The Alamance Gleaner 1 \ :Xm VOL. LVII. GRAHAM, N, C., THURSDAY FEBRUARY 19, 1931. r NO. 3. ? . ~ ' " ? ? ? * ?? ? .v..^ - News Review of Current Events the World Over Radicals in Senate Keep Up Fight Against Drought Relief Compromise?Schall Attacks Attorney General Mitchell. ' By EDWARD W. PICKARD Radicals in the senate gave op hope of defeating the compromise on drought relief ap propriations which was outlined a week ago. for Uohlnson of Arkansas. Democratic leader. and many others prominent In his party Indorsed It as tlie hest that could he obtained. iu>th ??tutor Blaln* D.kl>. J I nuuiUBuu mill uininn)') n iiu mill i?cr? ?o critical of the administration's pol icy, changed their stand, defended President Hoover, expressed their con fidence In Secretary of Agriculture Hyde and admitted thnt the work of the Red Cross in the drought area had Improved until It was now ad equate to the situution. Robinson said he was not trying to save his" face, but honestly believed that the com promise agreement would do what was necessary. Secretary Hyde was asked to tell the senate whether in his opinion money obtained by farmers under the compromise plan could he used to bay food. His reply was yes. La Follette and Blaine of Wiscon sin. Norris of Nebraska and other In surgents continued to denounce the compromise as humiliating, wicked. Shameful and altogether wrong. Young Bob denounced the Democrats for co operating with the i dmlnlstrntlon. and asserted that "If we accept this sur render it means that we do nothing for the 22.000.000 affected by unem ployment." While he was speaking a committee of fifteen that was said to represent the workers' unemployment Insurance delegation tried to get into the house of representatives with a big petition, demanding that Speaker I-ongworth recess the house for twenty minutes so they might appear on the floor and state their case. The speaker refused this request and would not receive the committee in his office, so the peti tion was left with his secretary and the Importunate visitors were gently pushed out of the Capitol by a bunch of policemen. The unemployed work- ! ers were said to he led by commun ists. and the Washington police were out In force to prevent a Red Invasion. This aroused the wrath of Senator Blaine, who declared that "the menace i exists only In the minds of those who are protecting the very system that may some day create a real menace of this sort." In Minneapolis, Boston. New York, ftneramento and other cities there were communist demonstrations in behalf of relief for the unemployed, in some In stances inrolvlng conflicts with the police. TD. SCHAI-I- the ?blind radical lte pnbllcan senator from Minnesota, resents President Hoover's request that he cease recommending Ernest MtJiel of Minneapolis for s federal Judge ship and submit a list of "lit" candidates. He puts all the blame for the situation on At torney General Mitch Erneat Mle'itl ?II. declaring that the latter'a "corpor ation-public utility connectlona" hare warped hla Judgment. Schall lao't let ting the affair reat. He aent a letter ratling to the atteotlob of the I'real dent "laine of the former corporation connectlona of hla attorney general." and nlao told the aenate all about tbeae. "An a Itepuhllcan and a aenator," ftchall wrote, "let me Importune yon. Mr. I'realdenU jot to cloae your eyea to the leaaona of recent political hie tnry. Tuft wrecked hla adtnlnlatratlon by truatlng Bellinger; Harding wrecked hla by truatlng Fall. Daugh erty and othera of leaaer notoriety like Theodore Kuab Holland. "A re you going to tvreck youre by further truatlng your attorney gener ?I? The gnawer It for you to make; hut mllliona of loyul Uepuhllrana throughout the land are hoping and praying for a negative anawer." WKI.U the Smedley Butler Incident la cloaed. The flery marine gen eral baa expreased In writing hla re gret for hla animadreralona on Prem ier Muaaollnl. Secretary of the Nary Ailuiiia baa formal I ? reprimanded him for hla Indlacretlon. and the order for the general'* court-martial trial, haa been revoked. The public la dlaappoint e ed for It had expected iome spicy rending. Information obtained at Washington is that Ambassador de Murtlno of Italy called on Secretary of State Stlmson and discussed the Butler case In such a way that It was easy to Infer that his government would prefer that Italo-Amerlcan relations should not be Imperiled through a presentation of the circumstances surrounding the al leged hit-and-run Incident In a possi bly acrimonious way. It was apparent that Mussolini would be glad If the mutter were dropped entirely, so Mr. Stlmson suggested to Mr. Adams that a compromise might be effected, with the result stated above. Premier Mussolini was quoted as saying In Rome: "I have already for gotten the whole matter, except the kind touch of friendship the American government showed towards Italy and me." WHEN the senate passed the inde pendent ottlcep appropriation bill the federal farm board was given a new lease of life and assured that It could continue its operations for another year. The measure curried the final $100,000,000 of the board's authorised $500,000,000 revolving loan fund. The senators, desiring to avoid blt.rae If the board falls to accomplish results, rejected an amendment of fered by Senator Black of Alabama which would have forbidden the use of any of the hundred millions for trading in futures on grain or cotton exchanges. Southern senators were particularly exercised over the use of farm board funds by cotton co-operatives In trad ing in futures. By permitting its funds to be used In this way It was as serted that the board is encourug tig speculation. Embarrassing. to say the least. Is the position In which Leo S. Rover, district attorney of the District of Colum bia, finds himself. When the senate re scinded Its approval of the