WE had to cut down expenses, so my husband did his share by switching to Target and rolling his own cigarettes. I felt kind of sorry for him at first, but I notice he's more cheerful than ever. "He tells me that Target rolls up into cigarettes that look and taste like ready-mades. Target is the same mixture of foreign and domestic tobaccos that the ready mades use. You get 40 special gummed papers free. No wonder my husband tells me he's glad he changed. He's getting more ciga rette pleasure than ever, and we're saving about enough to pay for the family's bread and butter each month." HUSBANDS, PLEASE NOTE! You pay leas than one-firth the govern - merit tax on ready-made* when you roll your own from TARGET. Buy a pack of TARGET. Roll yourself fifteen or twenty smokes. If you don't say they are the best cigarettes you have ever smoked, return the half empty pack age to your dealer's and you'll get your dime back. Wrapped In ?noiaturaproof Callophana n W* 1 | |3fuffjYaT99^SF Drown fli Williamson Tobacco Corp. Louisville, Kentucky ? '91* 5 CP ?< in I < ft I Z ; 1 o > 73 a m 2 -< z c in oo > Z o (A > < m (A Ul O o m Z (A > m m * * * PRECIPITATED LIME (Difolvd Limn ton*) Highest Analysis?Quickest Results For lowoit Lime price* writ* NATURAL LIME-MARL CO., Reeeeke,V*. Wsrti-Chertee-Teea. W. Vs.?Marthrsoh. Vs. Rothschild Maxims Put in Alphabetical Order The following maxims were hung , in Baron Rothschild's bank where he could show them to ambitious young ! men: Attend carefully to details of your business: Be prompt in nil things; Consider well, then decide | positively; Dare to do right, fear to j do wrong; Endure trials patiently; j Fight life's battles bravely, manful ly; Go not Into the society of the i vicious; Hold Integrity sacred; In Jure not another's reputation, nor | business; Jofn hands only with the virtuous ; Keep your mind from evil thoughts; Lie not for any consider- ! ation; Make few acquaintances; i Never try to appear what you are ' not; Observe good manners; Pay your debts promptly; Question not j the veracity of a frieud; Respect the | counsel of your parents; Sacrifice money rather than principle; Touch | not, taste not, handle not Intoxi eating drinks; Use your leisure time | for Improvement; Venture not upon j the threshold of wrong; Watch care j fully over your passions; Extend to | every one a kindly salutation; Yield ! not to discouragement; Zealously la bor for the right ? Generally speaking, the better you feel, the prettier you will look. Seek | health. ????HAVEBHHaH Beautiful Skin ? soft, smooth, clear, "pink end white"?the matchless complexion of youth. Sulphur purifies, clears and refreshes the latitats skin. For beautifying the face and arms use j? * >?Glenn's?' Sulphur Soap Qotttalae PHS Pure Sulphur. AtDrocgim. Sunshine"" ?All Winter Long At the Foremost Desert Resort of Ike West?marvelous climate?warm sunny days?dear starlit nights-^dry invigorating oir ? splendid roads ? gorgeous mountain scenes?A nest hotels?the ideal winter home. Write Or? A OOetTey PALMSP RINGS Aspirin Binifliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifl! BEWARE OF IMITATIONS LoOK for the name Bayer and the word genuine on the package aa pictured above when you buy Aspirin. Then you'll know that you are get ting the genuine Bayer product that thousands of physicians prescribe. Bayer Aspirin is SAFE, as millions of users have proved. It does not depress the heart, and no harmful after-effects follow its use. Bayer Aspirin is the universal antidote for pains of all kinds. Headaches Neuritis Colds Neuralgia Sore Throat Lumbago Rheumatism Toothache Genuine Bayer Aspirin is sold at all druggists in boxes of 12 and in bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin is the trade-mark of Bayer manufacture of monoaceticacidester of salicylicacid. YOUNG GIVEN NEW IDEA OF IDLENESS Things have changed more than a bit. No one talks about easy money. The children, the young people, are hearing and seeing that idleness is a ghastly thing. They are afraid of Idleness. Even they have learned 5 that easy money Isn't too reliable. We thought that the days of great personal achievement in this country might be over. There wasn't much unexplored