THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. AUG. 3, 1933. Local News. ?Report comes from Mebane that a fine rain fell there Tuesday night, and that there was some wind. ?Regular meeting of the Coun ty Commissioners next Monday. The Board held a brief session Tuesday. ?The heaviest rainfall here last Thnrsday afternoon in more than two months. Something of a winidstorm accompanied the rain. ?Work on Graham Drug Co.'s new building is progressing well. Barring mishaps the walls will be about finished inside auother week. ?Mr. and Mrs. John B. Strat ford carried their young sou, Jack, to Dr. McPherson's hospital in Durham tnis morning for a tonsil and adnoid operation. ?A scarcity of corn is reported in this section. This crop was cut short la?t year by a long drought. Some corn h is beeu brought to this county from the eastern part of the State. ?Graham Theatr<? h is fixed its opening time at 12:30 p. m. This to conform in a way to the order of things. It gives a chance to most people to see a full show without interfering with work hours. ?Tne temperature hovered around 100 here Monday, Tues day and Wednesday. With a lit tle sprinkle of rain yesterday af ternoon and last night and a slight cloudiness, it In hot quite so hot today. ? Been seeing aud hearing about folks having vacations lately? that's put us to wondering how one of the thin.;s would fit in this organization, and if we could use it to advantage, and whether the cost would be prohibitive. ?Next week advertisement, will start for sale of property of those who have not paid their 1932 taxes. Sale will be made on first Monday in September If you owe 1932 taxes and can pay before the advertisement appears hext week, you will save that cost, ? Mayor J. S. Holt has oalled a meeting of the merohants and those engaged in the retail trade in Graham for 8 o'clock at the courthouse tonight, for the pur pose of working out a code in wbioh all may work in coopera tion with the government in re covery plans. All interested are earnestly-requested to attend. ?On i^ast Suuday Rev. J. W Woody, who has beep pastor of Graham Friends ohqcch for the past two years, tendered his res ignation and preached his fare well sermon. He has accepted the pastorate of Centre Friends church, Guilford county, where b^fis going to take up his work at none. During bis Stay here he mads a Sue impression on those with whom he came In contact. Rev. John M. Permar, former pastor for a nnmber of years, will return to the Graham church. ?'Two automobiles, going in op posite directions, met on the court house square Tuesday afternoon. One did not observe the regula tion of turning to the right. There is nj sign to that effect, but, par haps, there ought to be. Run niug on a curve, neither car was going at high speed, but they collided- The damage was small and the left turn man assumed the repair cost. No one was much hurt. One of the car own ers, a Mr. Marshall, was from Chatham. The name of the other was not learned. ?Dr. P. H. Fleming's host of friends throughout the county will regret to learn of the serious injury his son Henry suffered last Sunday night. Henry, who is connected with a bank in Hen derson, and a companion were on their way home from the annual encampment of the 105th medical regiment of the N. C. N. G. at Camp Jnchson, Columbia, s. c. Hear Cheraw, rounding a curve, the car turned over. Henry suf ferred a concussion of the brain but no fracture. He is in a hos pital in Bennetsville and his con dition is reported hopeful. His Companion wqs less seriqqsiy in jured. j)r. Fleming and his daqghtep returned to Burlington yesterday from a visit to the Son ?nd brother. Henry was born *nl spent his childhood in Gra ham when the family lived here. Mrs. Tom ?achary has returned /rem a visit to her husband in Philadelphia. PERSONAL Mr. H. w. Scott and hou, Bill, speut Tuesday iu Greensboro on business. Mrs. Marjorie Pye of Greens boro is here visiting Mrs. Arm strong Holt. Mrs. Chas. E. Maunders weut to Scotland Neck last Friday to visit her father, Rev. W. E. Goode, for a fen days. Miss Mary Worsley Rives