t HE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., AUG. 2, 1934. Local News. ?The County Commissioners willueetin regular monthly ses sion next Monday. * ?The new resideuce of Miss Mamie Parker on Albright Ave. is neariug completion. ?A daughter was bora to Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Gowens on July 20th. Congratulations. ?The hot wave seems definite- j ly broken. It rained last Thurs-j Us i and Saturday nights and j again Sunday afternoon. ?Graham Chapter U. D. C. Will hold its regular monthly uieetiug this afternoon at 3:30 o'clock with Mrs. W. H. Holt. ?J udge E. H. Cranmer opened ! a term of Superior Court for the triai of civil actions. | About lLie usual number of di vorce ca.ee went through the hopper on Mouday the first day. ?Mr. aud ilre. Jos. E. Cooper auuouuce tht birth of a daughter, tfweudolyu Albright, at their home Sunday at Buffalo J uucnou, Va. Mr. Cooper is a son of the late W. L. Cooper and formerly lived here. ? Last eveuiug, from 7 to 9, j Mrs. J. Dolph Long gave a garden party for her young uiece, ilau- j uaii 1} uu Ifiddie of Kaleigh. 1'be garuen was electrically lighted, and ihe setting was a veritable Fairyland. It was a delightful occasion for the young I oiks ?Dr. Liudley William Gerriu ger,51,a native of Alamance couu- j iy,sou of Sidney aud Lulitia Low Uerriuger, died Tuesday morning ai a hospital in Henderson where j he had been pastor of the First M. P. Church for three years. He was a graduate of Western Alary ? land College. 1 ?The Corsairs'Club will give their auuual dance in the Paris building next Wednesday night j from 9:3U to 1:30. Bow Bowman's I 12 piece orchestra of Chapel Hill | will furnish the music. The hall will be elaborately decorated for the occasion. The partici pants will be properly chape roned. ?A number uf new residences are under construction iu Gra ham The foundations for three have been laid iu the past week: Cecil ttoser, near the railroad sta tion; Paul Longest, North Main street, next to Mrs. J. B. Mont gomery ; Will Ed Thompson, N. Maple street, next to the John M. McCracken home. Mr and Mrs. W. A Bradshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph York and Mis Helen Bradshaw were visitors at Piueburst Sunday. Miss Klhel Thomas o' Lenoir, Mrs. T. K. Thomas of New York, Mrs. S. S. Dries of Jersey I lilt- M I O...I VI L' c rv.. w.vj I V, nuu IV ? U, Ut?V l? of Hagerstowu, Md., were week ?' end visitors wit h iheir sister, Mrs. j 8. 8. Holt | Hunter-Nash, I Mrs. R. E! Hunter of Raleigk announces the marriage of ber dru. titer, Catheriue, to Mr Z K Noah of Graham. They were married in Dnrham on Saturday 28th and will make their home here. Among the Sick, John E Owen, Jr., became quite ill almost suddenly Satur Uay night. He has improved and is almost well again. Miss Emily Neese is at home from Clinic Hospital, Greensboro, where she underwent a tonsil op eral ion. Hunt-Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Cooper of Saiiford announce the marriage of their daughter. Geneva, to Mr. David Stone Hunt, Jr, at Pearis burg, Va., on May 15th. The fxiher of the bride is a sou of the Uie VV. L. Cooper and a brother 0' Miss Mary Cooper of Graham. Celebrate* His 95th Birthday. * Mr. J. M. Story, Confederate ^ eterau, celebrated his 9 5th birthday on yesterday at his botne iu Morton Township, Bur liugton, Route i He was born August 1st, 1839. 1 he celebration has beeu an auunal event for a number of Je*ra Mr. Story is as bale and active one a score of years younger. For this occasion he had a goodly number of his' relatives and friends with him. Bis host of friends wish him muny more retnrns of the occa ?ioo. PERSONAL Mm. W. N. Stansell is at Boons for a vacation. Miss Annie Lane visited rela tives ai Kaunapolis Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tate are vacationiug at Myrtle Reach. ' Mrs. W. C. Wrike is visiting her mother at Winnsboro, S. C. T. M. Moore of Washington visited McBride Holt here Satur day. Miss Margaret Walker is at tending Summer School at Cha pel Hill. Hon. J. Elmer Long of L)urham has been here attending court this week. Jas. S. Cook was a business visitor in Qoldsboro and Oxford last Friday. Mrs. J. Mell Thompson and Mrs. J.J. Hcudersou spent Tuesday in Greensboro. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Stratford and children spent Monday in Greeusboro. Misses Annie Boyd Hadley and Mable Moore spent Tuesday in Greensboro. Miss Nina Graham Crawford I _ IT7 u : . ? T _ ? ? _ lifts gone iu wuu.e ijsse to join u house ptrty. ilis. Willard C.^Goley and chil dren returned from a three - week stay at Moutraet. Mr. and Mrs. A P. Williams are spending the week at Boone and Blowing Rock. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Denny of High Point visited Mr. aud Mrs. McBride Holt here Sunday. Little Miss Martha Anne Klutz of High Point is here visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Farrell. Mrs. .lohu W. Esllow and daughter and son, Miss Elva aud Jack, of Danville are visiting rel atives here. Mr. J. Harvey White attended the funeral of his cousin, Mr. Ed. H. Williamson, in Fayetteville last Thursday. Mrs. Phil R. Carlton of Greens boro visited her brothers, Messrs. J. Harvey and Will E. White here Tuesday. Miss Lois Wooten of Chad bourn, who has been here visiting her sister, Mrs. Griffin McClure, returned home Monday. Mrs Don E. Scott and children, Miss Jean Gray and Don, Jr., re turned Tuesday from a month's stay at Morebead City. s Mrs. 1 amerou Henderson of Ox ford, after a week's visit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bradshaw, has returned home. John E Owen of Baltimore ar rived Tuesday ou a visit to his son John. Jr.. who lives with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs W. F. R. Clapp. ? Miss Mamie Turner and Miss Nancy Campbell of Raleigh were week-end guests of the former's sister, Mrs II W. Soott, and daughter, Miss Betty Soott, Mrs. Wade Barber aud Miss Mary Baiber of Pittsboro spent Sunday afleruoou here with Mrs 'N. C. Shiver whose daughter, Frnnpes, accompanied them home. Rev. aud Mrs- J- E- McCauley aud fami y of Richmond, Va', visited Mr and Mrs Cbaa. A. Thompson here Monday on their wav to visit his mother at Chapel Hill. Becky Holt Johnston of Haw thorne, N- J-, visiting her giandparents, Dr and Mrs. W. C, Wicker, at Elon College, spent Sunday afternoon here with Cora ] Harden Stratford. Mrs. A. Q. Ausley, Mrs Walter M. Williams and Miss Emma Cox, ' after a week at Ridgecrest attend, iug the Southern Assembly Sun day School Convention of the Baptist Church, returned Mon day. Dr Will S. Long, accompauied by Mrs. Herbert Long, was in Roxboro yesterday morning, at tending the funeral of Mr. Wm F. Long for whom he was a psll beprer. They were brother Fire men. Mr. aud Mrs. John Scott of Greensboro and their guests, Mr, and Mrs. J. C. Hollingsworth and Miss Ann Christy of Atlanta, spent Sunday afternoon here with Mr. Scott's sister, Mrs. J. Mell Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rives left this morning for the eastern part of the State. Mr. Rives is going on business Mrs. Rives is going for a visit. She will visit rela tives iu Raleigh and from there to Williamston to visit the Rives relatives in that section- She ex pects to be away two weeks. Sir. aud Mr.-. JaCclb H Long and one of their sons and his wife vis ited in the comity the first of the week. Their Lome is in Eastern Maryland. They were here for a brief few minutes Tuesday. Mr. Long is a sou of the late Joseph Anderson Long, whose home was about two miles southeast of Gra ham, on the Galbraith road Mr. Long has been away around thir ty years. Alamance County Sunday School Convention. The Annual County Sunday School Convention for all the Sun day Schools of all Denominations in Alamance County will be held in Cane Creek Friends' church, on Tuesday, August 7, 1934. This Convention is held under the jo'tit auspices of the Ala mance County and the North Car olina State Sunday School Asso ciations. The Rev. Shuford Peel er, General Secretary, Miss Myrtle A McDaniel, newly elect ed Director of Leadership Train ing, and Miss Edith Krider, Di rector of Young Peoples' Work of the State Association will be pres ent and take an active part in the entire program This year's program is some what different from that of for mer years, planned especially to help meet the needs of individual Sunday schools as well as a pro gram of inspiration for all {Sun day school members. Tnere will headdresses, and special "study groups" for discussion as to How To Improve The Sunday School and.How To Teach. In The Sun day School; also special music and other special features. The theme of the Convention is "Buildiug Christian Homes," a very timely theme indeed! There will be morning, afternoon and night sessions. The uight session is especially ptauned iu ihe inter est of young people, but will be of intense interest and value to everyone. During the noon "re cess" there will be a fellowship diuner ou the church grounds, and everybody is invited to bring basket lunch and join in this period of fellowship. All the churches and Sunday Schools of the County are expect ed and urged to semi delegates. At the close of the convention a pennant will be awarded to the Sunday Scho >1 making the best record of attendance based on the number of miles traveled. Additional information can be secured front your County Presi dent, JV1. K. Kirkutan or from your County Secretary, Eula Wheeler. Government Official Looking Over Postoffice Situation The presence of Mr. F. G. Ho b^ek of Washington, D C., Gov ernment representative, here this week, brings the prospect a of a postoffloe building for Graham nearer to view. Mr. Hoback is not here for the purpose of selectiug a site, but he is doing some investigating from different angles He will take aonte pijtqrea of ?it?s offer edj report on availability, desira Hi liter an/1 nnn tjon I <111 n a tn nalrntiu "'""J v? u tomtllVO > V? ?><? ? lUUO of the office and any man era which would coiitribute to tlie mutual advantage of the patrons aud the Postofflce department. Sq far ag antagonizing anybody, , or uuy group, i? oouperued, that will be avoided just us f ir as pog I aible. Whenever located it will [ ueeessarily bo more conveiiieul to some than to Others ?that's una j voidable. In the fiual analysis, th> build ! iug should be, and it is believed I it will bp, located where it will , best serve the publio. not only now but for a number of years tc come. May be another will follow Mr, > Hoback to check up on the sllua llon,BO that the locatng authority will be able to dispose of the mat ! ter more easily. I The best farming and crowing season in years is reported by 1 farmers of Alleghany c utiiy whe say they will produce the bi--i:*sl crop of Irish potatoes la Uve years. Marriage by Korea Drives Oirb ' to Suicide. Pailielic Self Saeri flee of Nine Chinese Girls, Win ; Drowned Themselves in a Pr >ie?i Against Ancient Custom of Uriut Slavery. Read about ii ill Tilt ! American Weekly, the Magssiot I distributed with the BAL IT MORE I SUNDAY AMERICAN, issoe ol August 5. Buy your copy fron your favorite newsboy or news dealer. 666 ? LIQUID. TABLETS SALVE. NOSE DPOPS Checks Malaria In 3 days, Colds tlrstda; Headache or Neuralgia In 30 minutes i Fine Laxative and Tonic I Most Speedy Remedies Known. _i ? To Honor A Nationally Known Fife' man. The late Capt. Jas. D. McNiell of Fayetteville was president of 1 the North Carolina Firemen's As-1 socialiou lor a period of 20 years and nationally known. I L)r. Will S. Long, Jr., Chief of | Graham's Fire Department for around a score of years, aud slat , ed for the presidency of the State I Association at the uext annual | meeting of the Firemen, is takiug | an iuterest in doing something fitting in honor of Capt. .McNiell. | To that end he was in Kaleigh Monday to see about placiug a | portrait of Capt McNiell inthej , Hall of History. It js purposed to have a portrait made and hung along with other noted North Car olinians sb a memorial for the splendid service rendered the people and State by the Firemen of the State. The tobacco crop of Beaufort county is reported the best since 1928, with au excellent corn crop, but cotton late due to the excess ive rain. Notice of Sale of Land 1 Under and pursuant to the J judgment and decree of the Su perior Court of Alamance Coun-1 ty, entered in the case of Town' of Graham, Alamance County, North Carolina, vs. 0. J. Paris [ and wife, Henrietta Paris, at | the June Regular Civil Term, i 1934, whereto all persons, firms and corporations interested in the real property hereinafter de scribed were duly constituted parties, the undersigned Com missioner of the said court will offer for sale at public auction at the court house in Graham, Alamance County, North Caro lina, ou MONDAY, AUGUST 0. 