land left, nor many mines to discover. But as things stand now, there are enormous Jobs to be done on the vitalizing and organization of finance and industry. It will take just as much energy and courage as can be brought to it. The ideals of nil these children are going to be better than they might have been if things had gone on at their swift, luxurious, self-indulgenl pace. They are being brought up to realize that employment is a vital consideration of an entire country and to see how interlocked social groups are.?Margaret Culkin Ban ning in the Saturday Evening Post. For Stomachs TEMPORARILY Out-of-Order Occasional constipation should neve* ba allowed to attach Itself. Check Itat once with a cup or two of Garfield Tea. A Rood old fashioned, tried and nat ural remedy. It flushes the bowels, stimulates sluggish liver and renews the cheery good health of an active stomach. Recommended by many years of splendid, certain results. A a flood for children a* It Is for grown-upg Get tx a* you* druggist's GARFIELD TEA QtajurmtXmafiviQfrinJi Esperanto Spreading The interest in the world language Esperanto is Increasing in Sweden. At the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Swedish Esperanto society In Stockholm It was announced that the membership list now\has more than 1,70) names. X DARKEN I GRAY HAIR NATURALLY Easy to do this quick way Don't dye hair. Science has discovered a quick, simple way to darken gray hair naturally?so nobody can tell? restore its original shade safely and as easily as brushing. It makes the hair healthy. Finest way known to get rid of gray hair, as thousands testify. Try it. Pay druggist only 75* for a bottle of WYETH S SAGE & SULPHUR and follow easy direc tions. Results will delight you. Lost Opportunity Lady?Why aren't you a successful business man? Tramp?You see, lady, I wasted me time in school instead of selling news paper*. Necessity is the only successful ad visor.?Charles Reade. Bedridden with Rheumatism Robs on oil...gets op right away There's nothing liko good old St. Jacobs Oil for relieving the aches and pains of * Neuritis, Rheuma m?uj, &*uhio*ko, cacucne, neuralgia or sore Muscles. Von rub it on.With out burning or blistering it quickly draws out pain and inflammation. Relief comes before you can count 601 Oet a small bottle from yocr dreggitt. i Girl at the Top in Health Tests "1 Millions of boya and girls all over the , world, thousands of L them right here In I the West, are being ' restored to health and strength by the - purely vegetable ton _|ic and laxative known as California Fig Syrup and endorsed by physicians for over 50 years. Children need no urging to take It They love its rich, fruity flavor. Nothing can compete with It as a gen tle, but certain laxative, and It goes further than this. It gives tone and strength to the stomach and bowels so these organs continue to act nor mally, of their own accord. It stimu late,, the appetite, helps digestion. A Kansas mother, Mrs. Dana All glre, 610 Monroe St., Topeka, says: "Bonnie B. Is absolutely the picture of health, now, with her ruddy cheeks, bright eyes and plump but graceful little body and she stands at the top In every health test. * ? Much of the credit for her perfect condition is-etae to California Fig Syrup. We haveuked it since baby hood to keep her bowels active dur ing colds or any children's ailments and she has always had an easy time with them. She always responds to Its gentle urging and Is quickly back to normal." Ask your druggist for California Fig Syrup and look for the word "California" on the carton so you'll always get the genuine. Which Is It, Umps? Site was addressing a group of eager wide-eyed children at the reg ular library story hour. "Today, boys and girls, I am going to tell you a real scary story about a vampire. You know what a vampire is, don't you?" "Oh, sure," answered one sophis ticated youngster scornfully. "You mean the one who decides in a base ball game." "Ho, ho," laughed another in deri sion. "Listen to him. He's talking about an empire." Railroads in Nation How many railroads are there In the United States? There are 1,637, including 174 class 1 having an op erating revenue above $1,000,000; 