THE GLEANER JRAHAM, N. 0., AUG. 13,1931. 1 ? ?-+++++++?? ++++++++++++++++ ? * y LOCAL NB VS. * ' I I I H I I H I . I I I I I ||* ?Superior Court will convene i next Monday for the trial of crim-1 lnal cases. I ?Mrs. Bettle Griffin was honored I with a birthday party on last Sat-1 urday, her 81st, by Mrs. R. V. Grif fin. ?On account of the recent rains I the streams of the county are said I to be fuller,than for several years! past. ?Graham Kiwanls Club will hold their meeting next Friday I evening at Union church, near! Saxapahaw. ?A reunion of the Murray and! Thomas families will be held at Mt. Zlon Baptist church near I Kimesvllle on Saturday. ?The county sold 22 mules at public auction Monday at the Colinty Home farm. They brought an average price of $87 each. They were good work mules. ? I, ?The change In temperature from Monday till Tuesday was sol decided that men for comfort | abandoned the shirt-sleeve style I and donned their coats. ?Mr. and Mfs. W. H. May of Burlington gave a reception on last) Saturday evening, celebrating their sliver anniversary. Hundreds of their friends called to extend con-1 gratulatlons. ?Mrs. W. B. Quakenbush re-1 turned home last Saturday from the hospital In Greensboro where! she underwent a serious operation! more than two weeks ago. She has been recovering nicely. ?John M. Crawford, of the firm of Crawford & McAdams, clothing merchants here, has been appoint-1 ed acting postmaster,for Graham until Decembe# 1st. He entered upon the duties Monday. ?Hal Farrell is preparing to I i build a home. He has bought the I lot on N. Main St. between the I home of W. A. McAdams and thfel M. E. Church lot. The residence! will be of the bungalow type. I ' ?It began raining here Mon day evening and kept It up, ex cept at short intervals, till Into the early part of Tuesday night. At times it poured. During Mon day night there was something of I an electric storm. ?There will be regular services I at Gratham Christian church onl Sunday next, the 3rd Sunday, and on the 5th Sunday. Preaching at 11 o'clock by the pastor, Dr. W. C.I Wicker. The public Is cordially In vited to attend these services. I ?Mrs. McBrlde Holt gave a I birthday party Wednesday evening I In honor of Mrs. Armstrong Holt.l Miss Virginia Harden, who Is leav ing for Birmingham, Ala., In a few! days to take a special course lnl the direction of theatrical produc-l tions, shared the honors of the eve-1 nlng. - r ?Mr. Edgar Long gave the Ki wanlans, at their regular meeting last Friday evening, an interesting account of the Journeys of him self and party on their nearly six weeks western trip in June and July. During their trip they were within the borders of 19 states and traveled about 8,500 miles. - ?When Pete Harden went out Wednesday morning to see how his Ford was behaving, It lacked some of all being where he left it?three wheels, the cushion, and all other loose parts were gone. The Ford was drenched Monday night and Tuesday morning it failed to start off. It was left by the roadside for fairer weather, so when Pete look ed it over yesterday, he had the inspiration of trying to get to gether again the missing parts. A want ad under the caption "Lost, strayed or stolen" would have been appropriate, but there is slim chanee that it would have found anything for him. Mrs. Julius I. Foust Dies in Greensboro. On Tuesday night, Mrs. Foust, wife of Dr. Julius I. Foust, presi dent of North Carolina College for Women, died at her home In Greensboro after a long illness. She was Miss Sallie Price of Wash , lngton, N. C, and was in her 60th year. She is survived by one son, William H. Foust of Greensboro, and two grandchildren. Dr. Foust is a native of Alamance, having been bora and reared near Gra ham. He is a son of the late Capt. Thos. C. Foust, and a sister, Mrs. W. B. Quakenbush, lives here. A brother, Jas. A. Foust, lives two miles south of Graham. / ? ? ? PERSONALS + T ? Mrs. Geo. S. Stratford spent last week at Carolina Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Morris are In Washington this week. Jimmy Mack Holt Is spending the week at Cherokee Camp. Mrs. C. F. Clapp spent the week end with relatives In Greensboro. Mrs: J. W. Boone Is visiting her son, Walter Boone, in Fayettevllle. Mr.' John B. Stratford left Mon day for Richmond on a business trip. