THE GLEANER QRAHAM, N. C., APRIL 26, 1929. ? ++++??++??+??++?+ ? * ? LOCAL NRW8. ? ? ? fc++++++++++^ n.++++++4^.++++ ?A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Julius F. Thompson on 18th, Inst. ?Miss Mary Cooper has been confined to her room tor a day or two on account ot sickness. ?There was a thunder storm with rain Sunday night, and Wednesday it rained a good portion of the day. ?The 10th of May Is the accept-* ed time for the leaves to be full grown In this latitude. The leaves are here with two weeks to spare. ?Two town conventions?Demo cratic tonight and Republican to morrow night, preparing for the town election to be held on May 7th. ?Notwithstanding there have already been some real summer days and the spring season Is well advanced, the straw hat is slow In blooming out. ?"Hardrock" Simpson of Bur lintfton is eoing good in the Pyle Bunion He stands fifth in elapsed time. He has many well wishers who hope for him better luck than he had last year. ?While a balmy spring day smiles on this part of the "Sunny South," out In the Northwest, centered In Wyoming, the worst blizzard of record Is gripping that section. Most of us do not realize how blessed we are In the matter of weather and climate. ?A flishing party composed of Mrs. Parke Stratford, of Greens boro, John B. and Robert Stratford, and Mr. W. Franklin Ray of Chi cago spent last Friday and Satur day at Swansboro. As an evidence of their success they came back with a plentiful supply of the "finny tribe." ?Mr. C. P. Albright, Chairman County Board of Education, and Mr. M. E. Yount, Superintendent of Schools, are attending a school In Raleigh this week for . the study of the new school law passed by the last Legislature. The law pro vides for this school of Instruction, so that those whose duty it Is to operate the schools under Its pro visions may have a clearer vision of the work Imposed upon them by virtue of their office. ?Hon Robert W. Scott Is report ed critically 111 at Ralney Hospital. His host of friends In Alamance and throughout the State will re gret to hear this news. He had been away from home on a trip the latter part of last week and on the way was taken 111. He was taken to the hospital for treat ment the first of the week and underwent an operation for a bowel trouble that had developed rather suddenly. It Is hoped his condition Is not as precarious as reported. He is a leading citizen of Alamance as well as of the State. DEATHS. Martin R. Cook, aged 70 yean, died Monday at his home near Elnn College. He was a leading farmer of his community. One brother, J. P. Cook, survives him. The burial was at FriedeDs Tuesday. Mrs. Lucy Barnett, highly esteemed lady, died In the Stony Creek section last Sunday morning, aged 79 years, and the interment was at Stony Creek church Tues day. She is survived by eight children?four sons and four daughters; also by a sister and two brothers. James W. O'Ferrel, aged 89, a prominent farmer of Union Ridge, Route 1, died at his home Tuesday morning. He was stricken with paralysis a few days before. The burial was at Bethel In Caswell county Wednesday. His widow and a son survive him, also a brother, Z. P. OTerrell, near McLeansvtlle. Davidson County is rapidly be coming a center for pure bred Guernsey cattle. Many farmers are testing their coks and there are some fine pure bred cows and heifers In the county. The County Home In Alexander has a grandson and granddaughter of the famous old Jersey bull. Oak wood D's Fox, with which to begin a foundation herd of pure bred Jersey cattle. Rats were exterminated In the city at Elizabeth City by C. D. Schwartz, biologist at State Col lege, at a cost of $50 for time and poison. Subscribe for THB OLBAHBB ? ? * PERSONAL ? ? * Mrs. Ed Covington of Statesville is visiting Mrs. T. C. Bradshsw. Misses Gladys and Lavona Amick spent last week-end at High Point. Miss Gladys Yates spent the past week-end with friends at Ruffln. Miss Elaine Goode spent last week-end with friends in Salisbury. Miss Mabel Moore, at N. C. C. W? Greensboro, spent the week-end at home. Turner Harden, in Rchool at Cbapel Hill, was at home for the week-end. Miss Celesta Armfleld of Monroe spent the week-end here with Miss Annie Ruth Harden. Mr. McBrlde Holt spent the week-end with his daughter, Miss Martha, in Asheville. Mr. and Mrs. Flake Plckard spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. M. F. Dunbar, in Raleigh. Mrs. and Mrs. W. L. Andrews spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Thomas In Hillsboro. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kernodle of Danville spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hender son. Misses Madeline Nicholson and Ruth Wicker, in school at Elon, spent the week-end at their homes here. Miss Ada Denny and Mesdames Walter R. Harden and Armstrong Holt attended Presbyterlal In High Point last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Franks of Raleigh spent the week-end with the latter's mother, Mrs. T. J. Grif fin, near. here. Edward, Albert and Robert Reavis of Greensboro spent the week-end here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Reavis. Mrs. D. F. Noyes, spending some time here with her sister, Mrs. Chas. A. Thompson, is visiting In Charlotte for a few days. Mrs. Ralph Strayhoru and chil dren of Durham spent the latter part of last week here at the home of her father, Mr. R. L. Cooper, and returned nome Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Heenan Hughes re turned last week from a stay of a few weeks In Florida. Mr. Hughes feels that he was benefited, and they may return for a while later. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. R. Ross and sons, George and William, of Jackson Springs, spent Sunday here with Mrs. Ross' parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Goley. Mesdames Will E. White, A. M. Barrow and H. W. Scott and Miss Mamie Parker went Co Fayetteville Monday on a visit to Mrs. C. B. Irwin and other friends. They re turned the same day, except Mrs. White who Is spending a few days with Mrs. Lawrence A. Williamson. The crop county of Edgecombe has produced four cars of fat hogs to be shipped to norther markets this month. Rupture Shield Expert Coming to Burlington ON Wednesday, May 8th AT PIEDMONT HOTEL from 10 ?. in. to 4 p- m. ' Er?iiln|s by telephone appointment only ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Consultation Mr. C. F. Redlich, the successful ex pert, says: The "Perfect Retention Shields" hold the rupture perfectly, no matter what poeition the body assumes or how heavy a weight you lift. They give instant relief, contract the opening in a remarka bly short time and strengthen the weak tissues (the real cause of rupture) so that they frequently recover their previous natural retaining power, needing no fur ther outside support. Stomach trouble, backache and constipation often caused by Ruptnre promptly disappear. Truly remarkable and prompt results have been obtained not only with recent and not fully developed ruptures but also with old, long neglected ones. Ingenious, recently perfected devices are now holding ruptures firmly which heretofore never had been retained. No elastic belts nor filthy legstraps are used. I guarantee the durability of my abso lutely sweat and moisture proof, sanitary appliances. 75 percent of ruptured children recover completely though expert meehanical treatment according to statistics Do not waste your money on widely I advertised mail order contraptions. You cannot fit yourself. C. F. RBDI.ICH, Raptors Appliance Expert, Heme silee, tSt Beaten Block, Minneapolis, Mlanssstst News of Whlteett Whltsett, April 22.?The Whlteett Parent-Teacher association will hold it* regular meeting Tuesday evening, April 23rd. At this meet ing the general topic will be "Beautiful Homes," and Prof. J. H. Joyner will make a talk on "The Home and Its Surroundings." Mrs. W. T. Whltsett is spending today In Raleigh meeting with Mrs. Jane W. McKlmmon and a special committee working out the pro gramme for the approaching meet ing of the clubs at State college during the summer. Rev. William R. Turner preached an eloquent sermon Sunday morn ing at Sprlngwood church to a large congregation. Next Sunday, April 28th, at 3 p. m., the Whltsett M. E. Sunday school will give an entertainment to which the public Is Invited. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Ingle have * Just completed extensive Improve ments upon their residence at this place. A. C. Rankin, of Pleasant Garden, has been here for some days look ing after some repairs on the pub lic roads. The recent controversy about the ballad known as "The Wreck of the 97" brings out the fact that one of the victims of that wreck Is buried In Sprlngwood cemetery near here ?Albion G. Clapp, who was one of the train crew on that Ill-fated train. The smaller children gave an in teresting exercise at Frleden's church Sunday morning. Ed. B. Wheeler and others from here attended the meeting of Orange Presbytery held last week at Madison. H. C. Perrett was the leader for an Interesting session of the Whlt sett Christian Endeavor society Sunday evening. Prospects are favorable for the location of a girl's camp near the Alamance just south of this place. Several sites are under con sideration. Rev. H. A. Pesperman, of Greens boro, preached at Brick Church on Sunday afternoon to a large crowd. Miss Minnie Clapp Is at home again after a trip to Spartanburg, S. C., where she visited relatives. Several visitors were here yester day from the Aycock high school located near Hillsboro. Receiver's Sale of Real Estate I Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mortgage died of trust, duly executed by Real Estate In vestment Company, in favor of Piedmont Trust Company, Trustee, on the 1st day of December, 1920, and securing the pay ment of a series of bonds numbered from 1 to 8, both inclusive, bearing even date with said mortgage deed of trust and payable to bearer, each in the sum of $250.00, default having been made in the payment of said indebtedness as in said deed of trust provided, and by the further authority of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance county in an action therein pending, and being No. 8082 upon the Civil Issue Docket, the undersigned Receiver of Piedmont Trust Company will, on the first Monday in May, 1929, at ten o'clock, a. m., the same being THE SIXTH DAY OF MAY, 1929, at the courthouse door in Alamance coun ty, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described leal property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Al amance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of T. W. Vincent, Gabe Fon ville and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at a poetoak tree, corner with said Fonville and lot No. 1; running thence S 87 deg E (B 8 86 (leg) 8.50 cbs to a rock, corner with said lot No. 1, thence 90 deg N 4 deg E (B 8 81 deg) lOclis to a rock, corner with said lot No. 1; thence N 7 dsg W (B 8 64 deg) 10 cbs to a rock, corner with lot No. 2 in the line of No. 1 r thence N 821 deg (B 8 81) deg) 26 ehs to a rock, coiner with said lot No. 2; teence 8 88) deg E (B 8 88 deg 55') 8.28 cbs to a rock, corner with said lot No. 2 and Mar tin ; thence 8 87) deg E 15,20 clis to a rock, corner with said Martin; them e 8 11 deg 15' W 14.85 cbs to a rock, corner with laid Vincent 12 cba W of a large hickory tree and 15 ika N of a maple tier-: thence 8 85 deg 8 (B 8 85 di g 55'| 10 98 cbs to a rock on E bank of a branch, cor ner with said Vincent measured to center of brance; thence down said branch as it meanders as follows: 8 61 deg 15' W 8.44 cbs; 8 25 deg W 86 Iks; 8 40 deg E 190 chs; N 84 deg E 90 Iks; 8 18 deg E 1.80 chs; 8 4 deg W 1.80 cbs; 8 27 deg 80' W 1.82 dhs; 44 deg E 88 Iks; 8 46 deg W 2.08 chs to a whiteoak tree; 8 88 deg W 1.80 chs; 8 22 deg E 1.17 chs:8 48deg W 8.22 chs; 8 2 deg E 94 Iks; N 58 deg E 95 Iks; 8 88 deg E 80 Iks: 8 18 deg W 1.87 chs to an oak tree; 8 27 deg E 8 clis to a rock In W bank of said branch, corner with said lot No. 4; thence from center of branch W (B 8 N 89 deg 20' W> 86.18 chs to a rock, corner with said lot No. 4 in said Fon vlile s line; thence N 0 deg 40' E (B 8 N) 12.50 chs to the beginning, con taining 181 acres. Said mortgage deed of trust is recorded la the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Book 87, page 267. This 39th day of March, 1929 THOMAS D. COOPER. Receiver Piedmont Trust Company. J. Dolpb Long, Atty Store Robbers Caogbt. On Tuesday night of last