THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C? JAil. 19, 1933. Local News. ?J. H. Easou went to the gov ernment hospital at Portsmouth, Va., the latter part of last week ?for treatment. ?The weather has been very mild for the past few days, in fact almost spring-like bat don't part with your winter clothes for a while yet. ?Mayor Joseph S. Holt went out to Rainey hospital Tueeday for observation and treatment for a few days. He has uot felt very well for several weeks and it is hoped he will be much benefited. ?There was a little spurt of bdow here early last Thursday eve ning. It was about an inch deep. At Durham it was 3 or 4 inches. At Rtleigh 4 to 6 incber. The eastern part of the State was pretty well bianketed ?A daughter, Sarah Agnes, was born Sunday to Dr. and Mrs. Sam Vest at Duke hopital. The par ents, and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. A. Thompson, are receiving the congratulations of their friends. Both the mother and child are doing well. ?Owing to prevalence of flu, on last Friday afternoon it was announced Graham School would suspend for a week with the hope that conditions would improve. On that date 175 pupils and school taachers wer<- detained at home on account of sickness. ?We ran down to Chapel Hill Wednesday evening and took a peep at the newspaper men and women. They were good com pany. President Frank Graham made a winuing speech ot wel come, which was responded to by John A. Park, President of the Press Association, who introduc ed Gov Ehringhaus. The Gov ernor made a plea to the press for help to keep the State on its feet aud forge ahead. Mother of Mrs. Charles E. Saunders Dies Suddenly. Ou Sunday last, about 12:30, Mrs. Chas. E. Saunders,(formerly Miss Elaine Goode) received a message that her mother, Mrs. W. E. Goode, was critically ill at her home at Scotland Nock. Mr. ami Mrs Saunders left at once for Scotland Neck, about 130 miles distant. Mrs. Goode, uot always well but apparently in good health, went to the Baptist church of which her husband is pastor. Not feeling very well, she went home before the service was over. When Mr. Goode reached home at 12:15 he found Mrs. Goode pros trate from a stroke. Later she had a second stroke and passed at 2 o'clock. The funeral and burial were at Boiling Springs, Cleveland coun ty, her old home, at 11 o'clock Tuesday morning. Mrs. Goode, before marriage, was Miss Ham rick. She is survived by her husband, one daughter and other relatives. Mrs. Goode was a lov able woman and much esteemed by the acquaintances she had i made here during her brief visits, j Mrs. Sauuders has been a mem-: her of the Graham School faculty duriug the past four and a hall years, and the many friends she has made here deeply sympathize | with her and her father iu their irreparable loss and sore bereave ment. Jurors for Term of Court Beginning January 30. Below are the names of the jurors drawn to serve at the civil term of conrt which begins Jan y 30th. The names are given by townbips, to-wit: ? Pattreaon?M. C. Spoon. Coble? R. S. Shoffner. Boon Station?0. H. Johnson, J. A. Hodge, A. P. Truitt. Faucetie?L. A. MeAuley. Graham?J. P. Glenn, D. V. Loy, L. G. Cheek. Thompson?J. Murphy Coble, W. A. Crutchfield. Melville?W. A. Me'oane. Burlington?W. J. Graham, C. V. Sellars, S. Allen Home, C. G Soiners, D. M. Lindsay, D. O. Led better, J. N. Cales. Haw River?John T Be6t. The strange words of the Savior on the Cross explained. A distinguished Biblical Scient ist gives a newt ranslation in a sur prising and instructive article in The American Weekly, the maga zine distributed with next Sun days BALTIMORE AMERICAN. On sale at any newsstand. ? ? ? PERSONALS ? ? ? George Harden was a business visitor iu Fayetteville Monday. Dr and Mrs. Herbert Lout; vis ited relatives in Durham Suuday. Mrs W. L. Cooper is visiting friends in the eastern part of the state. Mrs. Gene Hnnter and children of Charlotte visited Mrs. H. W. Scott here Sunday. Miss Evelyn Williams spent the week end with Miss Mildred Wil liams in High Point. Mrs. J. L. Scott, Jr., of Qreens boio is visiting here at the borne of her son, Col. Don E. Scott. j Mr. H. K. Benson, under treat ment for several days at Duke hospital, returned home Snnday. Mrs J."C. Moore has returned from a visit of two weeks to the borne of her son, Clifford C., in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. C D. Alexander of Morgantou came Tuesday for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Will E. White. