The Alamance gleaner "* *T 'i" . rT* -T | t - ? - . i ? t ' ^ " r*' ' " ? ? * ? 1 " 1 ? ? ? ' . "? ? ? ? ? ' ? 1 ? " ' " ^ ? VOL. LVIII. GRAHAM, N, C., THURSDAY DECEMBER 29, 1932. NO. 47. - Best in the Master Snap Contest LITTLE Donald Frank Queen Is far too bus; brushing his teeth to care nl>out the fact tha' he is iioslng for the picture that won the first prise of $500 In the recent Master snap photo contest sponsored b; the Master Photo Finishers of America. The photograph was submitted b; Mrs. F. P. Crawford of Colum bus, Ohio. THE CHILDREN'S STORY By THORNTON W. BURGESS THE SURPRISING SECRET OF STICKYTOES F:>U a long time after Stickytoes the Tree Toad had left hiui Johnny Chuck sat perfectly still. He actually forgot to eat. M1 never!" he exclaimed over and over again. "I never! I be lieve he really meant it, but I never before heard of such a thing In all my life!" You see Stickytoe9 had Just told Johnny ?huck a secret and it was this secret that so astonished Johnny Chuck. It was the secret of where Stickytoes had spent the last winter and where he intended to spend the coming winter. In fact, he was on his way there when he happened along where Johnny Chuck was stuffing him felf to pass the winter in comfort, and he had told the secret to Johnny In a whisper when Johnny had asked blra where he would spend the winter. "You will have hard work believing It. but it is every word true," Sticky toes had said. "Ijisi fall 1 happened to he over close to Parmer Brown's house and I discovered some very nice plants right on the doorstep of the house. One day when no one was around I visited tliem and 1 found a lot of hugs on them which, of course, meant plenty to eat, so I decided to stay there for a while. 1 knew It wa9 about time for me to be looking up a place to spend the winter, but I just cmildn't Jenve those nice plants. They were growing In queer red tilings, wliich I believe are called pots. The earth In these pots was very fine and easy to dig In and always was damp, because every day Farmer Brown's wife watered the plants. She seemed very fond of those plants. Whenever I heard her coming I would hide under "There Were a Number of Plant* About Me, but They Were All In Those Queer Pots." the leaves and keep perfectly still, and she didn't see me at all. So I stayed on and on after 1 knew that I should have hunted up a place to gleep for the winter. "Then the weather became cool and I grew so sleepy that I Just had to find a place to go to sleep. So 1 dug myself out of sight In the earth in one of those pots. You see. It was Just the kind of a place I like to sleep in. I don't know how long I slept, but the next thing I knew the eartb was so sarin that I thought It must be that Mistress Spring had arrived, so I dug my way up to the surface. For a little while I was so surprised that I couldn't e'ven think. There were a number of plants around me,?but they were all In those rjueer pots. The leaves were green and there were flow ers on some of the plants and the air was Just as warm as In summer, but when I looked up I couldn't see any sky. I could hear a bird singing bill It was a different sijpg from any 1 ever had heard before, and when I Anally saw the singer he was all yel low and was In a queer thing, all made of wires so that he couldn't get out. "The Jolly " l.lttle Sunbeams were creeping in under the leaves of the plants and when I looked In the direc tion from which I hey came I saw the most surprising thing. I was looking out of what looked like a great door way. only it was covered with some thing hard that I could look right through and outside everything was all white. 1 found out afterward that that was snow, the first snow I ever had seen. "It took me days and days to And out all about it. It seemed to me that the whole world was topsy turvy. Now, where do you suppose I was? I was in Fanner Brown's house! Yes. sir. that Is Just where I was. Farmer Brown's wife had taken these plants into the house and me with them. She discovered me that very first day. Grapples Crime Now Here is Charley Fox, new police chief of Kuclid. Ohio, a Cleveland suburb. Charley is a well known pro fessional heavyweight wrestler. He thinks the knowledge he acquired in that line will help Id the quelling of criminals and boisterous characters. Hollywood Dogs Must Be I\ose-Printed HOLLYWOOD lias a new ordinance providing that the nose prints of ail dogs there must be taken as an aid to the police In recovering thera when they are lost or stolen. Our photograph shows the pet of a screen actress being subjected to the process by E. E. Cruinplnr of the bureau of Identification. Then Farmer Brown's Boy and Farmer Brown dame to see me, and they were all very good to me, so that 1 grew quite fond of them. It Is summer all the time In their house. Of course, I went back to sleep again, but every once In a while I would wake up and come out. "When Mistress Spring really did come back the plants were put out of doors again and I left them for the trees. Now I'm going back to spend this coming winter in Farmer Brown's house. It's the finest place In the world to spend a winter. Ton ought to try it, Johnny Chuck." This was the surprising secret of Stlckytoes which Johuny Chuck was having such hard work to believe. I don't wonder, do you? But it was true, every word of it I wonder If Stlckytoes will spend the winter there this year.