"Stuffed" Ballot Box in English Parliament If an old yarn la to be believed, the people of the world owe their privilege* regarding habeas writs to an old trlclc of crooked politics. When the act of 1679 was going through the English parliament there was strong opposition In the house of lords. The third reading, ac cording to one Bishop Burnet, was carried by a trick. Two members of the house of lords. Grey and Nor ris, were appointed tellers to count the vote. A very fat member was counted ?s ten members by I-ord Grey who, so the narrater says, did It at first as a Joke. Then, seeing that Lord Nor rls, who was In bad health, did not notice what had happened, Grey, who favored the bill, went on with his mlsreckonlng, which added enough extra votes to carry the bill. "There must have been," wrote a famous English authority some years ago, "some mistake, accidental or willful, for the members were de clared to be 57 to 55 for the bill and by the minute-book of the lords It appears that there were only 107 peers lu the house." RHEUMATIC? Pure Natural Mineral Water May Help MILLIONS FIND IT VERY BENEFICIAL For over 2,000 years the great min eral waters of the World, given to us by Mother Nature, have proven them selves very beneficial in the treatment of "rheumatic" aches and pains, ar thritis, sluggishness, certain stomach disorders and other chronic ailments. It has been estimated that Ameri cans alone have spent $100,000,000 a year in going to the mineral wells and health resorts of Europe. Over $1,000,000 of these foreign mineral waters are imported annually into this country to help suffering humanity. But it isn't necessary to go to Eu rope to find fine natural mineral water. We have many marvelous mineral waters in our own country?many ex cellent health resorts to which you can go for the mineral water treatment for "rheumatic" aches and pains. Most surprising of all, however, is the fact that today you can make a natural mineral water in your own home at a tremendous saving in ex pense. For Crazy Water Crystals bring you, in crystal form, healthful minerals taken from one of the yvorld's fine mineral waters. Just the natural minerals. Nothing is added. All you do is add Crazy Water Crystals to your drinking water, and you have a great mineral water that has helped millions to better health and greater happiness. A standard size box of Crazy Water Crystals costs only $1.50 and is suffi cient for several weeks thorough treatment for rheumatic pains. Crazy Water Co., Mineral Wells, Texas. flMzy sre for tale by dealers displaying the red and green Craxy Water Crystals sign. Get a box today. NO MORE WORMS "DEAD SHOT" Dr. Peery's Vermifuge kills and expels Worms and Tapeworm in a few hours. Good for grown-ups, too. One doae does the trick. Dr. Peary's' DEAD SHOT VanaJfaga Mf * botti* M drutMa or Wrlcht'a FIU ??.. 100 (loMM, If .T. City. IIS Vhether jron com* to N?w r York regularly or nu?lf^; * HARD TO LOOSEN ERROR'S GRIP ON POPULAR BELIEFS Two eminent scientists at Atlantic City, taking stock of the state of knowledge, catalogued "eight popu lar beliefs that are not true" thus: "A child Is influenced by what Its mother sees or thinks before the child is born; birth marks are caused by what a mother sees or touches before her child is born; In former times the average length of human life was much longer than now; fat people always are good natured; mental disorders are caused by overstudy; children of first cous ins, though of good parentage, are likely to be feeble minded; heavy growth of hair on a person's limbs and chest Indicates great physical strength; the theory of evolution im plies that men are descended from apes." This list of beliefs unbased In fact Is particularly interesting because each of its items Is a venerable cum berer of the human mind. None of these widely accepted errors is of re cent origin; none of them arises from the life of today; even the youngest of them, that concerning the theory of evolution. Is of a considerable age; and all of them have been contra dicted by authority time and again. Yet they persist In vigor apparently unimpaired, and there is no sign that any of them is giving ground under the Impact of denial. A belief once accepted by the pop ulation at large has more lives than a litter of kittens. The earnest incul cutor of sound doctrine who attempts to dislodge it undertakes an almost hopeless task. Nor does this mean that truth is mocked. The untruth Is simply, often picturesquely, dressed; the exceptional circumstances that seem to support It are vfvldly related and remain in the memory, while the growth of truth is likely to be a drab garment stitched with Ifs and huts.? New York Sun. No Famine in Russia Soviet Russia will have no famine similar to