re turned Sunday from VVhite Lake where she has been attending a house party. Mr. and Mrs. Lovick H. Kerno dle and Lovick, Jr., of Danville spent last Sunday afternoon here with relatives. Mrs. Dou S. Holt went to Gas touia the latter part of last week to visit her parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. E. McCounell. Misses Elizabeth Moore and An namerle Arant visited the for mer's father, Mr. Frank W. Moore, in hospital in Siatesville Sunday. Mrs. R. N. Cook and sons, Bob by and Mack, left Tuesday morn ing for a visit to her sister, Mrs. Sherrill Rathbun, at Rockville Ceuter, Long Island. Mrs. M. G. Flanigan, her son, Hermoo, and daughter, Mrs. R. W. DeMaurice, aud two children of Darlington, S. C., here on a visit, speut the week-end in Ashe ville with Mrs. Flanigau's sister, Mrs. J. P. Goodman. Uev. and Mrs. Watt M. Cooper and Miss Mary Cooper attended t ti? Summer school graduat ing exercises at State College last Friday, when J heir brother, W. L. Cooper, of Blackey, Ky., fin ished with the degree of Master of Science. Mrs. J. P. Harden and daugh ters, Mrs. Armstrong Holt and Luta Harden, and the former's grandson, Dover Heritage, Jr., re turned last Thursday night from a visit of two weeks to Mrs. Har dou's daughter, Mrs. Dover Heri tage, Boston, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Coman Isley, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hughes, Mrs. Heenan Hughes, Misses Mary Tome and Sara Catherine HugheB, Mrs. Tom C. Moon, and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dixou spent the week-end at White Bake. Mr. Hughes oarried his motor boat on a trailer for the party's use while at the lake. Mr, aud Mrs. Lee Cooper and daughters, Misses Lillian and ' Mary Louise, after a brief visit here with Mr. Cooper's sister, Miss Mary, left for their home at Biackey, Ky., the latter part of last weeg. Mr. Cooper attended the Summer school at State Col lege, completed the contemplated work and won the degree of Mas- ( ter of Scicpce, Mrs, J. B. Montgomery aud Miss Margaret Harden of Graham ' and Mr. and Mrs. Walter New- i combe of Burlington left here by auto at 11 o'clock last Friday i night for Smithtown, Long Island. I At Norfolk they took a steatper I for a poipt Qh Chesapeake Bay, i stopping for a short visit with | Mrs. Newcombe's mother's people, i Thence on to Smithtown by auto i to visit Mrs. Newcombe's sistor, i Mrs. Frank Corbani, formerly Miss Virginia flatten of Gtahatn. 1 When they left they did not know < how iqng they wonid stay, Dr. Will S. Long, Jr., Vice President North Carolina Fireman's Associa tion. At the annua) meeting of the North Carolina Fireman's Asso ciation held in Salisbury last < week, on Wednesday afternoon 1 Dr. Will S. Long, Jr., was elected vice-president by acclamation. For around 25 years Dr. Long < has beeu chief of Graham's $re 1 department aud for the aame time i has been a regular attendant at the annual meetings of the State Association, Not only that, but wheu special meetings for instruc tion to firemeu have been held, he has rarely failed to attend. Thus he has made himself profi cient in fire Agbting and Are-.pre veution. Then, too, Dr. Long enjoys the distinction of living in a town whose Are losses are the lowest among other thous ands. This fact is highly credi table to him and the organization of which be is the head. By reason of Ifeing elected vice president la?t week, next year Dr. Long will succeed to the presidency of the Association. Sincere congratulations. ?A bargain for readers! Three magazines and The Gleaner a year fm\|J.50. Look up club offer ad in) this issue. Samples can be seen aft Gleaner; Office, ??? ^ J. M. Story Celebrated 94th Birthday Anniversary Tuesday. Only one in many thousands attains the advanced age of that of Mr. J. M. Story. He celebrated his 94th anniversary Tuesday,, August 1st. He is a Confederate Veteran and was nearly 26 when he re turned home from the battlefield. Since those days he has been ac tively eugaged in farming. And he is still wonderfully active and j can do a man's day's work. He lives on his farm in