ro alamahce qlxamul. a?""? a. a THE GLEANER GRAHAM. N. (\, JUNE 12, IMOij 1881 KD *VEKY THUB6DAT. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. i $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Entered at the Poeioffloe at Graham, N. 0.. at eeoouu-olasM raattar. SATURDAYS PRIMARY. For the first time North Caro lina hail a state-wide primary last Saturday with the Australian bal lot, and it worked out fairly sat isfactory. Under it the voter could vote without his vote beiug scrutinized. The outstanding issue was the nomination of a candidate for United States Senator. From the time the first returns were given out, the nomination of Bailey was indicated. More than 80 of the 100 counties cast their vote for Bailey and against Simmons, piling up a maj ority of some 70,000 in the state. At seven of the 20 precincts in Alamance Simmons was given a majority, but the total was 2037 for Bailey against 1262 for Sim mons. For Corporation Commissioner 11:1'. Fell was renominated. Ala mance gave him 2072 against 1174 for J. 11. Holloway. For Congress Frank Hancock won over A. F'. Sams in the dis trict by some 10,000. Alamance gave Hancock 2C62 to 1220 for Sams. for House of Representatives the voto was 2394 for J. Dolph Long, 550 for \V. l. Spoon, and 851 for Roba 15. Newlin. For Register of Deeds there were four candidates. The vote was 1739 for J. G. Tingen, 1147 for W. V. Wiuuiughum, 508 for W. S. Harris, 308 for T. O. Fen der. For Sheriff the contest was a little more vigorous than for any of the county offices?H. J. Stock ard lead with 1739; W. V. Cope land, 948; Johu A. Leath, 932; 11. T. Hannah, 317. For County Commissioners there were 13 candidates, five to be nominated. The result was ' ' JJ02C for F. L. Williamson, 1851 for L. C. Guthrie, 1032 for E. C. Turner, 1024 for C. W. Gordon, 1380 for E. R. llanford, 1383 for A. G. 1'orlerfield, 1334 for E. L. Boswell, 1285 for A. K. Hardee, 1275 for W. II. Bryan, 1190 for Walter Staiuback, 1182 for C. R. Love, 809 for G. A. Nicholson, 535 for W. C. Carter. For Coroner: 2111 for Dr. R. M. Troxler; 1015 for W. Ernest Thompson. E. H. Murray for Clerk Superior Court and Lewis II. Holt for sur veyor bad no opposition. The former received 3394 votes and the latter 3404. For County Board of Education, C. F. Albright, E. J. Braxton, J. J. Lambeth, J. E. Sellars and W. MBrown were renominated without opposition, except Mr. Brown, who entered to take the place of Wal ter R. Sellars who declined to en ter the race again. Though there was talking around, there will be no second primary for any of the offices. The candidates have shown real sportsmanship in giving away to those receiving the highest vote. A second primary, more than likely, would not have changed the status but would have created some enmities. The ticket nominated is com pos ed of worthy, capable men?and should command the support of the party as a unit and be accep table to the opposition. On the Democratic ticket in the primary, not mentioned above was Thqe. L. Estop. He polled 32 votes in the county. Running for U. S. Senate. On the Republican Senatorial ticket were four candidates. Two of them, Oeorge E. Butler and George M. Pritchard, lead in the vote. The former received 101 votes, the latter 73; but Pritch ard was nominated by a com fortable majority in the State. 1ka.. A CONTRAST Col. John IJ. Langstou of Golils boro, supporter of Mr. Simmons, spoke lu the courthouse here last Friday uigbt to au audience that at no time exceeded sixty and ten to tifteen less most of the time. Ho assailed .Mr. Bailey with all his power from every possible an gle for a full hour, but failed to "damn him with faint praise." It was no vote-getting speech. lie almost forgot to recount any of the good things in the record of Mr. Simmons, so bent was he in slaughtering his opponent. A part ot the while Ool. Hangs ton was inveighing so vehemently against Mr. Bailey, the latter was in Raleigh making his first and last speech of the campaign which was being broadcasted over the State. After the Col. had finish ed you could hear Mr. Bailey over the radio in an impassioned speech, pleading for a united Democracy and continued ascen dency of the party in the stale. He did not name the name of his rival and made no charges against, him. Victory for the party was the keynote. What a contrast! The government budgeiers Hi Washington must have slipped more than one cog in llieir esti mate of expenses for government activities during the fiscal term. Or, perhaps, this second deficien cy bill which