THK GLEANER graham, n. c., sep r. 14,1933. Local News. ?The fog and cool mist yester day was typical of Fall. ?Graham Christian church pic uiekod at Gantz Lake last Satur day afternoon. ?Graham Drug Co.'s new build ing is uearing completion. Some wood work and furuishiug will e iinplete the job. ?Dr. W. C. Wicker will fill his regular appointment at Graham Christiau church next Sunday uioruiug, the third Sunday. ?Elon College has had a goo 1 opening, exceeding a year ago by h goodly number, hot the exact figures aie not available at this writing. ?Alamance County for school purposes has been divided into 10 districts, and the State School Commission has allotted 208 teachers for the county, of which 157 are for white schools and 51 for colored schools. ?The Mebaue Fair opened \r.,nHae under favorable ausnieea Tlie exhibits are reported good, as sell as the at'endance. The special features a t uight are drawing large crowds. It will close at 12 o'clock Saturday night. ?The Mission Study Class of Graham Christian church held its regular monthly meeting Mon day evening at the home of Mrs. Jas P. Harden. It was the time for the election of officers, and among the new officers Mrs. Harden was elected president. ?Sam A. Cooper, who has taught agriculture for several years at Farmer, Randolph coun ty, has accepted a similar positiou with the Alexander Wilson school. Mr and Mrs. Cooper are living at the Lee Cooper home, Graham Route 2, near Swepsonville. ?The Public Schools of the county, town and country, will open on Monday next, Sept. 18th. Teachers have been secured for all schools, with an exception or two, according to news coming from County Superintendent M. E Yount's office. As the schools will not run as many months this year as they have in recent years, it behooves parents to see that their children entor promptly and attend regularly to get all the beueflts possible. ?The friends of Mrs. Chas. W. Causey of Greensboro, who was Miss Bess Scott of Graham, will be pleased to learn tbat she has sufficiently improved to be re moved to Greensboro. It will be remembered that about ten weeks ago she was seriously injured in ait antAm.tKila iinni/I o n f nna n \T a VP Bern aud that since that time she has been iu a hospital in Rich mond. Mr. Causey and others in the car suffered injuries, hut not of a serious nature. ?The Superior Court is now on its second and last week. A large volume of business has been dis posed of. A suit against the N. C. Railroad for the deaths of the wives of S. W. Lee and E. A. Gil lespie on the morning of S-ipt. 21, 11)32, at Graham station started Monday. Each was suing for ?30,000, and two others for $5,000 each. After the trial had gotten under way a compromise was pro posed. The case was settled by the defendants paying $3,800. Marion Blunt of Greenville is here visiting Bill Scott. They at tended the Darlington School at Athens, Ga., last year and were room mates. Both will enter the University at Chapel Hill and room together again. Mrs. Edgar Long, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ernest Thompson and daugh ter, Sara Bell, left yesterday for Florence, 8. C., to visit Dr. Daniel Albright Long, who has been sick and reported better a few days ago. They expect to go to Myrtle Beach for a day and return the last of the week. Mr. and Mps. Chas. E. Saunders left Sunday for- Rockingham where they will make their home. Mrs. Saunders, the former Miss Elaine Goode, had been a highly esteemed member of Graham School faculty for the past four years. She was married about a year ago and continued to make her home here. Mr. Sauuders has entered into the automobile sales business with a brother in Rock ingham, The many friends of both here sincerely regret their leaving Graham. ?UBUCBIBB FOP TBI OLBAXBR PERSONAL Maj.J.J. Henderson attended court at YVeutwoi'th Monday. James Wliite returned to school at Davidson College Monday. Frank Holt has returned from Brevard where he spent the Sum mer. Mrs. J. Mel Thompson of Meb aue spent a while here yesterday afternoon. Miss Mary Elizabeth Stratford of Haw River spent the week-end with Miss Emily Neese. John Gray Turner spent the week-end with his sister, Mrs. Bert Keuyon, in Raleigh. Miss Ruby McLean of Gastonia Bpent the week - eud here with Miss Mary Leigh Bradshaw. Miss Mamie Turner of Raleigh is speuding a few days here with her sister, Mrs. 11. W, Scott. Mrs. R. L. Allen and daughter, Mrs. Willis Cornwell, of Charlotte are visiting Mrs. S. S. Holt. Miss Cora Emmaline Henderson left yesterday for Salem College. She attended this school last year. Misses Margaret Stockard and Era Ray left yesterday for Jas ?