THE GLEANER GRAHAM. N. 0., AUG. 23, 1934. IBBR1> 1TFB"? 1HIISSAT . J. D. KERNODLE, Editor. $1.00 A YEAR, IN ADVANCE. Bnt?r?d At tne PottollBoe at (irahaai. .N O.. ai wco JuMlas* matter. Bandits held up an armored car in Brooklyn Tuesday and got 1470,000, the biggest cash robbery on record. They have not been apprehended. The Government has just awarded contracts for eleven warships whose aggregate cost will be $51,100,000. The Gov ernment will build 13 other warships, the construction of which will start shortly. A strong navy gives a sense of security. While it may never be necessary to use any of them, having them may forestall the the necessity-, of using any at all. Germany gave Hitler the whip-hand last Sunday by over whelming vote. He is now president-chancellor, dictator, and everything else that s]>ells power in the German empire. All this and not a native of Germany?born in Austria and lived there up to four years ago. Those who had the te merity to oppose conferring up on him such absolute powers may well dnad the conse quences, if at any time they dare to come out in open oppo sition, provided he chooses to exercise his authority. It is predicted that Germany will not long remain submissive to the will of one man before a revolution comes about. Speake r of the House of Rep resentatives Henry T. Rainey of Carrolton, IllindiSTHied sud denly Sunday night at 7:30 in DePaul hospital in St. Louis from a heart attack following a mild attack of pneumonia. He would have been 74 years old Monday and had been in Con gress for almost 30 years. He was one of the outstanding members of that body and a strong and loyal supporter of President Roosevelt in his poli cies and efforts for recovery. He had for years been one of the leading and most influen tial Democrats of the nation. The funeral and burial were at Carrollton Wednesday. Presi dent Roosevelt, who depended on him much for counsel, and many other officials from Wash ington, and from elsewhere, at tended the last rites. That preacher up in the Western part of the State who piocured the biting of himself by a rattlesnake has recovered. He claimed the Lord would not let him die, if he had sufficient faith. Reports say he had a close call, and he is telling peo ple that the Lord saved and healed him. While nobody knows or can affirm that a mir acle was performed, there is a Scripture that says "thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." There is an old addage which might be invoked in explana tion of the preacher's recovery, and is quoted with reverential awe: "The Lord takes care of fools, drunkards and children." You may make any application that suits you. The preacher fared much better than the snake-charmer, near Morgan ton, who had practiced the art for 15 years, bitten Tuesday by a pet rattler and died seven Dr. Will S. Long; at State Fire men's Meet. While in Charlotte last week attending the Firemen's Associa tion meeting. Dr. Will S. Long. Jr., fell in with John W. Harden of the Charlotte Evening News staff, a Graham boy. Mr. Har den extracted from Dr. Long ma terial from which he wrote the following racy story which will he of interest to the home folks: Dr. Will S. Long, Graham den tist and chief of the Grahain fire department since the memory of | man in Alamance county runneth not to the contrary, was re-elect ed vice-president of the North Carolina State Firemen's associa tion at the annual convention here last week?thereby retaiuing a colorful figure among the big wigs of the organization. Middle-age men in Graham to day recall that, as barefoot boys, 1 they followed Dr. Long's fire eat ers to the occasional fires that be set the town. They would hard ly dare guess how long the amia ble doctor had been looking after their fires, those that are uuwant ed, and seeing that they are few and far between. Dr. Long, a member of oue of North Carolina's most eminent families, is oue of the best story tellers in the state, a flue musi cian and something of a poet. He once organized a band within his family, composed entirely of mouth harps, an instrument on which he is a past master. Bucket Brigades When Dr. Long became inter ested in