THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C.. JAN. 5. 1983. Local News. ?Graham School opened Mon day and the county schools open ed today. ?There is a uoticable lengthen ing of the afterooous aa the daya grow longer. ?"Flu" is quite prevalent In this community, but the type is not malignacl. ?Graham Chapter United Daughters of Ihe Confederacy holds its regular meeting with Mrs. Will E White this afternoon ?The weather man forecasted six fair days for January?rsther a gloomy outlook, and milder. We have had four of theiu and today is near-fair. ?It is noticed that many passed nere this morning headed for Ra leigh to be present at the inaugu ral iou of Gov. J. C B. Ebring hans at high noon. ?-The poliey holders of Ala inance Farmers Mutual Fire In surance Association " will have their annual meet ing at 11 o'clock a. m , January 14th, at the coort house in Graham. ?Most of the young people who were at home from school for the Christmas holidays have returned to their tasks again 8oine are detained for a few days on ae count of sickness and will return Inter - J ?The depression is reflected by a fall-olT of about teu percent! in tbe number of marriage li censes issued in this county, com paring 1932 with 1931, ae appears! from the records in tbe office of Register of Deeds J. G Tingen. Among the Sick Mrs Curtis Wrike who has been' sick is much improved. Miss Cora Emmaline Henderson is confined to her room with flu Mrs. J. E. Wicker and daugh ter, Jessie, are much improved from an attack of influenza. ' j County Commissioners in Session Tuesday. The Board of County Com 111 is- I aioners was iu session Tuesday for its regular monthly meeting and adjourned to meet again at 2:30 Friday afternoon. Some matters of routine, not of much general interest, were at tended to. It is noted that I be perdiein of the tu?on'?er8 and the salary of attorney are to reraaiu as hereto fore? $8 00 per day and mileage for the members, except lite all time chairman at $3.0 0.00 per year, and the attorney at $500 00 per year. A jury was drawn tor the court term of the Superior Court which will convene on January 30th. Billy Scott baa returned to - school at Rome, Ga. Dr. aud Mrs. J. L. Johnson spent the week-end at Apex. Miss Mabel Moore baa returned to her school work in High Point. Mrs. Minnie Floyd of Rook Hill, S C., spent the holidays here with her sister, Mrs. Jerre Bason. Mr. and Mrs. Lovick H K*rno dla and Lovick, Jr , of Danvilis visited relatives here last Satur day. M lurice Moore of Atlanta Dent al College spent Christ maa hare with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Moore. Mr. ijnd Mrs. A. A. Miller and daughter, Catherine, of Golds boro spent the week-end here with his daughter, Mrs. W. A. Mc Adams. Miss Leaaie Ezell haa returned to Washington after spending the holidays here with her mother, Mrs. W. T. ExeU. Mr. and Mrs. J Dolph Long were among the callers on Gov Gardner at the Mansion in Ra leigli Sunday afternoon. Farmers of Clay County began a sod building program this year by planting 3,100 acres to legumes. Edgecombe and Halifax County farmers have placed 8,000 pounds of pork In the local cold storage plant in Tarboro since the plant was opened on December 3. "Feeding and Care of the Dairy Cow" is the title of Extension Cir cular 113 recently issued st State Collegia as n practical manual on dairying. The publication was prepared by John A. Arejr and A. p. Kimrey, dairy specialists. . ? M't ? PERSONALS e ? ? ????nmnnm Maj. J. J. Henderson spent last Saturday in Richmond on legal business. Mim Edna Crawford spent Fri? day in Durham with Mias Rath Forlioes. Mr. John B Stratford left Mon~ day on a boat uses trip to South Carolina. Mrs. A. L. Foater of Raleigh wap a holiday visitor with Mrs. W*i E. Parrifh. ' Mr. R. H. Hntcbiaoo of Kit ' Whitaey School facolty was is town yesterday. Mias Ltills Hoarine of Bnrliog-.1 ton spent the weefc-wnd here with Mias Mamie Parker. 