"lAYERASPIRIN" PROVED SAFE Take without Fear as Told in "Bayer" Package /S\ [baye^ $o3y ygrfittritiffift [ Ltcsuita wonderful and sure. One ootnpleio box of KREMOLA will convince the most skepti cal. Also cures Bcsema. PrloetlJO. Ask soar dealer. BMOtv Booklet FKfcK. Dr. <5. U. Merry Co., Dept. B.Wft Michigan Ave., Chicago. She Fools Doctors After lying lu a hospital at Spring field, Mass., for six months, paralyzed from the waist down l).v a bullet which severed her spinal column, a woman now Is on the road to recovery. Physi cians operuted at the time, hut ex peeled her death wltldn a few days. They say there Is no similar ce.se on record. The Salutation Solicitor?I should advise you to write this man a nice polite note uiiO See what happens. Client?All right. I'll do It. How do you spell blackguard??Boston Post. A New Way to Make Jellies Without Staining Finger*?Without Long Hours of Boiling?Without Depending Upon Berries or Fruit Being in Season. One of the most Interesting nnd yet one of the simplest new products In the food Held is culled" minute Jelly It is pure fruit or berry Juice already boiled down and concentrated. To this concentrated Juice, fruit pectin in the right amount has been added. The pectin Is that part of fruit which makes Jelly "Jell." It Is ag'pure and wholesome as the fruit juice. To make the Jelly take the little bottle of concentrated Juice, pour In a sauce panAfcild water and sugar ac cording to directions on the bottle and boll a few minutes. Then pour Into jelly glasses*and when it has become cold you have the most delicious pure fruit Jelly you ever tasted. A few bottles kept on hand, selected according to your taste for Jellies, and you can make up a few glasses Just us you want it. One small bottle makes two glasses of Jelly. If you wish to try two bottles send us twenty-live cents and we will give you your choice of grape, mint, pineapple, orange, raspberry, strawberry or blackberry. Or four bottles?all different?for fifty cents. Address Department IVU, Gen eral Packing Corp., Cranford, New Jersey.?Adv. Undertaker Had Best of Bid for Business Thomas A. Dwer, president of the New York llotary club, said at a banquet: "There's such a thing, after all, as carrying business methods too far. "A business man sent for the doc tor. The doctor looked him over and said: "'You're pretty sick, sir, but I be lieve I can cure you." VWliat will you charge, doc?' groaned the business man, 'for a full cure?" " 'Well,' said the doctor, 'It's rather Irregular to estimate In tills way, but I'm ready to cure you for $200.' "The business man shook his head* weakly on the pillow. Then he man aged with great difficulty to articu late: " 'You'll have to shade that price considerable, doc. I got a darn sight better bid from the undertaker.'" Pott Erectt Street Signt The hundred vacationists who go to Orand Haven, Mich., each spmrner will have no trouble finding their way about the city In the future. They will find the streets marked by signs erected by the local post of the Amer ican Legion. About two hundred signs will be erected by the Legionnaires in' co-operation with city officials. Wanted to Know "And what will you have, sir?" asked the waiter. "Bring me a boiled owl," commanded the overly cheerful diner. "Yeshlr, a boiled owl. Tha' guy at th' nex' table says I'm a bigger fool than a boiled owl, an' I'm gonna 'vestlgute." ?American Legion Monthly. Madrid Bart Planet No airplanes of any description -are permitted to fly over Madrid, Spain. The object Is to protect the popula tion from the danger of a crash, al though thus far there has never been an aerial accident over the city. Smallett Commission City South Charleston, Ohio, which has yet to find its place 011 the map. claims to be the smallest town In the United States operated under the com mission plan of government. Boiling stones gather no moss, but they are nobody's stepping stone. * The Last Survivor Flyosan has killed all hit millions of friends and relatives NO WOWER he's blue. He knows he's next. Flyosan has killed erery single fly and mosquito in thousands of homes this summer. Flyosan is the modern best way of fighting flying pests. It kills them by the whole sale?not one at a time. Flyosan is the original liquid insect spray (non-poisonous). Use Flyosan itself not one of its imi tations. Flyosan not only kills all the flies and mosquitoes in your home hot also rids it of the mil lions of deadly, disease-bearing germs which each one