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Williams were over week-end visitors to their daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Leon ard, in Charlotte. Miss Anna J. Preston of Salem College, of which she is field rep reeentative, visited Mrs. J. J. Henderson here yesterday. Lieut, and Mrs. M. H. Kerno le of Norfolk spent Saturday aft r uoon to Sunday afternoon visiting at the home of bis father, Mr. J. D. Kernodle Miss Virginia Harden, who holds a position at the State Hos pital at King's Peak, L. came down Sunday for a visit at her home with Mrs. J. B Montgom ery. Miss Margaret Harden and J. D. Kernodle, Jr., from here, at tended the funeral of Mrs W. E. Goode of Scotland Neck on Tue? Tuesday at Boiling Springs, Cleveland county. Miss Cora Emraaline Henderson returned Sunday to school at Sa le <1 College, after being detained at home more than a week by sickness. Her parents carried her Sunday afternoon. Mrs- W J. Graham Dies Suddenly In Burlington. Mrs. Alice Motley7 Graham, aged 57 years, wife of Win. J. Graham, died at their home in Burlingion early last Friday morning almost suddenly after a brief illness. She was highly es teemed by a large circle of friends She is survived by her husband and two children, Mrs E. L. Willett o f Dyersburg, Tenu., and William Albert of Burliugton The funeral was couducted from the Christian church iu Burliugton at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon and the burial followed at Union Ridge cemetery. The bereaved have the sincere sympathy of a hoei of friends. Plans for homo - made brick brooder house have beeu devel oped h>' C. F. Parrish aod David 8. Weaver of State College and may be bad on application to either of the two specialists Cooperative tuikey marketiuu is being practiced to excelleut advantage by growers of Cata* ba county who find better profit* as a result of shippiug plucked turkeys to outside markets. Another remarkable story of a puzallng crime unravelled by the French Detective Police, aa told by Mr. H. Ashtoo-Wolfe, Former As a&Lstant of the famous Dr. Bertil Von, ol the Surete, in The American Weekly, the magazine distributed with neext Sunday's BALTIMORE AMERICAN. On .sale at any news stand. 666 LIQUID - TABLETS - SALVE Checks Colds first day. Headaches Or Neuralgia l? 30 Minutes. Malaria in 3 Days. 666 SALVE FOR HEAD COLDS Most Speedy Remedies Known NOTICE! Sale of Real Estate Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer - tain mortgage deed executed by George F. Robinson to Martha Rob inson, dated the 30th day of March, 1931, securing the payment of cer tain bonds described therein, which mortgage deed is duly probated and recorded in the office of the Register pf Deeds of Alamance Co unty, North Carolina, in Book Now 117 of Mortgage Deeds, at pages 42 and 43, default having been made in the payment t>f said bonds and the interest thereon, as provided and set out in said mortgage deed, and demand having been made for sale, the undersigned mortgagee will seil at public auction to t'h e highest bidder for cash, at the coust house door in Graham, N. C? on Monday, February 20th, 1933, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described property All that certain Jot or parcel of land in Burlhgton Township, Ala mance County, North Carolina, ad joining the lands of Houston St., Southern Railroad Right of Way, Jefferson Johnson, Lot No. 8 and described as follows Beginning at an iron bolt 100 ft. from the center of the Southern R. R. Right of Way, and corner with Houston St; running thence with line of Houston St., S. 30 min. K 86 ft. to an iron bolt in line of Houston St. and corner with La. No. 8; running thence with line of Lot No. 8 N. 89 deg. 30 min E 116 tt. to an iron bolt in line of Jefferson Johnson; running thence with line of