INDUSTRIAL SECTION The Road To Prosperity Believing that the President is a masterful leader and is leading the country out of this wilderness of depression the people are giving him their whole-hearted support, and as a result, there is evidence of our entering into a new and better era under his wise direction. As further evidence of the patriotic attitude, all firms are working to cooperate with the ad ministration in its worthy effort at recovery. Prosperity depends upon keeping industries in operation. Let all of us work together and patronize these firms when in need of either merchandise or the service they offer. R. E. Quinn and Company Leading in Quality Furniture at Moderate Prices. It (is the purpose of this reliable and [valued establishment lat 418 South Alain Street, Telephone 664. Burlington, -N. C, to successfully and icomfortably furnish the home at (moderate prices. Through their years of business they have rend ered a most [valuable service to the people iOf this community. They '(handle furniture 'of the bet- 1 ter [grade, a quality that is durable 1 and |tha|t you (may depend upon to 1 give [you maximum (service. Theyj have anticipated your deeds and '' their adequate stock Js composed of ' tas eful, practical, artistic and in I expensive (furniture from which; you i may imale your selections. I, it's 1 furniture tor furnishings, 'visit R. E Quinn To. ' Their BtoCk shows many lovely ' living tfoom, dining room and jed room suites; many separate places ] tha*- (wilt add [miracles of charm to ? the suites you already have. Per hops (you need Just a ta Die or a chair f.o complete a correct group ing. The (oast asset to your .family is a iwell furnished and comfortaole home. Well-oalanced [home sur roundings add a child's character. The large volume of ouying of this es aollshment enables them to at reasonaole prices. Rugs of lovely color combinations and mot duraole quality may he had here. They |have a (delightful line of oeau tiful and ar lstlc damps for every purpose. Values oeyond comparison is f he cone ant aim of this success ? lul home furnishing estaolishmen . l ou .wil| at all times oe met with Kiurteoua, (pleasant, and accommo iating (salespeople. We (are plea Bed to compliment the ft. Is. Quinn Co., In this InduS rial lection and refer them to our eaders. Gate City Motor Company Agents for Plymouth Cars. This (popular firm on South Main Street, Telephone 911, Burlington, N. C? invites ydu to visit their show ,room and inspect the new 1934 Plymouth. Plymouth ys the world's lowest priced car with individual Spring ing. It Is on all models, even the lowest-priced. Individ :al Wheel Springing is the strongest and Simplest type *known. In prin ? ciple, |t's eiacviy like the kind uBed on much higher-priced cars. Plymouth jgivee you more than one feature to insure "smooth, easy tiding. Every Plymouth has 'pa tented Floating Power engine mountings to end engine vlbra - tion. These mountings are more than fluat rubber under the engine. They (suspend the 'motor in balance it absorbs it# own vibration. You can rest and relax because with |tihese two big features, Ply mouth lgive# !you the smoothest ride in the low-price Held. Everyone -want# to be sale so look at Piymou'h's br akes, and Plymouth's safe y-steed body. The (brakes are all-hydraulic. No bolts, kods, co'ter pins. Sure, smooth, fequal action 'on all four wheels at all times because hy dra ilic "brakes are automa icallv self-equalizing. Every JFlymouth ha9 a feafety S eel body built of steel and reinforced wi h steel then welded into one perman ent (piece. This means real protec tion. 5t -means no Joints to rot. pull Soose or squeak. It means longer (Kfe with less need of "service" "because of body troubles. Plymouth 4s the only low-pric ed tar that gives you all of these important features. In {this Industrial 'Section we take great (pleasure in recommending this kar to our readers, "and urge them Ito see the 1934 Plymouth before buying. Coca Cola Bottling Works The Home of Good Beverage. That Coca Cola la not a one sea son .beverage may readily be seen by the activity ol trucks of this up-to-da e bottling works, 'at 603 South *Main St.? Telephone 201 Bur lngton, N. C. They are se-n fh<? year around busily conveying this refreshing (and popular bevenge to the various retail establishments. Coca Cola is popular because i is good, wholesome, refr~s'ing. and is c.ade from only purelngredi n It ?? served 'o the public in th-> original