a tire department for his native town of Graham, the boys fought fire with bucket brigades. Then the first piece of fire fighting equipment was secured, a reel mounted on two wheels that the firemen pulled to the scene of the blaze. From this contraption they unwound the hose and start ed to work on the fire. In those days, as today, the tire company was a volunteer af fair. Graham had become quite citi fied wuen, back about 1910, a horse trained in the ways of haul ing fire equipment was purchased to draw the fine new red wagon. That horse, a handsome grey, was a regular show horse. He under stood commands and acted on them like a human. The firemen frequently carried him on the streets for exercise and to put on his act. But eventually the fine piece of horse flesh ended up on the city street sweeper and garbage wagon and Dr. Long's boys started dash ing to fires on a motor truck. That story, the story of the de velopment of practically every fire department in every small town in the state, is at the same time the record of the hobby of a small-town dentist who has spent a life at filling teeth for the same persons for whom he puts out fires, entertains at the corner drug store with choice yarus, en livens with music at the local en tertainments and?like all small town professional men?serves as father confessor to the high and low. Dr. Long received an honor here during the past week that tickled him more than the recog nition that he received for mak ing Graham the leadiug town in the state in minimum fire losses (accomplished through compre hensive fire prevention education al program); or oeing made vice president of the stale organiza tion of firemen; or being re-elect ed to that post. He received an even more sig nal honor, in bis estimation, when the slate association played and sang a piece that he had written and called "Make Way for the Fire Lads." Lying awake one night think ing about the problem of keeping curious hordes away from fires and out of the way of the "fire lads," he arose to compose a poem on the subject. lie first dreamed it, he said. Later the poem was set to mu sic and dedicated to North Caro lina firemen. Dunug the conven tion here it was sung?and Dr. Will, as he is affectionately known, was happy. MARK WAY FOB THE FIBE LADS Dedicated to the North Carolina Firemen By Dr. Will & Long. All make way for the fire boys, when you hear the tiren blow, They'll be coining with the tire truck, swiftly down the street they go. You must turn out to the siding, keep well out of the way. For they must save your homes and families every day. CHORUS Hail, hail, to the Are lads, they always serve you well; They never fear nor falter and face death, who can tell. Heady for all kinds of weather, they work with all their might, They always pull together and try to win the fight. fTTTTy**, ^ v 9k mr xr G. H. ENFIELD When you love, you give. The uioileru trend: Wifev earns the living and hubby tends the babies. When a man is up a tree You can read his pedigree. Why doesn't the Administra tion employ tnen to put silver lining in clouds of depression. Son?How many pieces of fried chicken did I eat? Dad?I stopped counting at the seventh. Sally has a flock of ducks With feathers white as snow; They always want to sit 'round. Where Sally seats her beau. Some folks siug to kill time. But, oh, what torture! There's something wrong when a fellow's ever defending his business. Is's an effort for some people to speak. So they don't. A horse and a mule Had a neighborly spat; The mule kicked the horse And brayed "How d'you like that!" In reply the horse neighed: "That is only your natural way, For everything you do, the ass you be tray." The entire State is becoming "rural electrification conscious." Groups of farmers from numerous communities are communicating with D. S. Weaver at State Col lege in regard to electrifying their homea. The raspberry project of the lower piedmont is making excel lent progress. Those who planted this spring report strong growth of new canes for next season's crop. Gaston county farmers will buy foundation stock of pure bred* Guernsey cows from Davie coun ty as a part of the new deal