" fHK GLEANER JKAllAM, N. 0.. NOV. 12. 1931. ????+????? T ?+?+?+????? H ?? ? LOCAL -HIW8 ? ? ? ?The weather continues mild? a?d dry. ?Only two weeks till Thanks giving Day?four weeks later, Christmas. ?James A. Winningham, near Sax apahaw, was in town yesterday and called on Tbe Gleaner. ?.A two weeks term of Alamance Superior court will begin next Mon day for 'the trial of clv^l fcises, ?Graham School PsrentJfeachrr Association regular monthly meet ing ait school auditorium tonight. ?Two trucks, southbound, pass ed through last night loaded yvLith 39,000-pounds of cranberries. They will make sauce for lots of Thanks giving turkeys. ?An interesting Armistice Day program was given by the Chil dren's Chapter of Graham Chapter 1^. Dl C. at the Public School audi torium at 10 o'clock yesterday morn - tog. ?Graham Music Lovers' club met Tuesday (night with Miss Elizabeth Long. Mrs. Jas. E. Watson, Mrs. Floyd Phillips and Miss Mary Coop er were Joint hostesses with Miss Long. ?A 60-igallon capacity still was taken in Coble township last Thurs day morning by the Sheriff's dep uties. It was in operation at the time. Will Isley was arrested and awaits court. ?Drop (in ana gei a sample copy of The Pathfinder?you will en)oy reading it. The Gleaner and The Pathfinder will be sent to you a whole year for only #1.00 for bofth? leas than a cent a copy. ?For 91.00, by special arrange ment, we will send you The Ala mance Gleaner and The Pathfind er for one year?only the price of one for both. The Pathfinder is a national weekly, published at Wash ington, and gives you the cream of the world's news every week. It touches every phase of endeavor, and is full of interest from cover to cover. Send a dollar?you wont regret It. -While Mr. R. B. Newlin and his daughter, near Saxapahaw, were in town Saturday, he passed some ran dom remarks with his friends on sundry mstters. Among other things, he mentioned that he had gathered 820 pounds of lint cotton from less than one and a half acres, a|nd he spent about 03.56 for fert ilizer. That means a nice margin over a bale per acre. That's fine for Alamance whfch is not classed 0S ji cottow-gpowing county; nor la Mr. Newlin a cotton farmeit Cottoif is only a side-line with him, and if the staple were bringing a fair price, it would be profitable. Aomng the Sick. Mrs. Jas. P. Smith' is confined to her home by sickness. Miss Dora Jones, who has been juite sick, is reported to be im proving. Dr. W. R. Goley la ipfclte 'sick from pneumonia. He attended the M. P. Conference in High Point last week and returned home Friday. His ill ness began with a chill Saturday morning. Worth Jeffries' Home Burned Mon day Night The home of Worth Jeffries, col ored, was burned in Pleasant drove township Monday night. The fire was discovered about 1 o'clock and had progressed too far to under take to save it. The family barefy had time to get out and nothing was saved. It was with difficulty that an old man, a relative of Worth,very fee ble, was rescued. Worth had left Monday for Dan ville with a load of tobacco, leaving his wife and children and the olc man at home. Worth had a good home that wa built only a year or so ago. He hai (1,504 insurance in the Farmer's Mut tual Fire Ins. Co., and Mr. Bdga Long, agent of the company, wen over yesterday to investigate am report on the loss. Carteret County fa mors ar planting 200 acres of Broccoli as test of this new green crop forth early market. ? ? ? PERSONALS + * ? Miss Louise Buckner spent the week-end in Charlotte. Miss Margaret McConnell spent the week-end in Charlotte. Rev. Sam Maxwell of Wilmore, Ky?visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hawk here Monday. Miss Ruth Wicker, teaching at Churchland, spent the week-end at her home here. CoL Don E. Scott attended the funeral of Ma], Sprague Silver in Raleigh yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. Herbert Long spent Laat Sunday in Danville with Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Kernodle. Mrs. George R. Ross of Raleigh and Mrs. Frank Hunsucker of High Point are here on account of the ik'.ness of their father, Dr. W. R. Goley. Mr. and Mra. J. Dolph Long, Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey White, Mrs. Wil E. White, Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Hardee and Miss Enita Nicks were among those at Chapel Hill yesterday, to witness the inauguration of Presi dent Frank P. Graham. Mr. mill Mra. S. S. Holt attend ed the. M P. Conference at H'gh Point laat week. Mr., and Mrs. W B. Green and children spent the week end in Joneebnro with relatives. Mr. and Mra. Ciias. C Thomp son, Jr., and children of Yanoey ville spent the week-end here with the former's moth >r, Mrs 0. 