ateriKied bo1 tie, Many prefer ^buying Coca Cola by the case and having i' in their home for a personal consumption or for enter a'nlng friends. Ord -r a case today from Coca Cola Bottling Works or your favorite dealer. Coca Cola is a groat naionai drink whose popula-lty and good q alitles are so well known rhny do not heed to 'be described. Prac tically everyone knows about Coca Cola. They maintain an up-to-date plant "wi h modern bottling mac'l aery "which is a model of cleanli neap and efficiency. No where do you (( nd a more selenitic Coca Co la Bot ling works than at Burling ! ton, "N. C. We |are pleased iri making this Industrial -Seo-ion to compll-nent them upon the high-grate bever age thay offer to the people. Correct Time Inn Quick Service-Best of Evrryth ng. There is sometvlng abo it tb - Correct Time Inn, on Greensboro Roai, telephone 1801-J. BurKn 'ton. N. C., >hat is different. The ?court esy, friendliness and strvlie all aid to he popularit' oft Is njire. They give you mln lto s rvice on sandwiches, prepared In a most sanitary manner. Here good fno i s (combined with moderate pries. There is nothing more r fresbln * than a glass of yo t favo- e be ei'her In bo tie o- ''rav't. ? - " one of 'heir saidwl-he?. Correct Time Inn Is no1, only popular among' the people of this community but among the peoole of the mo oring public as well. 8 o i for one of their <de'l Lo s sin i hes. YojH enjov it tha? you'll return for another. We take pleasure in this Indus trial Se^JUra In directing the spec ial attention of our readers to the (service they offer. In Yadkin County, ?4 wheat grow era h*ve received rental pavments of 98,'t),20 for redue ng the acre age Jt.a winter. J Eldermont Hatchery Hatched with the Strength to Live. S->e^'l'Hn? (n the hachlng of sturdy, heal hy and vigo'ous ehl ha this reliable firm, loca ed two and one-half miles out, on Alamance Road, Telephone 5121. Burlington N. C? haa a refutation far and , wide for furnishing fcaby eMks. Their hatchery eggs are select ed from thoroughbred free range flocks. They produce q u all t y chicks tla make money for pod 1 try ia eers wherever 'hey are sent. ' Don't ifa'l o gl.e voir next order 1 fo chi ks to bililermon a ?*> cry. Yoi may be assured of thor ' oughbred chicks that will thrive, and snake money for you. These chicks are hatched under 1 deal rondl Ions, supervised hy m n ' who have made a scien'lTt s'udy of this business. They are hatch ed in the most scientific and up- 1 to-da e manner where the proper ? ventila'lon, warmth, etc., is takco 1 into conaldera Ion snd properly ad-' 1 Jested. 1 We wish In this Tndus'rial Sec- 1 t on to compliment this firm upon their etfl i -n business methods and < lefer all our readers to hen when inleres.ed in this line. , i Sykes Foundry and Machine Shop A Complete Foundry Service. skilled workmen a-u em-ley dd (here who fully understand 'his work. When you take 'your foun dry troubles ito Sykes Foundry and Machine Shop, Maple Ave,, ex tension. Telephone 170, Burlington, N1, C., you dcnow they are handled by experts. Brass foundries can make cast - | Lng from brass, bronze, bell metal. , gun metal, acid me al and white 1 metal r.O meet almost (any require- ( ments. i Some iform of brass or bronze is being used more and more in every , line, due to ijs conductivity of , electricity, resistence to rust, Te- [, sistance to crystalizatlon and ease i, of twear on machinery and beauty of finish. An advantage of brass and bronze i castings jover any o,her kin i time saved ;as these can be secur- j eft} in hours, where it might take , days to g^t a steel or cast iron , piece. They flo not break as easi'y as cast iron and If mixed properly will wear longer than s.el. In this Industrial Section we take j! pleasure In congratula ing this 1 prominent firm upon the success they -have attained. The commun ity Is indeed to be congratulated ' upon (laving In their rolda ' a foun dry doing this class of work. Cooley's Coffee Shop Select Food and Service. There la something libo jt CooIcv'b Coffee Shop on Wee' front Street. Telephone 1J33 in Burlington. N. , CX, that sets it apart from other eating jplacea and that makes It highly satisfactory. The extreme care and ho ight that goes into every-hing; ithe rooking, .serving and arrangement or eat- a dining room Ito be visited regularly. ^ YouH (ike the surroundings, they j are attractive, anil comfortable. ^ The food is good. The cooking Is! j done In a modern, said