week the store of J. D. Albright A Co. was entered and robbed of a quan tity of dresses, cloaks, hosiery and hand bags. On Monday Jos. 8. Holt of the firm was notified to come to Greensboro to Identify goods be lieved to have been stolen. Early Monday morning three negroes, Thomas Hoover, Harry Lee Ross and Eddie Shaw were ar rested, and a fourth Is being sought. Premises were searched and lot of loot found. Mr. Holt saw goods that were like those stolen and that he believed were his, but every mark and tag and label had been removed. O'Mlnskey's store had been robbed of clothing Saturday night and two of the negroes were dressed In his suits. Also another store at Me bane, one In Orange and one at Liberty had been entered a few hays before. They hap a confederate at High Point, a neghhwdman, who disposed of stolen merchandise. The negroes were equipped with a layout of burglar tools, pistols and dynamite caps. Catawba county farmers planted more clover, alfalfa and lespedeza this spring than at any previous time during the eight years county agent J. W. Hendricks has been at work in the county. Receiver's Sale of Real Estate! Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer tain mortgage deed of trust duly executed by Walter Burton and wife, Mary Burton, in favor of Piedmont Trust Company, Trus tee,on the 16th day of July,1919, and securing the payment of a series of bonds numbered from 1 to 14, both inclusive, bearing even date with said mortgage deed of trust and payable to bearer, each in the sum of Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($250.00), default having been made in the payment of said in debtedness as in said mortgage deed ot trust provided, and by the further authority of an or der of the Superior Court of Al amance county in an action therein pending, and being No. 3682 upon the civil issue docket, the undersigned Receiver of Piedmont Trust Company will, on the first Monday in May, 1929, at 10 o'clock a. m., the the same being the SIXTH DAY OF MAY, 1929, at the courthouse door in Ala mance county, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real property, to-wii: A certain tract or parcel of land in Faucette township, Ala mance county, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Henry Hall. A. K. Roney, J. W. Fou ville and others, a part of which said land was bought from Henry Hall and a part is from M. R. Rippy's fathePt estate, which said land is bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a hickory tree on the big road and corner with J. W. Fonville; running thence N 58} deg E 3 chs with said pub lic road to a stone in the center of said public road; thence N 75 deg E 15.27 chs with the said public road to a stone: thence S with said public road 57} deg E 13 chs to a stone on the line of M. R. Rippy; thence with the line of said M. R. Rippy 1} chs to a rock, corner with the old Henry Hall and Roney place; thence with the line of the old Ronoy place S 15 deg w 16.14 chs to a rock, corner with said Fonville and Roney; theDce N 86 deg w (B. S. 83 deg) 21.10 chs to a rock, corner with said Fonville in Fouville's linejthence S 20 deg 47' w (B S 27 deg 30') 17.95 chs to the beginning, con taining Fifty-three and Three tenths (53.3) acres, more or less. The terms of the sale will be cash upon the date of sale and the purchaser will be furnished with a certificate by said Receiv er certifying the amount of his bid and receipt of the purchase price, and the sale will be left open ten days thereafter for the placing of advanced bids as re quired by law. Said mortgage deed of trust is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county in Book No. 78, page 203. This 26th day of March, 1929. THOMAS D. COOPER, Receiver Piedmont Trust Co. J. Dolph Long, Atly. Receiver's Sale of Real I Estate I Under and by virtue of the power of aale contained In a cer tain mortgage deed of trust duly executed by L. O. Garner and wife, Annie Garner, In favor of Piedmont Trust Company, Trustee, on the 7th day of September 1918, and securing the payment of a series of bonds numbered from 1 to 6, both Inclusive, bearing even date with said mortgage deed of trust and payable to bearer, each