1 Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Ssou sad son, Riljiy, spent Sunday in Ra- ' laigb with relatives. Julips Mitebell of Suffolk, Vs., ' visited his brother, R. 0. Mitch ell, in the holidays. Mr. and Mrs N. C. Shiver and children returned 8unday from n visit iu South Carolina. Misa HargarelStuekard, at h me for the holidays, returned Satur day to her school at Jasper. Mr. lyid Mrs. Felix Morgan left SeturUy for their home in Kins' ton after a visit here with friends. Mr. sad .Mrs. Conrad Hopkins. : of Castalis-visited Rev. and Mm. j R. P, Ellington .during the holi- j day*. Miss Bet tie Soott spent the ' week ? end in Raleigh with her | aunts. Misses Liliiau and Mamie To (iter. Mrs. A. A. Clark of Greensbo'w waa ths guest of her nephew, E. H. Gilliam, the latter pert of last week. Mias Aosie Melntyre of Mec rimon and Greenville is a guest in-the home of her aunt, Mrs. B. M. Rogers. Mrs. W. L. Fowler, after a vieii here with Mrs. W. E. Perils", re turned to her home in LeaksVil* last Saturday. Mies Lila Bell, who bad spent the holidays hare with her aunt,. Mrs Edgar Long, returned to Ra leigh Sunday. I Mrs. McBride Holt, Mr*, ft. L. 1 Hill and Mias Ada Denny epent 1 last Thursday with Mrs. J. O 1 Hiil iu High Point. J a Aes Meeks *v0 t- of Mont* ? ] sod the Naval Academy spent a ( few days here last week with his aunt, Mrs. W E Hstrop. 1 -Mr,and Mrs. James E. Cooper '< and little daughter returned Suit- ? day from a visit to the letter's , parents at Etakerssille, Va. , Mffe Alice Green, after a week < end here'at the home of her ' brother,'Mr. W. B. Green, 1 e f t i Monday for Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. William Bcott Berrybill. 1 see Bruce Catee, Route 7, Char- ( lotte, spent last Saturday here with Mrs. Chas. E. Saunders. ? Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Webeter \ and Mr. aad Mrs. A. G. Analey spent Sunday with Mr. pad Mrs. T.O. Coble at Southern Plaeo. I Mist Era Ray, teaching at Jas per, spent a- few days here with her aunt, Mrs, J. T. Roach, nod left Saturday to reewae Jier work, i ThmaasSimmons returned last week from Baltimore, Md., where he went to remove hie brother from fhe hospital to his homo in Orange county. Miss Margaret Thomas, after spending Abe holidays herewith*, her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Jas. M. Thomas* has returned to school at Blackstooe, Va. Mies Eetelle Brown of Billsboro, teaching at Spencer, stopped over here for a while yesterday after noon Jwith^Msmgk She taught herw several years ago. Dr J. W: Woody aad daugh ter, Mary Edith, spent a few days last week with relatives at JUga pshaw. Mies Iris Woody retgroed aomr with them for a visit. Mm. Dov'r Heriu?y and Ui?< Rebeeca tin-den, ?M> r spsndi ? the holidays ?? their homes lere left Monday .fey Boston to resume, their oindup u home eeonom ion ! Mr. and Mr*. Walter Brannock and daughter, Margaret, of Wash ington eity visited Mr. and Mm. J D Albright and Mr. and Mm. Walter E Bason during the holi days. j Dr and Mrs. Jesse Weathers br of Indianapolis, Ind., the latter, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. Parker, Jr.. of Greensboro, aad Mies ElizabethThnrntoo of Groono hnro visited Mamie Parker here last Friday. | Graham Garden Club Pays Tribute to Mrs. Kernodlc Graham Garden Cliib held It regular meeting on Tuesday after noon with Mr*. J. Dolph Long. A abort business aeaaion wai held, at tar which the following paper wa rand s A TKI BUTE TO M R8. J. D. EE KNODU By Mrs. Don E Bcott With saddened hearts over th< vacant place in our mld,at,_ with overwhelming memories of hei many lovely traits, we, her sorrow log friends, pause this afternoon t< pay a loving tribute to her whon we loved and admired?Mrs. Ker nadle. Our little town was shocked anc Inexpressibly saddened early Christ mat morning to hear that in thi early jnorolng hours, shortly befori the JlgHt of dawn, the beautifu spirit of her whom we loved had tuidly (Oaken flight to her Eteroa Borne. A sudden dropping of burdens A sudden ceasing to sigh, A sudden hush of a dear, deai voice. A sudden song on high. Suddenly into the glory, Suddenly face to face. Suddenly past the mystic veii Into the heavenly place; . A joyous Christmas morn dawned lor her. Carols softly and glorious ly sung must