calls for a direct outlay of $00,217,884 and indef inite allotments of more than $51,000,000, aggregating around $118,000,000, is for the purpose of preventing a hoard of money that the country direly needs now to prevent the further slumping of the country's business activities. In the report of the application of the funds the bill proposes to ap propriate, it is noted that: three cities in North Carolina will share for building purposes ? High Point, $400,000; Bum bertou, $105, 000; New Bern (Senator Simmons' home), increase from $211,000 to $325,000. Prof. Frank P. Graham, about 45, born iu Fayetleville, graduate of and teacher at the University, was elected president of the insti tution Monday to succeed I)r Chase, resigued. That he prefer red the class room to the promotiou is not a bad omen. To sum up his fitness for the place in a sen tence, it would read somewhat thus: lie enjoys the confidence and esteem of the faculty, the love and admiration of -the stud ent body, and is endowed with re quisite qualities of mind and heart. This after reading some of the much that has been said of him. Over in the 12th Judicial dis trict, composed of Guilford, h'or syth and Stokes counties, John D. Humphreys of Stokes, A. Way land Cooke and Thus. C Uoyle were candidates for the nomina tion for Superior Court Judge. Humphreys led but without a majority over all; Cooke was next. The latter, though he and his friends felt sure he could win in a second primary, generously waiv ed his ambition for the sake ot party harmony. That was good I politics and will hear fruit at 'some future time. Tlie reported "Simmons mseh ; ilie" has been dismantled anil Mr. Simmons has been consigned to I private life after a political career | of near half a century-longer and more powerful than that given to any other citizen at any time. He transgressed his party's traditions aud circumvented his own down fall. llis undoing is pathetic. It is wondered whether the thing would have happened had A us. Watts, tho master wheel in tin; !Simmons machine, lived. It is ' not believed that it would. Some of us got what we wauled iu the primury, and some didn't, but all should get together in sup porting those named. Large Desk Blotters, 10 x 24 inches Colors?white, cherry, orange, red, pink, moss green, dark and light blue, Kile green, gray buIT and purple, for sale at Tu e Qlbankk Office. - ^ ~ I Orange Chapel Memorial Association ?First Annual Meeting, June 15, 1930. t rrograin?r uiunuu^ aLwsiun 10 3o Meeting called to orderly the President. Song by the congregation. Devotionals, conducted by the pastor, Rev. T. J. Whitehead. I Song by the congregation. 10:45 Report of the President. Special music by Central (Quartetf of Burlington, N. C. 11 :oo Repoit of the Secretary. ll:o5 Introduction of the speuker on History of Orange Chapel Church ; and community. 11 :lo Historical Address by Mr. W. R. J Thompson, Supt. of Public In-1 struction of Chatham County. ll:3o Special music by central quartet. 11:4o Introduction of memorial speaker. 11:45 Memorial Address by Mr. McBride Holt of Qraham, N. C. 12:10 Appointment of nominating com mittee. 12:15 Introduction of life members. i 12:8o Adjournment for lunch. AFTERNOON SESSION 2:oo Song by congregation. Recognition of visitors. i 2:15 Remarks by Rev. J. I). Williams, \ 1). 1).. former pastor of Orange Chapel. 2:#o Report of the treasurer. Special music by Junior Girls Quartet of Burlington, N. C. Reports of various committees. Report of nominating committee. Special music by Junior Girls Quartet. Election of Officers. Adjournment. You Are Most Cordially Invited to Attend. J. G. Rogers, President. C. V. Ferguson, First Yice-Pres. Mrs. J. L. Maynard, Secretary. FoutsL. Thompson,Sec. Vicc-Pres. Mrs. F. L. Thompson, Treasurer. Chattel Mortgage Blanks?For sale at The Oleanek office. Receiver's Re sale ol Real Estate! Umler aud by virtue of the po iv er of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed of trust duly exe cuted by T. A. Barnett aud wile, Mary Barnett, in favor of, Piedmont Trust Company, Trus tee, 011 the 26th day of October, I 1920, aud securing .the payment of a series of bonds numbered from 1 to 18, both inclusive, bearing even date with said mortgage deed of trust and payable to bearer, each 1 in the sum of Two Hundred Dol ars ($200.00), default having been made in the payment of said iu uebtedness as iu said mortgage deed of trust provided, and by the further authority of an order of the Superior Court of Alamance Ceuuty, in an action therein pend ing, and