232 class 2, having operating revenues from $100,000 to $1,000,000, and 348 class 3. having operating revenues holow $100,000.?New Tork World Telegram. STOP THAT COLD Distressing cold m chest or throat--that to often leads to something serious?generally responds to good old Musterole with the first application. Should be more effective if used once every hour for five hours. This famous blend of oil of mustard, camphor, menthol and other helpful in gredients brings relief naturally. Mus terole gets action because it is a scientific "counter-irritant"?not just a salva ?it penetrates and stimulates blood circulation, helps to draw out infection and pain. Used by millions for 20 years. Recommended by doctors and nurses. To Mothers?Musterole is also made in milder form for babies and small children. AskforChU? I Custom Mad* Wigs & Toupees I World'# Finest IIllQstrsted r*talo? sent free with price list. Bembln* ton pes 60c per bo* poMafitt, fTriti or call 49TWM*?INW Lye. Mess. I For Coughs duo to Colds, Minor I Bronchial and Throat Irritations I J AS. BA1LT a BOM. Baltimore. Hd. | Check on Bather* So many persons obeyed Impulses to take dips in irrigation canals of southern Arizona, which run full of cool, sparkling water, that the sheriff of Pinal county posted notices that anyone bathing In such canals, which line highways, would be prosecuted unless garbed in a bathing suit. Toung people of today enjoy lib erties that young people have never enjoyed before in all history. RUNDOWN, NERVOUS Westminster, Md. ?"I w a s weak and run down, was al ways tired, Tery nervous, had no appetite and what 1 ate made me sick to my stom ach," said Miss Adelta Lockner, 1 T> * _ 1 Ml I I jwuic i. x ncara 01 ur. riercee medicines and sent for a bottle of the 'Golden Medical Discovery Tablets' and also the "Favorite Prescription Tablets.' I felt much better after tak ing the first bottle. I have taken four bottles of each and feel like a new person." All drtiggists. Fluid or tablets. y*1 ?/ m mm* ?? fr* Vritf, Wli( *? H?p?M Mask mJimS t* mrr pack ap ?C Dr. PtarM'i r>i iillaa tm Dr. naraa'a AM to Mafe, bTXT^- "^-1 ?Boc?^oa?gcog?aoodt>ooowwM Penny Ante ? | * By LEETE STONE $ ??: ?! <? by McClure Newspaper Syndicate. > (WNU Service) GRANGER was a small town way up near the Canadian border where winters were still winters. There was a series of little batcheted notches on one of the big trees thai bordered the state highway which ran through Granger. The highest of these cuts was four and a half feet about the level of the sidewalk. It was the high point of Granger's snowline. The state road was plowed, of course; but the plowing never uncov ered the concrete from December to March. The winters were taken as a matter of course by the fathers and mothers of Granger. The fathers read and toasted slippered feet In the evening. The mothers sewed; or also read; both retired early and rose early to face an other bright clear day of below sero temperature. ^ Very different was the feeling among the few youngsters. In summer they could drive to Lakeside and Jackman, see movies, dance, canoe, play tennis, fish and generally enjoy life. So the long winter was nothing less than anathema to them. Five of them, three boys and two girls, had formed a little unofficial clique that braved the bitter wind and snow once a week, Saturday night, to talk and chatter of the summer's games and pleasures,*at their respec tive houses. It was pretty dull, but It was better than nothing. In February, this particular winter, Gloria Ames returned from school In the East There had been a fire In the school's big dormitory and the pupils were temporarily released for a few weeks until restoration could be effected. Gloria was different. She was pretty, charming, vivacious?the life of any party. She had gone to coun try school with all the Uttle cliques of boys and girls. She noticed with a flush of pleasure that Harry Hanson, who had always carried her books, and been most devoted, had turned out to be tall, handsome and Intelligent. The first Saturday night after her return the group gathered at Gloria's house. They found a big round table In the living room, surrounded by six chairs; with a pack