THE GLEANER GRAHAM N. P., SEPT. 1, 19.'iO. ISSUED KVEKYTHURSDAY. J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Entered at Poe'oflice at Graham. N. G.. ok we..,, class matter. ' ? With cotton and tobacco selling at the cost of production, the out look for the farmer with his cash crop is anything but inviting. Republican campaign orators and writers are rowing up a swift stream this year when it comes to speaking of the wonderful prosper ity the counry is enjoying under Republican rule, high ariff and such like. We are printing in this issue a letter written by W. E. While of Mebane, to the chairman of the county board of elections. Mr. White wants the Burlington town ship registration matter settled with as little cost and friction as possible, and makes suggestions. tie of King's mountain on October 7, to make a speech. In early Oc tober he is to speak at several other points. In Washington it is con strued that he is making an effort to mend his political fences, now badly out of repair. The fact is the whole party enclosure needs looking after to keep the faithful inside the pasture. Dieudonne Cost? and Maurice Bellonte, flying from Paris to New York, landed safely Tuesday eve ning, making the non-stop flight in 37 hours, 18 minutes and thirty sec onds. Colonel Lindbergh went from New York to Paris in thirty three hours and 29 minutes. Coste and Bellonte are the first to make the non-stop westward flight, and their feat is on a par with that ol Lindbergh. Wheat prices lowest known in 1C years" is the heading in this morn ing's paper in regard to the grain markets, the news coming from Chicago, the largest grain market in the world. Corn followed wheat downward. September wheat open ed at 83 VB cents and closed at 82 1-5 cents per bushel. September corn opened at 98', 4 cents and closed at 97 5-8 cents per bushel. Such fig ures as these will inspire but little confidence in the farm relief com mission whatever functioning thii mission. Whatever functioning thii pear to be getting the farmer out of his dilemma. Republican senatorial candidate George M. Pritchard, made a de mand of the state board of election! that the United States senatorial ticket be not combined with the state ticket, but placed on a sepa rate ballot. He was raising some fu ror on the subject. The board or Wednesday did what he demand ed, but it is believed he did nol want what he asked for, and got By separating the tickets the boarc relieved him of a campaign iten that he could have used to some ac count. President Hoover will be at thi anniversary celebration of the bat Mr. W. E. White of Meban< Writes Dr. Long, Ch'm'i Board of Elections, Abou New Registration. Mebane, N. C.. Sept. 3, 193 Dr. WU1 S. Long. Graham, N. C., Dear Sir: I have read in the county pres the controversy about the new reg lstratlon in Burlington. I have known you a long tlmt and I knew your father, since I eai remember anyone; and I consider ed him, and know that my fathe did, as one of the outstanding citi zens of Alamance county, who ha done as much, or more for educa tion in our county than any othe one individual. I have always ha a high regard for you on accour of your father and uncles, and do not believe that you would in tentlonally do anything official! as chairman of the election boar for the county of Alamance, ths you did not think was honorable. I regret that anyone should lo; their temper, over politics. I belie \ Tax Rates and . Tax Reductions AN ANALYSIS By Hoti J. Dolph Long Former County /Attorney And Democratic Nominee Fcr The Legislature. Mr. Leo Carr, Chairman, Democratic Executive Committee, Burlington, N. C. Dear Sir: The 1930 tax rate has been fixed at $1.43 on the hundred dollar val uation of property. This is a re duction of ten cents over the 1929 | rate, which, was $1.53, and that rate j was a 2 cent reduction over the 1928 irate of $1.55. The 1928 levy was the last one made by the prior Democratic administration. The Republican officeholders, in their statements with reference to the reduction in the tax rates, pur posely avoid any reference to the 1928 rate of $1.55, which was a re duction of 15 cents over the 1927 rate of $1.70. The county fiscal control act was passed by the gen eral assembly of 1927. This act made it necessary to include in the 1927 budget any outstanding obli gations, not otherwise provided for, and levy a tax sufficient to pay such obligations in 1927. The county had completed certain road con struction work, and in 1927 levied a special tax of 11 cents to meet these road construction obligations. The levy in 1928 omitted this spe cial rate of 11 cents, and reduced the school rate from 74 cents to 69 cents which, together with the oth er normal rates, made the rate for 1928, $1.55. The entire reduction in the tax rate, which the present administra tion has made, has come about be cause of the state appropriations to the school fund and road fund, as made by the general assembly of 1929, whereby the school equaliza : tion fund was substantially increas ed, and approximately 20 per cent I of the tax on gasoline collected by , the state was apportioned