<? ~s" - 1 ?rucio tuoj win teacQ again. Miss Lessie Ezell of Washing ton, D C., spent the week-end here wiih her mother, Mrs. W T. Ezell. Miss Jean Gray Scott left yes terday for Salem Academy, Win ston-Salem, where she will enter school, Miss Catherine Marshall of Charlotte spent the latter part of last week here with Miss Eliza beth Moore. Mrs. J. Clyde A'umau an I chil dren have returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. J. H. Mdrrell, in Heuderson. Mrs. Gales Bradshaw and daugh ter, Mildred Anne, and Miss La vona Black visited relatives in Siler City Sunday. Miss Anne-Coleman Wortham of Orange,"Vi., speut Sunday and Monday here with >lias Cora Eui inatine Henderson. Mr and Mrs. Casper Jones of Roxboro spent Suuday here with Mrs. Heeuan Hughes and MiBS Mary Tome Hughes, Miss Margaret Pritchard of Chapel Hill spent the week-end with Mrs. L. B. Hardesty and Miss Annie Ruth Harden. Miss Ruth and James Holt, chil dren of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W. Holt, left Tuesday for Banner Elk to enter Lees McRae School. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey White and niece, Miss Elizabeth Porne roy, returned Saturday from a ten-day visit to the World's Fair. Mr. aud Mrs. Leon Flanigan and Misses Niua Graham Crawford, Carolyn McAdams and Laura May Rrvlt vri-aitafl in Pittshorn Sutidav. XXVX1?/ ? IU.VV^ " *" * * """ " ?/ ? Mr. and Mrs. Robt. E. Harden and son, Bob, of Greensboro spent Sunday here with Mr. Har den's mother, Mrs. Jas. P. Har den, f Miss Mary.Rirth Gowens, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Gowens, has entered Watts hospital, Dur ham, and is taking a training course. George S. Attmore, Jr., of New Bern visited his mother, Mrs. G. S. Attmoie, at the home of his sister, Mrs. J. Dolph Long, over the week-end. Dr. George Burnett of Greens boro was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lee Monday bight. Dr. Burnett and Mrs. Lee are both natives of Logan county, Ky. Dr. and Mrs. \V. R. Goley re turned Sunday from a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Frank Hun sucker in High Point. Mr. and Mrs. Ilunscuker brought them home. Mrs. Don E. Scott went to Win ston-Salem yesterday to enter her daughter, Miss Jean Gray, at Salem Academy and is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Gray. Mrs. E. C. Turner and son, Craig, of Greenwood, S. C., who have been visiting the former's sister, Miss Mary Cooper, here, and other relatives iu the county, left'Suuday for their home. W. L Cooper, Jr., and daugh ters, Misses Lillian and Mary Lou ise, of Blackey, Ky., spent Sun day night with the former's sister, Miss Mary Cooper, en route to Red Springs, where Miss Lillian will euter Flora Macdonald col lege. Mr. Cooper was joined here by his nephew, John Cook, and niece, Miss Margaret Cook, of Jonesboro, who returned with him to Blackey, to attend Stuart Robinson school this winter. Lieut M. H. Kernodle, Graham Boy, i in World Record Flight The honor of participiiiiiiir in the world-record fligln t?y sen- 1 plane in uiass formation oouns | to a Graham boy, Lieut. Michael , Holt Kernodle. , He piloted one of the six planes ( which took off from Norfolk last Thursday night and landed at Coco Solo, Canal Zone, Friday. ' The distance is 2,059 miles and,' the time 24 hours and 55 minutes. 1 It was a non stop flight, and ex- (< seeded by some 200 miles any i jump made by Gen. Balboa with i his fleet in his visit to Chicago a few weeks ago. t The incident is of local iuterest , on account of Lieut. Kernodle be- | ing a native of Graham and the , only Southern man designated to f pilot a plane. ' The flotilla may make another J flight, it is intimated, from the Canal Zone to San Diego, Calf, a ' distance of 3,000 miles, and after ' th's a visit to Gen. Balboa iu , Italy. But these flights it is uot < certain will materialize. 1 Lieut. Kernodle is a sou of J. ( D. Kernodle and the late Mrs. | Kernodle. 