Morton Township where the celebration was held. More than 400 people | attended the uuusual occasion? neighbors, invited guests and j kindred. There were several speeches made, Dr. W. T. Whitsett being j the principal speaker. A few, less than half a dozen,, confederate veterans were pre sent. Graham Chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy was represented by the following: Mesdames S. S. Holt, G. S. Alt more, M. R. Rives, McBride Holt, W. H. Anderson, W. R. Harden,, L. B. Hardesty, H. W. Scott, L. t'. Allen, Ernest Thompson, W. 1 H. Holt, Ralph York, Z- V. Mc Clure, E. P. McClure, Miss Mamie Parker, Mrs. N. E. Sykes and little daughter, Mary Ellen. A great feast of good things to . eat had been prepared for the , guests which they enjoyed to the limit. The day will long be re inembored. It was a happy day for Mr. Story and all. 1 A. Ross Henderson, Graham's New ; Postmaster. A day or so before August V t John M. Crawford, postmaster for Graham, was notified to vacate . and turn the office over to A. ? Ross Henderson. This, no doubt, was as much a surprise to the two gentlemen directly concerned as it was to the rest of the commu nity, bacause it h id been the cus tom since Graham had been ad- 1 vanced to the third class to allow ' the incumbent, regardless of his 1 political affiliations, to serve out ' his term without molestation. Mr. t Crawford had been in two years. 1 The candidates, it seems, ex < pected the custom to prevail as j no very great effort, so far as < known, was being made by any of ( them, except to get their applica tions in presentable shape. Three weeks ago Congressman Umstead and Democratic County ' Chairman Rhodes appeared i n Graham on the same afternoon. *? A meeting was called and held in e the jury room in the courthouse ' In that meeting were the follow- i ing: Louis C, Allen, Clarence t Rosa, J, H. Eason. H. J. Stockard, J Ed Hanford, J, S. Cook, Charlie t Bain, J. H. Moser, E- P. MoClure , and Dr. W. 8, tiong, { R is understood that the last t Five were phoned to come to the jury room, uot knowing what it was about. Three or more others were called, but were not fouud * at their places of business. Mr. Rhodes presided over the ] meeting and Mr- I''instead stated t the object of the meeting was to recommend a caudidate for post- . master of Graham, aud is also re- * ported to have requested that nothing be said about the meet- * ing. But if that request was made \t did not stick. The names of the following for ' the place were mentioned and dis 1 cussed: A. Ross Henderson, Ben 1 M. Rogers, J. DeWiit Foust, E. E. h McAdams, C. L. Bradshaw and t Everett Braxton. A vote was i taken and stood Henderson 7,13 Rogers Foust I. E ft is understood Mr. Umstead , would endorse the one named ^ in the meeting; that there were other patrons of the office in the courthonse to whom the meeting was not made known; that a c number of letters by prominent 0 citizens were writteu to Mr. L'm 0 stead, protesting that so few a should get together and decide a t matter of general interest to the 1 community without an opportu nity for the friends of all the can didates to he heard. All that has been heard is stat ed above. Some spoke rashly and said tilings that they them selves wou d not repeat or have repeated. Campaigns often wax warm, but all cool off in time. If the appointee is approved by Congress iu due course, it is hoped he will make a record that will tie an houor to him and a credit to the town. Service by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. j ,No. 6100 The Citizens Bank of Graham. VS. S. E. Ausley, W. H. Ausley .and A. G. Ausley, Defendants. S. E. Ausley, one of the 'defend ants above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the superior court of Alamance County to re cover judgment against the defen dants on a note executed by them; and the said defendant will further take nqtice that he Is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, at Graham on or before the 18 day af September, 1933, and answer or demur to the said complaint In Baid action, or the plaintiff will apply to ;the court for the relief (demanded n said Complaint. This the >19 day of July, 1933. E. H. MURRAY, Clerk of the Superior Court. ). S. Cook, Atty. Notice of Trustee's Sale. Default having been madee in the payment of the indebtedness ?e- j ;ured by that certain deed of trust :o North Carolina Trust Company rrustee, by J. P. Askew on |the 13th lay of January, 1930, and recorded J "n office of the Register of Deeds >f Alamance County in Book 112 jit age 161, I will, under aad fby vii tue | if powers of sale contained in sai 1 leed of trust, under and by virtue >f the power and authority confer ed upofl me by that certain fnden :ure executed July 13, 1933, by Pilot L.ife Insurance Company and North its e Improvement Company {Form riy North Carolina Trust Company), rrustee, to Julius C. Smith, Trustee, ecorded in the office of the FRegls er of Deeds of Alamance County on Fuly 21, 1933, and at the Request of he cestui que trust, and for ,the mrpose of discharghig the debt se cured by said deed of trust, iproceed o sell to the highest bidder, for ash, at the courthouse door in "Gra 1am, Alamance County, North Car-i ilina, on Wednesday, August 23rd, 1933. at 12 00 o'clock, noon, ho following described land, to-wtt; In Burlington Township, adjoining he lands of M. H. Moore, J. W. Ca e, !state, Bertha I. Catea Davis St. ind others; Beginning at 'an Iron botb on |the Northeast side of Davis Street, 73 eet from the comer of Davis and rlebane Streets, a comer with said J. H. Moore, running thence with lis line North 52 deg. East 142.2 feet a a Stake In Una of J. W.Catea [state; thence with said line North 8 deg. West 75 feet to n stake, cor ler with Bertha I. Cates; thence vith her lino South 52 dog. 'West 42.2 feet to Davis Street; thence vith the line of Davis Street South 8 deg. 75 feet to the/beginning and ontailnlng 10,665 square feet, more ir less, and being Lot No. 2 as shown in the plajt of the Davis and Mebanc nd Webb Avenue property of J. V. Cates Estate, dated March 18th, L919, and "It Is also a pane of Lot I ? p ?? ? we ?- ?_ ' No. 10, in the plan olt the City of I Eurlington. ! j This the 22nd day of July, 1933. Juliu9 C. Smith, Substitute Trustee. Smith, Wharton & Hudgins, Attys., Greensboro, N. C. Notice of Sale of Heal Estate. NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. Under and by virtue of the .power and authority contained In that cer tain deed of trust executed by Wal ter B. Ector and wife, Annie Ector, to the Raleigh Savings Bank and Trust Company, Trustee, which said deed of trust is dated Septemoer 1, 1926, and recorded in Book 107, page 201, of the Alamance Coun:y Registry, default having been made in the -payment of the indebtedness thereeby secured and in the condit ions therein secured, the undersign ed substituted trustee by Instument recorded in Book 105, Pages 327 328, Alamance County Registry, will, on Thursday, August 21th, 1933, at or -about twelve o'clock, noon, at the courthouse door at Graham North Carolina, offer for sale, and sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property a All of thalt certain piece, parcel or tract of land containing onelhun dred seventy and five tenths (170.05) acres, more or less, situate, lying and being on the Burllngton-Unlon Ridge Road about eight miles North from the city of Burlington, In [Fau cette Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, having such shapes, courses and distances as will more fully appear from a plat thereof made by Leewls H. Holt, County Surveyor of Alamance County, Sept tember 6-7, 1923, and a copy 10' which plat Is now on file .with the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, the aame being bounded on the NoiCh by the lands of J. H. Witklns, Wm. (Cantrell and John Gilliam, on the East by the lands of John Gilliam, E. W. Wllkins Heirs and R. L. Gilliam, on the Soif.h by the lands of E. W. Wilklns Heirs, and R. L. Gilliam, on the 'West by the lands of R. L. Gilliam, J. H. Wit kins and the waters of Stoney Creek, and being that certain tract hereto fore conveyed to Walter B. Ector by Mrs. Annie Witklns, Mamie Wil klns, 