have welcomed that beloved mod faithful one home, while we who loved her beet stood w|ch dimmed eyes and aching heart! in the loss of our dear friend. And now wla can only look back with deep thankfulness that it was liven ua to see the full beauty o. this life that touched our own al so many points, enriched as it was by deep spirituality, a -power of in tense affectioD and interest in others, a purity of soul, absolute unselfishness and an adherence to truth that could not be shaken. To i refined and cultivated intellect. I cheery, companionable disposi tion, were united a degree of dell mcy and tact always ifbtieeable. lentleness, kindness an d graee narked her manner. The stregth ;ning influence of a sincere selig ious belief hallowed the natural oveiiness of her chaseSter -and nade her place in our ^community i greatly esteemed one. An earnest and willing helper in all the worthwhile activities ot -he town, consecrating her service! cheerfully and willingly, she wai particularly happy in thf* grout} where she added greatly to the suc cess of Its attainments. Her place was rarely vacant, a real lover of nature, she -contributed to the dub her experience and knowledgi af /lowers. We shall long remem ber her coming in with daintily ar ranged flowers?most often the r-iolets, sweet peas,lili?s-of-the-val ley i roses were her selected favor tteo. Long before Garden Clubi were formed the spent many happj hours in her own little-garden In ap preciation of God's gift of flowers She realized with Wordsworth? "God made the flowers t* beautify The earth and cheer man's care toll mood, And he is happiest who ha< power To gather wisdom from i flower." Somewhere, pot long ago, I wa Impressed by reading an aoswes to a query put to an official in tb Catholic church?"Why do mem - ben of your church have image of saints in your csthMrals for wor ship?" He answered, by saving that they did not worship the sain Images or thair pictures but usee them in adorning the churches to In spire to greater spiritual develop menl and to more sacrificial act the members who worshipped then Jfce _prie?t a?hedl?"Do we not hav inspirational figures to every phas of our livest" "In the Hationi life we have our Washington; hi portraits hang fn public building all over our country, urging other to climb to greater heights. Th South has her Robert E. Lee. Hi likeness in the open places and 1 the private homes reveals Strength and beauty of characte which tends to mold and help th youth of the country. I think this is so true in ever community?there are some pernor who, because of their high chsi acter, their noble qualities, the unswerving principles fop righ sad the true aim in -the ordeviht? their lives, wield an influence m make a pattern for other Uvm 1 round them. Moat often the* people go modestly, 'steadily o I unconscious of the bearing| the/ have on other*?such a one? I be I lieve, was the member of our club I who has recently gone from ua. * I Por this one?for her goodness, her faithfulness and strength af character throughout her associa tion with ua we are deeply thank * ful and this afternoon mourn her loss. We shall miss her. We shall E miss her warming smile, her grac ious and refining presence. W e , shall miss the unfailing light of sympathy and good will so often offered us. But though we were cal led to five her up the sweet } fragrance of a beautiful life lin 1 gera within always. "They never quite leave us? Our friends who have passed t Through the shadows of death To the sunlight above; . A thousand sweet (memories , are holding them fast I To the places they blessed I with their presence and love." I Mr. and Mrs. Gapp Celebrate Their Golden Wedding " On Wednesday evening, Dec. 2f. 1 Mr. and Mrs. W_ p. R. Clapp ce lebrated their golden wedding ? the 50th? anniversary of their mar riage, and all these years they have 1 lived in Alamance. Their home has been in Oraham for aroundhalf 1 of that time. It la not given to many couples to live and strive together for a > half century, but they are among i I the fortunate ones. 1 i Present for the occasion were aU the members of their family : Mr. and Mrs. Will Thompson and i i their three sons, William, Aubrey and Edwin Thompson, of ' Spencer, N. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 1 i Sho/fner of Burlington; Mr. John I R. Owen, son-in-law. of Baltimore; I Miss Ida Clapp, and little grand i son, John Owen, Jr., who lives with i his grandparents. I At the home on N. Maple street the SO or more gueets gathered at ! S o'clock to celebrate the occasion and to wish Mri and Mrs. Clapp I many more year* of happy life ' together. The home wn beautifully deco rated with cut flowers and potted ( I plants. In the hallway pretty fecna were used effectively, where Miss Ida Clapp, a daughter, attired in yellow satin, received the guests. In the gift room, where Mrs. C. A. Thompson received and displayod > many beautiful gifts, red carna , tlons and poinsettias provided the , decorations. In the living room. in . addition to an Illuminated Christ ? mas tree, yellow rosea were used elaborately. In the dining room the guests were seated to a table i parlimentary arranged. Here all . the decorations were in gold, har . monlzing with the celebration of the golden wedding. At the head of the parliamentary-arranged,table, . an arch was constructed with a , lighted golden background, covered r with green trailing cedar, mottled . with yellow narcissi, which made a beautiful celestial covering over the seats of the bride and bridegroom ( of 50 years past. A most beauti ful wedding cake occupied a central place on the table, against a back ground of the bride and bridegroom i and the decorated arch. The cake was made In three tiers, upon the ( uppermost one 'was mounted a miniature bride and bridegroom Standing before a background of * orange blossom*. Tall yellow tapers in crystal holder* and bud vaaesof ' yellow narcissi extended the circuit of the table. ' Aubrey C. Thompson, second " grandson of Mr. and Mrs Clapp, * waa master of ceremonies during ths t evening while a delicious and tasty * four-course dinner waa served. Dur * ing the first course of the dinner " McBride Holt toasted the bride, who ? was charmingly robed in a gown o( black chiffon combined with lace * and wearing a shoulderfebraage of * yellow and white rose buds and * lilies of the valley. John ft. Owens, a son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Clapp, a addressed the occasion on The Syro ? bolisra of a Golden Wedding." At * the conclusion of the second course a of the dinner H, W. Scott made a o short talk complimenting Mr. and ? Mrs, Clapp on the eeiebratloa of * their 60th anniversary. Mr. Scott ie also read several telegrams received during the evening congratulating 7 the bride and bridegroom. At the ? beginning of the last course Or. c- W. C. Gofer made a short talk on ir the live* of the bride and bride - it groom. . ts The celebrants and gueata were id entertained throughout the evening i- by Mise Louise Moore at the piano, >? playing many of the old favorites n at Mr. and Mrs Clapp. Mrs. Cbas. B Irwin Dies in Fayette- ' vilie. News was received here in the early afternoon of the death of Mrs. Chss B. Irwin about one , o'clock gt the home of her daugh- . ter, Mrs. L. Banks Williamson, in FayettevUle. She made her home here more than IS years and had many devoted friends 'here who Will be deeply grieved to learn of her passing. Her husband died here around fifteen years ago. Only a few weeks ago, in the early part of December, Mrs. Ir win was at Duke hospital for treat ment and sufficiently improved to return home. A number of her friends here visited her at the hos pital. Besides Mrs. Williamson tharc were two other daughters, Mrs. Criehton of Atlanta and Mrs. Post of East Orange, V. J_, both of whom, we believe are still living. There are also several grand children. Funeral services will take place In Fayetteville Saturday morning and the burial will be here in the afternoon beside her husband in Lin wood cemetery. ?i ? ? ? I i ? NOTICE! Mortp^ee's Sale o f Real Property. Under and pursuant to the pow er of sale contained in those two certair, mortgage deeds from J. A. Nichoisin snd wife Cora C. Nich olson. to W. P. Shot the first dal ed September 1, 1923, (the name ft D. ir. th>s nortgage deed ' being wr.tten through error "W, D. Soea") and recorded in office Re gister of Deeds, Alamance County, c |n. 