carries. "Swatting" only scatter* these germs into the air which yon and your family breathe. Here is the right insecticide for each insect: FLYOSAN, Liquid Sprmy ? kill* fie* mm* PETER MAN'S ANT POOD ? ?itombiaiM uM. PETERMAPPS DISCOVERY, Uqmld?ester ?iaalM bed-kegs. PETERMAN'S ROACH FOOD-* sienaieatec tbet eeekroeeb mrmj. PETERMAN'S MOTH FOOD ? pretests agslast oaotbs. You must hare a specific insecd cidc for each iniect No (ingle in (ectiride will exterminate them alL We have had nearly SO yean' experience. We launt that la true. ' u. L mi CHICKEN POX IS VERY CONTAGIOUS Chicken pox (sometimes culled sorehead) lu a very contagious dis ease. It makes Its appearance in the form ot Irregular whitish patches or festers which later develop Into brown spots, or crusts (resembling a scab ot sore) od the comb, wattles, eyelids, and around the beak and nostrils. In severe cases these patches or sores Increase In number to such extent that the birds have difficulty in open ing their eyes and beaks, and If neglected many will die. The best way to prevent birds from this as well as many other diseases, Is to keep all roosting quarters dean, dry, and well disinfected. During the summer, when the disease is most com mon, mix 3 pounds of powdered sul phur with each 100 pounds of dry mash, allowing the birds to eat all they want. Chicken pop usually at tacks late-hatched chicks more often and more severely than early hatched ones, which makes it advisable to hatch us early In the season as pos sible. If, however, a flock becomes Infect ed In spite of all precautious, no time should be lost In treating the birds be applying a liberal quantity of car bolated vaseline to the affected parts. This treatment after a short time will cause the patches or crusts to soften and drop off, when the tissue or sore underneath should be painted with tincture of iodine of a 5 per cent so lution of carbolic acid. Five pounds of flne-powdered sulphur mixed with each 100 pounds of dry mash Is also beneficial in effecting a cure. As soon as the disease mukes its appearance spray the houses and coops thoroughly with some good dis infectant (preferably some wood preservative or coal-tar preparation), ami scald the drinking fountains and feed dishes thoroughly with boiling water. Itepeat every two or three days until after all the birds have fully recovered. Poultryman Should Cull All Loafers From Flock Because egg prices are going down and feed prices are going up, poultry men cannot afford to keep "star-board ers," according to the poultry depart ment at the New York State College of'Agriculture, which says that about 25 per cent of the hens in the aver age farm flock In New York state are IbaTers that do not pay their own way, and at the same time eat food and oc cupy room in the poultry house that the laying hens shopld have. For several years poultrymen frtrni the college have spent much of their time during the summer months cull ing poultry for the farmers in New York stnte, nnd last year a total of 252,000 birds were handled. The men who do the colling are trained poul try Judges, and the cost of the serv ice to the farmer is about one and one half to two cents for each bird handled. On the basis of the number of birds actually discarded, the cost to. the poultryman Is about five or six cents a bird. The department says that It costs 20 to 30 cents a month to feed a hen, therefore, the saving for the farmer Is evident Any farmer In the state may have his poultry culled by a poultryman from th^ college by applying to his local farm bureau agent or by writing directly to the poultry department at the State College of Agriculture at Ithnca. N. Y. w/v^wsVVa/SWAwWWWAK ??V V - -v v ? - -f the total amount of grain and: sup plements may be expected1 through [he use of forage as a supplement," lays J. W. Wulchet, live stock exten der) specialist at the Ohio State uni versity. While It Is possible to obtain gains with hogs on good forage alone, the jest returns, according to Mr. Wulchet, Follow uddltion of grain to the forage, feeding two to four pounds of grain a day for euch 100 pounds of live weight. With less grain the time re lulred to obtain the gains Is longer. How much difference In tflne that may be was demonstrated In a recent experiment. It was found, Mr. Wul chet reports, that spring pigs on pas ture. fed limited grain, took 47 more lays to reach market weight than did spring pigs on pasture und full grain reed. As a rule the hog that gains most