of cards in the center, and a little cylindrical roll, paper covered, which had on It In black letters, "50 cents." "Folks, hurry and gather rtjund. We're going to play penny ante poker. The stakes are my treat this time. When anyone loses the fifty cents they drop ont. When anyone wins fifty they drop out The limit bet Is two cents. I had quite a time converting Dad and Mother; but I finally showed tbem it was the same as if we paid fifty cents fo go to a movie or a dance or for a boat to fish a couple of hours. . . . Now sit down! Anyone that doesn't know the value of the hands will find It on this piece of paper." Gloria laid a slip of paper that was a slice of Hoyle itself in the center of the table. Harry Hanson had played nfaay a game of penny ante In the back room of the store; but despite all bis knowl edge of human nature, drawing, and all the elements of poker, he lost his fifty cents In an hour; quietly dropped out and pulled bis chair around behind Gloria, who seemed to be the con sistent winner. According to Gloria's specifications the game was over at ten thirty; and every one, losers and win ners, wore a smile, seemed to be UveDed up. Harry beckoned Gloria Into the hall as the others were in animated conver sation over their losses and winnings. "I've got Dolly's son Dan hitched to the blue cutter tonight Gloria. Ton remember Dolly. Come, Gloria 1" "I'll come. Harry," Gloria whispered. Crisp snow bathed In moonlight; the musical tinkle-tinkle of tiny cutter bells; the muffled hoofbeats of a swift horse and the swish of bright steel runners all contributed sweetly to this north country romance. "Gloria, dear Gloria." Harry mur mured as they sped Into the radiant beauty of the four corners. "Please say you'll marry me." "Oh, Harry, this is preposterously sudden. Can't we make courtship last longer? Tell you what 1 Let's play penny ante every Saturday night until one or the other of us holds a royal flush. Then 111 answer you." "Say," said Harry a trifle bitterly, "d'you know how often a royal flush turns up a lifetime?" All of which explains the tense mo ment In the group game the following Saturday night. Gloria had opened with Jacks or better. All but Harry Hanson had dropped out when he raised the openers a penny before see ing cards. Harry drew one card. Gloria drew two. "Cp to you I" Harry said with ? queer look In his eyes. "Two cents!" Gloria promptly con tributed. "And two more'." "And two more!" "I'll call you?Just to save your money; because It's the first time In my life I've held the unbeatable hand. Read 'em and weep: or better still, re member your promise!" Harry laid his cards down In front of Gloria one at a time. "I drew the queen," he whispered a little awed. They read, from top to bottom, the ace, king, queen. Jack and ten spot of diamonds?a royal flush 1 Gloria chucked her three aces and two kings Into the discard and smiled Into Harry Hanson's eyes In a way that made Um strangely hllarlgua, MercolizedWax Keeps Skin Young OeteneuDeetAdaeeeedlreeUd.riaepartMkeolicMi Ate peel off until ell defect* eueh m pliuple* llrer mo**, tea and fmkte dleeppev. Skin U tkee eoft pd ???*??*. Your I one l<jok* ran rouw? MerwJieed Wubrisp out tk* hidden Ueety of tout okte. T? <*?"?' i'j te on? beH^nrrt^^tea^^dr^ otortel* Tree Surgery in Capital Because some of the valuable trees In Washington, D. C., became undernourished following the drought, they have been artificially fed by drilling holes near the base of each tree and filling the holes with meal and pouring in water. ???? ?i Y/hen TEETHING moke, HIM FUSSy One of the most Important things you can do to make a teething baby comfortable is to see that little bowels do their work of carrying off waste matter promptly and regular ly. For this nothing Is better than Castorla, a pure vegetable prepara tion specially made for babies and children. Castorla acts so gently yon can give It to yonng Infants to re lieve colic. Yet It Is always effective, for older children, too. Betnember, Castorla contains no harsh drugs, no narcotics?Is absolutely harmless. When your baby Is fretful with teething or a food upset, give a cleansing dose of Castorla. Be sure you get genuine Castorla with