Jefferson Johnson N. 3 deg. W. St ft. to an iron bolt 100 ft. from the center of S. R. R&ght of Way, running thence N. 68 deg. 15 min. W. 124 ft. to an iron .bolt; running thence N. "1 deg 20 min. W. 93.5 ft. to the begin - nlng, and bet<g Lot Mo. 9 of the aubdivision of the W. H. Carroll property for Central Loan A Trust Co? as made by L. C. Lin berg, C. ?, March 6, 1924,b]ue print of which is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Aiamance County in Plat Book No. .Page No. This being the same land convey ed to O. F. Robinson by R. H. An drews, 8. J. Hinsdale, & M. W. McPherson, Trustee In Bankrupt cy for the Central Loan A Trust, Co., bearing date of Jan 1, 1931. This sale will bo made subject to increased bids as provided by law, and wLB be heid open ten (10i days after aale to give opportunity for such bids. This the 19th day of January, 1 9 3 3. MARTHA ROBINSON, Mortgagee. Wm. I. Ward, Atty. Notice of Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the au thority conferred upon me by a certain deed of trust executed by James T. Tlngep and wife, Tabbie 1 D. Tingen, on the 29th day of Feb ruary, 1929, and duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds to Alamance County in Deed of Trust Book No. HI, at page 295, default having been made in the payment of the notes secured by | aaid deed of trust, and at the re quest of the holders of said notes and as In said deed of trust pro vided, I will, on Saturday, February IX, 1933, at 1 - 00 o'clock, noon at the courthouse door in Graham. North Carolina, sell to the high est luckier, for cash, the land con veyed in said deed of trust, to-wi' : That certain tract ol land lying and being in Alamance County and 1 described as follows Adjoining the lands of T. W. Vincent, O. W. Yarfcrough, Charles Vincent and The Standard Reality and Security Company. 1. Beginning at a , rock, corner with T. W. Vincent, near public road, running thence South 47 deg. East 6.05 chs., thence South 00 deg. Eaat 1.50 chs.; thence North 87 deg. East 2 chs, to the middle of Quak er Creek; thence wph the said Quaker Creek as at meanders Southward about 50 chs. to the line of Charles Vincent; thence South 81 1-2 deg. West 12.80 chs. to a rock, corner withCharles Vin cent ; thence .North 15 3-4 deg. West 9.94 chs. to a rock, a corner with O. W. Y'arbrough ; thence N. 20 1-2 deg. West 8.30 chs. to a rock, corner with 0, W Yarbrough, thence South 81 degrees West 16 cha. to a rock, corner with said Yarbrough; thence South 11 chs. to a rortt, a corner with said Yar brough ; thence North 2 3-4 deg. West 5.50 cha. to a rock, thence North 3 1-4 deg. East 4.03 chs. to a rock; thence North 12 1-2 deg. West 8i.84 cha. to a rock; thence North 5 3-4 deg. West 10.50 chs. to a rock, corner with Yarbrough; thence North 22 1-3 deg. East 14150 cha to a rock; thence North 3d >-4 deg. East 6 chs.; thence North 34 2-3 deg. East 7,41 chs. to a 1-ock, corner with T. W. VinceDt, tothe hecdnnine' containing one hundred six (106) acres, more or less. 2. Beginning a rock corner with O. W. Yarbrough, running thence South T6 1-4 deg. West 10.67 chs. to a rock, corner with Yarbrough; thence South 6 1-2 deg. Eafii: 7.15 chs. to a rocto cor ner with Charles Vincent; thence North 83 3-t4 deg. Bast 11.Si chs. to a rock, corner with Charles Vincent; thence North 15 3-4 deg. West 9.94 chs. to the beginning, containing nine (9) acres, more or lees; It being the lands conveyed to J. T,. Tin gen by The Standard Reality and Security Co., on Nov. 46, 1920, and conveyed to Tabbie DT. Tingen by J. T. Tingen. by a deed dated Feb. 20, 1929. This January 3, 1933. N. LCNSFORD, Trustee. Notice of Sale of Real Property Tnder and by virtue at the power of sale contained in that certain mortgage deed executed by Nick Burnette and his wife Fannie Burnette, December 16th, 1931, and recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds of Alamance County, North Carolina, in Book 115, page 412, default having teen made in payment of the note secured there by ; and by virtue of having qual ified as Administratrix of the Es tate .of C. R. Vaughn, deceased, the the undersigned will, on Monday, February 13th, 