THE GLEANER |' eaiHAM. K. 0., DEC. 10,1031. MOD IrilT T1CMDAT, J. D. KERNODLE, Editor, i $1.00 A TEAR, IN ADVANCE. l?Un4 at im Poaloloa tiliritiaa, .N ft. SS ?OlilE IIIWMIW The lower houie of Congrees now stands 219 Democrat! and 214 Re publicans. No room there for the majority to foster disagreements. Senators John H. Bankhead of Alabama and Josiah William Bailey of North Carolina, new senators, were duly seated in the U. S. Senate Monday w ithout opposition, though notice of contest has been filed in case of each. John N. Garner, Representative in Congress from Texas for the past 29 years, was elected speaker of the House Monday by the Democrats to succeed the late Nicholas Long worth, Republican. The entire Dem ocratic deligation, 219. was present and voted for him. The charity football game at Duke University stadium last Saturday af ternoon, with teams from Duke and University at Chapel Hill against teams from State, Wake Forest and Davidson colleges, was a real foot ball game. The Universities won 14 to 9. The attendance waa less than 9,909 about a fourth or fifth of the number attending the other out standing games. Purse strings get very tight when K comes to charity. Mr Hoover pre hit annual met* ?age to Congrett Tuesday. No ooe, not even hit party friends give it very high praise. The outstanding recommendations are about three: in the (ace of possible deficit of $4,444, he recommends an increase in taxes; the avoidance of tariff ro .v iaion; and the Setting up of a gi gantic corporation similar to the War Finance Corporation to re lieve depression and make money matters easier. It is to be seen to what extent Congress will follow these and other recommendations. 8.3. Manhattan, the largest Amer ican bnllt merchant ship ever launch ed, was launched at Camden. N. J, last Saturday. It is being built for the United States Lines, is 705 feet long with 34,MM gross tons capaci ty. Speed is more than 30 knots per hour. A [bottle of water, composed of the mixed samples sent by tbe governors of the 43 states, was crashed against the bow in the christening ceremony. Gov. O. Max Qardner aet^a bottle from Neuse river. This jmonster of the sea will accommodate 1,344 passengers. It is the last word in comfort and luxury for ocean travel, France Honors Deeds of U. S. Ten in Memorial Brest. Fiats ? Fifteen Italian acalptors, under direction of Boulto QuftnctU, sa American dtiat of Italian extraction, are pettlnf the gnlahlng touches on the liaarlesa aaral memorial, which Is to be com pleted here la February. So far ae date for Ua dedication < has been rboaeo. bat It has bean sug gested that February 22 would be ap propriate. This n>emortal, at Ooors d'AJot Brest. Is a tribute la granite to the gallant deeds and services of Dotted State aaambo during the World war. The tower, which willT be 104 feet high, has attained a height ef US feet. It will ho sansoanted by fear giant eagles. On the sides will be atlsgsrteai sculpture. Mare than SUMS cubic fast of Breton granite will he reunited tar It and Ihe cost Is estimated at IMS. 000. Horns of Lost Cattla Hard Enrich Tons Man Baa tat en to. Tana?Remains ef a bant hard of longhum cattle, fa met 10 the history ef the Texas range, hm hat Sound by L. D. BariUlon ef Wae ata. Taxau, and their hart have made. Mm rich. la BU Jacob Dm Lonisi*s entire herd ef several thousand toughest stampeded la a storm near Tevllngt task. They were never Stnd. That 1% net until BtftflHea trailed ?ad Stand T^uat heap of^naTand hsrns Bertlllloa has Mat sold mare than *80.000 trorth ef bona, and la mew nominating far a sale lathe prises ef Wales. U '? LIGHTS ? &A&S ?