THE GLEANER GRAHAM, N. C., AUG. 23, 1934. Local News. ?Heavy rains fell Tuesday af ternoon in the southern aud northwestern parts of the county. ?The asphalt surfacing around the courthouse was completed last Friday afternoon uud opened to traffic Saturday. ?The temperature has teken a big tumble since Sunday. It's very comfortable at this writing, but warm daya will come again, ] at least some, before frosting time. ?On Tuesday evening when the evening meal, with extra fix ings and a few invited guests pieseut, Mr. McBride Holt was reminded that he had reached an other mile-post in the race of life. ?Just what location will be chosen for the postofliee site is still au uukaown quantity. We'll have to do a little patient waiting aud give Uncle Sam time to look ioto the matter aud make np bis inind. ?Two men, Huey Erwin and Jauies D.. Wagoner, were arrested in Burlington Tuesday, implicat ed in the passiDg of spurious coins. They were caminitted to jail to await further investigation. Counterfeiting is a crime that Federal authorities deal with. ?The two-story Cooper apart ment on N. Main St., recently va cated, has been converted into two apartments?one up - stairs aud one down-stairs Mr. aud Mrs. Don S. Holt have moved in-j to one and the other will shortly be occupied by Mr. and Mrs. W. j D. Barrett. ?At the meeting held Monday at the courthouse Ralph H. Scott was chosen chairman of the steer-! iug committee to put over a pro gram to prevent soil erosion in Alamance. Saving soil fertility is a long way cheaper and quick er than making That is the idea that it is proposed to reduce to a reality and put into practical use ?A party of fox hunters left here Sundav for the old hunting grounds around Kinston for a few days sport. In the party were the following: Phil S. Dixon, A. G. Ausley, George Stafford, Arn old Moore, Linuay Baily, J L. Sizemore, Sr., and Jr., Ernest Cheek. Sr., and Jr., George Bron sou, Wilson Davis, Oscar Allen and C. C. Horner. ??Owing to the absence of Dr. W. C, Wicker, pastor, who had been chosen to make the princi pal address at a home-coming at Damascus Christian church, four miles west of Chapel Hill, ot which he had been a former pas. tor a number of years, Rev. B. J. Howard of Chapel Hill tilled his appointment at Graham Christian church Sunday morning and gave the congregation an excellent ser mon. ?W. Carl Longest, who has been secretary and treasurer of the town of Graham for more than five years, has resigned and gone into the coal business under the name of Carolina Coal Com pany. His coal part} will be the former Moon yard, on tfap spur track north of Oneida Cotton Mills, We wish him success. He is succeeded by Miss Mary Tome Hughes in the office of sec retary and treasurer. ?Hunters are thinking of game as the fall season approaches. As yet there is little attraction for gun and dog in the open. On | Sept. 1st the season for shooting 1 doge opens; for sqnirrej, Qct 1st. j Later on t})e season fpp taking ( other game will open- Hunters must have license and these pan be procured from J. D. Lee, Game Warden, Graham; at City Hall,! Burlington; Warren's drug store, | Mebane, and general store, Sax- j apabaw. Mo change in prices ?suco Jaef f/aaf, ?Beginning Sept. 1st, the weii known dry goods merchants, | kuown as "Crack and Joe," willj make a change in their manner' Of doing business. It wiil be1 .itrigtjy cash to alb ?? (Jiscrirni ?ab<>ji?eyjeiy customer tpeateii alike. By doing tljig tbpr.e will i b? uo bad or unpaid accounts to, btt taken out of tfce legitimate I profits from saies to prompt paL'! ing customers and at the same time all will reap the profits of beit?r goods for less money. Af' j ter an honorable bnsiuess career of more than thirty-one years the Arm needs no inlrodnction to the JWP/A Of 4.1aman;e and adjoin >"g co^ntd^i. Cumberland cotton growers re ceived $46,000 in rental checks last week. PERSONAL John Gray Turner visited rela tives in Hillsboro Sunday. Miss Helen Bradshaw is visit ing Miss Etta Monk in Roxboro. Miss Ersell Geanes has gone to J Roseboro to join in a house-party. j Mr. auil Mrs. Carl Longest vis ited friends in Suminerheld Sun day. Mrs. Sain A. Cooper and chil dren are visiting relatives in Ral eigh. J. T. Hazel wood of Roanoke, Va., is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. L. Ainick. Miss Nina Quakenbsuh,Greens boro, spent the week-end at her home here. Master Marvin Youut is visit ing his aunt, Mrs. Chas. Perry, in High Poiut. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. I. Ward aud sons, Billy aud Sam, are spending a few days in Baltimore. Mrs. jV. L. Cooper and Miss Mary Cooper left Tuesday for Swansboro to spend a week. Mrs. A. K. Hardee left Tues day morning for Goldsboro on a visit to Miss Mary Crawford. Mr. and Mrs. Lovick H. Kerno dle and Lovick, Jr., of Danville spent lasi Sunday here with rela tives. Mr. aud Mrs. Albert Harden of Greensboro visited the former's mother, Mrs. Jas. P. Harden, here Sunday. Mr. aud Mrs. Don S. Holt spent Sunday afternoon with the lat ter's brother, Don McConnell, in Greensboro. Miss f lossie Moser, who has been ou a visit to her mother, Mrs. Jas. H. Moser, has returned to Hackensack, N. J. Mr. aud Mrs. Cameron Hender son of Oxford spent the week-end heie with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bradshaw. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Williams of Winston - Salem spent Sunday here with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Williams. Misses Catherine Thompson aud Betty aud Jean Gray Scott re turned Sunday night from a ten day trip to Chicago to see the World's Fair. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McAdams, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Crawford and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McAdams and daughter, Dorothy Miller, are tak ing a vacation at Carolina Brech. Mrs. R. L. Homes and Mrs. L. H. Kernodle and son, L. H., Jr., of Danville were here yesterday for a short while. They had been to Mebane to see a sick rel ative. Misses Bessie and Bertie Johns ton and nephew, Charles Gribble, of Little Rock, Ark., have re turned home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Sam T. Johnston and other relatives. Judge and Mrs. Daniel L. Bell and children of Pittsboro visit ed his aunts, Mrs. Edgar Long and Mrs. Will S. Long, Jr., here Sunday. Miss Sara Bell Thomp son, granddaughter of Mrs. Edgar Long, went home with them for a visit. Misses Elizabeth Moore aud Cora Emmaiine Henderson left Wednesday morning with a tour ing party' to visjt the World's | pair. The former returned lion- I day night from Greystone Camp, | pear HenderscnviUe, where she | spent the summor, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Stratford | and children, Cora Harden and Jack, returned home Saturday I evening. They spent the previ- I ous week-end with Lieut, and Mrs. M, H> Kerubdle in Norfolk ppd' tfoe teftpf part of )?t?t yeek witb frjepdi} in Reaqfqrt. Lieut, and Mrs. M. H. Kerno-, die of Norfolk, Va., spent from ! Saturday afternoon to Sunday' afternoon, last, here with the' former's father, J. D. Kernodle. After about three years at the U. j U. Na.y gtat.pp pf Vprfplif,! he iiaa been transferred to Los Angeles, Calif, and will leave for that port about a month hence. The Dog Detective. How "Poldi" i of tlje y]epna Police Solved Baff-' upg ilvsteries for tt<9 M&pter^. Read About Him in The American 1 ^Vreek}y, tbe Magazine Which j Comes pn August i\i with ! Hllttmqrp American, H?y J'?Ur j copy ffpip yqpr fayurjts pBA&hqy or newsdealer. ?The State Council of the Junior Order which met in Wing ton ? Salem, beginning Monday flight and closing yesterday, giay attended by Rev. R. P. Ell ington, J if. Lasou and Sam Florence from Qrabaro Council No. 36. Womanless