THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., FEB. 25, 1934. , 'T+++ttt++++++t ? ? v lotji t v b w 8 ? ?I ????++ + *+ + + + *-f^+4. + + + + ++J. + + + + ?The County Court is still in pro-! gress. A number of jury cases have been heard. ?Joseph Moon, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Moon, is improving from' an attack of pneumonia. ?The Purol service station, South-' vest corner at intersection of N. | Main and Harden St?? has enlarged > its office room. ?Fine progress is being made to ward the ,reopening of the First Nat ional Bank of Burlington. The de-: positors are cooperating splendidly, in the effort. ?On Friday night, March 4th, an old time Fiddlers' Convention wil, be held at Pleasant Grove High j School. Prizes will be awarded to the best teams. ?Judge W. Luther Cates has an nounced himself a candidate for County Court Judge. Burlington has at least two other cadidates for the tame place, namely, Hon. \V. H. Car loll apd John S. Thomas. ?That falling of fine hail or s.eet in the early afternoon of last Sun day was about the nearest approach to real winter weather that has been experienced in these parts during the winter. Then it was a little colder the first of the week than usual. | ?The First Grade pupils at the Graham School gave a highly in teresting George Washington Pro gram last Friday morning under the direction of their teachers, Misses Lala Browning and Inabelle Worth ington. The little folks did their parts well. ?County Agent N. C. Shiver i< emphasizing pasture making, Feb ruary and March deing the months for seeding for this purpose. If you are interested, and you should be if you are a farmer or have live stock to feed, get in touch with the County Agent and he will tel. you 0 what to sow and how. ?Mr. McBride Holt recalls that 43 years ago today the weather was so mild that plum trees were in bloom. It was his wedding day and a vase of plum blossoms decorated the din ing table. Off on a wedding trip, at Greensboro a severe thunder storm was encountered. Though the past winter has been mild, so far no plum blooms have been reported. CurvrJ o xt of Vipp f miles East of Graham, Mrs. D. Bur ton May gave a family dinner. Those present were her father, Mr. W. O. Stratford; uncle, John A. Trolinger: and her brothers and their families, namely, Mr. and Mrs. Park Stratford and children of Greensboro, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Stratford and children of Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Robt.Strat ford and children, in all 19. Her brother, Dr. W. Henry Stratford, and Mrs. Stratford of New York were the only members of her family not present at the pleasant family gath ering. He Got There The North Carolina Fire Preven tion Bulletin, in its February issue, makes the following appreciated reference to Graham's veteran and efficient Fire Chief, Dr. Will S. Long, Jr.: Fire Chief Long, of Graham, was 'Tegusted" at his 1930 record at see ing Aberdeen take his frequent place at the head of the Honor Roll table, with a fireless and flaw.ess 12 month period, he buckled on his armor, donned his helmet, cussed out his firemen, citizens of Graham who had the fires, swore this Ral eigh statistician-editor must have been a liar, spit on his hands, wiped his mouth and got ready for a de termined hell-bent puL against fire loss for the year 1931. And lo and behold, he got there. With his be loved city taking its place at the head of a fine table of Honor Roll occupants, even Aberdeen and Mar lon which pushed to a nine month spurt, will Join with all the others in rejoicing witli the venerable and indefatigable Chief of Graham in his noble achievement. Card ot Thanks. 1 take this means of thanking the people of Graham for their many kindnesses to my family during the sickness and death of my wife. My children and I are deeply grateful. M. M. McArthur. February 23rd, 1932. ? UB8CR1BM FOR THE G LB A,SUB, ? 11JM ?**+????***?? ? PERSONALS ? ? I Mr. an an iron pipe corner with said. Alston and Bran nock; thence Nerth Ti 1-4 deg. East' 1327 feet to an iron bolt, corner with said Alston in West side of sail Street; thence South S deg. West 507 feet to an iron bolt, corner with said Day in East side of said street; thence South 78 1-2 deg. West (B. 8.) 318 feet to the beginning, contain ing 3.38 acres, more or less. This sale will be made subject to increased Lids as provided by law and will+6 held open ten (10) days after sale to give opportunity for such bids. This the 9th day of February, 1932. ED. J. ROSS, Mortgagee Wm. I. Ward, Atty. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the will of Nancy Elien Cheek, dec'd late of Alamance County, NorthCar olina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of deceased to present them, duly au thenticated, on or before the 20th day of February, 1933, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate settlement. This Feb'y 15th, 1932. J. A. MAY, Ex'r. Saxapahaw, N. C? Route No 1. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of George S. Coble, de ceased, late oJ^Alamance County North Carolina, tigs is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 10th day of February, 1933. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 2Sth day of January, 1932. MRS. ELIZA ZACHARY, Adm'r'x of George S. Coble. NOTICE! NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. Justice's Court before W. Luther Cates, Justice of the Peace. United Dollar Stores, Inc.. Pltf, VS. J. H. Wilburn. Agent of South East ern Express Company and F. J. Hulcher, Jr.. Defendants. The defendant, F. J. Hulcher, Jr., will take notice that an action enti tled as above has been commenced in the* Court of W. Luther Cates, Justice of the Peace, to secure dam ages for breach of contract; and said defendant will further take no tice that he is required to appear at the office of said Justice of the Peace on Andrews Street, Burlin-g ton, North Carolina, on or before 22nd day of February, 1932, at 2:3fl P. M? and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or plain tiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded. This 21st day of January, 1932. W. LUTHER CATES, Justice of the Peace. Thomas & Madry, Atty's. Notice of Sale of Real Es tate Under Deed of Trust Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed of trust executed by Lecy A. Apple and hus band A. L. Apple to L. O .Lohmann and E. B. Thompson, trustees, dated the fifteenth day of April, 1929, se curing the payment of certain bonds described therein, which deed of trust is duly probated and record ed in the office of the Register ol Deeds for Alamance County, North Carolina, in Book No. Ill of Deeds of Trust, at page No. 353, default having been made in the payment of said bonds and the interest there on as provided and set out in said deed of trust, and demand having been made upon said trustees tc foreclose under the said deed ol trust by the holders of said jonds the undersigned trustees will, on , SATURDAY, MARCH 19th, 1932. at 12 00 o'clock, noon, offer for sale at public auction t ? Street in the center of the East wall of Hal. & Troxler, running 1 thence with said Hall & Trosler'i ? wall in a Southerly direction 1(X ? feet to corner with 10-ft. alley; run ? ning thence with line of 10-ft. alley ? in an Easterly direction 42 feet 6 In ches to center of West wall of Meb ane Real Estate & Trust Company running thence with said Mebane Real Estate & Trust Company's wall in ? Northerly direction 100 feet to corner with Davis Street; running thence with line of Dav>s Street in a Westerly direction 12 feet 6 inches to the beginning;, and upon which ii situated a three story brick build ing now known as the "Efird Build- j leg", formerly occupied by Efird i Department Store. This the 1st day of February, 1932. J. ELMER LONG, Trustee. McLendon & Hedrick, Attvs. Sale of Valuable Farm Properly! Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon us in a deed of trust executed by William J. Gra ham and wife, Alice M. Graham, on the 23rtl day of December, 1926, and recorded in Book 197, Page 303, w e will, on SATURDAY, MARCH 19th 1932. at 12:00 o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse door in Alamane ? County, Graham. N. C'? sell at pub lic auction for cash to the highest bidder, the following land, to wit . A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Faueette Town ship, Alamance County, N. C, ad joining the lands of Mrs. L H. Ald ridge, et all. and more particularly bounded and bescribed as follows Beginning at a rock, Mrs. L. H. Aldridge's corner and running then ce S. 2 deg. 23 min. W. 17 chs. 6 Iks. to rock; thence S. 29 deg, E. 5.69 c'>s. to a rock; thence* S. 29 deg. W. 5.60 chs. to rock; thence S. 3 3-1 deg. W. 10 chs. to a rock; thence S. 30 1-2 deg. E. 2.98 chs. to a rock; "thence S. 61 deg. E. 1.28 chs. to a sycamore tree; thence N. 54 deg. E. 1.17 chs. to a rock; thence S. 61 deg. E. 7.72 chs. to a poplar tree; thence S. 3 deg 13 min. E. 1.15 chs. to a gum tree; then - ce S. 58 deg. E. 3.50 chs. to an elm; thence E. 5.60 chs. to a gum tree; thence N. 45 deg. E. 4.56 chs. to an elm; thence N. 46 1-2 deg. E. 1.61 chs., N. 46 1-2 E. 1.5-5 chs.. N. 46 deg. E. 11 chs., N. 44 1-2 E. 3 79 chs. N. 38 deg. E. 1.30 chs., N. 1 deg. W. 90 Iks NJ. 6 |deg. E. 4 chs., N. 33 deg. E. 1.45 chs. to a rock; thence N. 53 1-4 deg. W. 8.80 chs. to a hickory tiee ; thence j N. 65 deg W. 13.62 chs; to a post oak ; thence N. 66 deg. W. 2.84 chs. to rock; thence N. 84 deg. W. 27.09 chs. to the beginning corner, and conta- j talnlng 155 acres of land, but to >e the same be there more or less. _ _ Wl] This sale is made by reason tKM the failure of William J. Orahara and wife, Alice M. Graham, to pry off and discharge the indebtedness secured by said deed of trust. A deposit of 10 percent will bv required from the purchaser at the sale. This the 13th day of Mi Wry, 1932. C. H. DIXON, Receiver For First National Bank of Durham. Trustee. Durham V. C. Wm. I. Ward, Atty. Xotice of Sale of Real Estate! Under authority of a Mortgage Deed, bearing date of the 17th day of April, 1919. executed by Claries F. Boswell and wife, lassie BosweF. to the undersigned, Thomas Byrd which Mortgage Deed Is recorded at the office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance County in Book of Mort gages No. 69. at page 321 default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness thereoy secured, the undersigned Mortgagee will, on THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd, 1932, at 12.00 o'clock, noon. at the Court House door in Graham, N. C? offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed real estate A certain tract of land lying in Haw River Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, adjoining the lands of J. W. Thompson, Bessie Boswel", David BosweR deceased. and containing 15 acres, more or less and being a part of the property known as the Boswell land and being a'l of the property owned by the said Charles F. Boswell or his wife, Les sie Boswell, in Alamance County. This the 1st day of February, 1932. THOMAS BYP.D, Mortgagee Coulter & Allen, Attys. 6 66 LIQUID - TABLETS SALVE 666 Liquid or Tablets use internally aad 666 Salve externally, make a complete and effective treatment for Colds. Most Speedy Remedies Known Magistrates'Blanks?State Wannuls, Civil. Summons, Transcripts of Judgments, for sale at Thx (vKaneh office, GraLam, N. C. ?c? A - ' Bushel of Wheat Will Pay for The Gleaner One Year *i A full year's Subscription will be credited fQ? every bushel of wheat delivered. * i ? ? ; . $1.00 i Is the Price for a Year's \ i f ; Subscription. | ? ' I ? - - . . i * Wheat is Selling at 75cts. j 1 I r t ; We can't Handle over 500 Bushels.