1934, at 12:00 o'clock noon, all of the following described, real property, to-wit: A certain lot or parcel of laud lying, being and situated in the 1 Town of Graham, said Alamance, County, North Carolina, and particularly defined and describ- j ed as follows: Three town lots| Nos. 1, 4, and 5 in the plat of j | the J. Shoffner corner, which i plat is duly registered in Book ]No. 1 of Plat No. 1, Page 18,1 in office of the Register of Deeds! for Alamance County, North! Carolina Lot N >. 1 fronting' south ou VV. Elm St 25^ ft. J and runs back 99 ft to line of 1 Patterson Bros, and is 83i ft. j in width at the nearest end. Lot No, 4 fronting East on court stjuare 34 ft. and runs) back N. 87i d g. 80 ft. to a| stake in line of Lot No. l,cor-1 ner with lot No 3, this lot being 24 ft. wide at the west end thereof Lot No. 3 fronting east on j court souare 27 ft. and runs I | back 80 ft. to line of Lot No. 1, j and this lot is 27 ft. wide at the west end thereof and also fronts south on west Elm St. 80 ft. Which said lots numbered 1, 4, and 3 oonstitute tho remain ' der of the lots known as the ' Daniel Islcy corner Lots Num bered 2 and 3, having hereto i fore conveyed by party of the first part by direotiou of the party uf the second part and by their joint deeds No. 2 to C. P. ' Harden and No. 3 to Heenan | Hughes. The said sale will be made 'subject to advance bids and ] continuation of the court, and| 'jthebilder will be required to' pay 50 percent of hi9 bid on date of sale as evidence of good ' faith and the balance of the , purchase price upon confirma ! tion of the s lie. The said real , property will be sold free and i clear of encumbrance. This July 3rd, 1934-. W. CAHLLONGEST, Commissioner, i. ' Notice of Sale of Land Uuder and pursuant to the > judgment and decree of the Su ' perior Court of Alamance Coun i'ty, entered in the case of Town - of Graham, Alamance County, 'North Carolina, vs. J. H " i Evans and wife, Ida Evans, at the June Regular Civil Term, 1934, whereto all persons, firms and corporations interested in > the real property hereinafter L described were duly constituted ! parties, the undersigned Com missioner of said court will of fer fof sale at public auction at the court house door in Gra ham, Alamance County, North Carolina, on MONDAY, AUGUST 1934, at 12:00 o'clock noon, all of the following described real property, to-wit: A house and lot in Graham on West side of North Maple Street and ltouuded as follows: Beginning at a stake or rock on the west side of North Maple Street: thence S. 2$ deg. W. with said street 1 ch. and 10 ft. to a rock on west side of said street: thence North 824 deg. W. 2.47 chs. to a rock: thence E. 75 Iks. and 10 ft. to a rock corner with said Bain; thence N. 854 deg. E. 2.50 chs. to the beginning and containing 4 of an acre, more or less, it being the same tract of laud conveyed to Graham Land Company by deed dated the 24th day of May, 1017, by J. M. McCrack en and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for afore said County and State, in Book of Deeds No. <12 ou pages 490 499. The said sale will be made subject to advance biis and con firmation of the court, and the bidder will be required to pay 50 percent of his bid on date of sale as evidence of good faith and the balance of the purchase price upon confirmation of the sale. The said real property will be sold free and clear ol encumbrance. This Julv 3rd, 1931. W. CARL LONGEST, Commissioner. Notice of Sale of Real Estate ? NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power and (authority contained in ,thatcer tain deed of trust (executed by John G. Flynt .antf wife. Gladys Flynt; H. R. McPherson and wife, Gin i ^ W. McPherson ,to Tne Raleigh, 5" j ings Bank| iandf Trust Company, trustee which said ,deed of trust Is dated March 1, 1927. andf Recorded jin Book 105, Ipage 25, df the 'Alamance Coun^ t.v Registry, and recorded in Book G.(R.,page 2U of the Chatham Coun ty Registry, .default having been made In the payment of the In debtedness thereoy secured and in the conditions .therein, the (under signed substituted trustee by >n sttruraent recorded in Book 107. page 348-349, Alamance County Registry, and recorded in Bootc TT. H? i>ago 493. Chatham County Registry, will on Monday, AugirSt 2b >1934. at or about twelve .o'clock-noon, at the courthousb door at Graham. North Carolina offer for sale and ^ell to .the highest bidder (for cash the following described property; All .that .certain piece, parcel or tract of Jand containing (1051 One Hundred Five Acres, more on less, situate, lying $nd being on Plttsboro Public road, ^bout one mlH South oast from the Town t>f! Liberty, Alamance County, Stafte of North Carolina, having .such' shapes .metes, c our sets and distances ais will more fully appctar Lby reference to a rdat thereof made by FloydT E. WomlJP, Surveyor at Chatham County, on February 5th, 1927, and attached to the abstract now on file; with the Atlantic Joint .Stock Land Bank) of J Raleigh, the-samo being bounded on the North by thelands of John Flint: on the east by the lartSs of Wd'dara Pfke; orf ,tho South ,by the lankls of Everett Johnson and Eugene Kim ery :_an 1 ?