farming begun by Farm Agent Rich. Unanimous approval of the Bankhead-Kerr crop control acts was expressed by farmers attend ing the annual Farm and Home Week exercises at State College last week. Twelve communities in Orange county have prepared data for haviug rural electrical lines plac ed for serving the farm homes of each community. African Bird Dirrrt* People to Bee*' Nests One of tbe moat remarkable birds la the African honeygulde, which di rect* human beings to bees' nests, In the expectation that It will be re warded bg * meal of the bees' grubs when the nest la opened, relates a cor respondent In the Cleveland Plain Dealer. What especially excites the bird is the appearance of a honey badger, or rateL Instinct teaches the blrda to associate this beast with the discovery of bee*' nests, the honey of which It delight* to eat The birds know that by following ? honey-badger tbey are Ukely to come by ? feast And this may ex plain their behavior towards man? they expect him to be a honey-lover, toot A theory about the puzxle of the swarming of bees la that hire-bees are descended from Indian bees Which mi grate when flowers die In one district and bloom in another, and that bees retain the age-old migratory Instinct When a foraging bee has found some flowers rich In the nectar of which honey la made, on Its return to tbe hive with It* load it starts danc Ing. Beliefs There'* no virtue whatever In ere dullty. Anybody can believe anything. Believing Is so much easier than thinking. That's why we have so few thinkers and so many believers. Neither belief nor disbelief can In the slightest degree alter fact*. It was once believed by possibly every human being that the earth was flat, had fonr corners and that If yon got too near the edge you would fall olT Into ever lasting space. But that didn't make It so. The earth never was flat, never had four corners; the sun never re volved around the earth once every day. rising in the east and tatting is the west, as It was ones believed. r The llome Culture of Roses, Extension Circular 200, may be obtained free of charge from State College by addressing a card to the Agricultural Editor. Scientific "Spooks." How Fake Mediums Use Ultra-Violet and Iutra-Red Rays and Other Ad vanced Methods to Call Up "Spir its." An Illuminating Article in The American Weekly, the Magazine which comes on August 26th with The BALTIMORE AMERICAN. Buy your copy from your favorite newsboy or newsdealer. 666 MALARIA 666 Liquid or Tablets Checks Mal aria in Three Days. Sure Preventive ADINLSTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator or the estate of J. William Johnston, dec'd. late of Alamance County, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate, to present them, duiy au thenticated,? n or before the 20th day of July, 1936, or thia notice will be pleaded' In bar of their Recovery. Ail person a Inbebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This July 6, \M. W. LUTHER CATES. Adm'r estate of J. William Johnston. D. J. Walker, att'y. ? ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having pualifled as administrator of the estate of Annie Jane Johnston, dec'd, late of Alamance County, State of North Carolina, this la to notify all persons having claims against said estate, to present them, duly au thentlcated,on or before the 30th day of J uly, 1936, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their Reoovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement. This July 6,19SH. W. LUTHER CATES, Adm'r estate of Annie Jane Johnston. D. J. Walker, att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having quail fled as Administrator of the estate of Jerry Alston, notice is hereby given for all persons having claims against said estate to present the same duly proven, to to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of July. 1885, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to said estate will make prompt settlement. This July 11, 1834. W. LUTHER CATES, Public Administrator, as Administrator of Estate of Jerry Alston, Deceased. Co ok & Barrett, Attys. Notice of Sale of Land Under Deed of Trust. No 15021. UDder and by virtue