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wrlke spent Sunday with his parents at Rand leman. Misses Lavona Amlck and Eliza beth Long spent the past week In New York. - Misses Mary Walker and Lala Browning left Monday for a week in Washington. O. L. Thomas of Hillsboro spent Sunday here with his sister, Mrs. W. Lee Andrews. Miss Nina Quakenbush, living In Greensboro, is spending a few days at her home here. Mr. M. E. Yount spent Sunday with Mrs. Yount and children at Wrlghtsville Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. deR. Scott', and son, William, spent last Sun day in Fayettevllle. Mrs. Jas. M. Moon and children are at home from a visit to her parents in Greensboro. Mrs. H. A. Pollard and son, Ronald, and Miss Bess Paul are vis iting relatives in Benson. Miss Mary Weeks of Winston Salem visited Mrs. W. R. Harden here the first of the week. S. S. Holt, Jr., and Junius Holt Harden are spending this week at Camp Cherokee, near Reidsville. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Ward and their two boys, Billy and Sam, spent the week-end at Moore's Springs. Mrs. H. W. Scott spent the week end In Raleigh with her sisters, Misses Mamie ai)d Lillian Turner. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. May and chil dren of Durham spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Julius F. Thomp son. Mr. W. A. Bradshaw and daugh ter, Miss Helen, went to Charlottes ville, Va., Monday on a business trip. Ma J. J. J. Henderson left here Saturday night on a business trip to New York, returning Wednesday morning. Rev. Geo. L. Casper of Ricbgnond visited here at the home of his father, Mr. W. L. Cooper, the first of the week. \ _ Miss Elizabeth Grey of Winston Salem, after a visit here with her aunt, Mrs. Don E. Scott, returned home Monday. Misses Mary Tome Hughes and Lola Piper and Mr. and Mrs. Olive Dixon were recent visitors at Morehead City. Mrs. Ernest JJrase ana cniiaren who Jiad been here visiting her sis ter, Mrs. W. L. Cooper, left Mon day for Wilson. W. H. Boswell and daughters, Misses Elsie and Ersell, and Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. Freeze spent Sun day at Plnehurst. Derwood Aman of Jacksonville spent Sunday here with James Cook. They were classmates at Oak Ridge last year. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Hender son of Oxford spent the week-end here with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. C. Bradshaw. Misses Virginia and Margaret Crutchfleld of Bonlee, who have been visiting their aunt, Mrs. J. O. Black, returned home Sunday. Miss Cornelia Pomeroy of Char lotte is visiting her sister, Miss Elizabeth Pomeroy, at the home of their aunt, Mrs. J. Harvey White. Mrs. J. W, Browning and child ren and Misses Fannie and Nancy Browning attended services at Bush Arbor, Caswell county, Sun day. Mr, and Mrs. H. A. Pollard and son, Ronald, and guest, Miss Bess Paul of Savannah, Oa., attended the Ivey reunion at Wilson Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. O. O. Rogers of Whiterille, and Mrs. Mamie Patter son of Liberty visited Messrs. Ben and Mack Rogers the first of the week. Miss Elizabeth Moore, returned Sunday from a week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. R Donneil in Greensboro. They brought her home. Mrs. Nancy Jonas and son, Earl, and his wife and their two children of Veedersburg, Ind., arrived here Tuesday night and are visiting W. H. Jones and family. Miss Mary Willie Hastings of Reldsvllle, who has been visiting Miss Laura May Holt, has return ed home accompanied by the lat ter for a week's visit. Dr. and'Mrs. Wlllard C. Qoley spent Sunday at Jackson Springs, where his parents. Dr. and Mrs. W, R. Goley, are visiting their daughter, Mrs. George R. Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Allen and son Joseph spent Sunday In Ral eigh with relatives. Their son, Louis C., Jr., who had been thele on a visit, returned with them. Mrs. Jas. P. Harden and daugh ters, Misses Luta and Margaret, and Mrs. Robt. E. Harden and Mrs. Dover G. Heritage of Greensboro spent the week-end at White Lake. Mrs. Ben Harrop and daughter, Miss Katherine Harrop, of Bristol, Tenn., came yesterday on a visit to Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Harrop. They are mother and sister of Mr. Harrop. Mr. and Mrs. John White Ives and daughter, Eliza, and Mrs. L. T. Royal of Smithfield spent Sun day here with Miss Mamie Parker. Mrs. Royal and little Miss Eliza re mained for a visit. Medames J. D. Kernodle, J. J. Henderson and John B. Stratford and Misses Mary Catherine Proc tor, Cora Emmaline Henderson and Cora Harden Stratford spent last Friday with Mrs. L. H. Kernodle In Reldsvllle. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McAdams and daughter, Dorothy Miller, went to Goldsboro Saturday to visit Mrs. McAdams' father, Mr. A .A. Miller. Mr. McAdams returned Monday and Mrs. McAdams and daughter remained for a visit. Mrs. J. J. Henderson and daugh ter, Miss Cora Emmaline, accom panied Miss Mary Catherine Proc tor, who had spent a week here with the latter, to her home in Lumberton last Sunday. Mrs. Henderson is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Jas. D. Proc tor, and Miss Henderson is visit ing Miss Proctor. Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr., was here a short while Friday afternoon on her way to Greensboro. She had spent the week with her daugh ter, Mrs. J. Mel Thompson, in Mebane. Accompanying her were her daughter, Mrs. Chas. W. Cau sey, and daughter, Nancy Scott, and Mary Hampton, the young daughter of John Scott, all of Greensboro. ^ Walker Family Reunion. Last Sunday the Walker family had a reunion at the old home In Orange county between Cedar Grove and Cross Roads church. This old home Is now owned by J. Clarence Walker who was born there as was his father, the late Robert L. Walker. Those attending from here were H. Curry Walker and family, J. Clarence Walker and family, Mrs. Dan Walker and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Walker, Jr., Miss Daisy Walker and Layton Walker. Of the family and the near relatives there were about 120 present. A most enjoyable day Is reported by those in attendance. General County Court. The following are among the matters disposed of In the General County Court this week: Charles Fuller, reckless driving; $50 and costs and revocation of li cense 12 mos. John Whitaker, abandonment and non support; 2 years In Jail and assigned to state roads. George Turner, liquor for sale; guilty. Robert Matherly, shooting and stealing chicken; 60 days on roads. Ed. Brown, Illegal possession of whiskey for sale; 4 mos. on roads, suspended upon payment of costs and being of good behavior. Cecil Miller, homebrew; 12 mos. on roads, suspended upon payment of costs and being of good behav* Clarence Vincent, assault; $50 and costs, fine to be remitted up on payment of $25 to prosecuting witness. Thump Miller, possession and transporting; 6 mos. on roads; appealed. B. L. Rogers, reckless driving; costs and $100 to be paid Into court to be paid out as court may direct, and no civil action for dam ages to be brought. Wilson County will harvest a bumper tobacco crop of good |ual ity according to present indica tions. Farmers arc cramped for barn room because of rapid ripen to* of tiae crop. John D. Vaughn, Well Known Citizen, Dies Suddenly. John D. Vaughn, long time cit izen of Graham, died quite sud denly about 2:20 yesterday after noon at his home, N. Maple St. Mr. Vaughn was down town yes terday morning and had gone home for dinner. An attack of angina pectoris came on while he was at dinner and physicians were summoned but were unable to re lieve him. It is learned that he had a similar attack the night be fore. Mr. Vaughn was born May 18, 1864, in Orange county as we are informed, but had spent most of his life In Graham. By trade, he was a shoemaker and an expert ih his line. Deceased was twice married. By the first marriage he Is survived by the following children: Mrs. J. H. Vaughn of Winston-Salem; Mrs. H. E. Cates and Mrs. W. F. Wood of Burlington; Mrs. A. C. Yowman of Los Angeles, Calif., T. E. Vaughn of Hlllsboro; C. C. and J. R. Vaughn of Greensboro. The second wife and7 two _chil dren, Albert Jackson and Jane Duke, also survive. He Is also survived by a brother and sister, W. t,. Vaughn of Winston-Salem and Mrs. William Carroll of Dur ham. Mr. Vaughn was a member of the M. E. church, from which the funeral will- be conducted at 3 o'clock this afternoon by his pas tor, Rev. J. L. Rowland, and the interment will follow in Linwood cemetery. Deaths. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Sam A. Cooper of Farmers, Ran dolph county, died Monday and the remains were burled here Tuesday in Linwood cemetery. Mrs| Hallie Murray Carter, aged 20 years, wife of Geo. W. Carter, died Monday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mur ray, north of Elon College. Tlfe In terment was in Pine Hill cemetery Tuesday afternoon. James L. Myrlck, aged 14 years, died in a Greensboro hospital Monday night, following an opera tion for appendicitis. He was a son of Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Myrick of Graham. Besides his parents, he is survived by two brothers, Junius and Numa. Rev. J. L. Row land conducted the funeral service Wednesday afternoon and the in terment was at Phillips Chapel. Jurors For Court, Aug. 17th The following have been drawn to serve as jurors at the criminal term of Alamance Superior Court, beginning Aug. 17th: Patterson Township?F. D. Hor naday, J. Claud Eullss, I. E. Sharpe, R. L. Watkins. Coble?L. W. Sharpe, W. B. Gar rett, M. V. Ingle. Morton?G. E. Somers, J. T. Rcld, L. D. Ross, Ernest J. Ross, G. R. Lewis. Graham?J. D. Foust, W. F. Dod son, C. A. Stockard, R. B. Martin, T. C. Bradshaw. Newlln?G. B. Nicholson, R. W. Lindley, J. H. Woody. Thompson?J. H. Roney, Murphy A. Ray, E. E. Morrow, J. Wright Thompson. Melville?G. H. Harris, P. N. Thompson, Sam C. Long, J. T. Gib son. Burlington?P. E. Morrow, Clif ford T. Foster, A. W. Dodson, J. R. Davis, Paul Stephens, A. T. Rid dle. Haw River ? Floyd Douglas, James S. Foster, James J. Ander son, Henry C. Bason, J. R. Porter field: Adult Clinic At Burlington Aug. 17th. The adult tuberculosis clinic will open Monday, August 17th, and run till Saturday, 12:30 p. m., August 22nd. The place of meeting Is Fisher Street school building, Burlington. There is no cost to the applicant for the examination. Ap plications are coming in. If you wish to be examined write to me at once at Burlington, for an ap pointment. P. H. FLEMING, Supt. Public Welfare. Inspect The Orchard And Study/Trees. One ot the best methods of de termining whether or n >t :h-> or chard is responding prope-|y "> t e management rrrthods given ;t > to inspect the '.reei cire'ul' / it this saason of th* yeir. ? "This applies part cularl / oappl orchards,'' says it. It. Niswong". extension horticultur s a'. -St it" College. 'Every late ulg oaerwil go thirough his orchard wl ile fieri* is a lull \p work and examine hhe fruit for di?easr. There mty -be some fruit cleaner than -other in the same variety. There may be some variation in pruning or in the kind of spra^ng mat used. It ti wlae to mark any trees that may need special attention in the future." Mr. Niswonger suggests th'at fruit be examined for codling moth damage especially on the trees standing near the packing and storage places. This is an in dication thht these places must be cleaned up. The fruit should also be examined for scale insect because they multiply and sprTid rapid! ? during the summer. A close inpection oT the foli a,ge of t.i> trea) will p i/, Mrs. Niswonger beliieves. Some foliage may show the need for more nitro gen or organic matter in the soil. Some tree* may be dying from the attacks of field mice dor from dis ease.. A|s soon as ttte harvest is oyer, the grass and weeds and the mice tunnels under the trens should be destrolyted by hoeing. When earty winter comes, put out some poiaened bait to kill out] the moo At a!ny, rate, during this season, evefly ordhlardist will find it profit able to go over liis trees carefit'ly and mdke'noties as to future worx needed to be done. Wanted: A Cheap Buggy or Light Conveyance. Mrs. P. R. HARDEN, Route 2. Graham, N. C. Certificate of Dissolution To All to ? bora These Present* May Come? Greeting: \ Whereas. It appears to ray satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by ths unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited In my offloe.that the Mutual Power 4c Light Company,a corporation of this State. whose principal office is sltutated at No. St., In the City of Burlington, County of Ala* ma nee. Stats of North Carolina (Eugene Holt being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom procees may be served), has compiled with the requirement* of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the Issuing of this Certificate of Dlaaolution: Now, therefore, I, J. a. Hartneee. Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby eertlf y that the said corporation, did on the 20th day of J uly, 1981. file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which said consent and the record of the pro ceedings aforesaid are now on file in my said office as provided by law. In testimony whereof. I have hereto set my hsnd and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 20th day of July. A. D. l?l. [Seal of State] J. A. HABTNESB. S0-4t , Secretary of State J. Oolph Long, Att'y. Land Sale, Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior C6urt of Alamance County, North Caro lina, made in an action therein pending being numbered 5033 and entitled F. W. Moore vs. Mariah Moore and others heirs at law of John Moore, and by virtue of the provisions of Chap ter 204 Section 3 of the Laws of 1929, and the provisions of law respecting sale of real property for taxes, the undersigned Com missioner will offer for sale at the Courthouse door in Graham, at 12:00 o'clock, M., on SATURDAY,JULY 25th, 1931, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real property, to wit: A certain tract or lot of land in Morton Township in Ala mance County, N. C., adjoining Sarah Sutton, David Barber and others: Beginning at a red oak in David Barber's line, a corner of Johnson and Alex Garrison: thjnce running E. 15 chs. to a stone ;thenceN. 54 deg. E. 4.69chs. to a stone; thence E. to E. M. Holt's line; thence N. with his line 16.54 chs. to a post oak; thence 28.73 chs^ to a post oak. | said David Barber; S. 4.55 chs. to a post oak; thence W. 4.75 chs. to a stone; thence 16.04 chs. to the beginning and containing 60.3 acres by estimation. Being the same that was conveyed to John Moore by George Kerno die, see deed book 8 page 315. Except from the above has been conveyed three several lots as follow-: 1. To J. Iin lb ore Jr.4 acres, see deed book 5o page 59 2. To G. Russell 3 acres, see deed book 36 page 298. 3. To Maggie Pinnix 3 acres see deed book 35 page 544. This land is being sold in the foreclosure of a tax certificate issued by the sheriff of Ala mance County in tax sale for the taxes of Mariah Moote for the years 1926 and 1927. said sales having been made September 26, 1927, and September 3rd. 1928. Terms of Sale: Cash. Place of Sale: Court House deor, Graham, N. C. Time of Sale: 12:00, O'clock, M., Saturday, July 25, 1931. This the 12th day of June, 1931. J. S. COOK, Commissioner CASTOR IA For Infants and I ;d--n In Um For Ovor 30 Years Z2Z Notice of Sale! Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust executed by Geo. T. Lambert and wife, Daisy Lambert, on the 8th day of August, 1929, to John S. Thomas, as Trustee, default having l>een made in the pay ment at maturity of the note therein described and thereby secured, and the holder of said note having demanded sale of the said property hereinafter described, in accordance with the said deed of trust, the un dersigned Trustee will, on MONDAY, SEPT. 14th, 1931, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the courthouse door of Ala mance County,in Graham,N.C., the following described real estate, to-wit: A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Alamance County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the landB of S. A. Sellars and others, bounded as follows: Beginning at an iron bolt on Linctln St. corner of lot No. 13; thence N. i deg. E. 380 ft. to stake: thence S. 73^ deg. W. 95 ft. to stake on Hayes Street; thence S. i deg. W. 380 ft. with Hayes St. to iron bolt on Lincoln St.; thence N. 73$ deg. E. with said St. 95 ft. to the beginning, and containing 36870 sq. ft. and known as lot No. 12 in plat of said lands. Said sale will remain open a period of ten days for increased bids, as provided by law. This the 10th dav of August, 1931. JOHN S. THOMAS, Trustee. NOTICE! Summons by Publication NORTH CAROEINA ALAMANCB COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT F. W. Moore, Plaintiff, Vi. S. R. Thompson and wife, S. B. Thompson, and J. W. Thomp son, Defendants. Notice is hereby given that an action has been started in the Superior Court of Alamance County to foreclose a tax certifi cate for the year 1927, Alamance County taxes, the same being a lien on said real estate describedi as follows: A tract of land in Newlin Township, Alamance County, and beginning at a stake in the Graham Road; running thence W. 10 chs. to a persimmon tree; thence N. 8 deg. W. 1.50 chs. to a stone; thence N. 52V4 deg. W. 10.25 chs. to a stone,corner with Albert McVey; thence S. 10 deg. W. 24 chs. to a stone on the N. side of the Hilisboro Road; thence S. 56 deg. E. 10.25 chs. to a stone; thence E. 24.30 chs- to a stone on the Graham Road, corner with J. W.Thomp son ; thence N. with the Graham Road 17.