1933, at 12 00 o'clock, noon, offer for sale and sell to the high est bidder for cash at the Court house of Alamance County, North Carolina, the following described real property , A certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in Pleasant Grove | Township Alamance County, North Carolina, and described as follows , Adjoining the lands of A. J. Jef- ( tries, and Murray Heirs, this land known as the Alt in Dixon Estate: ( Lot No. 8, part No. 2. beginning { art a rock in the old road, thence 8. b7 1-2 deg. E. 21.90 chB. to a rock in line of first tract; thence with , said line to a rock on the Wilson lands; thence N. 82 deg. W. 31.27 aha. to a rock in old road ; thence with oltl road 11.25 chs. to the be ginning, corrtaining 20 acres, more or less. Part No. 1. beginning at a rock on Martin's land; thence 8. 88 2-3 deg. to a stake in' center of Mur ray Store road and corner of No. 6; thence N. with said road 17.5 ?' chs. to a stake in said center said road on Murray line, thence N, 37 1-2 deg. )W. 11.50 chs. to anash tree Corner with Murray's and Wil sons; thence S. 10 W. 11.57 chs. to the beginning containing 15 acres. Adjoining the lands of E. C. Mur ray and Jackson Haith, beginning at stump corner with E. C. Mur ray ; thence 8. 8a deg. E. 35.9 chs. to an ash; thence with said Mur ray's line S. 1 1-2 deg. W. 7.25 chs. to a rock; thence N. 88 dog. ?W, 32.50 chs. to a black jack on east side gt the public road; thence with said road North Westerly 8.25 chs. to the first station containing 23 acres, more or less. This sale will be made subject to advance bids as provided bylaw, and will be held open for ken days after sale to give opportunity for such bids. This January 9th, 1933. C. R. Vaughn, Morgagee, By Ruth Vaughn, Admrx, Estate of C. R. Vaughn. D. J. Walker, Atty. Application For Pardon. Application will be made to fbe Commissioner of Pardons and the Gov ernor of North Carolina for the pardon of Robert Newlin, convict ed at the December term County Court of Alamance County, for the crime of illegal possession of whis kev and sentenced to th3 roads for a term of 1 months. All persons who oppose the grant ing of this pardon are invited to forward their protests to the Com missioner of pardons without delay. This January 19, -1933. NOTICE! Mortgagee's Sale of Real Property. Cnder and pursuant to the pow er of Rale contained in those two certain u.ortgage deeds from J. A. Nichoi?vn and wife Cora C Ni h olscn to W. P. Shot the first dar ed September 1, 1923, (the name W fi ir. th s mortgage dee t being written through error "W. D. Soes") and recorded in office Re gister of Deeds, Alamance County, In. Mortgage Deed Book S3, page ?174; ^nd the seCond, date*! Jun? 2'i, 1925, and recorded jn said office in Mortgage Deed Book 91, page 175, Jefault having! bee" madejn payment ,of the debt secured, t h e undersigned w,U ?Ucr for sale a' public .auction,'at the Courthouse door in Graham, on Monday, January 39, 1933, at 12:00 o'clock, noon, the following described real prop ?rty, to-?'lt: n First Trad: A certain piece or tract fit land lying and being iD ' Alamance County, State 0t North b Carolina, in Mei\iljeTbwnship, and described as folio'"'s. t0Wjt: Beginning a r0ck on Ha? t Creek, co'ner wjtji Dr. J. M. Thomp- j son; thence running in an Basrteirly ii direction ""ith old road, Corner to s a rock on the old road (rock Corn- 3 ered), corner with said Dr. J. M. e Thompson, J. B. F. Jobe and D. W \ Kirk Patrick; thence South ?'ith ( line of J. F. B. Jobe t0 an old oak sturaP, corner with J. R. Boone' c thence West with line of J. R. Boone 2 and ,L, L. Wicker tQ a gum tree on | Haw Creek; thence with said Haw t Creek as it meanders, to the begin- t ning, containing "-12 acres, m0re ( or JeSa. t Said Sale will be made subject 5 to advance bids and confirmation t by the Court, as provided for mort- s gagees' sales. t This the 30th day of December f 19 3 2. t W. D. SHOE, t Mortgagee Long * f-oog, Attys. i a Notice of Sale of Land a 8 Vcder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain Mort- 1 gage executed by J. U. Blanchrd and wife, Jennie Blanchard, dated October 7, 1921, and recorded