bt iug No. 3682 upon the Civil Issue Docket, the undersign ed Receiver of Piedmont Trust Company will, on the fifth Mon day in June, 1930, at 10 o'clock a. in., the same being THE 13th DAY OF Jl'NE, 1030, at the courthouse door iu Ala mance County, oiler for sale at public auction to the highest bid-* der for cash, the following describ ed real property, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the City of Bur lington, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoing the land of 11. J. Freeland, A. J. Whittemore, Heirs of A. J. Hatch, deceased, Lakeside Cotton Mills and others, and bound ed as follows: Beginning at an iron bolt, corner with said Freeland on \V side of Lakeside Street; running thence N' 75 deg 45' W 500 ft to an iron bolt, corner with said Freeland in Whittemore'a line; thence N 1 deg 45' W (B. S ) 218 ft to an iron bolt, corner with Mollie llumbuckle in said Hatch line; thence S 79 deg E371 ft to an iron bolt corner with said Hatch; thence N 1*2 deg 20' \V 119 ft to an iron bolt, corner with said Hatch jthence S 50 deg 30' E 234 ft to an iron bolt, corner with said Lakeside Cotton Mills on W side of said Street; thence S 7, deg 30' W 276 ft to the beginning, containing Three and Seven Hun dredths (3.07) acres, mure or less, and known as the Isbam Ashworth residence property. Excepted from the above described tract is Thirty-eight One Hundred ths (.38) of an acre, more or less, sold and conveyed by T. A. Harnett and wife to J at* Fowler. The terras of the sale will l>e| cash upou the date of the sale and ' the purchaser will be furnished with a certificate by said Receiver certifying the amount of his bid and receipt of the purchase price, and the sale will be left open ten days thereafter for the placing of advanced bids, of required by law. This is a re-sale and bidding will begin at $909.56. This the 10th day oMaine, 1930. i THOMAS D. COOPER, Receiver Piedmont Trust Co. J. Dolph Long, Atty. State Farm Convention An nounced for July Hie annual meeting ol the State Farmers' convention and the State Federation of Home Demonstration clubs will be held at State college, Raleigh, July 29 to August 1, and will be followed during the next week, August 4 to 9, by the annual short course for 4-H club members. "We expect to have the program of the Farm convention completed ' by the second week in June and printed by the first week In July," says Dean I. O. Schaub, secretary of the convention this year. "Our opening meeting will be held In Pullen hall, Tuesday morning, July 29, at 10 o'clock. From then until the convention closes on Friday, there will be an interesting round of lectures, demonstrations and amusements. We hope to report on progress of the live-at-home cam paign and to measure the adoption of the long time program of agri cultural work which was prepared | at the last convention." Dean Schaub says there is a strong likelihood that A. M. Hyde, secretary ,of agriculture for the United States, will attend. Mr. Hyde was invited some months ago and though he has not yet given his consent, Dean Schaub expects his attendance. Last year about 1,000 men and equally as many women 'registered for the convention. It is [expected that a larger number will attend this year. The college is i preparing for the meeting much in [advance this time so that a better program and better facilities may be assured. 1 B. B. Everett, of Palmyra, presi dent of the conventon this year, .has held several conferences with Dean Schaub, Mrs. Jane S. McKim mon, Mrs. Estelle T. Smith and C. A. Sheffield relative to the pro [gram. Mr. Everett is taking an ac tive interest in the convention and [says he wants it to be one of the | best in the long history of the or ganization. I Trustee's Re - Sale of Real Propertyt I'ursuant to the power vested in the undersigned Trustee l>v s cer tain deed of trust, executed bv Cecil II. Islev and wife, Grace Islev, to the undersigned Trustee, dated November 21, 1029, and dulv re corded in the office of the Register of Reeds for Alamance County, North Carolina in deed of trust Book 114 pace 24, said deed of trust was given for the purpose of secur ing the payment of a certain note of even date therewith: and whereas default was made in the payment of the indebtedness therebv secured, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction the following described real proper ty to the last nnd highest bidder at the court house door in Graham, North Carolina, on WEDNESDAY, JUNE 52, 1930, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the folio wine land, lving and being in Graham Township, Alimance County, in said State, and bounded and des cribed as follows, to-wit: Adjoining the lands of Lots 8,9. 