FEEL I MEAN? Don't be helpless when you suddenly get a headache. Reach in your pocket for immediate relief. If you haven't any Bayer Aspirin with you, get some at the first drugstore you come to. Take a tablet or two and be rid of the pain. Take promptly. Nothing is gained by waiting to see if the pain will leave of its own accord. It may grow worse! Why postpone relief? , There are many times when Bayer Aspirin will "save the day." It will always ease a throbbing head. Quiet a grum bling tooth. Relieve nagging pains of neuralgia or neuritis. Check a sudden cold. Even rheumatism has lost its terrore for those who have learned to depend on these tablets. Gargle with Bayer Aspirin at the first suspicion of sore throat, and reduce the infection. Look for Bayer on the box? and the word Genuine in red. Genuine Bayer Aspirin does not depress the heart. BAYER^*) ASPIRIN RILLS 103 RATS ON NEBRASKA FARM A Nebraska farmer killed 103 rata in 12 hours with K-R-O (Kills Rats Only), the product made by a special process of squill, an ingredient highly recommended by the U. S. Govern ment. It is sure death to rata and mice but harmless to dogs, cats, poultry or even baby chicks. K-R-O is today America's most widely used rat and mouse exterminator. Sold by druggists on money.back guarantee. Speaking of Littla Thing* Eddie Cantor pulls a neat one on the midget, cars. A chap riding In one says to the driver: "It's dark; we must be going through a tunnel." "Tunnel, nothing!" replies the oth er, "we're under a truck." Grocery bills are not the terrors they used to be since people don't eat so much. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM KcmoTM Dandruff Stops Hair Falling Imnarta f*nlnr and Baauty to Cray and Fad ad Hair ^?Oc and II.00 at Druggists. Htoco.Chsm Wk. Patr^s.N.y, FLORESTON SHAMPOO ? Ideal for use in connection with Parker's Hair Balsam. Makes th? hair soft and fluffy. b0 cents by mail or at drug gist*. Hiscox Chemical Works, Patchogue, N.Y, Miniature Indoor Ciolf CoarwaOwnerii mak 111 k 1100 dally.Write for priees.golf courses, rubber greens, putters, balls. A. J. Steph ens. H27 t'h'stnut. Kansas t'lty, Missouri. FRECKLES Go Quichly... From the time you make the first application I they begin to fade like MAGIC. At all drug and dept. stores or by mail postpaid $1.25 ana 65c. A copy of Beauty Secrets FREE. DR. C. H. BERRY CO. 9078-5 Michigan Are. Chicago ' Plays No Favorite* MnrrlnKe Is the same adventure for every one, rich nnd poor.?Gilbert K. Chesterton. DOCTOR'S Prescription gives bowels Real Help Train your bowels to be regular; to move at the same time every day; to be so thorough that they get rid of all the waste. Syrup Pepsin?a doctor's prescription? will help you do this. When you take this compound of laxative herbs, pure pepsin and other val uable Ingredients, you are helping the bowels to help themselves. Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin Is the sensible thing to take whenever you are headachy, bilious, half sick from constipation. When you have no appetite, and a bad taste or bad breath shows you're full of poisonous matter or sour bile. Dr. Caldwell studied ' bowel troubles for 47 years. His pre scription always works quickly, thoroughly; can never dq you any harm. It Just cleans you out and sweetens the whole digestive tract. It gives those overworked bowels the help they need. Take some Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin today, and see how fine you feel tomorrow?and for days to come. Give It to the kiddles when they're sickly or feverish; they'll like the taste! Your druggist has big bottles of It, all ready for use. t . D?. W. b. Caldwell's SYRUP PEPSIIM A Doctori Family Laxative j b | ? ? p^e<#r* ? Castoria corrects CHILDREN'S ailments What a relief and satisfaction it is for mothers to know that there is always Castoria to depend on when babies get fretful and uncom fortable! Whether it's teething, colic or other little upset, Castoria always brings quick comfort; and, with relief from pain, restful sleep. And when older, fast-growing children get out of sorts and out of condition, you have only to give a more liberal dose of this pure vegetable preparation to right the disturbed condition quickly. Because Castoria is made ex pressly for children, it has just the needed mildness of action. Vet you can always depend on it to be | J II l^stl 1 ffective. It is almost certain to lear up any minor ailment and annot possibly do the youngest* hild the slightest harm. So it's the irst thing to think of when a child las a coated tongue, is fretful and >ut of sorts. Be sure to get the [enuine; with Chas. H. Fletcher** tig nature on the package. Act In Time! A Deal Promptly with Kidney Irregularities. fjJ r'bothered with bladder irri tations, getting up at night jWtr^ JH and constant backache, don't ulsvllle Courier-Journal. As we advance In life we learn the limits of our abilities.?l'roude. INDIGESTION. GOES?QUICKLY, PLEASANTLY When you suffer from heartburn, fa- or Indigestion. It's usually too much add In your stomach. The quickest way to stop your trouble Is with Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. A ?poonful In water neutralises many times Its volume In stomach acids? Instantly. The symptoms disappear In five minutes. Try Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, and you will never allow yourself to auffer from over-acldlty again. It Is the standard anti-artd with doctors. Tour drugstore has Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, with directions for use. In generous 2.V and 50c bottles. W. N. U. BALTIMORE, NO. 42-1*30. 