The Alamance Gleaner 1 VOL. LVI. GRAHAM, IN, C., THURSDAY MARCH 6, 1930. NO. 5. 1?Former President Coolldge and Mrs. Coolldge surrounded by a throng of movie actors on their visit to Hollywood studios. 2?Scene at opening session in the school at Dark Hollow, Virginia, which was huilt by Presi dent and Mrs. Hoover for Blue Itidge mountain folk. 3?Russian Soviet workman ripping on Icon from a church that was transformed into a workers' club. NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENTEVENTS Hoover Asks More Economy in Expenditures?Revolt in Santo Domingo. By EDWARD W. PICKARD PRESIDENT HOOVER started oft the week with a plea to the people of the nation to be moderate in their requests to congress for appropria tions for projects in various parts of the country. His aim is to keep gov ernmental expenditures down to a fig ure so reasonable that an increase in taxes will be obviated. Though this should seem a worthy aim, and in stating It the President carefully made it plain that he was not reflecting on the wisdom of congress, he brought upon himself the wrath of some of the senators, notably Mr. Glass of Vir ginia. The appropriations situation was the subject of a White House breakfast conference attended by Republican leaders of both houses of congress^ Secretary of the Treasury Mellon, Un dersecretary of the Treasury Ogden Mills, Col. J. C. Roop, director of the budget, and Walter II. Newton, one of the President's secretaries. , Mr. Newton issued a statement in * which he enumerated proposals for increased expenditures totaling $1, 735,000,000, which he said if approved would imply an increase'in taxes of 40 per cent. The list, however, in cluded many projects that the con gressional leaders had either never heard of or knew would not be given serious consideration. Consequently the imposing list did not appear to frighten them. Senator Glass, reading Newton's statement in the senate, declared that "nothing more shameless has ever emanated from the White House with in niv thirty years of service in con gress." The President, he said, was setting up a straw man merely for the purpose of knocking him down, since, as every one knew, qiany bills were introduced at every session of congress only for home consumption and with no idea that they would be enacted into law. Mr. Hoover, meanwhile, had given out a statement obviously intended to pacify congress.* In It he said: "It should be understood that the unprece dented drive now In progress for new legislation and for expansion of es tablished services which increase ex penditure beyond the budget, only in a small per cent originates with mem bers of congress or heads of govern-, ment departments. It originates from different sections of the country itself and from various groups and organiza tions, each vigorously supporting their own projects. Many of these projects are worthy and no doubt can and should be undertaken some time over future years, especially when funds are free by completion of legislation already adopted." And he urged "the people at home" to realize that the government cannot undertake imme diately every worthy project. IMMEDIATELY after the issuance of the President's economy plea the house adopted a senate resolution a;> propriating $7,<K)0,OC0 for loans to farmers in the flood stricken areas of fifteen Southern and Western states, though opponents declared the meas ure was "j>ork" and "political ,pie.'* Under the resolution, as adopted, the secretary of agriculture may make ad vances for the purchase of seed, feed and fertilizer, which banks refuse. I,oan8 in only six states, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, 1 South Carolina and Virginia were authorized under the original senate resolution. The house agriculture committee, however, added Ohio, In diana, Illinois, Minnesota, North Da kota, Montana, and New Mexico and the house itself tacked on Missouri I and Oklahoma. Representative O'Connor of Okla homa said: "Everybody knows the purpose of this bill is to get congres sional votes, but so long as you are cutting the pie, Oklahoma wants its piece." THE Dominican republic was In the throes of a revolution last week. Insurgent forces, determined to keep President Vasquez from running for re-election and to assure the free choice of his successor in May, assem bled in various parts of the Island and marched on the capital city, Santo Domingo. They entered the city firing volleys in the air and were enthusi astically greeted by the populace. There was no bloodshed as the rebels took possession of all the public build ings. President Vasquez took refuge in the American legation and other administration leaders sought the pro tection of various foreign consulates. Vice President Alfonseca resigned. Charles B. Curtis, the American min ister, was acting as intermediary be- j tween the insurgents and the govern ment and was trying to bring about an agreement whereby the situation could be solved without bloodshed or dam age to property. The insurgent lead ers had promised to respect all lives and property and made no changes except in the police force of the city. John M. Cabot of Massachusetts, a young member of the American em bassy staff, was most active