THE GLEANER (ORAHAM, N. 0.. AAR. 6, 1028 I ? LOCAL NBWB. ? ? ? ?The Durham Exposition open* next Monde; end cloeee Seturdey. ?Mr. end Mrs. Tom Hn moved here from Reideville e few days ago. ?With the swelling of the bnde baseball is coming with long strides. ?Mr. Julias JF. Thompson is re modeling'his residence on 8. Main Street ( ?The temperature today warrants ns, we believe, in saying "spring time has come, gentle Annie. ?Today, we are informed, ends the detour period on account of work on thl underpass at Hew River. ?Mr. J. DeWitt Foust, who un derwent an operation at Rsiney Hos pital nearly three weeks ago, was brought home today. He is steadily imprpving. ?Durham Exposition next week. In the beauty show Graham will be represenl&t) by l^iss Dollv Watson, who won in a contest held here two weeks ago. ?Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Warren are being congratulated upon the birth of a son, John Frank Warren, Jr. The young hopeful arrived last Thursday, 29th ult. v ?Green <fc McClure are* getting ready for a big showing of new spring furniture styles. They will give out the time and particnlars soon. So be on the lookout. a~t -l a _ 1 _ s ? a # ?-iiranam scnoois close loaay lor tbe Easter holidays and will reopen next Tuesday. The teachers, living at a distance, are leaving this after noon and tomorrow to spend the season at their homes. ?Graham Chapter U. D. ^!. is holding its regular monthly meeting this afternoon at tbe home of Miss Mamie Parker. She and Mesdames Allen B. Thompson Lnd Armstrong Holt are joint-hostesses for the ses sion. ?Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Thomp son have moved to the new apart ment just completed by Mr. Z. T. Hadley on the second floor of the business room, part of the Graham hotel property, next to his jewelry store. ?Thos. O. Coble is going right ahead with preparations to start his bakery/ The equipment is being placed as fast as circumstances will permit. Don't quit eating bread until he starts up; then, when he has started, don't fail to give his product a fair triaf. He is doing something worth while. ?The cooperative shipment of 6,000 pounds of live poultry and 1,500 dozen of jtggs, made by 110 producers last ^Thursday, brought $1400. The sale and shipment was arranged for and managed by Coun ty Agent W. Kerr Scott. The poul try brought from 18 to 22 cents per pound and the eggs 22 cents per dozen. ?"Hardrock" Simpson is still in the running in the Los Angeles-to New York marathon. He ismany hours in elapsed time behind tbe leaders. It will take about two months yet to complete the course, so it seems'the victory will resolve itself into a matter of endurance. They are dropping out every few days, and the leader today may lose out tomorrow. About two-thirds of the starters have fallen out and only about one-third of the distance has been covered. New Dwellings. Mr. W. B. Green, S. Main St., whose home was recently burned, has torn away what was left, pre paratory to rebuilding. He expects to build a one-story brick-veneer bnnsalow. He has a large frontage and it is stated he will carve another dwelling site out of it, and thst Mr. Norman ?. Svkea will build on this. Next to this Mr. ?. P. McClnre has a large frontage. He proposes to divide this between himself and his eon Griffin, who, it la stated, will also hnild. None of these plana is definitely settled, except that of Mr. Green, bat if all are carried oat they- will be a fine addition to that pert of town. , Easter Egg Hnnt at Alamance Poultry The an Dual Easter egg hant at Alamance Poultry Farms will be held Monday afternoon at 2:00 o'clock. This egg hnnt is an an nual affair and is always participated in by large crowda litis farm is located at Saxapahaw and is owned by Joe A. Nicholson. and Sena. Fishing will be allowed free of charge, and everyone is cordially in vited. \ ^3 ? ? ?? PERSONAL ' + ? ? Miss Nina Holt spent the week end in High Point. Hiss Annie Rath Harden is visit ing school friends in Ldfirinbarg this week. Mr. John B. Stratford retnrned yesterday from s ten-day baaineaa trip to