? ? ? .THE GLEANER ' 1 1 " ? ?w GRAHAM, N? 0., DEC. 3. 1931. rv "is U? > if '? .'?? . Pint Road Locomotive Got Hostile Reception 'Ewly experiments with road motor tfwflnn wttWout rails wow made with at tin in m the propelling power, the ' 6n,i procurable maehloe being that of Curonji in. 1770, followed by Trevt tb'ik's stenm car la 1902, says an ar tt'He tn the Montreal Family Herald. VtUm 1821 onward several large (team ckra'tiBtlt on a model of the stage etSK'b, were built In Bsgland and suc cpssMliy operated, notably by Onrney anil, Mopceck. Services were ran be tween London and Bath, and later be tween Cheltenham and Gloucester, but vWe abandoned on account of popular prejudice and opposition. The cirush fcs Mow which retarded development tn Britain fell tn 1385. when an act was passed requiring each car to car ry three drivers, fo be preceded by a man carrying a red flag, and not to exceed fubr miles nn hour, while blow ing off steam was prohibited. Devel opment In England was then limited to heavy road locomotives, with s few, exceptions. In 1885 Gottlieb Daimler, Austria, fitted a gasoline engine to 1 rmotor bicycle. In the same year Butler constructed , Ms motorcycle. Panliard and Lecnsanr adopted the Dnlmler engine In 1887, and construct ed a car in which sliding gears were need for changing speed. This ear Is generally accepted as the parcDt of the modern automobile. Few "Servant problems" in Orient Households Countries with servunl problems would do well to adopt a Siamese cus tom. A splendid lahor-snving device It la for the aiother of the family. Each person wuslies up his own eating bowl as soon as he finishes his meal, and, placing It In a basket, lets It dry for the next meal. Or they might copy the Japanese. Domestics, are highly respected and easy to get tn Japan. There are various good reasons for (bra. As the wife waits apon her bos bond, her chlld/en and her parente-ln tsw. It la Inevitable that she be In rime contact with the servants. And . npfier scrvrjits must have very good < manners. I'or If the host Is out and a ?t*itor drops In. It Is the upper serv ant's place tn rhnt and have tea with Win until Die linet returns. And serv ants, at any time, are allowed to Join la the conversation and laugh at the Jokes.?London Mali. Odd Cepw fee . la a volume entitled "A lllch Closet oft Phyglral Secrets. Collected bj the j Buborute I'slries of Poor Several Stu dents la Physlcka" which wss "pre- I seated to Qseen IWIsabeth'a Own 1 Hands" the following cure for bleed lac W given. ."Take ? toad and kill h]pi. Take three bricks, put them In the |lre and take eat oae of them and pat the toad upon It Then take out another and put blm again on that When be It almoet cold take off the tO^d. and put the brick Into the Are . ?. do to until the toad be eoa atpuad to tehee, then pot the eebee Into a taffete bag bed when one Mbedeth apply the bag upon tbe heart and - it will iMtaBtly atay bleeding ?eftlidr of tbe noae or any wound." - : . ** i . ? 1 1 I f ? Brasilia* "Saaka Farm" At the Institute Butantan, Sao P?plo, Braxll. popularly known aa ? The Snake Farm," there am anakea MM all aoctlona of that conn try. A national law require* anyone to ship ttMhe <*rm bom the place af capture tH- ssssnioaa anakea and new apeclea ..at aonrenomou* onea The deadly pel aonoua .anakea will not eat In captivity and soon dle. To replenish the supply t for aaatm, 2Aut*akes arrive dally, transported bee by the railroads. The Mai was drat started aa a, hobby by DpMTitad Brass, who Uvea user Rio do Janeiro. Besides manufacturing se nna the Institute breeds the, mnasu ' rams, the enemy of the deadly snake, tha lararsca. Its bite is not deadly to man, and It lives on other anakea, pre-, farrisE poisonous