FARMER WOMAN IN OKLAHOMA Praises Lydia E. PiaUui's Vegetable Compound Because It Gave Her Health and Strength Tn a sunn; pasture In Oklahoma, ? lierd of sleek cows was grazing. They inauo a preuy pic ture. But the thin woman in the blue checked apron sighed as she looked at them. She was tired of cows, tired of her tedious work In the dairy. She was tired of cook ing for a houseful of boarders, be sides caring tor her own family. The ouraens or lire seemed too Deary tor her failing health. She had lost con fidence in herself. One day she began taking Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound and her general health began to improve. She took it faithfully. Now she can do her work without any trouble, sleeps well and Is no longer blue and timid. This woman, Mrs. Cora Short, R. R. 9, Box 387, Oklahoma City, Okla., ?writes: "Everybody now says: 'Mrs. Short, what are you doing to yourselff I weigh 135 and my weight before I took it was 115. I have taken seven hottles of the Vegetable Compound." Other women who have to work hard and keep things going may find the road to better health as Mrs. Short did, through the faithful use of Lydia EL Plnkham's Vegetable Compound. Ask your neighbor. i. ? America Wine Again The title of most beautiful' horse woman of I'aris was awarded to Olivier Barclay, an American, in a recent contest In the Bois de Bou logne. Miss Barclay rode the old fashioned side saddle, and wore a dark blue shirt, gray coat, black bowler, black boots and white pique Stock. A Real Surprise Thomas?How can that little birth day gift for your wife be a surprise If she told you what she wanted? Terence?I'm not going to give It to her. All the Way Bach "The Wllllamses cotne of very old Stock." "Yes. Their family tree goes back to the time when they lived In it"?Kansas City Times. Look at the foundation of the lad der of fame before attempting to climb It. 1 Slowing Up? You Can't Fed Well When Kidney* Act Sluggishly. /"OVERWORK, worry and lack of rest, all pur extra burdens on the kid neys. When ths kidneys slow up. waste poisons remain in the blood and are apt So make one languid, tired and achy, with dull headaches, dirtiness and often j a nagging backache ' A common seaming of imperfect kid. ' | ney action is scanty or burning eecre j bona. Psea's MU assist the kidneys in their eKminatjra stork. Are endorsed by users every where. Atb peer wsifMorl IDOAN'S"^ STIMULANT DIURETIC J& KIDNEYS lbeSenMiliumCe.mgfhw.lhdms.N3t: | Kasp StaaKh ud Bends light ee5.Cti^.JtiSttU5? M&WMH0?nSVM? | brtsesMteafa^eratgytes results H tarn aarastteTaet I RU stsn stssk ?l sod att VJ ; IgY?S OlSriOURt YOUR* I f Looks f } 1 / KYK SALT! fw ' V-A ? NiM. AluWdy safe Z& I At all drufginta. ?mJT HALL A&UGKBL, New York Gltr | If Inlw?t*d la Horoscope send date ot plrth of youra, your friends, your children to PBOP. YLLUT ?? K. lttad Street ... New York. I! Deafness?Head Noises MMUSVMD BY PI LBONAKD BAR OIL k of Ban" IN8KKT IN NOSTRIL8 It AD Druggist*. Fries 91 toot "DEAFNESS" on isprt. AID.'WC., TO FIFTH AVE. H. Y. n#TROUBLE and BACKACHE || BANISHED mo ooy* - bow su ad^iti PMmoPtlXB awg^l. eabj Dutch Colonial Home Contains Six Good, Well-Lighted Rooms - ?"1 ?? ??????? 1 '? " 1 ? ? tfuutd' tr n&-~i?rrn pnuj, r-^ ll-i. pi"? 1 dedrm dedrm_ ifnltchen i * 's^ 1/ porch balcony 1 too'**# j j ? By W. A. RADFORD Mr. William A. Radford will answer queatlotta and give advice FREE, OF COST on all subjects pertaining to prac tical home building, for the readers of this paper. Oh account of his wide experience as editor, author and man ufacturer, he Is. without doubt, the highest authority on all these sub jects. Address all inquiries to William A. Radford, No. 1827 Prairie avenue, Chicago, 111., and only inclose two-cent stamp for reply. There Is something about a Dutch colonial home that gives it the ap pearance of being a much larger house than It really Is. At first glance the home shown in the Illus tration below looks like a large bouse, containing many rooms. In reality this house contains but six rooms, but all are of good size; each has nu merous windows, and as a conse quence, is well ventilated. The attractiveness of the exterior apj>eararice of a Dutch colonial home comes from the long, graceful sweep of the roof, and the broken lines made by the wide dormers that are set in either side of the roof. These dor Choose Furnace With Care if You Would Save Fuel The home owner who would enjoy ihat greatest ()f home comforts, per fect warmth, whenever he needs It, nnd In Just the right degree, must se lect his holler with cure and discrim ination. It is seldom realized that the usual lioiler consumes, during each healing season an uinount of coal which eipials or exceeds the initial cost of the holler. Without a supply of air. combustion cannot take