i n 1 Book 90, Page 63, in the office of the Register of Deeds for Ala mance County, North Carolina, de fault having been made in the pay ment 6f the Indebtedness thereby secured, and demand having been I made for sale, the undersigned 1 Mortgagee will sell at public auc- ) tion to the highest bidder for sash, ' at the Courthouse door In Graham, ' N. C., on | Tuesday, January 31st, 1931, at 12 00 o'clock, noon. j the following described property. ] located in Alamance County, North , Carolina, in Faucette Township. ( First Tract Beginning at a rock < on Mary Garrison's line and cor- < ner with Lot Mo. 2; thence S. 10 ' deg. W. 19 chains to a rock; thence ' N. 88 1-1 deg W. 1 chains to a rock; thence S. 6 dr\g. E. 18 chains to a rock, corner with Martha For rest; thence N. 83 1-1 deg. W. 9.95 chains to a rock ; thence N. 1 1-1 deg. E. 1.25 chains to the creek; ' thence up the creek as it meand- ' era to the big road at Foster's comer; thence S; i7 deg. F.. 23.25 chains to the beginning contain ing 56 1-1 acres, more or less. Second Tract Adjoining the lands of Jobe Walker, George W. Foster and others, described as fol lows; Beginning at a rock the road and corner with Lot No. 1; thence N. 88 deg. IV. No 1, 15.09 chains to a rock; thence S. 5 deg. W. 6.15 chains to pointers, Fon Garrison's line; thence N. 37 3-4 W. 23.10 chains to a large red oak; thence N. 23 1-2 E V20 chains t o a jock near a walnut tree; thence N. 78 E. 17.00 chains to a 'rock; thence N. 5 deg. E. 6.00 chains to a white oak tree, thence N. 57 deg. E. 8.10 chains to the road; thence 1 a South-easterly course with ths road 17.75 chains to the beginning, containing 33 acres, more or less. Third Tract Beginning at a rock by the road near said Mc. Garrison's cahin; thence N. 72 deg. \V. 1.35 chains to a gum; thence N. t>s deg W. 11.50 chains to a rock; thence N. 2 deg E. l.;0 chains to a Span ish oak ; thence N. -8 deg. W. 10.08 chains to pointers; thence N. 5 deg. E. 6.15 chains to $ rock, corner with Lot No. 2; thence S. ss deg. E. 15.00 chains to the road; thence with the road 10.60 chains to the beginning, containing 12 acres, more or lew. I This, December 2s, 1932. j Greensboro Joint Stock Land Bank, Mortgagee J. S. Duncan, Atty ^NOTICE! Sale of Heal Estate. I'nder and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain mort gage deed, executed by John S. Piekard and wife, Daisy PRkard, to Thomas H. Moore, dated the 30th day of December, 1910, securing the payment of certain bonds described therein, which mortgage do^d is duly jirobated and recorded in the office cf the Register ol Deeds of Alamance 'County. North Carolina, in Book No. s2 of Mortgage Deeds, at Page 77, default having been 1 made in Ihe payment of said bonds ' and the interest thereon as provid ed and sot out in said mortgage Ideed, and demand having be.-n made for sale, the undersign ?d mortgagee will aell at public aue ion to the highest bidder tqr caah, t the court house door in Ora am, N. C? on Monday, January 30th, at 12 00 o'clock, doom. he following described property: l certain piece or tract of land ly ag and being In Alamance County, itate of North Carolina, in Newllu "oa'nship, and defined and deecrlb d as follows, to-wlt: Adjoining V. M. Lewis, L. E. Guthrie. Nancy 1. Cheek, and others: Beginning at a stone, Nancy B. "heek's line, running thence W, 2.35 chs. to a stone in W. M. Lewie ine; thence S. 7 deg. E. 15.83 chs. o a stone at the said Lewis corner; hence 3. 25 deg. W. 2.75 chs. to a tone; theDce S. 17 deg. E. 16.25chs. o a stone; thence S. 45 deg.E. 17 0 chs. to a stone at head of gully; hence down said gully 7.25 cha to a tone; thence E. 14.18 chs. to a stone; hence 21J0 deg. W. 52 chs. to the lr&t station, containing by estima ion One Hundred and Eleven Acres, nore pr less. < This sale will be made subject to ncreased bids as provided by law ind will be held open ten (10) days iter sale to give opportunity for uch bids. This the 29th day of December, 932. . Thomas H. Moore, Mortgagee Vm. I. Ward, Atty. Notice of Sale of Land Under and by Virtue of the jower and authority vested in the inder&igned commissioners by a udgment rendered