0. Thompson. Mr. Ross Griffin of Toledo, Ohio, came the latter part of last week for a visit to his mother, Mrs. Bet tie Griffin, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Knight of Durham spent Sunday here with the latter's mother, Mrs James P. Smith. Mrs. Ciias. A. Tarpley of Salis bury came the latter part of iast week for a visit to her brothers, Robt. B. and Allen D. Tate. Certificate of Dissolution To Aii to W hom These Presents May Come? Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated, record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my offlce,that the Carolina Kay on Mills, Inc.. a corporation of this State whose prinoipal offloe is sltutated at No. St., in the City of Burling an. Comity of Ate* mance.State of North Car jllna( Fred C. Nied erhauser being the agent therein and in obar ge thereof, upon whom prooess may be serv ed), has complied with the requirements of Chapter 23, Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to tLe Issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, therefore, I. J. a. Hartnees.Secretary of State of the Bute of North Carolina, do hereby oertify that the eald corporation, did on the 2nd da/of Nor., lftJ, file in my offloe a duly executed and attested content in writing to the dissolution of eald corporation, executed by all the stockholders thereof, which uld consent and the record of the pro ceedings aforesaid are now on file In my eald office as provided by law. In testimony whereof, I have hereto set my bend and affixed my offlolal seal at Balelgh, this 2nd da7 of Nov.. A. D. IftL [Seal of S tate] J. A. H ARTNE88, 12-4t Secretary of State. Let The lileaner Of fice do vour lob work. Notice of / ? I Foreclrsure of Real Property* j Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon the underaigned mortgagee in that certain mortgage executed by W. T. Stokes, Jr* and wife, Hattie T. Stokes, dated Aug ust 1, 1928, and recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deeds for I Alamance County in Mortgage Deed nook 101, Page 1M, which said deed of trust was given to secure a cer tain note of even date; and where as default has been made in the payment of the debt thereby se cured, the undersigned mortgagee ' will offer for sale at public auction, > to the last and highest bidder for j cash, at the courthouse door fci On I ham, North Carolina, the following . described real property, on i MONDAY, DBC 7th. 1911, at 12 40 o'clock, noon: t ? A certain tract or parcel of land, ' lying and being in Burlington Township, Alamance County. North 1 Carolina, adjoining the lands ol 1 Stokes Street, Turrentlne Street ~ Morehead Street, Alamance Insur r ranee & Real Estate Company anJ * John H. Terrell; the same befnj 1 Block "A" in the map, plan and sur vey of Hattie T. Stokes projpertj made by A. C. Lin berg February e 10, IMS, described as follows: ? Beginning at the intersection o c Turrentlne and Stokes Streets, run ning thane* with mid Turrentia ' Street N. 4 'dog. 13 rain. E. 133.9 ft. i tq a stake; thence S. 14 deg. 54 min. W. 413.22 ft to a stake on More- ) head' Street; thence with line of i Morehead Street 9. 5 deg. lo min I W. 134.45 ft to the point of inter- i section of Morehead Street with , said Stokes Street; thence with said Stokes Street S. 84 deg. W. 412 ft to the beginning. Terms of Sale: Cash. This sale to be left open for ad vanced bids as provided by law. This the 7th day of November, 1431, MISS A. MAR PATTBRSON, Mortgagee. Long A Moss, Atty.V CASTOR IA Far Infanta and Children lnllMF*r0ver30YMv? ! i Notice of Foreclosure of '' Real Property. r Under and pursuant to the power r of sale vested in the nndersigned Trustee, in that certain deed of trust t from W. H. Foushee, Trustee and - Anne Bam (Barium), dated the first e day of February, 1424, and recorded n office Register of Deeds, Alama i County, in Mortgage Deed Book 109, page SOS, I will offer for sale at aublic auction, to the the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse ioor in Graham, on SATURDAY, DEC. the 5th, 1931, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real prop erty, to-wit: All of that certain lot or parcel of land situate in Graham, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands formerly owned by C. P. r 1 1, r a, others, and containing two-thirds f an acre, more or leaa, it being the same upon which is the dwelling ">:so and home of the said Anne Bam, and the same which was con veyed to W. H. Foushee, Trustee, by B. B. Holt, by deed recorded of fice Register of Deed 4, Alamance County, Deed 809k 2), page 235, and which was conveyed to the saia B. B. Holt by W. 8. Vestal and C. P. Harden by deed recorded in said office in Deed Book 23 page 232, and reference is made to said deeds for a complete description of th< said real property. Said real property is being sole on account of default in the pay ment of the debt secured by sale deed of trust, and said sale will