11111111111111111111111111 Found Love in a Library By JANE OSBORN !: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I (Copyright.) r ESTER PORTER had been grnd uated from college ? a fact, said his friends, that Indicated thnt the faculty of Bnldwln university were getting rather lenient or that Lester had been very lucky. No one ever saw Lester reading a book, and If he ever spent any time In the college library during his four years as an under graduate, It was surely on rare occa sions. Then by some odd turn of events Lester tot a Job on the editorial stall of a magazine?but still he never read, at least any more than he had to. And the editor In chief one day remarked to ols first assistant, well out of Lester's hearing, thnt It was a mortal shnrne that Lester did not have a better education. "Oh, I know he's been to college," said the editorial lender. "But the trouble Is, Lester needs literary sea soning. lie's really clever, perhaps brilliant, but his manner and his writ ing give the Impression of a man who's never rend Too bad, because he will hardly do here in the editorial offices. We'll try to gel him switched over to the business department." Then It happened one day when Lester 1'orter had business In the sec tion of the old town where were stretched out the buildings and cam pus of Ills nlmn mater, thnt a really heavy rainstorm overtook him. And being only a short way from the old college library, Lester ran thither for shelter. Perhaps there would be a cflrrent magazine of a frothy nature that would serve to while away ten minutes or so. He would ask where they kept the current inagnzlnes. And the girl he asked happened to be Lorna Crane, youngest of all the young librarians employed In the col lege library?youngest and decidedly the prettiest. "There are no mngnzines In this section," she told Lester when he asked his question. "And 1 think you have to have n special permit to read them. Otherwise the students would be nt them all the time. Is there something else thnt you would like?" "Why, yes," said Lester. "I might browse around awhile If you have no objection." Lester stayed in the library an honr and a half that afternoon. And the longer he stayed the more sure he was thnt this girl with whom he had been tulklng possessed nil the quali ties needed to the making of his Ideal woman. He came back three or four days later at about the same time In the late afternoon, and seeing that the girl of his Ideals was on duty, Lesler sat down and began to read a book that some previous reader had left out. It was an essay on English lit erary style by a writer of whom Lester had never even heard. Despite his fre quent glancing up to see whether his Ideal was still not fat off Lester found himself becoming much inter ested in what this writer had to say. Again and again Lester came, al ways primarily to see the girl, but eventually in good measure to go on with some book that had taken his attention on some previous visit. Then some.iow Lester managed to get courage to ask this girl If she would sometime have tea with him when jhe could leave the library a lit tle early. And front that It wasn't very hard to ask her If he might call. She turned out to be the daughter of a professor?old Professor Crane, whom Lester had once regarded as a flrst-rate fossil. And from meeting Mrs. Crane and shaking hands with Professor Crane. It was not so very hard to. ask Lorna to go to the the ater with him and to manage to dance with her at a little club he knew about afterwards. "What's got Into you?" asked his editorial chief one day when I.ester was trying tc concentrate on a bit of editorial work before him. "You don't spend so much time at the office as you used to, but the time you do attend here you use to ten times ns good advantage. This review you've Just handed In and that editorial you wrote last week?why, man, they're corking! Not Just clever?your things were always that?but scholarly." Lester was trying to stammer out some sort of reply, but the editor went right on. -I was thinking of getting yon trans ferred over to the business depart ment," he said, "but since you've been doing so well here, I think you'd do better to stay with us. I think I'll pro mote you to Stanley's place?as my first assistant, lie's taking a year off nnd probably won't ever cotne back. That means, of course, about double the .-heck you are now getting." Lester stammered his thanks. "I'm especially glad," he said, "be cause I have Just become engaged to Lorna Crane, I'rofessor Crane's daugh ter. you know?and now we won't have to put off the wedding." "So that's It," commented the editor In chief. "Well, you're not the first man to whom romance served as a tonic." Harm Dona by Naisa Scientists have asserted that noises affect the brain more powerfully than do morphine or nitroglycerin. Ex periments wltt explosions produced by bursting blown-up paper bags have shown that even theee apparently triv ial noises Increased the pressure on tbe human brain to four timet the normal. NobMy.ever walked oqron Sir walter raleigh has restored the good repute of many a pipe. Give that unpopular briar of yours a thorough cleaning. Fill it with Sir Walter's smoking mix ture. Before you've finished the first can, you'll find yourself with a reforneJ pipe?a pipe that will get admiring glances from your friends. Sir Walter is a distinctive blend of fine Burlcy, skillfully mellowed to a mildness and fra grance that are hard to equal, no matter what price you pay. 1 B I If pip? -siSBil IT'S 15 f!?