10. 11,12, IS, 14 and 18, of Jas. N. Williamson property, Herman Andrews, and Fairground School lot (formerly Midway"), and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an iron bolt on N side of Williamson St., corner of lot No. 8; running thence with lines of lots 8, 9. 10. 11, 12, 13 and 14 thence N 42 deg W 273}- ft to an iron bolt, corner with lot No. 14 and in line of Herman Andrews: thence with line of said Andrews S 34 deg W 42.4 ft to an iron bolt; corner with said Andrews and Fair ground School lot; thence with line of School lot S 9 deg 50' W 42.3 ft to iron bolt, in line of said School lot and corner with lot No. 18; thence with line of lot No. 18 S 42 deg E 233 ft to an iron bolt on N sideof said Williamson St. and cor ner with lot No. 18; thence with line of said St. N 50 deg 10' E 75 ft to the Iwginning. and being lots 15, 10 and 17 of the James N. William son property as surveyed by A. I. Shisler, C. E.. July and August, 1922,and and lyewis II. Holt, Coun ty Surveyor, Alamance County, June, 1923, as platted and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, in Plat Book No. 2, at page Fo. 35. This 19 a second re-sale of the j property above described and bid ding will begin at *1470.00 Terms of sale. CASH. This sale is subject to advance bids as provided by law. This the Oth dsv of June, 1030. CLARENCE ROSS, Trustee. Rncoivor's Re-Sale of Real Property! Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage deed of treat duly executed by ' r J. G. Lewey and wite, Florence V. Lewey, in favor of Piedmont Trust Company, Trustee, on the 28th day of February, 1021, recorded in the office pf 'be Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Uoolt 89, page 55, Mortgage Deeds of Trust, and 1 securing the payment of a series of bonds numbered from 1 to 58, both ] inclusive, bearing even date with ] said mortgage deed of trust and payahle to bearer each in the sum of $250.00, default having been made in the payment o' said indebt edness as in said mortgage deed of trust provided, and by the further authority of an order of the Superior Court of Alamande County in an action, therein pending, and being No. 3082 upon the Civil Issue Dock et, the undersigned Receiver of Piedmont Trust Company will, on the fifth Monday in June, 1930, at ten o'clock a. in., the same being THE 13th DAY OF JUNE, 1930, at the courthouse door in Alamance County offer for re-sale at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash the following described real proper ty,/ to-wit: neginuing at a point on Haw River, corner with Peter Hughes; thence up said River as it meanders to a corner with John Kernodle at the Gerringer Mill Dam; thence with said Kernodle's line in a West terly direction to the center of the macadamized road, corner with Lot No. (i; thence with the center of said road running South, or toward Burlington, to a hickory tree, corner with Mr. Barber; thence S 82J deg E 14.10 chs to a rock; thence S 87j deg E 4 50 chs to a hickory tree; thence N 76 deg E 3.50 cha to the point of beginning, containing One Hundred and Fifty-nine and One Half (1562) acres, more or less, and being the part upon which is situat ed the old home of Sallie Somera Harrison. Further records of said description can be found in the plot in the Register of Deeds Office of Alamance County. The terms of the sale will be cash upon the date of the sale and the purchaser will be furnish ed with a certificate by said Receiver certifying the amount of his bid and receipt of the purchase price, and the sale will be left open ten days thereafter for the placing of advanced bids as re quired by law. This is a re-sale and bidding will begin at'81338.75. This the 10th day of June, 1930. THOMAS D. COOPER, Receiver Piedmont Trust Co. J. Dolph Long, Atty. Trustee's Sale Valuable Real Property. Under and by virtue of the powers contained in a certain deed of trust executed by J. S. L. Patterson, on June 28, 1928, and recorded in trust register 109 at page 519, to secure the bonds therein mentioned, and due on the 1st day of July, 1929, default in the payment thereof having been made, and at the request of the holder thereof the undersigned trustee will of fer for sale at the court house door in Graham, at 12:00 o'clock, M., MONDAY JULY 7th, 1930, the same being the first Mon day, the following valuable improved real estate, to-wit: Adjoining South Main Street, Worth Street and others and described as follows: Being lots 18 and 19 in block C. of the P. L. Sellars property as surveyed and platted by J. W. Pugh, Engineer,- a plat of which is re corded in book of plats no. 1 at page 90 in office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, said lots each front 25 ft. on S. Main street and run back be tween parallel lines 100.7 feet, and are adjoining lots. a.iso iois no. ?