Wedding To-Nighi. At the Court House at 8 o'clock to-night, the fun begins when the curtain rises for the "WomaDless Wedding." The entertaoumeut is put on by the Graham Firemen. There will *be a small admis sion which the Firemen need to help them buy thiugs which are I needful in maintaining the organ ization. Show your appreciation of the service the Firemen render by at tending their entertainment, snd the fun you get out of it will far exceed the little bit you pay to see it. Lindley - Guthrie Home-Coming at Spring Church Saturday. A reunion of the Lindley Guth rie families and the kith and kiu will be held at Spring church, South Alamance, Saturday. It has bean an annual event for a number of years for at least two branches of the pioneer families of the Cane Creek section to u nite in a home-coming and re union. There are many descendants of the pioneers in the North aud West. On each occasion a num ber of these return to get ac quainted with their South Ala mance relatives. The program will open on Sat urday at 10:30 a. m. with song and devotional exercises and Ira G. Newlin will speak words of welcome. Harry Newlin will give historical sketches. The principal address will be by Thos. C. Carter, after which Mr. E. P. Dixon, the president, will make remarks. After a picnic dinner the pro gram will be taken up again. The events of the afternoon will be a recitation by Edith Gu thrie and the unveiling of a marker to the memory of a pio neer. The presentation will be made by Ira Guthrie aud it will be accepted by Glenn and Gwen Guthrie. Sylvan Calf Club Holds Show and Gives Supper. Tuesday afternoon was set for the annual Sylvan Calf Club show, but a heavy down-pour of rain prevented the show coining off, and it is being held this morning. At former shows there have been around 75 Jerseys in the show ring. This year, owing to, much closer grading, the number has been reduced to 50-odd. The Sylvan, or Snow Camp, section has been noted for its su perior milk cattle for two or three generations. Long years ago, longer, perhaps, than any resi dent of that community can re member, a breed of cattle know as the "Dixon stock" was known and sought after for their extra ordinary milk-giving qualities. What breed of cattle this was there is no one, so far as known, to give reliable information. The Dixon cattle revealed to that section the possibilities of the cow and the present genera tion is making good use of the lesson. It is distinctively a Jersey com munity to the extent that the Sylvan Calf Club is heralded as the "largest calf club in the world." It is not an invidious distjuC; tion to ?ay thai t|ip Suow Camp section is now the foremost farm ing section of Alamance county. There are good homes, good churches, good schools, law-abid* jng, healthy, vigorous, industri ous and hospitable citizens. Thft sinnnnr Punio nff vovtorilai' - -- ~ ? rl . - ' " J .. .... .. ..J evening. A supper to be remem bered?bouDteous and prepared and served as only those who have thiugs to cook and knoyj how to cppfc p^p prepays. " 4 large prowd, pitige'ns of the community and visitors from Lib erty, Burlington, Graham, Haw River, Mebaue and other points enjoyed tlie hospitality. There were no set speeches for the occasion, excei ^^'erv excel lent addresses by two of t^p poyy, RJBBity giria, Uifisej Wd'ith Roach and Maxiue 8tuart, who spoke for 1 dairy products, their value as food and as a material aid to sue- ' cess in farm life. Two very flue : speeches?highly creditable in' thought, cr.niriov'iqp pud cry. They ought to t.e printed so J that ot'hers than those w ho heard ? could enjoy reading them, The.eyhning closed with a num ber pf spleoiiqiiti thy pomuni pity string baud, ?tid everybody Went affay feeling that it was good to have been there, *'A real start towaid returniug farm prosperity has been made in North Corolina this year due largely to the flue spirit of co operation between farmers them selves and-their government."