>n the tWc st Vy the lands of Jim Flynt, atfd OelngTthe identical tract of .'and conveyed by deed from K.T. Hodgin pnd ,wlfe Julia A.TTod gin. to Vrtilla Hodginfda ed Vug usft 12, 1981, said deed being dulv recorded in De-'d Boole No. "(I K" Ipage 417, ,ir' the office of the Regis ter of Deeds To:* 'Chatham, County. State of North Carolina. p? which refereO"e utfmad? for fcoro romi 1 t description of the same, and thJ sam ' land conveyed by de-vl from Gaston Wright and others to John Flvnt and H R. McPherson. of date Oct ober 23, 1924. recorded in fBook G A. page 432, Chatham County Registry arid in Book 88? page CIS Alamance County Registry, to which reference is hereby made. Terms gT mlo cash and (trustee will rep 'lire .deprrit of 19" percent o. the amount of the bid fas e cit? of good faith. I "rtiis the 27th day of July. 1934. JOSEPH L. COCKFRHAM Substituted Trustee, j Robert Weinatein and Victor W. Thompson, Attys, Raleigh. N. C I? I ?? ?? 11 ?? ?> Mortgage Salt*. Under and by virtue lof th* auth-j1 orit;. giver. the unrersi?npd . y Mort- j1 gago Deeo. executed and deliver- ' ed ij- C.D Barnhard7 and ,vilo, Lilly Rarahardt, to Jo1 3 P. Iloffman on the hl> day of Poen'ary, 1933, to set -re a cert tin no. hnd default , having deen made iit ?hc (.ayir n|tM of int jrext aDd principal, Itne up- i dersigned Mortgagee will offer for sale at puolic auctioc 10 the high est didder, at the Court boure 'door ( in fir.ihara, N. tC, on i Monday August 27th .934, , ' it 10 ;00 o'clock, A, M. the |foliowing described propeity | Adjoining *ho linds of A deal, J. May, Laut-a Barnhar'> and ->ounc|ei as followr ; Resinning ai* a (stone at -tho craneh, a known corn-T with A. * Real and T. i ra Rarohardt; thence t South 87 3-4 East 10 chains and 21 1 links to a stone; thence South 29 ' 1-4 WeMt 23 chains and 23 links to s stone, said John May's corner op I Laura Barnhardt'sline; thenceXorth ' 59 1-2 West 1 chain < a a stone p ' mence .norm ju i-z c,asc n cnains: ' to la stone; thence North 73 1-2. 1 W<?e '8 chains and 48 links to a ? stoi^e in May's line; thence North 1 29 1-2 East 13 chains land 25 links ' to the oeginnlng, containing about '? 18 uteres, be the ?ami moreorlesg. < Terms of .sale cash. This the 18th day of July. 1934. JOHN R. HOFFMAN. i Mortgagee. Notice of Sale of Real Estate Undei Deed of Trust. Under rfhd bv \ irtue of (the power of sale contained id a deed of trust executed by Joben C. Barnwell and wife, Sallie E Barnwell."to ithe on- , dersigned Trustee,rdated the lg: day j ot June, .1928. recorded in the office < of the .Register of Deeds for Ala- 1' mance ICountv in Booh of fdeeds of I ( trusts No, 111. page 24, .default hav-' i ing been .made in the payment of J ] the indebtedness "^ecured thereby, I t will, on ? 11 Saturday, September 1st, 1934 1 at 12 :00 o'clock, noon. ' at the court housaCdoor in Qraham, ' Alamance County, North Caroling ! offdr for .sale to the highest cjdder ' for cash, the following (described 1 property; Ail mat certain tract or una lying and being in Burlington Township, County of Alamance, State jof Nonh Carolina, and .more particularly- do-11 scribed and .defined as follows; f I Adjoirjng the .lands of'Mrs. Annie! E. Barnwell, John Cole. Grady! Ma- ] lone, Piedmont .Trust Company la.id 11 and Washington Street, and more particularly described as follows. Beginning at a staku on >ihe south side ot Washington Street 232 feet east of the southeast corner ot the intersection of James Street and Washington Street, running East with said Washington Street 9? feet to an iron stake corner of said Pied mont Trust .Company land : thence with the line of said Piedmont Trust Company land South 166ieet to cor ner with,Orady Malone; thence West with line