> ana a, in saia block C, of P. L. Sellars proper ty according to said plat. These lots front 25 feet each on Worth street and run back be tween parallel lines 100.7 feet. These lots together with lots 18 and 10 described above form a lot 50 feet wide and extends from S. Main to Worth street in the city of Burlington. On this lot is situated a new brick building, commodius and well constructed, a part of which is two story high, with a basement. The bnilding fronts on S. Main street and runs back about 125 feet, and as a whole is a valuable piece of real pro perty. Terms of sale Cash: Date of sale, Monday, July 7th, 1930, 12:00, M. Place of sale: Court House door in Graham. This the 2 day of June, 1930. J. S. COOK, Trustee. STATEMENT Globe Indemnity Company, New York City. Condition December 31st, t?S?, u shown by Statement Filed. Amount of Capital paid up iu cash $ 2,500,000.00 Amount of Ledger Assets December 31st of previous year, $35,728,611.48; Totai, 35,728,611.48 income?From Policyholders, $82,196,872.88; Miscel laneous, $1,758,138.45; Total 23,955,011. 33 Disbursements?To Policyholders, $11,259,845.79; Mis cellaneous, $11,058,001.65; Total, 23,317,847.44 ASSETS IT-l ' T*__l T*_ a. _ a> , KQQ QQ| l>(* vniueoi ivohi ?> ^ Value of Bonds and Stocks 28,824,036.14 Peposlts in Trust Companies and Banks not on in terest 5,492.04 Deposits in Trust Companies and Banks on interest.. 2.046,793 17 Premiums in course of collection 4,152,975.14 Interest and Rents due and accrued 329,974.80 Reinsurance Losses Recovered Workmen's compensa tion, ledger assets, etc., 747,543.02 All other Assets, as detailed in statement 59,695.86 Total $37,755,446.03 Less Assets not admitted 131,830.44 Total admitted Assets.- $37,623,615.59 LIABILITIES minima ft 1 3 Q04- (!7k2 Expense, Investigation, and Adjustment of claims.... 97,554 00 Unearned Premiums 8,815,037.25 Commission, Brokerage, and other charges due 803,667.33 Salaries, Rents, Expenses, Bills, Accounts, Fees, etc., due or accrued 100,000.00 Estimated amount for Federal, State, county and municipal taxes. 575,000.00 All other Liabilities as detailed in statement 5.767,584.46 Total amount of all Liabilties except capital $30,123,615.59 Capital paid up $2,500,000.00 Surplus over all Liabilities 5,000,001'.00 Surplus as regards Policyholders 7,500.000 00 Total Liabilities $37,623,615.59 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1929 Premiums Rec'd Losses Paid. Accident $1,070 $ 5 Health 1,014 361 Auto Liability 29,573 23,791 Liability other than auto i 24,542 22,398 Workman's compensation 75,374 17,030 Fidelity 1,256 422 Surety 4,439 931 Plate Glass 2,746 686 Burglary and theft 4,890 2,262 Auto property damage. : 15,463 5,007 Anto collision 6,267 1,527 Property damage, collision, other than auto 272 Totals 166,906 71,714 Pres., A. Duncan Reid; Vice Pres. & Secretary, F. H.Kingsbury; Treasurer Harry Feurze. Attorney for service: Dan 0. Boney. Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C. Mgr. for North Carolina, Adm. office, Wash. Park, Newark, X. J. State of North Carolina, Insurancs Department, Raleigh, Feb. 5th, 1030. I, Dan C. Boney, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Olobe Indemnity Company, of New York City filed with this Depart ment, showing that the condition of said Company on the 31st day of December, 1929. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and date above written. (Seal) DAN C. BONEY, Insurance Commissioner. The Southern Planter Semi-Monthly Richmond, Virginia ihe Uldest Agricultural Journal in America 50 CENTS FOR ONE YEAR $1.00 FOR THREE YEARS $1.50 FOR FIVE YEARS l TWICE-A-MONTH 200,000 TWICE-A.nONTH MOTHER! Fletcher's Castoria is a harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrups prepared to relieve Infanta in arms and Children all ages of Constipation Flatulency (Diarrhea Wind Colic 1T0 Sweeten Stomach Regulate Bowels Aids tn the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and Natural bleep without Opiates ^ To avoid hnftationa, always look far the signature of Ptowsi directfa- oo ead. aacksw. JViiiisai uujofcua unwl K