?|l Dean I. G. Schaub. ! Jurors for September Term of Super ior Court. The following have been drawu .to serve as jurors at the two we?ks term of the Superior Conrt ? for the trial of civil cases, begin ning Sept. 3rd: Patterson Township: J. Albert | Smith; 2nd week, John H. Wood. Coble: O. Cal Euliss; 2nd week. Ernest Phillips, C. H. Co ble, Geo H. McRae. Boon Station: M. J. Rankin; 2nd week, J Alleu Hunter. Morton: W. L. Reed. Faucette: F. W. Graham; 2nd week, J. G. Rascoe, Waller Fau cette. Graham: Willie Boggs, I I. Henderson, Alleu D. Tate; 2ud week, W. A. Jones. Albright: 2nd week, W. M. Coble. Newlio: E. P. Dixon; 2nd week, R. N. Roberson, T. J. Wright. Thompson: R. F. Lashley. Melville: Tom M. Holt; 2nd week, C. H Horton Pleasant Grove: 0. H. King; 2nd week, C N. Mayhan Burlington: Geo. W. Fogle inan, R. H. Therrell. L.H.Sharpe, E. C. Ingle, Erwiu A. Holt, Grov er Cable; 2nd week, Paul E. Co ble, C. H. Cafes, J. G. Copeland, Ernest Pennington, L. B. Riddle. John Douglas Waldrop, 46, chief engineer of the Stata High way Commission, died Monday in a New Bern hospital from injuries suffered in an automobile collis sion Saturday afternoon. Beaufort county tobacco grow ers expect to produce more than their allotments of tobacco due to the favorable season. Peanut growers of eastern Car olina report more than 1500 per sons present at the recent confer ence with AAA officials, millers and piodncers at Suffolk recently. All crops in Catawba county are reported in excellent condi tion with an abundant harvest forecast. In Rowan county growers of lespedeza and clover say they will produce fiom two to four tons of diy hay an acre. All farmers en deavoring to save all hay possible. Late snap lieans grown in Ave ry county are moving to outside markets at good prices. The sur plus is being canned at Cran berry. A few tobacco growers in the State whose crops were larger than allotted by contract have destroyed their eveess, hut for most part the plantings have run pretty close to the allotments, ac cording to the reports of county agents. Measurements to determine whether cotton growers are com plying with their contracts have been oarried on at a rapid rate. Surveyors checking up on the measurers say the first measure ments are pretty accurate. Cotton growers wishing allot ment under the Bankhead act have only a few more days left to make their application. The ap plications should be filed with the county agent. In Cits well county measurers are finding that 4a, poroeut of the to bacco growers have exoeeded their 10 percent base average by small amouuts and 10 percent of the others have exoeeded the 80 per cent base average. Both groups are quick to remedy the situation. A Hole to Earth's Center? Scientists Speculate on What Would Happen Jf They Bored Down iu Stenrcfc oJ Heat Energy. An 4utereating Article in The American Weekly, the Magazine Which Couies with the Baltimore American Issue of August 26. Buy Your Copy From Your Fav orite Newsboy or Newsdealer. A M"e piano near here is being returned to us because of purchaser's Inability to continue contract. Will transfer this piano to responsible party for balance owing. dash or terma. Quick action necessary., ^duress Lee Ptanp ftp, ^ynctkburg, Virginia. 