THE GLEANER GEUHA1L N. 0., OCT. 27, 1932. IB8CKD BYEBY THCB8DAT. . ! J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. ?nt?r*4 at tne office at G r*Hau ? N O.. as Noui jIiii matter. Protection and High Wages and Jobs Have Separated "Mr. Hoover's defense of the Hawley-Smoot tariff in his Cleveland speech is contrasted with his utterances in 1928 by the New York Times, which points out that his present atti tude is an "absolute misfit". The Times says: "Mr. Hoover's unwinking de fense of the protective tariff in vites a strong factual attack in return. If it is the indispensa ble, the heaven-born wonder worker that its devotees wor ship, why has it not done, why is it not doing now, its magic? What did Mr. Hoover say in 1928? Extracts from his speech es in that year continually re turn to plague him. Here is a sample: " 'We have increased produc tion 30 percent while our popu lation has increased about 10 percent. This is proof of real progress. It is the road to abo lition of poverty. We have led the world in substituting ma chines for hand labor. This en ables us to produce goods in ex cess of our needs. To insure continuous employment w e must find a profitable market for these surpluses. We must sell more products abroad if we would hare steady and assured employment for labor in our in dustries.' "Now under the Republican policies of the last three years, what has become of that abso lutely indispensable jj^eign trade? It has been cut in half. This is the main reason why the old patter about protection giving high wages to the American workingman and as suring him of a job arouses this year only cynioal laughter or bitter resentment. The new and painful facts, visible on on every hand, are absolutely deadly t o the old theory. While the Commissioner of Cus toms at Washington is dilating on the horrors of importing cheap pocketknives from Ger many or Japan, the farmers and manufacturers o f the country are asked to forget the danger of losing their outlet for surplus production in those and other foreign countries. This part ot the Cleveland speech seems an absolme misfit." According to the Literary Di gest's report in this week's is sue, there is no change in the states showing a majority of the straw vote poll. The same states, seven of them, show up for Mr. Hoover as they did last week, which would give him 57 of the necessary 366 for an elec tion. While Gov. Roosevelt is running ahead in New York, the vote is not so decisive as in the other Roosevelt states. If perchance he should loose New York's 47, Mr. Hoover would ?have to gather up 262 from other states to place him in the lead. That would be little short of a miracle, and Mr. Hoover is no miracle man. A few Democrats, according to the Literary Digest's poll, will vote for Mr. Hoover, but the number isjnegligible as com pared with the number of Re publicans who have signified they frill vote for Roosevelt. The national campaign is now at its peak. The Big Ber thas have unlimbered and are firing from vautageous points. Republicans Propose to Reduce Costs of County Government. A folder is being circulated by the Republicans of Alamance county, giving the names and pictures of their candidates for county offices, and how they propose to che pen or reduce the cost of county govei nment. , A schedule of reduction in salaries and the elimination of certain offices is given by which it is proposed to save $10,850.00 per year. That is an attractive proposition to the taxpayer, but they did not do that during the two years they were in for twe years preceding the present Democratic administration. On the contrary, they spent more money than their predecessors and successors, both of whom [ were Democrats. Have they (the Republicans) not been weighed in the balances and found wanting? J ust here \ > ur attention is called to a statement bv the county Democratic Chairman, H. J. Rhodes, published else where. The figures therein have been carefully compiled | from the records and speak for themselves as to comparing the cost of running the county gov ernmt it under Democratic rule and under Republican rule. Comparisons are said to be j odious, but they often furnish the only means of arriving at proper conclusions. That the cost of county gov ernm nt is too high under present economic conditions is not a debatable question, but the experience of the past six years does not favor the Repub licans for the accomplishment of what is needed. xt-.a: i ~a i>aiiuuai auuiiuiabirtiiuuioau ere are telling the people that it would be a uangerous thing now to change, seeing that there