THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C.. MAY 26.1932. Local News. ?Saturday is "Poppy Day,'' honor ing the World War veterans. ?Alamance Superior Court will convene next Monday for the trial of civil actions. ?Mr. Cha9. L. Van Noppen, can didate for the nomination for con gress, spoke here Monday night. ?At Graham ball park at 3 :30 Sat urday afternoon the Roxboro team will be here to test the skill of the L. Banks Holt team. ?On Sunday, June 3th, the 30th annual meeting of Providence Mem orial Association Will be held at Providence Memorial Church. The program cpmmittee has arranged an excellent program for the occasion. The annual address will be deliv ered by Rev. Garfield Evans of the M. E. Church. Everybody interest ed in Old Providence is invited to attend. ?Duncan Stewart, 12, well known citizen of Graham, died Sunday night following a brief illness. The funeral was conducted from the Presbyterian church Tuesday after noon, interment was at Springwood. Owing to the circumstances of his sudden illness and death, the grovt was not filled. The body was taken to the funeral home of Rich & Thompson and the stomach sent to Raleigh for analysis. At this writ ing there is no report. ?The finishing department of the Esther Hosiery Mills has been taken over by the Baker-Cammack Tex tile Corporation and will be greatly expanded. The latter enjoyed a sub stantial increase in business the past year and is looking forward to a large growth in the coming year, states Mr. J. E. Baker, the president, as the finishing for several other plants will be concentrated in the Graham plant, The Esther Mill will devote itself to the making of fine hosiery as it has in the past, the management states. ?On June 5th the annual mem orial and historical day will be ob served at Priedens Lutheran church, near Gibsonville. This church was founded in 1745 and was one of the first church organizations in this re gion of the state. Special features of this occasion will be dedication exercises: Memorial to the church founders; bronze marker to Capt. Peter Summers, Revolutionary sold ier and progenitor of the Summers family; tribute to the Scherer fam- i ily, notable in life of Priedens and in the history of the LutHeran church of America. Graham Public School Finals. The final closing exercises of Gra ham Public School take place Fri day night, when the High School play, "The Charming Pretender," will be given by the graduating class. Tonight Dr. Chas. P. Myers of Greensboro delivers the literary ad dress, and the awarding of certifi cates and diplomas will take place. General Countv Court. At Monday's session of the Gener al County Court the following cases were heard John Phillips, two cases, Jarceny non-support of children. In former 60 days on roads; in latter, 60 days, to begin 15 days after expiration of first sentence, unless deft, has gone to work and is supporting children, when judgt. to be suspended for two years. John Dick, possession of home brew; prayer for judgt. continue! 12 mos. on paying costs for which county is liable. Gaprge Wallace, renting car and driving drunk. Sixty days in eac's case, Joe Glovers, reckless driving ;fif ty dollars and costs and license sus pended for 90 days. Banks Bass, reckless driving; twenty-five dollars and costs. Jeter Hall, whiskey for sale; one hundred dollars and costs. Buck Elder, impersonating officer; prayer for judgt. continued to June 20th. William Garrett, driving drunk; 60 days on roads. Geo. Poust, larceny; not guilty. Colon Lambeth, four cases?lar ceny of watch, driving drunk, tem porary larceny of automobile, and whiskey in posession. Ninety days on roads in first ease and 90 days in each of other cases concurrent with sentence in first. ? ? ? PERSONALS ? ? ? Mrs. S. F. Dries of Jersey City, N. J., is here visiting her sister Mrs S. S. Ilolt. Mrs. Z. V. McClure and son, Kelly, spent the week-end in Charlotte with friends. Dr. and Mrs. J. Mel Thompson of Mebane spent a while in Graham this morning. Mr. and Mrs. John T. Kernodle of Richmond, Va.. on their way to at tend Elon College commencement, spent a short while with friends here Monday. Weddings. At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur P. Williams, at noon, May 12th, Miss A dele Williams became the bride of Mr. Lloyd B. Leonard of Charlotte, Dr. Percy K Lindley, dean of ITigh Point Col lege, officiating. Mrs. E. Gray Davis, sister of the groom, sang "Trees" and "Bird of love Devine," accompanied at the piano by Prof. Ernest B. Stimson