1 Help Kidneys Up N*hu. KinwMMM. HheMMttto ? rains, StiffneML Burn in*. SnMurtln*. Itchinc, or Acid ft]? try th# iwiamd Doctor t Pr^ecrtpUosi Crete* (Sice- teat > Cystex &ZZZ Notice of Sale of Land Under Deed of Trust. So. 1505* L'uder and .by virtue 0/ the au thority and power or |aaW contained in a pert**n deec| of truetexecuted ' by the .Imperial Mortgage 'Company, a corporation organized and existing under the Java at the State of North Carolina, to The Seaboagl Citizens National Bank of 'Norfolk. Trustee, dated the lag day taf Jan uary. 19J0, and recorded in Book 111 tat (page 133, in the Office at |the Register of Deeds for LAlamance County, North ' Carolina, default having been .made In the payment of the indebtedness secured by ; said deed of .trust, and at the request and demand of the holder of the note therein secured for sale of the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the.undersigned Trustee will offer for sale and Sell (to the high set bidder for jcaah', at the Courthouse door at Graham. Alamance County North Carolina, on Friday, .September 7th. 1134 ' at 11 00 o'clock, A. M, the following (described property located in the Townf of Burlington, County of Alamance, North Caro lina. to wit ; Beginning at an iron (stake on the Northwest side ,of Fischer Street, c q aer of hot No. ?; rona ag thenco Northf 49 dog. SO lain. West with line of hot No. 5, 161.75 feet to a stake on the line of Dr. C. M, Walters j thence South 30 deg, West iwlth the liDe of Dr. Walters, 50 feet to an iron stake ,at the corner jof Lot No 7 now owned by P. G. Lee; thence South 50 jleg. Bast 7)3.75 feet to a stake; thence South 4Qf deg. 45 min. East 75 feet to an iron stake on the Northwest eide of piicher Street thence North ,55 deg. iOl min. Bast with the Northwest aide of, (Fischer Street, 60 ,fect to the point of be ginning, being all of Lot iNo. 6, hi the subdivision of thef J. iO DsfUy Estate, in Burlington North Caro lina. This 1* day of August. 1534. The Seaboard Citizens Nation al Bank of Norfolk. Trustee Norfolk, .Virginia. M. W Nash, Atty. Wachovia Bank Building, High Point, ,North Carolina. , Notice of Sale of Land Under and by virtue of the power of aala in that certain mortgage, executed by G.H. Jeffcoat and Net lie J}. Jeffcoat and Mrs. N. W. Har rod, to Rev. H. W. Jeffcoat and Mra H W Jeffcoat, dated ,the 'zoth' dav of May, 1929, recorded In book: 111 at page 310, the' undersigned H W Jeffcoat, mortgagee, and Cora Pearle Jeffcoat. executrix of Mra. H. W Jeffcoat, deceased, will offer 'for sale at public auction to the highest bidder tor catoti at the" Ccrunthouee door in Graham. N. C? on Monday, September 3rd. 1934. at 11.00 o'clock, noon. | the (oUowing described property to-wit ? A pertain trSptt. or (parcel of land in boon Station Township, Alamance County. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Alfred Whiteeell. Jere miah WhlteeeU. Josle Whttesell. (ft as: Beginning at a stone, Alfred WhiteseU's line; running thence wi:h his line North 16 dog. Bast 117 chs. 23 links to a atone, said Alfred | WhiteseU's corner on Jer mlah WhiteeeU's Une; thence South o ?ieg, We* IT cha. S3 Iks. to a gtone.'Josie WhiteseU's line; thence North 64 deg. 3 cha 60 Iks to the be-1 ginning, ccmtaintng 2 acres, mora or less This tale will be held ppeo ten days for the receipt of increase! bids js provided by law. j_ This the S6th day 'Of July/ 1934. H W. JBFFCOAT, Mortgagee. Cora Pearle Jeffcoat, Execu trix of Mrs. H. W. Jeffcoat deceased. Mortgagee M. C. Terrell, Atty, Notice of Sale of Real Estate 1 ! NORTH CAROLINA. ALAMANCE COUNTY I'nder and by virtue of the power and Authority contained In |that cer tain deed of trust (executed by John O, Pfcnt port wiIf), Gladys Plynt; H. R. McPherson pod wife, Gladvo W. McPberaon ,to Toe Raleigh( Savings Bank) and (Trust Company, trustee, which said .deorl of trust Is dated March t, .1927, and Recorded jin Boob 109, page 25, Of the fAlamance Coun ty Registry, pod recorded In Boob G.lit., page 244 of the Chatham Coun ty Registry, .default having been nude in the payment of the tn debledneea thereby secured and in the conditions .therein, the under signed substituted trustee by In sttrument recorded 40 Boob 117. page . 