ones. , : t' ? ..Basilest Form of Snosas The Irst form ot spooa af which wa And American esamplee wqa tha so ? caQed Puritan apaon that appaakod la England, abont tbsCMddla of tha Sev enteenth century and becam very pop alar with tbe Bouodhaeda. This rap v. tenanted tha sbnags bom the pear" fa shaped to tha launi bowt- Bnt It was lis- MLM'I't11* ariddla of the Bghtnsnth ?MMr thet th? handles of apoone be gm to hand taiward tha hack- Mamd Of.rhe beat and- the bawls aaarnned The Aret qtooa bavlnt. thoaa (aatnroa |r' ma known aa the Old Bagtlah pattern. IlL' to* wAltwttfbirtMH up resent ^ Z BBbOm weighed herself on noma penoy-lh itut eealse, She picked up a chair iMTiiiif' n an tepleces. ? - KSE*^Tboaa scales said that I weighed WBPibtbaa la and Avralcb aolyvMiV *?. EBr ilanil tha woasan Indignantly. "Tbey HH&lMsn both robbea enA-llai* . They get ?Wtttpaaay and p>ea gave the wrong ^?^gEct of penny, floe aafponod fooi the judge as he ar m*ata*a will be TRANSATLANTIC AIR TRIPS IN FIVE YEARS Regular Weekly Serrioe b Predicted by Ace Pilot New York.?Weekly transatlantic airplane service within the Mat tie jeare wee predicted recently by Bolder 1 Holrtls, pilot of the monoplane Lib- | erty on Us recent flight from New i Tork to Copenhagen. I Discussing ocean flying and Ite pos albllltlea, flotrlla declared the com mercial maatery of the ocean which haa claimed a Mere or mere of lives since It has been cballepged by air men Is w(thln sight of aeronautical progress. " j "The ronte will be by way of Ber muda and the Azores," he aald,'"Large moltt-oaotared flying beats or amphi blons, able to land on tba water In an emergency, will be used." The northern route or Lindbergh circle rla Harbor 4)race and Ireland which he himself took on the recant hop with Otto Hlllig, Liberty, N. T, photographer, will never become the alrlane for commercial operations, be said. Northern Season Short. "Having flown the North Atlantic, I am convinced that It Is not the' ronte because of the fog, heavy seas and the absence of ship lanes and also the low temperatures. Further more, the season In this latitude is too short for regular service. "There are really only a few months In which snch a crossing can be made with any degree of safety. "Down below the weather Is better and the conditions generally more favorable." Transatlantic operations, he be lieves, should develop on a schedule of Intermediate stops Instead of non stop flights from one continent to an other. He believes seadromes should be established along the route, cutting down Intermediate hops to. approxi mately 600 jailes each, permitting the carrying of a pay load and Insuring greater safety. ?till Hwwrd. H* Admits. "Engines will bare to bo Improved and a cruising speed of about 140 of 100 miles an boor developed," he said. "As conditions now stand, H Is still quite a basard." While Hotrlis viewed the possible In troduction of stratosphere planes as an Important step In the right direc tion, be declared that -high altitude flying will not be a necessity If trans oceanic service Is flown with Inter mediate stops. "On long distance flights high alti tude will be preferable, but for 000 mile hops the planes ran operate just as eflciently at >,000 feet," be as serted. In referring to his Copenhagen flight, Holrils disclosed that bat for a miscalculation of position after the tare flyers hod crossed the ocean, they would probably have landed at their declination as planned without making Intermediate stops. M*rrUge Rate Ajgong Youth* la Increasing 8t Louis, Mo.?The marriage rata among young people between eighteen and twenty-four baa bean steadily In creasing sines I860, Pater Kaieiaa, ex ecutive secretary of the Missouri So cial -HygWre association, said here. Twice