In the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) default having been made In the payment of said Indebtedness as In said mortgage deed of trust pro vided, and by the further authority of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance County In an action therein pending, and being No. 3682 upon the Civil Issue Docket, the undersigned Receiver of Pied mont Trust Company will, on the first Monday in May, 1928, at ten o'clock a. m , the same being THE SIXTH DAY OF MAY, 1929, at the courthouse door In Ala mance County, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, the following described real property, to-wit: A certain lot or parcel of land within the corporate limits of the town of Burlington, Alamance County, State of North Carolina, ? bounded as follows: I BEO INNING at a stone, corner ot j Harris and James Streeta; running j S. 30 deg. W. 82 ft ft. to a stone on | East side of said James Street; ? thence 89 deg. 30 mln. w. 331 ft. ; to a stone; thence N. 30 deg. 8.82ft , ft. to a stone on south side of said ' Harris Street; thence N. 89 deg 30 , mln. W. 231 ft to the beginning, \ containing One Half (ft) an acre, , more orless. On this property Is situated a five room cottage house. ( The terms of the sale will be cash upon the date of the sale and the purchaser will be furnished | with a certificate by said Receiver , certifying the amount of his bid ' and receipt of the purchase price, and the sale will be left open ten | days thereafter for the placing of ' advance bids. Said mortgage deed of trust Is , recorded In the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance l County In Book 77, page 150. This the 28th day of March, 1929. , THOMAS D. COOPER, Receiver Piedmont Trust Co. J. Dolph Long, Att'y, Notice t Mortgagee's Land Sale. Pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain mort gage deed from A. L. Thomp son and wife, Amelia Thompson, to the Bank of Haw River, dat ed January 3,1927, and record-1 ed in office of Register of Deeds Alamance county, Mortgage Deed Book 99, page 495, and on account of default having been made in the payment of the debt seenred by said mortgage deed, the undersigned mortga gee will offer for sale at public auction, at the courthouse door in Graham, on SATURDAY, MAY 18, 1929, at 12 o'clock, noon, the follow ing described real property: Those certain tracts or parcels of land lying in Haw River township, Alamance county, State ot N. C., adjoining the lands of H. H. Simpson, J. R. Stewart and Wm. M. Freshwa ter and described and bounded as follows, to-wit: First tract: Beginning at a rock, corner with said Fresh water and Thompson in Haw River road; rhnning thence N 01 deg W 4.77 chs to an iron pipe, corner with said Thomp son; thence S 73 deg W 451 Iks to an iron pipe; thence S 12 deg E (B S) 4.58 chs to the begin ning, containing 1-100 of an acre, more or lees. Second tract; Beginning at a rock in Haw River road, corner witb said Freshwater; running thence N 611 deg E 1.81 chs to an iron bolt in said road, corner 1 with said Simpson; thence N 71 deg W 4.21 chs to a rock; thence jS 72 deg W 1.70 chs to a rock ' or iron bolt, corner with said I Freshwater; thence S 6| deg E ' 4.63 chs to the beginning, con taining .82 of an acre, more or II less. The above described real prop ! erty will be sold icr cash, and i said sale will be made subject to 11 advance bids and confirmation ' by the Court, as provided by I law for mortgagee's sales, i This 15th day of April, 1929. BANK OF HAW RIVER, Mortgagee. j.Mrki?(rMa Receiver's Sale of Seal Estate! Under and by virtue of the pow- c ir at sale contained In a certain ^ nortgage deed ot trust duly exec- . ited by Java C. Wellons and wife, ( Jessie Wellons, in favor of Pled nont Trust Company, Trustee, on ' he day of August, 1920, and ' lecurlng the payment of a series ' >f bonds numbered from 1 to 20, 1 x>th Inclusive, bearing even date t with said mortgage deed of trust < ind payable to bearer, each In the ( mm of Five Hundred Dollars | ($900.00), default having beenj' nade in the payment of said ln-|( lebtedness as In said mortgage deed ( >f trust provided, and by the fur- ' ther authority of an