-and milder Ul EST OF BKAITTY IS NOT DIFF1CFL.1 with Andre's face powders, tissue, cold anc >vand creams. $1 postpaid. M. Chapln. 1'C! Burns St.. Forest Hills. N. Y. Opportunity for Women Everywhere. Send 10c tor sample and sales prospectus o! latest female necessity. Full or spare time Rapid seller, ('has. Winn. 14 Lyon.Utlca. N.Y Hardy Grain for Russia A hybrid grain, a cross betweer rye and wheat, lias been grown lr the Soviet botanical observatory al Minsk and it will probably make a great change In the grain lndustrj of the country. It has the cold-re slsting qualities of rye and the rich ness of wheat and the yield per ncrt is about trebled when comparec with wheat. It will be ready foi general distribution next year. Queen's Crucifix Added to Vatican Treasures The pope 1ms recently added a very Important, though quite unos tentatious looking crucifix to the al ready large and priceless collection i which he possesses. This crucifix ! was carried by Marie Antoinette al most up to the moment of her ex ecution and is made of wood and brass. After the queen had made her confession, an hour or so before her execution, she handed the simple lit tle crucifix to the priest . . . aJmost her last earthly act. Some time later the priest gave the crucifix to his niece, who lived in Toulouse. As she lay dying she asked the cure to select some little object as a keepsake. He chose Marie An toinette's crucifix. Later he became Monseigneur Rlcaid and It was he who bequeathed the relic to his holi- ; ness. i Millions in Vegetable* I One hundred thousand freight cars were required to move the vcge- j tables that w ere shipped out of I he state of California last year. This represents a valuation of $75,000,000, and the crop was 50 per cent more than it was five years ago. California Is not only conceded to be the first state in vegetable pro duction. but outstanding in the sci ence and practice of vegetable pro duction and marketing. Since the late 00s, when the first shipments of vegetables were made to the East ! from the Los Angeles basin, methods of growing, packing and loading have been constantly improved until at present the vegetable products of California and Arizona set the stand- j ard of quality on the East and Mid dle West markets. Got His on Earth Anne W. Armstrong tells n little story which "reveals the psychology o- the southern mountaineer. When she was a child her father took one grim old mountaineer from Yancey county, North Carolina, to visit the finest house in town. The moun taineer gazed at everything without comment, hut as they came away lie remarked, "Won't no man what lives in a house as fine as that there ever go to heaven!"?Washington Star. Dancing Taught by Squares Dancing steps are being taught by means of a checkerboard floorboard recently invented by a dancing mas ter of Berlin, Germany. It fits the average size room. The squares are numbered and a code tells upon which square the pupil's feet should be for each step. Pine for Pulpwood A great potential source of pulp wood for paper manufacture in this country Is the pine belt of the South, as southern pine grows seven to ten ' times faster than red spruce, long [ used for paper manufacture. I Time Out " Mrs. Talkalot?Mrs. Jabber and I ? are not on speaking terms. Mr. Talkalot?Oh, don't mind that! It won't hurt both of you to have a little rest. Giants The word "giant" is conventionally limited to persons over seven feet in height. I Tolerance of things you don't like ? is like swallowing unpleasant medi cine. Real dyes give richest colors I FOR every home use, Diamond Dyes are the finest you can buy. They contain the highest quality anilines that can be produced. It's the anilines in Diamond Dyes that give such soft, bright, new colors to dresses, drapes, lingerie. Diamond Dyes are easy to use. They go on smoothly and evenly; do not spot or streak: never give things that re-dyed look. Just true, even, new colors that keep their depth and brilliance in spite of wear and washing, 16c packages. All drug stores. DiamondoQyes Highest Quality for SOKm No one seems to value his youth it Its worth, except one whose health isn't very good. New Medicine Cabinet Bottle FEEN-A-MINT Value SOI DILLARD'S ASPEBGUM The Right and Easy Way _ to take Aspirin Value /Op Total Value 75* Feen-a-mint is America's most Popular Laxative. Pleasant, safe, dependable, non-habit forming. Keep it handy in this attractive economical bottle. Aspcrgum is the new and better way to take aspirin. No bitter tablet to swallow. Effective in smaller doses for every aspirin use. At your druggist's or HEALTH PRODUCTS CORPORATION 113 North 13th Street Newark, N. J. An Old Friend In a New Dress j lydia E. Pinkiiam's i Vegetable Compound J is now prepared in con | WMl vcnient, palatable, choc | olate coated tablets H packed in small bottles. || Each bottle contains 70 II tablets, or 35 doses. Slip PL** -1] a bottle into your hand bag. Carry your medi cine with you. During the three trying per iods of maturity, maternity and middle age, this remedy proves its worth. 98 out of 100 report benefit after taking it. These tablets are just as effec tive as the liquid. LtfdiaE.Rnkhaiirs Vegetable Compound tmummi. mm Alabama'. Riches Alabama's iron deposits will last about 400 years, according to a re cent estimate. 15 Betty Crocker *\t "Kitchen-tested" Recipes ^ By 12 Leading Stars of American Cookery Anna B. Scott's "All Star" Recipe for , PHILADELPHIA TEA CAKES is one you get inside every sack of COU> MEDAL v?/ "Kitchen-tested" FLOUR -tested' todaythe best bakers ark making a variety of delicious pastries-have you tried thrw