THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. 0., DKC. ,?, 1931. - , . ? ? ? 1 fr LOCAL NEWS. ?||||||M| + hi til ml ?The court room it pecked with spectator* thia week. ?This morning was the coldea: ' ?o far thia (all. It 1* growing mild er and beginning to rain. ?: i ?Solicitor Wm. B. Umstead of Durham a poke to a meeting of the Burlington Rotary' Club Monday night ?Dr.B. I. Nott was host last Satur day night to a meeting of the third district N. C. Chiropractors. Dr. C. C. Cox of Durham and Dr. S. D. Coleman were speakers during the evening. ?Graham Chapter XJ. D. C. is holding its regular monthly meet ing this afternoon with Mrs. E. P. McClure, who, with Mrs. W. B. Green and Mra Norman Sykea are hostesses. ?Miss Ada Denny had a sale of her handiwork at the store of Green & McClure last Friday and Saturday, consisting of numerous dainty arti . cles, useful and suitaole for holiday gifts. She still has some to dis pose of. ?Nothing like something to look forward to: The auto owner can nuy his new license plate on the 15th, then, ten days later, he can fill the baby's stocking from what's left after the gas tank is filled, if anything. ?Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Holt gave a family dinner last Thursday even ing. Those present were Mrs. Jat. P. Harden and daughters. Misses I Emma, Luta and Margaret, and Mr. | and Mrs. RobtJS. Harden, Mr. and Mrs Albert Harden and Mr. and Mrs. Do\ er Heritage of Greensboro ?Ma}. J. J. Henderson went to i Greensboro this afternoon to be | present at a hearing before a special master in a damage suit by Junius 1 H Harden and E. L. Henderson ' against American Service Company for $321,000 for breach of contract. Maj). Henderson represents the plaintiffs in the case. A Man and Mule Working In Hanno* ny Can Laugh at Har.1 Times. With a fair season, a reasonable amount of energy and a good mule a man, single-handed. can raise e nough on a few acres of land to dispel the prospect of hunger a! whole year in advance. We know a man in Albright township, now 01 years young?and he dont look it and you would be dubious obout it if some one else told you.who allowed himself to be persuaded to quit work some 8 or 10 years ago. After going away tor a few years and living with his children, he he came restless and found he was rusting out He itched to get back on his farm and back he went That was two or three years ago. At once he began to exercise himself and a newly purchased mule in an agricultural fashion. We saw him not the mule, here Monday and passed a few words with him Was glad to aee him in fine health, fine spirits and )olly. Naturally, we in quired "how are you getting along." He had gathered hit corn, some 40 barrels, which he added to the bulk of did corn still ^n the crib. He had harvested 43 bushels of wheat from two acres and 40-odd bushels of oats from one and a half acres in the early summer. Besides these, numerous smaller things he did to fill in the time. And now Qilbert M. Holt, well known citizen, and his mule are not worrying sbout rations tor a whola year to come. Artel Hickey, Robber, Gets Pea Sentence. Court opened Monday (or the trial o( criminal caaei. It waa a heavy docket that faced the Court. Judge Prank A. Danlela la press ing and Solicitor Umatead la pros ecuting. Two cm sea of special in tercet were the two hold-ape ot J. Archie Long, Bank ol Haw River cashier. Artel Hickey and his brother Clar ence were involved in the first. Ar tel plead guilty and waa eent to State'a prison (or not less than six nor more than ten years. He aaid on the witness stand that Clarence had nothing to do with it and the Jury said not guilty. Ooley Kimrey, under l HIMfHII'M' J. W, Roney vu a buftoess tftlt or to Charlotte Tuesday. Mies Rebecca Harden v lilted frien is to Greensboro over the week-end. HUlis Ellington waa at home trorn Rake Forest College tor Thanks giving. Mri.W. B. Quakenbush visited rel stives in Greensboro daring the week-end. Miss Sue Noell ot Winston-ijalem spent 8unday here with Mrs. Mc Bride Holt Miss Adele Williams visited in~ High Point apd Lexington daring the week-end). Miss Margaret Smith ot Louis burg spent the week-end here with Miss Gayle Smith. Mr. ?. L. Henderson and son, Gar land, of Santord were here this morning tor a while. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Johnston of Bonlee visited Rev. and Mrs. J. Clyde Orman here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Young and children spent the holidays at Churchland with relatives, Miss Mary Bell Stevenson ot Black Mountain visited Hiss Matha Holt here during the week-end. James Nicholson ot Raleigh spent the week-end here with his parents, Mr. nad Mrs. L G. Nicholson. Mrs. O. J. Paris and son, Oliver, visited relatives at Bethune and Camden, S. C? during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, James Moon and chil dren spent Sunday to Greensboro with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Moore. Mrs. L. K. Kluttz and little daugh ter, Martha Ann, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Farrell. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Knight and daughter, Margaret Anne, of Dur ham spent Sunday here with Mrs. Jas. P. Smith. Miss Elaine Qoode spent thanks giving wilth her mother, Mrs. W. E. Goode, at Scotland Keck, returning Sunday night. Dr. b\ Lane and Mias Comfort Lane of Catawba College visited Mr, and Mrs.' V. F. Cates here during the week-end. Bev. and Mrs. J. Clyde Orman and children spent Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. J. H. Murreil. in Henderson. ' Mrs. Herbert . 8. Long returned Sunday from a visit to her sister at Hamlet. Dr. Long drove down and brought her home. Miss Mamie- Parker returned Tues day from a visit of more than two weeks to her brother, Mr. Junius Parker, in Heir York.; Mr. and Mrs. {Cameron Hender son of Oxford spent the week-end here with the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Brad shew. Coy McAdama, Peter Harden. Kirk Hardee, Durwood Bebiaaon. Brwin Williams, students at the University, spent the week-oad at their homes herd. Mr. ud Mr*. Collopy of Vow Yoric wore hero tho latter port of the I week ? lotting the latter'* ilater, Mr*. S. 8. Holt, and Mr. Holt Mr*. Cot lopy remained for a visit. Mr* Cha*. Cv Thompson, Jr. and children of Yanceyvllle, after ?pend ing a few day* here with Mr*. C. C. Thompson, hare gone for a visit at her old home at Hillaboro. | Mr* J. 3. Henderson and lbs. John B. Stratford and daughter, Cora Hordes, spent last Friday in Danville with Mr* L. H. Burnette. end Mr. Stratford spent the day there on bn*fh*s"? . Mr* Hubert Turner of Raleigh and daughter, Mis* Mary D wight, student at M. C. C. W? and Miss Mamie Turner of Raleigh visited the tatter's sister,'Mrs. H. W. Scott here lad Susday, Mr. and Mr* Joho O. Prloleau ot Columbia, S. C. and daughter, Miss Alice. student at the University at | Chapel Hill, spent the week end her* with Mr* Ws* deR. Scott, daughter of the former. | Mr. aad Mr* John B. Stratford and children, Cora Harden and Jack and Mr. aad Mr* J. D. Emndi ' spent last Sunday 1 in Lumberton with the daughter of the latter, Mr* J a* D. Prostor, and, family. If every one of Iowa's mjm etu< women would buy one load of Iowi coal 1JN men would have on* month's work, amm.. Among; the Sick. 8am Ward, ion oI Judge and Mri. W. I. Ward la quite nick from pneu monia. Mri. W. 8. Veital, two mile* south of Qraham, has been quite sick. DEATHS. Jordan A. Isley, nearly 88. resi dent of- Coble township and Civil War veteran, died near Friendship on Wednesday of last week. Two daughters and two sons survive him. Tha boial was at Friendship church cemetery. Mrs, Maggie Fleming Qates, aged M years, wife of Oattis