as the emissary of Minister Curtis and after a swift trip to Santiago to confer with Rafael Urena, chief of the In surgents. he was hopeful that a peace able settlement of the whole con troversy could be arranged. In Washington It was said by offi cials that it probably would not be necessary to send marines to the Dominican republic to protect Ameri can lives and property. If they are needed, however, there are plenty with in easy reach, and the scouting fleet is now in Caribbean waters. CAMILLE CHAUTEMPS. Radical Socialist, and his government of France lasted only five days. Then they were denied a vote of confidence by the chamberc'of deputies and were forced to resign. Chautemps told par liament he had no intention of follow ing the radical policies of the left wing, except that taxes would be re duced, but would maintain the lines of action which Andre Tardieu, his predecessor, had outlined, including his policy in the naval conference at Ix>n don. The center refused to believe him, and the left wing was displeased. The vote, which was 202 to 277 against Chautemps, showed there Is no real majority In the chamber of deputies and that any government can survive only through a coalition of center and left groups. Raymond Polncare was called by President Douinergne but declined to undertake the formation of a ministry on the ground of ill health. So Tar dieu was given the Job again and Poloeere said he would help him, though he could not accept a place In the cabinet. The expectation was that Tardieu would be able to make up his government in time to resume work in the naval conference by March 5. WHEAT raisers and wheat specu lators had a lively time last week. Europe had the idea that the United States and Canada were going to boost the price of wheat, so it obtained its supplies In other markets and cut down its consumption. Then Chair man Legge of the federal farm board made the statement that the board would not support the wheat market so as to stabilize the price somewhere near the price its purchasing agency was paying and that it would buy only from co-operatives. This was some what distorted and misunderstood in parts of the country and the result was that non-co-operative wheat was dumped on the market and prices fell alarmingly. The farm board's funds were then used to purchase large amounts of May and March wheat, this led other buyers into the market and prices rallied considerably. Mr. Legge, after conferring with President Hoover, issued a statement designed to co-ordinate the farm board's program with the govern ment's efforts to stabilize business gen erally, and asking the co-operation of the grain trade in restoration of the grain markets. Mr. Legge added sig niticantly that the board will staniT firmly on its wheat loan policy and that he is confident its co-operativ? agencies "will get the loan figure out of their wheat," namely, $1.18 a bushel at Chicago. PIERRE S. DUPONT, chairman ot the board of the E. L Dupont d? Nemours company of Wilmington, N ; J., was the star witness of the wet? I before the house Judiciary committee and he and others almost as well known argued strongly for modifica tion of the dry laws. The day before the committee heard \V. W. Atterbury, president of the Pennsylvania railroad, who urged that the Volstead act be re pealed and authority be delegated tc the states to determine for themselves what is intoxicating liquor and whethei they should enact legislation to en force the Eighteenth amendment. He expressed the opinion that "a great ad vance in the real cause of temper ance" would be made by properly reg ulated manufacture and sale of liquor under state and national supervision, j similar to the Canadian and Swedish systems, with these modified to suit conditions peculiar to America. ROMAN Catholicism lost one of Its | most eminent churchmen In the | death of Raphael Cardinal Merry del Yal, arch-priest of the basilica of St. Peter's and secretary of the congre gation of the holy office, and former papal secretary of state under Pope Pius X. The cardinal, who was u member of a noble Spanish family, passed away after an emergency oper ation for appendicitis. He was sixty- j four years of age. In 1003 and again in 1914 he was urged as a candidate for the papal throne but failed to get \ the necessary two-thirds vote of the college of cardinals. He was prom- I inently identified with the Intran- | sigeant party that upheld the church's right for temporal power, and was an j opponent of modernism. Only a few days before the death of Cardinal Merry del Yal came that ! of Carlo Cardinal Perosl. The college j of cardinals Is thus reduced to 28 j Italian and 30 foreigners, there being twelve vacancies. Other deaths of the week included j those of Mabel Normand, screen star; Ahrned Mlrza. former shah of Persia: ' MnJ. George H. Putnam, New York publisher, and Eugene Byfleld, Chicago j hotel man and sportsman. CHARLES EVANS HUGHES was sworn In as chief Justice of the Supreme court on Monday, the oath I being administered by Justice Oliver | Wendell Holmes, the Nestor of the bench. Among the decisions handed down | by the Supreme court was one de claring constitutional the provisions of the packers and stock