place. That is evidenced by tlie simple experiment of pluclng a glass over a lighted cundle nnd watching the quick extinction of the dame when the supply of oxygen Is cut off. The rate at combustion of any tire may be controlled through its air supply. Stored up iu a candle, for In stance, Is a definite heating power. Aa the candle burns, the heat units are liberated. Obviously, the more slow ly the cundle bunts the longer It will last, for Its total heat energy does not change. Control Is the vltul fac tor. It Is so with the burning of a pound of any given grade of coal. Wltldn j it lies a definite heating value, and In order that Its heating value may be utilized to the maximum by any boil er. it Is llrst necessary that the coal he burned at controlled rates In ac cordance with weather conditions. An Imperfectly controlled fire means the loss of immeasurable quantities of heat It Is the function of a holler to burn Its coal supply, to absorb us much at possible of the heat thus generated, uud to deliver this heat In the form of steam vapor, or hot water for heating purposes. The efficiency of any holler is meusured hy the ratio between the total amount of potential heat con tained in the fuel supplied to it und the amount which that holler actually absorbs und utilizes. Consequently, the home owner slmuld carefully consider this aspect of the boiler he considers Installing. Small Home Not Built by Rule of Thumb Plan Most persons suppose thut the plan of a small home la simply the result of following a few "rules of thumb." and that by a few trials and shuf flings of mere spaces for rooms, with walls on four sides und some kind ?t a cheap roof, a house .can be com piled. The sorry truth Is that many so ?nlled houses emerge from this meth od. hut certainly no correct solution of a home builder's problem Is thus achieved. , Kacli risim must have Its appropri ate size, shape, aspect nnTl relation to other parts of the house. Proper re lation of rooms means no waste of time of the occupants when going from one part of tho house to another. ?ners give a considerable amount of space in the upstairs rooms, and be sides permit numerous windows that make them light and airy. Another attractive feature of this type of home Is the central entrance, usually hav ing a small open porch covered with an artistic roof supported by colonial columns. The house shown here Is 115 feet wide and 24 feet deep. The entrance leads into a central hall, on one side of which is the living room and on the other the dining room. This ar rangement brings both of these rooms to the front of the house. In this noine the living room is l.'i by HI feet ?5 inches. Note that the open porch that adjoins the living r?om may he reached either from the room itself or from the washroom that Is directly j buck of it. An open fireplace adds to the comfort- of this room in winter. The dining room on the opposite side of the house is not quite so large as the livingjcootn, hut is 12 by l.'i feet, a size that will accommodate a rather large family. A (Hiving In -steps Is a real -comfort lo Hie liusy housewife. All parts of the house must tie properly lighted with sultielent win dow urea, and doors must he properly placed so as to leave suitable spares for the furniture. An architect never studies plans for a home without placing properly the necessary pieces of furniture, and be ing sure that there Is room enough for them. Now. all this may seem simple enough, and It Is. were not the inevit able factor of cost ever present to de termine (lie limit of what can he done. This most Important item can lie con trolled most properly by, the architect, who makes complete preliminary draw ings for his client and obtains pre liminary bids before linal construction is begun. The plans made by an archi tect, complete In detail, show the con tractor exactly what Is expected of him. The architect eliminates "the ex tras," so often Incurred by the unen lightened using poor plans or possibly no plans at all except "their builder s" sketches. Bedroom Requires Good Light for Proper Effect ftcdmoms of the past hnve been overlooked too often from the stand point of lighting- As a result tha labor spent to embellish and beautify this room was lost in the evening be cause the light was either too garish or too dltn to bring out the beauty of the furnishings. For the well-lighted bedroom of th.? present, a central overhead lighting fixture is, perhaps, the best for gen eral illustration. To this may he added wall brackets uear the dressing table and standing lamps of appro priate? color tone or boudoir lamps neur the bed for those who like to read themselves to sleep. Of course, the style and color will differ in the rooms for the feminine user from those In a man's rooiu. Oak Floor Needs Wax