rapidly is gaining most economi cally. regardless of the amount of feed necessary. For hog pasture alfalfa leads the list, followed closely by red and al sfke clover, rape, or rape and oats mixtures. First-year sweet clover also makes good pasture. Blue grass is the best permanent pasture for most sections, but permanency Is Its chief virtue. Especially during sum mer other forage crops are needed fof hogs. In late fall and early spring rye makes good hog pasture. Roundworms Enemies of Jersey Swine Growers New Jersey pig growers are finding thai among tjieir worst enemies are roundworms, reports W. C. Skelley, assistant animal husbandman at the New Jersey agricultural experiment station. Once these worms establish them selves in the intestines of a young pig, growth of the animal Is greatly re tarded. If the animal is not promptly freed of the pests, it becomes stunted and Is not profitable to feed. A treatment, however, has been de veloped that Is proving very satisfac tory. This consists of giving each Infested pig a capsule made of 2 grains of santonin, 2 granns of calo mel. and 5 grains of bicurbonate of soda. Before the capsule Is adminis tered all feed is withheld for from 12 to IS hours so as to be sure that the digestive tract of the animal is empty. About 8 to 12 hours after the an imal has been given the capsule, it is fed a light slop of middlings contain ing 1 tablespoonful of epsom salts. Wider Use of this treatment will, in the opinion of Professor Skelley, bring great savings to the pig industry. Break Colt Gradually Most Practical Plan A good way to break colts, If you have plenty of time, Is to begin by put ting the baiter on the colt and then turning It loose. After It becomes ac customed to the halter, then put on the bridle and turn loose. The next step Is to put on full harness and al low the colt to walk around loose in barulot for a while. No halter lead strap or hitch rein should be allowed to daugle to the ground from halter or bridle while on the colt's head. The colt can soon be driven around singly with two lines, and before long It can be hitched with another horse? a gentle one?and both be driven around the lot. Soon the two can be hitched to a wagon and driven around together. Before you know it, the colt will be broken. Castrate pigs six to ten weeks old. ? ? ? During hot weather hogs should have access to shade and water at ail times. ? ? ? Soy beans can be used to some extent as a supplement In, the feeding of hogs. ? ? ? The demand for grain as horse feed is on the decline and probably, will be for years to come. ? ? ? The wise feeder knows that hunger is the best sauce, and that bis stock will gain more rapidly If they always are able to eat Just a little more than he gives them. * ? ? A great majority of the common .ail ments of live stock If attended to In time, can be cared for by the farmer himself. ? ? ? While the farmer Is not expected to be an expert veterinarian, he should constantly be on the lookout for dis ease in his herd. ? ? ? The production of grain for the cash market In 1927 Is likely to prove much less profitable than the selling of it through good live stock. / g , J LMfe* VV? - * M HAre yaw coming: U> my pmTfr Frank? We'U have Monarch Coco* amfTeenie Weenie Peanut Butftr sandwiches/" "An* I coining T fV be cbe first one there V rrVERT genuine Monarch* package beers' I '-''the-Lion Head.thnoldeat trademark in I the United States covering a< completeBno> Tta_ Imf, (ktaotfi llelM. Canned Proite emT Vegetables, and* dthsv , superior table specialties.- 1 RE ID, MURDOCH & CO. I *' 1853 Chicago Pittsburgh Boston* New York i Jacksonville Tampa Los Angeles " S*?^ 1" ft*tution^ii. F gfSs I ?JHMKBiBS I monarch Qaahty for7oyem Home of John Wesley Bought by Wesleyant Epworlli vicarage, home of. John Wesley, founder of Methodism, la about to puss into the hands of trlie Wesleyan church. It has been an Anglican rectory all these years, as it was In the days when the Wesley brothers,, their father, but above all the noble tigure of, their mother, Su. zanne, lived there. It had fallen into dilapidation and the rector appealed' for help. Naturally the Methodists came forward and even proposed to buy the historic place. The broad sympathy that has marked inter-Prot estant relations since the Lambeth conference in England was also in evidence at the conferences that led to the purehusb. There was a time, not so far distant, when harsh words might have fallen. It will no doubt become