yards act authorizing the secretary of agricol- j ture to prescribe maximum rates for the services of commission dealers at ' public stock yards. ^ j (ft. it SO, WMtire N?w>^ap?r Union.) |i CUPID 1 I \ PLAYS AN 1 I ' OLD-TIME I I GAME ;? I (ffi by D. J. Walsh.) Constance was going abroad because her mother considered European travel the finishing touch to a young girl's educa tion. As for the girl herself, she would have preferred vastly a summer of tennis and swimming, golf and long gallops through the woods. More over, the European party was not to her liking?a group of girls from her boarding school chaperoned by n very Victoria* lady principal. On the afternoon of the first day out Constance stole away to the stern of the ship. Across the white-capped undulations of water she looked long ingly toward New Tork; yet It was hard to be thoroughly snd with the tang of palt air In her mouth and a stormy June breeze whipping her cropped curls. Surely something would happen to make her days less tedious. For Constance something usually did. The waves were making such noise as they sloshed against the sides of the ship that Constance did not hear some one approaching along the deck and did not notice that a young man stood by her side, and, like her, braced his elbows upon the railing. It was not until he spoke that she turned to behold a veritable Apollo come to ride the sea with Father Neptune. "I'm Richard Burlington?Princeton "25?In search of Constance Talbott, whose picture, that didn't half do her justice, for four years adorned the bureau of her cousin, Jim Thayer," the young man began with a grin that was in Itself Introduction enough. "Any chance of my finding her ap proachable?" Constance matched the grin with a smile that Involved her Hps, her eyes and merry little crinkles along the bridge of her nose. "Probably," she encouraged, "since you've approached the right girl at a crucial time and In an excellent place. I'd have known you anywhere, Dick picked up as a pretty good sort from Jim's club group. Where're you go ing?" The youth shrugged eloquently. "Ask Dad. He knows." "Not In a party?" Constance In quired sympathetically. "In Just that. And you?" "With Miss Tarktngton." "Shake." Dick Burlington exclaimed, giving Constance's hand a brotherly wring. "I know how you'll suffer." "What can we do about It?" Con stance Implored, the corners of her mouth and the bigness of her eyes again pensive. "Console each other on ship board and then meet In Europe as often as we can. Since we're both landing In Naples, we can't miss each other often. Beaten path, yon know." "Oh, don't I?" sighed Constance, folding her hands In St. Cecelia resig nation and casting heavenward those eyes that matched the cerulean sky above her. "Capri, Sorrento, Pompeii. Blue Grotto, Roma, Flesola, Flrenzl. Venice, Milan, l.ugano? "Domodosola ^png Frau. I.uzerne," Dick added In Constance's sing-song rhythm. "Art galleries to the right of us, churches to the left of us?" "Guldo, Angelo, Titian, Murlllo, Fllippo," Constance giggled, for the tlrst time amused at the sound of the old artists' names. "Phillpplno, FIJI, Boar?all the same to me," Dick said by way of closing the subject. "The Important point Is that you and I have seven days on this ship which we must make the most of." And so until Naples loomed upon the horizon on the morning of the eighth day, Constance thought little of Miss Tarklngton and her brood. When her steamer trunk was locked, however, and she stood on deck talk ing to Dick for possibly the last time, gloom again shrouded Constance's buoyancy. "Cheer up, child," Dick consoled, but bis boyish grin achieved a poor semblance of gayety. "Ill trail you If I have to employ every guide un hung and consult every oily-tongued concierge." Just then by some Instinct unex plained Constance turned and beheld within hearing distance none other than Miss Tarklngton herself looking more than ever angularly severe. Her highly arched nose, which always gave the Impression of sniffing something disagreeable, pointed straight toward the ship's mast, and her small, close set eyes Inspected Constance suspi ciously through the lower half of bl- J fbcals. "Isn't It nice that we are landing now?" the girl remarked In base by pocrlsy as she felt herself propelled toward the girls who In Mlse Tarklng ton's absence huddled together un herded. Constance choked per'lously. She arns leaving Dick Burlington with no Idea when she would see him ugaln? handsome, dear, gallant Dick with whom she bad played through seven heavenly days. That night awaiting In a Neapoli tan hotel her turn for the nocturnal bath. Constance heard her name called In UUa Tarklngton's nasal treble. "I'll not have young men annoying my party," the lady principal was saying to the demure little damsel who shared her room en voyage. "If Con stance's friend keeps appearing I'll change my Itinerary." Constance shook a fierce little list at the partition separating her room from Miss Tarklngton's. Life had suddenly become full of a number of things that were terribly distressing. Through southern Italy Constance tried to remain lm|>ervlous to beauty, but she ended in admitting that every thing would have been quite