to the several counties. I I have just noticed the statement , as published by the board of educa tion of Alamance county, from ' which it appears that a tax rate of i 64 cents on the hundred dollar val ( uation of property is sufficient to meet the school budget for 1930, ' and this Is a reduction of 6.3 cents ' over the school rate of 1929, which was 70.3 cents. This leaves only 3.7 ! cents of the reduction as made this , year, as having been made by the . board of commissioners of Ala mance county. I should say, how ever, that the board of commission s ers have actually fixed the school . that the great majority, and as '[great a percentage of the members 5! of the Democratic party are just as ; honest as the Republicans, as we !are all one people, and we should [ not have any differences, or rather ? any personal differences, when it ? j comes to politics. jj I heard from responsible parties I in Burlington, two or three months ago, that the statement had been ! made that they were going to have ' a new registration in Burlington, ? that they could easily get a Dcmo licrat on the books, but the Republi cans would have trouble in doing 'so; this refers to some Democratic i politicians, and not to Dr. Long. ? i I recall a good many years ago, 1. that we did not have a new regis i tration, but we did transcribe .lor change the registration to a new book, eliminating all those who had (died or moved away, and simply ; transferring those who were living -! and who were eligible to vote at Mebane. This cost nothing, and 21 it was no trouble to the voters. II I would respecfully suggest to you and your board for your considera t, tion, that Instead of a new registra tion for Burlington, that you sim ply transcribe all the names that 0 voted in the election in November 1928, to the new book, eliminating i all names that were on the book I prior to that time, who did not vote s in November, 1928. This woulc - answer every purpose of a new reg istration, and would save the coun t, ty some money and the people s a lot of trouble. I simply make this as a sugges r tlon for your consideration, and : - believe that it would eliminate al s controversy, and be entirely satis -1 factory to everyone who is involve! -r: in this new registration, in the clt; d of Burlington, whether they are Re itlpubicans ar Democrats. 1 I am sending copy of this lette: i-1 to the county press, with the re g, quest that they publish, and I an d doing this simply in the interes it of harmony and good will and goo< feeling. se Yours very truly, re W. E. WHIT! tax rate at 65 cents on the hundred dollars, and I am advised that the: reason for this is to increase the school revenue sufficiently to pro vide a surplus against which com missions may be charged for the collection of school taxes, and even at this rate there is only a 4.7 de crease made by the board of com missioners. The state highway commission certified to the board of commis sioners of Alamance county prior to July 1, 1929, that the amount of money available from the gas tax fund for Alamance county, for the tax year 1929, was $34,320.00. This sum In itself provides revenue to the county in cash, without the cost or trouble of collection, equal to the sum produced by a tax rate of 10 cents on the hundred dollars, upon the entire property valuation of the county. Notwithstanding this available revenue for the year 1929, the board of commissioners of Ala mance county reduced the tax rate for that year only 2 cents on the hundred dollars. A like sum of 334,320.00 from the gas tax fund is available for the tax year 1930, and has enabled the board ot commis sioners of Alamance county to make such tax reductions as have been made. I understand that the p^sentj board of commissioners applied this j revenue from state highway com misison to its debt service fund. They reduced the rate on that fund from 38 cents 'the last rate levied by the Democratic board) to 33.5 cents in their 1929 levy, but they increased the total road rate from 29 cents ' the last rate levied by the Democratic board) to 30V4 cents. This rate is levied for road main tenance. I note that in their rate this year they have reduced the debt service levy to 31 1-2 cents and the road maintenance levy to 28 cents on the hundred dollar val uation. The school rate reduction of 6.3 and the gas tax reduction of 10 cents should have given a tax re duction of 16.3 cents on the hun dred dollar valuation of property. Very truly yours, J. DFLI'H LONG. Chairman Leo Carr Claims Demo crats Entitled To Credit For Tax Rate Reductions. To the Editor of the Gleanor: The Graham Messenger has pub lished certain articles recently com paring Democratic and Repub lican county administrations. The writer of these articles who, for some reason does not disclose his name, has had much to say regard ing "fairness" in politics, and the first act of this undisclosed writer was to attempt to deceive the peo ple of the county in comparing tax rates under the Democratic admin istration with thai ofthe Repub licans. He gave in his article of July 15th the Democratic rates for 1925, 1926 and 1927, showing