ae many girls batireen the ages of flftaea and alnetew marry on tbo Pacific coast as compared with the number of marriages between the same ages In the Haw England states, Kaslns said "Climatic conditions, religions views, social upheavals and cnltaral, econom ic and educational factors Influence inch young marriages," Kastus de clared Trio Kill 67 Rattler* in One Hour's Time Great falls, Mont.?'Threa youac men recently killed ST ottlaanakaa within an honr In the liUls.tour miles north of Vanshan near hen. Many ef the make* were from Are to six feet In leafth and some of them Were tea year*-eld. the snake hunt ers said there woreprebablj- 800 of the reptiles In * small ares. Most of them were found In rabbit botes. O was believed that th*au?kea wore prepaiins to "hole-up" for the winter when- they wet* found by the men. Enforce Uniform Dross, to Keep Girls in School Port Huron. Mich.?Mlss Marfaret Fran kiln, Port Hares ,|l|fc . reboot, dean of women, wae.respooelble tor the ssfordoc of (bo ruto requlrlns * uniform dress tor all ?1rt (Indents. The rule, which result** a sub a( middles and skirts, Is to be rfctdly en forced to prevmft e further decrease lathe enrollment, ss maay students ^havf left the school because they were nSSahle to dress as watt as sther (Mm Miwdlii ttKlM fnukltn. Forestry Ssrrire Men Wins flshint Honors honors for 1981 went ?ws.btoukw of the United States forest service, whs cassht a ld-pouud treat Is the Green river. Cboeoeama battled, the Ash, which was the lost est rainbow trout ever takm la was* . ere-yjMd't. for neoriy am hour, bo tore he landed him. Ckuseuian used , a emsB reel and the ureal Uckle to , land the fish which was SO laches leaf ? ..Tl i ) 1 i?T-, CabUf* in Hick Plnen Throughout tk? World 0. Henry end Lewis Carroll bar* dona their beat to make us think of cabbages and kings In the tamo breath. Bat the fast remains the cab bage is a thorough commoner, out of place In inch company. Not that It would tnjrfy the narrow circle of roy alty anyway, considering that It has always enjoyed wide popularity In the true sense of the word. As proof of this popularity, hardly a people bat has paid the cabbage a tribute la the fashion nearest Its heart Frenchman hare Included "my little cabbage" among their most prised terms of endearment Britons hare dignified the cabbage as the rery source of the conquering race In one of their most frequently recounted fairy stories; Germans hare made cabbage In pl?kled~form the most famous dl*h in tbelr cuisine. Americans hare linked cabbage with corned beef as tare most suited to the ma^ of action. Even Russians and Poles hare contrired to agree orer cabbage: it hibernates efficiently and goes equally well with black bread or game and wine, which ever the times offer.?Chicago Trib une. ? ,j Satisfied Himself as , to fdientfty of Corpse Kentucky mountaineers would seem to hare something the same peychel ogy ee the Chinese. Obey desire to be burled la their native soil, .and ..the worst thing that can .happen Is to,be burled north of the Mason-Dixon Una The story Is tpld of a young moun taineer who, In order to maintain tjite tradition, brought back from Ohio the body of a mere acquaintance, and' al though he was poor, -he dug Into, hie sock for a Kentucky funeral. .Right in the middle of the service the congregation was surprised to fob thla man' walk down the aisle, peer Into the coffin end-then resume his seat At the close of the service they asked why he did it ? "Wal, it was thlaaway," replied the mountaineer. "The preacher said that Pets wasn't thar; that he'd left us,an' gona yonder somewhar. Wql, now, I paid right smart money to get'Peta down here to Kentucky an! it, he wasn't hers I was goin' to ths raUroad an' make 'em