'Mortgage Deed Book 83, page 474; ^nd the seCo?d, dated Jun? 2?, l?S, and recorded in said office in Mortgage Deed Book 81, page 175, Jefault havingi bee" madein payment pi the debt secured, the undersigned Will offer for sale gt public .auction, at the courthouse door in Graham, o" Monday, January 30, 1933, at 13 :M o'clock, noon, the following described rcal prop erty, to-wit: First Tract: A certain piece or tract o' land lying and being in Alamance County, State of North Carolina, in MelvilleT0wnahip, and described as folio*'a. towjt: Eeglnning fX a r0ck on Ha* , Creek, co'ner ?'ifh Dr. J. M. Thomp- ( aon; thence running in an Easterly direction wjth old roadi corner to a roek on the old road ^ri>ck corn ered). Corner with ?aid Dr. J. M. Thompson, f. B. P. Jobe and D. W Kirk Patrick: thence South with line of fl. P. B. Jobe to an old oak stumP, corner with J. R. Boone) thence Wet with line of J. R. Boone and L. L. Wicker to k gum treeon Haw Creek; thence with said Ha* Creek aa it meanders, to the begin ning, containing 9? "-12 aere?, more or Jess. Said sale will be made subject to gdVance bids and confirmation by the Court, a" provided (or mort gagees' sales. This the soth day of December 1*3*. W. D. SHOE, Mortgagee Long k Long, Atty*. Notice of Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Mort gage executed by J. U. Blanchrd and wife, Jennie Blanchard, dated October T, 1924, and recorded i a Book 90, Page A3, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ala trance County, North Carolina, de fault having been made in the pay ment y the road near said Mc. Garrison's cabin; thence N. 72 deg. W. 1.35 chains to a gum; thence N\ 88 deg SV. 11.50 chains to a rock; thence (f. 2 deg E. 1.60 chains to a Span sh oak; thence N. 88 deg. W. 10.00 drains to pointers; thence N. 5deg. S. 6.15 chains to a rock, corner aith .Lot No. 2; thence S. '88 deg. I. 15.00 chains to the foad; thence rith the road 10.80 chains to the >eginning, containing 12 acres, more w less, . , ,a This, December 28, 1932. ireensboro Joint Stock Land Bank, Mortgagee I. S. Duncan, Atty. NOTICE! ' Sale of Heal Efttate Under I)eo? Book of Deeds of Trust, No. 115< at page 22, lefault having been made in the payment of said bond and interest hereon as provided and set glut in laid deed of trust, the undersigned irustee will, on Mondjy, January 16th, 1933, It 11 :w V I'lUCK. UOUU . ?I1m lor tale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the court house door of Alamance Co m tjr, North Carolina, the followipg de scribed real estate, to-ryit. Beginning at a stake In the N. W side of Highway from Burlington to Olencoe Cotton Mills, the S. W. cor ner made by Intersection of 30 foot unnamed Street; thence S. 1-2 deg. W. with the public highway >76 feet to a stake; thence ff. 71 l-a deg. W. 102 feet 9 inches to a stake: thence N. "? 1-2 deg. W 273 feet so a stake in the line of William Wil liamson ;thence N. 5 deg. 37 l-r mm I 8.133 feet with the line of Said tVB liamson to a stake in the south aid' of said 30 foot unnamed street: thence S. 30 1-2 deg. B. with the line of said street.171 feet 9 Inches to the beginning, being lota 'No. II. 12, 13, II, 15 16. 17, 19 and 49, of the property of Standard Realty and Security Company, as surveyed bv Lewis H. Holt, July 6. 1926. on which are 9 four-room houses, and being a part of Tract No. 1. sold (bo Stand ard Realty aod Security Company by J. W. and Elizabeth Lasiey, ny deed dated May 12. 11*20. (Se^ deed book 08, page 381). This tale will be made subject to Increased bids as provided by law, and will be held open for teu days after sale to give opportunity for such bids. This the 14th day of December. 