an in crease, but omitted the rate for 1928 in which the Democrats re duced the tax rate 15 cents and fix ed the rate at $1.55. The rate was reduced only 2 cents lower in 1929, and should have been lowered con siderably more, as will appear from NOTICE J3F SALE Bv virtue of the authority given to the undersigned Trustee in a certain deed of trust executed by National Heal Estate Company, dated July 28, 1928, and recorded in the office of the Kegister of Deeds of Alamance County in Book No. Ill and Page 94, (default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secured), the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale to the highest bidder at the courthouse door in Graham, North Carolina, the following described land at 12 o'clock Noon on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1930. Til ACT No. 1: Adjoining West Wil iowbrook Drive, lots Nos. 1 and 3-A and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at corner of lot No. 1 on West Willowbrook Drive, running thence parallel with Davis Street N. 86? W. 150.3 ft. to a corner in lot No. 12; , thence S. 3 36' E. 150 feet to cornei of lot No. 3-A; thence with line of lot No. 3-A S. 86? K. 157 feet, corner or Willowbrook Drive; thence N. 7? 6' W . 75 feet to corner with lot No. 2; thence N. 0 9' W. 75 feet to the BEGIN NINO. Being lots Nos. 2 and 3 in sec ? tion 2, Block C of the survey of Brook r, wood. TRACT No. 2: BEGINNING at ? , corner of lot No. 3-A on Avcock Ave i nue; running thence N*. with the line of ' : A and 3 143.1 ft. N. 3a 36' W. t< ? I corner with Lot No. 12 on lot No. 3 .j thence S. *2r 19' W. parallel with Ay cock Avenue 280 feet to corner with lol J No. 8; thence with the line of lot No s S. 3? 36' K. about 143 feet to Aycoel ? ' Avenue; thence with line of Aycoel [ Avenue N. 83 7' 11. 280 feet to tin . BEGINNING. Being lots Nos. 4, 5, 6 and 7 in Block C, Section 2 of the sur ? vev of Brook wood. 1 TRACT No. 3: A certain tract oi I parcel of land in Burlington Township Alamance County, North Carolina bounded as follows: 1 Being lots Nos. 1, 2, and 3, Block ( T of the sub-division of the Jas. A. Tur _ rentine lands ns platted by A. I. Schis lor. Surveyor, as shown on the pla ? record in tho office of Register of Deed t for Alamance County in Plat Book Nc i 2, Page No. 3 of said sub-division. TERMS OF SALE: CASH. This the 9th dav of August, 1930. NORTH CAROLINA TBU8' I COMPANY, Trustee. letter of Mr. J. Dolph Long, pub lished in this issue of your paper. If this writer wanted to be fair in pol itics, I ask him why he omitted the 1928 tax rate if It were not for the specific intention of misleading the casual reader, who does not look for details? This writer tried to make much of the fact that the Democrats had increased the bonded indebtedness of the county, whereas the Republi cans have issued no bonds. To be sure the Democrats had to issue some bonds with which to build a new and modern courthouse, a modern county home, a stockade, 18 or 20 miles of hard surface roads, about nine miles of catchnite road, at least 150 miles of sand clay road, numerous bridges, many ex cellent school buildings and to maintain the roads in excellent condition at all times which they did and which the Republicans have failed to do until the last month or two when they have started working them to get ready for the election. The writer of this article referring to the pay ments due on bonds uses this lan guage: "This makes a total of money that has to be paid by the taxpayers of the county of approx imately $175,000 for which the coun ty and the taxpayers get absolute ly nothing." Again I ask that writer if he thinks that statement has any truth or fairness in it? In the same article it is stated that the Republicans have saved $150,000 on road maintenance. This type of economy is the most reck less extravagance that public offi cials could commit for in the 21 months the Republicans have been in office the damage done to the roads through failure to properly repair and maintain them is, in the opinion of many citizens of the county, three or four times greater than the $150,00 which the Republi cans claim to have saved. Then Mr. Editor, I want to say that the records indicate that the annual payment on bonds met by the Republicans their first year in office did not exceed that paid by the Democrats by more than $10, 000. If they spend each year only $10,000 in excess of what the Dem ocrats paid annually on bonds, and if they have saved $150,000 more than the Democrats did in road maintenance and in addition to this have received approximately $75,000 from the state gasoline tax which the Democrats did not get, making a total of $225,000,1 want to ask them what they have done I with the money? It certainly has not been reflected in a reduction of the tax rate, for as Mr. Long points out in his letter referred to above, they have this year reduced the tax rate only 3.7 cents on the hundred dollars valuation. Now, Mr. Editor, I am informed that the Republican board of com missioners has recently ordered that the sheriff shall charge the school fund and all special tax funds