give ma my mpneybaek. "But Pets, yes bare all,right, so fhat thar parson is either ^Und or a liar." ?Dot Angelas Times. f ? When Mormandy *u flnrt ofrlDng land and the mlnnaolrigeri and goo b a doors were In Europe, there was founded in eld Russia, hot In what la now Latvia, the city of Riga. It gl ?even hundred and thirty-one yearn old. and you jnay wander in Its line old* cathedral. or through streets of an cient buildings, whose age none dare compute, and regale your mind with any medieval vision yon carp to enjoy, as tbede may suggest.. Walk along the Kaltu Ma, tilt street of the nraft fash ionable stores, GeW?rnta .and gnewrapldly.jla MlO-thagiUjual oot pot.wan ifiOJW.OOO NBdi of which nearly halt **? deported. Before the Induatry grew to CeHfornle rraace waa the cHet prodocing netioe of the woridk Oeegoa. Weahlugtoa anAJdabo alio grew gpod fflMaa* ae d?t8erhla, Boeala. Germany Spain, ^patralla and Sopth Africa. UU. . JH?Jw. Tr? ttfhL U-^IL. '*- ? - WW? nipvN ^r'10!11' Aa laaeraace company wrote oat ? . flXWO Ufa policy la the aaiae ad ode Samuel Johnaom Pre ml on ia arete paM promptly ta^e few yaara.'-hDt Mddew ly atepped. - After, aendlng a taw de Mngaaaa acta% the 11 pray weired thle reply : - ?DearSIrai Plena* excuae pa aa wt v. vCaa't pay any more pfltnitaae ea Bam s He died laat Ma* feme truly, tin I Johneoe*?'Ghrterien Bagliter. . *"? I ^" > j - The mechanic, heperar, waa not do , tag any beataaae on such rlaky tarmi ?' 3,0,1 C*?S 1 . Q> Exhibit 9f Mum^U. Jn Crypt of Dublin Churck Oubito u perhaps th# ?ir otj out ?Ida of Ant Oft bu It* awn mpw> mje*. They are rather a ghastly sight, hut do rlalt to the city would bo oom plete without a trip to the crypt (rffit Mlchan'o church, whpro they may be seen. Some odd property of the. air Id the vault underneath thla edifice baa pre perved the bodies of many Of those who wpre burled there ceoturlea afo. Too may aee them uow, for the weight , of one coffin plied upon another baa earned aome of tham to break mid ! anna and lege protrude. It la strange Indeed to be taken Into a dark dun geon and to aee la the flaab of a light. hold by your eacort a hand hanging out And It la a hand, too, and not Jnat a network of bone. For the akin baa been preaerred through all the agea and baa taken om the appearance of leather. The aexton takes great pride in ahowlng theae remain! . Some of them are lords and. some are common folk. Many of them have been dead five eenturies, which la a long time In any country. The one he Is proudest of, perhaps, la that of a Crusader. You know he Is a Crusader, for he was burled, as they all were, with the legs CriWrnd,?New York Evening Post , Finest Feelings I mat tat Ota* Brief Moment I Bach bud floWers but once and each iflowar has but its minute of perfect beauty; so in the garden of the soul each feeling bay, as It were, its figwer ?tog toitant, Its opp pnd ^ly moment of expansive grace apd.radtopt ^ng ahlp. Each star passes but oriee'ln 'the night through the meridian over our bead* and shines there but an in stant ; so In 4be heaven of the' mind each thought toadies Its senith but once, and In that moment all Its bril liance and all its greatness culminate. Artist, poet, or thinker, 4f you "want to "fix and lmmortallso your Ideas, or your feeling*, aefse.thdm at the prods* jmd fleeting moment, for it to thalr highest point .Before It you .have rafQt ifMitltftf or presoQtlxaonti of them. After It you. will oniy hare weakened reminiscences or powerless regret"; that moment is the'moment of your Ideel.?AmeiPs Journal. J(mAT Asserfeem It Menu a far call from, a little to land in the Mediterranean, and jfrom a very little village on tliet wandle Ban Francises to California, to? Seller to a lovely >pot capped In a valley