a place of grateful pilgrimage to tens of thousands of Wesley^s fel low men. But the old ghost that haunted it in Jolia Wesley's youth, that shuffling ghost, jocularly culled "old Jeffries," is no longer there.? Pierre Van l'aassen, in the Atlanta Constitution. Painted Red Cross Building When the lied Cross building at Charleston, W. Va., was discovered to be badly in need of a coat of paint and the tied Cross treasury was with out, funds for the work, members of John Brawley post of the American Legion bought paint, donned overalls and completed the job in one after noon. Community Enterprise The whole town of Conway, N. H., dropped all other work for one day and graded and put into shape the new athletic field for the high school. The field was wholly laid out by the townspeople. There are a track, a diamond ar.d grandstand. Only One Explanation Hank?My brother ain't been arrest ed for ten years. Tony?What, is he up for life? CORNS Ends pain at once/ In one minute pain from corns is ended. Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads do this safely by removing the cause?pressing and rubbing of shoes. They are thin, medi cated, antiseptic, healing. At all drug and shoe stores. Cost but a trifle. D? Scholl's Tj'mo-pads Put one oil?du pate it gamtl I "fcis^ Farm Co-operation The fiirmers of western Canada la ltss than four years have established Hie Ihrgest co-operative wheat organ ization. of its kind in the world. How sweet and sacred idleness Is.? r.anilor: Visit the West this Summer Spend your vacation this year seeing America's wonders in the glorious West?Puget Sound, Rainier National Park, Yellowstone Park through the famous Gallatin Gateway, the Pacific Northwest, California. To see the most, go at least one way on the "Olympian"?the famous transcontinental train between Chi cago and Seattle.Tacotna over the electrified Chicago, Milwaukee & St. PauU Low round'trip fares are now in effect. Return limit October 31. Stopover privileges and free side trips. Write, phone or call on our nearest Travel Bureau for full details and help in planning your trip C. M. & St. P. Ry. 1006 Finance Bldg. 64T Fifth Ave. at 45th St. 201 Park Bldg. Milwaukee Road BUSINESS PLACES FOR SALE Located in live P? nn. cities; all personally investigated by our own appraisers, and guaranteed by the owners. GREENHOUSES ANJ> REAL ESTATE in progressive Pa. city r oldest in town; est. 50 yrs.; same owner now retiring; G green houses; fruit trees; houses; subrents amount to $50 mo.; receipts $20,00(1; profits $8,000; price of $80,000 includes bus. anil real estate. File 1159. AUTO DEALER?GARAGE Gas station in live Pa. town; has ag.-ncy for 2 leading auto mfrs.; occupy 2 floors in own bldg.; est. 7 yrs.: same owner; sales la3t year $200,000; will be more this year due to expansion; r. e. included with bus. In price of $110,000; ternn to responsible parties. File 149. THE APPLE-COLE CO., 1C01 Transportation Bldg.. Detroit. Mich. Koad House, Inn and Restaurant on State Highway of Long Island, N. Y. 1G rooms, im provements, furnished, equipped, Vi acre of ground. Establisned business and property for sale. P. O. Box 177, Kings Tark. N. The New South Is Where to Invest, especial ly in the,New building material.-Asbestos; unlimited amount, just starting. Mack Bon ner,. Helen, Georgia, will tell you. Need two Executives. Great demand for products. Just Write I'LL TELL YOU BEFORE YOI B? ? plumbing Material or Labor. How to know what is right. ATWELL. E. Baldwin Ave., De Funiak. Springs. Florida. HoUM.wi.ea?Reduee Carm'.or Time y* druggists, grocers for Mrs. Prices Cannu.-. Compound. Send name and address of s ? i and ftve friends for one free sample. 2 ' " a samples 10c. K1S )5 N. Penn. Mlnneap a. Minn $10 Daily Cash Commission Selling Kuya"' teed bedspreads, window draperies and tan.e damask. Writ? today for freo sample out nr. Carolina Mills Company. Gaffney. S. ? W. N. U., BALTIMORE. NO. 32 -1927. Ma Buzz has unexpected guests FLIT spray kills ants, bed bugs, roaches, and their eggs. It also clears your home of flies and mosquitoes. Fatal to injects but harmless to mankind. Will not stain. Get Flit today. Wa! DESTROYS V?' /jQj^ ? Flies Mosquitoes Moths Ants Bed Bugs Roaches ,?<*<*. mkaW IP tut miMii an so. (at.) BALDNESS MEN you have been looking for something that will grow i HAIR on a BALD HEAD. Bar* it ia la FOR8T*S Original Bare-to-Hair I grows hair and will save what M you have. If* a world's sen ? [w. H- FORST. Mffl. 8cottdale. P^J