pi the au thority and power ol bale contained in a certain deed ot trust executed by ithe Imperial Mortgage Company, a corporation (Organized and'existing under yie Jawn of ,the State of North Carolina, ,to The Seaboard Citizens National Bank of; Norfolk, Trustee, dated the 1st day (of Jan uary, 1930, ^Dd recorded inf Book 112. at page 234, In (the Office of the Register of Deeds for (Alamance County, (North Carolina, default having been jnadg in (the) payment of the indebtedness .secured bv said deed of ,trust, and hit the request aDd demand of the holder of the note therein secured for sale (Of the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the undersigned Trustee will offer for .sale and Beit \tothe highest bidder for paah'. at thef Courthouse door at Graham. Alamanca County. North Carolina, era Friday, September 7th. 1934. ajt 11 $0 o'clock. A. M the following described property located in .the Town ot Burlington County of Alamance. North Caro lina, to-wit: Beginning at pn iron, bolt (on the Northwest aide of Church Street and corner with East (Willow (Brook Drive; running thence withAheiline of Church Street North 56 (deg. East 83 5 feet .to an iron foolt, corner with J. E .Black; running thence iwlth the line of J. E BlackT North 31 deg, West 150 feet toi an Iron bolt, corner with J.F, Black: running thence with the Jlne of J. E Black vSouth 56 deg. West 48.5 feet to an iron bolt, corner with E. Willow Brook/Drive: running thence with theflina of E. Waiorw Brook .Drive In, a |Southerly direction 154 toot tcf the (beginning; and fbeing hot No. 1, in Block "B" of the pew subdivision of Central Heights, as .shown by Plat No. 361 of A. C. Linberg, C. E., a iblud print of "fthich js recorded in the Office of the" Jtegister of Deeds tor Alamance County, North ^Carolina, in> Pitt Book No. 2, pagfl 47. This 1st .day of August, 1934 The Seaboard Citizens Nation al Bank .of Norfolk. Trustee Norfolk, Virginia. M W. Nash, Atty Wachovia Bank .Building, High Point North Carolina. Summons by Publication NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Julia Stanford Prultt. Plaintiff , va. Charles M. Pruitt, Defendant. The defendant Charles SI Pruitt will take notice tha*' an action en( titlod as,above has beenj commenced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina to (obtain an absolute divorce .under the taw^ of the State .of North Carolina, and tha said defendant will further take notice that he is required :to appear at the Office ol the Clerk of the Superior Court of Alamance County in the ,eourt house at Graham, North Carolina, on the 3rd day of Sept emcer 193?, and answer or demur to the complaint in said laetion or the plaintiff will .apply tol the 'court for the relief demanded in said com plaint. This tho l?t day of August, 1931 1ZORA McCLURE, Asa't Clerk of the Superior Court. WJllaitf O. Perdue, Atty. i Notice of Foreclosure Sale. 1 nder and >jv virtue of .the power of sale .contained in (that certain deed .of trust from John R. Weo , and iwife, JJHie B. JVeoc to Carolina Mortgage and Indemnity Company (now Carolina Mortgage Company), Trustee, dated February 1 1926, and recorded in Book 101, (page 267, in ! the Olfice of the Register ,o( Deeds i of Alamance County, North Caro- ' ? - Una, default having Keen made Ir th(8 jpaymetft of tho pote thereby secured, and flae holder thereof hav ing directed tHac the deed oftrusl be foreclosed, the undersigned Trus tee wdl offer for hale atthecoutf house |door in the/ City' of Graham North Carolina, on Wednesday, September 5th 1931. at 12 .DO o'clock, noon, and will sefl to' the ^ghest blddei Ion cash, a certain tot or parcel ol I land in or near the !City of Burling ton, Alamance County, Burlii^gtot Township, North Carolina, and mor: particularly /described as follows; | Adjoining the lands of Davis Street and others; Beginning- at corner with Lot No. 10 pnj Davis Street running thence with line of Lot No 10 East 130 feet 6 in to corner witl I Lot No. 13; thencef with; lineof Lai No.' 13 North 60"ft. to corner; thence j WeaOtj 118 It. 3 Sn.t o corner or Davis Street; thence with line ol | Davis Street South 23- ties. (East 61 |lift. 7 in. to 'the beginning. Befn.: nart-ot Lots Nos. 11 and 12, Block (B) of the property known -as Brook wood as purveyed by Lewis H. Holt, July 18, 1922. PJat recorded Plot Book (No. 2, page 3 of Alamance County, N. CV Being the isame land- conveyed (to John R. Weibo by deed from Ala mance Insuranoe a ad Real Esttate Company, dated August 29 1925, and filed for registration on February 10. 