under the peak of Puis Mayor." Ae Soller ltea are aa clean aa the Dnteh or clean er, and their honaee are spotless. Their polished tiles and white wails light op cheerfally aa you enter their ever open doors. It's so sonny and Una In Soller that no one even dreams of closing a door. From Boiler Visit the coastal heights of Mlramar, where, In 1276^ the Franciscan mystic,' Bay mond Lull, founded the first .school of Christian missionaries, whence later went Fra Junipers Serra to found the mission of San Francisco In California. ?Washington Star. Tbsss United Stats* fhe name. Upited States 9? America to really an evolutionary product, a name which began to develop as soon ' as the Colonies banded themselves to-. . gather. Some of^the old local coins refer to~ the "Unity States.ef Amer ica." The declaration of Independ ence asserts "that these United Col onies are, , and of Bight ought to be > Free and Independent States." It also speaks of them aa the United 8tates of fineries. 80 do the Arti cles ef Cnafederettap and the Consti tution. The "authority" by which the name to .used to^thet of the people, as Relegated to (he Continental congress and the other bodies which Shaped Urn form ef ear government Teeehy About Wrinkles When Quoeti Elisabeth'! wrinkles waxed deep sad many It ts reported that an unfortunate master at the mint Incurred disgrace by a too faith ful shilling, arid an' article In the Qnarierl# Bevtew In October, IBM. The die was bcofitq and only., one mutilated specimen Is now la exist ence; Her malda of hqoortook the hlnt and were tbenscfflrward careful that "no fragment of looking glasS should retain ' In any 'room In the palace.' b. fact the Ugn-baarted lady Detroit Kews. - A ? 4 certain clhMtarf replaced It* fa miliar black-coated yen I ton with yeang. and sbmotlaes pretty, wait resses One at the old. dmihard mem ben who . had jttongty apposed me 1 ^A.^TiUo.t.'SS; his betored tbstraneat with a" sigh. riSbn bit 'earn regret" be said., 1 . fir? take my Mdle wf* me. when I I ? "After all, that went matter,very much," Ids visitor consoled him ? . "Yoall.have a harp, you knowt" ^ "Aye P said the old violinist fierce I ly, "and wha's gann tae leant tb halrp at my ager rgETTYBRIPEAND | .RICH BOY fAJtTED 1 Roauucc. of OwjkJAvwi^aj Ended by Court. | .-< a p'r'^ttj Uttft eevente.njeaj-oli WS; and a twenty-one-yearUd husbaad: ended In the Circuit coert beta'wheal Judge a Jasper Ball annulled their, g wantage ta Beotonrllle, Arjt. < ( Mies Holee Shearer, sorority ?W' t and leader .ft* the OnlTepdf/ of Jila- a ooerl canepM j#at jetrll!I5?J? JWW i , wife tad ntiirlfi Raitl son of i 1 ? wealthy ,^^e ,9trto^KJwJHe , husband.. Both ,Utj i Clmlea did not, ' ? defend himself In. the W^mw aro- } ceedlngs, bat;>jn?tjitosWdO .5' , Us attorney, wlm ffldj^.jUtost any , X cernmg tftelr { were ak>nt onjhe'trip t J "Ko, nor iSajwdJled. "There was . another couple-^rtjUTlsd' ?Mf- 1 With as. We all hada ftw codftalla J ?awsas sff?5:; and get married. When ,ws^ot ttere, . I .gave my jge a* oyer twenty-one , yean. ..We fere 'pprted." i ?' ; . mother, wee named as hart 4w*; the girl, for purposes of the sett.'- He, , accompanied her daughter in thai courtroom. ?, C] 1 1 t?/ foreign Legipn I* gfow FiUed toWar Strength ParV?The six regiments *f the; French Foreign Legion are AIM with i . recrplta at Aoore than (oil war Strength, so the word haa heeh sent arouBOto recruiting elation* that he more re-' ernlta will be accepted at meant. The world depreeelon and nnemploy ment are blamed. At the iame ttme that If pot np bars temporarily agslpst the Legion cat from 6,005 to 1,000; francs the enlistment bonns, which, was once badly needed to attract re cruits. French colonial jgdmectg still offer Q^OO .