.?^fe?m,ANE& rijlluo-tr-ToMj 98UIH not'1' "" r iwiiiiM ? nn nr in wu, . ? One. ?MUM' ? -Mri-> live bna anlitUtT a'eii "wmainr ^nc ? own"iwvmi" '(fTBJWWJ.' . Slwffilfwtt! ?di antidu?> la 1*11 'tUi n-u Aonnvnii j. ?dj n* 98s(i>??-3S2E3r^^^ i j froui th?">rtr? ?< |poifeiaae and tflaek- ? ?ah, whlcfew* bMMi aaad to la- j ?aMfaft??HJto|>tottoM. haa aoarad| -HbMltoao t'i,: uutototon -saapatow 1m; tai tetania Ma tot Cap* Hattaaaa," | 1HMM MM* .Iroaa, tba National ? iiP'HWWK" uH'.g?'jjwMtia at#.the South Afr; titaMIl iiiM^i aaboalatoair ba aaan aVi toaat Sail;, paaaing Joat ootolda tha aurf. The largest aolmala reach a; length offeven feet and weigh about: BOO pounda-j feiA f>n? siHhorpoIss FieMng. a bfflh -porpoise fishermen art as ex -d|WWI Uhermen who literally Uts 1i> tUbe rbflttth ttsberies off New England 'Iiatt-Niswmfndland. Lookouts are star rismfed tttthe beach a bore and below "the--point tfhere the porpoise Habere '?"?WairWgiurts.' When a school of poir ? V?l??r!? WlghMi boStsequipped with <-*rrg(is?ne? hre fttoncbed. The seines ? ?0 JWtfed, forte trrf a' eeml circular pea #fth 6h?i ?i(f to the beach. TheffigtlhiSi :sre'kbl-e'to watch the ?prrgrreai ot^a. anhonl at porpolsee by the poeitfon of the teokeet who walks along the beach abiwuLthe school. ashore. The porpoises lunge at the net and attempt to jump over and dlye ' nnder the mesh, bnt flsheriewtpmpwi i ally stationed In boats outside th* pen i to scare the anrgliM wptswld" toward the shore. Near the beach a smaller I neC?? MfefattfaM* POrUon of | the school which la beached first. Then the remainder of the school Is swept hi by the larger net . "Although jaw oil If an Important product of porpoise fisheries, the gar Imals alio are valuable for their body j, oil. which la extracted from the bleb ,; ber by bplUng. , ? ! Blubber a ?e>leaey. "In northern Norway the blubber Is, "eaten-by thefiahebfotk who conalder If 1 superior-to many other eea foods The ' flesh not consumed Is salted tor expor tation, while the entrails and bollee make good fertilizer. For many years the Indlant along the Maine coaat has* supported themselves by eaptuiflf j porpoises. I rorpoise meat also is eonsumSO aboard whaling boats. Whalers -cap ture porpoises by harpooning. The blubber not consuma|l,U cut into lon gitudinal strips 4,-ta ? hashes m(de, then mMM,4* boll. Each animal yields about ham gallons of body dl Psspslao Jmm all Is produced by remorlng the animal'* lower Jaw and extracting the oil-con taining blubber, which la boiled gent ly. A single Jaw jMfctdfca gbopt ? half pint of Jaw oil. "Blackftsh Jaw oil Is of equal merit for lubrication. These fish, which widely range the Atlantic ocean, art usually captpi$d-J^ ^hgfpooplag." ^ Rumania to Taach Youth Public SRvica Bukharest, Rumania.?The UniTST slty of Bukharest haa-been endaaepd with a new faculty, Intauhodfisrighs' benefit of young people Who aspire to posts in the Rumanian dell service. King Oarol thinks that the spirit of ths Rumanian bureaucracy should be altered to accord with the times and the Idea of the new school Is to lostrudt gtudynts In,their prospect UriJiUtldS itsWarditM matton while they pursue fhelr special etudes la j the ordinary faculties. New BumaMea' HieeuesaU are |o be taught to regard thswiitvii as asrraats and not upstate ad the pub lic. 