1 After finishing in Graham High School, hb was appointed a candi- , date to enter the 0. S. Naval Aca- ( dainy ai-Aunopolis by the ^Iate Maj. Chas. M. Stedma'u, 'Con gressman from the Fifth District. He was prepared to en'er the Academy at Werntz's Prepare oxt ? * vuij ouuuui, near Annapol'S. 1 While a midshipman, during ' the Warld War, he was included < in a detail to lay the mines in the 1 North Sea. ( He finished at the Academy in < 1921, being delayed a year on a}- ] count of au injury he suffered on ] the athletic field. In 1924 he took his air training t at the station at Peusacola, Fla. Almost continuously since then he has been in the air service. ' That he has attained a consid erable degree of proficieucy in > that branch of service is attested by the fact that ho has won at least three handsome trophies. For three years, prior to the 1 two years ago, he was in Honolulu 1 and executive head of the U. S. Navy air station there. ' At present he is stationed at . the Norfolk air base where he and his wife are now tuakiug their home. Maj Stevens Simmons to Help Com bat 'Sleeping" Sickness. Graham friends of Maj. Stevens Simmons (physician in U. 8. Army service and at present serv iug at Walter Reed hospital in Washington), who knew him here from childhood to manhood, will be interested to learn that he has been detailed to go to St Louis to study and combat the "sleeping" sickness epidemic. Maj. Simmons ranks high as a physician and his selection is a recognition of his skill. He is a son of the late Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Simmons and a brother in-law of Col. Don E. Scott. William H. Black Passes. After a serious illness of four weeks, William Henry Black, 68, ii i -..J ?-??? won & 11 uw Li auu c? lewmeu CI11Z0D of Grahain for more than thirty ' years, died at his home about 11 ( o'clock Sunday night. < The funeral service was con- < ducted at Providence Memorial I church, of which he was a mem- ( ber, at 3:00 Tuesdav afternoon ( by Rev. T. E. Whit", former pas- ( tor, assisted by Rev. G. C. Cntch- , held, pastor, and Rev. John M. , Permar. Interment was in the j chnroh cemetery. Deceased is survived by his widow, two daughters, Mesdainea L. F. Freelaud and W. A. Rich; 1 two song, W. Z. and Paul Black, and four grandchildren; also two ' brothers and three sisters. 1 Mr. Black was a member of Graham Council Jr. 0. U. A. M. I EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE! Having qualified aa Executrix of the laat Will and Testament of Frank W. Moore, dec'd, late of Ala mance County, this is to notify all persons ^Aiding claims against the esta'e of deceased to present them, duly authenticated, on or before the 1st day of September, 1934, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to said es ta'e will please make Immediate set lement. This August 28th, 1933. MRS, BERT A MOORE, Executrix. 6 6G | Liquid, Tablets, Salve, Nose Drops | Checks Malaria in 3 days. Colds fir& day, Headaches or Neuralgia in 80 minutes FINE LAXATIVE AND TONIC Most Speedy Remedies Known Graham Public School* Open Next Monday. The Graham Public School* wi'l begin work Monday, Sept, 18th, at 8 ;30 A. M? when all children,white and colored, will report tor enroll ment and aaaignmeot to classea. Children will not need to carry lunches the first two day*. A meeting of teachers will he held with the Superintendent on Satur day afternoon, Sob*. 16th, at 4:0* itcloctc. The colored teacher* will meet at the same ho ur withthe principal. In compliance with' the ruling by he State School Com mission child ren becoming 6 years of age on or before Nov. 15th will enter school at the opening; those who become lix after this date will not Tie al owed to enroll. All chidren be - .ween the ages of 7 and 14 are -equired to enroll on the first day sf school. The state adopted hooks in grad 9S 1?7 will be handled "by Graham Drug Company and high school ex's will he sold by the Alamance 3ook and Stationery Company, of r> a a?