perfect with Dick substituted for the ten who Hocked with Miss Tarkington. Even Rome for a few days was endurable. After that churches and galleries be gun to pull. Over two weeks and not j a glimpse of Dick ! Constance was al most numb with ennui and longing, j Dick had promised to Hnd her, and he ! was not keeping his promise. Then one fine morning, when Con [ stance stood In the Rosplgliosi palace trying to admire the Aurora as re flected In the tilted mirror, she found herself looking straight Into the eyes of Dick Burlington. Constance saw her cheeks In a sudden Home lielow eyes thut shone, and she saw Dick ns triumphantly happy as a hunter who has treed his game. Be led her out of the crowded little room Into the Ital ian sunshine that all at once seemed to Constance to be casting about her rays of molten gold. "How have you lived through It?" Dick fairly panted. "I haven't," Constance replied with a giggle not at all corpselike. "You brought me to life." "What's your hotel, Constance?" "A thing that goes under the mis nomer of Kden. Heavens! Here comes Tarky." "Come, dear," tlie lady principal I said to Constance with a brief nod ' for the Interloper, "we mast see Ml- , chael killing the dragon at the church of the Capuchin monks." "Isn't that crenfure dead yet?" Con stance moaned as she was led away. That evening at dinner Miss Tar klngton sprung a change of phins hut she would not divulge her next step Constance, remembering that she had had no chance to get the name of Dick's hotel, felt as though she would pass away at once. So the hopeless maiden went to the porch In front of the Eden and sat In wretched solitude. The slow-departing Italian twilight merged at last Its pastel loveliness into the royal purple of the night. I.lfe seemed to Constance sadder than Italian nights and not so beautiful. She dropped her face Into her hands and her shoulders trembled a little. Dick, Dick, lost In Europe! A car stopped at the curb. Two hands dragged Iter into the tonneau and continued to hold her. "Plnclon hill," a familiar voice cnlled to the driver. Ten minutes later Constance walked with Dick-along the enchanted paths to the garden point that overlooked the seven hills of Rome. She held her breath as the glorious panorama un folded before her. She realised with a thrill of pleasure that Dick was looking at her and not at the dly. lie was taking both her hands and compelling her eyes with his. , "Constance, I love Rome when I'm with you, because I love yon," he said.' "There's only one way to escape the guides and guidebooks. You'll have to marry me tonight." "Can one elope In Italy?" Constance faltered. "Romeo and Juliet did." countered the resourceful Dick, "and my Friar Lawrence Is waiting. Besides. I cs bled Dad plans and troubles and he cabled funds." In a quiver of happiness Constance permitted the wonders of Rome to be hidden by the nice roughness of Dick's coat. Europe, beautiful, glam orous Europe, was spreading before her In endless vistas of romance. Anthracite Displaced Anthracite coal first came Into gen era I use for that purpose about IStO although It had been tried successfully some ten years earlier. About 180>' anthracite reached Its peak as a blast furnace fuel, when 2.500,000 tons were used. By 1925 its use had been die continued, having been superseded l>y coke. One Sister Mary Jo's brothers call her "sister." Recently a new neighbor observing the little girl playing with her broth , en asked the four-year-old whether j she had any slsten. "We have one sitter, I'm It," was I the reply. Jrao Discoveries i Uncovered Portion of a Temple at Nippur. (Prepared by the National Geographic Society. Washington. D. C) SELDOM elites a month pass with out the announcement of a new discovery In the Near East that pushes farther back knowledge of roan's activities on the earth: the uncovering of a tomb, n forgotten city, or a hidden inscription. One of the richest regions In hidden lore of the past is the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now known as Iraq. It is there that some of the most far-reaching discoveries have been made. A little over a half a century ago what was known concerning the an cient peoples of the nearer East, be sides that which Is contained in the Old Testament, could be written In u very brief form. Israel was then re garded as one of the great nations of antiquity. Abraham belonged to the dawn of civilization. The references to other peoples In ti e Old Testament had little meaning, for few appreciat ed the fact that the history of many prc-Israelitisli nations had practically faded from the knowledge of tnun. The pick and spade of the explorer, however, and the patient toil of the decipherer have thrown a flood of light upon the situation; ruin-hills of the past have been opened up to the light of day, out of which emerge marvel ous revelations in the form of written records and other remains. These, although written in lan guages and scripts' the very existence of which was unknown to man for two thousand years and more, are now forced to reveal their story of the re ligion, politics, science and life of not a few of the ancient and forgotten peoples. These researches have resulted In astounding