Dressing Once a Year The occasional use of a weighted floor brush will assist In keeping the finish of your oak floor In the best condition. M least once a year the floor should be given a dressing of wax. well rubbed. Do not neglect your floors until the finsh Is worn down to the wood. A little attention nt the right time maintains "the per fect floor" Indefinitely. Firep.roofing Home Build your homy for greater health and comfort hy using 0reproof gyp aum Intli instead of wood lath as a base for the plaster. Enjoy the greater Insulation against heat and cold Enjoy the greater safety and beauty (no ngly lath atreaks or stains) of this modern consti uctloa. J The Racer When Fm burning up the mflw?every cylinder work ^ fag overtime at tremendous temperatures?there's at leastonetbingIknowwon*t go wrong?and that's spark plugs? linsistonChampions! Ourai^on It the better *&*r5taa?2: ?sa Champion SpariCPlugs TOLEDO, OHIO CFor your protection be sure (he'll Champions you buy are Us II Ac original Champion tertont, J| Handicmpped A certain big-game hunter, who was contemplating a trip to Africa, called at a sporting goods store and bought a large quantity ot cartridges. "I usually deal with your head of fice," he remarked to the man In charge. "But I dnre say you will be able to send these for me?' "Certainly, sir." "Well, I want them to go to Nige ria." Tlie other looked blankly for a min ute or so, then: "I think you'd better give the order to our head office, sir,' he ventured. "You see, we've only a small boy with a bicycle here." Many Uees for Prunes Once a boarding house delight, the prune has worked Itself to the top. It Is now used in baking and in the manufacture of Ice cream and candy. A fellowship fn the food research, maintained at the University of'Cali fornia by the California Pihtne and Apricot Growers' association, used prune pulp as .the basis for 19 differ ent dishes. God gives sleep to the had, in order that the good may be undisturbed.? Saadl. Those who squander time would* If they had It, do the same with money. *' WIOKUT w.vU" J.'JL model 14 kt. white, rolled-told, ehgtwred eta*, lepphlre erown, jeweled *5*^ moTement, eeeumoy gutrulMd. Price, ?19.60; ewlae MB. No rsfereness required. Bend COe with ' order. Immediate delivery. Thle special offer le Halted. Send tor tree oetalo*. Rsgsat Watck Ce., fcpLl-1 95 Km St.. M. Y. t MYSTERIOUS PACKAGES ? Guaranteed. Itemised and carefully checked. $3.66 value In each. Only 69c postpaid. 8end money order or check to H. Jones. Cheboygan. Mich. AGENTS?Make Money Selling Christmas Cards. Distinctive steel engraved designs. Highest commission. J. CLAIRE. 24 McDon ough 8treet. BROOKLYN. N. Y. Student Nurses Wanted Accredited school; 3 year course; qualN fled Instructors; monthly allowance High school education preferred; one year compulsory. Classes entering Sep tember. November and February. Writs SUPERINTENDENT OF NURSES Franklin Sqnarc Hosplt'l, Raltlmore.Md. Ambitions Agent With Good Record and small capital. Join us. Onr business unique, highly profitable and easily learned. Few hrs. wkly. Keeney. 3999 Langley, Dept. K. Chicago. Pyorrhea, Sore, Bleeding Gams, Loose Teeth. Quick relief. Write for free circular. A real remedy. If your druggist does not carry, I will mail direct. Price 11.00. The L. E. P. Mfg. Co.. Sterling. Kane. Rheumatism?Cse Rhenanph external; satis faction guaranteed. Price SI prepaid. Free: I pr. Electric Insoles. Represen. wtd. Thomas Piodurts. 1911 Evsnsdsls Ave.. Toledo. O. WIN WITH US. Hers la the latest. Invest ment protected. Loss practically Impossible. Ws deposit coupon Gold Bonds as Surety. Great opportunity to becoms Independent. Good Interest and your money back. Write to* day. The Allied Syndicates. Jamestown. Colo. WnuDOUTmakta Anno., st. Louis, mo. Stomach Disorders are decidedly unpleasant Green's August Flower a gentle laxative, will act promptly In relief of stomach and bowel troubles and your freedom from pain and dis comfort will make you feel !? again worth living. Sdc and 90c bottles. At all druggist* G. G. Green. Inc., Woodbury. N. J. CARBUNCLES uuuuh maws out mc core CAMIIL W. N. U, SALTIMOKE. NO. U-1K7. Mtrag Bean Is Quite Useful Is an Excellent Poultry Feed and Can Be TLTsed as a Pasture Cropu (f be pared by fhr Uhlted" State# Depart*!