of High Point College. The attendants were Misses Eve lyn Williams and Mildred Leonard, sisters of the bride and groom; best man, John B. Leonard. The bride was educated at High Point College and is,a young woman of unusual charm. The groom is a prosperous young business man of Charlotte where they will make their home. Immediately after the ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jeft for Wash ington and other northern points. Graham Presbyterian church was the scene of a beautiful wedding Tuesday morning at 1(1 o'clock when Miss Elizabeth Harden was aniled in marriage with Mr. Luther Bridges Hardesty The ceremony was per formed by Rev. W. E. Harrop, pas tor of the bride. Mrs. W. I. Ward sang and Mrs. Catherine Watson presided at the organ. TUa ivplrla tt'oo nrliron U.. La. a ww " t? ? 51k11 onaj uj jici father, Mr. W. R. Harden. The oride was attended by her sister. Miss Annie Ruth Harden, and Miss Re becca Harden. John S Hardesty, brother of the groom, was best man. The bride was educated at N. C. C. W. and Elon College and has taught for the past two years. The groom is a highly esteemed young busi ness man of Burlington. Following the ceremony the oride and groom left for a visit to north ern cities. County Jersey Breeders To Meet June 16th. Alamance County Jersey Breed ers will meet on Thursday, June ICth to hear Mr. O. E. VanCleave, represenatlve of the American Jer sey Cattle Club, discuss plans for the advancement of the breed and of the breeders of this county. Mr. John A. Arey, Dairy Extension Specialist, will also be present in the meeting. It is expected that 45 or 50 breeders will be present.' The time and place of the meeting will be announced later. How Spoiling* Differ Some of the principal differences In English and United States' spelling are the Inclusion of the letter "u" In the English form In such words as labour and honour, the substitution of "que" or "k" In such words as check (cheque), the use of the letter "s" In stead of "z" In anch words as organi zation (organization), the substitution of "re" for "er" In such words as the ater (theatre), the use of the letter "j" Instead of "1" In such words as tire (tyre). How Looto* Affoct Troo* The leaves of a tree correspond to the lnngs c- other breathing apparatus of an animal, slDce a large part of the tree's respiration Is done through the leaves A tree stripped of all Its leaves would die If unable to replace them, although under ordinary circumstances at least part of the leaves would grow back. A plant may be said to die from lack of moisture during a dry spell, which Is equlvalsnt to the dying of thirst of an animal. How to Apply Varnish Tarnish can be applied mnch more easily and evenly If It U heated In a warm oven before being used. Not only does It look more professional, but less varnish Is required If this Is done. How Earth Is Slowing Down The rate of rotation of the earth on its axis la not constant, but It gradual ly decreasing with a consequent lengthening of the sidereal day, amounting to about 1/1000 of a second per century. How Cotton Got Nonso Cotton gets Its name from an Arv Me word qutn. C. R. Love For House of Represent atives Burlington, N. C May 24th, 1932. To the Editor of The Alamance Gleaner, Graham Jf. C. It has been suggested that all randidates for the Ueneral Assembly state through the press some of their ideas with reference to the im portant matter of taxes. V I am nominated in the Demo cratic primary. June 4th. and elected in the general election this fall, I shall stand for the Democratic plat form and ideas as will be written at Raleigh June 16th. I will work as best I can to serve the entire citizenship of the County and State, keeping in mind primari ly the needs of Alamance County. I am opposed to adding any taxes to the now overburdened taxpayers. Instead of more new taxes, I be lieve that a reduction in spending of the public money should he made. While I do favor the reduction of public expenditures where not absolutely necessary, yet I am in favor of keeping up to the highest possible standard our public schools. With reference to a general sales tax, I am opposed to this, or any ' kind of a sales tax, if the necessary money can be raised to operate the variouB Departments of the County and State Governments. With further reference to my can didacy, I want to say that in ask ing the Democratic voters for their support in the June primary, I was born and raised on the farm, and had several years experience in a retail store, and also managed a small roller mill for sevtjral years, and am now operating a sm^ll hosiery mill, I have never held an elective of fice. I have been working contiuous ly for the Democratic party since I became twenty-oney ears of age. I was Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee from 1918 un til 1928, of Alamance County. I will appreciate your active support in the coming primary. C. R. LOVE. Elon College Pltns For summer Ses sion to Begin June 6th. In order to provide instruction for the college students who w ish to do work, in addition to the college yea.