revelations. Israel, Instead of being one of the foremost nations I of antiquity, is now found to have been a small power which had thrived | in the late pre-Christian centuries, and had occupied a comparatively insig nificant position among the great na | tions of its age. Instead of the patri arch Abraham belonging to the be ginning of time, it Is now found that be occupies a middle chapter In the history of mankind. Early Peoples Were Cultured. But, above ail else, one of the great est surprises is that the earliest peo ples, Instead of being barbarous or uncultured, were civilized and pos sessed a culture of a high order. lu i fact, the greatest creations of the Babylonians In literature and art be long to the third and fourth, and per haps earlier, millenniums before Christ. , political and religious institutions were already ancient In the days of the patriarchs. What may be regard ed as primitive is found, but It points fo a still greater antiquity than the earliest periods now known. Not only did the builders use brick Instead of stone at Babel, but they also used clay for their writing ma j terial. Annual Inundations deposited sand and clay of a fine quality in the valley, which wai used tor this pur pose. The well-kneaded, but unbaked. Inscription, lying perchance beneath the disintegrated abodes of the ruined building, though yearly sod for mil lenniums saturated thoroughly by the winter rains or inundations, when carefully extracted from Ita resting place of from two to six thousand years und allowed to dry, often ap pears as If It had been written yes terday. The original plasticity or adhesiveness of the sun-dried tablet returns. The baked tablets, as would be naturally expected, on the w-bole are better preserved. The daw of the earliest known In scription Is st ill undetermined. The chronology prior to 2*JI> B. C. is still in a chaotic state, and jet the recent discovery of a tablet giving several new dynasties, besides many other facts which have been ascertained, ot ter sufficient indications of a much greater antiquity for the earliest known inscriptions than have been credited them. The Hoffman tablet, in the general theological seminary. New Tort elty. bears one of the few known archaic Inscriptions. To assign it the date ?jouu IS. C wonld he a modest reckon ing. And yet the characters are so far removed from the original pictores that in most inKr.nces It Is only by the help of Ihe values they possess that the original pictures can be ser miseu. It describes s tract of landL While in all known periods day was the writing material, important royal documents, votive and historical In scriptions. etc.. are found on stone, and In some instances on bronze. Not unlike other scripts, the cunei form was originally pictorial; bat. as in Egypt, the hieroglyphs became more nnd more simplified and conventional [ Ized. The runeirerm inscriptions in ciay. stone ami metal that now repose la museums and in private collections number hundreds of thousands. Several ancient libraries and Im mense archives have been found. Tears ago the literary library of Asbarbnni pal mi discovered at N'inevah. It appeared to the excavators that ths library, had been deposited In the up per chamliers of the palace, and that when the building was destroyed they fell through to ;he lover floors, where they were found in masses. The Inscriptions showed that they bad been arranged according to their subject in different positions In, the li brary. Each series had a title, being composed generally of the first words of the first tablet. L'snally at the end of each tablet Its number in the series was given. Till of Lifs of the People. In more recent years temple and school libraries have been found nt Nippur, Slpar, Larsa. Babylon and Erech. Besides these libraries Im mense archives of temple administra tive documents belonging to all peri ods have been found in practically all sites where excavations have been conducted by the Occidental or by tbe Illicit diggings of tbe Oriental. These tablets record tbe payment Into the temple of stores of tithes or offerings of drink, vegetables, or ani mals. of taxes, rents, loons, and also tbe disbursement of this property. There are dowry and marriage con tracts, partnership agreements, rec ords of debts, promissory notes, leases of lands, houses, or slaves, deeds of transfer of all kinds of property, mortgages, .documents granting tbe power of attorney, tablets dealing with the adoption of children, divorce, bankruptcy, inheritance; In fact, al most every Imaginable kind of deed or contract is found among them. Again and again are we forced to exclaim as we become acquainted with tbe dolDgs of the ancients from these sources that our boasted civilisatioa baa developed very little In tbe es sentials of life Tbe number of official and personal letters of most periods that have been found Is also quite large. From tbe royal letters, such as those of Ham murabi to one of his governors, or those found In the library of Ashnr bonlpal. considerable information Is gained dealing with the dril affairs In the land and with foreign affairs of other lauds, sspscially Armenia sad El am.

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