8. L. Wilklns and wife, Alma Wilkins, and Ben Wilklns and wire, by deed dated December 18, 1924. and Recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Book of Deeds Number 82, at page 350, reference to .which is hereby specifically made for a more complete description, which is in tended to be included herein. Also all of that certain other tract parcel or lot of land containing forty nine (49) acrest more or less, eltuate, lying and being on the Burllngton Cnion Ridge Road about eight miles North from the city of Burlington, in Faucette Township, Alamance County, North Carolina, and having such shape, metes, courses and dis tances as will more fully appear from a reference to a plat thereof made by Lewis H. Holt, County Sur veyor of Alamance County, Octo ber 20-24, 1916, and a copy ^f which is now on file with the Atlantic Joint Stock Land Bank of Raleigh, the same being bounded on the North by the lands of J. A. Gilliam, on the East by the lands of J. VV, Gilliam, on the South by the Hants of Bettio Moore and on the IVest by the lands of J. A. Gilliam, pnd being that certain tract of land heretofore convened to Vf. 8. Ector by Beo nette Moore and wife, Mary E. Moore, by deed dated January C, 1919, and recorded in the office tof the Register of Deeds for Alamance County in Rook of Deeds Number 04, at page 400, reference to which la hereby made for a more complete description thereof, and said de scription is Intended to be incorpo rated herein. Terms of sale cash and trustee will require deposit of 10 per cent of the amount of the bid as his (evidence of good faith. This the 14th day of July. 1933. JOSEPH L. COCKERHAM, Substituted Trustee. Robert Welnsteln and Victor W. Thompson, Attya Raleigh, N.C. 806.HAVE YOU NOTICED } J THAT EVERYBODY SEEMS TO BE SMOKIF& il J CAMELS NOW ? jS THEY HAVE FOUND ^3 ' OUT THAT CAMELS H ARE BETTER FOR H j S^AO^MOKI^!^B CAMEL'S COSTLIER TOBACCOS NEVER GET ON YOUR NERVES ... .. ^ NEYIR TIRE YOUR TASJII ??NEW Instant-Lite" Coleman with RoTO-TyPE X Burner Test It Yourself! HERE'S the latest Cole man invention... ready for you to see and test! The New Colerr in Lamp with Roto-Type 3umer ... the greatest ads nee in the his tory of pres are-gas illumi nation. Youll like this new burner im provement. It makes the famous Coleman light better than ever. Clear and steady. Restful to the eyes . . . fine for every house hold use. You'll like the way the Cole man lights . . . instantly. Just strike a match and turn a valve! Youll like the new Oversizs Generator because it lasts longer. AccotT nodates a wider variety of fuels. Reduces upkeep and is inexpensive to replace. You'll like the new Gas Tip Cleaner! It's a regular "carbon chaser". Keeps the gas tip open and clean. Ask your dealer to let you see the new Coleman. Test it your self. Make it give you a sample of the fine lighting service it is ready to put in your home. Patent Pending Here's the Coleman Lantern . . . aipo with Roto-Type Burner. Easy and economical to operate. Like the Cole man Lamp, it makes and burns its own gas from regular clear-white untreated motor fuel. Always ready with plenty of light for every job, any place, any night- Mica chimney makes it'weather-proof. TriE COLEMAN LAMP &. STOVE COMPANY ? .vhita, Kan*. Chicago. 111. Philadelphia. Pa. Loa Angeles. Calif ASK YOUR DEALER ?LAX1XJ -m HERE FRIENDS!^ ?? C.y Special Arrangements with the Leading Magazines of the ? |C rjr.iry We Bring You the Biggest Bargain ef All Time .... I K..( 3:.j::.!ptlons To 3 Famous Magazines with A New or Renewal I u! C-i,'er for This Newspaper. I ^ MAKE UP YOUR OWN CLUBI ALL 4 ONLY* 11 I Si CHOOSE 1 ? P" ^ I L'' 1 Magazine From Group "A" I H I I K Magazines From Group "B" f \ H I |j THIS NEWSPAPER (1 Full Year) J ,!y? I J Hi MORF? ? Bj Your Cnoiee of Any One ?p Magazine in This Group ^5 GROUP A R ? McCall's Magazine 1 Yr. ? Woman's Home Comp.J._l Yr. |H ? Pictorial Review 1 Yr. B ? Screen Play ... 1 Yr. KJ ? Hollywood Movia ftfaf..! Yr. E^g Q Open Road (Boy*) 1 Yr. B ? Pathfinder (WkJy.) 1 Yr. Q| A"d Your Chout oj Amy Tmc K? 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