that of last winter when 4,000,000 died, according to reports from Moscow. The 1033 harvest was more evenly divided and peasants given more grain than In the previ ous season. This Is expected to avert another calamity. End freckles, blackheads, blemishes Ray good-by to dark, muddy skin? don't endure ?km blemishes a minute longer! At bedtime tonight cream your face and neck with Nadinola Wenching Cream?no managing, no rubbing. While you sleep it works wonders and then day-by-day vou see your skin grow lovelier?until your complexion is all you long for?creamv-white. satin smooth, flawless? free from freckles, blackheads, pimples and blotches. > No disappointments, no long Waiting; tested and trusted for over a genera tion. Trv at our risk?tour money back if not delighted, (let a large box of Nadinola Bleaching Cream at toilet counters or by mail postpaid, only 50c. NADINOLA, Paris, Tcnn. Blisters, cracked skin. Itching or burning soon relieved and healing ^^^^^romoted with soothing NEVER FELT BETTER SINGE SHE LOST 39 POUNDS OF FAT "Three months ago I started using Kruachcn and weighed 201 lbs. Today after starting my 4th jar I've lost 30 iu8. ana am in perieci condition ? really i never felt ?o well." Mr?. B. C. Terry, Tampa. Ha. Don't atay fat and unattractive ? not when it'a *o eaey and safe to get rid of dou ble chine, ugly hip-fat and unbecoming rtrwr irmi?n* tKf* um* time build up strength and increase ri tality?feel rounger and keep free from headache*, indigestion, acidity, fatigue and shortness of breath. .lust take a half teaapoonful of Krus chen Salts first thing every morning in a glass of hot water. If not joyfully satisfied with results of one 85 rent jar (lasts 4 weeks) money baek from any drugstore the world over. But make sure you get Kruachen?the SAFE way to reduce. ? ? PATTERN SUITED TO FROCKS OF VARIOUS TYPES AND FABRICS PATTERN 1782 Tou'll soon be needing one of these eompletely new morning dresses, as warm days are well on the way. The design of this little frock is so adapt* able to ideas of your own, you can use the same pattern to make sev eral different dresses. Make It all of a printed wash bilk or of solid-col ored pale blue, green or rose cotton fabric. Or you can make the wing like sleeve effect of a harmonizing or contrasting material?and you'll have still another new and very exciting dress. Iteally as lovely for after noons as for mornings, and expresses gaiety In no small way! Pattern 1782 Is available In sizes 14, 16, 18, 20, 32. 34, 30, 38, 40, 42 and 44. Size 1C takes 314 yards 36-lnch fabric. Illustrated step-by-step sew ing Instructions Included. Send FIFTEEN CENTS (15c) in coins or stamps (coins preferred) for this pattern. Write plainly name, address and style number. BE SURE TO STATE SIZE. Address orders to Sewing Circle Pattern Department. 243 West Sev enteenth street, New York City. AWAITING DECISION Mrs. W. H. writes: "Bobby was attending summer school at St. Moni ca and was dawdling along In that direction one morning when a friend of his mother came along. " 'Which is It today?* she asked 'Is It school or fishing?' " Tm not sure,* hesitated Bobby. 'I'm Just fighting with my con science.* "?Boston Transcript Real Trouble At Atlantic City?Mo says he ran Into a vaudeville team who explained I that they weren't working on account j of sinus trouble. "Sinus trouble?' echoed Mo, klnda surprised. "Yeah," said the male half of the act "Nobody will sign us !'*?Pitts burgh Post. Generosity "Is your boy Josh going back to college?" "I'm not sure," answered Farmer Corntossel. "Josh" seems to think that If a college professor knows anything worth tellln* he'll rush to the rndlo and give It to you free." WRIGHTS Ocean to Yield Up health? Extraction of Bromine, of Immense Value in Industry,. Now Being Carried On, and Scientists Are > Promising Other Miracles. Ten years ago commercial extrac tion of any of the score of valuable elements present In the ocean was as Impossible as alchemy. Today It Is an accomplished fact in the pro . ductlon of bromine, a vital ingredient in the manufacture of anti-knock gasoline. "And I feel safe In predicting that within the next decade?and possibly within the next year?we will be able to recover gold, silver, radium and all the other untold wealth from the sea," says Thomas Midgley, whose research promises this mod ern miracle. Midgley, who received the William H. Nichols medal of the American Chemical society for his discovery of knockless gasoline through the ap plication of tetraethyl lead, then continued: "Now that we have made one dream a reality. It is only a matter of further technical devel opment and refinement of processes before we make the sea loosen its hold on fortune so fabulous that It staggers the Imagination. "The