_ DUlllUgVVU, W. A. Young la auperntenden* ind will have associated wfh htm he following teachers; High school; J. R. Barker, Geo a rhurch, W. D. Barrett, and BeMie Dunlap. Elementary School; La)a Brown. , ng, Mrs. Bessie Thompson Wilson, ! lima Worthington, Elizabeth Pora >roy, Emma Cox, Sara Cobb, Mrs dargant Tate Bather, Mrs. Basle. Gotten Henderson, Margaret Har len, Mrs, Frances Upshaw BarreCt, -ena Brown, Mabel (Wafksr and Slizabeth Grant, There Is a vancy In the primary lepartmeot^ L i ? Colored School; Dow Spaulding, Anne Pat Roger a Mabel Harden Poole and Geneva Ingram. NOTICE! S'ORTH CAROLINA. tLAMANCB COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT, the Town of Graham I. H. Evans and wife, Ma( Evans, VS. and Qi F. Russell. The defendants abovl? named fill tslke no' Ice that an action, en titled as above, haa been commenc ed ih[ the Superior Court of Aia nance County for the purpose of lequrlcfg h Judgment and order of I ?ale of the property of t he de fendants, J. H. 'Evans and wife, Ida Svans, located on - Maple Stredt n the Town fat Graham for the -jon-payment ofVfreet assessment ind taxes due said Town, aaldpro? petty being described ah follows; A house and lot tn Graham on he West: Side of North Maple St. ind bounded as follows; Beginning St a abate or rock on hfe West aide of North' Maple St 'h'ence 8. 1 1-8 deg. W. with said JtreOt 1 chain and 10 ft to a rock j >n West aide of said Street; thence | N'ortK 13 1-3 deg. W. 1.47 cha<to i rock; thence N. 3 deg. B. 73 Ice. and 10 ft. to a rock, corner with Mid Bain; thence N IS 1-3 lefe B. 3?0 cha. to the beginning md containing 1-3 of an here, more >r less, it being the Mute tract ol and convoyed to Graham^ Land Company by Deed dated Ihie 24th lay of May, 1117, by J. M. Hc itAec and recorded 'in the Office af the Regtater of Deeda for alore laid County and State In Book of Deeds No. 63 on page 496-491 And the Mid defendants will further take notice that they are required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of eaid County' at the courthouse, j rah am, K. C, oo the 7th day of November, 1933, and answer or dc murt to the complaint In this ac tion or the plaintiff wiU apply to {he court for the relief <de manded in said complaint. This thq 7th day of September, 19 3,3, !' t ? r . I r t IZORA McCLURB, Asst. Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. v IN THB SUPKKIOR COURT. E.L Callaway, Plaintiff, VS Mrs. Harrietia Calloway, Defendant. The defendant, Mr a Harrietts Cal laway, will take no'Ice that enact ion entitled as above has been corn meaeoJ in the Superior Court of A;a manee ?ounty, North Carolina, for the purpose of securing an absolute divorce; and the said defendant will farther "Take notice that she is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Cjurt of ""V * laid County a,t the courthouse ii Graham, N. C., on the JOth day o October, 1933, and antwer or dtmu: to tho complaint to thi* action, o the plaintiff will apply to thecour tor the relief demanded in sale complaint. Thin the Jlgtf day ot Aujuet, 1933 E. H. HURRAY, Clerk ot the Superior Court J. J. Henderson, Atty. . Notice of Suramoni; by Publication. NORTH CAROUNA, ALAMANCH COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Dorothy Stubba Plaintiff VS. Boyd Stubbs Defends" The defendant, Bo.vd Stubbs wil take notice that ah action enttcle< as above has been commenced ii the Superior Court of Alamance County, N. C, for an absolute di vorce on the grounds of abandon meat end living separate and a part from each other far twp yw before the commencement of thi' action; and tho aald defen dent will farther take notice tha he ia required to appear up thi office of the clerk of the Supertoi Court in the courthouse at Grahtam Alamance County, 'N1. ft, on'the 16th day of OOt., 1933, and answei or demur to the complaint in eat. aMftan on tlaof nlolnlt/# wUI annlt ""?W'l "l? "KKV to (the court (or the relief demand ed in the complaint. This lUth day of Sept., 1933. B, H. MURRAY, Clerk of the Superior Court. Carroll & Carroll, Attys. Notice of Sale of Real Estate Under Deed of Trust. Under and by virtue of 'the powei of sale contained fn a deed of trus executed by B, E. Pennington anc wife, Minerva Pennington to th undersigned Trustees, da'ed the 15th day or February, 1929, re corded in the office of the Registei of Deeds for Alamance County it Book of Deeda of Truata N"o. Ill page 291, default having be?n mad< In the payment of the indebted nees secured thereby, we will, on Monday. October likh, 1933 at It JtO o'clock, noon, at the Courthouse'door in -'Graham Alamance County, Noith Carolina offer for ta3e to the highest biddai (or cash, the following described property; That certain tract of land lylnj and being In Burlington Township Alamance County, State of Nortt Ca-olina, and bounded and describ ed as follows;' AR that certain lot, piece or par cel of land situated in the City' o - ?? i Burlington, Alamance County, State t ol North Carolina, and mora partl r cuia-ly described as follows; r Beginning at an Iron bo\t at the t intersex ion of Holt and North Main I Streets, said Iron pin is in center of ? 