in the county 2 3-4 per cent Mortgagee's Sale oi Real Property! Pursuant to the authority vest ed in the undersigned mortgagee by that certain mortgage deed 'executed by Win, Gaston Foust to the undersigned, dated Sep tember 26, 1929, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds fot ! Alamance County, N. C., in Mort gage Deed Book 115, at page 27, which said mortgage deed was given for the purpose of securing the payment of a certain note ol even date therewith; and, where as, default has been made in th< | payment of said note, the under signed mortgagee, under th< terms and provisions of saic 1 mortgage, will offer for sale, al public auction to the last, anc highest bidder for cash, the fol I lowing described real property, al the courthouse door in Graham [ N'. C, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th, l 1930, AT 12:00 O'CLOCK, NOON: A certain piece or tract of lane . lying and being in Burlingtoi Township, Alamance County State of N. C. and described ant ' defined as follows, to-wit: r A certain tract of land adjoin > ing the lands of Walter William: > and Lindsay Jeffreys, beginning i at the Northwest corner of W. F Williams 011 Jeffreys Avenue, run 1 ning with Jeffreys Avenue Nortl 1 43 ft. to an iron stake: thence a right angles Fast with Lindsa; .'j Jeffreys' line 84 ft. to an iroi I stake; thence in an Easterly ' direction 30 ft. to Northeast corn 'jer with said Williams' lot; theno ' with W. I". Williams' line 114 ft ' to the beginning. This sale subject to advance j bids as provided by law. s This the 26th day of August >? '930 K. F. K1RKPTRICK, Mortgagee r LONG AND ROSS, Attorneys. j commission for collecting said) funds. This has never been heard of1 before, in this county since the sheriff's office was put on a salary j basis, and they are doing this in the j face of the statement in their ar-j tide that they have saved the coun ty $150,000 on roads. Again, I ask if they saved all this money, why is it necessary for them to charge the school children of Alamance county for collecting these taxes? The amount of money they will get from the school fund by this charge will be approximately $7, 000, or the equivalent of a 2 cents tax rate. This means that the Re publicans levied a tax rate of $1.53 for 1929; that they couldn't operate on that amount; they found the Democratic board of education had sufficient money on hand by rea son of its economic operations and they are taking this money by charging the commission named above. In other words, the Dem ocrats are responsible for the re duction of 2 cents in 1929. They are responsible for 6.3 cents of the re duction in 1930. So we see that in the two years the Republicans have been in office the board of commis sioners has in reality contributed to the total 12 cents reduction in tax rate the meagre sum of 3.7 cents. The high tax rate of $1.70 in 1927 has been explained by Mr. Long. The reduction since that time has ( been made as follows: 1928 Democrats 15.0cents 1929 Democrats 2.0 cents | 1930 Democrats 6.3 cents 1930 Republicans 3.7 cents Total 27.0 cents The rate has been reduced since ! Notice i Trustee's SaW Real Estate ance^R A,amance Insur uReal Estate Company on the 2;th day of October, 1926 executed and delivered to W f' -Sharpe, Trustee, a deed of trust on certain lands in Alamance County, State of North Carolina herein described, to secure the payment of the sum of $2,700.00 &URe'Y\ "Alamance Insurance Estate Company, to Ala tToTL Builders Associa tion named as third party in the deed of trust herein referred to which deedI of trust is reCorded in le office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County, in Book of Deeds of Trust No. 86, page 192 to which reference is hereby 1"?^ Sa K n?te and deed trust haying been sold and as signed to Continental Mortgage Company, Assignees, and Ala mance Insurance & Real Estate 'Company having sold the prop erty to other parties, and default mg heen made by them in the payment of the monthly install T^Y iT'" P7JVlded; the whole of said debt and interest becomes dm. and payable as provided in said deed of trust; and the said Alamance Home Builders Asso ciation has requested the under signed trustee to execute the trust therein contained; NOW, THEREFORE, notice IS hereby given that under and by virtue of the power contained in the said deed of trust, the un dersigned trustee will, on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 1930, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK NOON, at the Courthouse door'in the town of Graham, by public auc tion sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described prop erty, to-wit: . A certain tract or parcel of land in Alamance County, North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of S. E. Jeffries, C. F. Rauhut and others, bounded as follows, to-wit i Beginning at a rock or stake on east side of Mebane Street, 71-1/3 ft. from Morehead St.; running thence south 36 deg. 36 min. east parallel with Morehead St. and with S. E. Jeffries line 203-1/4 ft to a rock or stake on C. F. Rau hut s line; thence north 53 deg. 24 min. east with