##* of Agriculture.) The mung bean, once known' as the Chickasaw pea. Is not to be recom> mended as a general term' crop In the United States, says W. Jl Morse, foe age crop specialist of the United' States Department of Agriculture, but It apparently does have a place In cer tain systems of our agriculture. At any rate, It Is worthy of more at tention than It has received In the past. Excellent Poultry Feed. The bean Is an excellent poultry food, says Mr. Morse, and Is used either as a pasture crop when mature or sprouted In,the same way as oats for green feed. In a few sections It has been used as a forage crop. A most Important factor In the culture of the crop is Its freedom from attack by the Mexican bean beetle, which has dype so much damage to other crops, especially in the southern states. In China the mung bean is used ex tensively as human food, supplying the people with bean sprouts, bean vermi celli, and bean gelatin. As a food crop In America the mung bean will not compete with common field peas and beans, but It may find considerable use for sprouting. Considerable quanti ties of mung beans are imported Into the United States, and have been used almost entirely by Chinese restau rants. The sprouts are familiar to patrons of these places who have eaten Chinese chow mein. Within the past two years several factories In this country have undertaken the canning of mung-bean sprouts, using Imported beans. The canned sprouts, which are qn excellent article of food, have found a good market. Many Varieties. Many varieties of mung beans have been Introduced and tested during the past 20 years by the department and at several experiment Stations. The varieties showed a wide range of adaptation, but because of the strong competition by cowpeas and soy beans, which are very similar crops In their uses, the mung bean has never be come established. With an increase in the use of canned sprouts, however, 'tlie production of mung-bean seed in certain sections can undoubtedly be made a profitable industry. Suitable Dimensions of Stall for a Dairy Cow The grain and ensilage manger of the model cow stall is made right on top of the cement floor of the stable. It Is two feet wide and the cement sides are six Inches high. The front of the stall, the side towards the feed ing alley, is five feet high, with a door or spnee eight inches from the bottom through which to feed grain and en silage: The hay manger is formed by nail ing a 2 by 4 to the feeding alley front on the side towards the cow, and twenty-eight Inches above the grain manger. To this 2 by 4 are nailed four-inch slats projecting back over the cow's head at an angle of forty five degrees and nailed to another 2 by 4 which Is supported by the partitions between the cows. These slats are three feet long. The bed for the cow, and which kebps her absolutely clean, is formed by placing a 2 by 4 edgeways across the stall just In front of the cow's hind feet when she stands naturally, eating from the grain manger. This space between the manger and this 2 by 4 just in front of her hind feet should be filled in with earth or mat ted with straw even with the top. of the 2 by 4. When the cow lies down she naturally steps ahead and lfea upon this clean bed. That la the rea son she never Is dirty la the stable. A silo is the lighthouse oft the fltrm. ? ? Soy bean hay should be handled as any other legume crop. ? ? ? As pastures get short and dry, dairy cows should have grain, too. t* ? ? Dairymen probably will save by buying high-protein concentrates now for later use. ? ? ? Volunteer wheat makes a conven ient home for the early Hessian fly destroy all volunteer grain. ? ? ? Dairymen often ran save $10 on the price of a ton of dairy feed by con tracting for winter supplies during the summer ^pnths. ? ? ? Modern harvesting and cutting ma chines have simplified the handling of the corn crop and have made silo filling a comparatively easy Job. ? ? ? Where the silo is not airtight, air? oxygen and nitrogen?gains entrance, dry silage and mold results, and with plenty of moisture, decay. It makes poor feed. o ? o Continuous cropping of land to the same crop frequently so aggravates in sect damage that the yields will be considerably reduced. Rotation of crops Is a good means of checking Insert da mags. "Whenfhegoodfeiry bddiiiw away dte big, ugly giant, ahe called' the children* CO'a< wonderful fnat of cake made with Monarch Coeoa* and Teenie'Weenie'Peanut Butter aandwichermtd'they ate and ated1' |7VERY genuine'Monarch packaee boere* E* the Lion Head, the oidcet trademark la the United Steteewreriac a complete Una of the world'e ftaaet food prcdacta ? Coffee. Tea, Coeoa, Cateap, Piekiee. Peanut Butter, Canned Pruite mid Vegetablee. and ether euperior table epecleltioc ? , RE ID, MURDOCH & CO. BrroNirhod 1853 Chicago Pittsburgh Boeton New York JarhronciBo Tempo ? Lae Aapelee Ape Earnr Living G. P. Drinkel. ai rubber planter In Sumatra, reports that be baa an ape that earns bis living. The pet can do all the work in the preparation of rubber, and Drinkel says that the climber is an energetic workman on the plantation every week day. His name Is Sultan I.' He is particularly efficient in wnslilng an automobile, and serves dishes from the kitchen to the dining room. Sultun I Is also a