in tbe Superior rourt of Alamance County in a tax oreclosure suit entitled : "Ala - nance County vs. Charlotte Sar in, widow of Thos. Sartin, John iartin and wife, Cornelia Sartin, Ullie Pounds and husband, Geo. Pdunds, M. W. McPherson, Homer \ndreWg, S. J. Hinsdale, Claud Ca ges'', the undersigned comraisssion :r will offer for sale to the high est bidder for cash at the, Court House door, Graham, N. C., in Monday. January 30th, 1933, at 12.00 O'clock, noon, the following described property: In Haw River Township. Tract N'o. 1. Adjoining the lands of Ben Pearson and others. Beginning at an iron stake in center of N. C. R. R, tract 4 ft. from a point of S. rail; running thence S. 11 deg. W. 3 chs. 33 1-3 Iks. to a rock and pointers; thence S. 79 1-2 deg. E. 3 chs. to a rock; thence N. 10 1-4 deg. E. 3 chs. 33 1-3 Iks. to an iron stake in center of said Railroad tract; thence JT. 97 1-2 deg. W. Needle bears here 81 1-4 deg. 3 chsi. to the beginning, containing one acre, more or less. Tract N"p. 2 upon which is situat ed a five room house adjoiningthe lands of Tom Sartin, Ben Pearson, Henry Lane, deceased.^ Beginning an iron bar corner with said Sar tin ; running thence S. 73 3-4 B. 3.03 t bs to an iron bar corner with said Sartin and Lane; thence S. 85 1-4 E. B. S. 3.15 chs. to pn fron.bolt corner with said Lane; thence N. 61 1-2 deg. E. 85 Iks, to the penter of a branch (iron bolt on W. bank) thence down s a i-d Tjranch at i t meanders S. 33 deg. E. 1 chs. itdthe mouth of a branch into said branch; thence up said branch as it mean ders S. 30 deg. W. 15.6 chs. S. 66 M deg. W . 90 Iks. ?f. 83 Wt Inns branch at 4.80 chs. 5.56 (?) chs. to an iron bar; thence N1 9 deg. E. 4.61 chs. to an iron bolt in center of N. C. R. R. track 11 Iks. W. of joint of Nr. Rail; thence with said R. R. S. 63 deg E. 54 Iks. to an iron bolt in center of said R. R. corner with said Sartin ; thence S. 10 1-2 deg. W. 31-2 (?) chs.. to the beginning, con taining 1.12 acres, more or loss. This sale will be made subject to confirmation by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance Co unty and will be held open for a period of twenty days from date of aale subject to increased bids. This the 22nd, day of December, 1 9 32. Wm. I. Ward, Commissioner. Watches For All! From a heavy duty Walthnui or Elgin to a dainty Diamond-set Bulova Baguette. Hadleys, The Jewelers Graham REPORT OF CONDITION OF The Citizens Bank OF GRAHAM. ?t Graham la the state of North Carolina, to the Commissioner of Banks at the cloe* of business, on the 31th dty of Deoember, 1962. RESOURCES Loans and discounts.. $41,44*.36 Overdrafts - ? 15 U. 8. Bonds.. .. _ 900.00 North Carolina Bonds 3.000.00 Furniture and Fixtures 900X0 Cash In vault and amounts due from Approved Depositary Banks 1,597 91 Checks for clearing and transit Items Due from Banks Not Approved De positories Cash items held over U hours.... 521.43 Sundries. Total $50X62.93 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 10X00.00 Surplus fund 3,957. L3 Undivided proRd|net amount Reserved tyr Interest Unearned Interest 94X2 Demand Deposits Due Banks - Other Deposits subject to check 30.496.04 Cashier's checks outstanding ...._ 2kiX8 Certified cheeks outstanding 9CIO.OO Time Certificates of Deposit, Due on or after 80 daya 479.00 Sarins* Deposits. Due on or after SO | days. it XlM Bills Payable 2.250X0 Sundries .. Total $50X82 9$ State or North Carolina, i *8S County of AlamaDce. ) W.J. Nicks. President, M. K. Neese. Di rector. and J. S. cook. Director of the ! Cltisens Bank, each personally appeared he me this day. and being duly sworn, each for himself, says that the foregoing report Is true to the beet of bis knowledge end belief. W. J. Nicks, President, M. B Neeee. Director. J 8. Cook. Dt ector. j Sworn to and subscribed before me. this the 14th day of Jan., 1983. 1 E. Sysee. Notary Public. 2 My commission expires U-5-S. JUST KIDS?"Part" MortMi! *y ad cajttit i? : 1 t " ' THOMAS' IS THIS THE LETTER I TOLD YOO TO HAIL. TWO UEE#S AGO . * ' * HVL ' Jim NY CRIf KETS1. I .1USTA EER&or n! ???rv i i 5L ' .^imiWAT^Aj. CARTOON CO,

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