FARMER'S WIFE CETS STRENGTH By TaldngLySaE. Pinkharo'e Vegetable Compound Bchoolfleld, Vs.?"Mr mother had taken Lydla E. Plnkham'a Vegetable ?????"Compound and I decided to take it : JPB for my own trou jM blee and found W-. great relief. I wae flL m bardlr able to atand If B on my feet some &. B times and now I feel better than I have for several .efe.y years. I credit the |K I.ydla E. Plnkham'a m? ? V e o t a b 1 e Com ^^*1 pound with my present good health. I bare taken Ave bottles of It and 1 am now able to do ?II my housework and sewing, feed tny chickens, milk the cow and tend the pigs, and feel fine."?Mas. J. 0. Bsadlet, Box 249, bcboolfleld, Vli* gin la. pr no more Nausea Gas, heartburn, sick headache, nausea, over-acidity and other di fe stive disorders quickly and sore* ly relieved. Safe. Pleasant. Not a laxative. Send for free samplso to Bell ft Co., Inc., Orange burg, N. Y. formalisms Digestion and Swmmtmns thm Breath e Bcuriwe I L-Wi-iL Hot water Sure Relief Beu-ans FOR INDIGESTION ?? AND 75i PACKAGES EVERYWHERE jg 'Hfyym|k ? ^? ?.....r........ * C iiiee Ik tad 60c ateee. And u- > i tTixmUy. aee PltO't Throat end > ?l Cheat Salve, J Sc. ?! i./yC.K- ft 'OUT tVTdfr MOtKINC Md NICM UU Dtlhacfiery^ ^ For Galled Horses Harford's Balsam of Myrrh AN fcalm aee oeOfciitod le f4mU rem mm* far fta ftret kettle d eel oailad. J B | \ " Wedlock flavins been detained late. "In con ference," Walter Anthony at rolled Into 8tudin Inn and aald thoushtfully: "Ut'a aee; I've sot to get aome flow era and aome randy and aome theater ticket a and?* "What's the trouble?" Jake wante Theaa are often eigne of ihiggnh kidneys and shouldn't be ne glected. Uoo Dm 'i PHU. Dwno ortnwilors dhnlic, iacnuc Um Mcmiis of Um Iddam and thus aid in Um elimination ' of wuto imnariiioa. Aro a?dooood by ?Of a.oiywpaia. jMtr ntifUml 50,000 Users Endorse Doan's: IVtrr C Houwuia, ISt foocort Are., Milford. DeL. Ufi: TV kidney aecrc ?wn? ratted irregularis I had to get wp tfwtl timet at night. At Hart the accretions were scanty, tno. 1 tired quickly and headache* and diuy spell* also aa ooyed me. I took Doaa't Pin* and tree ban* rid me of the trouble. 1 ham't keen bothered since " I DOAN'S "X? I I a snMutAwr wuarnc * kidneys |n-?? wa? Co m,ci i.,? CONSTIPATION A BEUBVSS ^^...qnour !9p|pii agsBcSaP cwimninis MILD?.. ^