order of the i Superior Court of Alamance County: j In an action therein pending, and!, Ming No. 3082 upon the Civil Issue Docket, the undersigned Receiver ( it Piedmont Trust Company will, jn the first Monday In May, at ten ' I'clock a. m., the same being rHE SIXTH DAY OF MAY, 1929, ! st the courthouse door In Ala mance County, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bld ler for cash, the following described real property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land In Alamance County, North Caro lina, carved out of the W. P. Knight ! farm, described and defined as . Follows: BEGINNING at a rock on the' north side of the big road; running rock; thence N. 41, deg. E. 20 chs. | thence N. 54 Vi deg. E.31.70 cha. to a to a rock; thence W. 86 deg. N. 28.66 cha. to a rock; thence N. 15 deg. W. 3.55 cha. to a rock; thence ( W. 86 2-3 deg. N. 21.30 cha. to a;' rock; thence S. 7 deg. 19.10 cha. to a stake in the middle of the big road; thence following said big road to the point of beginning.' rontaining One Hundred and Fifty , (150) acres, more or less. , The terms of the sale will be ( cash upon the date of the sale an dthe purchaser will be furnished ( with a certificate by said Receiver certifying the amount of his bid 1 and receipt of the purchase price, and the sale will be left open ten days thereafter for the placing of 1 advanced bids as required by law. i Said mortgage deed of trust la < recorded In the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Alamance County in Book No. 87, page 143. This the 25th day of March. 1929. THOMAS D. COOPER. Receiver Piedmont Trust Co I. Dtipu L?i(, AUy. I Notice oi Bc-Sakt^ ^ Under and by virtue of SB trder of the Superior Court of Vlam&nce County made in a >roceeding relative to the sale >f the lands of Wm. D. Holt, leceased, in which proceeding he heirs at law have given heir written consent for said anils to be sold to make assets o pay the indebtedness of the sstate and any remainder tor listribution in a 'cordance with ;he last will and testament of Win. D. Holt, deceased, the un lereigned commissioner will, on SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1829, 2 o'clock p. m. on the prem-' see of W m. D. Holt, deceased, jffer for sale to the highest bid der for cash or one third (}) cash and the remainder within a period of twelve months all of that certain tract of land ly ing and being in Patterson's Township, Alamance County, N. C.. adjoining the lands of Charles L. Moser and wife, D. R. Moser, F. D. Hornaday anil R. J Thompson, said lands deeded to W. D. Holt and wife, by W. T. Pickett and wife, Sarah C. Pickett, by deed dated Jan 31, 1916, and Sarah C. Pickett and C. L. Moser and wife, D. R. Moser. by deed of * March 31. 1919, and containing in the two tracts combined 14? acres of land bounded as fol lows: Beginning ai a rocs at me 3 AY. corner of the R. J. Thompson tract ne ir his house running thence with said R. J. Thompson,* line N 3 'leg E 61 poles ioar<>< k. his comer in the old Hornailuy line; thence 85 leg W 4-n p les to an iron stake corner kh Aloser's in said Hornaday's lino; thence 3 1 leg W with Moser's line 57 [Miles to an iron stake<,c?rner with Moser's; thence with said Moser's line and a road X 78* leg E 38 poles to the beginuing corner and containing 14J acres of land, to lie the same b there more or lees. This is a re sale on account of an advanced bid and bidding will start at $526.75 This 23rd day of April, 1929. R. J. THOMPSON, Commissioner. The Southern Planter Semi-Monthly Richmond, Virginia The Oldest Agricultural Journal in America 50 CENTS FOR ONE YEAR 01.00 FOR THREE YEARS $1.50 FOR FIVE YEARS TWlCC-A-riONTH 200,000 TVICE-A^ONTH ^ ?K^ .... ......... MOTHER t Fletcher's Castoria is a harmless Substitute for Caator Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups, prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation Wind Colic ' Flatulency To Sweeten Stomach * Diarrhea Regulate Bowels AMs In the asahnilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness. Rest, and ? Natural Sleep without Opiates _!! . TaamtJfadtetteas.alaanloofcfarof ....

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