349-349, Alamance County Registry. and recorded in B00V.H. H., pegs <81 Chatham County Registry, will on Monday, Augurf IF ^1924. at or about twelve n'clocVnoon,. At the courthouA door at Oraham, I North Carolina offer for asle and , dell to .the highest bidder {for cash I the following described property; All that certain piece, parcel or tract of {and containing (1051 One Hundred Five .Acrea, more on lea^ situate, lying and being cm Plttsboro Public road, {about oner mild South east from the Town of! Liberty, Alamance County, State al [North Carolina, having {such shape* metes, coursds and distances as will more fully appefrr Jjy reference to a plat thereof made by Floyd E. WombJc, Surveyor erf Chatham County, on February 6th, 1927, andI attached to the abstract now on filq with the Atlantic Joint {Btodk Land Bank] of Raleigh, the-sarae being .bounded on the North by the lands of John Flint; on the east by the lands of W^iara Pfke; on the 8outh ,by the lande of Everett Johnson and Eugene Kim ery ;.and on the IWtat by the lands of Jim Flyot, add being' the, Identical tract of land conveyed by (deed from K.T.Hodgin and {wife Julia A.IIod gin, to Artllla Hodgin; dated Aug ust 11, 1ML said deed being duly recorded in Deed B00W No, "B K" lpage ilium' tho office of the Regis ter of Deeds for1 Chatham County, State of North Carolina, tar which reference iwmade for prere romrl description of the urae, and the same lartd convoyed by deed from Gaston Wright and others to John Flynt and H. R. McPhersoo, of date. Oct ober S3, J921, recorded in {Boole O A, page 432,,Chatham County Registry, arid An Book Sttpaga 616, Alamance County Registry, to which reference is hereby ,mado. Terms gt sale cash and /trustee win require ^epo4t at 1*" percent o? i the amount of'the'bid fma evidence of Igood faith. ?Als the ,27th dap ot July, 1934. J06HPH L. COCXERHAM Substituted Trustee. Robert Weinatetn and Victor W. j Thompson, Attys. Raleigh. N.C Mortgage Sale. Under and by virtue lot th.? auth ority given the unoe-alyoed .y Mort gage lleeo executed and deliver ed .yC.D Barnhardt and . viio, LlBy Baraba-dt, to John P. Iloffman on tho fib day of Pe-rvary, 1333, to set-re a eer+.iin no.< and default havirg oeeo made id the ;?ayrr"*n(t of tntaredt and principal, tne un dersigned Mortgagee ,wia offer for aale at puolic auction to the high est Jidder, at thd Court- noure door in Graham, N. C', on Monday August f;tS, '.934, -at 10 ;00 q'cJocK, A. V. the Ifoilowing described propeity Adjoining the lands of A heal, J.) May, Laura Barnhard* and houDdel as folio aw; , Beginning W4 a htooe at the branch, a known oornt-w with A Beat and T.? 'ra Bernhardt; thence South 37 3-4 Base 10 chains and 21 links to \ atone; thence South 29 1-4 Wefct >3 chains and, 23 links to a atone, said John May'i corner oi^ Laura Bernhardt'!line; thence North 59 1-3 West 1 chain to a atone;; thence North 30 1-2 Bast T chains to a stone; thence North 73 1-2 W?* g chaiiis atfd 43 links to a stode in May's line; thence North 30 1-3 East 11 chains and 23 links to the oeginnlng, containing about II acres, be the same more or less. Terms of .sale cash. This the 13th dap or July. 1934. JOHN R. HOFFMAN. Mortgagee. Notice of Sale of Real i Estate Under Deed of Trust. Under and bv virtue of ,the power of sale contained id a deed of trust I executed by John C. Barnwell and wife, Sallie E Barnwell.-td it be un dersigned Trustee, dated the la? day of Juno, 4W8. recorded in the office of the .Register of Deeds for Ala mance (Courrty 'in Bodk of fdeeds of trusts No, ill. page'44, ,deUult hav- | ing (been made In the paymen* of I the indebtedness ^ecured thereby 11 wax. on ? Saturday, September 1st, tWt. at It .00 o'ciach, noon, at the court heua^door in Oraham, Alamanca County, North Carolina aflsr for s*l? to the highest oldder for cash, the following described property; , All that .certain tract of land lying and being jn Burlington Township, County of Alamance, State pf North Carolina, and .more particularly* de scribed sod deQnod ss fallows; f Adjoining fjie .land* of ftfrs. Aanl? E. Barnwell, John Colo, Grady' Ma lone, Piedmont Trust Company land and Washington