ary and scien IT? manner. , Here -good food is combined u I h j moJera e .prices. Proper food well , chosen and well cooked is an ab- j sol e essential 'o good health. < Their food Ib jno : onl> health-build- , Lng, hue deliriously appetizing. They are prepared to serve the 1 public wl h Sizzling Steaks. These c s eaks are served to the customer i ill cooking and stay hot in their f ipec allv arranged service while be ' ng ea en. They buy those steaks <i iireo from Chicago's leading pur- * l eyor who furnishes high class Res - iauranta and Hotels. This meat is i is fine as any coming Into the ? i ato. , c Thh restaurant caters to your aste, and you mustdearn foryour lelf what a pleasure it Is to eat e it Cooley's Coffee Shop. They are g '<^t only tpopular among the peo- j lie ot this community >but the I leople of tho motoring public as rell. f We ere pleased In this Industrial , lec on to direct the ppedil atten- r io> Of our readers to this me- j ropoutaii restaurant service. j v Kalos Beauty Shop Where Personal Service Prevails. You pot only feet a' home in this attractive land refined beautv shon pe, on second floor of Straier building, Telephone 328, Burling - ton, (N. C. .but the work done her-> is so satisfac ory that "once you visit k., your 'return is assured. They lare adept in all phases of thi9 "work and cater to the dis crimiT-a'lng '.hose twho desire the fceat and the latest methods of beaity cul ure. They k 'dpi in touch with all new developments in this line, "and you are assured of tha ,personal touch so necessary to successful beauty operations. After all, beauty Is contour and this es ablishment has made a close study of types for so long that the<y are well able to advise in these Ima ters. It Jis a woman's desire, not to say birth-right, to look her best. under all circumstances an I nowh?rr will you find operators better qual ified to perform those little touch es of feminine attractiveness thau it his beautv 9hoppe. Not many communities can boast nuch an exceptional me'rupoti tan (service, and in this Industrial Section we wish to congratulate .hem. Zimmerman Lumber Co Lumber-Paints Varnish and Rooting. This firm an Trade Stree', Tele phone (175, Burlington, h". C, en joys a most enviable Teputati: - In this community by virtue hon-, est (business dealings arl h the peo- j pie. Their dealings are as substan-' tials as he materials they sell. They know that a satisfied cus- t tomer is the best advertisement they can have iand have built 'h -lr business around 'his^pethod. They ?re ever arriving Vo pl ase a n d se cure (for their customers the bee' ' hat can be had in lumber and I .pplies. They are always able to fur bish tyou wi h all building mate.--' ials necessary to the construe (ion of a new (home. It will be' n teres ting- to you to seo thedif-' e-e'V- grades of lumber and you 10 doub" W:lt aooreciate your lew lhame (more if you per' -nulty leloo" the quality ttems ?hat go 0 o building of the -same. If you :on( emplate (building ge? in touch vv h Zimmerman Lumber Corapanv. They offer the public a full 1 nc pf Rogers pain's nod varnish 's, also John Manville Hooting. i They are absolutely reliable and 'eoendable. Th'ir reputation for oiea' straight forward business lealings have earned for >hem en iver increasing volume of bmlneaa. That it pays to ,p?troniee home rdua'ry is shown o? having such ir. efficient estaoUshmt nt In this ommunity. This Indus'rial Section | ommen Is his establishment upon their very r.pable management their pro ;ress|ve and puhlh Sipl-I pd manner, ,nd refers them to our readers. Mystery of the Disappearance of 'ourists. An lexel lng story in The imeriean iWeekly, the big Msga - ine which comes with The Fa! I tore Sunday American February 1. Buy (your copy from your fa orite newadealer or hewsboy. ( Nehi Bottling Works Tbe Drink that Refreshes. This company on West Him Sr? Telephone 1 S3, Graham, N. C. is one Of the most sanitary an i carefully conducted institutions rt its kind in '.his section of the country ond makes the most pop ular beverages. They are fully equipped with the most modern equipment ami devices for the manufacture of pure soft drinks. Their bever - apes are made from none but pur est syrups, flavors and other in gredients and for this treason th ir products are sought by the large majority of people. They Bong ago established a reputation which they have lived up to in every respect. The public aiso appreciates the fact that this