(50 chs. to the begin ning containing 60 acres, more ior less. All persons claiming any in ; terest in the above described real estate are hereby notified that if they fail to appear and de fend their claim within the time provided by law, which is six months 1 rom date of this notice, they will be forever barred and foreclosed of the same, This the 7th day of August, 1931. E. H. MURRAY, Clerk Superior Court. L C. Allen, Attorney. \ NOTICE! Summons by Publication A ?-?_? NOBTH CAROLINA, | $ ALAMANCE COUNTY, IN THB 8UPEBIOB OOUBT Robert Reiner, Incorporated, A New Jersey Corporation, Plaintiff, YS. James J. Sullivan, Jr..Defendant. The defendant, James J. Sol- J livan, Jr., will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina, to secure pos session of certain personal prop erty and judgment for the wrongful breach of contract; and the said defendant will fur ther take notice that he is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county in the courthouse in Oraham, N. C., on the 17th day of August, 1931, and ans wer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This the 17 day of July, 1931, E. H. MUBBAY, Clerk Superior Court. Ale?nee Count r Thama* * Madrr. Attj'a. 666 7 i liquid oa TAiuns Relieve* * Headache er KemUft ia SS minute*, check* a Cold th* fntmj. sad check* Malaria ia thrae day*. 666 Salve for Baby's CeM. Notice of Real Estate Sale. Under authority of a judg ment of the Superior Court of Alamance County in a proceedings wherein W. boat Thompson. Adm'r J. 8. Grave* is plaintiff and Mrs u?^ Moeer and Mrs. Novella G. HDL iard et al. are defendant* the undersigned commiaeieoer will on SATURDAY, AUG. 15 th, 1931, at liHX) o'clock, at the courthouse door in Gra ham, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest for cash the following described real estate: A certain tract of landia Ala mance County, ioininr the of Chas. Keck et al, Imgiii niugat ? rock, corner with Hid Keck, and running ox deg. E. 19 cha to a rock, corner with said Williaim, in Keck line thence S. 21* deg. 90 chs. to a willow oak, cor. with said Will iams; thence N. 78* deg. W. 74 Iks. to a dead post oak; thmra S. 13* deg. W. 33.49 chs. to a rock,corner with said William* | in line of Milton Iaeley; S. 88 deg. W. 7.14 chato a rock in Shoe Spring branch, cor. with said Deley; thence down said branch as follows: N.39 deg. W. 9.70 astake; thence ii.14 deg. W.l 46 cite, to stake; thence N. I !? deg. E. 1.5o chs. to large I'l I-r tree at ford across branch;' i iheuce N. 44 deg. W. 1.45 cha. I to stone; thence N. 63 deg. W. ? 1.07 cha. to a stake; thence N.S6 deg. W. 1.9 chs. to stake; thence N. 49 deg. W. 9.35 chs. to rock 8' west of a large willow uak, corner with said Iseley; thence N 43* deg. W. 3.40 chs. to maple; thence N.34 deg. W.l.45 chs. to poplar on west hank of branch; thence N. 49 deg. W. 4.70 cha to rock cor. with Iseley in Tingen line near ford in branch: thence S. 84f deg.E. 8.36 cha. to rock, corner with said Tingen north of the road; thence N. 7 deg. E 5.03 cha to a rock comer, with said Tingen; thence S. 85* deg. E. 5 cha to a rock, corner with Tingen; thence N. 5 deg. E. 12.09 cha to a rock, corner with Tingen; theuce N. 87 deg. W. 4 oha to a rock corner with Tingen; thence ? N. 2f deg. E. 11.50 cha to the beginning,containing 56.5acre* more or lea* being the land willed to John S. Graves bv Willis Iseley. The sale is made subject to advance bigs and the confirma tion of the Court. Ten per cent of tV is bid will be deposited the day of sale and the balance paid on confirmation. This the 18 day of July, 1931, LOUI8 C. ALLEN, I Commissi oner.

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