Richmond, Vs. Mr. J. Dolph Long spent the letter pert of last week in Wash ington. D. C., on business. Miss Msbel Moore attended a week-end party in Apex at the home of Miss Era Maynsrd. Mrs. Walter R. Harden visited her mother, Mrs. Phipps, in Guil ford the latter part of last week. Misa Mamie Parker returned Monday from a tan-days stay at White Snlpbnr Springs. W. Vs.' Mr. and_Mrs. Lovick H. Kernodle of Danville spent Sunday here at the home,of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lee, Miss Emily and John B.,' Jr., spent San day. with Mrs. J.' D. Allen near Wake Forest. / Miss Lens Brown, of Qraded School faculty, ( leaves tomorrow morning for her home at Pinehurst to spend the Easter holidays. Miss Nina Burnett Moore of Salis bury, student at N. O. C. W., ar rived this morniDg to spend the Easter holidays with Mrs. Jas. S. Cook. Mrs. Frank Ransacker and chiU dren, Frank, Jr.,"and Sarah Coe, spent .Saturday here at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. R, Goley. Mrs. McBride Holt went to High Point this morning end from* there will accompany a party to Charles ton to see the "Magnolia Gardens" in flower. Supt. W. A. Young attended the meeting of the Northwestern Dis trict Educational Association in Winston-Salem the latter part of last week. Mr. Taylor Atmore and son of Washington visited bis mother, Mrs. George S. Atmore, here at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. Dolph Long! Isst week. Mrs. F. M. Laxton of Charlotte, who had been here visiting her sister, Mrs. Will E. White, returned home last Thursday, Mr. Laxton came the day before and returned home with her. Maj. and Mrs. J. J. Henderson, Mrs. J. D. Kernodle, Miss Cora Emmaline Henderson, and Peter Harden, Jr., went to Pinehurst last Sunday afternoon to see the peach orchards in bloom. Mrs. McBride Holt spent the lat ter part of Isst week in High Point with relatives. Mr. Holt and Mies Martha Holt went up Sunday and .Mrs. Holt and Miss Ada Denny, who bad been in Florida for a month, returned home with them. Misses Elizabeth and Annie Ruth Harden, Margaret Stockard, Era Ray, Mabel Moore, Etsell Geanes and Vera Thomas, in school at N. C. C. W., Greensboro, are spending this week, the Spring holidays, here at their respective homes. They will retftrn Monday. Mr. and M*s. Msyo R. Rives and daughter, Miss Mary Worsley, are leaving this afternoon for Williams ton to spend Easter at the home of his father. Miss Inabelle Worth jagtoh, of the Graded School facul ty, going to her home at Greenville to spend Easter, accompanies tbem ss far as Willirmslon. ,f_ I J If m a fwn aire. v.nas. a. inompson and daughters, Misses Klise and Catherine, ud lira. D. F. Noyes spent Sunday at Oak Ridge. From there Mrs. Noyes went to Charlotte for a few days, add from there she goes to Charleston, 8. C., ud later to Brevard for a week's visit to her niece, Mrs. Roy Long. Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr., returned Saturday from a visit of several weeks to her daughter, Mrs. J. Steven Simmons in Washington, D. C., and is at the home of her son, Col. Don E. Scott. Mrs. Simmons ud little daughter, Prunes Scott, arrives tomorrow to spud some time before sailing for the Phillip pine Ieluds where Msj. Simmons has u assignment. EMtcr. - ? e We were asked a few days ago how early ud how late Easter could oc cur. The rule is: Easter falls on the first Snnday after the first full moon oocoring on or after the 21st of March. So then by the rule Easter cannot be earlier thu March 92nd, nor later than April 36th. , Hence Easter, a movable feast, is governed by the time of the falling of the moon. We condense this in formation from a treatise on the subject contained'in the Encyclo ? Grakan Hick School Jobion Banquet the Seniors. On last evening the Seniors of Graham High School were guests of the Juniors at a very delightful banquet given at the Methodist Hut. The dining ball and tables were appropriately decorated- in the class colors?lavender and white. The menu .consisted of the fol lowing : Grape-fruit Cocktail Broiled Ham?Saratoga Chips Cream Peas in Patties ' Pressed