said Rauhut's hne ft. to a rock or stake which is also J. W. Cates corner thence north 36 deg. 36 min. west 203-1/4 ft. to a rock or stake on Mebane St.; thence south 53 deg 24 min. West 71-1/3 ft. to the be ginning, being a portion of lot Ao. 20 of the town plat of Bur lington, located in the eastern part of said town. Said lands will be sold to sat isfy the debt secured by said deed of trust and such title will bt gi\en as is vested in said Trustee I his sale will be made subject to increased bids as provided by law, and will be held open for ten days after sale to give opporunity for such bids. This 20th clay ot August, 1931 e CONTINENTAL MORI GAGE CO., Assignees, ALAMANCE HOME BUILDERS ASSOCIA TION, Party of the Thir Part, W. E. SHARPE, Truste, M. C TERRELL, Attorney. \ * 1927 a total of 27 cents. Hie Dem ocrats are responsible for 23.3 cents of this reduction and the Republi cans only 3.7 cents. And yet they pose as disciples of economy. I am willing to leave It to the sound judgment of the people of the county as to who has the best rec ord for tax reduction. This August 30, 1930. LEO CARR. Notice of Re-Sale of Land. U nder and by virtue of the pow ar of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed, executed by C. L. Wall, trading as the Carolina Garage, and Fannie G. Wall, wife of said C. L. Wall, to At lantic Bank & Trust Company, Mortgagee, and A . W . McAlister, Assignee, dated June 20th, 1924, and recorded in Book No. 83, at pages No. 212 and 215 in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance county, North Carolina, default having been made in the pay ment of the indebtedness there by secured, and demand having been made for sale, the under signed Mortgagee and Assignee will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Graham, N. C., at 12 o'clock, Noon, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 6, 1930, the following described proper ty, located in the county of Alamance, North Carolina. A tract or parcel of land situ ate in Alamance county, North Carolina, and bounded as fol fows: That tract or parcel of land situated, lying and being in the County aforesaid, adjoin ing the lands of Gordon Lewis and others, bounded as follows: Begins at a rock on Lewis old line, running north 62 poles to a hickory; then west 165 poles to a rock; then south 124 poles to a rock; then 10J- poles to a poplar; then north 90 deg east 166 poles to the first station, containing 74? acres of land, be the same more or less. The bidding is to begin at the sum of $1470.00. This the 9th day of August, 1930. ATLANTIC BANK & TRUST COMPANY. Mortgagee. A. W. McALISTER, Assignee. Hoyle & Harrison, Att'ys. Mortgagee's Sale of Real Real Estate. Under and pursuant to tqe power of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed executed by J. G. Black and wife, Mattie Black, to the undersigned, Mrs. T. L. Fitzgerald, on the 20th day of November, 1921, and re corded in the office of the Reg ister of Deeds for Alamance County in Mortgage Deed Book 81, page 170, default having been made in the payment of the debt secured thereby, I will offer for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, at the courthouse door in Gra ham, North Carolina, on MONDAY, SEPT. 22, 1930, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the fol lowing described real property, to-wit: A tract or parcel of land in the County of Alamance and State of North Carolina, in Gra ham Township, adjoining the lands of Willis Covington, col ored, Jesse Bradshaw, and bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron bar, said Covington corner, ou North side of a street running from prem ises of Will Shepherd to premis es of Oneida Cotton Mills: run ning with said street S 87^ deg E 57 ft to an iron bar; thence N 2? deg E 198 ft to a stake in Bradshaw's line; thence ,vith said Bradshaw's line N 87-J deg W 57 ft tc a stake in said Cov ington's line; thence with said Covington's line S 2$ deg W 198 ft to the beginning, con taining Thirty-four One-hun dredths (.3d) of an acre, more or less. On said lot is situated a five-room cottag. This sale will be made subject to advance bids, as provided by law for mortgagees' sales. This the 21st day of August, 1930. MRS. T. L. FITZGERALD, Morigagee. J. Dolpli Long, Atty. 666 Relieves a Headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutes, checks a Cold the first day, and checks Malaria in three days 666 also in Tablets. The Southern Planter Semi-Monthly Richmond, Virginia The Oldest Agricultural- Journal in America 50 CENTS FOR ONE YEAR $1.00 FOR THREE YEARS $1.50 FOR FIVE YEARS TW1CE-A-N0NTH 200,000 TWICE-AflONTH < yrmji MOTHER? Fletcher's Castoria is a harmless Substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Teething Drops and Soothing Syrup? prepared to relieve Infants in arms and Children all ages of Constipation 'Flatulency Diarrhea Wind Colic To Sweeten Stomach ' Regulate Bowels Aids in the assimilation of Food, promoting Cheerfulness, Rest, and Natural Sleep without Opiates . To moid im its firms. always look lor the signature of I i ivvm ow^udfli oi pfr^ge. *|v"?-ni tm/iutrc rfContmcDfl %