132?. in tbe office of tht Reg sister of Deeds of (Alamance County, State of North Carolina, and re corded in Rook 76, page (560. Title to the above property w-as transferred to J.B.Crenshaw. The above property will |a3 sold subject to .1931 taxes find! paving or other assessments. This the 26th day! p? July, 1931. Carolina Mortgage Company (formerly Carolina Mortgage & Indemnity Company), Trustee. Long & Long, Attya Notice of Sale of Real Estate Under Mortgage. Under aDd by virtuef o?(the power of sale contained in a /mortgage deel jduly executed by TV. S. Loy and \vile. Sarah Loy, to N.D.Vau ghn, dated the 28th day of July, 1932, .and recorded in the 'office of the Register of Deeds ifor '^lamance County ,in Book ot Deeds of Trust No 115. page 550 .default (having teen made in the payment Of the indebtedness secured thereby, I will Sd I Saturday, September Sth, 1934. 1 at 13:00 o'clock, noon at the Courthouse door 'inf Graham. Alamance County, North Carolina, offer for sale to Ithe highest (bidder for cash, the foflowing described property; Ascertain piece or tract of land ly ing arid beiDg In /Alamance County. North Carolina, and in Burlington Township, adjoining the lAids of TV. S>t Loy, C. J. (Loy, Andrew St.. and others, and bounded as loflowe. to wlt; i Beginning at an lronf piper on S side of said Street 'corner with said W. S. Loy, Lob known! as No. 4 in i jdiviston of TV, S. Loy land, run ling thence Sf. 2 1-2 deg TV. 125 feet to an iron bolt corner with id ,Lot No. 4, io tine of C.J Loy lot, thence NJ. 86 1-4 deg. [W, ;59 :eet an iron boifc corner with Lot Sjd 2 in C. (J. Loy line, thence N. ! 1-4 dog E. 125 feet to an iron. rait corner with said Loy lot No.: I on S. side of said Street, thence' H 86 1-4 deg E. 5# feet to the ieginning containing .$250 square eet. jnore or less ( This the 3rd day .'of August, 1934 N, D. VAUGHN. Mortgagee. lohn R. Vernon. Atty. Notice ol Sale of Real j Estate Under Deed of Trust. Under and by virtue otythe power ^ >i sale contained in a deed > of trust11 xecuted by John H. Moserand wife 'erlie I.. Moser, to ithe undersigned 'rustee. dated the 23th day of Aug- ( ist, 1923. recorded in the office of i he Register of Deeds for (Alamance ] 'oJnty in Book oCDeedS of Trusts (1 fa lit, page 191, default (having ( -eer, made in the payment <of the ] idebtedness secured thereby, X will ] D Monday, September 10th. '1931 ' at 12 :00 o'clock, noon ? t t the Courthouse door un Graham f lamance County, North Carolina ( ffer for sale to rthe highest bidder ir cask, the following described I roperty j 1 j ?- ? (?T4 - i AJ1 that certain tract fot land Uv. ' ' ing and being in (BurHngton Town ? ahiD, County at Alamance: State"of t North Carolina, and more particu larly .described and defined as fol : tows - . Adjoining the lands of Morehea) treet, WW Ah Alex Carrie Lawrence Si Hoit and Sons., and described as follows: Beginning at a stake on itheSouth ' west Hide of Morehead Street ISO ' leet Southeast of tl>e Southwest ? corner of the intersection1 of Mor., ? head Street -with Everett Street ' running thence with linef of JVV". Boll ?. 54 1-2 deg/ Ww 200 feet to - a stake, corner with Alex Cardci; thence S. 35 1-2 deg 'B. 70 feet ? . a_st*ke. corner with Lawrence S ? Holt and Sons: thence ff 64 1-2 I j degL E. 200 ifeet (ta a stake in the ;i Southeast side of 'Morehead Street; > | theDce N. 35 1-2 deg W. 70 feet ,to II the point pf beginning, being h part ' of Lot No. 63 in' the plan of the ? City of Burlington, N. 1C? and being the same property1 conveyed to John : HarJan Mpser by1 Paul W, Wrightse'J ! by deed dated' November 10 1922. , recorded in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Alamance: County in hook pf Deedd Tsdt 77, page343. This the AOth day (pP/oigust, 1934 'LEO CARE, (" Trustee