Chicken Celery, Pickles Congealed Fruit Salad Rolla Saltines Ioe Cream Cake Coffee with Whipped Cream After Dinner Mints During the banquet hour inspiring music was furnished by the Elon College orchestra and the following program of exercises carried out: Toast master, Frank Holt Invocation, Rev. A. C. Holler. Welcome, Frank Holt. Toast to Seniors, Maie Honey. Response, Doris Moser. Toast to town, Elva Thomas. Response, Mr. Clarence Ross. Reading, Lavona Black. Toast to Board of Trustees, Leslie Nicholson. Response, Mr. A. P. Williams. Toast to faculty, Annie Thomp son. Response, Supt. W. A. Young. Male quartet, Junior boys Toast to Sophomores and Fresh men, James White Responses, Nell Holt and William Jeffreys. Toast to Pn-T. A , Doris Crutch field. I Response, Mrs. Don Scott. Violin solo, Lucile Jordan. Music furnished by Elon Orcbes1 The guests of honor for the even ing consisted of the following four teen members of the Senior class. Winell Courtney, Myrtle Fou shee, Ella lAtie Guthrie, Flossie Holt, Fannie Jones, Myrtle Jordan, Doris Moser, Madeline Nicholson, Clara Walker, Adele Williams, James Corbett, Foster Hughes, Maurice Moore and Odell Moser.' Other guests of the delightful oc casion were: Mr. W. E. Harrop, Mr. W. A. Holler, Mrs. J W. Holt, Mrs. S. S. Holt, Miss Nell Holt, Mr. William Jeffreys, Mrs. H. G. Mc Bane, Mr. Clarence Ross, Mrs. Don Scott, Mr. A. B. Thompson, Mrs. A. B. Thompson, Mr. M. E. Yount and Mrs. W. A. Yonng. The waitresses officiating during the evening contributed mnch to the , pleasure of the banqueters and de serve honorable mention. They were: Edna Crawford, Mary Ida Evans, Edna Jeffreys, Annie Mcln tyre, Gayle Smith, Pauline Smith and Margaret Thomas. The evening marked a "red letter day" in the school life of both guests apd hosts and in after years will be a moet pleasant ng-morv of school life. Waiting for a Mattress. A jolly, jostling crowd of circus proportions gathered at Rich & Thompson's furniture store Saturday night to find out who would be the fortunate one to get the $35.00 mat trees. Most of them had visions of it going to their homes. But all were good sports aud when it nar rowed down to a lucky one, there was no resentment. The first name drawn from the ticket box was Heen an Hughes. He did u<>t answer? he's been kicking himself around ever since. His name was discarded and thonext was "Bessie Clapp or Joe Clapp"?matrimonial partneis During the waiting the victrolas en tertained. Rut when the lucky name was announced, interest van ished and so did the crowd. Annual State S. S. Convention. Concord will entertain tbe annual State S S. convention on Tuesdyy, I Wednesday and Thursday of next i week?April 10, 1? and 12. Sea-1 aions will be held in tbe First Jlsp tiat chnrcb. In addition to a large list of prominent State Sunday school, workers and tboae employed by the j N. C. S. S. Association, there will i be others of national prominence The oat-of-State speakers will be Dr. Charles P. Wiles, Philadelphia, Editor of Sunday School publications for tbe United Lotberan Cburcn; Miaa Mabel Lea Cooper, New Vork, Director of Teacher Training in tbe [ Department of Religious Education of the Protestant Episcopal Church;' Dr. Wade Crawford Barclay, Cbi-, cago, Executive Secretary of tbe Committee on Religious Education in Foreign Field* of tbe Meth .diet Episcopal Chnrcb; Mre. Elizabeth M. Finn, Philadelphia, Director of Young People's work fur tbe North-' en) Baptist Monday School Board. I Waited?Position as book kesper. j Business training. Yoong mar ried man. Referee oes. Apply X Y Z, Cars The Olkasei, Ura ham, N. C. Judge Bond Diet Suddenly. On last Saturday morning Judge W. M. Bond waa found dead in hia room at hia hotel in Durham, lie left a call with the hotel clerk for Saturday ui<<rning and when he did uot respond his door was forced and his body found lying on the floor. I Apparently be was returning from i the batb room. An examination convinced tbe doctors that he died from a sudden heart attack. The body was still warm when found about 7 o'clock.' Judge Bond waa holding a term of Durham