/ NSW YSBK 4 An artist and hla wife dram down to a part? on Long Hand at whteli other thlnfs besides unfermented grape Juice were served. On the trip home ha paid her mora attention than he bad since the days when they were (Hifayed. It natnrally was gratlfylnt to And that the paaslnf years had not lessened his affection. She was tlad aha still was slender and food to look at Bather lata the neat morn ing, the husband came down to break fast Ha had ooe hand on his brow and what ha chiefly appeared te de sire was plenty of coffee. Still, all was well until ha said: "Say, who drora homo with me lent night r a o o Mr. aad Mrs. Bugs Beer are ardent crossword passle fans. Mrs. Beer la pretty good at these pussies hot she was absolutely astounded at tha skill, voed aad bralawork shews by her husband. Together they woald do tha possls published la a certain Mew York paper aad they aerer were more than child's play for Mr. Baer. If ever she was stock for a word, he In stantly supplied It Mrs Baer took a wholesome pride la her husband's remarkable ability until It accidental ly came to light that Mr. Baer was obtaining advance proofs of the pus sies at the newspaper office, working them out at his lets are, sad then do ing them ever at home. Mr. Baer has lost prestige. e e o There Is a sign oa tha road near Poughksepsis which reads en one side, "House te let Inquire within." On the ether side, the sign reads, "Bo ware of tha Dog." sea Arthur wnitua Brown, the Btan trntor, u< Le Bey P. Ward, the archl tact, had ? mlraeuleua untax IM Injury nr death recently while drtr Ia? back from Baat BaafM, Lang Inland, to Mow Tort Tba road wan croodad with rapidly moving can. Mi . Ward waa at tba wheal at hla owa automobile, with Mr. Brawn la tba aaat baaldt him. Suddenly a driver swung out of tba Una cnmlac the oth er way. Mr. Ward wraochad tha wheel but barely praraatad a bead an col 11*1 on. The other car atrack hla ear oa tba aide, pushed It SO that, and overturned It la tba dltct It tierted to Its aids with Mr. Brown oa tha mn der alda Now nomas the miracle. The ear waa badly wmaahed. windshield, fender*, runntnr hoards and windows. Vet, whaa they were polled out. neither Mr. Ward nor Mr. Brawn waa mere than Nightly brained and tba ileum Mr. Brown waa warning were not area broken. e e e A Mead of mine entered an auto mat near Scranty ascend street aad was thoroughly aarprlaad to And It fairly well IM with men with canes end spate- A few eren had monoclea through which they made a careful eraarinatlee of the ready dishes be fore pertinr "1th their nickels. Tba only way In which my friend waa abla to account for this clientele eras to Assume that tha tueteumi ware on cers of the former Bank uf United States, which had branches in this vl clotty before the parent stem and all branches withered. This autamat, by the way, la one of the few New Tort eating places which bars imofctag A nonsmoking rale Is hard to safmte. ant bocansa of tha man, but bucauau of tha women, a far more Independent ecr. I - - - Dr. Frederick W. Eodft telle me ef ? ntiru entomotegtt whe en tared the Explorer* dab la great excite ment Be wee poinding a folded newspaper agalnat hU hand. "Did job aeat" he naked. -Did joa aee the Colorado riser baa orer Aowadr "Tea," aaawered aomeone. "It la terrible ebeet the poor people who h?Td lost tkslr hMMBa" Tsopur *14 tlM adSBtlst "Whit coo cere hare I with peepUT It la the bag*." It aetata that he had dUeorered aome bow variety of laaaci la the dto> Met which bow waa doedod. Wall, Ifa att la the point of stew. (BL 1011. a*u ajraOHoU.)?'wnp ama Men (T) is Berlin are wearing apata trimmed with far. Notice of Foreclosure of Real Property. Purauant to the power vetted In the trader tlfwod Traatee by vlrtae of a certain dead at traat from A. J. Jeffrey* tad wife. Pearl Jef freys dated April It, lm, aad duly recorded in the office of the Ragia tw of Deed* tor Alamance County h Deed of Traat Book ill, Page 10. aald deed of traat having been ex era ted for the porpoee of aeenr ing a certain not* of even date therewith; where**defaalt haa been made In the payment of tatd note, the iiarlal dgaed Traateo win, por> aonot to the pdwat of ml* aotfco riaed in aald deed of traat, offer for a(r at pobUc taction at the cooat honae door la Graham, North Caro lina, Alamance Oooaty, to the Uat and hlghaaf bidder for caah, the fol lowing deecrtbad reel paopeitj, on TDBSDAT, JANUARY Hh, 118, I at It* o'clock, noon, A fot of land eitnate |a Pleaaaat Grove Township, Alamance County and State of North Carolina, adjoin ing the lands of J. G. Dalley (dec'di, ftelemoe Martin (dec'd) and others, aad bounded as follows, jo-wit: Beginning at a rock at the corner ot Cicero Whjtmors's tobacco barn; thence NJ, 1 1-1 deg. B. 11 cha. to pointers; thence a dividing line S N 1-1 dsg. B.M dha.15 Iks. to point era in 3.