re main open for ten days, for advanc bids, as provided by law lor mort gagees' sales. Thla the 2nd day of November, 19311 J. DOLPH LONG, Trustee Mortgagee's Re-Sale of Land I Undei and by virtue of the power ' contained in a certain mortgag- ; deed executed by H. M. Ray to Mrs.! Mamie R Patterson, on the nth dav ! of September, 1??1. to secure the paymnit of a bond thereto men tioned. saiJ bond and mortgage having been assigned to the under signed. and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance County, iu book 19 of MDa. at page tt?, default in the payment thereol hating been made, the un dcnigned .will. on SATURDAY, NOV. 21st 1M1, . sell for cash, at the Court House door in Grahamethe following real -stale, to-wit; 1 A tract of land la Graham Town ' ship. A la stance County. N. C., ad joining the lands of W. J. Nicks. 1 Jones Heirs. H. If. flolt. R. P. D. ? Rsy. the Heire of H. Sr., 1 and others and containing ltf acres - more or less This Is Home tract e of lato H. M.' Ray, upon which Is a ^Oranr.OdlUS nweilin?. auu uiruugx I which State rTi^hw v Vo >1 nasse* test out aid- n ea-aanf limit* of Oraharn. tut from wh.ih t'.ere has bcc-.i ml ;i ij.a aoout 6 .itrev aa shown ty doede duly of nniJ from H M Ray, Jr.. to W. J. Vi.'c? ] W. H. Boawell. Whl'teniore and Lewallen i Bidding will start at I21M.M Time of sale: U M, O'clock M . November Slat, JtSl. Place of aalr : Coort House door, Graham. _ ? Tcrma of aale. Caan. This the tth day of November. 1911. MRS. MAMIR R. PATTERSON, Mo tgig e J. S. COOK, Assignee . ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTI< K Raving qualified as administra trix of the estate of Harvey Cur rie Walker, lato of Alamance Coun ty, this is to notify all persona hav ing claims against said estate ta present the same to the under signed duly verified before the 19th day of October, SMI, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery, All persons indebted tc said estate are requested to maki prompt settlement. This the Srd day of October, 1931 HATTIB R. WALTER, Adm r'i J. S. Cook, Atty, So,UUU'uu IN CASH PHIZES See Your Druggist Notice! Sale of Real Estate. | I'Diifr and by virtuf of aa ordet ; of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance County, the undmifi ed Cotnmitaioner aril', on SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 14. INI. , at the courthouse door in Gra ham, Alamance County. North Car olina, at 12 ;00 o'clock, noon, offer for tale to the highest bidder for caah, the following described real eatate, to-wit; Being tho land* of the lata Pink ney P. Thompson- and adjoint the lands of Jamee H Roach and Job Stuart itnda and contain* approxi mately 10 acres, more or lean and 1 bein ? nli the lands seined and pra ses* I by the lats Pinhnev P 1 Thompson at hit death. Time of Sale; Saturday Novem ? ber II h, U<1 at 12:00 o'clock, noun > P)a-p ni Sa'e; Courthouae ,dw ' in Gmham. Alamance Coun'y No.t'i Carolina Terms of Sale: Caah T. C. CARTER, \ -- * '? " Never parched, never toasted Camels are FRESH in nature's own mild way! Everyone knows now that Camels are the fresh cigarette. If inquiry went deeper, it would reveal that Camels are the natural moisture cigarette. That's important, because in handling fine to* baccos, when you process out natural moisture, yon sacrifice freshness and flavor too. Camel smokers needn't worry about that, because Camels are blended of fine Turkish and mild Domestic tobaccos that are never subjected to violent process* ing. They need no parching or toasting to mike diem smooth, palatable, cool. That's why the Camel Humidor Pack is such a boon to Camel smokers?it preserves the freshness, flavor, natural moisture, fragrance that are in this fine ciga rette to start with. Camels are fresh in nature's own mild way, and if you want to see what that means in unalloyed smoke enjoyment, switch to them for just one day ? then leave them, if you can! ? R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company'* CoasHo-Coast Radio Programu CAMEL QUARTER DOUR, Morton Downey, Tony Won*, and Camel Orchestra, direction Jacques Renard, every night except Sunday, Columbia Broadcasting System PRINCE ALBERT QUARTO HOUR, AHee Joy, "Old Hunch," and Prince Albert Oreherlrm, direct ion Paul Van Ion, every night except Sanday, N. B. C. Red Network. See local paper for Urns Camels Made FRESH ?Kept FRESH H Don't ramasi the moisture-proof wrapping from your perhaga of Cornell after you open It. The Camel Humidor Pack It protection again* perfume and powder odori, dun and germs. In ofieei and homet, even In thp dry atmosphere of artificial heat, the Camel Humidor Pack delivers fresh Camels and keeps them right until the last one has been smoked R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Winston-Salem, N. C, ? IM.B.J. K'-MU. TOM> C !!>??> . .t I ^ rk /\