Superior Court, which ended Saturday, and he was ached ulod to hold Alamance court thia week. Judge Bond's home waa at Eden ton, where he had practiced his pro fession with signal success since the year 1880 and until his elevation to the Bench about 16 years ago. He was about 70 years of age and is survived by two sons, both promi nent lawyers, and a daughter who lives in Edenton. Store, Cottage and Storage House Burned Here This Morning. At 3:30 thia morning the firemen were called to a fire of unknown ori gin near Graham station. Wheu discovered the fire was well under way. A small two-story wooden store, owned by J. Clarence Walkfer, whs ablaze. Wade Hanford and family lived over the store and bare ly Jiaj time to get out. Tbe store room contained a lot of goods lately moved in by l^twrence Goins hut not opened up. All was burned. A cottage a few feet from the store, occupied by Tommy Martin's family, was burned but eome of the furnish ings was saved. A shell of a storage house near by was also burned with contents. Levin Bros, had a lot of various kinds of jnnk stored In it. It is not learned who owned it. Robah B.Newlin Inspector of Weights and Measures Mr. R. B. Newlin, of Graham No. 2, has been appointed inspector of weights and measures. The ap pointment comes through the State Department of Agriculture. Be sides the* testing of weights and measures in s general way, he will lest the measures used in selling gasoline at service stations. It appears that, such inspector will perform the duties at one time at tended to by what was known as "standard keepers." It was at the instance of Mr. George U. Ross that Mr. Newlin was appointed and he Belected a good man. Mr. Newlin will enter upon his duties within the next week or ten days. Two Fire Alarms Saturday Morning. On last Saturday morning at 7:45 a fire alarm was turned in. Carl Foust had driven bis Ford coupe into Graham Hardware 'Jo.'a ware house in the rear of their store and gone into the store. Going back a few minutes later he found bis car in a t>l*ze' Qnick ^action on the part of the firemen averted what could have developed into a serious fire in a very short while. The car wss ruined, but other damage very small. At 10:15 another alarm was turn ed in. This was on account of a blaze on the roof of an onthouae at Curry Walker's. This, too was quickly put out. Only a bole was burned in the roof. Among the Sick. Mr* Jo*. II. Moeer ha* returned to ber home from Rainey hospital where' she waa under treatment She i* much improved. Mr*. Cad A. Albright, about three and a half mile* southeast of Gra )iamt was carried to a hoepital in Greensboro lam Thursday and un derwent au operation Friday. Mra. W. Lee Andrewa ia nick at her borne on S. Maple St. The young daughter of Mr. and Mra. R V. Newlin, on Graham Route 1. waa carried to Kainey Hos pital Monday for treatment on ac count of mastoid trouble. An op eration will l>e the last resort. Justice Brogdoo to Preach at Baptist Church. On Sunday morning nest, at 11 o'clock. Aeaociate Justice W. J Brogdoo of the State Suprame Court will preach at ilia Baptist church. We sre sure the people of Graham will be pleased to bear the learued and di?ungui*hed gentleman. The first coopers'ive carlol of lime to be ordered by farmers of Caldwell county In I92U waa un loaded last week Fifteen farm er* in the oounty are planting sweet olover for the first time this spring. E. S? Askew of Bertie county recently planted 125 pecan treee which he trought through ?the North Carolina Peeso Growers' Society. | Trustee's Re-Sale of Real Property. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust made by J. S. Clark (unmarried) to Ca rolina Mortgage and Indemnity Company (now Carolina Mort gage Company), Trustee, dated the 1st day of March, 193d, and recorded in Book 104 at page 319, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance county, default having been made in the payment of the notes there by secured, and the holder thereof having directed that the deed of trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at the courthouse door in the city of Graham at twelve o'clock, noon, on FRIDAY. APRIL 6, 1938 and will sell to the highest bid der for cash, or at least one-half cash and the balance upon such credit as the Trustee may deter mine, the following described real .estate in the Town of Meb ane, State ot North Carolina, and more particularly described as follows: 1st Lot: Beginning at a stake on the eastern side of 4th Stv 50 ft. from the corner of Clay St; running thence 8 60.45 de grees E 79.4 ft. to a stake on a ten ft alley; thence with the western line of said alley S 33.53 deg W 35 ft. to a stake on line of said alley; thence N 66.45 deg W 79.4 ft. to a stake in the eastern line of said 4th St; thence N 23 deg 15' E*with the line of said 4th St. 35 ft. to the beginning, containing 1985 square feet, more or less. 2nd Lot: Beginning at a stake on the eastern side of 4th St. 75 ft. from the corner of Clay St. running thence S 66.45 deg E 79.4 ft. to a stake on a ten ft. alley; thence with the' western line of said alley S 28.53 deg W 25 ft to a stake on line ot said alley; thence N 66.45 deg ;W 79.4 It. to a stake in the eastern line of 4th St; tfience N 23 deg 15' E with the Hue of. said 4th St. to the beginning, containing 1985 square feet more or .less. The above de scribed lots were conveyed to The Clark Co., respectively, by J. S. Clark and J. Arch. Long and wife, by deeds recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Deed Book No. 60, page 367, and Deed Book No. 60, page 360, same being lots No. 5 and 0 in the subdivision of the Meb 1 ane Store property, plot of said subdivision being recorded in | the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance county. 3rd Lot: Also one-half (i) of the south wall of the two story building, together with the lot or parcel of land upon which said one-half of wall now rests and also an additional strip of land lying immediately west of said wall and adjoining the wall of the Clark, Co., being akrttit twA /0\ in/ikon ?"?'!? ??? UUWU* ??V IUVUMI muo BUU running the whole length of the building and upon which the Clark building adjoina wall of ?aid building known as Tyson Malone Hardware Co. building; said wall and property lies at the intersection of Clay and 4th Sts. of said town and being one half of south wall of the build ing of the Tyson-Malone Hard ware Co. and to said wall is joined the N. wall of the Clark Co., said wall being conveyed to the Clark Co. by the Tyson Malone Hardware Co. by deed dated May 8, 1818, recorded in Book 85, page 518. Property described in the foregoing description being con veyed by the Clark Co. to J. 8. Clark by deed dated February ?, 1920, and Bled for registra tion on the 2nd day of May, 1&23, in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for the county of Alamance, State of North Caro lina, recorded in Book 76, page 135. This is a. re sale of said prop erty and bidding will begin at $9,686.25. This the 20th day oT March, 1928. CAROLINA MORTGAGE COMPANY (Formerly Caro lina Mortgage and Indemnity Company), Trustee. ' J. Dolph Long, Att'y. Miserable With Backache? Too Of ton Thip Warns of Sluggish Kidney Action. "pVERY day find you lame am) achy ?sugaring \iniiu backache, baarlarha and diary spells? Are llu kidney secretions too frequant.acanty or burning in passage? Tbcao are often signs of sluggish kidneys and ahouldn t bo neglected. Use Dean'a Pill*. Deans. a stimu lant diuretic. increase the secretion of the kidneys and thua aid in tho ?klllbsliisi of waste impurities. Are sndnrssH by users everywhere. /Uh psur nrfgUor/ r ? k DOANS "&s A STIMULANT DIURETIC A KIDNEYS fester-HUbum Co. Mff Ckm Buffalo.NY. Over 800 pounds of sweet cov er seed were planted by fxriitoil of Lincoln county in tun weeks during early March. EXECUTORY NOTICE Having qualified as executor or toe Last Will of L- C. Pocletnsn. late of Alamanoe oounly, t&la le to noilfy all person* having olalms against mi<l estate to present the aema duly proven to tho undersigned on or before the 10th day Af March. IKS, or ihle nouoe will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons Indepted to said estate are re quested to make prompt settlement. This March 7.lf?. J. H, COOK, Rxecutor of Will of LC. Fogleinau. Deed. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix* C.T. A.. Of the estate of John A. Wyatl. dco-a-* !. lat" of Alamance county.North Carolina.?hi- I- to notify all pergpns having claim* airalnat the aald estate to exhibit them dtfly verified, to the understated st Haw itlver, North Caro ling. on or before the 1st day of April, liew. or this notice will lie pleaded in bar of tht ir recovery. All persons Indebted to aald estate will please make linmedlaie settlement TbU the 2*th;day of Marti), 1KB. HA I.I.I K A. WYATT. Administratrix. T. A. J. Dolph Long, Atty. a At ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Havlnt quail fled as Administrator of tha estate of John M. Shutter!/,deceased. late of Alamaoeeoouoty. State of North Carolina, this la to notify all persona having claim* against said estate to present them, duly authenticated, to the uudendgn >& on or be fore the ttb dar or Mar., 1?J?, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery, All owlngrsald estate are requested to make Immediate settlement. t This Feb. 17, HOI P. H. CORK. Adm'rof John M. Sbatterly. J. 8. Cook, Att'y. CASTOR IA Vor Infants and Children In Um For Over 30 Years Always baan _ JHadleys Jhe JeWelers Mortgagees ^Sate W By virtue of the authority! given to the undersigned ifa&t-j gagee in a certain Mortgage, I Deed executed on the 80th day( of July, 1928, by L. G. Turner, and wife, Ida Turner, and re- J coined in the office of the Beg- j inter of Deeds for Alamance, county in Mortgage Deed Book) No. 81 at page 476, (default having been made in the pay*! 1 inent of the indebtedness there- j by secured), the undersigned Mortgagee will offer for sale to' ; the highest bidder at the Court-) house door in Graham, N. C., j the following described real . property at 12:00 o'clock, noon,' ion . TUESDAY, ARRIL 10. 1928,' A tract or parcel of land in the county of Alamance and 'State of North Carolina, in Bur lington Township, adjoining the i lands of Nettie Dailey, Dr. | Walters and A. F. DeBruler and bounded as follows: , Beginning at an iron stake on the North side of Guthrie > Street and corner with lot No. i 4; thence S 50 deg ? (back sight) 152 ft to an irdnstake on the line ot Dr. Walters; thence in a westerly direction with line "f said Walters +5 ft to an iron stake at corner of lot No 0; thence S I'Ji deg K 101J ft to an iron stake on North side of Fisher Street; thence with the line of Fisher Street.SO ft to the Corner of Fisher and Guthrie Streets; thence with line of Guthrie Street,' 444 ft to an iron stake, the point of beginning, being Lot No. 5 in the suh-divisiou of the John G. Dailey Fsta^e, Burlington, North Carolina, on which is'; situated a two-story dwelling. Note: Guthrie Street is now called Rauhut Street. This property is sold subject to the. prior lien of a deed of trust from L. G. Turner and wife, Ida Turner, to Pilct Life Ins. Cq., Trustee, dated July 30, 1925, and recorded in Deed of Trust Book No. 00, page 153. This the 0th day of March, 1928. Alamance Ins. & Real Estate Co, Mortgagee. J Dolph Long, Att'y. Notice to the Public! Notice is hereby given that all persons, firms and corpora tions holding claims against Egerton's, Inc. y of Mebaue, N. C., are hereby notified to file said claims, duly itemized and verified, on or before the 15th day of May, 1928, with the un dersigned Receiver, otherwise this notice will lie pleaded in bar of recovery. Dated this the 15th day of March, 1928. GEORGE E. HOLT, Jr.. Receiver Egerton's, Inc. &u/jfvt\ ?Jt^NNX\V\VOs.\VN.\\\V>AV.S.\\NNV\\VK\S\S.VSV> MOTHER! Fletcher's Castoria is a harmless Substitute fop Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation Wind Colic Flatulency To Sweeten Stomach Diarrhea Regulate Bowels Aid* la the assimilation of Food, promoting.Cheerfulness, Rest, and Natural Sleep without Opiates * To asuMMMhaa, always look lor the sifnatae of flwai dftretfaaw oa rarii aackaa*. rhysfclaas iwinhn nooaooi ft, JOSS

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