is a prospect of business improving. But the depression has been on for more than three full years, and the people do not seem to think a change could make things worse and they are willi. g to take the risk. And thi.'e seems to be every evidence that a change is going to be made. A new leader often inspires hope and determination and wrests vic tory from defeat. The power companies are try ing to convince the Corporation Commission that they are oper ating and serving the public on the narrowest margin possible. But experts have gathered data from many other sections of the ! country which show that [ charges in this Stale are far in excess of the average, and these I have impressed the Commission that there should be a change in rates. It is a fact that, dur ing the depressun, the j>ower companies have maintained the prices charged in flush times. Senator Bronson Cutting, j Progressive Republican of New Mexico, in a speech at Denver, Colorado, said yesterday as "betw an demonstrated inca pacity and justified hope" he was going to vote for Governor Roosevelt. Perhaps a million Republicans or more are taking the same view of the situation and will vote the same way. Norman Thomas, the Social ist candidate for president, pas sed through the county last j Saturday evening. He spoke at Burlington during a short stop there. A couple hundred heard him. He promised better things by a new order of things and rasped the old larties. Accord ing to reports, the Socialist will poll more than two million I votes in the coming election. Democrats Spend Less Money Than Republicans In ^ County Government. The Republicans have recently distributed a pamphlet in which they promise to reduce expenses. They promised that in 1028. Did they do it? But here is what they did: Take the total cost of identical officers and employees listed on the Republican promise - pamphlet, which includes the officers and employees other than those connected with the schools and roads, the records show: Democrats 19*26-1928, $53,523.57 Republican 1928-1930, 62,350.15 Elected in 19*28 on promise to decrease expeuse? Republioans increase, $8,826 58 The Democrats were elected in 1930 on Btrict economy program. Did they give it to us? Hero is what they did: Take the total cost of same items mentioued on said Repub'.icau promisi -pamphlet and here is what the records show: Republicans 1928-1930, $62,350.15 Democrats 1930-1932, 49,867.70 Reduction by Democrats, * 12,482.45 Compare the cost of all departments of county government fcr fiscal year 1930-31, a year in which the same identical work was car ned on by Republicans the first five months of said year and by Democrats the last seven months of said year, when the county bad charge of the roads. The records show: Republican expenses per mouth, $21,032.44 Democrat expeuses per month, 12,379.90 Saving each month by Democrats, 8,652 54 Total savings by Democrats first seveu months ^office, $60,567.78 Some concrete examples of differences in salaries and allowances which made possible the reduction made by the Democrats: Democrats paid Sheriff per year, $3,000.00 Republicans paid Sheriff per year, 3,600.00 Democrats paid janitor per month, 65.00 Republicans paid janitor per month, 142.50 Democrats paid Auditors for two years, 3,389.16 Republicans paid Auditors for two years, 10,287.02 Democrats operate County Manager and Couuty Accountant's office for $670.00 per year less than Republicans. Compare records in decreasing county debt: Democrats during two years from 1930 to 1932 decreased county debt, $153,825.00 Republicans during two years lrom 1928 to 1930 decreased county debt only, 70,107.74 Difference in reduction of county debt in favor of Democrats, 83,717.26 The Republicans, having little or no knowledge of the work re quired in the various departments of county government, nlake promises which they are not in position to know cau be carrie.t'out. The Deuocrats, some of whose candidates have first-hand informa tion of the work required in these departments and some of whom are new men, promise strict ecouomy and point to the comparison of the record of each party-when in office as evidence of what can be expected of them. The facts and figures set out in the foregoing statement have been compiled by Leo Carr, County Attorney, from information furnished him by John Eck, County Auditor, aud F. L. WilliamsoD, County Accountant, and these gentlemen have stated that said figures are true and correct as shown by the books of the County. Respectfully submitted, 11. J. IJHODES, Chairman Democratic Executive Committee of