of Grady "Malone and John) Cole. same being pa rail"! w|thi Washington Street 80 feet to an iron stake, corner wtth Annie E. Barn well; thence with l|n<\ of Annie R. Barnwell North .186 fecit to the poin' of beginning, the sam tiHnz Lot Nou.7 of the iproperty known as the Ireland property, a diagram of which appears in Book of Deeds38. page tOS, ,fn the; offl-e 'of thw Regis ter of Deeds foil Alamance. County, North Carolina, and on 'which Is located r? dwelling, and being th" . same (property conveyed to John C. ^ * ** ind Safli# Barnwell b/lt. R.Ken on !by| dead idated1 August B5, J920, ecprded ID Peed Bookf^l, page f20 n IQie office of the Register ^of Deeds for Alamance County. Tins the 31st day *>f July, 1934. LEO CARR, Trustee. Votice of Sale of Real Property. Under ahd by virtue o4. an order jf Aho .Clerk of the Superior Court >f Alamance Countfy in a Special Proceedings entitled "D. V, (Carter ?t laj vs. Jameis Euliss. minor et ll," the undersigned Commissioner vfll. on Saturday, August 18th 1934, at 1J .00 o'clock, noon, it the Courthouse doortin Graham \larr ance County, .North Carolina jffer for .sale to thef highest bidder or cash, the follow'ng (descrioed eal estate, to-wR: Being a certain tract or parcel of and lying and beinjg for Patterson iownship. Alamance .County "Jfortb Carolina, adjoining the latOfs , of 2ugene Teague, D. Filmore Carter andh, p. H. "Picttard and the D H .11 right (Estate, the said tract of and containing approximately 70 icres. more or leas and, being the esldent property .of the (ate ,Henry Palvin Carter. Thia #2od is bein? Bold for di :?ion ^od Is subject to the confir nation of the Courts This the 17th day of s July, 1*34. 1). C. CARTER. Commi ssioner r. C. Carter, Atrty. NOTICE! Land Sale linden and pursuant to the power af pale contained in that certain Peed jot Trust from J. tV.Thomp o i and .w ife, Effio Thompson James ri.orapson and iw ife. Ethel Thomp son and ,Luther Thompson to the ndersigned Trustee dated July 9th L92G. aDd recordeH in (the Office of he Register (of Deeds'for Alamance County in .Bfocfcf 109, page 571 de fault having been made^n the pay ment faf the bonds securing' said Peed of Trust, aDd demand (to fore dose having been made by 'thehol ier p? the said bonds, the under signed Trustee w31 offer Tor saie it public auction at the (Courthouse Door jn Graham, Norths' -Carolina on ?Monday, August 27th 1931. at 12 (00 o'clock, noon, she following described real [proper ty, to-wit' That pertain tract or parcel c' [and Ifn Albrights Township. Ala manr-o Prsiintv Vorth Carolina ad joinirgt heJands o? James (Thomp son, ' J. Wy Thompson Luther Thompson, and othei s andconlain ing about 10 acres, more or less and being- all ol thaf certain tract ot parcel ,ot land described in the deed from C. P. Harden to Geo F, fThcfmpson, dated September 21 192v, and Recorded in office Regis ter ot Deeds, AlamancS County in Deed Booh "5, at page 532 and reference is herebv m#ie to ' deed .affld record for complete de scription of sali tract of land. The real property hereby conveyed be ing the said C.-P. Harden tract of land, Jr^s th?t part df the sim? heretofore sold off and conveyed by the said Geo. P. Thompson during his lifetime \( The said real property {? ill be sold subj?<-t to ad\.anc? bids and ^-or.fir mation .by the Court as provided by law for foreclosure under (mort gage deeds. This 19th day of Julr. 1931. J. DOLPH LONG. ? Trustee. "I Can Work Every Day Now" If you must be on the job EVERY DAY, take Lydia E. Pinkham's Tab lets. They relieve periodic pain and discomfort. If you take them regu larly . . . and if yours is not a surgical case . .. you should be able to avoid periodic upsets, because this medi cine helps to correct the CAUSE of your trouble. m "I am a factory worker. I was weak and nervous and my stomach and back pained me severely, but since I took Lydia E. yg . Pinkham's Tablets the pains don't appear anymore".? aiv Mia Helen Knluii, 3906 K Cbrutiemn Apt., Cbicngt, IB. "I took your Tablets for painful periods. My beck ached and 1 had cranping pains. This medicine re tiered the pain immediately. I am able id do my wont now."?Mr* C C WtaJmwd, Rmmtt 5, Bm171, MmJtm, Aim. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S TABLETS Ask Your Druggist jor the JO? six* r jw!

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