Jockey and an accomplished musician, being able to take part in the local Javanese orchestra. For recreation he enjoys cycling and card plnying. Drinkel lias made a hobby of training orang-outangs, and lie says tlint In the anthropoid family of the ape. the gorilla is the only one which refuses to be tamed. "BAYER ASPIRIN" PROVED SAFE Take without Fear as Told in "Bayer" Package Does not affect / * the Heart Unless you see the "Bayer Cross" on package or on tablets you are not getting the genuine Bayer Aspirin proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians over twenty-five years for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago Toothache Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Each unbroken "Bayer" package con tains proven directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100. At if It Were Proper Two children, less than five years old, entered a grocery store and stood holding hands waiting for the clerk to approacli them. "Well, what did you want?" he asked In a kindly tone. "We came to steal a peach," lisped one. Explanations proved that the chil dren had heard other children In the community telling of stealing peaches and in their Innocence they thought their procedure proper. Better Than Cat or Ether In Chicago the other day a hyp notist put a patient to sleep In a den tist's chair and the dentist performed a long and painful operation on four teeth; The patient obeyed the In structions of the dentist, opening and eieslng her mouth on the proper schedule. She felt no pain. Plenty eg things can be done with the mind when we develop more experts, who knew how t? use it.?Capper's Weekly. Need foe Speed Dora?I can't stand Fred; he's such ? slow eonctn Doris?Ton prefer the fast male, eh, door??Answers; |gg?-"S?S I ??- ?""??? BMV OWO ltohH, ? monarch 1 Qaabty for7oyean p Rheumatism or Fiery Irritated Joints BASES QUICKLY! WHEN YOU APPLY GAMPHOROLE No matter .how inflamed, tender or sore to touch, a speedy relief from your suffering is now offered you. Wonder ful results are realized at the first trial of CAMPHOROLE. Do not wait and suffer. Send to your druggist and get a trial size of CAMPHOHOLE for a few cents. You'll be astonished how quickly it soaks right in to the bone; the very seat of the ailment, and qulckl ly loosens up those stiff, rheumatic joints, soothes and hejals the inflamed!? * surface and draws out the pain. You'll then know why thousands use CAMPHOROLE, once you try it. and real ize how goad it Is for Acute and Chron ic Rheumatism, Stiff, Aching Jointi, Neuritis, Neuralgia and Lumbago. Dragfuts Subitihtei Dr. Drlftieirt Ccmcfccrdt. Atlantic City. N. I. Your system. needsA Hancbck Sulphur Compound If you Buffer from rheumatism, gout, wrawaa or hive#. or it troubled with pim plee, blackheads, freckles, blotches or other skin eruptions, your blood and skin I need the purifying: and healing effects of this tried old remedy, i Physicians agree that sulphur is one of the best and moeteffsctive blood purifiers known to science. Hancock Sulphur Compound is the most efficacious way to use and benefit from Sulphur. As a lo tion, it soothes and heals; taken inter nally. it gets at the root of the trouble. 60c and $1.20 at your druggist's. If he i cannot supply you, send hie name and the price in stamps and we will send you a bottle direct. Hancock Liquid Sulphur Company Baltimore, Maryland Hancock Sulphur Compound Ointment ? 30o and tOo ?for km with the Liquid Compound. Bunions p f 1 Quick relief from pain. HP . S I Prevent shoe pressure. Bf! If I At elldruf and shot uorei Mir J DlScholl's Bk/i Xino*pads For Old Sores Hanford's Balsam of Myrrh Money bade for first bottle If not suited. All dealers. HALE'SE? There's nothing like this for breaking up colds ? amazing relief to aore throats, head and cheat ? Safe ? Money back. 30 cents at all druggists. Long Enough The young man's patience was near ly worn, to a frazzle. For nearly an honr he had stood on the corner wait ing for her. finally she came up. "Oh, John," she began, "I'm sorry I'm late, but do you mind waitiog just a minute more until I can run in the store here?" For a moment the faithful Joha only looked at her. "Why, you don't really' mind, do you, John?" the girl asked in surprise. "No, I suppose not," he answered. "But I've been standing on this cor ner so long already, people think I'm a recruiting officer."* Truth may sometimes be very hit ter, but It is never poisonous as false hood is. Childre^'^~x ? MOTHERFletcher's Cas- N toria is a pleasant, harmless Suh ?titute for Castor Oil, Paresoric. tv - ? * ccuimg urops and Soothing Syrups, especially prepared Infants in arms and Children all ages. To avoid imitations, always look for the signature of Proven directions on each oackaaa. Physicians awtywhsw recommend