T. Qa#? > died at her home here last/Friday : night about 18 o'clock aftev'an hour's illness. She is surv^ed by her hus , band, and six sons and three daugh ters. She is also survived by three sisters a half-Slster and one bro ther. Funeral services were held at 1 the Friends church and the irt'er ' meat was in Linwood cemetery. To foraiah the milk for chocolate iiroducts made to this country, 47, IN cows are needed. ' ? I i Mom than MNM )oba are held by ihlH woakera of school age in the United States The first Ferris Wheel in the! United States was erected in 1891! for the Columbian exposition at Chicago. Then there is the theatre usher who went to a dentist to have a tooth filled and said, "Doc, it's i^ section A, third from the wall I" ADMINISTRATORS K0T1CR. The undesigned having qualified as Administrator of the estate of Permelia Watkins deceased, late of | Alamance County, hereby notiflea, all paitiea having claims against j said estate to tile the same with | him or his attorneys, qn or before' the 25th day of November, lulg, and unless said claims are filed on or oa fore said date, this notice will be pleaded in bar of any and all re covery. All persona indebted to said estate are requested to make im mediate payments. This the llth day of Nov., 1931. , J. H. WATKINS, Admr. of Permelia Watkins estate. j Notice of Foreclr sure of Real Property. { Under and by virtue of the power conferred upon the undersigned mortgagee in that certain mortgage | executed by W. T. Stokes, Jr.. and wife, H title T. Stokes, dated A ox oat 1, Hit, and recorded to the of fice of the Bagister of Decda for Alamance County in Noi||i|e Deet Pook 1?V Pa?e IN. which aaid deet of troet waa given to eecnre a cer tain note of even date; and where at default hat been Made to the payment of the debt thereby ee cnred, the nnderaigned mortgagee will offer for tale at public auction to the laat and high eat bidder foi rath, at the coortbonae door to Gra ham, North Carolina, the followiej deecribed real property, on MONDAY, DBC. Tth. UU, at 1]M o'clock, noon: A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Bnrtlngtoi Township, Alamance County. Nortl Carolina, adjoining the lands 01 Stokea Street, Turrentine Street Morehead Street, Alamance Intur ranee & Real Batata Company an. John H. Terrell; the eame fcein, Block "A" in the map, plan and nr vey of Rattle T. Stokea pro pert; made by A. C. Linberg Februar; II, 1925, described at follow!: Beginning at the intersection o Turrentine and Stokes Streets, ran ning thence with said Turrentln Street N. 1 deg. IS min. B. 1IS.9 f to a stake; thence S. (t deg. M mil W. 113.22 ft to a stake on More head Street; thence with line c | Morehead Street S. S deg. 19 mil > W. 1U.U ft to the point of inter . section of Ma?b|ead Street with ?aid BtokAvJee' t; thence with uid I Stokes Stieet S. Is de- W 112 ft I to the beMUhfcj Terms o| isle: Cash. This sa]e to bo taft open for ad vaacad bids as provided by law. Thin the Tth day of November, [ m, MISS A. MAE PATTERSON. r Moitfifse. . Loaf * Roes, Atty'a. Notice of Foreclosure of Real Property. Under and porsasnt to the power ' of aale rsated in the underalgned | Trustee, in that certain deed of trust . from W. H.'Tonahee, Trustee and Anne Bam (Barhaaah dated the first * day of Pebraary, 1W, and recorded j in office Bsglatar of Beads, Atoms o* County, la Mortgage Deed Book ' 1M, page tat, I wot offer for aale at f public auctioa, to the the highest f bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in Oroham, oa 1 SATURDAY, DBC. the tth. ltU, ~ st UM o'clock, noon, t_ the following described real prop i, ?rty, to-wit: All of that certain lot or parcel H of land situate in Graham, Alamance a. County, North Carolina, adjoining th- lan is fonaerty on?J kf CF. Harden. T. M. Dock at ??? and >< an acre, aw* or tsna. it >i>| the same upon vhick M Ik* tftdaj -uoa na