THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., JAM. 31, 1020. t LOCAL NBW8 ? ? ? *.??+? i ????? i ???+???? i ??. i ?? i ?Next Monday is the first Mon day add the regular monthly meet ing day .tor the County Commis sioner*. ?Mr. Batiks Quakenbush went to Rainey hospital a week ago for j an operation, which was successful I and h* ?? getting along nicely and hopes to be at home in a few days, j ?The weather man has prognos- J tieated almost every variety of weather for these parts. Has missed most of them, but has managed to keep it cold and helped the fuel num. ?On Thursday night, February 7th, the Jr. Order here will have interesting initiatory services for a number of candidates. After wards light refreshments wl^ be served. A good attendance of the membership Is desired ' ?One of those two-story motor affairs came along Tuesday and tried to pass 'under the stop light at the Intersection of N. Main and Harden Streets without stooping and bumped off the light. Opera tors of those fellows should look up as well as down and ahead. ?February 2nd, next Saturday, Is "Groundhog Day." Of course he will come out, but his observations will determine what he will do and what sort of weather may be ex pected thence forward. We will also make some observations after the day is over. Wait till next week., ?January is passing without a snow or hail?something that is unusually rare for this latitude and section. Speaking of anow, there has been none here this winter, but a few weeks ago; when snow was reported in Durham and Greens boro, on the east and west of us, that same night some one reported a few Scattering flakes here. . Among The Sick. Mr. Mack Rogers, South of Gra ham, is quite ill at a hospital in Greensboro. Mr. Chas. C. Thompson, In poor health for more than a year, Is more, feeble than usual at this time. Meeting of Sr. Group of Children's ! Chapter The Senior Group of Jacob A. Lang Children's Chapter of the Confederacy mat last Friday after noon with Misses Dorothy and Dotytrea Moore in regular monthly session. The president, Miss Mary Catherine Thompson, presided. There was a full attendance of the chapter membership. An appreci ative letter was read from.the Con federate Home for Old Ladies at Fayettevllle, acknowledging Christmas remembrances, Mrs. WH1 E. White, the lacier of the group, read an interesting paper on Gere "Stonewall" Jackson. The members were requested to write essays in competition for the prises offered by the N. C. Division on the various subjects announced. The meeting closed with the young hostesses serving a delightful salad course. :l " ? ? RESOLUTIONS OF RESPECT We,, the Women of the Missionary Auxiliary of Alamance county Zone, wteh to pay loving tribute to the memory of Mrs. L t Henderson, of Graham, who was called from labors to rest on December 28,1828. In token of our appreciation of her helpful presence among us, and In loving remembrance of her, we therefore resolve: First, that we bow in humble sub mission to our Heavenly Father's will, who dpeth all things well. Second, in her departure, Ala mance County Zone has sustained a great lorn In 1U official circle, she being, our efficient superintendent of study, her church a faithful active member, her community a SObd dtben, and her home a de voted mother and a faithful, lov ing Wife. Therefore we extend to the bereaved family our deepest sympathy, and we cntrnridfwl them to Hbh who doetfe an things wen. Third, that a copy of these Mb tatteps be recorded by our secre tary. k copy sent to the family, a copy mnt to the Mlrnlonsrr Hews, ?mgjMaumr, and Mebane En AmdBary*Mm 7. E. OanrettTBur ^gtenAmajBy, Mrs. C. B. Loftts, I H I I I ???> ! ?{m H*H+,M .? PERSONAL n, Ml, MM. I ~ " " w , Ma J. J. j. Henderson attended i court at Roxboro Monday. . ! Chief of Police W. T. Steele is spending the day In Raleigh. | Miss Emily Taylor of Plttsboro spent the week-end here with Mrs. Ben B. Holt. ? Miss Sue Noell of Winston-Salem spent the week-end here with Mrs. McBrlde Holt. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kemodle of Danville spent a while here last Sunday afternoon. Mr. J. D. Kemodle, Jr., of Olbeon vllle was a business visitor here Monday afternoon. Mrs. Chas. A Thompson and ! daughter, Miss Elise, spent Wednes day In Oreensboro. ? Miss Elaine Ooode spent from Friday till Sunday with Miss, Max lne Holmes lh Reidsville. Mr. O. O. Rogers of Whltevllle visited his brother, Mr. B. M. Rog ers, here a few days ago. Mr. Robt. L. Holmes of Reidsville was here for a short while last Friday afternoon on business. Messrs. Seymour Holt and Allen D. Tate attended a basketball game in Chapel Hill Tuesday night. Mr. John B. Stratford left Mon day for Richmond where he Is spending the week on business. Mr. and Mrs. John Scott o f Oreensboro visited Col. and Mrs. Don E. Scott the first of the week. Mrs. Res Patterson of Liberty visited her brother, Mr. Ben M. Rogers, here the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Denny of High Point were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mc Brlde Holt. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Strsyne of Asheville spent last Saturday here with the tatter's brother, Mr. Clarence Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Mora of Thomasville spent the week-end here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Moon. Misses Lucy May white of Guil ford College and Nina of N. C. C. W. spent the week here at the home of the tetter. Mr. and Mrs. Will E. White and son, Elliott, were week-end visitors at the home of Mrs. White's sister, Mrs. Brown McCoy, in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Anglln of Durham spent the week-end here at the home of the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Anglln. Mrs. J. Dolph Long left Wednes day for Raleigh, Wilson and Wil mington on gutters Qf Interest to tb? Daughters of the Confederacy. Mr.' and Mrs. & Seymour Holt and son, Don, sprat the week-end with their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Harden, In Charlotte. Mrs. Fred Morris and children returned to their home in Durham Sunday after a visit here at the home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Will & Long. - Mrs. .Tames E. Cooper of West Jefferson, accompanied by Miss Myrtle Williamson, spent a while here Satgrday afternora with Miss Mary Cooper, sister-in-law 'of the former. They were'on tfaehr way home from a visit to relatives in Virginia. Vslaabfe New Bulletin Available Ta Farmers Free of Charge. Ten new publications that' will | be of Interest to farmers of North ' Carolina have recently been pub lished by the Experiment station and Extension Service at State coHtgt Each of these publications Is available to readers of The Ala mance Gleaner on application to 1 the agricultural editor of State J College at Baleigh- A card asking for the one desired or for all ten j will receive prompt attention and the publication will be mailed u soon as possible. The list is as follows: No. MO-Systems of Livestock ramtol for the Mrataln Region ol North Carolina. No. Ml?Value of Lime on Cedl day Loam Sofl. no. TflTa'1** of Lime on Nor fott San# jp*? 6
'? ? S&^ , v'> : .V-VtaaSW