'T- > ? Hoapittl Plans SpacUl Ward for Anxious Dads Pittsburgh.?A "paternity ward" for sail us fathsra awaiting word fNm ths stork wQl ha n feature of tps paw Allegheny Oeaaral hoepltnL j The ssctlou will contain a dtatag ? roam; paddsp, whijl husbands pay play cirde WWle aSraltlag b|By*f *-tTi1'hhi* leriarwrai if ?hini fl1ll|l? PMMy eUand Ma Mlriurf htatory. ?h *e ?Bne,Wt%t*??epe? elated. ??*W tMpd 'the 'rotps ofbeaaaa of bwaad hHdh'?? ad- a Iprg* 'wMUM W#TIW)? WTTB ft-orap wQtcn enqnir ?r ?m*?? ajhathby the aottent Iwylfc 'TVr W cotton ' Shalatal n?*K? mow ftef ?>?r Were a ha?row-h*te* pa^pwbsps . distantly rdftrted tn tha MeffltKTanea n DMptM of TtajfdB* Approximately t^*i(J? With tfudeclpheraNe pieto grafts wars feoad baaed upon wSr ?W? ? WO M Mother Mbd." with , ?tt? rocaJttBf tfcpse of'Bebytan wd . CN*n of Hbmi'ifo' -flia^ii99 i p. ? i* en later. ' flOHh OWP^OI* ^MOIOPP*? ??#" ' w-,w?.*wnrlwrt -trip to Mwopo. -*?' consented to see a reporter in hie cab-1 la before The chip docked. The npHltn yb aw hwBt ht mar ?Xactwgpeiy aozeareawq or three doe m more and the fln?ncier fled to hla WStp apglocked the door behind him. *? ** reporter WMV-nWWW- Be wrote out a llat of queetkraa and |h0Tfd th?n qnder the door. Then he . ?**'#>**'M* ?att#dt In dm oomhe. the Upt of wwatlon# *M cbovad out and to the reporter'a fratlflod amazement, all the question*?, weoe carefully answered and Ur. Iter-. tan had added certain newa which was ?t even aeore vital Interest to the ???** world. But the reel kick of the interview i OH the line across the bottom. ??Don't toll anyone how yon cot thle; I don'trwantsto cet a backache picking \ a* Irttsaa from the floor." feovil VM feari? Davit flsh arc hoc* rays of tho fast-, Mr mmm. which h.re ? umaqge-, shaped disk broader than long, with [ fee head free from the pectoral fern and provided with a pair of anterior precise Be and the tall long and whip like. The two genera and six or sewn ?pedes ??e cob an ad to warm sees.' The best-known Spades are If. blroe trls, sometimes called the blanket fed 1 by tropical American peart Ushers, from their belief that it attacks and devours men after enveloping them la its great wlng-Uke pectoral Una, which reach a breadth of 20 feet It la com mon la tropical American waters and occurs on both tho Atlantic and Pa cific coasts of tho United States. Tha -name applies to tho octopus and al lied eight-armed cephalopoda. Tmybb?*M" 4^*? With a new locking assembly tor aw OeawbHaeaH doeae Maleohod.at.onco hp .ireasing a buttmt A nondrip sharing brush In wblck .ft ihnrrhiat BOonUto afltokl to f?w44M^'?f MMm 4t m BagUsb About aft ^? ?Wt Of Qbosen's Mr 582,153- acres ts under ctittWatlon, Jap anese owning nearly one-half of the tilted land! British railways Rare developed a Hwn?MI*s lislnal Wr the aoa-stop wan s>f?9S aaBea between XOndso and Edinburgh! * nsetoae fcae heen Invented to STM *? golfbnS trim t ?|Mw Hd ? place it on a tee'Wben a to? to preaadd with a dtab? i ?? HMki nPUMlMllll xlAm/UIVI T|K/v\|fl 19 Maybe pim toMon wkr fruo to May Iter wnrtK trade U becawe Mr attitude la brutally franc. Jfeen dumb .peraona njaJre good card PtoTtoi ! mn wKwumi?? OMi4imlM pamot n lite ifhM??