^rpACS .efhriinent bpnM, -. bim.,ther,^awJrtp.^,jfccs^>el dlers. . ? , leal ion mental ronnMitiOPi ven made so strict that four but o< fire. applicants here refused. ?JJdpg* bare; changed in the. Legion xahd It, is .p9W aa hard to get In M.l^once,^ to get out ? ' The Ave Infantry raiments ara lo-" cated rn Algeria, Morocco,^Syria; and' fndd-CMhh,' the one qtrtlry regiment ] In Thhltla. .itecrolta are trained at] Sidi bet Ablbea,. a^Jha.^* ?t Sahara, In. Al^ria. ClnclnnatlTDhlo.?CLncl^patl offldals are planning to pan a' sjfectaVordl-! nance" against "inugglers,*' cigarettes treated with nmrtJ0*0*., phich, they salfJ. rfgr^galnlpg tfld^rpad^^ere ampin plrclea of I?W Beanie. Federal law do?l'BofTrtOhlbK sale of the weed, which brings'"Ma Jntftxl eated sense of' exhflkratlon. Msri loana fans hai^rida on l%lgadeo. pB^nr^^yfflSiwlSw'tttieh td< mouth. The *trsW hh said, anally ends In an orgy. ' ' ? . Worn Out Land to Bo abandoned as woi^out,' wflrhe^Uaed In a reforeetatidh experlSSaC bf.ldeb ' lgan State college ejparth. Pan) A. Herbert, pfofessor Of pritfbrj, i will try eegmeem on ,the.l?n,mjK&ft>Ot ie*4 ??a:?.Mj.tup tompmJ* s match )s stfock pv?tfi* wtil cap. Criberi Is hjore pleasejfOTsCth# fcush at water than UM^afe-MBBaiMM. Man CWini* QpMnitioa ; * ? ' * * mJ iwiltJi of National tnr IORK-rrTh* Nhtlopp) &a?t Hcpomtlon, * .MWpa.?fUar c99Bf?+ It* Institution. la the g>stf>od_iypflfed ?L>y banker* to ppt to'to prgaUeal leafgnV ai**J*r W?telTS?' MMla'.nHtip4mftri*i Mikity .e? ft* nM#a jajwtopw*, eftfWtot ? Jfca antlo* ,pf Oetoker t, ftitir J. Immu**"wrtflf th*. Ampricajt.ihqik iwr lanhrtotlnn ?lftt*4)p *r?*?t **&* rU&. -4TM cprpMsntioo. to jttofctiy pooppttr iHlUHUneU*. be MM. tc spite ft* uttm banking system and tflcren" Km ?*??#?*??*?.<* .a>? i?*noinl ??r rteee of banks to their communities in %b rarnldtttrlfiti a* wed ga the cities. rkn pin* will mnrsfesll Ma banking re litotes ?t-fbd'eobntrj, h? explained, if ?r*Mtog a ngUonn) ipatitatipa rt^'fitoda wiU be leaned .ben nee amy ft kwto wbieh |b?e assets In fee*'pegBbribstWt |ie ThdreegKlr rossfcW art noTeHgibls tor tonne at v& Mmiiti ?a ? nKfto' >. Te Beaeit Ergrjr^edr There to no Otttoen/to' the .United (&M*e bat,will bedtott la yary practical iftlto Ma Bi retplts of tha ophrpUon~ ttnm toHftrd-looklng pton ofcooper ib may ltd regarded (a one of the moat coastrufitlre steps that katir ?*& ' taken toward rertrki of imtoYlhUlaaha aettotty." tor.. Haas O&lnrdd. adding: -The National Credit Corporation ' ropraaaats pa Instrumentality that storing tht contdaoco of Uw pnMfe. TU plnn not only~Kaa been fenBoStW ESrs&ttK'S&E loeolly a# woU m nnrtonallp bp kub ?Tfca Aafflcti Bt&kiri A?nriatfna f. sMorfa* K U prtnaipU. I tero ? ^SSa^bm& Incessant labors "oT Mens of lh? Na tion's ieedlnf Mitoi who hara andar 'iliu to pot it into practical opoMtton hi oloplo-jBtoJotl JprptJpf.to .^o oo Ueoa) woltare, sod IemphJato U, without reservation that UteNatlopal CrMpt fprpojpUon as lot ?p by them constitutes ? practical. sott#4app sffl wlijS'h were < la One cause pf jjhltantbrpW'fjKnHa burn at "fork on, uiiioe is connected wt?, tbi'Ibutpanc treatment oOSa lurtppfjpr'WSoe care he pfpJj^Ml ta 1792 YneJRetreat . at York updo/the nmnkewm-nt iif the Society of, Friends. T.blch became fa Juoua as an Instituting bi tvJjlcTf jpjSold attempt wa^ made to manage Ifabatlca without the eicewilve re^rtralnta then . i^*'ft)ed ao'eaawtlali' " Lister rs- Napaleoa - Lister's jrrfat discovery R F|VE YEAjtS A .t. ; . ; . _ . . ? t _ ~ " f .. .. ? of Wheat . . . JlJ.l lL I. . Will Pay for 1 . "~"T ' ' v The Gleaner - " ?""? One Year # . 'Afull- * ' ? - - ./ *" ..." .. - < ' " - .? 1 f , >, * '?.?p . Is Jthe Price for a Year's Subs ! * \ ^ / /??.?? - ??. > / - ?? ???; We can'tmudteo^rSOOJBushela