1931. D. R FONVILLR Trustee NOTICE! Sale of Real Estate. Under and by virtue of the power of aale contained in a certain mort gage deed, executed by Joho S. Pickard and wife, D.alay Pickard, to Thomas H. Moore, dated the 39th day of December, 1919, securing the payment of certain bonds described therein, which mortgage de-d is duly probated and recorded in the office of the Register of Dkds or Alamance Cdbnty. North Carolina, In Book No. 82 of Mortgage Deeds, at Page 77, default having bfee. | made In the payment of said bonds and the (Dterest thereon is protid ed and set out in aajd naortgkge deed, and demand haying*ftbe>n made for aale. the under'flgn'd I mortgagee will aell at puttte aw? ' tloo to the hlgheet Udder lor aaah, at the count bouse door In Ore- ,? ham, N. C4 oo Monday, January Mtb, 1M, it ll .N o'clock, noon, the following deacrlbed property: A certain piece or tract of hand ly ing and being in Alammce' Cwd/, State of North Carolina, in Heath Township, and defined and deocrtb- . ed |i follow*, to-wit: Adjuildag W. M. Lewie, L. B. Guthrie, Nancy - E. .Cheek, and other*: Beginning at a atone, Nancy |L Cheek'* line, running thence St 22.15 chs. to a atone In W. M. Lewie line; thence S. 7 deg. B. 15.V*h*. to a atone at the aaid Lewia corner; thence 8. 25 deg. W. 2.75 chat to a atone; theace 8. 17 deg. R. 11.25ch*. to a atone; thence 8. 45 deg.K. 17 50 chat to a atone at head of gaily; thence down aaid gully 745 ch*. to a atone; thence E. 14.11 chs. to a atone; thence 2140 deg.W.52 the first station, containing by estima tion One Hundred and Eleven Acres, more pr lea*. This sale will be made subject to increased bids as provided by law and will be held open"ten (It) days after tale to give opportunity for such bid*. This the 20th day of December, 1912. . Thomas H. Moore, Mortgage* Wm. I. Ward, Atty. Notice of Sole of Lni. Under and by virtue of the power and authority vested in the undersigned commissioners by '? Judgment rendered in tbe Superior Court of Alamance County in a tax foreclosure suit entitled : "Am - mance County vs. Charlotte far - tin, widow of Ttaoa. Sattin, John Sartin and wife, Cornelia Sartio, LQUe Pounds and husband, Geo. Pounds, M. W. McPherson, Homer Andrews, S. J. Hinsdale, Claud Ga tes", the undersigned commisssion ar wQl offer for' sate to tbe high est bidder for cash at th ? Court House door, Graham, N. C-, Monday, January 10th, 1913, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the foliowlog described property: Id Haw River Township. Tract No. 1. Adjoining the lands of ben Pearson and others. Beginning at an iron stake in center of N. C. R. It trat* 4 ft from a Doint of 8. nil; running thence 9. 11 deg. W. 3 chs. 33 1-3 Iks. to a rock a o J pointers; thence S.79 1-3 deg. E. 3 chs. to a rock; thence K. 19 1-4 deff. B. 3 chu 33 1-3 Iks. to esiron stake in center of said RaBroad tract; thence Nl 97 1-2 deg. W. Neddie hears here 81 1-4 deg. 3 chs. to the beginning, containing one acre, more or lees. Tract N)o. 3 upon which is eitaat 41 a five room house adjoiningjthe lands of Tom Sartm, Ben Pearson. Henry Lane, deceased. Beginning at an iron bar corner with said Bar tin; running thence S. ft 3-4 B. 3.93 chs. to an iron bar corner with said Sartin and Lane; thence 8.83 1-4 B. B. B. 3.13 chs. to pn pohboH corner with said Lane; thence N. (1 1-3 deg; B. 83 Iks. to .the fsnter of a branch (iron bolt on W. bank) thence down a a Pd (branch as 11 meanders S. 33 deg. B. 1 chs. to the mouth of a branch into said branch; thence up said branch aa it mean ders ?. 90 deg. W. 13k chs. 3. K 3-3 deg. W . 90Ike. N.83W? Hans branch at 4.90 chs. 3.33 (?) fchs. to an Iron bar; thence N1 9 deg. B. 4.91 chs. to an iron bolt in center of N. C. R.R. track 11 Iks. W. of Joint of N. Rail; tbeocewith said R, R. S. 93 deg. B. 34 Iks. to an iron bolt In center of said R.R. corner with said Sart in; thence S. 191-3 deg. W. 31-3 (T)chs_ to the beginning, con taining 1.13 acres, more or lees. This sale will be made subject to confirmation by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance Co unty and will be held open for a period of tweoty daya from date of sale subject to increased bids. This the 33nd. day of December, 1913. Wm. I. Ward, Commissioner. Watches For All ! From a heavy duty Walt ham or Elgin to a dainty Diamond-set Bnlova Baguette. Hadleys, The Jewelers