Service by Publication NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. Special Proceedings No. 1530. J. P. Trull and Iwifo, Eula Bell.Trull Petitioners. VS. Kathleen IV. Cates and Margare,: Honora Cates, a minor Respondents. The miDor respondent, Margaret Honora Cates, abov e named, will take notice that a summons in, the abovfe entitled proceeding was is sued and petition filed therein, a gainst said respondent on .the 1 pay of August, 1934, by the Bupenor Court of Alamance County, said pro ceedings being for the purpose pf selling lor division the land of which A. P. Cates died seized ii^ Alamance County. Said Defendant v. ill further take notice that she is required t? t.e and appear at\the office of Clerk of the Superior .Court in Ala mance County, North Carolina, oner before the 19th day of September. 1934, and answer or demur the sail petition therein filed or the relief therein demanded will be granted, This the 4th day of August 1931 TZORA MeCLURE. Assistant Clerk Superior Court. Cook ?and Barrett, Attya. Notice of Sale Under Foreclosure. Pursuant to t he power of sale contained In that certain mortgage deed, executed by Charles C. Gibson and his wife, Gradle E. Gibson. ;dat e(d July 11, 1929, and registered in Book 113 of M. T)./ at pages 314 and 315, in the Office of the Register of. Deeds for Alamance County, de fault having been made in the pay ment of the note secured thereby, the undersigned mortgagee, will, on Monday, September 3rd 1934 mi uixju ocioca, noon at the Courthouse door at Graham North Carolina, ,sel* at publ|- auc-l o to the highest bidder for cash, th<" following described real propertr ; A certain tract or parcel of land in Burlington Township, Alamance County, State of North Carolina, ad joining the lands of North Main Si R.D and N.U Tillman, J. A, lx>w<\ Champion Grocery Co., and describ ed as follow*: Beginning at an Iron bolt on North Main St. and corner "with R.D. .and N. B.Tillman, running thence with line of E. D. and N. B. Tillman N '? degV B J94 ft. to anr iron bolt 1" line or J A. Lowe and corner with R. D. and N. B. Tillman : gunning thence with line of J. A.Lowe >' 57 deg. W1.T75 ft, to an iron bolt 13 line of J A'. Lowe and corner with Champion Grocery Co.St 4 deg. 344 ft to an iron holt in line of N. Main St. and corner with ChamrJ 1rocer7 Co.; running thence with line of North Main St S. 87 deg E. 75 ft. to the beginning and l>eng bat No. 4 of the Champion Grocery :o property as surveyed 'by Lew ? J. Holt, County Surveyor. Off tuber 2th. 1928 The terms of sale will he cash ?? he day of sale. The sale will be left open Itcn ll" lays for advance bids and for con irmatjon. This the 1st day of August 193' MRS. A MAE PATTERSON, Mortgage 4. M. Carroll, Atty. FORECLOSURE SUITS FOR TAXES , SECOND PUBLICATION All persons claiming interest in the subject matter of the ollowing actions shall set up their claims in six months from he date of the final appearauce of this not ice. Otherwise, they hall be forever barred of any and all interest in or to said prop rty or the proceeds from the sale therof. Town of Gibsonville vs. James M. Sutton, et als, Boon Station Township, Years 1931 and 1932. Town of Gibsonville vs. Weldon Evans, et ux. Boon Station Township, Years 1928-32. "I Can Work Every Day Now" If you must be on the job EVERY DAY, take Lydia E. Pinkham's Tab lets. They relieve periodic pain and discomfort. If you take them regu larly ... and if yours is not a surgical case . t. you should be able to avoid periodic upsets, because this medi cine helps to correct the CAUSE of your trouble. "I am a factory worker. I was weak and nerrova and my wnmarh and back pained me aererely, bos since I took Lydia Ei jj ? ? Pinhham't Tablets the peine V-?y don't appear anymore".? ymf Mia Htlat KUaU, 390d N. dratww Art., Cbictgt, III, ?I cook your Tablets for painful periods. My back ached and I bad cramping This medicine re liered the pain immediately. I am able to do my work OOW."?Mr*. C C IT oodard, Rm* % 0a* 71, Momlfn, AU. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S TABLETS Ask Yesrr Druggist for the f tat

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