-. Elon College is opening its plant for a summer session. Regular col lege courses of the teacher training program are offered for the benefit of teachers and prospective teach ers, Requests for bulletins and other information indicates a good en rollment. i Of special interest is the course in Maritime Biology, given at Beau fort, N. C. by Professor Powell of the Biology Department. The faculty of the summer session is as follows: A. L. Hook, M. A., M. S., College Dean and Professor of Physics. J. Allen Hunter, A. M? M. Ped? Ph. D., Professor of Education, Elon College, Director of the Summer Session. J. W. Barney, M. A? Professor of English, Elon College. N. F. Brannock, M. A., M. S., Lit. D? Professor of Chemistry, Elon College. T. E. Powell, M. A., Ph. D., profes sor of Biology and Director of Sea shore Biology Project. J. B. Robertson, M. A., Former Supt. of Alamance County Schools, Instructor In History and Education. Carrie McLean Taylor, Burlington Public Schools, Instructor in Prim afry Methods. Irene Reiber, A. B., Instructor in Cotemercial Subjects, Elon College. Lt\Newman, Ph. B? Instructor in A region College. Mrs. C. C. Johnson, Librarian. Begins, June 6, Closes, July 15. Granville County farmers are find ing that the flea beetles are follow ing infested plants to the open field and are giving considerable trouble. Madison County farmers have formed a Hereford Association to promote tbe production of pure bred beef cattle. Summon* by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. ? IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Lula May, ??. E. B. Thomason and L. O. Lobmann Trustees, Nolting First Mortgage Corp. and Their Agents and At torneys. The defendants, E. B. Thomason J and L. O. Lohmann, Trustees, and Nolting First Mortgage Corpora tion, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commen ced in the Superior Court of Ala mance County, North Carolina to secure specific performance of the contract or agreement entered into by the plaintiff and defendants relative to indebtedness due on real estate located in said County, and the said defendants will further take notice that they are required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of said County in the Courthouse in Graham, N. C. on the 16th day of June, 1932 and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint. This 16th day of May, 1952. E. H. MURRAY, Clerk Superior Court. , Long & Ross, Attys NOTICE! Sale of Pool Room Outfit By Trustee. Under and by virtue of Ihe powers confered upon the undersigned .John S. Thomas, Trustee, under a cer tain deed of trust executed by Dan H. Murray to the said Trustee on the 23rd day of June, 1931, for the purpose of securing the payments of fifteen certain notes described in the said trust deed, conveying per- | sonal property, which deed of trust is duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Book No. 88 of Chattel Mortgages, at pages 161 to 162. de fault having been made in the pay ment of said notes according to their tenor, and the following described personal property having been seiz ed under claim and delivery, the un dersigned John S. Thomas, Trustee. will, on SATURDAY. JUNE 4th, 1932, at 11 o'clock A. M? offer for Bale at public auction for cash, on the premises just opposite the Alamaqce Hotel on Main Street in the City of Burlington. North Carolina, the following personal property, to-wit: Alamance Recreation Club, being situated opposite the Alamanre Hotel on South Main Street, City of Burlington, County and State afore said, the following furniture, fixtur es, equipment contained in the said Alamance Recreation Club: 6 Pool TableB, 6 Sets of Pool Balls (Ball Racks) 96 Q. Sticks 6 Q. Stick'tacks 1 Ice Box, 1 Show Case (Korsesh je), 1 Counter, 1 Blower Pan, 1 Cash Register, 1 Punching Bag (Slot Ma chine!,2 Baseball Game^ 1 Puritan Bell Slot Machine, 1 Atwater Kent Radio. 14 Arm Chairs, 2 Checker Tables, i Sandwich Bowls. 