons clear to his prospective tenant, Is a property manager who has gone far to minimize the vacancy factor in the earning capacity of that building. Home Ownership The soundest thing in America to day Is absolute ownership. It Is the keynote to the real prosperity of the Individual. People should own a home before they own an automobile or a radio. A man who owns a home is a better citizen and better influence for the community in which he lives.?Ex change. To Teach Home Building Two leading educational Institu tions, the state university at Colum bus and the municipal university of Clncinhati, will begin this fall to give Instructions on the organization of building and loan associations. More thnn 50,000 homes In Ohio were di rectly financed by bnltdlng and loan associations last year. It's an all-day food SHREDDED WHEAT For any meal, in any season Ready-cooked, easy-to-serve A Veteran Clerk?"That la u grandfather's clock." Customer ? "Quite au old 'timer,' Isn't It?"?Good Hardware: DEMAND "BAYER" ASPIRIN Aspirin Marked With "Bayer Cross!* Has Been Proved Safe by Millions Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and* prescribed by physicians for 26 years, Say "Bayer" when you buy Aspirin. Imitations may prove dangerous..?Adv. Spender "Why do you never trust your wife with any money?" "She has no sales resistance." The occasional use of Roman Bye Balsam ! at night will prevent and relieve tired eyes and eye strain. 372 Pearl St., N. Y. Advt Just as Good "Does your wife know the traffic rules?" "No, but, then, she's good looking." Sign* I Madge?Helen taunt liave been talk- I ing about me. Marie?Why do you think so? Madge?When I met her she kissed me twice. Cuticura' SOothe* Itching Scalp. On retiring gently rub spots of dan. draff and itching with Cuticura Oint ment. Next morning shampoo with CUttcura Soap and hot water. Make them your everyday toilet preparations and have a clear skin and soft, white hands.?Advertisement. Above It "Did the boss say anything when he sat 011 the tack?" "No, he felt it beneath him."?Good Hardware. I "DANDELIONJJUTTER COLOR" A harmless vegetable butter color used by millions for 50 years. Drug stores and general stores sell bottles of "Dandelion" for 35 cents.?Adv. In moderating, not in satisfying, de sires lies peace.?Heber. Children Uy for V A ?^?????????>' A i^r I r. V vbh/ V W A ? 0*1 * 1 ? ?/ V I d A I I 1 I ?/ ? ?? ? I ? I H I ?y ? m W ????IB ?/ ? m B I ? I v I I ?> LWlML'Jilfil MOTHER:- Fletcher's Castoria is especially pre pared to relieve Infant's in arms and Children all ages of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and, by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving natural sleep. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Absolutely Harmless - No Opiates. Physicians everywhere recommend it. The Freth ThingI Sue?Look at that silly chap over' there. He's trying to flirt with you! I'd like to give lilm a good punch in the J^w! Mae?So would I! That's my hus band. Habit is an every-day affair. Lang and Short "Your new butler is uuite tall, isn't lie?" "Yes, but we ean't keep him long." People wbo enjoy peripatetics are people that don't mind perspiration. Old reckonings breed new disputes. Aspirin SAY "BAYER ASPIRIN"- genuine Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on tablets, you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin prescribed by physii cians and proveti safi by millions over 25 years for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Pain . Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism | DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART ^ Accept only "Bayer" package which contains proven directions. C W Handy "Binr" bote* of 12 tfblet*. 3 Abo bottle* of 24 ud 100?Druggiit* 4u?fefe b ?k* Mt But tt B*j*r Mmhitie 1 II * UUoU?d*

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