process for taking gold from sea water is no more difficult a prob lem today than was the task of ex tracting bromine ten years ago. To morrow we shall probably be won dering how we overlooked some simple discovery that will unlock the door. "In fact, the sea Is the greatest storehouse of wealth on the earth. Once the secret of tapping it is known, it will give man an inex haustible treasurehouse of riches he will be able to draw on for thousands of years without striking bottom." Bromine is used in synthetic chem istry, medicine and the color indus try, but Its chief value at present is in the manufacture of what motor ists know as "ethyl." It is a dark reddlah-b'rown non metallic liquid never found free In nature but occurring In spring wa ters, salt deposits and certain silver ores In addition to sea water. Here tofore It has been commercially pre pared from bittern, the residue left after salt has crystallized. Mldg ley's company has been working for years on the problem of producing bromine directly from sea water, Its logical source. One factor making the extraction of gold at the plant a probability of the near future Is the theory that In extracting the bromine, the gold | content In the sea water becomes Ionized, or electrically conductive. Gold, being In the form of a colloid al suspension, is much note diffi cult to remove than bromine, but 1f It becomes Ionized, It could be fil tered by making It adhere to some cheap chemical substance. One of the chief obstacles to the trofltable extraction of gold from sea rater hai been the prohibitive cost >f pumping. With the water already 'unnlng through the plant for the sllmlnatlon of bromine, gold could >e made a by-product. The water tumped up In the course of one day n the bromine process contains more ban $1,000 In gold. It also contains, n varying quantities, radium, silver ind many other valuable elements. There are 000,000,000 pounds of tromine In a cubic mile of water. In he plant, 15,000 pounds a day are emoved from 30,000,000 gallons of vater, or approximately $2,000,000 worth of bromine annually. In that same cubic mile of water there Is (10,000,000 In gold and there are ipproxlmately 300,000,000 cubic miles >f water In the oceans of the world. ?Popular Mechanics Magazine. rniftrts Quick, Safe Relief For Eyes Irritated By Exposure To Sun, Wind and Dust At All Drug Stores WriteMnrine Co., Dpt.W, Chicago, for Fre? Book I \Wj Sprinkle Ant Food along win dow sills, doors and openings A V) through which ants come and Er / s go. Guaranteed to rid quickly. * Used hi a million homes. In* expensive. At your druggist's. KINDERGARTENS VALUE It Is my belief that the most Im portant time for education In funda mental habits, especially social habits. Is the pre-school period; and the kindergarten training should be, and perhaps Is, the most Important formal training that the child gets during his whole educational period. ?3. H. Sinclair, department of edu cation, Occidental college, Los An geles, Pallf. ESV PARKER'S U HAIR BALSAM Ufl toim Hair faShf lBwitTuCr?tF?Dippinf. malting in Kparatloa. COME IN AND MAKE THIS TEST FOR YOURSELF I I Mil THE NEW Tires tone AIR BALLOON FOR 1934 The new Firestone Air Balloon for 1934 embodies all the improvements in the new Firestone High Speed Tire. The lower air pressure provides maximum traction and riding comfort. Gum-Dipping safety-locks the cords, providing 30 to 40% greater deflection and blowont protection. Get 1935 low-swung style by equipping your car today with these new tires and wheels in eolors to match year car. Yonr Firestone Dealer or Service Store will give yon a free hwh swd nm roii iw SIZE PRICE 4.50-20 . . . $7.8$ 4.75-19 . . . 8.6$ 5.50-17 ... 11.30 6.00-17 H.D. 15.10 6.00-20 H.D. 16.40 6.50-17 U.D. 17*50 ||| Other Site> Proportionately Loxe j 1 PERFORMANCE RECORDS FIRESTONE HIGH SPEED TIRES ?for fifteen consecutive years have been on the winning cars in the 500-mile Indianapolis Race. Tlii< Muih Blowout Protection ?for seven consecutive years have been on the winning cars in the daring Pikes Peak climb where a slip meant death* Ttib Moans Non-Skid Safety and Traction ?for three consecutive years have been on \ the 131 buses of the Washington (D. C.) Railway and Electric Company covering 11,357,810 bus miles without one minute's delay due to tire trouble. TVb Means Depend abSty and Economy ?were on the Neiman Motors* Ford V - 8 Truck that made a new coast-to-coast record of 67 hours, 45 minutes, 30 seconds ssctsssd running time. Tkts Moans Endurance j 7 Listen to the Voice of Firestone every FREE TRIAL ON YOUR CAR ** Monday Nigkt over N B C.?WEAF Nrtmrk K S?? there N?w Firertone High Speed Tire* made at tha Firertone Factory and Eahibitien Building at "A Century of Preprerr,** Chicago *v