Alamance County. GOV. ROOSEVELT AT RALEIGH On Tuesday of last week Gov. Roosevelt started on a campaigning tour, going by Pittsburgh and as far South as Atlanta. Returning, his train made a 15 minutes stop at the Fair Grounds at Raleigh at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. When his train arrived there was a crowd estimated at 12, 000 to 15,000 to greet him. He spoke from the rear platform of the train. He spoke pleas antly and the crowd was glad to see and heer him. He is hopeful that times will improve after the 4th of next March. We had the pleasure of see ing and hearing him. Ala mance had quite a good delega t;on present. Mr. Hoover, it appears, has become thoroughly aroused. He has really put on the war paint and gone out to try to save the day. But to all appearances he has waited all too long. It is no credit to his insight that he did not, months ago, see the drift of affairs. He feigned to believe that good times were just around the corner?a-com ing back; but instead they had passed and gone on while he waited with his back turned on the situation. Whatever he may do at this late hour, it is, it seems, an impossible task to stay the avalanche of opposi tion that will engulf him. The county candidates, both Democrats and Republicans, have conducted ex-parte cam paigns this year, that is, the candidates of the same faith go it alone. This plan saves the candidates on either side mak ing promises and declarations and answering charges and ex plaining, but it deprives the folks of lots of entertainment. I And there is another side to a joint canvass?the people get to bear both sides at one sitting. Treatment for Covered Smut and Stripe Disease ot Barley. ! Covered smut and stripe disease of barley can be effectively con trolled by dipping the grain in a .5 perceut solution of Semesau for one hour, following the hot water treatment. As a dry treatment for these diseases 3 oz. of Ceresau per bushel of grain is recommeud. Dr. A. Capehart of Roxobel, Ber tie County, says he will make 20 bales of cotton on 16 acres where he used good seed and liberal ap plications ot stable manure. Plumbing and Heating New Installations and Repairs. > Prompt, D?p*nd&bl? Strrioc. ^"LICENSED PLUMBERS GRAHAM AND BURLINGTON JUST PHONE 938 C. C. Brown Plumbing and Heating Co. 666 LIQUID - TABLETS - 8ALVE Checks Malaria in 3 days. Colds first d j, headache or Neuralgia in 30 minutes 666 SALVE FOR HEAD COLDS Most Speedy Remedies Known Graham School Honor Roll. Ilouor R <11 Grabaui Public Schools for period ending 14th: Grade 2?Teacher, Mrs. Elaine Goode Saunders: Louis Alleu, Jr., Cora Harden Stratford, Marea Yount, Hetty Cook, Evelyn Perry, Nina Fay Riddle, Grace Lee Steele, Bowden Moore, John Lee McPherson, Kelly McClure, Floyd Kiuirey. lira le 3T?Teacher,Miss Emma Cox: George Baldwin, Eddie Beaver, Luther Christopher, Nor ma Shoffutr, Rachel Skene#, Aurtuey Watkins. Grade 3-2 ?Teacher, Miss Sara Cobb: Marjorie Bason, Ann Jes nak, Arleen Whitener, J. V. Holt, Jack Lovett, Ronald Pollard, Billy Simmons, Allen Tate, Betty Bason, Ruth Clapp, Dorothy Foust, Evelyn Guy, Susan Moser, Annie Franx Stockard. Grade 4 2?Teacher, Mrs. J. R. Barker: Betty Jean Moore, Ruby Lee Thompson, Inez Marlette, Sam Ward, Eliott White, Vernon Steele, Robert Browning, James Whittemore, Jimmie Fuller, Jack Robinson. Grade 5 2?T each e r, Mrs. FrancesUpshaw Barrett: Donnell Patrum, Malcolm Larsen, Delma Lee, Marian Simmons, Mary Lee Beaver, Virginia Caruthers, Dorothy McAdams, Sarah Ball Thompson. Grade 6 2?T e a c h e r, Miss Dorothy Spearman: Rankin Caruthers, Lester Cody, Julian Pickard, Atles Dean, Billy Green, Sibyl Perry, Dorothy Foust. Grade 7?Teacher, Miss Brown: Laura Jane Neese, Alma Grey Beaver, Ellen Hardee, Billy Ward, Maivin Yount, High School Grade 8?Teacher, Miss Bessie Duulap: Barlialelte Braxton, Margaret Jeffreys, EuiaMae Holt, Mary Lena Groen. Grade 9?Teacher, J. R Barker: Nina Graham Crawford, Mary Scott Henderson, Ruth Hunt. Grade 10?Teacher, W. D. Bar rett: Ruth Bttckuer, Helen Clark, Ruby Garner, Mae Holt. Grade 11?Teacher, Miss Getia Church: Catherine Thompson, Evelyn Williams. W. A Young, Supt. WHAT WILL THE STOCK MARKET DO? Sieg's Wall Street Mirror has foretold with uncanny accuracy the exact movement of the mar ket for months and months. This valuable paper and also a free copy of "Why the Publij Lose" is available to all inter ested persons without obligation. If you owu stock-if you plan to to buy - if you have lost - if you want to regein your losses?don't fail to read this dominating, com pelling and comprehensive book." It is yours for the asking. Uu Biased analysis of your holdings also furnished by our statistical department. harvey w. sieg, inc. 79 Wall Street New York NOTICE Sale ol Real instate For 1920 County Taies. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance to Sec. 8005 (a) Con solidated Statutes of North Caro lina, the undeisigned agent for Frank P. Rudd will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash at the Courthouse door in Graham, N. C., at 12 o'clock, noon, ou Monday, the 21st of November, 1932, the following real estate in Melville township to satisfy 1929 taxes: Elkins Motor Co., Inc., 1 lot, First National Bank of Mebane, mortgagee, 8299.57 plus penalties and costs J. S. Vincent and Mary A Vin cent, 1 house and lot, $59.85 plus peualties and costs. The foregoing property is being sold to satisfy 1929 taxes in favor of Alamauce county. This Oct. 26, 1922. ROY L SMITH, Agent for Frank P. Rudd, Sheriff Alamance County December 1, I 1928, to December 1, 1930. Mortgagee's Re-Sale ot Land! Under and by virtue of the pow ers contained in a certain mortgage deed executed by Emily Jeffries; Dora Martin Jeffries; Ernest Jeff ries; and Cassie Jeffries, to the un dersigned. on the 31sl day of March, 1930, to secure a certain bond there in described, said mortgage deed be ing registered, in book of Mort gage Deeds 115 at page 294, in Of fice of the Register of Deeds for said Alamance County, default hav ing been made in the payment of said bond. I will sell to the highest bidder at the courthouse door io Graham, N. C., for cash, on Saturday, October 29th, 1932, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, thJ following real property, te wit: A certain tract of land io Patter son Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, described and de fined as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of McKinley Wright; on the West by the lands of Albert Loy and W. A. Rogers; on the South by the lands of Ira Rogers and Harvey Terry and on the East by the lands of Robert Overman and Passmore Stephens and containing 33 acres more or less. It "being the lands devised to said mortgagors by will of John R. Jeffries and upon which there is a dwelling and other build ings. " ?. This property will be sold subject tq a prior lien of about |130.09, rep resented in a prior mortgage and unpaid taxes, bidding -will start at $192.50, Time of Sale: 12:00 o'clock M., October 29th, 1932. 3 Place of Sale: Court House door. Graham, N. C. Terms of Sale: Cash. This the 13th day of October, 1932. GRADY CLARK, Mortgagee. ' J. S. Cook, Atty, 1 NOTICE! < Under and by virtue of poweir ] conferred upon the undersigned , commissioner. In a special proceed- | ing now pending iD the Superior , Court of Alamance County, entit- , led, " R. R. Martin, wife and others ( vs. Golden Giddle, husdand and others", I will on ( Thursday, November 10th, 1932, at 2:00 P. M? on the premises, offer for sale and , sell to the highest bidder for cash , the following described real prop- , erty: A certain tract or parcel of land ( in Burlington Township, Alamance ^ County and State of North Carolina, j adjoining the lands of the McAdams road leading from Burlington to Glencoe Cotton Mills, Lot No. 3, ( and Thomas and Hill Streets, de- ( scribed as follows: Beginning at a stake on the east , side of the McAdam road, corner | with lot No. 3; thence S. 22 deg. W. , 89 1-2 ft. to a stake, corner of isaid McAdam road and Thomas Street; 1 thence with said Thomas Street S. j 67 deg. E. 251 ft. to a stake, corner Thomas and Hill Street; thence N. 2 deg. E. 6$ 1-2 ft. to a /stake on 1 West side of Hill Street, corner with Lot No. 3; thence N. 87 deg. W/230 ft. to a stake at the beginning, and on which there is situated a one story frame building. This property is well located and clbse to schools, churches and will make a good home. i This 7th day of October, 1932. ' ROBT. T. WILSON, Commissioner. J Notice ot Foreclosure Sale! Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in that certain deed of trust made by D. M. John son and wife, Lillie May Johnson, to Carolina Mortgage Company, Trustee, dated AuguBt 1, 1930, and 1 recorded in Book 114, at Pages 4o6, ' etc., in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Alamance County, North 1 Carolina, default having been made 1 in the payment of the notes there by Becured, and the undersigned 1 Trustee will offer for sale at the * court house door in the City of i Graham, North Carolina, on i Wednesday, November 16th, 19)2, at 13:00 o'clock noon, and will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, a certain lot or parcel of ^ land in or near the City of Graham Graham Township County of Ala mance, State or North Carolina, and more particularly described as fol lows : i A certain lot, tract or parcei of i land on the West side of North Main ' Street in the corporate limits of the 1 Town of Graham, Graham Town- 1 ship, Alamance County, North Caro- < Una, adjoining the lands of J. W. 1 Holt, J. C. Johnson, a 20 foot alley I and others, and more particularly J bounded and described as follows i i Beginning at an Iron bar (now a ' cedar post) on the West side of < North Main Street, 130^eet from thf corner of said North Main Street and a street running West from said North Main Street, North of the 1 >ublic school lot for the white race n said Town of Graham; thence with the line of said North Mai l itreet North 32 1-4 deg. West so eet to an Iron bar (now a cedar >ost) on the west side of said North Main Street; thence South 57 1-2 leg. West 190 feet with the line of f. C. Johnson to corner on 20 foot illey; thence with the line of said tlley South 32 1-4 deg. East SO feet :o an iron bolt on said alley, corner with J. W. Holt; thence with the ine of said Holt North 57 1-2 deg. East 190 feet to corner of said Holt m the West side of North Main street, the point of beginning, con taining 34-100 of an acre, more or iess. This is Lot No. 2 in the plot jf the Jane Clendenin lands, and s the same real property conveyed by Alamance Insurance and Real Estate Company to D. M. Johnson by warranty deed dated July 22, 1918, as recorded in the office of :he Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Deed Book 63 at page 469. This 12th day of October, 1932. Carolina Mortgage Company, Trustee. Long & Long, Attys. Notice of Sale of Real _ Property. Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust made by S. T. Webster and wife, Catherine Webster, to J. Dolph Long, Trustee, dated February 14th, 1929, and recorded in Deed of Trust Book 111, page 303, office Register of Deeds, Alamance County, default having been made in the payment of the note thereby secured and die holder thereof having direct id that the deed of trust be foreclosed, the undersigned Trustee will offer tor sale, at the courthouse door of Alamance County, in Graham, North Carolina, on SATURDAY. OCTOBER 29, 1932, at 12:00 o'clock noon, and will sell to the highest bidder tor cash, the following described real property, to-wit, A certain lot or parcel of land in Graham Township, Alamance Coun ty, State of North Carolina, front ing 93 ft. on State Highway No. 93 trom Graham to Pittsboro. and 213.1 tt. on North side of Moore Avenue and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at an Iron bolt at North west intersection of Moore Ave. and State Highway No. 93; running then ce with North side of Moore Ave. N. 34 deg. 15min. W. 213.lft.toa stake, thence N. 4 deg. W. 93 ft. to a stake in line of Lot No. 1; thence with the line of Lot No. 1, S. 84 ;deg. 7 min. E. 209.3 ft. to an iron stake pr. the West side of said State High way No. 93, and corner with Lot No. 1; thence with West side of Highway S. 6 deg. 20 min. E. 93 (ft. to the beginning, and being Lot No. 2 of the E. A. Braxton subdi vision on the Graham-Pittsboro Highway, as platted by W. T. Hall, C. E., November 1927, less 100 ft. cut off the rear of said lot. The above described property will be sold subject to advance bids as provided by law. This the 28th day of September 1932. J. DOLPH LONG, Trustee. ADMlNlSTRf TOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified is Administrator of the estite of U. S. M kittemore, dec'd, lace of Alamance County, this is to t.oV>fy ill perron# to f^e their claims \ ith the undersigned on or before (!." f'th day of October, 1933, or ttcs notice will be pleaded In full bar of in/ and all recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please nake immediate pay JenfHo the un iersigned.^ This the 20th day of October. 1932. F. S. Whittemore, adm r, Graham, N. C. Coulter & Allen, Attys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified is Administrator of the estate of 3dward W. Tate, late of Alamance bounty, and this is to notify all persons to file their claims with he undersigned on or before the 16th day of September, 1933, or this lotice will be pleaded in full bar of tny and all recovery. All persons ndekted to said estate will please nake immediate payment to the un lersigned or his attorneys. This 16th day of September. 1932. MORRIS BKANNOCK. Admr. of Edward W. Tate, -ong & Ross, Attys

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