appointment of George Otis Smith as a member of the fed era I power board and then rejected the Leo I. Rover I uuiuiuuuun, u aisu itunpieu a rvaniu tlon ordering Mr. Itover to Institute court proceedings to oust Mr. Smltn from the bottrd. He hut no choice hut to ohejr these Instructions. However, hoth President Hoover and Attorney General Wllllnm Mitchell hold that Mr. .Smith's appointment was legal and that the former approval of It by the senate must stand, wherefore ap parently It la up to Mr. Itover to at tempt to prove that his superiors sre wrong In their contention. ' BISHOP GANNON of the Methodist Church South was freed from rite charges made against hint, the elders deciding they did nnt have sufficient merit to warrant putting the hlshop on trial. But this didn't end the churchman's troubles, for Senator Nye's campaign fund committee, with enlarged powers, called on him to ex plain his expenditures of antl-Smlth funds In the campaign of IH28. Disclosure In the house of the large expenses Incurred by the Nye com mittee In Its travels about the coun try has greatly Irked the North Da kota senator. This expense account has been Introduced Into the Congres sional Record, and Nye Justly fears It will be a potent wenpon In this hands of his foes when be comes up for re-election. Friends and '?d mlrera of Albert C. Ritchie of Mary land are rery bury tbeae daya urging blra aa the Democratic atandard bearer of 1032. They hare formed the Ritchie for-l'realdeot league and tta general aecre tary, Lawrence l-ock wood of Baltimore, aaya It will hare Gov. RltehU branch** Is fnrty-elsbl state* within three months. Already the** branches number thirteen. organlZHllnna In Michigan. Massachusetts. Illinois and Georgia baring been formed In the last two weeks. The national president of tbs Ritchie league I* Kdward A. Gabler of Philadelphia. and the leader In New York In Wllllnra A. Powell. At Is of course well known, Governor Kltchle Is a wet. BY A rote of 91 to 56 the lower house of the Illinois ssseniblj passed an act wiping out the state prohibition law and the search and seizure act that complements It. The repealers had 1-1 more rotes than were necessary. The measure geaninre* she has several page boys displaying more then 1.0UU she has received hut which she cannot wear because of lack of room. They've all been given her" Id recognition of her dancing. ?????? Rob* Quarantined Home Brunswick. Maine.?The familiar red sign warning that the house was under quarantine for scarlet fever failed to dctor a burglar. He entered the home I of Arthur Smith and stole $100. " i This Plane Carries Air Mail in Its Wings Officials tl Washington Inspecting the latest type ot plane* designed tor the air mail service. The; are all metal and macb of tha mall la carried In the hollow wings. FAIRIES' MOSS GROVE Ton ma; be surprised to bear that irownles like roller skating, for yoo would think that jT3t they would fall down every mo ment?they are so round and fat Well, that la per fectly true. They fall down almost as often aa they take a single roller skating stroke, and often they no sooner stand up than they fall down again. But they think that Is lots of fan. and as It always made the fairies laugh at the party and gave them sack a good time watch Lots of Fun. [ng them. they didn't mind In the very least little bit. Weil, at this party, the brownies had arrived first at the rallies' Moss Grove, and had made it look much like a very, big occasion by having tables spread a round the edge of the grows filled with little dishes of brownies" broth, brownies' bread and brawniest biscuits. ail ready for luncheon. In the very center of the grove was a big throne. Around the throne were countless Htle bright yellow bushes ill In their spring garb of lovely Moo ices. The big throne bore over the top af It In large letters: "For the Fairy Queen." and the little fairies always rested under the yellow bushes. Somehow the fairies thought the brownies wanted them te real almost before they, had tried to skate?which was very true, fos the brownies were very proud of their decorations. "Weil." the brownies said, "we will now begin the celebration. We wffl show you fancy skating such as yarn have never seen In nil your life." And the fairies believed It. for they knew that the fancy skating of the brownies would be suite different from any other so-called fancy skating. To their surprise, however, the brownies had practiced what to <1 rich time they fell down. They would el.her turn a somersantt or do a handspring or slide along the soft moss In a very funny way. with their arms and legs flying shore. K seemed 1 How the fairies did laugh, for they never knew what the brownies won going to do next. They were certainly the funniest little roller skaters, and the tolrtan lDOOjDI roej snouiu Just be called "rollers" because they rolled more than they stated: At the very end of the afternoon, thonch. when once more the brownies were dolnc some of their tricks, the leader of the en tertainment said: "Now for oor ballet dance." And all the little brownies did a bal let dance which they named the Tumble?the best name they could have riven It. for Th? Tumbl*. inejr tumnieu so very, itrj muca um? than they dauced. But It was a very jolly party and there were so much laughter; I won der If you heard some echoes of their laughter the other afternoon? Perhaps you did. PUZZLES What files and yet baa no wlnga? Time. ? ? ? What plant turns a girl Into a wom an? Thyme (Time). ? ? ? Why Is A a fortunate letter? Be cause It Is always In health. ? ? ? How may book-keeping be taught ta three words? Never lend them. ? ? ? How )s a poultry dealer compelled to earn his living? By fowl meani ? ? ? Why should a fisherman be wealthy? Because his business Is all not profit ? ? ? When do we find the wind moat bit ing? When we are in the teeth of the gale. 1