19 Cuspi dors (Brass), 4 Powder Containers, 2 Table Brushes, 1 Set of Table Wrenches, 1 Que Repair Kit, 12 Que Bridges, 6 Sets of Tally Buttons. This the 2nd day of May, 1932. JOHN 8. THOMAS. Trustee. E. S. W. Dam-ron, Atty Commissioner's Sale of Ileal Property! Pursuant to the authority vested in the undersigned Commissioner by virtue of a certain judgment enter ed in the cause of that civil action entitled "Town or Graham vs. J. J Henderson, et al?" as signed hv His Honor. N. A. Sinclair Judge Presi ding, at the April Term 1929, A^p mance Superior Court, the under - ? -?t> ? ' signed < ommissioner will offer for sale at public auction to the last and highest bidder, for cash the fol lowing described real property, at the courthouse door in Alamance ^ County, cn MONDAY, JL'NE 6th, 19:12, at 12 :00 o'clock, noon, A certain tract, parcel or lot of land situated, lying and being in the Town of Graham, Alamance County North Carolina, adjoining the lands of W. I. Ward, formerly C. S. llun ter, T. A. Albright, The Gleaner Of fice lot. Walker and East Harden St. and others and bounded as fol lows : Beginning at an iron bar in the South side of E. Harden St. and 6 in. of The Gleaner Office and running thence S. 66 3-4 deg. E. 203 ft. to an iron bar, corner with said Walker and in the South edge of said E. Harden St.; thence with the line of said Walker S. 3 1-4 deg. W. 213 1-2 jft. to an iron bar, corner with said T. A. Albright: thence with his line | N. 86 3-4 deg. W 105 ft. to an iron bar, corner with said W. I. Ward, formerly C. S. Hunter; thence with the line of said W. I. Ward N. 3 1-4 deg. E. 105 ft. and 6 inches to an 'iron bar, said Ward's corner; thence with his line N. 84 3-4 deg. W. 97.5 ft. to an iron bar, corner with said Ward and The Gleaner Office lot; thence with the line of said Gteaner Office lot N. 3 1-1 deg. E. 105 ft. 7.1-2 in. to the beginning, corner and con taining 3810 sq. yds. cut off in the said Gleaner Office lot. more or less, this being Lots Nos. 5 and 6 in the Plat of the P. R. Harden lands, made by Lewis H. Holt, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Book of Deeds No. 34, at page 293. except that there has been cut off there from a lot on which is located the office building of the Alamance Gleaner, containing 292 aq. jrarda more or less, and on this tract l? eit r.ated the dwelling and dut-build inga formerly used by P. R. Harden as a home up to the time of hi* death, and then by his widow to the time of her death. Also the following property tying and being In the Town of Graham and adjoining the lands of R. L. Holmes, J. J. Henderson and othere and described and defined as fol lows : Beginning at the Northeast cor ner of Lot No. 8, In the R. L. Holmes to-wit. Land as shown in a plat thereof iD the Office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County at an alley and running thence N. 86 deg. 55 min. W. 70 ft. to a stake In the Northern line of said Lot No. I; thence S. 3 deg. W. 43 ft. to a stake in the Southern line of Lot No. ? ; thence with the line dividing Lot No. 9 and Lot No. 10, 87 deg. E. 70 ft. to corner of Lots Nos. 9 andlO; thence 3 deg. E. with the line of Lots Nos. 8 and 9, 43 ft. to the beginning cor ner. The above tract being the East ern part of those two certain lots designated Lots 8 and 9 in the sub division of the R. L. Holmes land as shown in a plat tnereof made by J C. McAdams, Surveyor, November 3. 1919, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Book of Plats 1, page 71. and reference thereto is hereby ex pressly made. Terms of sale: Cash. This sale subject to increased bids from date of sale. This tho 3rd day of May, 1934. CLARENCE ROSS, CommiaaiOBer. Only the NEW NuGRAPE Has Their Delicious Flavor You'll admit there is a goodness in the flavor of grape*? and that's why the New NuCrape is different from all artifi cial flavor* different a* gold and brass. In a certain valley, made rich and productive by reason of the mois ture, in season, from surrounding hills?a famous brand of grapes is raised. The vineyards are renowned for the rich, wine-like flavor of the great purple clusters of fruit. And it has been our obligation to YOU,"to transport that natural delicacy of flavor?to your home t ?to places where soft drinks are sold. The bete NuGrape ? made exclusively with Welch's JI Grape Juice ? costs no more than any artificial fira/te U substitute. It s note on sale everywhere for 5t? 1 LIME COLA MOTTLING CO. Burlington, X. C. /. ^ I MAD? WITH WELCH'S GRAPE JUICE