the name: ^T CASIQJRI_A Good Word for the Sparrow Field "Investigators of the Pennsyl ?anla state game commission have discovered that the English sparrow, commonly regarded as nothing but a pest, has some economic value. They reported that the sparrows attack and eat the Japanese beetle, plant pest that has cause considerable damage in Infested areas. B " Stuffy nostrils, B . soothe irritation by use of ? "Mentholsturn in nose. Rub briskly ? M on chest to improve blood ? circulation and prevent B K congestion. Jars and f M XlCKskS/ Masonic Temple in Ireland What Is claimed to be the first Ma sonic temple in Ireland has been ded t icated at Crawfordburn, County Down. The temple is beautifully situated on two acres of land over looking Belfast Iougli. It formerly was known as the Ited house, and was transformed into Its present condition by three local lodges. Indicated as an Alterative in the Treatment of RHEUMATIC FEVER, GOUT, Simple Neuralgia, Muscular Aches and Pains At All DrafgUU Ju. & Sot, Wholesale Distributors . Baltimore, Md. Fashion'* Slave Fair Patient?What would you ad vise me to do, doctor? Family Physician?Either go South for the winter or else put on more clothes.?Boston Transcript. America's Oldest "Daily** * The first daily newspaper pub lished In the United States was the Pennsylvania Packet and General Advertiser, published at Philadel phia, September. 178-1. NIP CHEST COLDST QUICK WITH HEAT OF RED PEPPERS Relieves Almost Instantly To break up congestion, to restore free circulation and stop chest colds ... to alleviate the circulatory pains and aches of rheumatism, neuritis, lumbago . . . Nature has stored up in red pep pers a marvelous therapeutic heat that penetrates deeply into the skin without blistering or burning and swiftly brings relief. Now this genuine red peppers' heat is contained in an ointment, Rov/ei Red Pepper Rub, Aa you rub it on you'll feel better. And in 3 1 minutes relief cornea. Drug stares sell Rowlee Red Pepper Rub. Tfjr it Fifty and Fit AMA"N is as old?or as young? as his organs. At fifty, you can be in your prime. Why go along with "fairly good health " when you might be enjoying vigor you haven't felt for years? There's a simple little thing any one can do to keep the vital organs stimulated, and feel lit all the time. People don't realize how sluggish they've grown until they've tried it. The stimulant that will stir your system to new life is Dr. Caldwell's syrup pepsin. It will make a most amazing difference in many ways. This famous doctor's prescription is a delicious syrup made with fresh herbs, active senna, and pure pep sin. It starts its good work with the first spoonful. That's all you need to drive away the dullness and headache of a bilious spell, and rid the system of that slow poison that saps your strength. It's better than a tonic for tirea bowels, and unlike habit-forming laxatives you can take it freely or give it to any child. And it isn't expensive.' Get some syrup pepsin today, and take a little tonight. Don't wait until you're sick to give your system this wonderful help. You can avoid those spells of biliousness or consti pation. A spoonful every now and then is better than constant worry about the condition of your bowels, V or fear of auto-intoxication as you grow older. Dr. Caldwell's syrup pepsin protects the system. All druggists keep this preparation. Fur Trappers Kept in s Touch With the World The Hudson's Bay company, one of the oldest of trading companies, is taking steps to keep some of the world's loneliest men In touch with civilization. Its trappers spend the winter in the far-away Arctic re gions, many of them three or four weeks' Journey from the nearest post at which supplies can be obtained. Now an airplane service has been instituted to care for these lonely men. In the past they have come into contact with civilization often only once a year, during tneir an nual visits to the company's trading posts, and supplies have been taken to them during the summer by trad ing ships. Now they will be within three days' journey of the great cities of Canada, from which the 800 horse-power airplanes will set out, bearing mails and newspapers, food and clothing. Each