Street, and mora particularly described as follows) 1 Beginning at a stakw on the south side of Washington Street 212 feet | e^St of the southeast corner of the intersection of James Strteet and ' Washington (Street, gunning Badt with said Washington Street (A feet tq an iron stake corner of said Pied mont Trust,Company land; thence ! with the line of said Piedmont Trust Company land South' 166 feet to cor ner with ,Grady Malone; thence West with (lne of Grady "Malone and John Cole, same . being parallel wlthf Washington Street 99 feeg to an Iron | stake, corner with Annie <E. Barn well ; thence with linen of Annie B. Barnwell North AM feet to the point j of .beginning, the same (being Lot N|o,-f of the (property known as the Jrelaod property, a diagram, of which appears In Boartt of Deeds 36. page 103, (ln the office 'of tHe Regis i ter of Deeds fort Alamance. County, I North Carolina, and on (which la located ia dwelling, and feeing the same property conveyed! to John C. and Saflie E. Barnwell by J. R. Ken ion by .deed dated August E5, J920. recorded in Deed Boditfl, page 220 ' in ithe office of the Register of ' Deeds for Alamance County. This the 31st day of July, 1934. LEO CARR, Trustee. 1 Summons by Publication _____ NORTH CAROLINA, ALAMANCE COUNTY, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. A. W. Pierce, Plaintiff va Edith,Majorle Pierce, Defendant. The , defendant, Edith Major!-' Pierce, .will take notice that an act ion entitled at above'has been com menced in the Superior Court of Alamance County, North Carolina to obtain an absolute divorce un der the laws of ithe State of North Carotins, and the said defendant will further take notice that she Is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior !Court of Ala mance County in the iCourthoose at Graham, North Carolina, on or be fore the 13th dayl of October, lHt and hnswer or demur to the com plaint in snld action, or the plaintiff will apply to the \Court for the re lief demanded In said complaint. This the lTth day jjf 'August, 1931. E. H. MURRAY, Clerk of the Superior Court. John H. Vernon, A toy. / NOTICE! f v Land Sale Under {and pursuant to the power of (tale contained la that ? certain Deed (of Trust from J. W. Thomp son and .wife, Bf fie Thompson James Thompson and twlfe. Ethel Thomp son and ,Luther Thompson to the v ndersigned Trustee, dated July 9th 1?9G. and recorded in (the Office of the Register ,of Deeds !for Alamance County In .Bbafli 109, page 574 de fault having.been modern the pay ment faf the bonds securing1 said Deed of Trust, and demand [to fore - close having been made bv (the hol der pf the said bond's, the under signed Trustee will offer lor sale as public auction at) the (Courthouse Door (in Graham, North{ -Carolina on Monday, August 2rth 1934. at 12(00 o'clock, noon, the folloiriBg described reallproper ly, to-wit: That certain tract or pircd of land tjn A fb rights Township. Ala mance County, North Carolina ad joinlngt he Jands of James (Thomp ?on, ( J. W, Thompson Luther Thompson, and <others and contain ing Oboist 19 acres, more or less and J>eing all of thaf. certain tract oi iparctd ,of land described in the deed Ifrom C. P. Harden to Geo. P. (Thrtnpson, dated September 21 1922. and Recorded in office! Regis ter of ,X)eeds, Alamance County in Deed Book 75, at page 932 and reference is hereby mdie to said deed and record [or complete de scription of said tract pf land. The real property hereby conveyed be ing the said C.iP. Harden Iraett of land, (r^ss that pare df the same heretofore sold off and conveyed! by the aaid Grot P. Thompson during his (lifetime if Tbo said .real property (will be sold subject to advance bids land ^-onfir mattoo ity fhe Court as provided by law for foreclosure under (mort gage deeds.. This 19th day of 'July, 1934. J. DOLPH LONG. , Truateo. M 4- - ?... A*

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