firm's delicious bev erages cost no more than inferior brands on the market. At Graham, X. C, where these beverages are prepared Is a model of system and cleanliness and no (ains or expense is spared to serve the public wi.h a jjoe of soft drinks surpassed by none. Nearly aJR soda, fountains, restau rants and soft drink establish - ments in this community haniie this firm's beverages and wili take pleasure in serving you with your particular flavor. You should keep a case or two with your parti: nlat flu or in gour home as there is nothing imore refreshing for he tired housewife than a cool sa is fying glass of delicious beverage. Try a case of any of the flavors the coat is trivia!. Those who desire the "beat made" la sett drunks, should phone their order to Sehi Bot ling Works and th?v *ill not be disappointed. TAX1CABS Hide in Comfort and Safety This Taxi company at ill Werf iFront S reet. Telephone T" Bur 1 ngtoo. N. C, is afwuv* in rea i* nesa. They will bai e a car at your door 'Within an unbeiiev able ahorx time a/'er you phone. They have a sufficient number of cava at th -i disposal to assure you of sa is factory prompt, courteous. and efficient Service at ali times. They offer the public 11-hour service at twenty-five cents in the city limits. The surrounding terri ories at a small addition al charge. They furnish toxicabs that are comfortable and smooch rtdit? \ great deal of money has been spent t to secuie he hgheat type of mot >r laxicabs Tor their patrons. You wilt Qnd all of their d-ivers courteous and competent. They i .io (nothing hut drive and hence oe- I come experts in this line. Y'oumav [eel absolutely safe m their hands i under alt circumstances. i Many have found that it is more i economical to caB a cab than to ' J\vn a car. Thev can "use a cab 1 or (eas than the upkeep on a car, i lot'to mention the investment and oss 4>y depreciation. . This popular company has a iooat i ?nviable reputa'ion for prompt re- ? iponse So all calls, day or nigh*, i They are the busy man^s firf i hough and may be depend >d >ip >n (to transport you to jrour do- ) ilred destination in safety, |t Ford Automobile Agency , Alamance County's Oldest Automobile Dealer. j The Ford Agency at 52? South Main Stree>', Telephone 3fl>, Bur - lington, "N. C., have the new 1931 Forfl V-8 on diaplay for your in spection. The iVew Ford V-8 occupies both the fine car class and the low - ce Held. It brings to the aver age driver the advantages form erly (found only in the most expen sive cars. The engine is the most import ant J>ait ot an'r aatomobi]e. Other features may contribute to your comfort and convenience but it Is the engine that runs the car. Per formance, economy reliability ani long fife a'l these depend on what's under the hood. The V-l gives not only superior performance, bat economical service on the road, because Service and Economy have been built Into it at the .factory. Ford epriDjfa provide individual traniverse (cantilever suspension for both Croi^t and rear axlea. Ia the aftw Ford these springs have hem made .more flexible. This type of construction Is Dot experimental and |ias the advantage of uaequai Jed (comfort plus the proved safe ty of a front axle. This new Ford combines V-P po wer with gasoline economy M miles to the gallon at a speed of M miles per hour. It vld do N miles an hour without difficulty; 50 or M milee per hour it la ac tually running at' ease! This reserve power means accel eration unequalled by praefcmlly airy other make of Americas awtu mobi^, regardless of cost. Before you boy A!T7 ear at A3TT price, drive the Ford V-i for 1SH. The National Bank of Burlington, N. C. Offering A Complete Banking Service. This Rattle on the comer of JCain aad Front 9 reets, Telephone lit, Burlington. X. C. is more han ? bank of dollars and cents. fb j a financial pil'Ur of this entire section. It has aided many a .pi cultural and industrial develop - meats tkrou^h financial difffcui - ties and enabled th.