4 ft. concrete side watto on the . Northeast aide of Holt Street; thence with the property Una ot Holt Street North 35 1-4 dog W. ?I 1-3 feet to an iron bolt In th? center of a 4 foot concrete side j wa,1k aOfl corner with B. P. Wad dell; thes^ce w??t said B. P. Wad 'dell's line North 54 3-4 dag. Eas 6o feet ito an iron bolt corner to W. Pennington; thence with J WV Pennington's Una South 35 1-4 deg. East 81 1-3 feqt to an iron f in on ihe Nor' b Mde of North ? Main Stree;; thence with the Une of North Main Street South 54 3-4 deg1. W. 50 feet to the beginning. ' The area of the above described | property Is 30750 square feet. This property will he sold sub-1 1 ject to any and all installments' of street and sidewalk assessment Vhich are a Uen on the property and which are not due at the time of sale. ' This 13th day of September, 1931. 1 E. B THOMASON, L. O. LOHMANN, l Trustees ! Leo Carr, Atty. Trustee's Sale! r I 1'nder and by virtue of the powers r contained in a deed of trustex . ecuted by George E. Albright, Jul> 20, 1927, to secure a bond therein mentioned, and recorded in Book 1 109,at page 47, in Office Reglver of Deeds for Alamance County,do fault having been made in the pay ment thereof, the undersigned trus I tee wiU sell, at the Court House door in Graham, on Monday, October 2nd, 1931 at 12 :00 o'clock, noon r for cash the following real property : k " In Melville Township, Alamance County, adjoining the lands of CaJ A. Albright, P. Crawford. W. H. Ba son lands and others and beingthat tract conveyed to Geo. E. Albright by H. J. Stockard, July 20, 192T. re corded In deed Book No. 109,at page 46, in Office Register of Dceda for Alamance County. This tract con tains 12 acres of good level land and upon It la a seven room dwelling, and la located on Highway No. 61 near Alexander Wilson School. Dato of sale \ October 2, 1933. at 12 ?6, M. Place of sale Court House door, Graham. Terms of sale: CASH, This August 10, 1933. J, S. COOK, Trusts?. NOTICE! of Service by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. BERTHA B. MOORE, Plaintiff, VS. ROBERT H. MOORE, Defendant. The defendant, Robert II. Moore, will take no ice that an action as above entitled has been commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, Nor'h Carolina, to secure an absolute divorce on the grounds of two years' separation, and the tad defendant will further take notice that he Is required to appear at the office off the Clerkof Superior Court of Alamance County at the courthouse in Graham, N, C., on the 23th day of Octooer, 1933, and answer or demur to the com plaint fllod In this action or the plaintiff wilt apply to the Court for the relief demanded In the com plaint. { This 28th day of Augus', 1933, 1ZORA McCLURE ASST. Clerk of Superior Court John S. Thomas, Atty. ? myownwste has ? confirmed the fact b1 ? that camels are b9 ? best for steady ^b' .? smokers.they are ? milder..they never ^b ? wear out their welcome Cam el's ccstiicr labacccs f utocr Cjctcm x^omIAcyvcS .. fliuicr tZre ifourTUte BBy Special Arrangements wttfi the Leading Magazines off the 1 I Country We Bring You the Biggest Bargain of All Time .... I Rj Subscriptions To 3 Famous Magazines with A New or Renewal H H Order for This Newspaper. I I MAKE UP YOUR OWN CLUBI all 4 on lv* " i Ib choose 1 ? I 1 Magazine From Group "A" I (P I I I 2 MagsTiaee From Group "r f \ B I THIS NEWSPAPER (1 Full Year) j h WHY PAY i B MORE? ? a Magaiiiw^n ^ Group I a Hotlywoo/HmW Ui~l Tr. ^? Country Home . . 1 yr I n Ofr ?H (?T) ' r. ? Succe>.ful Firming . 1 yr ? rm*KU, (wuy.) ^Tr.||ijPlgg^^ 4s? tSSL V"?f 2) dSf tst ?! And Tour Choice of Any One M?2UiSUto Gwt Mm Mazazmc m Croup A I Then an no atriafe ittachtd to tide I offer I Every mifnhn eabaci lyi Imi I wfll be filled exactly ae lymlil I I( any of yoor ??iiettly liana an n I nervals the ttoa wttbe jnjfaty ?a | tended. , ? * ? I tntlOM % Plcaic tend me the three mag&xifllf \ I clurkid whk ? jeer's eobocription to your newspaper. ? I "?? ^ I Bireei or *,n - M ? ? \

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