airplane can carry three tons. The machines are fitted with skis, which enable them to laud on snow or ice. Besides taking goods to the trappers they will bring back furs. Can you k RESIST COLDS? j A cold in the head is a nuisance, and it undermines your fit ness too. Doctors have found that a good store of Vitamin A ^ helps your body resist the common cold. This vitamin is found in abundance in Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil... a pleas ing, palatable way of taking this valuable oil. Men and women ?as well as the youngsters?find that the emulsion builds up their resistance, and that it's easy to take. Scott & Bownc, Bloomfield, N. J. Sales Representative, Harold F. Ritchie & Co., Inc., New York. Listen to the Scott cJ Bourne radio program. "Adventuring with Count von Luckner," on Sunday night at 9.30 p.m. (E. S. T.) oyer the Columbia Coast-to-Coast Network. WORK IN THE HOME CALLS FOR "TRAVEL" A mall carrier presents official fig ures showing that in the course of his forty-two-year career he walked a distance equal to nine Journeys round the earth. But the housewife, the waitress, the bus conductor, the doctor and many another person who does not seem to move far from one spot takes, In reality, an astonish ing amount of exercise. Pedometer records have shown that a woman with a husband and two children, walked about fifty miles In the course of a week. In another case tested by pedometer, a girl dancer at a the ater, who has plenty to do on the stage, found that her work entailed fewer steps than that of a housewife who had no children to look after. Schoolboys and girls have been found to walk more than seventy miles a week. In the course of their restless fllttings hither and thither. A London bus conductor has a very strenuous day's physical labor. In addition to walking about thirty miles In the course of his week's work, he has been found to climb ev ery day the equivalent of nearly two i birds of the height of Mount Snow don. A golf professional discovered that he had walked a little over 110 miles in the course of giving 54 ordi nary lessons to beginners on the links.?London Mail. To keep clean and healthy take Dr. Pierce's Pleaaant Pellets. They regulate liver, bowels and stomach.?Adv. Life and Art The beautiful Michael Strange, poet and philanthropist, defended, at a Newport tea, idealistic as contrast ed with realistic art. "Let us have idealism In our poet ry and pictures," she said, "for no where else is it ever to be found. Life itself is so horribly drab and dull. In life nothing ever comes off except buttons." Millions for Candles Despite the widespread use of elec tricity, gas or kerosene as Illuminate, the oldest of lighting devices, the candle, is an $18,000,000 item in the annual export trade of the world. All Is "So they call that a V-neckT" "Yes." IWhat does the V stand fort" ?"Vanity."?Florida Times-Union. Tired, Nervous and Depressed ? aEfct Health Suffers When Kidneys KTj ^ot Jet Right VVEED promptly a nagging MM backache, with bladder ir regularities and a tired, nervous, r depressed feeling. They may warn cf some disordered kidney or bladder condition. Users everywhere rely on Doon's Pills. The sale of millions of boxes annually attests to Doan's popu larity. Your dealer has Dotrn.'s. Moan's Pills 11C IF YOU ARE SICK Do not despair: try MILLERTONE. This amazing discovery relieves sufferers from Catarrh. High Blood Pressure. Rheuma tism. Kidney and stomach troubles, head aches and many other ailments. Thou sands gratefully proclaim that Mlllertone Herbs have restored them to health En close 2c stamp for free sample. J. S. Miller, lac.. 62 Beacon St.. Newark. New Jersey. WTN. U, BALTIMORE, NO. *-19)2 Radio Fan*. Attention. Airdyne solves aerial problem. Gives great selectivity and tone. Write for full data. Price $1. We* Hay-It, 20? Bristol Bids.. Boston. Maaa. Mm Wanted to DLstribnte advertising eir culers and samples. No selling. Good pay. Write Paramount, 45S4 Broadwey.Chlcage. < hurche*. Cloba. Gran re*, need $100? Write for free guaranteed plan. Money obtained In a few daya. Surprising remits assured. 1 The Stamtolte Corp.. New Haven, Conn.

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