-in to grow into modern and progressive fac tors of the day. The "National Bank of Burlfcr* on js a forward looking bank, con servative In policy but" .always progressive. You farTl find it a com pie- e oniric jig aervice planned for the f igure of Burlington and for your 3 w a oeaefit. They 'know through lon^ con act the prooleras of "hose en?a;*ed n rarraia^ and industries and i has been their privilege to nelp many people over ti^h" places. They feature a savings depart - ment together with their regular anting business. They advise > a ivstemaie savings whereby yea deposit a certain amount regular ly. However a savings acoount tea/ be opened by the deposit of ten dollars in that department Their service Is pleasant, court eous and accommodating. If you na"e a problem which seems to* much for you. visit this progres sive institution and talk things over with them. They are ahla to give you sound ad.'fce. The officers and directors of this nsti- utLon are men of affairs who - mailt.; a study of the banking I history and seeing the present dky needs sustain a modern day fciatV tuiion. in-dfwfcing this industrial Section we wish to commend then upon their successful efforts and serv .ce to the puollr. Melville Dairy Farm Producers of that Rich Jersey Milk. Tilmodem, up-to-da e lij.-y on Hafw Brer Roar-I, Telephone ?i53 '.V Burlington, N". C.. is one o? Jie best known in this eo mm unit v. It is clean and sanitary in every oar ticular. fit is their endeavor to yive the people of this coin - munity \hebest that can be had. They feat-ire the finest quality ?~aie A Rav milk from their o vn tes ei be d . Th -y can al o sup ply you with exceileir pasteuris ed mirk and Lactic bu temriik . Their milk is pasteurized * in the most san.tarv manner as soon as it reaches the plant. For this, ?hey have strictly modern ma chinery and their place and eq uip merit is immaculate. Pasteuriza - tion ot milk means to heat the the milk to 112 ieg^e s F, hold up jr a that temperature for a ^ en length of ime and cooi iDdf r quick!y. Thus 'he bacteria ts eii ringed and the qualities o. the mii!k un.armed. *A toe I** of m ik. is a bottle ?if hralt.-i' iB an expression at to la ' that ia quite in order. Many % jeonle can point -o their pure M heallhfui milk and any this. X M jtiaat* at milk at ten in the jnam- | pig and three in the afternoon, m varus alt that tired feeling. Ik ? wa iti/iea The dun and the earn- m )le*.ion. 3very-rhere. schoaf and I health authorities are that I milk he -served to school child - J ren. Serve milk at meai time and 1 between meals. too, to the whole ? family. Milk comastenKly aaad builds health and vigor in the trail est .body, colors pale cheeks, revijtai zea wasted ner-'es. Order extra milk ? oday from the Melville Dairy Far-n. tn this Industrial Section we take great, pleasure in nmpitment ?ng the management of this dairy upon their modern business meth- ^ uds. The people at thin commungy ai-e ndeed fortunate to have them | here. , t C. C, Brown Plumbing and Heating Company Complete Service in Plumbing ami Healing This review would not l>e com piece il we were not to jive ex ten 1 ed mention ro this modern Inaii; l td plumbing establishmen on East Da is Street Telephone '.is N'i;:it ra'ifi llS-J Burlingtou. V C There i? nothing connected wit 1 modern plumbings with which,*, hey :i v not thoroughly conversan In thus day ^aod age our congee cd^ltving conditions Will no. permit us !to hve wyhout olrmblng a id lanita km. Our (modern sanity ser vice has increased not onlv -v* eogth iof ournGves but aved tho s ujds of lives as well. They tiave had years of ewe-i tnce In this business. They ope a e i (complete plumbing shop. Whe h vr |t Is ('.he installation of new wnrl >- repairs on (DM, thev are-e\per lv jualiUnl to mess: bh1 deman is. They a e equ pped to tns all it am lot w a er, hot air or v apor heating ivstems. They 'Will gladly go in o letail< upon fin? merits of thedlf lerwnt systems, so that you "may de cide which method is beet suited to your seeda They fciso inahaB the automatic coal burner coetroib ed Iby thermostat in connection wfelt ? steam or hot ,air systems, thus keep ing your house at a desired temp er at ire a." all lime*. Their reilabje and dfpeoda&tn a urkmaoship together with Teaaoo aole charges has *ron for them a? ev ?r- increasing patronage. In ?his Industrial ?Section we wiab to direot the ,8 (fecial ittention of our many readers to the indispeoaaMn service afforded by this wett-ksoww estabbshmeot. S ies W>lthout a country. Reveul if\t ?to.-v of how mill are secrets were a oleo and so)(d to eoeeay co in tries. One of mass fascinaf lg storirs on February it tn Tb? i American Weeklv, the magaaia* w hi -h comes every Sub 'ay *i h ,'h ? I al imbre American. Buy your copy From your favorite newsdeol - er or newsbov. Av p ovma fb *} perce t of h- 1 to' a co growers ia Wlfsoo coaaty signed acreage reduction csrtmhi A

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