*ar. Omm ?n wl as vtMdofi around Nil ladles ThafdWN H ?N>? NnUcx Od oaNtr at ?e Chlaaaa WttM* piavpts m. . * nam*? U*? % Mm (Wn A rici (mMmmSmMIm ttwtaa* tmm to b*?a I tft MfUlM l|||(i lum {ka llha *>??? ka> ?, MMKI i ?? ??? * ? n*P ?^P wnij ????? rrflftrti of colWHnf jhkL um jaml If If TF/ 7" iMil I'll ?' WT rW:' 1MR i taft tkiLflhon link ImJi WLB hA|nf^?MSrt^ (SSSrty , rTW|l AtMrT"*"?1 x ' 1 Hill 1^inwV!T I when it will bf uuployid, ?IN''nNI **** WHW^ ! - wnfwiiw^ ': 'iJHDDHu Gat Tha Beat TJia "SM|>fe?n? A?|J?48*y ; ??2?i&ti*2^ *' .AMiAgA^g^.^ hlllliKllll' ; ^7iUiMnu_5<,rt*>|^ flfr? ?> i^SSSimSBMCiSSPMSS !S t " It'll I ll SmJ'fkr Am. ?#?* ^ ^^7JSl3S!EE23Ef^ *-.1 i iff mii^ II -^>PP>?kg Mortgagors fts-S& df Lmd\ Under and by via?oa of tbMMMW tatWwd^i. ?e** *WKh oMfot towm hi* wile, September it, U?4, an*vw Wtfe^ftegeter <* vt^iot jnmaw fo#*to iflbwak 1^^?fTjiS fSF'Bir* !*?^4i*?*btomto|phe?m eee*T^ the MTidMtmaMMkem^miii ;?it btf&r fee ?ffc JTAf ?#*-, Koom" door in 'ttlkmum MBfflD*X,-*flC< 4?fc'el?? 'the tottewimr eesl-w#^ tymt,-. niPiiiMiaTMrr^?^^-yi Wptirer twmmtmWNi* p urn id *T *?? H?? III II I I'll ? e* tn>odk#Jfl?r*W.:*?t w M nislmliiSf1^ M''9^*iap Graham, A, Q TtaftMs-W^M* ewrSPFj ,i? drnrahmn Mu+m* Cer a*-. l*a#c? 4ib|h*iFfcee-*F *?. j m'"^iSSfijaR^ Tw?*i 1* d\mM j M ?|fr* rWfr ??g*taD?, ty tsd 9|^ j)f MONDAY, JANUARY 4th. 1?H, ?t MM u*iHU. ?ooa. Two tracts .?? WWd fti Humr Drove tarawMo. ?<|eWW No ?LmT?h w?t*. aw* H*t" tkXmSTxfmt r Suo in Use all* Mo. Li ttfaee & s Ml deg. W, ? **. to *? SSSSiSSSB ^SjJS lot ??.?; Iran t mm duLtouiHkilhnra?r.?M?v a 11 do. to ? itshi |-theoce K. IN 1-1 d?*-V. Hip HH *1 ? ?*?*? ? ST* ** ***** TW?Hf1.H4MM. ftinun fS^rS 1?^ silMj I i till UN Cooaty In Book of KMMM 4N Deeds ol til at ptfe Hi ' ShS^'pC^T *' * *** It JkHnHSHtt |Mlth lS l-> do*. Hf iMt 21.40 eba to ? *$? fc e *? Wmt. m?h. asa&taaa^ ? 2-*iTrj^ to *"** ptl>**ce ? VMi-ttene* Vnrth >? d^f.'<1^tyt |.M j dWWtsMftw; tt(epoe >roi*j? ?#.>?., JMfT ??'?!?* | gjwg? y*1 * ?Mk ki ^okwt BMo>ii? tt?c- j *Q*b mn. gwt H*0 <-tu to the , *>3 ?ere.,, to^^SSZxS^. 5S52V?^i5??? ?long ?aid roaA.ta*k4M yd^tj^^ |ier; thence to ?'^lS?2jM?f3^^? Natfif 'il ^tnaiicaK Sntli For luot *nrr. w. mw?, -i ?M AdviTtimiMt. ^ I Son of PteiHW. Name of Defendanta. " p|) . 'J ?. IW. Hnh, Mpa. W. C. Jobpeton, Opj- un 9m? ' ?? Uo Jeta#** LoeNo JohHsli flatT dlStil^T *** ' Jj T. kMrfTflM* mr-Bm** HAMNftlbrtpnt ?y.fPjWK I. ?Ul?I ftH. ??ty Martin, 1??7 Sep* IWUm iacwb of the above entitled actkma, by posting at | 4MkMa deer, ftps been given to all persons (other than tfcafs i abrtM paaaooatty aepaed ia the above entitle action). -**V??-g any btntd In the aab)aet Batter ol any of the above entitled actnai Id HJiapl l>?m lit and defend their their rt'iai. TMa is the feaand .glfoirtiMvept of mid notices and add notices describe the natae* af ' tkp I lg aHlff ItUtm above a^taed and rejoirr all each jriiape jnitnri of this general ?ji iiliiianaal il ail aiMrn, aa n jaded hj dl'IAnrii tr ?M?ai? arWm of the pi|tiiin *a?M la the m?mtidHP>eald MWdBt or the proceeds received from tfca tela of rm v ??? *? ??- ^ ^ wmmmt -il l* - 3? IWIMMMmIIMK riUWinwr tot* to "caLjStoSia I I: ' I I I i ? 4 ?. | i ^^^Ej^Bum|BHM|B - H ?] 'raV* V 1 ;Sff n3UrJ?fin ' 1 * ?pBHBBBBBfcsMRHRRSfcHSlSflRSIl , / MOTWBtt Fletcher's Csetocim is ? tanks* <1 ?H? H14*r